What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time? Chances of getting pregnant: what days they are the greatest, how to increase the chance of conception


The probability of getting pregnant with interrupted intercourse is 50% out of 100. If you noticed with your partner that it is difficult for him to stop and remove the genital organ from the vagina in time, then some amount of seminal fluid still got into him or his vestibule. A partner can simply lie to you in order to calm you down, and you will be in full confidence that everything is fine, although in fact the chance of getting pregnant remains.

If you make love often - several times a day, and at the same time do not visit the shower after each ejaculation, during subsequent sexual intercourse, the spermatozoa remaining in the folds of the foreskin can enter the vagina, lowering the chances of avoiding an unplanned one. If a man removes his penis from your vagina during ejaculation, but directs the flow of seminal fluid directly to the labia, sperm can enter inside, enter the urethra, and go down from there. After all, they are extremely tenacious and mobile. And if this method of protection is chosen on the days of ovulation, the probability of becoming pregnant is already 25% out of 100.

If you combine this method of contraception with the calendar one, then the probability of getting pregnant during interrupted sexual intercourse is practically zero, and you can continue to practice it on the rest of the days with a condom. But the fact is that the method of coitus interruptus also has undesirable psychological effects that have a bad effect on the relationship of two loving people. A man, instead of getting pleasure, is forced to constantly restrain and control himself, and a woman also cannot completely relax, constantly thinking about a possible pregnancy.

Most couples in our country still use coitus interruptus as a means of contraception, without wondering if it is possible to get pregnant from male lubrication or secretions. Pregnancy in this case is almost 45 percent, which is quite a lot. How can a woman get pregnant without sperm directly entering the uterus?

Why men need lubrication

In a healthy man, during sexual arousal, the so-called pre-ejaculate - a lubricant - begins to stand out. It is necessary for:

1) facilitate penetration into the vagina;

2) creating a favorable acidic environment - this is important for the further viability of spermatozoa;

3) cleansing the urethra from the remnants of urine and ejaculate from previous sexual contact.

Why you can get pregnant from lube

Purely theoretically, male lubricant does not contain spermatozoa, since a completely different one is produced. However, one should consider such a case - a man had sexual intercourse. Even if partners, it doesn't matter. The remains of the ejaculate, and hence the spermatozoa, remain in the urethra. Moreover, male germ cells can live in the urethra for up to 7 days! Therefore, further any unprotected sexual contact will be enough for a woman. True, the unfavorable environment of the vagina, as well as the mucous plug of the cervix, will stand in the way of spermatozoa. But the strongest cell may well penetrate the uterus. And if the sperm meets the egg, then the probability of getting pregnant from male lubrication is huge.

What is the probability of getting pregnant from lubrication

The greatest possibility of getting pregnant from lubrication occurs when a woman, in addition, has ovulated. In this case, on the contrary, the vaginal discharge becomes more viscous and acidic. This contributes to an easier path for male germ cells. It is easy to find out about ovulation - during this period, a woman experiences an increase in sexual desire, she may have mild pain in the ovary. In addition, most men admit that it is during ovulation that the partner literally blooms and attracts them unusually.

As a rule, the remnant of sperm in the urethra contains a negligible amount of sperm - only a few thousand. However, this will be quite enough for conception.

And one more nuance - not every man can fully control himself during sex. Very often, sperm begins to stand out even before the onset of orgasm, and a woman will believe that she became pregnant from male lubrication. In any case, it is impossible to consider PPA as a reliable means of contraception.

Why coitus interruptus is harmful

First of all, this method of "prevention" negatively affects the sexual health of men. Indeed, to finish sex almost a moment before the highest pleasure requires iron endurance and practice. But not only - with PPA there is a high risk of getting a complete breakdown of sexual function. The most common is the appearance of premature ejaculation, when sex lasts less than a minute. Another danger is the appearance of a potency disorder at the psychological level, which is very difficult to cure.

Of course, there are practically no pluses for a woman either - the constant fear that a partner will make a mistake, as well as the fear of the possibility of getting pregnant from male lubricant - all this makes intimate life nervous and constrained.

