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Haven't you booked a cook for your banquet yet? Well, nice! But usually everyone does this so that they don’t suffer with the menu, buying food, cooking. Someone is afraid to disappoint guests, someone does not want to burden themselves with chores - there are many reasons. Are you not from the timid ten? Then sit back and choose what you want to cook for the feast.

We offer you recipes for a banquet that can be prepared quickly and easily. You will also find difficult, but very tasty banquet dishes (but the game is worth the candle, especially if you want to see the surprise on the faces of the tasters).

Help for those in doubt

All delicious culinary recipes for preparing dishes for a banquet presented on our resource are published with a photo or video so that you can see all the cooking steps.

For culinary beginners and those who are afraid to miss important moments in the process of creating a culinary masterpiece, we offer video recipes. Visualization plays a very important role, especially if you prefer to first see the process of preparing banquet dishes, and then cook them yourself.

Do not hand over to others what you can do yourself. Set the banquet table with your inspiration and our help!

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Hot dishes for birthday

The most popular holiday dish in our area, the recipes of which are known to many housewives, is chicken with potatoes in the oven. I share a good and simple recipe for cooking chicken with potatoes with a photo.

Hashbrown is a popular American potato dish that is very simple and easy to prepare. We need potatoes, butter and onions. And we will cook in the oven and on the stove. Go!

A popular and very tasty dish of baked meat with potatoes under a beautiful melted cheese crust. Meat in French with potatoes - this is something you should definitely try!

For you - a recipe for cutlets in Kiev with a photo. Kiev cutlets made from beaten chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most common chops, only baked with cheese. Nothing to do with French cuisine. But most importantly, it's delicious!

For me, there is nothing tastier and more satisfying than a well-cooked meatloaf. Meatloaf is a real celebration of life for lovers of meat and meat products. Sharing a proven recipe! :)

Beef goulash is a classic Hungarian dish. For me, this is both soup and the second. You can not do without the popular Hungarian paprika. You will also need potatoes, bell peppers, onions and spices.

Chicken tabaka is a popular Georgian dish. It is prepared simply and quite quickly. Fry the chicken with coriander and cumin. Two or three chickens will be enough for a family. You will need a hammer and mortar.

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven can be cooked in portioned pots or a large heat-resistant form - choose the dishes yourself, and it will turn out delicious anyway, I promise!

Another “exotic” poultry and fruit dish is for those who like unusual culinary solutions. The original recipe for chicken breast with pear is also relevant for those who follow the figure!

Scientists call potatoes "a botanical masterpiece." This root crop is one of the most valuable on earth. There are simply countless options for its preparation, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

Another unusual fruit and meat dish. The recipe for beef with pear is perfect for a romantic dinner for two or a solemn family feast.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, feel free to put the boats on the festive table. Sharing the recipe!

I came across an excellent piece of beef just now. It was a pity to cut such meat into pieces. I decided to cook beef, baked in a piece. The beef came out tender, melting, and the spices were baked crispy.

Chicken with apples is delicious, and chicken with apples and prunes is even tastier! It is easy to prepare and the dish turns out amazing - try it! :)

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served both as a hot dish, and cut into a snack or used in the preparation of sandwiches.

Legs with apples will amaze you with a combination of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn't buy duck.

Meat in French with tomatoes is a great festive dish for dinner with friends or family members. The meat is very juicy and tender, and the dish is fragrant and appetizing.

To your attention - a simple, but very effective recipe for pork in the oven. With this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that can be safely put even on the festive table.

Tender beef with mushrooms and sour cream served with rice or noodles. The recipe was invented by Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov in 1890 in St. Petersburg.

A properly cooked piece of meat is the best that can be served on the table. Beef medallion prepared according to this recipe is a dish of just such a category.

Duck with apples is a classic New Year and Christmas dish in many European countries, especially in Germany and Austria. If you do not know what to cook for the new year - try this!

