If I missed the birth control pill, my period started. What to do when a birth control pill is missed: action plan, options

exciting topic for modern woman was and remains the topic of pregnancy prevention. This is not to say that for a woman she is completely undesirable. Just everything has its time. And the best and quite convenient means for this are modern contraceptives (hormonal).

For some time, a Western European commercial was very popular, talking about a lot in terms of not only sexual, but also moral education. Mom, escorting a high school student to school, kisses her daughter and puts birth control pills in her bag. After all, anything can happen at the age of 16. What can't you do for a child just to avoid an abortion!

Our girls, I think, are not all surrounded by such care. And they themselves are not inclined to think about it. Of course, they do not claim that the pregnancy will “dissolve”, but they certainly sometimes dismiss it with the thought “I hope you are lucky - God will save you ...” But they should know that it was God who thought through and gave people the mystery of this process - the conception and birth of a new person. So it will definitely happen!

What to do? Buy contraceptives yourself (what a word!) - but self-treatment is dangerous. Yes, and in the pharmacy they will most likely offer to come to them with their mother. go to women's consultation? You might occasionally meet someone you know. There is still a way out - in our cities there are family planning offices or even maternity and childhood centers, where they will not refuse consultations. And if you meet even a teacher in this Center, you can always refer to self-education. As a result, only praise.

Dosing regimen

A girl can take contraceptives from the moment of her puberty. In more early period it does not make sense to do this - pregnancy can occur only in an organism that has matured in the sexual sense. Tablets are taken one at a time, daily at the same time for 21 days or 28 days, depending on the type of drug. If the package contains 21 tablets, they should be taken from the 1st day of menstruation until the package is empty. After that, a break is made for 7 days. If the package contains 28 tablets, you do not need to take a break, but you should immediately start taking the drug with new packaging. After drinking the 21st tablet (that is, at the end of the cycle), a reaction similar to menstruation is observed for 7 days.

At a young age, you should start with taking those drugs that contain hormones in small doses. And it is better to use condoms altogether, which will also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Forgetfulness interferes

It is easier with older women - they know where to go, which doctor to visit, how to take contraceptives correctly. The problem is different - forgetfulness and weak self-organization interfere. The result is an irregular intake of contraceptives. What should I do if I forgot to take my birth control pill?

The principle of action of the drug is that its concentration in the body must be constantly maintained at the same level so that its action is carried out continuously.

Note! If the correct dose of the drug is not taken on time, its concentration may decrease, and the likelihood of pregnancy increases. Therefore, it will take additional measures precautions, such as using a condom.

Barrier precautions against the background of regular sexual intercourse are especially necessary if the pill has been interrupted for 2-3 days or more. And after 5-6 days of renewed use, sexual intercourse is already acceptable without barrier measures of protection.

You can take the missed pill when you remember about it, and take the next one according to the established schedule, i.e. in one day you will take two tablets instead of one. The concentration of the drug for this period of time is maintained, because the effect of the tablet is designed for at least 20 hours. It is generally accepted that additional measures to prevent pregnancy should not be taken if the delay in taking the pill was no more than 12 hours.

But there are times when 2 or even 3 tablets are missed (that is, two or three days are missed). The doctor in this case advises: the missed two tablets should be taken as soon as possible, and in next move according to the schedule (that is, the next day), also take 2 tablets. For example, an appointment was missed on Saturday and Sunday. So, two tablets should be taken on Monday and two tablets on Tuesday. In such cases, spotting is not uncommon, which should be a signal for you to use additional protection measures.

Note! If you miss taking 3 or more tablets, the use of additional measures is inevitable and mandatory. In addition, you should think about replacing this type of contraceptive with another.

Detailed recommendations on how to remedy the situation if reception is interrupted contraceptive drug, you can always read the instructions that come with any package of tablets. Still, it never hurts to trust your doctor and consult if you have a break in taking your medication.

