What are the threads for the face. Common mistakes and failures of a thread lift. Why do they happen. So is thread lifting worth it?

A fresh, attractive and young face is no longer a whim of fashionable people, but an ordinary vital necessity. The latest technologies in the beauty industry are able to give a lasting and significant result. It is these methods of restoring the beauty of faded skin that are gradually gaining well-deserved popularity.

Every year, the newest and most revolutionary methods of correction appear, which are able to completely remove the slightest manifestations of age-related skin changes. But not all of them become huge sensations.

A procedure called “facial mesothreads” is one of those that can really stop the natural aging process of your skin.

Mesothreads for facelift is a procedure that includes mesotherapy with special threads "Lead Fine Lift". They are introduced into the epidermal layer of the skin with the finest cosmetic needles, due to which a pronounced effect of tightening the skin of the face or body is achieved.


  • Signs of facial skin aging: sagging, fine wrinkles;
  • Deep wrinkles: nasolabial, frontal, between the eyebrows and furrows.
  • Sagging after pregnancy, sudden weight loss or due to other reasons, the skin of the abdomen, thighs, chin, knees, chest, zone;
  • To increase the duration of the effect in combination with other methods of rejuvenation.
A session of mesothreads - threadlifting - is aimed at the formation and fixation of the subcutaneous frame, which is erected by the method of minimal surgical intervention. It is he who performs skin tightening painlessly and non-surgical. The material from which the threads themselves are made consists entirely of biodegradable polydioxanone material.

This material has hypoallergenic properties and does not cause rejection.

Lead Fine Lift mesothreads are not capable of causing hematomas and edema, they are absolutely imperceptible, the result is achieved immediately after the procedure.

The duration of the operation is about an hour, and the rejuvenating effect persists for 2 years. Traditional methods of forming skin tissues are quite traumatic and painful.

Usually performed under local anesthesia, require a long rehabilitation and cause prolonged discomfort in the postoperative period. The desired result occurs only after 2-3 months.

Operation progress

Photo: the effect of threads on muscle tone

With the help of a needle, mesothreads are introduced into the epidermis. This thread has a high elasticity, providing a spring effect, if, of course, certain installation rules are followed. Implanted threads form a kind of soft-rigid frame that harmoniously takes root without causing discomfort and deformation of soft tissues.

Biodegradable threads undergo hydrolytic decomposition, as a result of which metabolites normal for the body are formed - water and carbon dioxide in the skin tissue.

Within 6-8 months there is a complete resorption of such threads, after which a remnant of a slight compaction of the connective tissue is observed in the skin. It serves as a kind of "framework" for the skin for 18-24 months. After that, it is best to repeat the operation.

Effect after the procedure

Photo: facial skin rejuvenation procedure

Threadlifting with Lead Fine Lift mesothreads has a wide range of options that will help you achieve the most desired results, including:

  • the formation of an oval face;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • improves skin condition.

It is intended for people whose age-related skin changes have not yet become pronounced. This service is mainly used by young women who need to improve the structure of the skin, tighten and strengthen the contour of the face. For older individuals, it is best to use mesothreads as an adjunct to a surgical circular facelift. In this case, they will help maintain skin tone and prolong the effect.

Video: What is mesothread?

What is the difference from a thread lift?

Although these two procedures are very similar, they have a number of quite serious differences:

  • You will need more mesothreads for a lift; for a cheek lift, which needs to be slightly lifted, you need to spend about 20-30 pieces. In the calculations for the work, it is not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tightening that is put, but the number of threads spent. Well, in the case of thread lifting, the lift is calculated by area.
  • Less painful consequences: cosmetologists say that mesothreads alleviate the patient's condition after the procedure. Healing is much faster - it takes no more than 10 days to fully recover. They are painless. Sometimes a tightening with mesothreads does not even require anesthesia.
  • Duration of action - here mesothreads are inferior, they hold up to 2 years, because the substance of which they are composed decays in six months, but "Aptos" - ordinary threads - at least 5 years.
  • The reaction to the skin and the possible consequences are also different. If we take thread lifting threads as an example, they were made of gold, which does not oxidize and does not cause any allergies.


This Lead Fine Lift technique has a wide range of positive aspects over other similar procedures, including:

  • low-traumatic, anesthesia-free procedure, the materials used are absolutely hypoallergenic;
  • microscopic punctures are almost invisible and heal very quickly,
  • the use of certain techniques, the introduction eliminates the occurrence of edema and hematomas;
  • the patient does not need medical examination and long-term rehabilitation, and the effect persists for 18-24 months;
  • no adverse reactions were found during the studies.

Photo: 3D modeling of the face with threads

Possible Complications

If the doctor is not experienced, then you can get complications. Sometimes, when the doctor does not know how to work with a thin needle for mesothreads, a strong distortion can occur up to the appearance of folds. Even after 2 years, traces of medical marriage may remain. Therefore, do not trust doctors who do not have experience in performing a mesothread tightening procedure. Bumps may appear on the skin.

Often this is due to poorly placed and not straightened threads. Such formed knots will be present on the face for a long time, at least it will last about six months, until the threads completely resolve. This happens due to the fact that the thread separated earlier from the needle and did not fully stretch, no doctor can save you from this.

Video: Photos BEFORE and AFTER application


The cost of one thread is from 25-50 dollars. The required number of threads is determined in consultation with a specialist, depending on the location and degree of sagging skin, usually 10-20 pieces. It can be calculated that the final price for mesothreads is in the range of 200-1000 dollars.

