Menses brown. Scanty brown menstruation - causes

Menstrual bleeding normally has a dark red color and a slightly sour smell. Several tens of milliliters are released daily.

Toward the end, the amount may decrease, and the color may become darker. A brownish tint to menstruation is not normal. Why is my period brown?

Scanty brownish discharge: causes

The final phase of the menstrual cycle is menstruation. There is a detachment of the mucous membrane of the uterus lining its cavity (endometrium). The process is accompanied by the release of blood and contraction of the organ. Parts of the torn mucosa, vaginal and cervical secrets also come out of the genital tract.

Normally, menstruation lasts three to five days. During this time, from fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters comes out. The process of regulation and formation of menstruation is very complex. It obeys the hormonal system of the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes this process is disrupted.

Talk about meager periods occurs when less than fifty milliliters are released. Bleeding takes the form of a daub. It has a rich brown tint. Depending on the source of the problem, accompanying symptoms may be observed:

  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • lumbar pain,
  • feeling of tightness in the chest,
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

The duration of menstruation may also be reduced. No need to worry if a crash occurs in

  • puberty (the monthly cycle has not yet been established);
  • the period of premenopause (hormonal changes due to the onset of menopause).

For women of childbearing age, scanty discharge is a wake-up call. Possible reasons:

1) failure of the pituitary gland or ovaries;
2) inferiority of the endometrium due to abortion (a consequence of curettage), inflammation in the genital organs, tuberculosis in the reproductive system;
3) incorrectly selected oral contraceptives;
4) surgical intervention in the organs of the female reproductive system, trauma;
5) depression, stress and other emotional deviations;
6) a sharp increase or decrease in weight, a violation of metabolic processes;
7) excessive physical exertion while performing work or during sports activities;
8) hormonal imbalance due to diseases of the endocrine system;
9) pregnancy (normal or ectopic).

Worry should be in the case when the discharge is observed against the background of normal menstruation. To find out the reason, you need to check your health status with a specialist.

Where are the dark brown clots from?

Why is my period clotted? During menstruation, the endometrium is shed. Small clots are its particles. And there is no danger here. If the clots are numerous and voluminous, then violations may have occurred in the body. Suggested reasons:

1) High body temperature.

2) Endometriosis. This disease develops as follows. Endometrial cells, along with blood through the fallopian tubes, enter the abdominal cavity. They take root there and begin to grow. As a result, bleeding increases, clots increase. Other symptoms:

a) cyclic pain in the pelvic region;
b) painful defecation and urination;
c) pain during sex.

3) Endometritis. Inflammation of the endometrium due to infection in the uterus. Associated signs:

a) an increase in temperature;
b) pain in the lower abdomen;
c) the appearance of pus in the uterus.

Routes of infection:

a) during natural childbirth or abortion;
b) during the treatment of other diseases of the uterus;
c) during intercourse with menstruation.

Endometritis can become chronic. In this case, the clinical picture is blurred or absent altogether. This makes diagnosis difficult.

4) Hyperplasia of the endometrium. The internal mucosa of the uterus increases in volume and grows vigorously. This may be due to the puberty of girls or the onset of menopause. Menstruation is irregular, sometimes long. There are usually no other symptoms of the disease. This is where the main danger lies. After all, endometrial hyperplasia can lead to infertility.

5) Anemia. Low hemoglobin levels can also cause brown, clotted periods.

6) Rapid blood clotting. The blood inside the uterus coagulates, stagnates and comes out in clots.

7) Hormonal disorders.

8) Ectopic pregnancy.

To more accurately determine why menstruation is brown, a specialist will help. Only after a thorough examination and passing all the tests can an accurate diagnosis be made.

Many women experience a condition such as scanty brown periods, the causes of which are almost always associated with the development of a disease. Very often, a change in the shade of menstrual blood is a serious cause for panic.

Normally, menstruation should be either completely painless or with mild discomfort. Menstruation should go no more than five days once a month. The duration of the cycle is 21-35 days. The volume of discharge, if a woman has no pathologies, does not exceed 150 milliliters.