It should also be remembered that when taking certain drugs long time, there may be a decrease in their effectiveness.

The main reason that most women start drinking hormonal contraceptives, is the reliable protection against unplanned pregnancy that they provide. Another advantage of this method is its versatility and convenience. True, only if the contraceptive is taken according to all the rules.

How do birth control pills work?

The female cycle is subject to hormones. It is they who determine its duration, the time of onset of ovulation and menstruation. The action of most hormonal contraceptives is based on three mechanisms:

  1. Inhibition of the maturation of the next egg, the result of which is the absence of monthly ovulation.
  2. Thickening of mucus that forms in the cervix. The thicker it is, the more difficult it is for sperm to penetrate inside.
  3. Thinning of the inner mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium, so that the fertilized egg, if this happens suddenly, could not gain a foothold on it.

The onset of ovulation, concentration cervical mucus and the thickness of the endometrium are determined by the level of estrogen in the blood of a woman and depend on certain day cycle.

Contraceptives artificially maintain the level of hormones at which ovulation and fertilization becomes impossible.

What determines the reliability of contraceptives?

In order for the reliability of funds to be measured and compared, scientists developed the Pearl Index. This is a number that shows the number of pregnant girls out of a hundred who took a particular drug during the year. The lower this figure, the more reliable the contraceptive is considered.

In most modern contraceptives, this indicator is in the region of one. This means that out of a hundred women who constantly use hormonal contraceptives, only one pregnancy happened.

However, this figure is not an absolute guarantee. Much will depend on whether the drug is drunk correctly. The main condition for their reliability is permanent reception hormonal drugs, which should not be forgotten. Ideally, at the same time of day and without passes.

But what if you forgot to take your birth control pill? Everything will be determined by what kind of drug the doctor prescribed. All hormonal contraceptives are divided, depending on the concentration of the main active substances and their types, into four groups: monophasic, biphasic, triphasic and mini-pills.


They differ in that they contain a single dose of estrogen or progestogen hormones. For example, Jeanine, Regulon or Lindinet.

What to do if I missed 1 birth control pill of a monophasic contraceptive? If a maximum of twelve hours have passed, then you can calmly exhale, nothing terrible has happened, the effect of the contraceptive has been fully preserved. You just need to take another pill as soon as possible.

If more time has passed:

  • When the contraceptive is drunk only the first week, you need to swallow it as soon as possible forgotten pill, even if you have to drink two at once. At the same time, in the next seven days, for greater reliability, it is better to use another method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • If the drug has been drunk for the second week, you will also need to take the forgotten pill as soon as possible, but it is not necessary to use additional protection methods. Of course, provided that it was a single pass.
  • If the third week of admission has gone, then you need to act in the same way as in the first week. The fact is that due to the need for another break between two packages, in the third week the effect of the drug may be weaker than necessary. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and use other methods of contraception.

Seven days of continuous use is required condition for creating reliable protection, no matter what kind of contraceptive you drink. If you had sex during the week before the pass, then it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

If during the required week break after the end of the next pack you do not have your period, rule out the possibility of pregnancy by taking a test and be sure to visit a doctor.


They differ in that they contain a different amount of hormonal substances in tablets intended for administration in the first and second phases. monthly cycle. Such a concentration that changes over the days of the cycle makes biphasic contraceptives more natural for the female body.

An example of such a contraceptive is Anteovin. A feature of biphasic drugs is that a reliable effect develops only in the second half of the cycle. Therefore, when starting to drink such drugs, one must be especially careful. So, what to do if you missed the birth control pill in the case of a biphasic drug?

If this trouble occurred in the first phase of the cycle, then for the next seven days it is better to use an additional method for protection. Forgot to take your birth control pill in the second half of your cycle? Here, as with monophasic contraceptives, everything will be determined by how much time has passed since the skip:

  • If less than 36 hours, then the properties of the drug are fully preserved and you just need to take the missed pill as soon as possible.
  • If more than 36 hours, then the next dragee is also worth drinking, but in this case, the contraceptive effect may not be sufficient. Therefore, it is better to think about additional methods of protection.


