Viscosity of semen - what is the norm, how to reduce it. Increased semen viscosity: causes and treatment. Normal semen viscosity

  1. How to lower pressure: theory
  2. Hypertension and high blood pressure: alternative treatment
  3. Hypertension 1 degree - treatment
  4. Hypertension 2 and 3 degrees: ambulance
  5. Emergency natural help: how to reduce pressure quickly
  6. How to lower blood pressure folk remedies: the most popular recipes
  7. Summing up

High blood pressure is a problem for many modern people of mature age. It accompanies the lives of 70% of women and 55% of men over 40 years of age. In order to prevent complications, prevent vascular rupture, heart attack or stroke, daily monitoring and medication is necessary.

Sooner or later, the question arises whether it is possible to replace medicinal substances with the means of a natural first-aid kit, and use available natural ingredients instead of expensive pharmaceuticals?

In this article we will talk about how to lower blood pressure folk remedies. We will describe the most effective methods and give ways to prevent its increase without medication.

How to lower pressure: theory

With high pressure, folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations to reduce it act in the same direction. Therefore, we will describe the general approach to treatment - what is necessary to reduce blood pressure. And then we will give specific recipes - what natural substances are used to prepare “medicines” for AD.

The most common causes of high blood pressure are vasoconstriction and changes in blood composition, its excessive viscosity. It is they that trigger regulatory functions in the body of a sick person, as a result of which blood pressure in a person rises. Increased pressure becomes necessary to push thick, viscous blood through narrow vessels (spasmodic due to stress or thickened with cholesterol deposits).

An increase in pressure becomes necessary for the full supply of tissues with blood, oxygen, and nutrition. In this case, the level of pressure increase is determined by the state of the blood and blood vessels.

The thicker the blood, the stronger its release must be for it to move along the vascular bed. The more narrowed the vessels, the more powerful the pushing force must be. In order to lower blood pressure, it is necessary to tidy up the vessels, normalize the size of the vascular lumen and thin the blood.

Many pharmaceutical preparations work on the basis of these principles. For example, the popular aspirin, which is often prescribed to hypertensive patients to reduce pressure, thins the blood. At the same time, uncontrolled use of aspirin can cause a strong and dangerous decrease in pressure.

Hypertension and high blood pressure: alternative treatment

With high pressure, treatment with folk remedies allows you to achieve the same results as pharmaceuticals. The composition of the blood is normalized (it becomes more liquid and less viscous), the walls of blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol deposits, as a result of which their lumen expands. It also relieves tension and reduces spasm of vascular tissues (which is the cause of increased pressure).

With increased pressure, folk remedies allow for long-term treatment without the danger of toxic effects on liver cells. To stabilize the pressure, it is necessary to take medications for several months and even years.

However, pharmaceuticals are often chemicals. Their daily intake leads to the accumulation of toxins by liver cells, as well as to diseases of the digestive organs. The use of traditional medicine in most cases is harmless, has no complications and is possible over a long period of time.

Hypertension 1 degree - treatment

The first stage of hypertension is easily amenable to therapy with traditional medicine. In the process of treatment, natural preparations purify the blood and blood vessels, and thereby normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, reduce pressure.

Separately, we list which herbs are used to lower blood pressure. Herbs to strengthen and increase the elasticity of blood vessels:

  • Marsh cudweed - contains a special alkaloid (toxic substance), which is distinguished by a vasodilating effect. It is especially pronounced on the peripheral vessels, which form an increase in pressure.
  • Rosehip - contains vitamin C and a number of minerals (to improve blood composition and maintain vascular elasticity).

Herbs for blood cleansing - this includes various herbal components and fees for cleansing the liver (since the composition of the blood directly depends on the state of the main filter of the human body - the liver). Therefore, for blood purification are effective:

To normalize the amount of blood and reduce edema, herbs with a diuretic (scientifically - diuretic) action are used:

  • horsetail;
  • Dill (seeds);
  • carrot seeds;
  • Juniper cones, linden and clover flowers also have a mild diuretic property.

Herbs of sedative and relaxing action (from muscle and vascular spasm):

  • Motherwort;
  • Valerian (root and its tinctures);
  • Melissa and mint - soothe and relieve nervous tension, but at the same time increase blood clotting and constrict blood vessels, therefore they are added to tea in small quantities.

When brewing tea for high blood pressure, it is necessary to use components from each action group (for blood and for vessels). Tea is brewed immediately before taking and drunk separately from meals (it can be half an hour before meals).

A number of folk remedies are complex preparations. They have a therapeutic effect on both blood vessels and human blood. An example of such natural medicines are various berries. To reduce pressure, the following are often used:

  • Kalina;
  • Cranberry;
  • Black currant.

Hypertension 2 and 3 degrees: ambulance

An increase in pressure of more than 160 mm Hg. Art. corresponds to the second stage of hypertension, and above 180 mm corresponds to the third stage. These figures are significantly higher than normal and greatly increase the risk of strokes. Therefore, pressure above 160 mm must be reduced by any drugs or methods. How to treat high blood pressure folk remedies?