In girls of puberty, sexual function is still rather poorly established. Against this background, failures are often observed in ovulation, so many of the young ladies notice that their menstrual blood has acquired a faint brown or red tint. This condition is considered normal and does not require treatment.

But if brownish periods are present for two years or more, the girl needs to visit a gynecologist.

Another factor that provokes the release of scanty brownish periods is menopause. This is due to a decrease in reproductive function. Most often this is the condition.

The main provoking factors

There are several reasons why women have scant. The change in the shade of menstruation depends on the following factors:

  • age;
  • the presence or absence of sexual activity;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted pathologies or inflammatory processes;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • failure on a hormonal background;
  • stress;
  • bearing a fetus.


During the bearing of a child, many women refer to menstruation of a brownish tint as “daub”. The reason for the appearance of scanty menstruation may be an ectopic pregnancy. If the shade of the discharge is close to yellow, this may indicate a possible miscarriage. Another reason for this condition is a frozen pregnancy.

Time after childbirth

After relief from the burden, the menstrual cycle usually stabilizes. But many young mothers experience changes in the nature of menstruation. If before conception their shade was red, and the volume did not exceed 150 milliliters, then after resolving from the burden of the discharge, they became meager and brownish. This is not an anomaly, but a visit to the gynecologist for the possible detection of inflammatory diseases will not be superfluous.

Use of contraceptives

Often, menstruation of a brown hue stands out in young ladies after. If there are no serious violations, the woman's condition can be normalized with the help of medications prescribed by the doctor.

But when, against the background of the use of contraceptives, women develop endometrial atrophy, it is recommended to abandon the drugs. Such a condition should be suspected if pathological discharge is present for three to four courses.

Other factors

Surgical removal of an unwanted pregnancy, or laparoscopy of a cyst, can cause scanty brownish periods. If against their background an unpleasant odor appears and the body temperature rises, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Sometimes the reason that menstruation becomes scanty and takes on a brown tint is overeating, undereating, or chronic sleep deprivation. Too much physical activity can also play a negative role.

In addition, the cause of brown discharge is a genetic factor. If the mother or grandmother of a woman had this symptom, then most likely she will also have it.

How to recognize pathology

You should sound the alarm in such cases:

  • the menstrual cycle has increased or decreased;
  • there was an unpleasant smell of discharge;
  • developed pain in the thoracic or lumbar region.

If there are symptoms such as pain during the evacuation of feces, burning in the genitals, as well as pain during sex, one can suspect the development of a sexually transmitted disease. Most often, the fair sex is diagnosed with gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

How can you help

In order to establish why they began to stand out, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • studying the graph of the patient's basal temperature;
  • ultrasound examination of the organs of the reproductive system, kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • blood test;
  • magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to detect a tumor of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • thyroid diagnosis.

If the specialist has revealed the presence of diseases, he sends the woman for examination to an endocrinologist, psychotherapist or immunologist. If a specific shade of menstruation was provoked by a hormonal failure, the woman is prescribed the use of drugs containing progestogenic components. In addition, the use of combined drugs is recommended. If the pathology was provoked by stress, the woman is prescribed sedatives.

Diet is of great importance. Young ladies with irregular menstruation need to eat as much protein-rich foods as possible. Particular emphasis should be placed on the use of fruits and vegetables.

Preventive requirements

Women who are very, need to adhere to preventive recommendations. They are as follows:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • timely visit to the gynecologist;
  • the use of reliable contraceptives;
  • rejection of low-quality underwear;
  • timely replacement of hygiene products;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle.

Do not use non-natural products during washing. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is prohibited.

It is almost impossible to independently establish the exact cause of the change in the shade of menstruation. Given that the main provoking factor can be a dangerous disease affecting the reproductive organs, you should immediately seek help from a good specialist. Before going to the gynecologist, it is necessary to carefully record all the warning signs and save the used pad.

The most common mistake women of childbearing age make is indifference to menstruation. Ladies usually do not pay attention to the nature of menstruation if they come on time, and the cycle is more or less regular. Not all women know that it is worth closely monitoring not only the duration of menstrual bleeding and its frequency, but also the nature of the discharge.