Procedure nameprice, rub.
3D mesothreads (1 thread)1500


For the first time, I noticed the first signs of aging on my face. Wow was shocked! How? I am only 30 years old, and I already have wrinkles, albeit small ones. I also noticed that the skin is no longer as elastic as it used to be, and besides, it has become some kind of sagging. It was at that moment that I asked myself: “What should I do?”. A week later, I was already sitting in the cosmetologist's office, who told me how to correct my situation.

The doctor advised plastic surgery, it even went as far as an endoscopic facelift. However, after a while I learned about mesothreads. As Internet sources assured me, it is these threads that make the frame of the skin. 2 weeks later I had the operation. Of course, as soon as the bandages were removed, I saw small hematomas. However, a week later I was able to meet my friends. They were sure that I had done blepharoplasty - the skin tightened so much.

Good afternoon. I want to talk about the usual women's business. I am 43. The contour of the face has already begun to round off, in some places it even hung. I am a rare coward, and therefore did not agree to any operations. But beauty, as they say, requires sacrifice. I went to the clinic, after the consultation I thought for another two weeks. As a result, I made up my mind. No doubt it was scary. After the procedure, the face was swollen, and bruises appeared. But the result simply shocked me. A month has already passed - the contour has appeared, so honed, as if I had just turned twenty years old. The doctor said it would get better with time. I am very pleased.

In recent decades, aesthetic medicine has made significant progress in the fight against age-related changes. Read more about what is reinforcement with mesothreads.

Mesothreads for a facelift: Before and after photos

Thread lifting is a method of modern facelift, carried out with the help of special medical threads. A lightweight procedure that does not have any negative consequences leads to a stunning effect of rejuvenation in the shortest possible time.

Lifting-reinforcement with the help of specialized threads (for example, aptos, or gold threads, which can be seen in the photo on the Internet) is very popular in cases where the face is not yet affected by deep senile changes, and complex surgical intervention can be dispensed with. Usually, women do aptos-type thread lifting at the age of 40, men - from 55-60 years. It should be noted that everything here depends on the individual characteristics of aging, and on the wishes of the person himself. Someone and the first couple of wrinkles begin to worry a lot.

Others endure long enough, fearing serious cosmetic procedures such as a thread lift. It is important to understand that thread lifting, including with aptos threads, is recommended specifically for primary facelift, and at the same time, reinforcement does not have noticeable side effects.

  • Ptosis of the zygomatic part of the face;
  • The appearance of "folds of sadness" in the corners of the mouth;
  • Hanging muscle mass of the cheeks;
  • Powerful folds in the nasolabial region;
  • Strong general wrinkling of the face;
  • The presence of a secondary chin.

Lifting allows you to easily solve all the problems presented, with a minimum of cost and effort - the patient does not recognize himself in the old photo.

Thread lifting perfect with Aptos type threads has many advantages. The main advantage of this method is the relative safety and ease of reinforcing the face. Reinforcement of the face is a fairly simple operation that does not require much effort on the part of the specialist, including in the case of aptos. Low costs with the maximum effect, as well as a short recovery period, make thread lifting a very attractive procedure for everyone.

Video about the pros and cons of the procedure:

Another advantage of such a rejuvenation method as a facelift with threads is the naturalness of the results. Reinforcement of the facial area is only a slight adjustment, which does not lead to a distortion of the original forms, but only sets the general framework for the further growth of the fibers. After all, it is not in vain that the main effect of lifting with Aptos-type threads falls on a period of several months after the operation, as serial photos of patients show. The face restores its former forms, without disturbing the native structure.

Thus, we can confidently emphasize the obvious advantages of lifting with threads, including aptos:

  • low cost, and simplicity of the reinforcement procedure;
  • resorption of all non-natural materials, and restoration of the previous state of the face (especially characteristic of aptos);
  • sufficiently powerful and long-lasting effect;
  • fast rehabilitation, no serious surgical injuries.

It should be noted that this method has many variations (from aptos to meso threads), which allow cosmetologists to choose the most suitable type of threads for a particular patient. An individual approach has a positive effect on the result.

Threads for facelift, as well as methods, their introduction are highly dependent on the material of manufacture. It is by the substance that is used, as an element of reinforcement, that various types of threads are characterized. Historically, the finest precious metal wires were used for the first time in cosmetology for lifting purposes.

Later, many modern synthetic polymeric materials appeared, including Aptos. The most innovative is the use of biological substances of low allergenicity, and the closest to natural analogues - such as aptos. Accordingly, lifting threads are divided into three classes, depending on self-absorption in the human body:

  • non-absorbable (metal, teflon) - gold thread, Gore-Tex;
  • absorbable (biopolymer) - Happy Lift, 3D-Mesothreads, Aptos;
  • partially absorbable (having a combined composition) - Silhouette Lift;

Structurally, any lifting thread, including aptos, is the thinnest wire up to 20 cm long, which has many notches along its entire length, contributing to a strong fixation with the surrounding tissue. In addition, at the ends of the wire there are special anchor systems that allow you to securely strengthen the thread in a stretched state.

As a rule, two extreme fixation points of the same aptos thread are located on the border of the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer. Notches along the length take root between tissue cells gradually, increasing the tension. A facelift with threads takes place over several months.