What method of contraception is best

It is best to choose the best method of contraception that suits your couple. If you have one sexual partner and are confident in him, then the best option is to take oral contraceptives or introduce a spiral (for women who have given birth). Otherwise, you can use a condom and put it on until penetration into the vagina. Only in this way is 99 percent protection against pregnancy guaranteed. It is important to understand that the likelihood of getting pregnant from male lubrication or discharge is very high.

A woman who cares about her health is interested in the question of the possibility of determining the probability of becoming pregnant. Monthly calendar days are counted in order to find out when ovulation occurs, to plan pregnancy, or vice versa. Nature has its own patterns in everything, but it is impossible to calculate the exact day of a possible conception, too many factors affect this.

Pregnancy occurs at the time of ovulation

Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol reduce the possibility of conception. It is also not recommended to drink coffee, reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Lack of vitamins. It may be one of the reasons for the decline.

Conclusion: the more healthy lifestyle a woman leads, the higher her ability to become pregnant and bear a child, and this can be at any age.

How to determine that the process of ovulation has come

calendar method. If the menstrual cycle is regular, and you are confident in the calculations, then this classic technique will suit you. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, which is about day 14, plus or minus 3 days.

ultrasound. The most accurate detection method. On examination, the doctor will know for 100% whether there is ovulation or not.

Measurement of basal temperature. The method consists in measuring the temperature in the rectum and plotting a graph based on these data.

Symptoms. Some women are able to feel ovulation in the form of pain and movement in the lower abdomen. It may also be accompanied by elevated body temperature.

Biochemical research. To determine the possibility of conception in this way, a blood test will be necessary. The method is inconvenient and not, but the accuracy is high.

Ovulation tests. In pharmacies, you can find many types of tests for home use. Here is some of them:

- Microscope. Ovulation is determined.

Bracelet. It is worn on the hand, when ovulation occurs, it changes color.

Tests. They look like pregnancy tests. Ovulation is determined by urine.

Of course, none of the condoms produced by any, even a branded company, can give 100% results. A high probability is possible even with proper use, so it’s worth figuring out what is the cause of all the troubles in using condoms.

The fact is that during sexual intercourse using a condom, there is a simple friction that causes the material to be erased. Ultimately, micro-holes are formed through which fertilization can pass.

There are some rules that will help you avoid conception while using a condom.
Never store contraceptives in small pockets, purse or makeup bag. The fact is that in such places a certain humidity is created, and the material deteriorates over time.

Do not bite your teeth or open the condom with piercing objects, as this may harm the contraceptive.

You should only wear a condom when preparing for sexual intercourse. In no case should you put it on before ejaculation, since even at the very beginning of a gentle act, drops of liquid are released from the man's penis, which may contain active spermatozoa.

After ejaculation, you should not stay in a condom for a long time.

Many partners are interested in the question: what should be done in order to use a condom? Before use, you need to pay close attention to the expiration date of the contraceptive. You'd better do it right at the pharmacy. You should not buy condoms in ordinary stores, as no one will give you a guarantee about the quality of the product.

If you think that the condom is damaged or has some wear, it is better to throw the product away and buy new contraceptives without sparing the money. A huge selection of contraceptives is provided for you, you just have to choose a quality product and do not forget about the rules for use and use. In this case, the likelihood of getting pregnant using a condom will be minimal.

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Tip 8: Can you get pregnant with condoms?

Condoms are the most popular form of contraception today. They are easy to use, affordable and have no side effects after application. However, do condoms really protect against unwanted pregnancy by 100% or is there still a risk of getting pregnant while using them?

Also, the condom can break due to lack of natural lubrication or improper use.

Most often, condoms do not save from as a result of a number of errors in their use. No. 2 products should not be stored in pockets or purses, as they create a warm and humid atmosphere that spoils the condom. Condom packaging should not be opened with teeth or other sharp objects that could damage the latex. It is strongly not recommended to purchase these expired contraceptives. You can not wear a condom during sex or at the end of it: in the pre-seminal fluid that a man secretes, there may be spermatozoa.