But how do you figure out if your periods are going normally or maybe they have become scarce? To do this, first of all, you need to know a little about the rules.

As a rule, a woman begins to monitor her menstrual cycle from the moment she begins sexual activity. But, no matter how sad it may be, many fairly adult ladies do not even know the duration of their cycle, and even more so, they do not follow the nature of menstrual flow, which is a very big mistake. There is a certain norm that determines how menstruation should flow. In case of any deviation from the norm, the doctor diagnoses a disorder of menstrual function.

So, normal monthly:

  • painless or slightly painful;
  • last for 3-5 days;
  • the interval between menstruation is from 21 to 35 days;
  • the volume of secretions does not exceed 150 ml.

It is necessary to carefully monitor every menstruation, record the start date, cycle duration, how many days the bleeding was, and what was the nature of the discharge. Quite often, women begin to control their periods so carefully only when they cannot conceive a child, although ideally, every woman is simply obliged to monitor her health in order to prevent any gynecological disease from developing.

It is worth thinking about scanty periods (hypomenoria) if the menstrual flow is small and has a color from light brown to dark brown - this indicates a violation of menstrual function.

If the cause of scanty periods in age-related changes (the formation or extinction of the cycle), then this should not be a cause for concern, since during these periods the regularity of ovulation is disturbed, which in turn can lead to meager brown menstruation.

The process of establishing a regular menstrual cycle in girls usually takes about a year, at which time menstruation can be scarce, rare, not constant, shortened.

During menopause, scanty periods are also not a deviation. As a rule, this period in the life of women begins at about 45 years old, but there are cases of an earlier onset of menopause.

Even if scanty periods in your case are due to one of the two reasons described above, it is simply necessary to inform the gynecologist about this in any case.

Symptoms of hypomenoria

Gynecologists divide this disease into primary and secondary hypomenoria. In the first case, the woman never had a normal period, and in the second case, the period became scanty over time.

As a rule, the disease cannot be asymptomatic and go unnoticed by a woman, but there are exceptions to any rule.

In the case of scanty monthly discharge, they take on the character of drops or traces of brown blood. At the same time, the duration of menstruation may remain the same or be reduced.

Scanty periods and their delay can provoke nausea , headache, pain in the lumbar region, cause an upset of the digestive system, the appearance of a feeling of tightness in the chest.

The menstruation itself can be painless. Sometimes women with hypomenoria have nosebleeds during menstruation.

As a rule, in women with meager periods, estrogen secretion is reduced, as a result, reproductive function suffers and significantly decreased libido .

As mentioned earlier, meager periods during the formation and attenuation of the cycle are not pathological, but if signs of hypomenoria are observed in a woman of childbearing age, you should be very careful about your body, because such deviations indicate serious violations of the sexual or other body systems.

What are the causes of scanty periods

To give an exact answer, why menstruation suddenly became scarce, without a thorough examination of the patient, not a single doctor can. First of all, it is necessary to establish whether hypomenoria is primary or secondary in this particular case. If menstruation is meager from the very beginning of the formation of the cycle, then it may be worth suspecting congenital pathologies in the development of the girl's genitals. Currently, more and more often primary hypomenoria occurs in girls with very low weight.

Secondary hypomenoria can be caused by many factors, let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. The most common and common cause of scanty periods in women of childbearing age is dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland , which are responsible for the normal course of menstruation and the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs (inflammation of the appendages, ovaries);
  • stress, overwork, emotional imbalance, lack of sleep, irrational mode of work and rest;
  • abortion or miscarriage, especially during the first pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the development of the genital organs;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease.

External factors, such as climate change or the use of improperly selected contraceptives, can also affect the functioning of the ovaries.

2. Often the reason for scanty periods lies in diseases of the uterus . In addition to inflammatory processes, scars on the uterus from gynecological operations, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, endometrial inferiority, and so on can affect the nature of menstrual flow.