Threads made of gold for facelift were invented a relatively long time ago, therefore they gained wide popularity among cosmetologists and patients, and also received a lot of positive feedback. To date, the use of ordinary metal wires is considered a somewhat archaic way of rejuvenation, but, nevertheless, this method is still in demand.

The main advantage of noble metal threads is their high physical and biochemical stability. In addition, gold is extremely hypoallergenic, and almost never causes immunological adverse reactions.

Nowadays, the technology of using metal threads has been somewhat modified - most often, the gold thread itself is wound in a spiral on a polymer base no more than 0.1 mm thick. Over time, the base dissolves - by then, most of the work on the reinforcement of the facial area will be done - the patient will be able to compare his old and new photo.

Following the appearance of metal wires for tightening, the world of cosmetology was enriched with another type of lifting threads - Aptos. The basis for any soluble Aptos thread was, at first, classic polymer structures prone to long-term decay - for example, polypropylene. This material has been actively used in medicine for more than half a century, has low allergenicity, and has established itself as an effective tool for thread lifting.

Video about lifting with this type of thread:

Somewhat later, biopolymer absorbable threads of Aptos appeared, which were based on long fibers of caprolactonic acid. The indisputable advantage of the new aptos material was its proximity to natural biochemical structures. In addition, during the decay of the Aptos caprolactone thread, lactic acid molecules are gradually released into the surrounding tissue, which largely stimulates the regeneration of the elastic fibers of the muscular subcutaneous layer.

The standard Aptos thread, a photo of which can be easily found on the net, which has a low cost, is represented by an extended structure with many tiny notches that unfold at the fixation site, contributing to closer contact with the tissue. The effect of tension appears after 2-4 weeks.

At the same time, the Aptos thread completely resolves in a few years, leaving no trace and side effects. A given facelift is maintained up to 6 years (when using polypropylene), or up to 3 years (caprolactone thread).

In essence, Silhouette Lift threads are also absorbable, since their base completely disappears from the injection site within a few years. However, the process of dissolving the combined threads occurs in several stages, and has a slightly different secondary effect.

The central part of the Silhouette Lift thread is made of ordinary medical grade polypropylene. But at the same time, in addition to the standard fixation notches along the length, such a thread has special tension cones. This auxiliary element consists of polylactic acid, and serves, at first, to enhance the effect of reinforcement by additional fixation.

After a year and a half, polylactate completely dissolves and passes into the surrounding cells in the form of lactic acid. As you know, this acid is a strong stimulator of the production of elastic fibers by special cells - fibroblasts. Therefore, the dissolution of the cones of the lifting thread leads to a powerful burst of neocollagenesis in the muscular aponeurotic layer.

Over the following years, the polypropylene slowly dissolves, but natural new collagen and elastin fibers grow in its place. Thus, after years, the combined thread, in fact, completely disappears, but instead a similar network of natural elastin threads is formed, contributing to the preservation of the tightening effect for up to seven years, which is clearly seen in the photos of people who have undergone a procedure with similar threads. Due to such a duration of action, combined threads are deservedly considered the most profitable way of such an operation as face reinforcement.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of the so-called mesothreads as a lifting base, which are distinguished by a relatively low cost and a good effect. The mesothread is a conventional suture surgical cord, consisting of biocompatible polydioxanone.

Video demonstration of the technique and the result:

A feature of the use of mesothreads in lifting is a non-standard method of introduction: the thread is pulled between the tissues using a special flexible steel needle, up to 0.3 mm thick. This allows you to do without fixing notches (the mesothread itself is absolutely smooth), and also allows the beautician to more comfortably control the process of laying the reinforcing thread.

As a result, mesothreads can correct more complex areas where ordinary wire cannot be strengthened. The further mechanism of action of any mesothread is similar to the mechanism of conventional absorbable threads. Polydioxanone decomposes without a trace within one year. The method of introducing mesothreads is surgically more complicated and traumatic, however, it has its admirers who leave positive feedback.

The operation of a thread lift is quite simple. The total duration of reinforcement does not exceed one hour, even in the case of complex facelift work. During the lifting, the surgeon makes special microscopic incisions in the temporal part of the head - under the skin of this area there is a strong, immovable muscular fascia, which serves as the starting point for the threads.

The strands themselves are stretched under the skin, along the face to the cheekbones, where they are brought out and strengthened. The tracing of the threads depends on the necessary adjustment - depending on what effect needs to be created, the strands run in different numbers and along different tracks. As a rule, before the operation, the cosmetologist models the future face modification on the computer, coordinating it with the patient.

At the end of the procedure, no scars remain - only small incision wounds on the scalp. A special cream, according to reviews, allows you to get rid of any reminders of surgical intervention as soon as possible.

In the absence of individual contraindications, the thread lifting operation is extremely easily tolerated and does not cause any problems. This procedure should be treated with caution in the presence of serious systemic diseases, especially autoimmune and allergic ones.

In all other cases, thread lifting does not lead to the development of any problems. In rare cases, according to reviews, with particularly sensitive skin, multiple small hematomas may appear, but they quickly disappear. Within 1-2 hours after the operation, a cold compress is applied to the patient's face, and a special ointment for the rapid healing of incisions; after which you can go home.

Full rehabilitation takes about 2-3 days, during which the following elementary rules must be observed:

  • avoid eating very hot or cold foods;
  • sleep preferably on the back;
  • limit contact of the person with any objects and substances;
  • if possible, reduce mimic loads.