How not to get pregnant with a condom

So that when using a condom, it is recommended to wear only one condom, but in no case two - this will not increase the level of protection, but will create friction that is dangerous for the integrity of the material. A man should not remain in a condom after intercourse, as the penis shrinks after ejaculation and may leak out of the condom into the vagina.

When using a condom, do not use lubricants that contain oil and fat: they adversely affect the strength of the latex.

So that the condom does not fail at the most crucial moment, it is necessary to purchase contraception exclusively, carefully checking its expiration date indicated on the package. Vacuum packaging of item #2 must not be damaged. If the partners feel that the condom has broken, the penis should be immediately removed from the vagina and put on a new protection. The same applies to anal sex - for different types of sexual intercourse, condoms should be changed. To minimize the likelihood. At the pharmacy, you can buy a test that determines ovulation. It is recommended to carry out the test a few days before the expected release of the egg into the uterine cavity. You can also measure. On the day of ovulation, it rises and becomes higher than 37 ° C.

There is a belief that it is possible to conceive a child the first time in the last weeks of autumn or the first weeks of the spring season. This is due to the accumulation of vitamins in the body in autumn and the increase in sunlight in the spring.

If unprotected intercourse was a few days before ovulation, then there is a chance. After all, spermatozoa can live in the genital tract of a woman for several more days and remain active, and when they meet an egg, they are able to fertilize it.

Pregnancy planning

When it is important to monitor the menstrual cycle. Mark on the calendar the day of the beginning of menstruation and its end. Knowing these dates, you can calculate the estimated day of the release of the egg from the ovary. If a woman wants to conceive a child, you need to be examined by a gynecologist, pass all the tests to exclude various diseases that may prevent a woman from becoming a mother. And men should be tested. Sometimes it is low sperm activity that affects the possibility of conception.
Modern medicine is able to help couples who cannot conceive a child. Methods for the treatment of ovarian dysfunction in women have been developed. There are also treatments for infertility in men.

The female menstrual cycle is a complex chain of processes in the body, regulated by hormones. Normally, in its middle (usually 12-15 days after the start of menstruation), ovulation occurs - a mature egg breaks through the ovary and leaves it. It is during this period that conception is possible. On other days, the probability of fertilization, although not excluded, is significantly reduced. Changes in a woman's body are strongly influenced by external and internal factors. Due to illness, stress, overwork, the cycle can go astray, and ovulation will occur on any other day. That is why it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation. Since everything depends on individual indicators - age, duration of menstruation, health status, and so on.

The likelihood of pregnancy with a regular cycle

A normal menstrual cycle in a girl can last from 21 to 35 days, most often 28. The countdown should start from the first day the discharge begins and until the first day of the next menstruation. The duration of blood release is from 3 to 7 days, on average - 5. With a 28-day cycle, two weeks from the onset of physiological bleeding, ovulation should occur. 4-5 days before and the same after the release of the egg from the follicle are considered dangerous, during which the probability of becoming pregnant is more than 90%.

If a girl's menstruation occurs clearly on the calendar, the cycle is set, and its duration is more than 26 days, then the chance of getting pregnant when having sex during menstruation is minimized. An exception may be failures in the body that cannot be predicted - hormonal changes, delayed ovulation, too early release of the egg. But in healthy women, such surprises rarely happen.

The situation is completely different with girls who have a short cycle. If its duration is 21 days, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day, that is, only 5-6 days from the end of menstruation. A failure for several days is enough due, for example, to minor stress, and sexual intercourse during menstruation without the use of contraceptives will result in pregnancy. And in some situations, menstrual irregularities will not be required, since spermatozoa that have reached the uterine cavity can exist there for up to 7 days. Accordingly, if sex occurred at the end, when the discharge is already insignificant, then the girl can become pregnant during her period.