3. Scanty menstrual flow can be determined by genetics . If close relatives in the female line have always had meager periods, then most likely this is not a deviation, but a genetic feature. As a rule, in such situations, scanty menstruation cannot cause infertility and affect pregnancy.

4. Hormonal abnormalities - Another reason for the development of hypomenoria. Lack of female sex hormones, taking oral contraceptives, endocrine diseases and even breastfeeding - all this can cause meager periods.

5. Do not forget about the influence of the psychological factor on the work of the woman's body as a whole. Negative emotional experiences , stressful situations, too violent positive emotions affect the work of the centers of the brain that stimulate the ovaries. With the suppression of ovarian function, the production of progesterone decreases, which leads to meager periods.

In addition to the above reasons, hypomenoria can develop as a result of anemia, sudden weight loss, anorexia, climate and lifestyle changes, due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, or due to work in hazardous industries.

That is why, in order to find out what led to the impoverishment of menstruation, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.


Only a doctor can identify the exact cause of hypomenoria and assess how dangerous this disease is for a woman. As a rule, in order to find out the reasons, a woman needs to tell as much as possible about when the meager periods began, and what could cause this, whether there were other diseases, and so on.

Then the doctor conducts a complete gynecological examination, takes tests for cytology, seeding for bacteria. It is also necessary to take tests for hormones, undergo an ultrasound examination of the ovaries and uterus, PCR diagnostics for the presence of genital infections. After receiving the test results, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of scanty menstruation and prescribe the adequate treatment necessary in a particular case.

Treatment for scanty periods

Of course, the treatment will entirely depend on the results of the examination. Thus, a violation of the cycle due to malnutrition and an overly active lifestyle is treated by normalizing the diet and setting the correct regimen.

It is possible that the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, a vitamin complex, hormonal drugs - it all depends on the reasons that influenced the impoverishment of menstruation. Often women require physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

Aromatherapy, color therapy and acupressure are of great importance in the treatment of hypomenoria. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods for treating scanty periods.

So, aromatherapy helps in the treatment of many diseases and hypomenoria is no exception. Inhaling the aromas of juniper and marjoram promotes the release of hormones. A good effect is achieved with the help of foot baths with the addition of aromatic oils. It is recommended to lower your feet into the water, the temperature of which is 35 degrees, and then gradually increase the temperature of the water to 44-45 degrees. Perform the procedure slowly, at least 20 minutes a day. It is recommended to start warming up the legs a week before the onset of menstruation.

color therapy - Another way to combat hypomenoria. It is established that the yellow color helps to improve blood circulation. Thus, by eating the products of this flower and preferring yellow shades when choosing clothes, you can significantly improve your condition.

Acupressure - treatment of diseases by influencing certain points located on the human body. In order to establish the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to massage the point located in the middle of the tip of the big toe. Massaging is done in circular motions for 5 minutes several times a day.

  • a decoction of carrots helps a lot in the fight against the disease, use a decoction of 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice are recommended to be taken orally 2-3 times a day;
  • another proven remedy is pineapple juice, they drink 3-4 tbsp. 2 times a day;
  • very effective in this disease is unrefined palm sugar with sesame seeds. This mixture is taken in 1-2 tablespoons. 2-3 times a day.

Verbena officinalis, St. John's wort, oregano, shepherd's purse, wormwood, fragrant rue - infusions of all these herbs are used in the treatment of meager periods. In addition, women suffering from hypomennoria are advised to eat fresh onions and garlic.

During the formation, fading of the menstrual cycle, or while breastfeeding, treatment is usually not required.

Of course, it happens that traditional medicine works wonders and helps to cope with rather serious diseases. However, before starting self-treatment, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with a gynecologist about the use of certain herbs.

Preventive measures to help prevent disease

In order for the problem of scanty menstruation not to come back into your life after the treatment, it is necessary to carry out prevention.

Walk more in the air, play sports, but do not overwork, avoid stress, excessive physical and psychological stress. Watch your weight, give up exhausting diets and starvation.

