Violent blood clots during menstruation. Causes of blood clots during heavy periods. What is endometrial polyposis

Monthly bleeding from the uterus physiological mechanism which ensures the readiness of the woman's body for pregnancy. The duration and amount of blood released, on average, does not differ from time to time for each woman, but there are also deviations associated with external and internal circumstances. In order to determine whether it is urgent to see a doctor, you need to figure out why blood clots come out more than usual during menstruation.

Why do blood clots come out during menstruation

Blood is the main component of menstrual flow. And one of its properties that allow the body to work smoothly is clotting. That is, blood normally can and should form clots to prevent significant blood loss. It is necessary to distinguish the type of menstrual flow, which can be attributed to the norm from pathological, requiring medical correction.

Menstruation with blood clots: physiological causes

  • Normal menstruation. In the composition of the secretions, in addition to blood, there are normally particles of the endometrium exfoliated from the walls of the uterus, the epithelium of the vagina. They may look like clotted blood.
  • Intense discharge. Clots during menstruation and normally can be large. They usually come out when the woman goes to active movements after a period of rest - gets out of bed, from a chair. In this case, the blood that did not have the opportunity to pour into the external environment for some time accumulates and can clot. It usually occurs in the vagina.
  • Reinforcement of secretions. Happens after intense physical work lifting weights, playing sports. The same effect is exerted by exposure to the sun, a hot climate.

Common infections affect the blood clotting system, thereby increasing blood flow.

  • Irregular discharge during adolescence. The body of a growing woman needs some time to adapt to the changed hormonal background, so menstruation can be both scarce and plentiful, with clots. The cycle is also affected by the immaturity of the psyche and nervous system. It is worth paying close attention to these changes, since there is a possibility of uterine juvenile bleeding.

Pathological discharge

If a physiological causes clot formation during menstruation usually does not threaten health, then the signs of pathology should be known in order to seek help in time. Watching her body, every woman should ask herself the question - large blood clots during menstruation is it normal for her at a certain point in her life.

  • pathology of pregnancy. AT early dates Pregnancy bleeding can be similar to normal menstrual bleeding. A woman may not even know that pregnancy is already a fact, and she is in danger. Therefore, heavy bleeding with large clots, accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature, is a reason to undergo an urgent examination.

An ectopic pregnancy can also make itself felt by secretions of blood with small brown clots from the uterus.

  • postpartum period. Blood clots leaving the uterine cavity after childbirth are a natural phenomenon if they last three days, a week or 10 days maximum. They are usually small, about 10 cm long. big clots, prolonged bleeding a doctor's consultation is required.
  • Intrauterine device. Present in the interior of the uterus foreign body in most cases (70%) causes a response of the endometrium in the form of excessive thickening. Accordingly, its rejection increases the volume of secretions. Also, due to a violation of the process of uterine contraction, clots can form. It should be noted that the spirals containing hormonal substances that are gradually released into the uterus are devoid of these negative effects. They even help reduce blood loss during menstruation.
  • Condition after curettage of the uterus. Regardless of the cause of curettage - diagnostic, therapeutic as a measure to stop bleeding, or after premature termination of pregnancy - bleeding from the uterus with clots can occur as in normal menstruation. With too abundant, prolonged discharge, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  • Abnormal structure of the genital organs. Some congenital pathologies anatomical structure uterus - two-horned, saddle-shaped, accompanied by a violation of its contractility. During menstruation, the blood in it stagnates and comes out in clots.
  • pathology of the endometrium. This maca shell is very sensitive to hormonal disruptions. Violation of the regularity of the cycle leads to the fact that the endometrium grows, polyps appear. All this is accompanied by heavy bleeding with clots. Small spotting during the intermenstrual period may also be disturbing. Causes of hormone imbalance:
  1. ovarian cysts;
  2. overweight: fat provokes an increase in estrogen in the body, which causes the endometrium to grow more than usual;
  3. diabetes, diseases thyroid gland disrupt metabolic processes, resulting in menstrual blood increases.
  • Myoma of the uterus. The presence of nodes in the muscular wall of the uterus prevents its full contraction to expel menstrual flow. Volumetric formations, deforming inner space The uterus also contributes to the stagnation of blood and its subsequent release in large clots.
  • Endometriosis. Adenomyosis affects the muscular layer of the uterus, seriously disrupting its contractility. Endometriosis also causes disturbances in the blood clotting system. The result is heavy, prolonged menstruation.
  • Ovarian cysts. In addition to an increase in the ovaries in volume, which is diagnosed by ultrasound of the small pelvis, there is a violation of their function, a hormonal imbalance appears, prolonging the second phase of the cycle. The endometrium thickens more, which causes increased bleeding and an increase in the number of blood clots during the next menstruation.
  • Oncological pathology of the cervix and body of the uterus. Usually associated with endometrial hyperplasia, causing profuse bleeding, often with clots.
  • Malfunctions in the blood coagulation system. They can occur with bright manifestations, as well as in a latent form. The pathology detected during the examination requires correction and regular monitoring.

