During menstruation, large blood clots are released. Are periods with blood clots considered normal?

Menstruation over time for every woman becomes something ordinary, something that comes once a month, and you just need to go through it. But when clots appear during menstruation and other changes, many women begin to sound the alarm.

Let's figure it out together, during menstruation - is this the norm or a pathology, and at the same time decide how to act in such a situation.

Most women know that the discharge during menstruation is the secret of the uterine gland and blood. In addition to these components, menstrual flow contains pieces of the endometrium and vaginal epithelium.

When a woman moves, secretions and blood are regularly shed. If the female body is at rest (sleeping, sitting, lying down, etc.), then the blood begins to leave the vagina more slowly, collects there and coagulates. From this, clots are formed during menstruation. These accumulations are the waste material of the egg.

Basically, menstrual flow is abundant and thick, because the enzymes responsible for thinning the blood do not have time to do their job. This is how clots appear in menstruation, a small amount in the menstrual blood of which doctors consider normal.

Blood clots appear during menstruation and in those women who are inserted. These clots are part of the egg that has been fertilized, but is washed away during menstruation.

Together with not so much blood as it might seem at first glance. In addition, all of it is compensated by the body, so there can be no large blood loss here. The color of the clots is usually dark red, more intense than menstrual blood.

But if the clots are abundant and accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a gynecologist, as these signs may signal endometriosis. This is a female disease, the cause of which can be smoking, and abortions, and alcohol, and hormonal failure, and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, and much more. A symptom of this disease can also be blood clots after menstruation. Only a doctor can recognize this disease with your timely visit. A timely analysis of smears, blood and urine taken from you, an ultrasound examination will help the gynecologist correctly diagnose your illness, prescribe timely treatment and procedures so that deviations in your health do not become chronic. It is possible that you will need a blood test for clotting. With early diagnosis of your disease, you can guarantee a complete cure.

If the appearance of clots is also accompanied by a feeling of severe fatigue, severe bleeding, loss of strength, then your first step is to see a doctor for examination and examination.

The bend of the uterus, thrombosis, an excess of B vitamins can also cause bleeding during menstruation with clots.

If you suddenly have previously unseen clots during menstruation, similar to the "liver", an unpleasant smell, decreased efficiency, there is a reason to visit a gynecologist. After all, these signs can indicate a serious pathology of the body as a whole and the reproductive system in particular.

Clots during menstruation can also indicate an early miscarriage, when pregnancy is still difficult to determine. Then their color may be slightly yellow or gray, since the fetal egg comes out with clots, which the body has rejected.

So let's sum up our conversation. If your periods are regular, with small blood clots in the discharge, you should not ring the bell of concern. A doctor should be consulted if menstruation is accompanied by heavy bleeding, severe pain, irritability and fatigue.

If menstruation does not go as usual, a woman has anxiety. Many faced such a problem as blood clots during menstruation.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - from changes in lifestyle to the development of pathological conditions in the reproductive system of the female body.

Normally, every month in the body of a woman, an egg matures, capable of further fertilization. The reproductive organs begin to prepare for a possible pregnancy, specific hormones are produced, and as a result, the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, thickens.

If conception does not occur, there is a decrease in hormone production. As a result, the blood supply to the tissues of the uterine cavity decreases and rejection of the endometrium begins, which goes out through the genital tract. This is the monthly discharge, which includes blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium.

Blood clots during menstruation

If menstruation begins with blood clots, the reasons may be different, and this is not always a pathology. Normally, discharge during menstruation should not be liquid, their color and consistency are also different.

Especially abundant blood clots during menstruation are observed when the position of the body changes, for example, when a woman gets up from a chair or rises from a lying state.

The reason is that in a stationary position lying or sitting, blood stagnates in the uterus, which gradually coagulates. Therefore, menstruation comes out with blood clots, which in this case cannot be called a pathology.