And, of course, it is worth paying special attention to menstruation so as not to miss any deviations. At the first alarming symptoms, feeling unwell during menstruation, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist. Only timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help you establish menstruation and avoid possible complications.

Recommended for viewing: Expert opinion on scanty periods


Is brown periods normal or something to worry about? Let's figure it out. Scarlet blood is fresh. If a woman notices copious scarlet discharge in herself, this almost always means a lot of blood loss. And if these discharges began earlier than the expected days of menstruation, then almost always we are talking about breakthrough bleeding and the need for urgent medical attention.

The color of menstruation is normal - red, maroon. The blood darkens a little as it oxidizes. The fact that the blood is not scarlet indicates that the discharge lingers for some time in the uterus, vagina, that is, there is time for oxidation.

But what do brown periods say. The fact that the selection is scarce. This may be a variant of the norm if a woman has the 1-2nd day of menstruation or, conversely, the last 1-2 days. Rarely observed monthly brown with clots, they are usually small. At the same time, this can happen when taking hormonal contraceptives. For some women, scanty periods are normal. They are healthy, get pregnant and give birth without any problems. It is worth worrying if the total amount of blood loss during menstruation is less than 30 grams, then you should do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and take tests for hormones. But only if it is observed outside of taking contraceptives.
Brown periods after a delay or, conversely, very heavy discharge are often observed in adolescent girls while the menstrual cycle is established. And it lasts up to two years after menarche (first menstruation).

You can also consider brown discharge instead of menstruation as a sign of a possible pregnancy. Naturally, those women who had unprotected intercourse. But without fanaticism. If the test showed a negative result, then for sure there is no pregnancy. Brown periods on the first day are the norm for many women. Now such modern diagnostic tests are being sold that do not make mistakes and show the correct result even a little before the onset of a delay in menstruation. A weak second line should be considered as a positive result.

Spotting brown discharge can be with an ectopic and missed pregnancy. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at first is a weak increase in hCG. This is very clearly seen on a blood test taken in dynamics. And some women notice this when they take pregnancy tests. When the second, control strip, indicating pregnancy, does not become brighter with repeated tests. But the second method is considered unreliable. The main thing is that the fetal egg is not visible on the ultrasound at a sufficiently high level of hCG. In the area of ​​​​the fallopian tube, if the fetal egg is implanted in it, there may be pain. If nothing is done, everything ends with a rupture of the fallopian tube and an emergency operation. And it's good if everything works out.

If brown periods occur during a pregnancy that has ceased to develop, it is no longer so scary. Although, if you delay with curettage, the removal of the fetal egg from the uterus, an inflammatory process may occur. Signs of a missed pregnancy are the absence of an increase in hCG or even its decrease. The embryo does not have a heartbeat, this can be seen with ultrasound. Subjective signs - toxicosis disappears, the chest becomes softer.

Non-pregnancy reasons why menstruation is brown is a lack of weight. When a girl is too thin, too few hormones are produced in her body. This requires, among other things, adipose tissue, which in this case is not enough. Menstruation may disappear altogether. The girl is infertile. The situation is normalized with weight gain to normal.

Changes in the nature of menstruation after childbirth. Especially if the woman is breastfeeding. In this case, menstruation may be completely absent. And some women get brown periods after giving birth, which is sometimes a surprise. In this case, it is necessary to check for pregnancy. It can occur even before the arrival of the first menstruation after childbirth. Even if a woman breastfeeds her baby often, on demand.

Scanty menstruation is a violation of the menstrual cycle, which is characterized by very poor menstrual bleeding, in which the amount of blood released is much less than the physiological norm (less than 50 ml). In medicine, this condition is called hypomenorrhea.

In most cases, hypomenorrhea is accompanied by oligomenorrhea (a decrease in the duration of menstruation) or precedes their complete absence (amenorrhea). Also, meager periods may indicate the presence of various pathologies of the female genital area or be a physiological state (premenopause or the formation of menstrual function).

There are two types of pathological scanty menstruation:

  • primary hypomenorrhea, which is observed in adolescent girls during a period when, in fact, there has not been a single normal menstruation yet;
  • secondary hypomenorrhea, which occurs after a period of absolutely normal menstruation.