When You Shouldn't Delay Seeing Your Doctor

Observing blood clots during menstruation similar to the liver, many women experience fear, believing that some kind of important organ. It is important not to panic and appreciate the important concomitant symptoms indicating deterioration in health.

  • pathologically large volume (more than 200 ml), the density of menstrual flow is observed regularly;
  • discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change from normal odor to unpleasant;
  • there are signs of regular blood loss and the development of anemia: shortness of breath with low exertion, fatigue, palpitations, pallor.

What to do

Treatment has two important goals: to stop or reduce excess blood loss and to eliminate iron deficiency that leads to oxygen starvation all body tissues.

  • vitamins,
  • iron preparations,
  • corrective hormonal treatment;
  • creation of calm and harmonious living conditions.

Surgeons can radically eliminate the causes of profuse menstrual bleeding with clots:

  • remove the overgrown endometrium, polyps - curettage, hysteroresectoscopy;
  • make uterine plastic surgery by removing the internal septum;
  • at malignant processes and the ineffectiveness of previous treatment, a decision may be made to remove the uterus.

An unusual course of the period of menstruation, a change in the nature of the discharge should alert and encourage the woman to carefully monitor the accompanying circumstances and symptoms. Timely appeal per medical care promotes early diagnosis pathological conditions and prevention of complications.

The nature of menstruation depends on many factors: general condition health, individual characteristics organism, age-related changes hormonal background. At various diseases bodies reproductive system there are significant deviations from the norm. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of unusual signs in time. If menstruation is profuse, with clots, there are concomitant symptoms, causing discomfort, this indicates a serious pathology. But at the same time, clots in menstrual flow can be normal.

If there are few of them, and the volume of menstruation does not exceed 80-100 ml, then, most likely, the formation of clots is caused by natural causes. Normal menstruation last no more than 5-6 days and are not too painful, and the discharge does not bad smell.

The appearance of clots in normal secretions can happen in the following cases:

  1. In the uterine cavity there are adhesions, scars that disrupt the outflow of mucus and menstrual blood. Stagnant blood coagulates and is sometimes excreted from the uterus in the form of lumps.
  2. Available congenital disorders the shape or position of the uterus (for example, the bend of the cervix, the presence of partitions in the cavity), which contributes to the formation of blood clots.
  3. The blood has increased viscosity(this condition occurs, for example, with insufficient fluid intake, the predominance of protein products in the diet, with diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels).
  4. The woman sits or lies for a long time. Blood and mucus accumulate and thicken, and on rising there is a copious discharge with lumps of mucus.
  5. Blood clotting increases as a result of taking medications - coagulants (for nosebleeds, for example) or hormonal drugs. This helps to reduce the duration and intensity of bleeding, but leads to the formation of blood clots in the secretions.
  6. Installed in the uterine cavity contraceptive coil which contributes to the formation of blood clots in menstrual blood.
  7. A woman has an interruption of a just-begun pregnancy (at 1-2 weeks). After small delay there are abundant long periods with clots of unevenly exfoliated endometrium.