In addition, within a month after the operation, it is not recommended to visit gyms, baths, swimming pools, and any activities related to active sports. Physical activity, leading to blood flow to the upper body, is also better to exclude, as the reviews advise.

The cost of thread lifting depends mainly on the material of the facial thread. In addition, some threads require a special approach to the operation, for example, the use of auxiliary needles, which leads to an overall increase in the cost of the procedure.

The area undergoing lifting also plays a big role, since a large area requires a whole thread network. On average, prices in Moscow for such an operation as a thread facelift are presented in this table:

Facelift > Facelift with threads is a great alternative to surgery
Brow lift + forehead lift
Silhouette Soft $250
Silhouette Elevator $250
Happy Lift $250

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Non-surgical thread lifting

Thread lifting - what is it

Aging and wilting of the skin of the face is an irreversible process. But, thanks to the methods of modern cosmetology, amenable to significant correction. One of these methods is lifting - face skin tightening (from the English "lift" - to lift). Lifting can be surgical - this is a classic plastic surgery that tightens sagging skin, and non-surgical, the popularity of which is rapidly gaining momentum.

Types of non-surgical thread lifting

hardware– ultrasonic, microcurrent, radio frequency. This type of non-surgical lifting is due to the influence of physical factors on the production of collagen in the reticular layer of the dermis. There is stimulation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, improvement of muscle tone. As a result - increased skin elasticity, smoothing the contour of the face.

Laser lifting(laser skin resurfacing) combines elements of lifting and deep peeling, and stimulates the contraction of collagen fibers in the deep layers of the skin.

Injection lifting– mesotherapy and biorevitalization. These methods involve the introduction of special cocktails containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins and some other drugs into the skin of the face. Significantly enhances collagen synthesis, reduces wrinkles and eliminates sagging facial skin.

Filtering– lifting with the help of special threads injected under the skin. They create a frame - tightening, and in the future - supporting the skin in a taut state. This type of lifting is the choice not only as a rejuvenating procedure, but also in rehabilitation after facial paralysis.

The mechanism of action of threads for face lifting

1. Mechanical fixation of areas of sagging skin moved “into place” due to micro-notches or cones.

2. Creation of a corset from connective tissue.

3. The onset of neocollagenesis as a result of stimulation of fibroblasts with polylactic acid.

Types of threads for lifting

1. Non-absorbable:
- gold and platinum threads
- Aptos and threads similar to them in principle ("feather" - feather lift; Beramendi threads)
- Gore-Tex (teflon)

2. Long-term absorbable:
- Tissulift;

3. Absorbable:
- Happy Lift
- Anchor lift

4. Combined:
Silhouette lift (non-absorbable thread and absorbable cone)

Types of threads of various companies used for non-surgical lifting




The threads used for reinforcing the skin can be made of gold, polypropylene, caprolac, polydiaxone, polylactic acid. The threads can be with special notches that hold the skin, preventing it from slipping. In addition, the threads can be self-absorbable - after a certain time after the procedure (about six months later), they decompose into water and carbon dioxide, and at the site of their introduction, a frame has already been formed in the form of a slight compaction of the connective tissue. This seal prevents the skin from sagging.

golden threads are used to reinforce the soft tissues of the face, décolleté, neck, chest, hips. Gold and platinum threads are a complex consisting of two components: the thinnest thread of 999.9 gold or platinum, which is wound on a special polyglycol suture thread-conductor (completely dissolves after injection). Gold is biologically inert, does not cause allergies. The growth of collagen fibers is stimulated, forming a capsule around each thread; thus, its skeletal function is enhanced. Threads are placed on the border of the dermis with subcutaneous fat mesh in the direction of wrinkles and deep folds to fill them. Gold and platinum reinforcement strengthens the skin frame without touching the underlying tissues, and therefore is not able to prevent progressive age-related ptosis of the soft tissues of the face.

Reinforcement with threads of gold and platinum was the "first sign" in this type of non-surgical lifting. However, one nuance reduced all the advantages of the method to a minimum: when using metal threads, hardware cosmetology is contraindicated. Further surgical facelift with threads in these cases is also problematic. With changes in external temperatures, metal threads sometimes “shine”, this is manifested in a change in skin color.

Therefore, most manufacturers of threads for lifting began to use polypropylene for their manufacture. It is a well-established synthetic material that is biocompatible with body tissues and has been used for many years in heart and eye surgery.

The complexes Aptos, Silhouette Lift, NEO MedTech, Happy lift, 3D mesothreads Miracu, Resorblift, used in cosmetology clinics and beauty institutes, are widely used.

Threads Aptos (Aptos) - Material: polypropylene. A thread of a smooth, even shape, on which microscopic notches are applied, acting as micro-hooks that allow you to string fabrics on them and move them in the required direction. The effect of the operation persists for 4-6 years.

There are several types of Aptos threads to solve specific problems.
APTOS Thread 2G is designed for more powerful, stable and long-lasting soft tissue tightening and does not require a skin incision. It is a thread with microscopic notches. Needles are attached to it on both sides, which are paired with each other by a temporary connection.

APTOS Spring (threads-springs) are the form of a spring, they pull up tissues well without distorting facial expressions, as they participate in the work of facial muscles.
Threads APTOS Light Lift Thread 2G and Light Lift Spring are absorbable threads made of caprolactonic acid. The effect of self-absorbable threads lasts 2-3 years.