You are most likely to get pregnant while the egg is passing through the fallopian tubes. She is already mature and ready for fertilization. The period of the menstrual cycle when it is possible to become pregnant is called ovulation in medicine. For those who want a child, it is very important to know what ovulation is and be able to recognize it by special signs.

Ovulation and its main signs

Ovulation is the most important part of the menstrual cycle. The cycle consists of three important phases: follicular (or menstrual - “menses”), ovulatory (follicle development, egg development, egg release, release of estradiol, luteinizing hormone) and secretory phase (formation of the corpus luteum and the possibility of maintaining pregnancy if fertilization has occurred) . The ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle is the only one of the three phases when a sperm can fertilize an egg, so it's clear which days are most likely to get pregnant.

Ovulation is a natural and regular process that occurs in the female body, accompanied by an active release of female sex hormones. Against this background, a characteristic symptomatology arises.

Distinctive features of ovulation:

  • increased sexual arousal (respectively, due to sex hormones);
  • swelling of the mammary glands (also, the action of hormones);
  • vaginal discharge of a transparent color, odorless (discharge, due to which spermatozoa easily move along the genital tract to the egg);
  • mood swings (since there are changes at the hormonal level);
  • temperature increase in the anus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (not a very common characteristic, but still there are dull, pulling, or even sometimes sharp pains that appear against the background of spasms or rupture of the follicle).

In the human body, everything is interconnected, and any woman must learn to determine the period of ovulation. And not only to get pregnant or protect yourself, but also to have an idea about your health. After all, a long absence of ovulation, irregular periods, frequent mood swings may indicate the approach of menopause. And this condition can and should be corrected with medication.

Methods for determining the ovulation period

There are at least five of the most common methods for determining ovulation:

  • calendar is a method of calculating ovulation within a regular menstrual cycle;
  • express testing is a novelty in diagnostics that allows for independent and 100% determination of ovulation at home;
  • diagnostic - studies conducted using diagnostic equipment in outpatient clinics that show when you can get pregnant (folliculometry);
  • visual - includes taking an anamnesis and examining a gynecologist;
  • objective - self-monitoring by a woman of the characteristic symptoms of ovulation.

Factors affecting the regularity of the menstrual cycle

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is an important indicator in the process of planning a pregnancy. There are certain factors that allow you to normalize the cycle:

  • good nutrition (includes sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products);
  • timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, bacterial and viral infections;
  • physical activity, aerobic exercise, abdominal and back exercises;
  • regular sex life.

On the days of the greatest probability of becoming pregnant, it is necessary to limit oneself in the use of alcoholic beverages, not to overexert physically. It is also important to avoid stress, irritability, nervous anxiety.

Many women who want to give birth to a baby know the feeling of trepidation and anticipation of the moment when it will be possible to take a pregnancy test and make sure that fertilization has occurred. With negative results, the spouses are disappointed and begin to wonder if they are infertile. Conceiving a child the first time is not as easy as it seems, so do not give up after the first failure and stop trying. What factors can contribute to rapid conception, increase the chances of conception, and what to do when you can’t get pregnant?

What factors affect conception after the first time?

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time? In order for fertilization to occur as a result of sexual intercourse, a number of factors must coincide:

  1. Fertility window. There are several days in the menstrual cycle when a girl is able to conceive, at other times this will not happen. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary, it occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. It is at this point that the male and female sex cells can merge and form an embryo. During sexual intercourse at a time when the egg is not yet mature or has already left the fallopian tube into the uterus, fusion will not occur.
  2. viability of spermatozoa. To get into the fallopian tube, sperm must overcome several obstacles in the form of an acidic environment of the vagina, cervical mucus, get to the fallopian tube and wait until the egg is released. Slowly active spermatozoa with structural pathologies will not be able to overcome this path. Male reproductive cells live for 2-3 days, in some cases up to 5 days, and then die.
  3. The state of health of the spouses and their age. Past diseases affect the quality of sperm and the condition of the reproductive organs. Inflammatory processes, genital infections - all this can affect the fertility of partners.

What is the probability of conceiving a child after the first time?