The norm is the appearance of lumps during the first menstruation after an abortionwhen the discharge may contain residues gestational sac. The hormonal shift that occurs in the body after an abortion and childbirth is the reason that menstruation becomes plentiful. Hormones also affect the production of enzymes that regulate blood clotting.

AT different periods a woman's life associated with a natural change in the hormonal background (development of the reproductive system, the onset of sexual activity, menopause), deviations in the nature of menstruation are also possible. meager discharge may alternate with abundant. The appearance of lumps is explained by a change in the structure of the mucous membranes.

The appearance of deviations in the nature of menstruation is facilitated by hypothermia, malnutrition, bad habits.

Addition: Alcohol increases blood viscosity. After its accumulation in the blood, menstruation may contain large blood clots.

Video: Why blood clots form during menstruation

Causes of pathological heavy menstruation with clots

Abundant and prolonged discharge blood during menstruation can cause iron deficiency anemia. A large loss of blood leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, that is, to a lack of oxygen supply to the cells of the body. The symptoms of this dangerous state are dizziness and headache, loss of strength, pallor, decrease blood pressure. This inevitably affects the production of hormones, as well as the work of the hematopoietic organs, which leads to a violation of the uniformity of the composition of monthly secretions, the appearance of clots in them.

Pathological heavy periods with clots can be a symptom of various hormonal disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs.

Signs of pathology

The fact that abundant menstruation of a heterogeneous consistency are pathological can be judged by the following signs:

  1. In addition to increased blood loss during menstruation, bleeding or brown spotting is observed in the intervals between them.
  2. Periods come too often (cycle duration less than 21 days) or too late (later than 35 days). It is possible to alternate long and short cycles.
  3. Blood loss is 100-150 ml or more.
  4. The duration of menstruation is 8 or more days.
  5. Blood secretions have a pungent odor, they contain impurities of purulent mucus.
  6. Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Only after gynecological examination and ultrasound, the doctor will be able to say what caused heavy periods.

Diseases that cause abnormal menstruation

The appearance of thick impurities in menstrual flow may be associated with wrong development endometrium, which is renewed with each menstrual cycle. The reason for their formation is also damage to tissues and blood vessels, the formation of obstacles to the exit of secretions from the uterus.

Myoma of the uterus. This benign tumor develops in the muscles of the uterine wall, can grow in the direction of its outer membranes. If it fills the uterine cavity, then there are various violations cycle. The cause is compression and damage to blood vessels, stretching of the uterus. The tumor blocks the exit from the cavity to the neck, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Abundant periods with blood clots, as well as an increase in the abdomen and drawing pains below the navel are characteristic signs of fibroids.

hyperplasia of the endometrium. The result of a hormonal failure in the body, as well as damage to the endometrium during an abortion or curettage, is a violation of its development and structure. The mucous membrane thickens, swells, its uneven exfoliation occurs. At the same time, dense particles appear in menstruation. Increased blood loss from broken vessels.

Endometriosis. The disease is associated with an increase in the volume of the endometrium inside the cavity, its germination in the tubes and ovaries, neck, and peritoneal area. In this case, all processes of the menstrual cycle are violated. Menses become profuse, come irregularly, contain particles of destroyed tissues.

Polyps in the cavity and cervix. These neoplasms are growths on inner walls. They are easily injured when the endometrium leaves the uterus during menstruation. The volume is increasing spotting, they contain particles of collapsing tissues.

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membranes in the area cervical canal and at the entrance to the vagina leads to the appearance of sores and microcracks in this area. The cause of cervical erosion is its damage during childbirth, abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity. The wounds may fester. Bacteria easily penetrate the internal genital organs, causing inflammation. All this leads to a violation of the cycle and the appearance of heavy periods with clots.

Infectious diseases of the genital organs. They lead to inflammation causing violation structures of the uterine cavity. In addition, microorganisms secrete substances that, entering the bloodstream, can change its acidity and viscosity. This causes the formation of clots.

Warning: Heavy bleeding with clots may be a sign of cancerous tumor in the uterus. Therefore, if there is a clear malaise with clots in menstruation, it is necessary to immediately undergo a gynecological examination.