With hypertension of 2 and 3 degrees, effective fast-acting agents are needed. They should dilate the vessels and allow the blood to move freely along the vascular bed. Therefore, at very high pressure, first of all, relaxation agents (soothing herbal infusions) and specific action agents (for targeted and rapid vasodilation) are used.

Emergency natural help: how to reduce pressure quickly

With increased pressure, the following folk remedies can quickly lower blood pressure:

How to lower blood pressure folk remedies: the most popular recipes

A mixture of honey and lemon is prepared in advance (the lemons are twisted in a meat grinder along with the peel, honey is added to them) and stored in the refrigerator. Use it separately from meals or half an hour before meals. You can add lemons with honey to water (not hot, at room temperature) or drink lemon-honey mixture with water.

You can enhance the effect of a natural “medicine” by adding garlic. It is crushed or crushed from garlic cloves juice, which is added to honey.

It is not only a well-known tonic and immune stimulant. It is also a delicious juice to strengthen blood vessels. Contains components to purify the blood, normalize its quantity (remove edema) and restore the elasticity of the vascular walls.

Summing up

High blood pressure is dangerous with complications and consequences. A slight increase in pressure forms diseases of the heart, brain and blood vessels for several years. A significant increase in pressure creates painful symptoms and forms complications much faster - in a few months.

Nature makes it possible to treat high blood pressure with herbs, bee products and berries. This therapy is affordable and effective. It allows you to maintain blood and blood vessels in a healthy state throughout life.

What to do with blood clotting during pregnancy

A woman during the bearing of a child passes a huge number of various tests. One of the most important is a blood test, which allows you to monitor the condition of the future mother and fetus, in a timely manner to identify various deviations from the norm.

  • Causes of high blood viscosity
  • Symptoms of thick blood
  • Deviation diagnostics
  • The danger of pathology
  • Blood thinning
  • Diet change
  • Drug therapy
  • Pregnancy planning and blood viscosity

So, thick blood during pregnancy can indicate both the development of a serious disease, and be an individual feature of the body. It is important in this situation to understand what reasons caused the blood to thicken.

Causes of high blood viscosity

Blood is a type of connective tissue, 60% of its composition is plasma, and 40% is formed elements. This substance for easy passage through the vessels must have a certain consistency. For women, the norm of viscosity is considered to be 35 - 40%. However, in most cases, for girls in position, this figure is higher.

The reasons for the increase in viscosity are different:

  • physiological characteristics of the body;
  • drinking insufficient water;
  • beriberi, deficiency of minerals and other useful substances;
  • insufficient activity of digestive enzymes;
  • taking iron-containing drugs, which are often prescribed to pregnant women with reduced hemoglobin;
  • the content in the diet of high levels of sugar and carbohydrates;
  • increased work of the spleen.

A variety of pathologies can cause blood clotting:

  • intense bleeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • pain shock;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome - this pathology is characterized by increased blood clotting, which can cause early birth and fetal death;
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, intestines.

Thick blood during pregnancy can be caused by one reason, but often the deviation develops under the influence of several negative factors.

Symptoms of thick blood

Pregnancy for a woman is a difficult period during which various changes occur in the body. It is quite difficult to independently recognize an increase in blood viscosity, because the signs of this pathology are very similar to the usual state of a pregnant woman:

  • the appearance of frequent headaches;
  • the occurrence of a feeling of dryness in the mouth, thirst;
  • excessive sleepiness and feeling tired;
  • memory impairment, the appearance of irritability, apathy;
  • heaviness and feeling of coldness in the legs and arms;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension.

In some situations, with an increase in blood density, any symptoms may be completely absent.

Deviation diagnostics

Often, the laboratory assistant determines the increased viscosity of the biomaterial visually. So, when blood is taken from a finger, it does not flow well and folds almost immediately. When taking physiological fluid from a vein, the needle of the syringe is clogged.

However, a coagulogram will help to determine any deviations most accurately. This diagnostic method allows you to identify the presence or absence of pathology of blood clotting, allows you to develop effective measures for treatment and prevention. The analysis is given exclusively on an empty stomach.

When studying the coagulogram, the doctor pays attention to the following indications:

  1. The prothrombin index is the percentage expression of the clotting rate of the patient's serum with normal plasma. The norm is 110% +/-32%. Exceeding these numbers indicates increased density.
  2. amount of fibrinogen. In the early stages of pregnancy, this figure should be 2 - 4 g / l, in the last trimester - up to 6 g / l.
  3. thrombin time. A clot should form within 15 seconds. For women carrying a baby, a time of 25 seconds is acceptable.
  4. Lupus coagulant. This indicator is normally negative - a positive test indicates the presence of a systemic blood disease or toxicosis.
  5. Activated partial thromboplastin time - the norm is 24 - 35 seconds, but in women who are carrying a child, due to the increased amount of fibrinogen, clotting can accelerate, and be 17 - 20 seconds.

The danger of pathology

High viscosity interferes with the normal circulation of blood through the vessels, resulting in blood clots and varicose veins. Tissues and organs distant from the heart are deficient in oxygen and nutrients.