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time? The younger a woman is, the more likely she is to conceive after her first intercourse without contraception. If spouses want to quickly become parents, then they should start trying at the age of 20-25 years.

What are the chances of a couple getting pregnant if they didn't use contraception?

According to statistics, every 6 women are fertilized the first time. These are high numbers, considering how many factors must coincide for this to happen.

If you can't get pregnant right away, don't despair. Spouses should continue to have an intense sex life and studies show that 60% will be able to conceive within six months.

A couple is considered infertile when a woman fails to conceive after one year of regular sex at least twice a week. However, in this case, there is no need to despair, modern medicine successfully copes with most causes of infertility.

Why is it not always easy to get pregnant without contraception? The reasons may be hidden in diseases of the reproductive system.

How to conceive a child quickly?

How to conceive a child the first time? For those couples who do not want to postpone the birth of a baby, there are special methods that promote fertilization. Some of them have a scientific explanation, which is based on the characteristics of the reproductive sphere of men and women, other methods are based on popular beliefs and ideas, but none of them gives a 100% guarantee, all these methods only increase the chances.

Medical examinations

Before having a baby, some couples want to be examined and find out if they have diseases that prevent conception. This is a reasonable approach that allows you to immediately identify the reasons why pregnancy does not occur, and cure diseases that may affect the course of pregnancy in the future.

Examinations that a woman undergoes:

  • diagnosis of tubal patency - obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a consequence of salpingitis, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation;
  • hormone analysis - polycystic ovary syndrome, pathologies of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland can be the cause of infertility;
  • hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity;
  • folliculometry - monitoring of folliculogenesis;
  • postcoital test - shows the immunological incompatibility of the couple due to the production of antisperm antibodies.

Both spouses should be tested for STDs. Often it is venereal diseases that become an obstacle to the birth of a baby. A man separately submits a spermogram, which checks the quality of sperm: the activity and motility of spermatozoa, their structure. With male infertility, the problem often lies in the insufficient number of sperm in the semen, their immobility or pathological structure.

We calculate the favorable period for conception

The only time a woman is able to conceive is during her fertility window. This is the name of the period that begins a few days before ovulation and ends one day after it. To calculate the favorable period for sexual intercourse, you need to know when ovulation occurs.

The egg matures 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. When a woman has a regular 27-day cycle, then ovulation occurs exactly in its middle - on day 13. Given the life span of spermatozoa, the fertility window in this case falls on days 8-14 of the cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant in case of a shortened or extended cycle? Let's say the monthly cycle lasts 23 days. Thus, ovulation occurs on day 9, and the fertility window is from days 4 to 10. With a cycle of 34 days, the egg matures on the 20th day, and you can get pregnant in the interval from 15 to 21 days. What is the chance of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation? There is no absolute certainty, but if you calculate the time correctly, then the probability of conception is very high.

Popular beliefs say that depending on the date of conception, you can accurately plan the sex of the child. If a sperm cell fertilizes an egg on the day of ovulation, then a girl will be born. Sexual intercourse before ovulation will help to have a boy.

Not every woman can boast of a regular cycle. It depends on the state of health, stress, nutrition, climate change, individual characteristics of the body. How do you know if an egg is mature? There are several ways to do this:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature. Every day for several months, a woman should measure the temperature immediately after waking up, and record the results in a notebook. As soon as the value on the thermometer increases by 2-3 tenths of a degree, you can have sex, ovulation has come.
  2. Ovulation test. Test strips are sold in pharmacies and act on the principle of a pregnancy test. Markers react to changes in the hormonal background of a woman at the time of maturation of germ cells.
  3. Ultrasound procedure. Ultrasound allows you to determine when the follicle is ready to burst and release germ cells.

Choosing a position for conception

There is an opinion that some positions during sex affect the ability to conceive. It is believed that the deeper the penetration, the easier it will be for sperm to overcome obstacles and exit into the fallopian tubes. That is why the adherents of this theory consider the most successful pose in which a woman stands on all fours or lies on her back with her legs raised high, placing a pillow under her buttocks. Some believe that positions during sex affect the gender of the baby. For example, when a woman is located below, there is a high probability of giving birth to a girl.