Cause pathological discharge during menstruation may be wrong exchange substances, diabetes mellitus, disruption of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system.

Video: Abundant periods with endometriosis

What to do with menstruation with clots

If there is clear signs pathology, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist, an oncologist. If the blood loss is too great, there are large clots, and the discharge has a bright red color, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Uterine bleeding can sometimes be stopped only by complete removal endometrium. It is unacceptable to self-medicate, use home remedies to stop bleeding.

Why menstruation goes in clots, those women who did not have it before are interested special problems with menses. And they do it right. After all, for someone it can be quite normal. In others, heavy and painful periods with blood clots may be a symptom indicating the development of a gynecological disease. Therefore, such a delicate issue cannot be ignored. So if menstrual flow thick (there are large pieces) and there are a lot of them, what can this mean?

Menstruation, flowing normally, meets the following conditions:

  • their cycle is regular;
  • bleeding is the same color every time;
  • bleeding is not aggravated by pain;
  • not prolonged in duration (neither the menses themselves, nor their cycle).

In other words, constantly coming menstruation should not radically change the course of a woman's life. To better understand the situation, you need to study their nature.

Dates of the beginning of menstruation in adolescence individual and fall on different time. Menstruation can begin between 11-18 years of age. And this is determined by a number of factors, among which the dominant role is assigned to the hereditary factor. If menstruation does not come upon reaching the age of 18 (at this time the body completes its puberty), then we can talk about significant violations in terms of development.

Periods can be strange in terms of their consistency. But in order to judge the presence of oddities, you need to know the norm of the term monthly cycle. That is, ideally, the cycle cannot last less than 21 days and be longer than 35 days.

The menstrual cycle itself is the period between the first day of menstruation and the first day of the next. In 30% of girls, the cycle is established as it should ideally be, quite quickly. However, for most girls (70%), the formation of the terms of menstruation takes about a year, and sometimes more. Other situations are referred to as pathologies. But violations associated with menstruation can be noted not only in their terms. Deviations can also appear in the nature of the discharge. For example, instead of typical bleeding, menstruation with clots can be observed, when large pieces of black or dark brown appear simultaneously with bloody mucus. Brown color.

Disorders in menstrual bleeding

A woman should pay attention to her women's health if:

  • the color of the discharge has changed from the usual to a darker one;
  • during menstruation, clots with brown discharge come out;
  • there is a dark brown "daub";
  • there is an unpleasant smell.

You should also be wary when other signs are noted that are not characteristic of ordinary menstruation.

Bleeding with red discharge and a little sour smell. The amount of discharge should be about several tens of milliliters every day.

Therefore, any of the shades of a dark color (black or dark brown) instead of spotting cannot be considered the norm. Deviations in menstruation can be expressed in the fact that:

  • the discharge is meager in the form of a “daub” of a dark color;
  • copious discharge with clots.

To determine what kind of violation has occurred in female body, what is its cause and how to fix it, you need to know in more detail about each of the deviations.

Scanty dark brown periods

Why do meager periods occur? To begin with, it should be clarified that menstruation is called scanty, in which less than 50 ml is released. In this case, the secreted mucus acquires the consistency of a "daub" of an indefinite dark color.

In accordance with the cause of the pathology, other symptoms may also be noted:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • tight feeling in the chest area;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Such signals are alarming messengers and may be associated with:

  • with poor endometrial function due to an abortion with curettage or due to an inflammatory process or tuberculosis in the female reproductive system;
  • with malfunctions of the pituitary gland or ovaries;
  • using unsuitable oral contraceptives;
  • with the recent gynecological surgery or with injuries to the genital organs;
  • With depression, stress and psychological problems;
  • With endocrine disorders(with obesity in particular);
  • with hormonal imbalance that has developed against the background of endocrine pathologies;
  • with pregnancy (normal or ectopic).

Periods with black clots

In heavy periods with clots, the reasons can be very different. Menstruation is a process in which pieces of the endometrium are shed and come out with the blood. The clots noted during menstruation may be just such pieces of endometrioid tissue. This situation is considered quite natural. However, signs that certain disorders in the female reproductive system begin in the body can be clots that increase both in number and size (clots become large).