The most dangerous for the fetus is such a condition as blockage of blood vessels, as a result of which the child develops hypoxia, which can cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and developmental pathologies. For the mother, blockage threatens with a heart attack and stroke, cerebral hemorrhage.

With thick blood, a missed pregnancy is often detected. Due to poor blood circulation, an insufficient amount of useful nutrients for the fetus enters the uterus. This prevents the embryo from attaching normally to the uterine wall.

Blood thinning

The detection of thick blood during pregnancy may be a physiological norm, which will pass on its own after childbirth. In this situation, gynecologists do not prescribe any therapeutic measures.

However, if the pathology can cause dangerous complications, the specialist will give recommendations for blood thinning.

Diet change

During the period of bearing a child, it is contraindicated for patients to take various medications, therefore, the treatment of thick blood during pregnancy consists in adjusting the diet:

  1. You need to drink enough water. The exact amount of fluid needed by the body depends on body weight - on average, this figure is 1.5 - 2 liters. It is worth drinking only pure non-carbonated water (not distilled!). Soda is bad for pregnant women. It is worth drinking often, but in small doses: a large amount of liquid drunk at a time will cause swelling.
  2. It is necessary to exclude or minimize the use of salt, which retains fluid in the body and causes tissue swelling.
  3. It is worth adding foods containing vitamin C to the menu - berries, fruits, fresh natural juices, red and orange vegetables.
  4. Citrus fruits will be of particular benefit.
  5. Of the berries, it is worth giving preference to strawberries, black currants, viburnum, cranberries, raspberries.
  6. When choosing spices, you should focus on paprika, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, dill, cayenne pepper and thyme.

It is worth eating tomatoes, beets, garlic, onions, plums, dried apricots, pomegranate and birch sap. Sunflower oil must be replaced with linseed, olive or rapeseed. It is important that the fruits, vegetables and berries consumed are in season.

It is necessary to abandon products that increase the viscosity of the physiological fluid. These include bananas, buckwheat, potatoes, soda, salty and spicy, fried, alcohol.

In addition to dietary changes, thick blood during pregnancy requires moderate exercise to improve blood flow. Physical activity contributes to the disappearance of apathy, irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, swelling and pain in the limbs.

Performing simple exercises every day and following a drinking regimen will help stabilize your well-being and cheer you up.

Drug therapy

When blood clotting poses a threat to the mother or fetus, and a change in diet did not give the expected results, medications are prescribed.

These funds include:

  • Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin;
  • Thrombo ACC (Anopyrin);
  • Diovenor, Vasoket;
  • Curantyl, Dipyridamole;
  • Fraxiparine, Nadroparin calcium.

The selection of a specific drug is based on the study of the coagulogram and the condition of the woman. Taking any drug stops at 36 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes at 38. This is necessary to avoid possible problems during childbirth.

Pregnancy planning and blood viscosity

This is especially true for the expectant mother, who:

  • there were people in the family who had a stroke or heart attack;
  • history of miscarriage or miscarriage;
  • lifestyle associated with heavy physical exertion;
  • varicose veins were diagnosed or relatives suffered from this disease.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period during which it is extremely important to monitor your health, take all tests in a timely manner and follow the recommendations of a gynecologist.

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  • Arrhythmia
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Varicose veins
  • Varicocele
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension
  • Diagnostics
  • Dystonia
  • Stroke
  • heart attack
  • Ischemia
  • Blood
  • Operations
  • Heart
  • Vessels
  • angina pectoris
  • Tachycardia
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis
  • heart tea
  • Hypertension
  • Pressure bracelet
  • Normallife
  • Allapinin
  • Asparkam
  • Detralex

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to any part of the myocardium is not possible for a long time, as a result of which the heart muscle undergoes damage or dies completely. In scientific terms, this condition is called myocardial infarction.

Etiological factors

It is known that the development of a heart attack is associated with destabilization of the atherosclerotic process. Therefore, all etiological factors of atherosclerosis can be considered as capable of provoking a heart attack.

Most often, the disease occurs as a result of thrombosis of the coronary vessels. This occurs in the area of ​​altered atherosclerotic plaque. Thrombosis is promoted by all factors that cause an increase in blood viscosity. These include: a pathological change in the lining of the vascular wall, the absence of the endothelium of the coronary vessel, spasm of the lumen of the vessel, a violation of the physiological functions of platelets towards the activation of thrombus formation, the release of biologically active substances that increase coagulation, cause vasospasm and increase blood viscosity. Less often, a heart attack occurs against the background of a long-term spasm of the coronary arteries.

A rather rare cause of a heart attack can be a sharp increase in the demand of the heart muscle for oxygen in the absence of its sufficient supply through the coronary vessels due to a pronounced atherosclerotic process.

As a rule, various risk factors can cause a heart attack:

  • age of men over 45 years old, women over 55 years old;
  • premature menopause in women;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • prolonged nicotine intoxication;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • decreased thyroid function.

The more risk factors a person has, the higher the risk of heart attack at a young age.

The disease can also be iatrogenic. There are medicines and poisons that cause a heart attack.