Pork zrazy is a great way to cook pork zrazy. The dish fits perfectly into the harmony of a festive feast - for example, in honor of the New Year. Try it - everyone will be delighted! :)

Turkey Shank with Garlic and Rosemary is a trivial dish, but it's worth making it once and you'll be making it all the time.

Château potatoes are a very popular side dish of potatoes for meat or fish in France. A wonderful alternative to boring mashed potatoes and fried potatoes :)

Baked Potato with Avocado Sauce is an insanely easy dish for vegetarians. Potatoes are very appetizing and fragrant, and avocado sauce makes the taste more varied. Try it!

Duck baked with oranges is a very festive and solemn dish that I usually cook for the New Year or Christmas. The hostess cooks, the host cuts and puts each on a plate ... ah!

Pork loin - the meat is quite dry, and it is not easy to cook it deliciously. I share a very successful recipe - pork loin on the bone with carrots. A couple of tricks - and the meat is very juicy.

The recipe for pork with mushrooms and cheese is a wonderful dish for the New Year's table. Festive serving, tender and juicy meat, magnificent spicy aroma - the dish meets all quality criteria.

Chicken baked with pineapples is an easy-to-prepare, but very tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday - New Year or birthday. Effective, unusual and original.

French-style spiced potatoes are potatoes cooked in a very original way, which will serve as a great side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Recipe for chicken with tomatoes, sweet peppers and olives in white wine. French cuisine.

Chicken with Garlic and Thyme is another simple yet very effective way to bake delicious chicken in the oven. The garlic and thyme marinade makes the chicken very tender and flavorful.

Armenian-style stuffed eggplant is my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. Eggplants turn out just excellent - you will lick your fingers!

Chicken with peanuts is somewhat unusual for a Slavic person, but a very tasty dish of Chinese traditional cuisine. Properly prepared, it is simply doomed to success. Preparing is very easy!

"Meat in French" minced chicken

The recipe for a popular meat dish using minced chicken. In fact, we cook the same meat in French, but instead of chops, we use minced chicken. Very tasty!

Pork stuffed with dried apricots and onions is a very unusual and original meat dish, which is pork chops with very juicy and tasty minced meat. Surprise your eaters!

If you do not know how to cook beef, I recommend paying attention to this recipe. Beef chops with garlic are very soft, tender, with a pleasant garlic flavor and aroma. Try it!

Transylvanian puff cabbage is a very tasty Romanian national dish, somewhat reminiscent of lazy cabbage rolls. Delicious dish made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Rooster in wine is a gourmet French dish that you can cook in your home kitchen. As for me, the dish has every right to be called festive - it looks solemn and very tasty.

Escalopes are boneless, lean cuts of meat that are pan fried without breading. It is best to use pork tenderloin. Escalope is prepared from the kidney part, where the meat is especially soft and tender.

If you don’t know what to cook for the New Year, I recommend trying chicken breasts baked in spices. This is a fairly simple to prepare, but very festive and worthy hot dish.

An easy chops recipe for fried pork lovers. Step by step cooking with photos.

Are you looking for something original for a side dish or for a snack? Then meet - balls of thread. This chicken dish will surprise you not only with its appearance, but also with its taste.

I tell you how to cook a classic schnitzel - a thin pork chop, which is rolled in batter and fried in oil. A wonderful men's lunch or dinner - simple and satisfying.

Breaded pork is a very unusual way of cooking the most trivial pork meat. Thanks to the original breading, the taste of pork is very original and unexpected.

Kefir-marinated chicken with potatoes is a great option for a fairly quick and simple dinner or lunch with simple ingredients. No frills, everything is very simple, but delicious.

Lavangi is a delicious chicken dish that is traditionally prepared in the southern regions of Azerbaijan. Sharing cooking secrets!

Chicken in almond crust is another great way to prepare everyone's favorite chicken meat. The almond crust gives the chicken a whole new flavor - try it, you won't regret it!