Thanks to low content active substances and their changing, by days of administration, quantity, intervention in female body minimum. This means that the unpleasant effects of such medicines occur much less frequently. An example of such funds is Tri-regol or Tri-merci.

If a right time missed in the case of a three-phase contraceptive, but the gap did not exceed twelve hours, then its reliability does not decrease. Again, to maintain this effect, you need to drink the next pill as soon as possible.

If the gap is more than twelve hours, then in any case you need to take the missed dose, and then everything will be determined by what week the drug is drunk in a row:

  • If you missed the birth control pill in the first week, then you will have to use additional protection for the next seven days.
  • In the second week - the main effect of the remedy is preserved, but only if before that all the pills were drunk on time. But if this is not the first pass, then additional methods of protection will also need to be used.
  • The same rules apply for the third week as for the second. That is, if this is the first pass and before that everything was taken on time, the effect of the drug is preserved. If not, then again you need additional method protection.

mini pili

This term refers to a group of drugs containing only one single hormone - progestin, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Another name for this group is progestin preparations. These include, for example, Charosetta or Exkluton.

If you are using a progestin, then in the event of a pass from which less than 12 hours have passed, you need to drink another pill as soon as possible. If more time has passed, then in the next seven days, for a guarantee, it is worth using other methods of contraception.

An additional or barrier method of protection in the case of taking hormonal drugs can be condoms or suppositories with contraceptive action, such as, for example, Pharmatex, Benatex or Patentex Oval.

But funds intended for emergency protection, such as, for example, Escapel, Genale or Postinor, should not be taken for this purpose. They contain too large doses hormones that can cause serious complications.

Each of hormonal drugs has its own characteristics, so be sure to read the instructions before you start drinking it.

What should I do if I suddenly experience vomiting or diarrhea? Again, regardless of the type of drug, its main effect can be reduced. Therefore, the next seven days will have to use other methods for protection.

If more than two doses are missed in a row, then it does not matter which drug was used and in what phase of the cycle you forgot to take it. In any case, the action will not be saved and you will have to start everything from a new package. But only after it comes another menstruation and you will be convinced that in the near future you will not become a mother.

Your risk of getting pregnant after missing a birth control pill depends on how much you forgot to drink birth control pills in a row, and on what cycle day you have now. Usually, manufacturers in the instructions describe the likelihood of pregnancy in case of missing pills, so read the instructions carefully.

If you forgot to start taking the pills from the new pack on time, then just one a day as soon as you remember about them, and use additional contraception (diaphragm or condoms) for the first seven days.

If you miss one tablet, take it as soon as you remember. Then take the next tablet at your usual time. This means that you will have to take two tablets on the same day (or even at the same time). After such a shock dose of hormones, you may feel a little nauseous - do not worry, this normal reaction body, and it passes quickly. You, as in the previous case, will have to use condoms in the coming week.

If you miss two pills in a row during the first two weeks after your period, take two pills as soon as you remember them and take two more pills the next day. After that, take the tablets as usual. Use condoms for the next seven days. You may notice slight spotting after such a failure in taking the pills.

If you missed two pills in the third week menstrual cycle, or if you missed three or more tablets during any of the first three weeks after taking the first tablet, then you should start a new pack of tablets as soon as you realize that you forgot to take birth control pills, and discard the partially used packaging. Take one tablet daily and use condoms for seven days. Be aware that if you start a new pack before you have finished the previous one, you risk not having your period because your hormones will not return to normal (you will not have a "cancellation" week). But you may well have breakthrough bleeding, which usually occur after missing a few tablets.

You do not need to do anything if you miss a pill during the fourth week of the 28-day package combined tablets. These are just “dummy” pills that are just there to keep you in the habit of taking pills every day. The main thing - do not forget to start next package in time!