Clinical manifestations

In the development of a heart attack, there are several periods: acute, acute and subacute.

The most acute period lasts about 3 hours. A characteristic symptom of a heart attack is the patient's pain. The intensity of the pain syndrome is variable, but most often it is severe pain in the region of the heart, which is widespread. If the pathological process covers the back wall of the heart, then the pain can be localized in the epigastric region. Taking nitroglycerin does not give any effect, and the pain itself lasts more than 30 minutes.

In a small percentage of cases, a heart attack is painless. Other symptoms include: sudden weakness, syncope (fainting), a violation of the rhythm of cardiac activity (even ventricular fibrillation is possible). If the lesion affects a large area, then cardiogenic shock or pulmonary edema may develop.

The acute period lasts up to 10 days. At this time, a scar begins to form on the heart muscle. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is absent. Of the characteristic symptoms, the following can be noted: fever (due to the resorption of necrotic masses), various kinds of arrhythmias, pericarditis or endocarditis may form. The most common cause of death during this period is heart failure.

The subacute period lasts up to 4-8 weeks. At this time, the patient feels well. The risk of developing complications is reduced.

Symptoms of a heart attack in women and signs of a heart attack in men do not have significant differences.

Principles of diagnosis and treatment

A heart attack is characterized by a change in laboratory parameters due to the presence of an inflammatory process and the ingress of various proteins into the blood from the focus of necrosis.

An electrocardiogram is important. This allows not only to confirm the very fact of the presence of the disease, but also to determine its localization and the prevalence of the pathological process.

A heart attack is characterized by a high risk of complications, some of which are incompatible with life. If the pathological process is non-penetrating, then the course of the disease is most often favorable.

The prognosis to date remains serious. A second heart attack is especially dangerous. Patients die from the development of such complications as arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, myocardial rupture, chronic heart failure.

The therapy is aimed at preserving the maximum amount of viable cardiac muscle, prevention and treatment of complications. If a disease is suspected, hospitalization is indicated in the intensive care unit, where assistance will be provided for a heart attack.

Principles of treatment:

  • pain relief (narcotic analgesics are administered);
  • carrying out thrombolytic and anticoagulant therapy (if the patient was hospitalized in the first 8 hours after the onset of an attack);
  • the presence of nitrates in therapy is mandatory;
  • the use of beta-blockers;
  • antiplatelet therapy;
  • when complications are attached, therapy is carried out aimed at normalizing the patient's condition (defibillation, atropine and pacing in case of conduction disturbance, arrhythmia therapy).

Dosed physical activity is prescribed already on the second day of hospitalization, provided there is no pain syndrome and complications. In hospitals, a 3-4 week rehabilitation of such patients is practiced.

A little about first aid for a heart attack:

  • in the event of a heart attack, an ambulance should be called immediately;
  • a person must be seated or laid with a raised headboard;
  • remove all tight clothing to ensure free breathing;
  • take one aspirin tablet and place a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue.

The sooner an ambulance arrives and the sooner first aid is provided for symptoms of a heart attack, the more favorable the prognosis for the patient.

Video on how to provide first aid for a heart attack:

Laboratory analysis of ejaculate is carried out to determine and identify possible diseases of the genital area, including inflammatory processes and oncology. The main indication for the appointment is the absence of children in a married couple within a year after giving up contraception. Sometimes an analysis is prescribed after an illness in order to determine the state of the male reproductive system. The viscosity of the ejaculate is one of the main indicators of abnormal processes in the sperm. Increased viscosity in the spermogram indicates inflammatory processes in the glands of sexual secretion and dramatically reduces the possibility of conception.

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Causes of deviations from the norm

Semen analysis

Decreased fertility in men depends on the quality of sperm. To determine male infertility, the doctor prescribes a laboratory analysis of the ejaculate, based on the results of which a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. Depending on the results of the spermogram, the man may be assigned additional diagnostic tests.

Ejaculate viscosipathia is a diagnosis that means increased viscosity of semen. This deviation can cause male infertility, because in a viscous environment, spermatozoa are unable to actively move. When planning a pregnancy, you need to pass an analysis of the ejaculate to clarify this parameter. If a deviation from the norm is found, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment so that conception is guaranteed.

Sperm obtained for analysis in the laboratory undergoes a coagulation process, that is, it is compacted. Then the medium is liquefied for 30-60 minutes. Viscosity is examined by stirring the ejaculate with a glass rod. When the stick is raised to a certain height, the laboratory assistant examines the length of the continuous thread. Modern laboratories use a serological pipette.

Sperm Viscosity Test

The norm is an indicator of 0.2-0.6 centimeters. If the viscosity is increased, the length of the continuous thread will increase. Exceeding the norm can be divided into several categories:

  • 0.7-1 centimeter - moderate excess of viscosity;
  • 1-2 centimeters - a pronounced excess of viscosity;
  • more than 2 centimeters - a very high viscosity value.

According to doctors, the viscosity of sperm may depend on the number of sperm. An excessive number of spermatozoa indicates an abnormality in their development, anomalies in the structure, low activity and viability.