I have not cooked such a bright, colorful and tasty dish as stuffed peppers and tomatoes for a long time. The ingredients are simple, but the dish is a real masterpiece both visually and in taste :)

Stuffed baked potatoes are a chic side dish for a meat dish. A very satisfying, attractive and beautiful side dish for some (for example, for vegetarians) can become a separate serious dish!

Mackerel with bell pepper is the perfect combination and a great flavor combination. Before cooking mackerel, remember this instruction and you will get an excellent dish!

Ragu is a great solution for those who like to cook dishes in earthenware. Meet a very simple recipe for a stew with meat and green beans in a pot.

Zucchini and meat go just great, but I don’t like large pieces of meat with zucchini, so I mix this vegetable with minced meat. It turns out a very juicy and tender casserole.

Fried tomatoes are one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and festive tables. Prepared in two counts, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

I discovered another interesting way to cook pork meat - pork with bell pepper. It turns out a very juicy, fragrant and tender dish.

A great idea for a home party or informal communication in the office is to organize a buffet table.

In translation from French, a buffet table is a fork. This cutlery is used as the main one at the buffet table.

A buffet is when:

  • the congregation eats while standing;
  • choose their own food
  • most often, they serve themselves;
  • the main purpose of the event is communication, and the secondary purpose is a snack;
  • maximum free space for movement and discussion of issues for which everyone has gathered;
  • minimum space occupied by tables;
  • an abundance of plates with great bite-sized snacks and drinks.

At this event, each guest can easily move around and find an interesting and pleasant companion.

It costs nothing for a creative manager to organize a buffet table. Main idea! If you are trying to hold this buffet at home or at work for the first time, then we will share some interesting recipes for preparing snacks for the buffet table.

What snacks satisfy the term "buffet"?

B buffet dishes are mini-sized portioned snacks. Cooked quickly and, nevertheless, not inferior in taste to long-cooked dishes. It is supposed to be eaten with your hands or using a fork or skewer.

Light snacks for the buffet table are usually simply prepared, but served in a fantasy way.. Any products will work.

If you grasp the basic principle of cooking, you can invent your signature recipes quickly and easily. The main thing, take care in advance about buying tartlets, canapes, crackers various tastes, bread.

Consider the most popular options for quick snacks.

Great option - buffet appetizer on a skewer

The good thing is that it is easy to use. Meat, vegetables, seafood or fruits - you can put everything on a skewer.

  • Products that require heat treatment before attachment are easily fried in an elementary batter (a mixture of water, 1 yolk and flour).
  • The simplest recipe is to stick cheese of various varieties on a skewer, alternating with pineapple cubes, cherries, multi-colored grapes and olives or olives.

Nice, buffet snacks and small canapes will wonderfully decorate the festive table.

To begin with, we offer a list of blitz ideas for a buffet menu.

Small round buns are perfect. You need to cut them and put everything your heart desires inside: meatballs, meat, ham, cheese, a variety of vegetables and herbs. Sauce - any.
Or split the buns into halves. And put any filling or salad on each half.

Sandwiches - perfect for a buffet table. Suitable for any cut. Show originality!

Snacks for a buffet table in the office can be ordered from specialized catering companies with delivery on the day of the holiday. In this case, the menu options will be offered to you by the specialists of the supplier.

For those who decide to put their hands on the preparation of the buffet table, or to diversify it, we offer:

Step-by-step recipes for cold buffet appetizers with photos

Cold fish snacks

In cooking, use skewers or fill tartlets.

Salmon rolls

Perfectly diversify the buffet table. Delicious and bright. Easy to prepare.

Composition of products:

  • salmon, cut into thin slices;
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • olives or olives.

The number of products depends on the number of guests.

  1. Cook rice as usual. We do not add salt.
  2. Boil an egg. Grate. Combine with boiled rice in one mass.
  3. Cheese, also grate and add to the rice-egg mass.
  4. Add mayonnaise, mix. You should get a sticky thick mass.
  5. Put 1 tbsp on a piece of fish. a spoonful of the prepared mass. Roll up into a roll.
  6. Secure with a toothpick or skewer. Decorate with an olive.