Tissulift (Tissulift) are smooth surgical non-absorbable threads, consisting of hypoallergenic fibers: silicone, polyurethane and polyamide. Between themselves, the fibers are twisted and woven. Due to this, extensibility and elasticity are achieved. Tissulift gives a very good result up to 40 years: it allows you to maintain the proportions of the face and body, eliminate small wrinkles, skin folds, is the prevention and treatment of ptosis. Threads are inserted into deep muscle layers. The threads of their own create new ligaments, the task of which is to maintain the proportions of the face. Tissulift threads will be ineffective with pronounced changes and omissions of tissues, and in the case of very flabby skin, the result will be the opposite (skin gatherings, corrugation, retractions are formed at the place where the end of the loop of threads passes). The operation of introducing Tissulift threads is performed both under local and general anesthesia, depending on the area. The effect lasts 3-5 years. Threads are easily removed in a minimally invasive way.

consist of polydiaxone treated with polylactic acid. The thread is notched from the periphery to the center.

Polylactic acid stimulates the formation of connective (fibrous) tissue. The thread resolves within 6-9 months. The threads are installed in a parallel direction, which eliminates the risk of generalization of inflammation during infection. It is undesirable to use in patients with "heavy" faces, large excess skin and severe ptosis. The effect of these threads is not pronounced and lasts up to 2 years.

They are a system consisting of two parts: a flexible needle and an absorbable thread made of polydiaxone (a material biocompatible with the human body) coated with polylactic acid. The mesothreads are inside the needle, during the manipulation the needles are inserted under the skin and then removed, while the thread itself remains in the right place. The threads disintegrate after 6-9 months into water and carbon dioxide, and where they were, connective tissue remains. Can be used on both face and body. The effect lasts 2-4 years. Production - Korea. Facelift mesothreads are described in detail in the article on our website.

Threads Silhouette Lift (Silhouette lift). Material: thread - polypropylene; cone is a copolymer of L-lactic acid and glycolide. A thread of a smooth, even shape, about 37 cm long, on which 8-11 knots and 7-12 cones are alternately located at the same distance from each other (depending on modification), at one end a straight needle 20 cm long, and at the other semicircular needle 26 mm long. Cone length 2.53 mm.
After some time (about 8-10 months) after the procedure, the microcones dissolve and are replaced by connective tissue, which contributes to long-term fixation of the skin. Compared to serif sutures, Silhouette Lift sutures provide a more secure hold and reduce the risk of tearing, and it is also possible to restore the result of the operation using the sutures in the body without the use of new ones. The thread itself does not dissolve and remains in the human body. If it causes inconvenience, then it can be removed, although this can be problematic due to soldering with the skin. Today, Silhouette Lift is the most popular thread. The effect of the procedure lasts 6-7 years. Can be used both on the face and on the body (neck, buttocks, shoulders, abdomen). Not recommended for patients with severe facial lipoatrophy and excessively thin skin, as there is a risk of the formation of retractions, irregularities and thread contouring.

Silhouette lift soft threads are self-absorbable threads consisting of polylactic acid with absorbable cones. They have all the advantages of non-absorbable Silhouette lift threads. Used for facelifts, breasts and buttocks. The effect lasts for 2-3 years.

How is a thread lift performed?

This is not to say that it is absolutely painless and not scary at all. This is a medical cosmetic intervention with a certain degree of violation of the integrity of the skin. However, with a minimum degree of damage and a minimum rehabilitation period after the procedure, in contrast to plastic surgery performed under general anesthesia, with incisions and suturing.

Contraindications for thread lifting

Of course, as for every intervention, there are certain contraindications. These include:

Colds - influenza and SARS
Purulent-inflammatory process in the face, for example, furunculosis
Pregnancy and lactation period
Autoimmune diseases and systemic collagenoses, in particular lupus erythematosus
Oncological diseases
Hematological diseases and bleeding disorders
mental illness
The tendency of the skin to form keloid scars

The procedure for the introduction of threads and preparation for it

The procedure for the introduction of threads is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, which excludes unpleasant phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, observed when the patient comes out of general anesthesia. Although at the request of the patient, the procedure can be performed under general anesthesia.

Before the operation, the doctor will have to collect an anamnesis (contraindications, allergic reactions) and determine the appropriateness of the procedure. You will also need to take a urine and blood test. If hemoglobin, soy, leukocytes, protein and other indicators are normal, then the operation is possible. Before the operation, the doctor examines in detail the patient's face or another part of the body on which reinforcement will be performed. He marks the lifting area, outlines the puncture points and lines for the location of the threads, and also determines which threads you need. The doctor should inform you about what kind of threads they are (absorbable or not), what effect you can get and how long it will last specifically in your case. If everything suits you, you sign the contract, and the doctor proceeds with the operation.

The doctor wipes the treatment site with an antiseptic solution, makes local anesthetic injections and begins the introduction of threads. The insertion of the threads itself takes, on average, 30-40 minutes, depending on their number and the area of ​​the lift.

The thread is usually a completely ready-to-use complex, consisting of a special needle, which is used to pierce the skin, and the actual thread attached to it, on which the tightened skin is collected. The thread, as a rule, has notches or cones that prevent the “slipping” of soft tissues and, due to this, hold the skin of the face in the position in which it was fixed when the thread was inserted.