If you started a new pack late or missed one or more pills and you had unprotected sex, then you should use emergency contraception to reduce the risk of getting pregnant. These drugs include the drugs "Postinor", "Zhenale", "Ginepriston" and "Escapel". They can be used within the first 24-96 hours (up to 4 days) after unprotected intercourse, but they are most effective if used within the first 12 hours. Therefore, it is better for you to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

If you have any doubts about your further action After you forgot to take the birth control pill, do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist - thereby you will reduce the likelihood of onset unwanted pregnancy. If at this time you enter into sexual intercourse Don't forget to use condoms!

If I missed taking the birth control pill, what should I do, do I need to continue taking the drug and is pregnancy possible? Before Appointment oral contraceptives most doctors immediately warn their patients that hormonal contraception is reliable only if the pills are taken on time, without much delay. But still, in the turmoil of days, many women at least sometimes forget to take a contraceptive.

The algorithm for further actions largely depends on the situation, the day of the cycle when the drug was not taken. So, if a woman missed taking the first birth control pill, that is, she was going to use this species contraception, but took the pill only on the second day menstrual bleeding- it's nothing to worry about. According to the instructions, it is allowed to start taking up to the 5th day of the cycle, however, in this case, the next 7-10 days you need to use an additional, barrier or chemical contraception, as it is possible in this situation. Well, after these days, in case strict observance instructions, you can completely relax and surrender to feelings.

If you missed 1 birth control pill, you need to find out what to do from the instructions. If this is the first two weeks of taking the drug, then you just need to take the missed pill as soon as possible and then take protection for several days. If this is the last week of taking the drug, there are 7 or less tablets left, then you need not only to quickly take the missed pill, but also not to take a seven-day break before starting a new package of the drug.

If you missed 2 from the beginning of the cycle, that is, the very first ones, there are several options for the development of events.
1. Continue taking the pills, but protect yourself for the next 10 days.
2. Do not take the drug further. But keep in mind that with the start of admission in the next cycle, there may be side effects, characteristic of the first months of taking a contraceptive, when the body "gets used" to a new hormonal background.
But in any case, there is, albeit a small, probability of pregnancy due to errors in taking the drug. That is, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if you skip the birth control pill does not even require discussion, undoubtedly yes.

And the result of errors in taking the drug can be intermenstrual discharge, sometimes even severe bleeding, when you missed the birth control pill, your period went, but nevertheless you need to finish the package to the end.

And yet what to do if an unplanned conception occurs? Do these hormonal preparations affect the embryo? Doctors say that if a woman misses a birth control pill and becomes pregnant, then it is not necessary to have an abortion. You can leave the child. But, of course, during pregnancy, do not take any contraceptives. If the child is undesirable, it is possible to have an abortion, including medical abortion, if the gestational age allows and there are financial opportunities.

The main reason that most women start taking hormonal contraceptives is the reliable protection against unplanned pregnancy that they provide. Another advantage of this method is its versatility and convenience. True, only if the contraceptive is taken according to all the rules.

How do birth control pills work?

The female cycle is subject to hormones. It is they who determine its duration, the time of onset of ovulation and menstruation. The action of most hormonal contraceptives is based on three mechanisms:

  1. Inhibition of the maturation of the next egg, the result of which is the absence of monthly ovulation.
  2. Thickening of mucus that forms in the cervix. The thicker it is, the more difficult it is for sperm to penetrate inside.
  3. Thinning of the inner mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium, so that the fertilized egg, if this happens suddenly, could not gain a foothold on it.

The onset of ovulation, the concentration of cervical mucus and the thickness of the endometrium are determined by the level of estrogen in the woman's blood and depend on a certain day of the cycle.

Contraceptives artificially maintain the level of hormones at which ovulation and fertilization becomes impossible.

What determines the reliability of contraceptives?