Possible reasons for this phenomenon may be the following conditions:

  1. The disease endometriosis, the manifestations of which are: cyclic pain in the pelvic area, painful bowel movements and urination, pain syndrome during sexual intercourse.
  2. Endometritis with an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, development of suppuration in the uterus. May become chronic.
  3. Hyperplasia of the endometrium (growth of the lining of the uterus inside). May not be accompanied by symptoms, but can cause infertility.
  4. Anemia, in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin.
  5. Accelerated blood clotting, as a result of which clotted blood comes out in the form of large clots.
  6. Change in hormone production.
  7. Pregnancy occurring outside the uterus.

However, the physician may true reason clots with heavy periods and put one hundred percent reliable diagnosis, when a woman will pass full examination and submit appropriate tests.

Diagnosing the causes of clots during menstruation

There are also quite a few diagnostic methods. The first thing an obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend is to measure every day basal body temperature and schedule it. He may also prescribe a blood test from a vein to determine the level of the amount of hCG. In addition, measures such as:

  • passage ultrasound examination genital organs, adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • magnetic resonance or CT scan, through which the risk of developing tumor-like formations in the region of the pituitary gland and ovaries is excluded;
  • scraping;
  • study of the state of the thyroid gland.

Therapeutic measures for bleeding with clots

Priority in treatment copious discharge the presence of clots is considered to be the search for and elimination of the causes that led to this problem.

In case of violations of the monthly cycle, the doctor will recommend reconsidering your eating habits (enrich the diet complete products in terms of their protein content, useful microelements and vitamins), eliminate bad habits (smoking and addiction to alcohol), plan adequate rest and sleep.

If any disease is found as the cause of thick periods, the gynecologist gives the patient a referral to other specialists in the field of psychology, nutrition, endocrinology, immunology, etc. (depending on the identified pathology). They will help clarify the state of women's health by prescribing appropriate examination and treatment.

If the violation of the menstrual cycle is the result of failures in hormonal background, then the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with hormonal drugs.

When it turns out that stress is the culprit, special sedative drugs with an anti-stress effect are prescribed.

It is quite possible to combine traditional methods of treatment with folk ones. After all folk wisdom collected a lot of recipes to restore the nature of menstruation.

To make the menstrual cycle regular and normal will help not only treatment, proper nutrition but also the security of life the right amount rest and frequent walks on fresh air. A woman with period problems should avoid conflict situations and stress. It is good if a woman is able to surround herself with a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. Otherwise, you need to strive to fill your life with pleasant emotions and positive.

Black blood clots in secretions can only indicate trouble in women's health and the need for urgent therapeutic measures.

Abundant periods with clots can be pathologies or a variant of the norm, it all depends on the woman's well-being, the total amount of blood loss during menstruation and the level of hemoglobin.

Normally, a woman's periods come, on average, every 28 days (plus or minus 1 week). And the bleeding lasts no more than 7 days. During these days, a woman loses up to 50 grams of blood. And this is considered the norm. If menstruation is plentiful with clots, and there are many of them and the size is quite large, there is a high probability of pathology. AT this case it is not specifically these pieces of tissue that cause concern - it is just exfoliated endometrium, but the fact that their presence almost always indicates a large blood loss.

Very heavy periods with blood clots - this is an occasion to measure the approximate blood loss. If your sanitary napkin or tampon gets completely wet in 2-3 hours or less, and this continues for 2 or more days, this is a reason to see a doctor and take a blood test for hemoglobin - this is the minimum amount of examination. Normally, hemoglobin is above 120 in women. If your hemoglobin is lower, you Iron-deficiency anemia, which, by the way, is not only a consequence of a large loss of blood, but also the root cause of bleeding, since subclinical hypothyroidism usually develops simultaneously with it (anemia).