Hyperviscosity syndrome is associated with the following reasons:

  • the presence of pathological elements in the ejaculate;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • change in the physico-chemical properties of seminal fluid;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.

If pathological inclusions are found in the ejaculate, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body of a man. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the composition increases the viscosity. The seminal fluid may acquire a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor, and in the process of ejaculation, the man will experience pain. The presence of these symptoms is characteristic of infectious diseases of the genital area.

Physico-chemical properties affect the change in the composition of sperm due to long-term use of medications or steroids, genetic predisposition and occupational hazard.

Drinking alcohol negatively affects sperm quality

Dehydration can occur as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages, with increased physical exertion and drinking large quantities of coffee. Thermal procedures, such as baths, saunas, also lead to a lack of moisture in the body.

Violation of blood circulation leads to the appearance of congestion in the pelvic organs. This can cause disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs and affect the quality of sperm.

The viscosity of the ejaculate also depends on factors such as a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. The lack of vitamin B, as well as minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, have a significant impact on the reproductive sphere in men and can affect the quality of seminal fluid.

Most often, inflammatory processes in the sex glands and testicles lead to viscosipathy:

prostatitis in men

  • prostatitis;
  • varicocele;
  • vesiculitis;
  • orchitis.

If the results of the spermogram show a high level of viscosity, this may mean that the man has diseases of the reproductive system. For diagnosis and further treatment, you must consult a doctor.

In men after 45 years, an increase in the viscosity of the ejaculate is observed more often. The reason may be age-related changes in the body, this will not affect the general state of health. Only reproductive capacity will decrease.

How to reduce semen viscosity

To successfully conceive a child, you need to normalize spermogram parameters. Increased viscosity is quite easily corrected. The doctor will determine the treatment regimen and additional examinations. The patient must strictly follow all medical recommendations and not self-medicate.

The man will be prescribed a vitamin complex containing zinc and selenium, a diet will be prescribed, and the diet will be adjusted. In the process of treatment, it is recommended to give up alcoholic beverages and bad habits in order to avoid dehydration and the negative effects of toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke. It is necessary to reduce or eliminate the use of coffee. The diet should include foods containing vitamin C, which contributes to the dilution of seminal fluid. Food needs to be varied. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, you need to drink up to two liters of water per day.

Medications that thin sputum can change the viscosity of semen. Cough preparations may be used in limited quantities. For example, ACC, Coldrex, Tussin. Before starting prophylaxis with these means, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body and not reduce the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment.

Preparation Coldrex

Regular sex life and moderate physical activity will help reduce the viscosity in the spermogram. A man should not forget about the benefits of sports for the health of the body. The work of the reproductive system must be stimulated by special physical exercises. Doctors recommend doing morning exercises, jogging in the fresh air.

To reduce viscosity, a man should not visit baths and saunas, as well as take hot baths. You can take a shower under hot water for a short time so that the body does not lose moisture.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs

With an increase in viscosity, an ultrasound examination of the genital organs can be prescribed, which makes it possible to identify the cause of the pathology. Depending on what influenced the appearance of viscosipathy, one of the methods of therapy may be prostate massage. This will improve blood circulation in the genital area and normalize the outflow of secretions.

If the doctor detects the presence of infectious diseases, the patient should be treated with antibacterial drugs. With prostatitis and prostate adenoma, phytopreparations are prescribed that increase the volume of seminal fluid and spermatogenesis.

If the cause of viscosiopathy is an inflammatory disease, appropriate treatment should be carried out. Then do a second analysis of the ejaculate. Based on the results of the spermogram, further therapy will be adjusted.

Folk recipes

You can treat increased viscosity with folk methods. The most effective remedy is an infusion of elecampane. The preparation of a medicinal drink is simple and guarantees a good result. It is necessary to grind the roots of the plant, pour water and boil for 10 minutes. The decoction is taken in a tablespoon every 2-3 hours for 3-4 days.

Elecampane roots

A recipe that can restore the viscosity of sperm from dried fruits is popular with men. For preparation, the stalk of aloe is crushed and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. Dried fruits and walnuts ground in a blender are added. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. The mixture should be consumed before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

You can get rid of viscosipathy by eating green onions, eggs, nuts and sour cream. These components are included in various salads and other dishes. For example, they cook not the usual scrambled eggs, but an omelette with onions and nuts.

Restore the reproductive function of tincture of sage, flowers and leaves of oregano, anise seeds. In the spring, borscht is prepared from fresh nettles. The diet must include fish.

Traditional medicine has accumulated a large amount of knowledge in the field of treatment of increased sperm viscosity, but you do not need to use everything at once. With excessive use of infusions, an allergic reaction may occur. To achieve a result in treatment, you can choose a recipe based on walnuts and one of the infusions.

Alternative therapy methods are selected individually, taking into account the taste preferences of the man, as well as possible contraindications and allergic reactions to the components.

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In order to thin the blood and reduce viscosity, first of all, you need to change your usual diet. An increase in blood viscosity is a serious symptom that often leads to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. The reasons for this may be violations of the function of the liver, as well as blood vessels, etc. Sometimes it is simply necessary to reduce blood viscosity in order to avoid serious complications associated with thrombosis. Therefore, at the moment, many are concerned about how to reduce blood viscosity.