Causes of scanty periods

A number of factors can trigger the development of meager periods. These include: dysfunction of the ovaries or pituitary gland during the reproductive age, inferiority of the endometrium in the uterine cavity as a result of inflammatory diseases or intrauterine manipulations, violation of the cyclic production of hormones.

In gynecology, the following are the most common causes of scanty periods:

  • stress, overload, diseases of a neuropsychic nature;
  • sudden weight loss as a result of exhausting physical activity, exhausting diet, anorexia;
  • chronic endometritis, which is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterus caused by abortions, operations, as well as the use of an intrauterine device for a long period of time;
  • pregnancy. In some cases, scanty periods can be observed in the first month of pregnancy, if this is not a sign of a threatened interruption;
  • the use of hormonal contraception prevents the growth of the endometrium, and, as a result, its detachment does not occur;
  • premenopause. Menstrual phenomena before menopause can be minimized;
  • infectious diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • lactation period. During breastfeeding, lactational amenorrhea often occurs. After some time, menstruation can be restored, but until the end of lactation, their nature may be different;
  • the effect on the body of chemicals and radioactive radiation, climate change;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, obesity, lack of vitamins;
  • insufficient puberty, abnormal development of the uterus and its appendages.


Since hypomenorrhea itself is manifested by meager periods, many women are not even aware of the presence of pathology. Discharge reduced to 50 ml may appear as drops of bright red color on hygiene products, or smear marks of dark brown or dirty red color.

Like some other forms of abnormal menstruation, scanty periods can be accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being, headaches, malaise, and chest pains. In some cases, nausea may occur, turning into vomiting, impaired mental and neurological well-being, nosebleeds of varying intensity.

Most often, hypomenorrhea is accompanied by quite intense spastic pains in the lower abdomen, bilateral aching pain in the lower back, a decrease in sexual desire due to a drop in the level of estrogen in the blood.

early scanty periods

This condition is often observed in girls during the formation of menstrual function and is a physiological condition, despite the appearance of pain in the sacral region, abdomen, chest. Since this process is of a physiological nature, it does not lead to the development of serious consequences. Early scanty periods in teenage girls are yellow or light brown in color.

Prolonged scanty periods

The presence of prolonged meager periods in a woman indicates the development of a serious disease of the genital organs or a violation of the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. Untimely diagnosis of this condition can cause the development of dangerous complications (absence of menstruation, infertility).

Scanty brown periods

The brown color of the discharge indicates certain violations in the functioning of the reproductive system. The most common cause of this symptom is chronic endometritis. In turn, various infectious diseases, post-abortion or post-partum endometritis, intrauterine interventions can lead to this condition. Scanty brown periods are accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen and have an unpleasant odor.

Often, brown discharge after menstruation can be caused by the use of hormonal contraceptives.

After taking Duphaston

Since Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone (the female sex hormone), it is prescribed to treat a number of problems in the female genital area. In some cases, after taking Duphaston, patients notice scanty periods. This is due to the fact that this drug is used strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Deviation from the prescribed course leads to an imbalance in the menstrual cycle.


Diagnostic measures to identify the causes of scanty menstruation include the following steps:

  • study of anamnesis;
  • a thorough gynecological examination;
  • culture for bacteria;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries;
  • PCR diagnostics of genital infections;
  • determination in the blood and urine of sex hormones;
  • assessment of the basal temperature indicator;
  • pathological examination and biopsy of the endometrium.


The treatment of scanty periods fully depends on the results obtained during the diagnosis. If hypomenorrhea is caused by disorders of psycho-emotional balance, physical development and nutrition, then therapeutic measures are reduced to the correction of these disorders. In the presence of certain indications, hormonal preparations, vitamin complexes and specific antimicrobial agents are prescribed.

A good effect in the treatment of meager periods is the use of homeopathic remedies, as well as psycho- and physiotherapy aimed at eliminating functional disorders.

During premenopause and lactation, no special treatment for hypomenorrhea is required.

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