Herring tarts

Z akuska has an original look. Anyone who loves fish will love it. The taste is spicy.

Required products:

  • slightly salted herring;
  • puff pastry or ready-made tartlets;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • sour cream;
  • greens.

Cooking order.

  1. We cut out any shapes from the dough.
  2. Beat the egg and brush the shapes. Bake at 220° for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Boil a couple of eggs and take out the yolk. Peel the herring, remove the bones. Chop a good part into rectangles.
  4. We turn the rest of the ugly herring, cottage cheese, yolks and sour cream into minced meat with a blender.
  5. This is what the mixture should look like.
  6. Putting the tarts - put the mixture on the tart and decorate with greens paws.

vegetable recipes

eggplant sandwich

These sandwiches are prepared in an original way - without bread. Very few calories. Eggplant lovers will love this recipe!

You will need:

These unusual snacks on skewers are prepared as follows:

  1. Sprinkle sliced ​​eggplant with salt and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Rinse the circles and dry.
  3. Fry on both sides.
  4. Pepper and salt the cooked eggplant.
  5. Coarsely chop the garlic, fry and discard. We need the resulting oil with the smell of garlic.
  6. Slice the tomatoes too.
  7. Saute tomatoes in garlic butter.
  8. We make cheese sticks.
  9. We prepare the turret: eggplant - cheese - eggplant.
  10. Top with a circle of tomato.
  11. Pierce the resulting sandwiches with a skewer and put in the oven for a couple of minutes. You need the cheese to melt.

Arrange on platter, garnish and serve.

Vegetable sandwiches

Waxy mini sandwiches look appropriate on the table next to other holiday snacks.

For cooking you need:

  • tomatoes;
  • long thin loaf;
  • mozzarella or feta cheese;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • different greens;
  • vegetable oil or butter for frying.

  1. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  2. In a bowl, mash the cheese with a fork.
  3. Chop greens. Pass the garlic through a press.
  4. Mix cheese, herbs and garlic.
  5. Fry slices of bread in oil.
  6. We cover the pieces of loaf with the prepared mass.
  7. Decorate with a circle of tomatoes and herbs.

Cold meat appetizers for buffet

Salad with bacon

Delicious and bright appetizer. Simple and quick to prepare.


  • bacon - 100 gr. ;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs. ;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • loaf - 3 pieces;
  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  1. Cut the bacon and fry until crispy.
  2. Cut the loaf into cubes and dry in a pan.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half, tear the lettuce leaves. Add croutons and bacon.
  4. Mix and dress the salad with oil and lemon juice.

Meat in oranges

Juicy, low-fat, with a pleasant citrus flavor and aroma dish.

What is needed for cooking?

  • beef meat 1 kg;
  • oranges 2 pcs. ;
  • spices, onions and salt to taste.
  1. We take a piece of meat in the form of a bar. We cut not to the end.
  2. We cut the onion and oranges into rings.
  3. Rub beef with spices and salt.
  4. We fill the cuts with onion and orange rings.
  5. Transfer the meat to the mold. Add some water.
  6. Cover tightly with foil. Pierce the foil with a needle in several places. Bake in the oven at 200-220 for 1.5 hours.

The dish is ready! Carefully remove the foil, hot steam can burn. Let the meat stand for 20 minutes, then cut into portions.

By the way, try the oranges! Very tasty!

cold cuts

You don't have to be too smart with cutting. The main thing is to serve and decorate it on dishes.

The photos below will help you.

  • powdered sugar;
  • a pineapple;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • kiwi;
  • yogurt;
    1. Cut the pineapple in half.
    2. We take out the pulp and cut into cubes, like the rest of the fruit.
    3. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    4. Fill with yogurt.
    5. We put the finished salad in half of the pineapple.

    fruit plate

    It is enough to cut a variety of fruits into cubes and arrange on plates in different proportions. Then each dish will have its own color scheme.

    The photo shows the original ways of decorating fruit slices and canapes with fruits.

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