The cowgirl position is considered unfortunate because the woman is on top and semen can leak out of the vagina. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended not to get up immediately after intercourse, but lie down for a while, preferably raising your legs to the “birch” position. It is also believed that the likelihood of fertilization increases with orgasm in a woman. The contractions of the uterus and vagina will help push the sperm inside.

Most doctors believe that the position does not affect the likelihood of conception. However, in some cases, the position during sex can contribute to pregnancy. With such a pathology as the bend of the uterus, it is desirable to have sex on the side in which direction there is a bend.

Nutrition and lifestyle of men and women

Successful conception largely depends on the lifestyle of the spouses. Improper diet, excess fatty and fried foods, alcohol and drugs, smoking, a sedentary sedentary lifestyle, promiscuity, constant hypothermia or overheating - all this affects the fertility of men and women.

Some foods have a positive effect on sperm quality. A man should eat regularly:

  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • pineapples.

A woman should start taking folic acid 2-3 months before the expected pregnancy. This vitamin will not harm men either; in addition, in a pharmacy, you can buy drugs to improve the quality of sperm "Spermaktin" and "SpermActive".

A year before planning a child, the couple should give up smoking and alcohol. This will improve the body and minimize the risks of deviations in the unborn child.

Folk remedies

How did our great-grandmothers treat infertility? For quick conception, women used decoctions of medicinal herbs. A few folk recipes for a quick pregnancy:

  1. A decoction of a boron uterus. 4 tablespoons of dry grass are poured into 1 liter of hot water and infused for 2 hours. When the broth is infused, it should be filtered and taken 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  2. A decoction of sage. 2 tablespoons of grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put in a dark place for 2-3 hours. After that, the broth is filtered and taken 1 tablespoon every day until menstruation occurs or the woman is convinced of pregnancy. If menstruation has begun, then taking sage should be stopped and treatment should be resumed after a month. Dry sage can be bought at pharmacies.

We will tell you about a few mistakes that you may not have known about when trying to get pregnant.

Mistake #1: You Can Only Get Pregnant During Ovulation

The mistake of many couples is the strange belief that you can only get pregnant during ovulation. For that matter, you can get pregnant during your period and right after your period. The more often you have sex, the more your chances of getting pregnant increase. Sex during ovulation, of course, can speed up the process of conception. But even if you are sure that you can calculate ovulation and not miss that very day, it is better to play it safe and have sex not only when you have ovulation day, but also a few days before that.

Mistake #2 You don't trust methods for determining ovulation

A young couple should lead a healthy lifestyle, then your hormonal background will always be ready for conception. You should not deny yourself intimacy at least 2-4 times a week outside of ovulation and every day, or every other day, during the period of ovulation. Many women believe that it is impossible to accurately determine ovulation using tests or basal temperature. But practice shows that although these are not 100%, they nevertheless have a high level of success. In addition, you may not immediately understand when hormonal changes will occur in your body that will affect your fertility. There is also an irregular cycle. The ovulation calculator, as well as other methods, increase your chances of conceiving your unborn baby.

Mistake No. 3 You refuse sex to your partner, waiting for ovulation.

Are you sure that in the days before ovulation, you must definitely abstain from sex. Some couples even waiting for the days of ovulation reduce their sexual relationship to a few days of supposed ovulation and that's it. It is not right. Prolonged abstinence increases the amount of sperm. But this is detrimental to the quality of sperm. spermatozoa become inactive and lethargic. They have no chance to get to the egg and fertilize it. Therefore, to ensure the activity of sperm at least 1 time in 5 days. Of course, on the days of ovulation, you should increase the number of attempts.

Mistake #4: Thinking posture doesn't matter

Many people think that sexual positions do not play any significant role and do not increase the chances of getting pregnant. Can you get pregnant in any position? Of course you can. But if you want to increase your chances, then you must stick to those positions that will keep the sperm in the vagina for as long as possible.

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