Fixation of one end of the thread is usually carried out in the scalp in the temple area or behind the ears. The guide needle has a flexible design and a small diameter, so that when it is advanced, it does not tear the tissue, but sort of pushes them apart. This prevents the formation of hematomas, and, accordingly, makes the traces of the introduction of threads on the skin minimal - a few dots in the form of a puncture mark. When using some types of threads, it is necessary to make a small incision in the scalp and therefore a small scar may remain after the lifting operation.

Read more about breast lift with threads on our website.

What does the skin look like after lifting with threads and care for it

Depending on the type of threads, the face after the procedure may require rest for several days - slight swelling and slight (2-3 mm) cyanosis around the puncture sites will remain. Hematomas can be observed along the threads. The rehabilitation period can last for 1-2 weeks.

However, these changes are not necessary: ​​the thread lifting procedure in some clinics is called “weekend facelift”: the patient performs it, say, on Saturday, and on Monday at work with a “new” face she collects compliments from colleagues.

When lifting with threads on the face on the first day, it is allowed to sleep only in a semi-sitting position and on the back.

During the first seven days, it is forbidden to carry out any facial procedures and massage.

Limit any physical activity during the week

Wash your face, apply cream or make-up after lifting should be very careful.

Fans of saunas, baths and solariums will have to refuse to visit them for ten days. Local thermal procedures on the area of ​​​​the introduction of threads are not recommended for the next month after thread lifting.

The doctor may prescribe painkillers (ketanov, nurafen) in case of severe pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the lifting. And also the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and treatment of the injection sites with an antiseptic.

Possible complications after non-surgical thread lifting

Complications can occur with any type of medical intervention, so it is worth informing the patient about them in advance. Strictly speaking, the key to the prevention of complications during thread lifting are three points: the level of qualification of the doctor, compliance with the technique of the operation (for each type of thread is different) and strict adherence to recommendations after the intervention.

1. Identification of contraindications for the procedure, such as, for example, a violation of blood clotting or the need for constant intake of anticoagulants, will prevent such a complication as hematomas. They can be early, occurring immediately after surgery, and late, appearing about a day after it. The appearance of late hematomas indicates a patient's non-compliance with the prescribed regimen or damage to the vessel during the procedure.

2. Puffiness of the face occurs on the first day after surgery and may persist for 3-7 days, depending on the technique for introducing threads.

3. Some patients experience pain at the fixation points of the threads. This is normal, as the healing (about two weeks) the pain will gradually go away. You can take painkillers.

4. Facial asymmetry. Of course, the qualification of the doctor plays a decisive role here. The higher it is, the better the result. Although absolutely symmetrical faces do not exist. An experienced and competent doctor will definitely take a picture of the patient before the operation and pay attention to the asymmetric areas of his face, specifying the desired results in advance.
Often, it is the asymmetry as a result of facial paralysis that forces the patient to resort to lifting with the help of threads. And it should be said - not unsuccessfully, in most cases this problem is solved in this way.

5. Breakage of the threads can happen due to the fault of the doctor.

6. The lack of the promised result may occur if the correct technique for introducing threads is not observed (too deep). Each type of thread requires a specific insertion technique.

7. Irregularities, pits, deformation of the skin, probing of the threads also occur when the insertion technique is incorrect (too superficial) or with very thin skin.

8. Injury to nerve endings can lead to dysfunction of facial or other muscles.

9. Infection can occur if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not observed during the operation or improper skin care after.

How long does the result of thread lifting last?

The result depends on the patient's age, skin condition, hormonal background, lifestyle. On average, with the introduction of non-absorbable threads, somewhere from three to six years, with the introduction of self-absorbable threads - 2-3 years. Do not believe the promises that someone will turn back your biological clock: the aging process is irreversible, especially in the skin of the face. Some clinics stipulate a ten-year (!) preservation of the results of non-surgical lifting with threads, subject to certain conditions: exclusion of factors that enhance natural aging - solarium, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, stress; no sudden weight loss in a short period of time.

What effects can be achieved with thread lifting?

Make the oval of the face more clear
Make the look more expressive by lifting the outer edge of the eyebrows and eliminating "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes
Smooth out nasolabial folds and tighten the middle part of the face
Smooth out wrinkles in the neck area
Restore skin elasticity and tone
Remove fine wrinkles around the lips
Visually reduce your biological age
Give a good mood and increase self-esteem

Non-surgical lifting with threads gives the best result in combination with classical aesthetic operations and with almost all cosmetic procedures, such as, for example,

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that improves the condition of the skin and eliminates sagging tissues. There are many types of such procedures. One of them is thread. Facelift threads are an invasive procedure, but much safer than surgery.

The successful result of the intervention depends on various factors: the quality of the material, the skill of the specialist and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Consider the types of thread facelift , their advantages, disadvantages, indications, contraindications.


A facelift with threads is usually used in patients over 30. From this period, some changes begin to appear in women:

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

  • Flabbiness of integuments;
  • Violated the clarity of the oval of the face;
  • There is a drooping of the outer part of the eyebrows;
  • Creases appear in the corners of the lips that break their line;
  • A double chin appears.

Materials are absorbable and not. The first category degrades on its own within six months, in the process it releases polylactic acid, which forms a natural framework. It provides a lifting effect for about two more years. Non-absorbable material lasts longer, but it is used in patients with severe manifestations of aging.