In order for the reliability of funds to be measured and compared, scientists developed the Pearl Index. This is a number that shows the number of pregnant girls out of a hundred who took a particular drug during the year. The lower this figure, the more reliable the contraceptive is considered.

In most modern contraceptives, this indicator is in the region of one. This means that out of a hundred women who constantly use hormonal contraceptives, only one pregnancy happened.

However, this figure is not an absolute guarantee. Much will depend on whether the drug is drunk correctly. The main condition for their reliability is the constant intake of hormonal drugs, which should not be forgotten. Ideally, at the same time of day and without passes.

But what if you forgot to take your birth control pill? Everything will be determined by what kind of drug the doctor prescribed. All hormonal contraceptives are divided, depending on the concentration of the main active substances and their type, into four groups: monophasic, biphasic, triphasic and mini-pills.


They differ in that they contain a single dose of estrogen or progestogen hormones. For example, Jeanine, Regulon or Lindinet.

What to do if I missed 1 birth control pill of a monophasic contraceptive? If a maximum of twelve hours have passed, then you can calmly exhale, nothing terrible has happened, the effect of the contraceptive has been fully preserved. You just need to take another pill as soon as possible.

If more time has passed:

  • When the contraceptive is drunk only the first week, you need to swallow the forgotten pill as soon as possible, even if you have to drink two at once. At the same time, in the next seven days, for greater reliability, it is better to use another method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • If the drug has been drunk for the second week, you will also need to take the forgotten pill as soon as possible, but it is not necessary to use additional protection methods. Of course, provided that it was a single pass.
  • If the third week of admission has gone, then you need to act in the same way as in the first week. The fact is that due to the need for another break between two packages, in the third week the effect of the drug may be weaker than necessary. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and use other methods of contraception.

Seven days of continuous use is a prerequisite for creating reliable protection, no matter what kind of birth control you drink. If you had sex during the week before the pass, then it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

If during the required week break after the end of the next pack you do not have your period, rule out the possibility of pregnancy by taking a test and be sure to visit a doctor.


They differ in that they contain a different amount of hormonal substances in tablets intended for administration in the first and second phases of the monthly cycle. Such a concentration that changes over the days of the cycle makes biphasic contraceptives more natural for the female body.

An example of such a contraceptive is Anteovin. A feature of biphasic drugs is that a reliable effect develops only in the second half of the cycle. Therefore, when starting to drink such drugs, one must be especially careful. So, what to do if you missed the birth control pill in the case of a biphasic drug?

If this trouble occurred in the first phase of the cycle, then for the next seven days it is better to use an additional method for protection. Forgot to take your birth control pill in the second half of your cycle? Here, as with monophasic contraceptives, everything will be determined by how much time has passed since the skip:

  • If less than 36 hours, then the properties of the drug are fully preserved and you just need to take the missed pill as soon as possible.
  • If more than 36 hours, then the next dragee is also worth drinking, but in this case, the contraceptive effect may not be sufficient. Therefore, it is better to think about additional methods of protection.


Due to the low content of active substances and their changing quantity, according to the days of administration, the intervention in the female body is minimal. This means that the unpleasant effects of such drugs occur much less frequently. An example of such funds is Tri-regol or Tri-merci.

If the right time is missed in the case of a three-phase contraceptive, but the gap does not exceed twelve hours, then its reliability does not decrease. Again, to maintain this effect, you need to drink the next pill as soon as possible.

If the gap is more than twelve hours, then in any case you need to take the missed dose, and then everything will be determined by what week the drug is drunk in a row:

  • If you missed the birth control pill in the first week, then you will have to use additional protection for the next seven days.
  • In the second week - the main effect of the remedy is preserved, but only if before that all the pills were drunk on time. But if this is not the first pass, then additional methods of protection will also need to be used.
  • The same rules apply for the third week as for the second. That is, if this is the first pass and before that everything was taken on time, the effect of the drug is preserved. If not, then again an additional method of protection will be needed.

mini pili

This term refers to a group of drugs containing only one single hormone - progestin, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Another name for this group is progestin preparations. These include, for example, Charosetta or Exkluton.