Nature also provided for the behavior of a woman's body during menstruation. During this period, special enzymes are produced that perform the action of anticoagulants, that is, they stop the rapid blood clotting.

However, when enzymes are not able to quickly perform their function. Therefore, blood clots come out during menstruation, the reasons in this case are completely harmless.

Signs of pathology

Why do blood clots come out during menstruation, we found out. But this is not always the norm. In some cases, a woman should be wary, for example, when she sees blood clots during menstruation, similar to the liver.

The volume of discharge during menstruation is usually no more than 250 ml. With the following symptoms, a woman should definitely consult a doctor:

  • excessively heavy menstruation, turning into bleeding;
  • menses are accompanied;
  • secretions come out;
  • prolonged menstruation.

The reasons

Consider the main reasons why menstruation deviates from the norm:

  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus. This disease is one of the most common causes that provoke large pieces of coagulated blood in the monthly discharge. The condition can develop as a result of diabetes, obesity, hypertension.
  • Myoma of the uterus. This is a benign tumor, as a result of which it occurs. In the disease, the discharge is often very profuse, containing clots.
  • Hormonal imbalance. If there is a malfunction in the hormonal system, heavy menstruation is likely, sometimes.
  • Endometriosis. The endometrium from the uterine cavity grows further, passing to other organs. Menstruation is characterized by profusion, irregularity, the woman experiences severe pain.
  • Polyps. In this case, the tissue of the uterine cavity grows like polyps.
  • Navy. An intrauterine device, which is placed for contraception, can be perceived by the body as a foreign body. As a result, the discharge contains pieces of coagulated blood.
  • Curettage and childbirth. Within a month after childbirth or surgery, menstrual flow may be pathological. Abundant discharge with clots may be accompanied by fever. First of all, the remains of fragments of the placenta in the uterus should be excluded.
  • . This condition is characterized by profuse discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  • Rolling problems. In this situation, the blood begins to immediately clot in the uterine cavity, since the enzymes that prevent hemocoagulation do not work.
  • Taking medications for If a woman self-medicates and takes pills or Norkolut with, heavy periods may appear. The reason may be that the delay is not associated with a progesterone deficiency.
  • Inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Colds, as well as SARS.
  • Excessive amount of vitamin B in the body of a woman.

When is a visit to the doctor necessary?

If there are large clots in the discharge, a woman needs to go to the doctor. It is especially worth hurrying if menstruation is accompanied by severe, unusual pain, and is also prolonged and excessively plentiful.

Situations when a visit to a gynecologist cannot be postponed:

  • duration of heavy menstruation for more than 7 days;
  • clots in the discharge are accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • menstruation causes severe pain;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy, in this situation, discharge with clots may indicate a miscarriage.

Let's summarize the above. Blood clots during menstruation are normal if a woman does not feel other changes in her well-being. However, if heavy bleeding contains large clots, has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by severe pain, which has not happened before, this is a reason to see a doctor without delay. The doctor will prescribe an examination to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

Painful menstruation video

Abundant discharge, which is accompanied by pain and blood clots, is considered a sign of various diseases. Careful examination and timely treatment is necessary to avoid serious consequences and complications.

The physiological norm of blood loss during menstruation

Every woman should know the rate of monthly blood discharge in order to identify pathologies in time and start treatment if necessary. The volume must be considered individually, based on the physiological characteristics of the body.

On average, this value ranges from 25 to 50 g per day. This means that in 5 days a woman normally loses up to 250 g.

The blood has a dull burgundy color and a specific smell. The composition of menstruation also includes: mucus, parts of the endometrium, the remnants of the egg.

Sometimes a small amount of clots can be found in the monthly discharge. If such a phenomenon is not accompanied by heavy bleeding and pain, then this is a variant of the norm. These clots are particles of an unfertilized egg or blood that has clotted into the vagina. Also, clots can appear when using an intrauterine device.