How to reduce blood viscosity through nutrition?

First, to reduce blood viscosity, you should drink more liquid (about 1.5 liters per day). To do this, you should drink different vitamin infusions and berry fruit drinks. After all, they also nourish and enrich the body with useful trace elements. For example, cranberry tea can reduce viscosity, while red grape juice can reduce platelet count. You should drink at least one glass a day of these juices.

In addition, do not give up green and herbal tea. Do not forget about dieting, but nutrition should be balanced, you should consume enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements.

It is also mandatory to include foods with a high content of iodine in the diet, as the tone of blood vessels increases with their use and blood clotting decreases. In addition, some shred seaweed and add it to food instead of salt, they can also be added to a salad or side dish. Seafood contains an amino acid that has a positive effect on increased blood viscosity.

Nuts are very useful for reducing blood viscosity. Since they contain healthy fatty acids and arginine, nitric oxide is produced from it, which plays a major role in the blood thinning process.

Limit yourself in meat, it is better to eat sea fish. Add dairy products, turkey and chicken meat, eggs to your diet, these foods are also rich in protein. It is also recommended to eat 200 g of squid 2 times a week to normalize blood viscosity. An additional and important source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is flaxseed oil, which can reduce blood viscosity. It is necessary to take this oil, preferably one tablespoon daily after meals.

Onions and garlic also help reduce blood viscosity. Eat one clove of garlic and half a medium-sized raw onion every day to prevent blood cells from clumping together. Bananas should be eliminated from the diet, eat less yogurt and leafy vegetables, because they contribute to blood clotting due to the content of vitamin K.

And, of course, to reduce blood viscosity, eat foods better in raw form. In the case of heat treatment of products, do not use frying, but a different cooking method. You can cook food in a double boiler, or bake in the oven.

How to reduce blood viscosity - folk remedies:

Chestnut tincture will help reduce blood viscosity. 50 g of peel should be infused in 1 glass of vodka for two weeks. Then take 30-40 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

A decoction of sweet clover. Take 1 teaspoon of sweet clover, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Take half a glass 2 times a day for at least a month.

A decoction of the mulberry tree is needed to reduce the viscosity of the blood. 200 g of fresh roots should be infused in 3 liters of cold water for one hour, then bring to a boil and cool, take 200 ml 3 times a day for 5 days.

A blood thinning cocktail. We take a pinch of cinnamon and 4 cm of ginger root, insist in 2 cups of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Drink a cocktail throughout the day.

Raspberry jam is designed to reduce blood viscosity. Eat 7 teaspoons of jam daily for 6 months.

Sprouted grains of wheat. They should be eaten throughout the day, and also added to various dishes.

Almost every person in our country at least once in his life donated blood for analysis. However, not everyone knows that there is such a thing as viscosity, what does it depend on? We will try to answer all these questions later in the article.

The viscosity of the blood means that it is too thick. Viscosity itself is directly affected by a huge number of factors. These are liver diseases, violation of its functions, damage to blood vessels, changes in the state of the thinnest membranes of platelets and erythrocytes, and much more. In addition, the ratio of the liquid part and the cell mass of the blood affects the viscosity of the blood. In turn, high blood viscosity can cause the formation of blood clots in the vessels and heart.

If a patient has this kind of process, the specialist will have to prescribe a special course of treatment that will contribute to liquefaction. It is, above all, a special and suitable diet. For example, a person who has increased blood viscosity should drink at least one and a half to two liters of fluid throughout the day. At the same time, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions, teas, only natural juices (fruit and vegetable), clean water. Grape juice especially helps in this situation, while it is mentioned that it must be red. It is this drink that is most beneficial for the entire vascular system of our body. This is a kind of balm for the human heart.

The nutrition of a person with increased blood viscosity should be, first of all, balanced in fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements, and so on. In order for the body to begin the restoration and renewal of the membranes of the cells of the blood itself, as well as the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary to provide it with a set of important amino acids. Some doctors argue that, under the circumstances, the patient's menu should be replenished with a large amount of meat, since it is this that is the most important source of protein. However, this is not quite true. The thing is that this product, in addition, is very saturated with fats, and their consumption, in turn, must be limited. In a different scenario, blood viscosity will not decrease, on the contrary, it will be possible to observe the reverse process. For this reason, a person should replace this with sea fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as a small amount of turkey or chicken meat.

Blood clotting can be significantly reduced if thirty grams of nuts are consumed daily (adult dose). It is they in their composition that have a large amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Cashews, walnuts and almonds are considered the best source of the amino acid arginine. From it, in turn, nitric oxide is formed quite quickly, which helps to reduce the level of blood clotting.

In the list of products that are useful for violations of this type, you need to add wheat seeds. At the same time, it is worth noting that they must be germinated. It is enough to eat one spoonful of this product per day.