If you are using a progestin, then in the event of a pass from which less than 12 hours have passed, you need to drink another pill as soon as possible. If more time has passed, then in the next seven days, for a guarantee, it is worth using other methods of contraception.

An additional or barrier method of protection in the case of taking hormonal drugs can be condoms or candles with a contraceptive effect, such as, for example, Pharmatex, Benatex or Patentex Oval.

But funds intended for emergency protection, such as, for example, Escapelle, Genale or Postinor, should not be taken for this purpose. They contain too large doses of hormones that can provoke serious complications.

Each of the hormonal drugs has its own characteristics, so be sure to read the instructions before you start drinking it.

What should I do if I suddenly experience vomiting or diarrhea? Again, regardless of the type of drug, its main effect can be reduced. Therefore, the next seven days will have to use other methods for protection.

If more than two doses are missed in a row, then it does not matter which drug was used and in what phase of the cycle you forgot to take it. In any case, the action will not be saved and you will have to start everything from a new package. But only after the next menstruation comes and you are convinced that in the near future you will not become a mother.

The effectiveness of contraceptives depends on how timely and regularly they are taken. If a woman forgot to take a birth control pill, and remembered about it only after some time, this can have certain consequences. The result will depend on how much time has passed since the last dose, as well as on female cycle.

The sequence of actions when skipping hormonal contraceptives

If a woman notices that she has lost her birth control pill and missed the required period of taking, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Calm down and don't panic. The solution to the problem must be taken consciously and calmly, no matter how much time has passed since the woman did not take the birth control pill on time.
  2. Take the missed remedy as soon as possible.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the instructions for the drug. It usually tells you exactly what to do if a woman forgets to take her last birth control pill.
  4. If the instructions could not be found, then it is necessary to act depending on which type of contraceptive is used, combined with a placebo or the main one, as well as on the cycle and period since the last dose.

Duration of the pass and possible consequences

If a woman missed taking a birth control pill and no more than 8 hours have passed since the scheduled time of taking, then there is nothing to worry about, the effect will continue.

It happens that you forgot that you had already taken the pill and drank an extra birth control pill, and then found out that it turned out that you had already taken the medicine. This option does not threaten with special consequences, and in most cases there are no side effects. However, it must be remembered that the subsequent dose should take place at the appointed time, regardless of the fact that a double dose of the drug was taken the day before. In this case, the package of the drug will simply end a day earlier than planned. But such experiments on the body are extremely dangerous, and you can’t abuse it; use an additional calendar (electronic or regular) to remember. In any case, if a woman has forgotten to take a birth control pill, then she should do this immediately after she remembers this, since time plays a key role here.

If a woman missed one pill of birth control, then after the next dose, the course can be continued as usual. If a woman missed 2 birth control pills or more, then by the time the next cycle, in parallel with this, other types of contraceptives (condoms, spermicides) should be used, since the reliability of this option is significantly reduced. The tool gives a high result only when it is taken for at least 7 days.

It should also be taken into account that the body reacts sharply to late reception the drug, while lowering the level of hormones. That is why many are interested in the question of what to do if you missed the birth control pill and menstruation began. In this case, the drug should be taken further, despite the presence. If the period has not come, but it is necessary to check for the possibility of pregnancy.

emergency measures

If a missed contraceptive was detected and sexual intercourse took place without any other means of protection, then additional protective measures may be necessary. If a woman forgot to take a birth control pill and less than 12 hours have passed since that moment, then the remedy should be taken immediately, and next tablet must be taken at the appointed time. In this case, it may happen that in one day it will need to be done twice.

If two contraceptive pills are missed, then within 72 hours you need to use special emergency funds, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Similar drugs in most cases have certain side effects, which is quite normal considering loading dose hormones. A list of possible consequences can be found through the instructions for the drug.