At the initial stage of menstruation or in the last days, there may not be abundant discharge of a darker color with a milky smell, this is also a variant of the norm if they do not last more than 2 days. Discharge that lasts longer than this period or occurs outside of menstruation can be a symptom of a serious illness and serve as a reason to visit a gynecologist.

It's important to know! Too abundant discharge, especially with blood clots, uncharacteristic of normal menstruation, and aching pain in the lower abdomen - are symptoms of intrauterine bleeding that cannot be stopped. It happens both with an ectopic pregnancy and with excessive stress on the body, for example, during active physical exercises.

Causes of menstruation with blood clots

When heavy periods begin with blood clots, how to stop them without resorting to gynecological operations and taking potent drugs every time, only a doctor can answer, based on the results of the examination and tests.

It is necessary to regularly attend a consultation and undergo examinations, to exclude diseases that can cause deviations:

  • Disruptions in the hormonal system- are the cause of monthly discharge with clots. This problem will help to solve the endocrinologist. An examination is prescribed and, in case of violations, hormonal preparations are prescribed by the doctor to normalize the level of hormones.
  • endometriosis- the endometrium grows outside the uterus and causes periods that last longer than normal, are much more abundant and are accompanied by painful sensations. In cases of late detection of the disease, the endometrium can also grow into the walls of neighboring organs, for example, into the intestines. The way out of this situation is surgery.
  • polyps can also cause heavy periods with blood clots. How to stop the further growth of a polyp in the uterine cavity, the doctor will tell you. This will help a simple operation to remove.
  • Incorrect development of the uterus- due to the abnormal structure of the uterus, it can be difficult for the blood to flow out during menstruation, and some of the secretions coagulate even in the cavity of the organ. Typically, women with this pathology have heavy and painful periods.
  • infections- Abundant clots during menstruation occur with various infections. These are venereal diseases, and common colds, which are accompanied by high fever.
  • Blood clotting problems also cause this phenomenon. . You can stop such bleeding with special preparations, which are produced both in the form of tablets and in solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

A benign tumor - fibroids, can cause pathologically heavy periods and disruption of the cycle. Blood clots can be large. How to stop this process, a gynecologist can explain. After passing the tests and according to the results of the ultrasound, he will prescribe treatment. The indication for surgery is considered to be a fibroid the size of the uterus more than 13 weeks of pregnancy.

How to stop periods with blood clots

It is easy to distinguish monthly discharge with a normal content of clots from pathology (heavy periods with blood clots). If such periods bring inconvenience, pain and decreased performance, up to the inability to perform normal daily activities and duties, it is necessary to study the causes as best as possible and influence their stop.

It's important to know! Uterine bleeding cannot be stopped at home. Therefore, if excessive discharge is suspected, self-medication can be harmful.

To independently determine blood loss during a heavy discharge, it is enough to observe for what period of time the pad or tampon needs to be changed.

If in 1.5 hours or less, then it is necessary to take a hemostatic agent, and at the end of menstruation, take an analysis for hemoglobin. Normally, it should be - 120 and above. If lower, we can talk about iron deficiency in the body. The reason for this may be the pathological course of menstruation. The danger of such blood loss and iron deficiency is in the development of hypothyroidism.

How to stop heavy periods with blood clots


Note! Only a qualified gynecologist, after a thorough examination, will be able to choose treatment with pharmaceutical preparations that will correspond to the characteristics of the course of menstruation individually for each woman.

As a first aid kit every woman should have:

Folk remedies to stop heavy periods

Be careful! You can use folk remedies when menstruation does not cause dizziness, severe pain, small blood clots, then you can stop such bleeding with the help of herbs.

Cherry twigs They are good remedies for heavy periods with blood clots. How to cook to stop bleeding: cut branches should be washed, poured with boiling water and left to infuse for several hours, dilute the broth with water and take 2 r a day for half a glass.
Infusion of acorns It will also have a good effect to stop heavy periods.
Willow bark and wormwood Brew a few tablespoons of 1 liter of water and drink 100 g 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
Horsetail It has a good anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to use as a preventive measure and for treatment.