Cosmetic threads for facelift are used if more gentle methods are ineffective. They perform the following actions:

  • Increase the elasticity of the skin;
  • Eliminate pronounced wrinkles;
  • Align the epidermis;
  • Slow down the aging process of soft tissues;
  • Return the old proportions;
  • Sculpting features.

Advantages of the intervention over other facelift techniques:

The effectiveness of a thread facelift can be extended by mesotherapy, photorejuvenation, and other methods.

For prevention, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, purchase only high-quality cosmetics, eat right, drink enough water, go to bed early, rest more often, avoid stress, hide your face from ultraviolet radiation and other harmful environmental influences.

Contraindications and possible complications

Thread lifting is contraindicated in the following conditions and diseases:

  • Bacterial, viral infections;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Inflammation in soft tissues;
  • Oncology;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • herpes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Psychosomatic diseases;
  • The tendency of the epidermis to scarring;
  • Allergies to anesthetics;
  • Very thick or thin cover;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • If non-absorbable implants are present.

The consequences of using cosmetic threads for a facelift can be unpleasant. Due to unprofessional intervention, poor-quality products, or non-compliance by the patient with recommendations, side effects may occur:

  • Hematomas, bruises, bumps, depressions;
  • The skin is collected in an accordion on threads;
  • The face swells, redness appears;
  • During the introduction, an infection was introduced;
  • Pain at the site of exposure;
  • Unnatural appearance;
  • Poor blood supply at the injection site and, as a result, a lighter area on the face;
  • Allergy;
  • Facial asymmetry.

There may be no effect, translucence of funds, its eruption outward, which leads to the formation of permanent inflammation.


The procedure is quite painful, and sometimes very painful. For some women, this facelift is done under general anesthesia. In this case, patients have to take tests in advance, do a cardiogram. Especially such pain is typical for surgical threads, smooth mesothreads do not require anesthesia.

Immediately upon completion of the manipulations, edema, bruises, tubercles may occur, traces of the threads may appear and shine through. Hematomas, traces, redness can be clearly visible for another three weeks. Confluence, tubercles, wounds, a tingling sensation from the threads are common. It hurts to touch your face. There may be temporary numbness in some areas.


The recovery period lasts up to a month. In the first days after the manipulation, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics, physiotherapy.

You can only sleep on your back for two weeks. Prohibited trips to the sauna, solarium, gym, drinking hot drinks, facial massage. Can't get sunburnt. Manipulations should not be carried out during critical days, otherwise a long and difficult rehabilitation will follow.

But not all threads require such a long recovery period. Consider what are the threads for a facelift.

Types of threads

Beauticians and plastic surgeons use different types of threads for a facelift. Let's talk about the most common.

Absorbable threads

They are injected into superficial tissues. They gradually disintegrate, are excreted from the body on their own. The effect lasts up to three years.

Use products from polylactic acid and mesothreads.

These are braided structures made of absorbable suture material. They are injected under the skin with a special cannula that does not pierce, but pushes the tissues apart without damaging them. They consist mainly of hyaluronic acid, zinc. Usually they are used for less pronounced age-related changes.

Within a few months after the introduction, they gradually dissolve, in their place a collagen framework is formed, which tightens the skin, prevents it from sagging. Regeneration processes improve, the production of collagen, elastin, firmness and elasticity increase, complexion improves.

Incorrect movements of the surgeon lead to tugging of the skin, deformation of the features.

Outline Gel is a tool that is used for facelift with mesothreads. This is a sterile gel with hyaluronic acid. Corrects the oval of the face, fills in wrinkles, eliminates flabbiness. It is usually injected into the cheeks and chin. Lead Fine Lift mesothreads are also used. They do not cause edema, bruising, depressions.

Manipulations are carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor examines the patient, marks the place for the introduction of the drug, determines the required amount.
  2. Cleanses the epidermis, applies an anesthetic.
  3. Introduces the gel into the deep layers with a needle. Able to take root harmoniously, form a collagen framework, does not cause discomfort, tissue deformation.
  4. Dissolves completely within six months. The frame remains for another two years. Then a second operation is performed.

Mesothreads improve the structure of the epidermis, tighten, strengthen the contour. All postoperative manifestations disappear within a week, sometimes anesthesia is not even required. About 30 threads are needed.

  • Do not cause allergic reactions;
  • Punctures are almost invisible, heal quickly;
  • Edema, hematomas, soreness are excluded;
  • Adverse reactions are rare.

Silhouette Soft

Cone-shaped combined threads are well suited for lifting the oval of the face. They dissolve, then connective tissue is formed. They have nodules and cones that help them to be fixed in the tissues in the right places. The base is made of degradable polypropylene, the knots and cones are made of glycolide.

After application, bumps may appear on the temples (at the site of attachment). The rehabilitation period lasts two weeks. The technique is suitable for women under 50 years of age.

Collagen threads

Collagen is a connective fiber that provides firmness, elasticity, and freshness to the face. With age, it is produced less. Collagen injections are designed to replenish natural collagen.

A facelift with collagen threads is usually carried out with Zyrderm, Zyplast products. They are injected with thin needles under the dermis, and the body accepts them. Products CosmoDerm, CosmoPlast have an advantage over the previous ones. A sample before the first injection is not needed.

Administered under local anesthesia. At first, after manipulations, small depressions, swelling, redness, and soreness may occur. The number of injections is prescribed by the doctor. One procedure will not eliminate all manifestations of aging on the face.

Collagen can lose shape over time, wear out.
Then you need to repeat the introduction.