But the causes of heavy periods with blood clots may be different. So, it is often associated with low blood clotting. To diagnose this pathology, a woman takes special analysis blood - hemostasiogram. At the same time, an ultrasound scan of the uterus and ovaries is mandatory. It is often found that profuse menstruation- This is a consequence of several diseases at once. For example, blood clotting disorders may be detected, coupled with endometrial hyperplasia. Naturally, treatment will be prescribed depending on these same causes that need to be eliminated. In the future, after treatment, a woman can be prescribed hormonal preparations With contraceptive action. They suppress the excessive growth of the endometrium - and this is the most common cause of heavy bleeding.

Separately, it should be said that heavy periods after childbirth with clots are also observed. But even if a woman is breastfeeding, treatment should be carried out. Modern antibiotics, which are mandatory for inflammatory process may be taken during lactation.

But what to do with heavy periods with blood clots, if it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor? We hasten to warn you that heavy bleeding possible large blood loss lethal outcome. If you become unusable in an hour hygiene product- need to call ambulance. self stop uterine bleeding quickly fail, especially with the help of herbs. In most cases, in such emergency woman undergoing a procedure surgical removal the endometrium from the uterus is a small operation that is performed without an incision, through the vagina. Thus, the doctor will not only stop the bleeding, but also receive material with which, according to the results histological examination, it will be possible to make a diagnosis, determine the cause of what happened, and find out if there is endometrial cancer or a process preceding it.

It happens that in women, in addition to menstruation, certain period discharges appear in the form of blood clots, they are able to react to this in different ways. Some take this symptom for granted, others go to gynecology so as not to expose their body to any danger. You should not worry if you find rare blood clots.

Get an examination by a gynecologist to find out the likelihood of a connection between the symptom that has appeared and other diseases.

During the period of menstruation, if you notice blood clots once, this is not a reason for unrest. It's just that in the uterus, the epidermis detaches from its walls - a process of physiology provided for by nature. During menstruation, blood clots are released during the formation of a pathological septum.

There may be a bend in the cervix, which is an obstacle to the natural exit of blood. As a result, blood clotting occurs in the inside of the uterus, which becomes clots. Under this circumstance, it is especially important that they not only accumulate in the inner part, but subsequently come out.


The deviation presented above is able to detect the gynecologist during the standard examination of the patient. If it turns out that the doctor does not detect such an anomaly, and clotted discharge will be repeated during menstruation, this can indicate anemia. It can also talk about itself with menstrual flow of an abundant nature. Under this circumstance, a woman should be attentive to the amount of blood excreted from the body.

There is nothing difficult in determining the mass of secretions. In one day, it should be 80 g. To quantify the contents of a sanitary napkin, you should find out its weight while it is not used, and then determine its weight with menstrual contents. As a result, sum all the values ​​​​obtained per day, this will be the desired weight. Which will also make it clear what is the likelihood of anemia.

Menses with clots

There are cases when menstruation with the release of clots is the cause of anemia, based on a lack of iron in the body. As a result, we can talk about iron deficiency anemia. If we take into account Scientific research, then the secretion of clots is in some way associated with a lack of iron. So when iron deficiency is normalized, then there will be no more blood clots during menstruation. Just do not use iron-containing preparations at the first appearance of clots.

What answer can be given to women who are concerned about the release of clots during menstruation? Ladies should not forget that during active action blood from the vagina enters more intensively and in large volumes. And during a relaxed state, sitting or lying down, the exit process slows down. This is what creates anxiety for a woman when she gets up very quickly from lying state. If in such cases there is a release of clots, then this is the norm. attach great importance clotted blood follows when they are accompanied pain.

The formation of menstrual clots is abundant. The emerging situation is not even iron deficiency anemia, it is much more dangerous. Watching menstrual flow, you need to pay attention to this.

The important features are:

  • Pain in the abdomen, causing anxiety;
  • The highlights change color;
  • The occurrence of an unpleasant odor;
  • Profuse menstrual flow of blood.

At medical examination: colposcopy, ultrasound, examination with a mirror, when the above signs are absent, but there are clots, then adenomyosis can be diagnosed in gynecology.