An infusion of acorns is considered an effective remedy for stopping heavy periods.

How to distinguish menstruation from other types of bleeding

The main distinguishing feature of menstruation from bleeding is discharge, which began right on time and does not cause doubt in a woman.

Abundant periods can be considered a sign of bleeding, in which blood is possible, both with clots and without them, which cannot be stopped on their own, and they do not coincide with the normal cycle of menstruation. Next, you need to compare the volume of blood released with the usual volume, if the amount of blood is normal, there is no reason for concern.

You should also pay attention to the duration and color of the discharge.. Ordinary periods go, on average, 5 days and have a dark color. A bright scarlet color usually occurs with bleeding. The presence of severe pain, poor health, duration of more than 10 days, liquid consistency of discharge, fatigue and weakness indicate a pathological development of the situation.

Abundant periods with blood clots can be the cause of pathology. You can stop the discharge with both medicines and folk remedies. However, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

When Doctor's Help Is Needed

You should seek medical help if:

  • Abundant periods become regular and have a lot of blood clots. Such phenomena can cause a malignant tumor, and prolonged delay in the examination can be fatal.
  • When monthly discharge is so strong that you have to change the gasket every 30 minutes. This is a very alarming symptom that requires immediate medical attention.
  • If menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, which do not remove even painkillers, and are accompanied by vomiting and fever.
  • Seeking a doctor is necessary if when a woman is anemic. Large blood losses every month are ways to cause irreparable damage to health.
  • An immediate indication for medical attention is bleeding after a long delay menstruation, especially if large clots are released. Possible ectopic pregnancy, cyst rupture or miscarriage.
  • Abundant discharge during menopause, which are accompanied by pain and temperature, should also be a reason to see a doctor.

Only regular visits to the gynecologist, an ultrasound examination and the delivery of the necessary tests can prevent heavy periods and the consequences that they can bring.

Useful videos about menstruation with blood clots. What is important to know

Abundant periods with blood clots - causes:

How to STOP MONTHS. Bleeding during menstruation. If they have already begun. Blood clots:

About all the features of very painful periods:

Clots come out during menstruation

Since ancient times, women have been interested in everything related to the function of childbearing, and any unusual sensations caused anxiety and excitement: is everything all right?
This is happening at the present time, women are very reverent and careful about their body, and they cannot but be worried about such a phenomenon as the presence of blood clots during menstruation.

Causes of clot formation

To understand the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to have at least an elementary idea of ​​​​how the uterus is anatomically arranged.
The uterus is a hollow muscular organ in which the fetus develops during pregnancy, consists of three layers: the endometrium - the layer lining the uterus from the inside, the myometrium - the muscle layer itself, and the perimetry - the membrane that covers the uterus.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens and loosens, ready to receive a fertilized egg. And if pregnancy does not occur, then, as one of the scientists poetically put it, "the uterus cries bloody tears," that is, endometrial rejection occurs, accompanied by bleeding. During menstruation, a woman's body loses about a glass of blood. The discharge lasts from 3 to 5 days and its color varies from bright red, dark cherry or brownish and has a specific smell. With abundant discharge, clots ranging in size from 3 mm to 3 cm usually appear, which indicates that the enzymatic system responsible for blood clotting does not cope with its task, and the blood partially clots already in the vagina. So most of the time there is no cause for concern.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

1. If, in addition to heavy periods with blood clots, you feel general malaise, dizziness, decreased performance, you have pale skin, then you should think about the need to take a blood test and seek medical help. You most likely have iron deficiency anemia. Self-medication is not worth it. Adequately prescribed by a doctor, iron preparations will cope with the disease in 1-2 months.

2. If you are thinking about the birth of a baby, you stop using protection, and during the menstrual cycle you have yellowish-gray spotting with clots - this may indicate an abortion, rejection of the fetal egg, that is, a miscarriage. In this case, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.