Lymph, blood and the so-called tissue fluid in our body form a special environment. It washes every cell and tissue of our body. This internal environment must have a relative constancy of physical, chemical properties, its composition. This, in turn, creates almost the same conditions for their existence for the cells of the body. That is why blood is a special tissue of the human body. It performs a wide variety of functions. In this case, we are talking about the transport, nutritional, respiratory, thermoregulatory, protective, excretory and humoral functions. Blood viscosity normally differs between women and men. In general, only specialists can calculate it. Such studies are carried out in a special laboratory. However, if the viscosity of a liquid, for example, water, is taken as a unit, then we can say that the viscosity of the blood will be approximately one point seven tenths - two point two tenths. As for the viscosity of whole human blood, this value is close to five. In addition to all this, the presence of red blood cells and proteins in it determine its viscosity. If the number of red blood cells increases in the blood, then it thickens, and its viscosity also increases.

In this article, we will introduce you to the causes of thick blood (hyperviscosity syndrome, or hyperviscosity syndrome), symptoms, complications, methods of diagnosis and treatment. This knowledge will help you prevent not only many diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also their dangerous complications.

Everyone knows that the prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system can prevent many dangerous diseases, but they pay little attention to such an important point as blood viscosity indicators. But absolutely all the processes occurring in the cells and organs of our body depend on the state of this vital environment. Its main function is to transport respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients and many other substances.

Prevention and treatment of increased blood viscosity

When the properties of the blood change, which consist in its thickening, acidification or an increase in the level of sugar and cholesterol, the transport function is significantly impaired and the redox processes in the heart, blood vessels, brain, liver and other organs proceed abnormally.

That is why preventive measures to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels must necessarily include regular monitoring of blood viscosity.

What is thick blood?

Blood consists of plasma (liquid part) and formed elements (blood cells), which determine its density. The hematocrit level (hematocrit number) is determined by the ratio between these two blood media.

Blood viscosity increases with an increase in the level of prothrombin and fibrinogen, but can also be provoked by an increase in the level of red blood cells and other blood cells, hemoglobin, glucose and cholesterol. That is, with thick blood, the hematocrit becomes higher. Such a change in the blood formula is called the syndrome of increased blood viscosity, or hyperviscosity syndrome. There are no single indicators of the norm of the above parameters, because they change with age. An increase in blood viscosity leads to the fact that some blood cells cannot fully perform their functions, and some organs stop receiving the substances they need and cannot get rid of decay products . In addition, thick blood pushes through the vessels worse, is prone to the formation of blood clots, and the heart has to make great efforts to pump it. As a result, it wears out faster, and a person develops his pathologies.

You can detect increased blood density using a general blood test, which will show an increase in hematocrit caused by an increase in the level of formed elements and hemoglobin. This result of the analysis will definitely alert the doctor, and he will take the necessary measures to identify the cause and treat the syndrome of increased blood viscosity. Timely measures can prevent the development of a whole bunch of diseases.

Why does blood become thick?

The viscosity of human blood is regulated by a number of factors. The most common predisposing factors for the development of hyperviscosity syndrome are:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • an increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • an increase in the number of platelets;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • dehydration;
  • poor absorption of water in the large intestine;
  • massive blood loss;
  • acidification of the body;
  • hyperfunction of the spleen;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals that are involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
  • exposure;
  • large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates consumed.

Usually, increased blood viscosity is caused by one of the above disorders, but in some cases, the composition of the blood changes under the influence of a whole range of factors.

The causes of such violations are such diseases and pathologies:

  • food poisoning and diseases accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting;
  • hypoxia;
  • some forms of leukemia;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • polycythemia;
  • diabetes and diabetes insipidus;
  • diseases accompanied by an increase in the level of protein in the blood (Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, etc.);
  • myeloma, AL-amyloidosis and other monoclonal
  • gammopathy;
  • thrombophilia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • varicose disease;
  • thermal burns;
  • pregnancy.


Symptoms of hyperviscosity syndrome largely depend on the clinical manifestations of the disease with which it was caused. Sometimes they are temporary and disappear on their own after the elimination of the causes that provoked them (for example, dehydration or hypoxia).

The main clinical signs of thick blood are the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent drowsiness;
  • distraction;
  • severe weakness;
  • depressive state;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • constantly cold feet and hands;
  • numbness and tingling in areas with impaired blood microcirculation;
  • nodules in the veins.

In some cases, hyperviscosity syndrome is latent (asymptomatic) and is detected only after evaluating the results of a blood test.


The syndrome of increased blood viscosity is not a disease, but in the presence of serious pathologies, it can cause severe and formidable complications. More often the blood thickens in the elderly, but in recent years this syndrome has been increasingly detected in middle-aged and young people. According to statistics, thick blood is more common in men. The most dangerous consequences of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity are the tendency to thrombosis and thrombosis. Usually, small-caliber vessels are thrombosed, but there is an increased risk that the thrombus will block the coronary artery or cerebral vessel. Such thromboses cause acute necrosis of the tissues of the affected organ, and the patient develops a myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

Other consequences of thick blood can be such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bleeding;
  • intracerebral and subdural bleeding.

The degree of risk of complications of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity largely depends on the underlying cause of its development. That is why the main goal of treating this condition and preventing its complications is to eliminate the underlying disease.