When a woman discovers a brown discharge with clots, it makes her worry. Unrest is insignificant if brown discharge during menstruation appears when menstruation is just beginning, or when they are already ending. But if such discharge is menstruation itself or during menstruation, then immediately contact a gynecologist. Cause this violation in the menstrual cycle there may be an infection or the presence of ectopic pregnancy. In addition, it will not be superfluous to take tests for hormones in the body, this can exclude the presence of hormonal failures.

Even when there is a pregnancy, brown menstruation with clots is possible. The cause of their occurrence is a hematoma, which is formed in the area of ​​​​the internal pharynx. If a pregnant woman does not lift the slightest weight, she may be able to bear her child until the very end of her pregnancy. But one should not forget that brown discharge should not be abundant. So if they increase, see a doctor immediately.

Blood clots also occur in postpartum period. But they end after three weeks or, in some cases, after a month. If this does not happen, you will have to deal with the elimination of the placenta that remains after childbirth. Contraceptives or the result after the establishment of the "spiral" may contribute to this sign. For a woman, this should mean that this form of pregnancy prevention is extremely unsuitable for her, and it must be removed from the uterus.

One of the reasons when a woman has menstruation, which go in clots after sexual intercourse, may be erosion. For clarification, you should contact the gynecology, due to which it will be possible to find out the presence or absence of other diseases in the genitourinary system.

These include pathologies of the uterus, such as:

  • endometrial hyperplasia- this is the growth of uterine tissue due to dysfunction of the sex glands. There are several varieties this disease and they can lead to endometrial cancer. And as a result - the likelihood of infertility. Symptoms include abnormal bleeding between periods, long periods of two to three weeks, severe menstrual periods, anemia, obesity. Be aware that smeared discharge indicates polyposis, and blood indicates the presence of glandular hyperplasia and adenomatosis. Endometrial hyperplasia can get sick as young reproductive age and older women menopause.
  • uterine fibroids- benign tumor smooth muscle uterus, which regulates the growth of sex hormones. Takes about a quarter gynecological diseases women who go to the doctor. Women 30-50 years of age suffer most from this disease. Symptoms include heavy menstrual periods, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and bleeding between periods.
  • Polyp- benign growth on the mucous membrane. Polyps may be the result of an infection, result from chronic inflammation, which is an abnormal response to increased estrogen and congestion blood vessels in the cervical canal. What causes it is not always possible to say with certainty. There is an asymptomatic origin of polyps.

Symptoms include vaginal bleeding:

  • Between periods;
  • After intercourse;
  • After the menopause.

A polyp in the cervix can be inflamed, but rarely can become infectious. Then there is a yellow or white discharge from the vagina. A polyp in the cervix is ​​usually seen in women over the age of twenty who have had multiple pregnancies. Polyps are most often first discovered during the next examination by a gynecologist. Standardly, one polyp develops, but sometimes two or three can be found. Elimination of the polyp can occur during a gynecological examination with special forceps, if it is transparent and does not bleed. Bleeding are eliminated surgically and under general anesthesia.

Endometriosis is a disease in which cells of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) grow outside the uterus, on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, bladder or other bodies abdominal cavity. The first signal to see a doctor will be manifestations as the release of blood clots. If run this process, it can contribute to infertility. To determine endometriosis, a thorough examination and high-class equipment are necessary; fortunately, such equipment is available in gynecology. Also one of its manifestations are pain during menstruation and after it.

Depending on which area is affected, the treatment of this disease will depend. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a course to restore the balance of hormones to the patient, which often turns out to be ineffective. Under such circumstances, specific surgical interventions. During the operation, endometriosis nodes are removed, and as a result Great chance the fact that everything will work out, and menstruation as well.

Diverse phytopreparations are intensively used in the treatment of the nodes described above. In addition, it does not hurt to use them if the clotted secretions have increased in abundance, due to which anemia has manifested itself. Before the onset of menstruation, approximately two or three days in advance, decoctions of cinquefoil, yarrow or nettle should be taken. It is necessary to apply 50 g of one of the decoctions in three approaches per day. Including water pepper or red viburnum is suitable for this procedure.

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