3. Normally, menstruation occurs regularly, lasts 3-5 days, moderately painful and moderately abundant. In this case, the appearance of clots is not a cause for concern. But if you are worried about abundant bloody discharge with clots and severe pain, then you should contact a gynecologist, take tests and do an ultrasound scan, because. this may indicate hormonal disorders, an inflammatory process, or the presence of a serious disease - endometriosis.

4. Blood clots can be observed in the menstrual flow of women who are protected from unwanted pregnancy by means of an intrauterine device, they are part of a fertilized egg that leaves the uterine cavity when bleeding.

5. Curvature of the uterus, an excess of B vitamins, increased thrombus formation can also be the cause of heavy menstrual flow with clots.

6. Abundant menstruation with clots can be observed in women in the postpartum period. This indicates a pathology such as incomplete rejection of the placenta or poor contraction of the uterus. In any case, a visit to a doctor and treatment is required.


The appearance of blood clots during menstruation can be triggered by any reason, even an increase in body temperature during colds, but if this bothers you, then you need to consult a doctor, do tests and ultrasound, which will help to exclude or, conversely, identify violations, get recommendations , treatment, as well as answers to all questions.

Blood clots in semen

Blood clots in the semen or hemospermia occur at almost any age, however, depending on age, it is possible to assume a benign or malignant nature of this symptom. As a rule, hemospermia is not dangerous.

During menstruation, a large clot came out

Women's health is somewhat reminiscent of a cobweb - incredibly strong, but at the same time fragile and airy. For many, an indicator of intimate health is the nature of menstrual bleeding. A woman begins to suspect violations in the functioning of the pelvic organs when obvious changes occur in the menstrual cycle.

Blood clots in stool

In recent years, more and more doctors of various specialties are faced with "blood in the stool". Whether it is a one-year-old child or an old grandmother, blood clots in the feces can be observed in all age groups of the population with the same probability. Many people, having discovered blood clots in their stools, are in no hurry to see a doctor about this. Although, as a rule, the presence of blood in the stool is a very "alarming" symptom. But let's talk about everything in order.

Clots in the spermogram - causes, treatment and consequences

The main study of the reproductive function of men, which does not require any intervention, is called a spermogram. To pass such an analysis, it is necessary to undergo some preparation, because in this type of study, a violation of one of the points of preparation is fraught with an incorrect interpretation of the results, and, as a result, an incorrect diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Periods after vacuum aspiration

A sign of the normalization of the activity of the female genital organs, first of all, is the menstrual function. Only when the normal cycle of menstruation is restored can a woman breathe calmly again.

Abundant periods with clots

Menstrual flow is different for every woman. Normally, from 20 to 60 ml of blood is secreted per day, this volume is very individual. Blood loss of more than 60 ml per day - this is considered heavy menstruation, this condition may require an examination by a specialist. It is especially recommended to consult a doctor if you find blood clots in your period.

Why do periods go in clumps

The menstrual cycle is a fairly complex biologically repeating process that prepares a woman's body for pregnancy. The two main processes that occur in a healthy woman's body during the menstrual cycle are ovulation and menstruation.

Prolonged periods with clots

The first menstruation in girls begins at the age of 12-15. If by this age, they never came, it is worth thinking about some physiological disorders in the body. The course of the cycle for each girl can go differently: for someone it is abundant, for someone it is moderate. With fairly severe pain or no significant sensations at all. Have a brown color, or the color may be bright red or scarlet.

All the women of the world are already accustomed to menstruation. How many would like to get rid of them for good, but nothing can be done here. And in general, it is, first of all, an indicator of women's health. Their character should be systematic, constant and adjusted, without failures and deviations. That is why it is so important to understand the very process of critical days.

When deviations occur, for example, heavy periods with clots, then you need to understand what is normal and what is pathology.