If a woman missed 3 birth control pills, then no matter what period of the cycle she is now in, it is necessary to take emergency contraception. The risk of getting pregnant in this case is quite high, and the drug will need to be started from the very beginning - with the onset of the next menstruation.

The effectiveness of contraceptives depends on how timely and regularly they are taken. If a woman forgot to take a birth control pill, and remembered about it only after some time, this can have certain consequences. The result will depend on how much time has passed since the last dose, as well as on the female cycle.

The sequence of actions when skipping hormonal contraceptives

If a woman notices that she has lost her birth control pill and missed the required period of taking, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Calm down and don't panic. The solution to the problem must be taken consciously and calmly, no matter how much time has passed since the woman did not take the birth control pill on time.
  2. Take the missed remedy as soon as possible.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the instructions for the drug. It usually tells you exactly what to do if a woman forgets to take her last birth control pill.
  4. If the instructions could not be found, then it is necessary to act depending on which type of contraceptive is used, combined with a placebo or the main one, as well as on the cycle and period since the last dose.

Duration of the pass and possible consequences

If a woman missed taking a birth control pill and no more than 8 hours have passed since the scheduled time of taking, then there is nothing to worry about, the effect will continue.

It happens that you forgot that you had already taken the pill and drank an extra birth control pill, and then found out that it turned out that you had already taken the medicine. This option does not threaten with special consequences, and in most cases there are no side effects. However, it must be remembered that the subsequent dose should take place at the appointed time, regardless of the fact that a double dose of the drug was taken the day before. In this case, the package of the drug will simply end a day earlier than planned. But such experiments on the body are extremely dangerous, and you can’t abuse it; use an additional calendar (electronic or regular) to remember. In any case, if a woman has forgotten to take a birth control pill, then she should do this immediately after she remembers this, since time plays a key role here.

If a woman missed one pill of birth control, then after the next dose, the course can be continued as usual. If a woman missed 2 birth control pills or more, then by the time the next cycle begins, other types of contraceptives (condoms, spermicides) should be used in parallel, since the reliability of this option is significantly reduced. The tool gives a high result only when it is taken for at least 7 days.

It should also take into account the fact that the body reacts sharply to the untimely intake of the drug, while reducing the level of hormones. That is why many are interested in the question of what to do if you missed the birth control pill and menstruation began. In this case, the drug should be taken further, despite the presence spotting. If the period has not come, but it is necessary to check for the possibility of pregnancy.

emergency measures

If a missed contraceptive was detected and sexual intercourse took place without any other means of protection, then additional protective measures may be necessary. If a woman forgot to take a birth control pill and less than 12 hours have passed since that moment, then the remedy should be taken immediately, and the next pill should be taken at the appointed time. In this case, it may happen that in one day it will need to be done twice.

If you missed two birth control pills, then within 72 hours you need to use special by emergency means which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Such drugs in most cases have certain side effects, which is quite normal, given the loading dose of hormones. With a list possible consequences can be found through the instructions for the drug.

If a woman missed 3 birth control pills, then no matter what period of her cycle she is now, it is necessary to take emergency contraception. The risk of getting pregnant in this case is quite high, and the drug will need to be started from the very beginning - with the onset of the next menstruation.

It should also be taken into account the fact that if the missed contraceptive pill is repeated repeatedly, then it is better to make a choice in the direction of another contraceptive, since this option is clearly not suitable. If a woman did not take a birth control pill at the right time, then following the above instructions will help to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. The nature of the action depends on the amount of time that has passed since the last dose of the drug, as well as on the female cycle. In any case, the remedy should be taken immediately after the failure has been detected. If you miss taking the birth control pill only once and for a short time, then this will not have consequences. If similar situations occur often, that is, it makes sense to choose another contraceptive, because no matter how effective the drug is, it gives the result only in the case of consistent and regular use.

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