To identify the syndrome of increased blood viscosity, the following laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • Complete blood count and hematocrit. Allows you to set the number of blood cells, hemoglobin level and their ratio with the total blood volume.
  • Coagulogram. Gives an idea of ​​the state of the hemostasis system, blood clotting, duration of bleeding and vascular integrity.
  • APTT. Allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal and general coagulation pathway. It is aimed at determining the level of plasma factors, inhibitors and anticoagulants in the blood.

Medical treatment

The main goal of treating hyperviscosity syndrome is aimed at treating the underlying disease that caused the blood density.

The complex scheme of drug therapy includes antiplatelet agents:

  • Cardiopyrin;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Thrombo ASS;
  • Magnecard and others.

With increased blood clotting, anticoagulants may be included in the complex of drug treatment:

  • Heparin;
  • Warfarin;
  • Fragmin and others.

Preparations for blood thinning are selected individually for each patient and only after the exclusion of contraindications to their use. For example, with multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia and other monoclonal gammopathy, anticoagulants are absolutely contraindicated. In the syndrome of increased blood viscosity, which is accompanied by a tendency to bleeding, the following are prescribed:

  • plasmapheresis;
  • platelet transfusion;
  • symptomatic therapy.


Blood density can be adjusted by following certain nutritional rules. Scientists have noted that the blood becomes thicker if the daily diet includes an insufficient amount of amino acids, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids.

That is why the following foods should be included in the diet of a person with thick blood:

  • lean meats;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • seaweed;
  • dairy;
  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil.

To correct the composition of the blood, products that promote blood thinning can help:

  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • celery;
  • artichoke;
  • garlic;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cashew nuts;
  • almond;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • dark grapes;
  • red and white currants;
  • cherry;
  • Strawberry;
  • citrus;
  • figs;
  • peaches;
  • apples, etc.

With increased blood viscosity, the patient needs to monitor the vitamin balance. This recommendation applies to foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C and K. An excess of them contributes to an increase in blood viscosity, and therefore their intake into the body should correspond to the daily norm. The lack of vitamin E also negatively affects the composition of the blood, and therefore nutritional supplements or foods that are rich in tocopherols and tocotrienols (broccoli, green leafy vegetables, legumes, butter, almonds, etc.) must be included in the diet. From the products described above, you can make a varied menu. Each person who is faced with the problem of thick blood will be able to include tasty and healthy dishes in their diet.

There is also a list of products that increase blood viscosity. These include:

  • salt;
  • fatty meats;
  • salo;
  • butter;
  • cream;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • brain;
  • Red pepper;
  • radish;
  • watercress;
  • turnip;
  • red cabbage;
  • radish;
  • purple berries;
  • bananas;
  • mango;
  • walnuts;
  • light grapes;
  • pomegranate;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • White bread.

These foods can not be completely excluded from the diet, but simply limit their consumption.

Drinking regime

Much is known about the dangers of dehydration. The lack of water affects not only the functioning of organs and systems, but also the viscosity of the blood. It is dehydration that often causes the development of the syndrome of increased blood viscosity. To prevent it, it is recommended to drink at least 30 ml of pure water per 1 kg of weight daily. If for some reason a person does not drink plain water, but replaces it with tea, juices or compotes, then the volume of fluid consumed should be higher.

Bad habits and drugs

Smoking and drinking alcohol contributes to a significant thickening of the blood. That is why people with thick blood are advised to give up these bad habits. If a person cannot cope with these addictions on his own, then he is recommended to use one of the methods for treating nicotine addiction or alcoholism. Negatively affects the composition of the blood and long-term use of certain medications. These include:

  • diuretics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • viagra.


Hirudotherapy is one of the most effective ways to thin thick blood. The composition of the saliva of leeches, which they inject into the blood after sucking, includes hirudin and other enzymes that help thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. This method of treatment can be prescribed after the exclusion of some contraindications:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • severe hypotension;
  • cachexia;
  • severe forms of anemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • pregnancy;
  • caesarean section performed three to four months ago;
  • children's age up to 7 years;
  • individual intolerance.

Folk methods

Thick blood syndrome can be treated with folk recipes based on the properties of medicinal plants. Before using such methods of herbal medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

To thin thick blood, the following folk recipes can be used:

  • tincture of meadowsweet (or lobasnik);
  • phytocollection of equal parts of yellow sweet clover, meadow clover flowers, meadowsweet grass, valerian roots, lemon balm, narrow-leaved fireweed and hawthorn fruits;
  • infusion of willow bark;
  • infusion of horse chestnut flowers;
  • nettle infusion;
  • tincture of nutmeg.

Thick blood negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular and other body systems. In some cases, an increase in its viscosity can be eliminated on its own, but more often such a violation of its condition is caused by various diseases and pathologies. That is why the detection of hyperviscosity syndrome should never be ignored. Treating the underlying disease that caused the blood clots and including blood thinning methods in your main treatment plan will help you get rid of the development and progression of many severe complications. Remember this and be healthy! published .

Julia Karpova

If you have any questions, ask them

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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