The first day of menstruation determines the beginning of a new period of the menstrual cycle. In the first 3-7 days of the cycle, the endometrial layer is shed and leaves the vagina in the form of bloody discharge. Sometimes, during menstruation, clots come out - this is the tissue of the walls of the uterus.

When the discharge ends, the body again begins to prepare for a possible conception. Then in the body there is an increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. They are responsible for building up the walls of the uterus (endometrium).

With a positive result of fertilization, she will be responsible for a favorable environment for the embryo, for useful nutrients and to deliver oxygen to the embryo. For these reasons, the endometrium increases significantly in thickness.

And if the conception did not happen, then the entire increased volume loses its meaning, the walls peel off and the matter comes out with the blood. It happens that the endometrium exfoliates with large bast shoes and then menstruation with pieces is obtained.

Blood clots during menstruation are cumulative. That is, they usually collect in the uterus and begin to clot when a woman is in a sitting position or lying down for a long time. And with a sharp rise in the body, the clots come out. All this is considered normal.

When pieces with blood speak of deviations

During menstruation, blood clots are normal. But if the pieces are very large and menstruation is plentiful, you should be wary.

There are also deviations from the norm. It is known that during menstruation the volume of blood released is from 150-250 ml, a woman changes the pad as usual.

Situations where menstruation:

  • come out in big chunks:
  • too long go in large quantities

indicates certain problems. And then all this should alert the woman and force her to seek help from a highly qualified specialist.

Causes of menstruation with clots

Menstruation with clots can be the norm, or it can be a pathology. The main thing is to understand when it is worth contacting a gynecologist.

If we talk about the reasons for such secretions, then various serious diseases can be hidden here, which entail very big health problems.

Finding the cause of the clots, it will be possible to understand why they appeared.

Possible reasons include:

  • Women's hormonal imbalances. Hormones are an integral part of the menstrual cycle. , progesterone is involved in all processes associated with the cycle: first in the preparatory process (possible fertilization), and then, if conception does not occur, in the process of spotting. Of course, when the hormone somewhere does not fulfill its task or does not perform on time, then the whole body experiences stress. It may look like a late period with blood clots. Hormones can also be affected by: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, brain. Disruptions in the hormonal background can occur in women during menopause. Then there is a huge restructuring of the whole organism under the new regime, and therefore a woman is prescribed a hormone substitute during such a period.
  • Abortion, miscarriage, curettage- all this can cause blood clots during menstruation. The consequence of blood clots is injury to the walls of the uterus. During abortion and curettage, pieces of the endometrium may indicate incomplete cleansing of the fetus. With a miscarriage, they usually happen. Often a girl does not even know about her interesting situation, because pregnancy failure occurs at the very beginning of the cycle, after a short delay, menstruation begins. In such cases, the discharge is different from the usual. Of course, it would be nice to go through to make sure the uterus is clean.
  • Birth of a child. Immediately after childbirth, the woman comes out. These are strong discharges and large clots, which is normal. Within a month, 1.5 months, they should come to naught. Situations when the temperature rises, the head begins to spin until you lose consciousness, you should immediately consult a doctor. The reason may be hidden in the incomplete exit of the placenta.
  • Restoration of the monthly cycle after childbirth. It is clear that menstruation does not come immediately, and at first they will not go systematically. But after about 6 months, the cycle must improve.
  • Contraception - intrauterine device. One of the most used methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Especially, this method is popular among women who have given birth, and the intrauterine device is allowed to be placed after childbirth, when 6 months have passed. She is placed in the uterine cavity, and then the woman lives with her, as usual. There is, of course, individual intolerance, but in general it does not cause discomfort.

In the first months after the establishment of an intrauterine device, menstruation may be more abundant than usual. Menstruation is also common, the clots of which have a considerable shape - this is all related to normal recovery.

Against the background of all this, additional types of ailments may appear: weakness, dizziness, physical fatigue.