Unlike injections with collagen, creams act on the surface of tissues and do not penetrate deeply. No cream will help to keep collagen forever. But creams are able to slow down the rate of fluid loss by the epidermis, keep it elastic.

Non-absorbable threads

They are fixed in soft tissues, and they do not degrade. The body does not normally reject such material. Use products from medical polypropylene, gold, platinum.


Medical polypropylene - strong, wearproof material. Usually there are notches on the surface that allow them to be held in the subcutaneous fat layer. They can be provided with cones made of absorbable material.

Tissulift threads are made from silicone and medical polypropylene. They are strong, elastic, extensible. They are fixed in the deep layers of the muscles. This is a support for muscle tissue, which does not “freeze” facial expressions. Efficiency can be compared with contour plastics. Used for tightening in the temporal, middle, lower facial areas.

Threads Aptos

They have special notches. With their help, the material clings to the subcutaneous layers, fixing the frame. They are driven through microscopic punctures. The rehabilitation period is short.

  • No incisions required;
  • A variety of types, tighten various parts of the body;
  • Threads are thin, introduction without anesthesia is possible;
  • Affordable price;
  • The effect of non-absorbable products lasts 4 years.

The procedure takes an hour and a half. The patient will recover within a week. In the meantime, you can not strain the muscles of the face, you should not visit the solarium, sauna, swimming pools.

Gold and Platinum

Gold is a non-aggressive metal that eliminates wrinkles on the face, saturates the body with ions that have a beneficial effect on the hormonal, nervous, and immune systems.

Such surgical threads for facelift eliminate sagging skin, deep, fine wrinkles, age-related pigmentation, acne. The line of cheeks, cheekbones, other areas is restored, the corners of the lips, the upper eyelid are raised.

The metal part of gold and platinum lifting products is combined with a polyglycol conductor, which gradually degrades.

Hypoallergenic metal will remain inside. Able to lie deep and tighten the superficial and middle tissue layers.

In combination with mesotherapy, plastics with hyaluronic acid, they improve the tightening effect. Requires re-lifting only after 5-8 years with careful care and the right lifestyle.

The procedure is quite short, lasts an hour, and is performed under local anesthesia. Lifting is performed with the finest golden threads, which are thinner than a human hair. But they are much stronger. First, the surgeon determines the tone of the epidermis, the areas requiring correction. Marks the face into sections. After the introduction of anesthesia, the cover is pierced with a thin needle. The threads are inserted through the punctures.

A cream is applied to accelerate the implantation of the fibers. The filaments below the surface form a golden framework that completes formation after two months. Maintains the shape of the face, its oval. The first six months should be postponed with chemical peels.


  • Age up to 25 years, otherwise the natural work of the glands and the production of collagen will be disrupted;
  • skin sensitivity;
  • If the vessels are located close to the top layer;
  • If you are allergic to gold.

Punctures, bruises disappear in two weeks. In the presence of itching and fever, you must return to the doctor. This means that the body rejects the material. For skin care, you only need special cosmetics that accelerate protection and activate collagen production.

How to choose the right thread?

If you decide on a facelift, the doctor will tell you which threads are best for a facelift after 40 or 50 years.

For patients over 40, Aptos threads and other non-absorbable products are usually used. They are better fixed, well support the oval of the face.

Consider which threads are best suited for a facelift after 50 years. Aptos threads and gold threads are also used for patients with pronounced age-related changes. Gold is a hypoallergenic and harmless metal. Strengthens the oval of the face, makes it more expressive, tightens the eyelids.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Patients younger than 40 are usually not lifted with absorbable sutures.

Facelift threads in cosmetology are a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. This is a minimally invasive and safe procedure that eliminates deep wrinkles, double chin, flabbiness, activates collagen production, lifts the corners of the lips and eyebrow arches, makes the face younger, refreshed, expressive.

If the material was of high quality and inserted correctly, all redness, swelling, traces of manipulation will disappear in two weeks, and the rejuvenating effect will delight for several years.

This is a facelift with the use of thread lifting. From all others it is distinguished by durability and a wide choice of materials for its implementation. Today we will talk about what cosmetic threads are for facelift, how much they cost, what is better to choose to solve your particular problem and what reviews customers leave about them.

A photo before and after mechanical cleaning of the face can be viewed by clicking.

How long does the result last, before and after photos

Depending on the type of fibers used, it can last from 2 to 10 years.

The service life of dissolvable threads is from 2 to 4 years. And from insoluble from 4 to 8 years.

The longest effect is given by a frame made of gold or platinum, it lasts up to 8-10 years.

See how the face is transformed after a facelift:

The most popular varieties in cosmetology


APTOS Needle - are used mainly in surgery, as they are made from non-absorbable fibers and are tightly fixed in tissues using micro-incisions.

Typically, this type of facelift is performed in the area of ​​​​hair growth on the head for people with strong age-related changes, when other cosmetology products have a weak effect.

Non-absorbable or surgical - these are those that are produced using polypropylene, which are fixed in the subcutaneous fat layers.

The skin gets a good and high-quality frame. The threads are completely smooth in structure, as well as with various notches and notches.

This type of lifting is effective in places of pronounced sagging of the skin - these include nasolabial folds, facial contours, overhanging eyelids and a double chin. The result of a facelift lasts quite a long time - up to 5 years.

Absorbable or biodegradable products are made from caprolac, which includes L-lactic acid.

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