It is possible that between the cycle small ones will go along with pieces of uterine tissue, and the bleeding process will last more than 7 days.

Usually, after 3 months, everything returns to normal. If this does not happen, then this is a reason to start taking tests to establish the cause of such processes.

Cases where menstruation can be very profuse and with clots:

  • When heavy periods with clots, the reasons may be hiding in a banal viral infection, ARVI, infectious disease, at elevated body temperature.
  • It is not known how many symptoms there are, but it can be said for sure that having pieces of the endometrium with brown daub and painful pains in the lower abdomen, it is worth coming for an ultrasound scan and making sure of the diagnosis or refuting it.
  • Why over measure of vitamin B in the body leads to such consequences as blood clots, it is not clear, but it is a fact.
  • Disturbances in the circulatory system and its regulation are also one of the causes associated with pieces of blood that come out with menstruation.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvis begins to appear at an early age. Even then, menstruation goes along with bast shoes of blood. But most often in this disease there is mucus with bloody discharge. At the very beginning, menstruation is plentiful, over time they are aggravated by pain.
  • Among the causes, the leading place is occupied by diseases associated with the female genital organs. - a benign tumor. Her symptoms are "generous" critical days and "generous" pieces of blood, and no other signs. That is what makes her so dangerous. If the fibroid is not cured in time, it can develop into a malignant tumor. The treatment for this problem is to take the course or remove it. So uterine fibroids need to be identified as early as possible.
  • polyps. They appear on the walls of the uterus in the form of small neoplasms and can interfere with the normal course of menstruation.
  • . The symptoms of this disease are as follows: an irregular cycle, the number of days of spotting increases, the critical days themselves are thicker and have clots of stagnant blood. Why does this happen, because with the growth of the endometrium on the walls of the uterus, its amount goes beyond. And when there is a rejection of the endometrium, large pieces of tissue are obtained. It is necessary to monitor such a condition so that endometriosis does not develop into a chronic form and the deplorable effect of infertility does not turn out.
  • Malformation of the uterus (bend, double uterus, septum, etc.). Usually this problem is caused by genetic features. Sometimes, in such cases, the cycle remains normal, and in some cases there may be failures. Often such critical days are painful, blood flow is difficult and as a result - pieces of matter with menstruation.
  • Clotted menstruation may be due to taking drugs aimed at inducing bleeding.

How many reasons have spotting with pieces can be seen from the above, but in any case, the situation must be solved with the help of treatment and not independent, but professional.

Reading your body's signals

A woman notices the slightest changes in the menstrual cycle immediately. It can be menstruation ahead of time or, conversely, a delay.

The nature of the bleeding is also noticeable by the number of pads or tampons used. And she will immediately notice the blood clots that come out with menstrual blood, even if nothing hurts.

In the case of the following symptoms in a woman, you should consult a doctor for help:

  • The duration of menstruation is more than a week, and they are profuse;
  • Situations when a girl wants to conceive a child, and after trying to get pregnant, menstruation behaves uncharacteristically for ordinary ones. All this may indicate a miscarriage;
  • If the bleeding has an unpleasant odor and huge frequent pieces of the endometrium;
  • Severe pain during the red days of the calendar, and not only red ones, can indicate either hormonal disruptions.
  • And, when the clots of menstruation and the discharge themselves have a dark color, then you should look for pathology in the female body. Of course, such deviations are considered normal when a woman is recovering from childbirth, as well as when she has a high body temperature. But when the situation repeats itself repeatedly, it is not good. Miscarriage, tumor growths - this is what can cause darkening of the blood.

So you should carefully monitor your red days of the calendar. Maybe you should look at photos on the Internet in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir appearance and not ask yourself: “why do I have such discharge?”

And in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention, dear women, blood clots are considered normal, but only if they do not exceed the norm. All suspicious symptoms should be discussed in the gynecologist's office. And then each of you will have excellent female health.

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