If a woman has brown discharge. Brown discharge after intercourse. Brown discharge after period and black discharge after period

It must be said right away that normally, fluid should be released from the woman's vagina. However, not every selection can be considered normal. Normal secretions include clear, non-abundant (from 50 mg per day) mucus that does not have any odor. Normal discharge does not cause inconvenience, does not cause itching, burning and irritation of the vagina. Mucous secretions increase in quantity over time until the arrival of the day of ovulation (about the 14th day after menstruation). During this period, mucus modifies its properties. The feeling of moisture in the external genital area during this period is a completely normal symptom.

With special caution, it is necessary to treat secretions that have a brown color. The brown, brownish tint of the liquid undoubtedly indicates sanious or bloody additions to the mucus. And this, in turn, may indicate disorders of the female genital area. Consider diseases that can give brown discharge.

Symptoms of brown discharge

Brown discharge can be a symptom of chronic endometritis, i.e. inflammation of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterine cavity. Brown discharge with endometritis appears before and after menstruation, often has an unpleasant odor. From time to time, brown mucus occurs in the middle of the cycle and is combined with aching pains in the lower abdomen. Chronic endometritis is a serious danger during pregnancy, it can provoke miscarriages at different times.

Discharges mixed with blood are also the main signs of endometriosis of the cervix or body of the uterus. In this case, pain may not necessarily appear. Endometriosis of the cervix is ​​a nodular, small-cystic formation or growth in the form of red or purple-blue stripes. Dark bloody and brown discharge may occur from some lesions. Endometriosis of the body of the uterus is an overgrowth of endometrial cells in the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus). Pathological secretions decrease in size after menstruation, and their color becomes lighter.

stained, bloody, brown discharge at the end of the cycle before menstruation or for a long time after menstruation may indicate endometrial hyperplasia. The causes of hyperplasia can be of a different nature. Often, such a pathology is formed as a result of hormonal balance disorders, as well as carbohydrate, lipid and other types of metabolism.

Brown discharge may be a symptom of a polyp in the uterus. The cause of the appearance of a polyp can be the pathology of the uterine mucosa or cervical canal against the background of a chronic inflammatory process. The cause of uterine polyps is most often hormonal disorders.

Brown discharge during pregnancy - staining, containing blood - is one of the first symptoms of detachment of the ovum or placenta, which occurred several days or even a week ago. As a rule, such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, resembling "light" contractions.

Often brown discharge with ichor speaks of an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, the woman feels a decrease in blood pressure, periodic or persistent pain in the lower abdomen, increased heart rate, dizziness.

Brownish discharge may occur in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, which is the norm. However, if such a phenomenon lasts for the 3rd month or more, then such a drug is not suitable and a new contraceptive is required.

Brown discharge in women in most cases is associated with the presence of a pathological process that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Brown discharge is not normal, especially if it occurs during the intermenstrual period.

A symptom such as brown vaginal discharge gives a woman a lot of inconvenience and can be a sign of serious health problems. How to identify the cause of this manifestation?

The reasons

To understand that the discharge is not normal, it is recommended to know the characteristics of a typical vaginal secretion. Normally, a certain amount of fluid is always released from the female genital organ, which has the following properties:

  • The mucus is transparent.
  • Small volume compartments - about 50 ml per day.
  • Has no smell.
  • Not accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching or burning.
  • On examination, the vaginal mucosa is clean, pink.
  • A smear from the posterior fornix reveals a normal amount of lactobacilli and a certain number of leukocytes.
  • Normal secretions increase in volume until the moment of ovulation in the middle of the cycle.

Any deviation from this characteristic should alert the woman. A symptom such as brown vaginal discharge may accompany the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus - endometritis.
  2. The appearance of areas of the endometrium in the wrong places - endometriosis.
  3. Growth (hyperplasia) of the endometrium and the formation of polyps in the uterine cavity.
  4. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the organ.
  5. Pathological course of early pregnancy.
  6. Pathology of the cervix.

Also, brown discharge in women appears as a side effect of certain hormonal drugs.


Brown spotting should be the reason for contacting a specialist. The doctor will identify the reason why brown discharge is coming with the help of some tests and history data.

During the interview of a woman, a specialist can clarify:

  1. When did the smearing brown discharge appear?
  2. At what period of the menstrual cycle do they appear?
  3. How has the nature of menstruation changed? Do you have dark vaginal discharge during your period?
  4. What is the volume of the discharge? Is there profuse brown discharge?
  5. What other symptoms accompany spotting?
  6. What medications does the woman take on a regular basis? What kind of contraception does she use?
  7. Are there any delays in menstruation and other signs of pregnancy?

These questions allow the doctor to find out why this unpleasant symptom arose.


Brown discharge in girls is very often associated with a disease such as endometritis. This process is an infectious pathology and is characterized by inflammation of the inner layer of the uterine wall.

Endometritis has acute and chronic forms. The first manifests itself quite violently with high body temperature and abdominal pain, which makes a woman turn to a specialist. Chronic endometritis can generally be asymptomatic, the only sign will be brown vaginal discharge.

This disease develops due to:

  1. The transition of acute postpartum endometritis to chronic.
  2. Untreated consequences of abortion.
  3. Any intrauterine intervention, frequent abortions, hysteroscopies.
  4. Pathologies of the female immune system.
  5. Infectious process in the lower parts of the reproductive system or urinary tract, which has spread to the uterus.

Endometritis is a rather dangerous condition, it helps to suspect it:

  • Regular discharge of dark color.
  • Unpleasant smell of discharge.
  • Infectious process in other organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Previous interventions on the uterus, abortions.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.


Brown, odorless discharge most often occurs with another pathology of the female reproductive system - endometriosis. This disease is consonant with endometritis, but has a completely different character.

Endometriosis occurs due to hormonal disorders, changes in the reactivity of the immune system, exposure to adverse environmental factors. Until the end, the mechanisms of the development of the disease have not been elucidated.

During the course of the disease, sections of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterine wall) appear in other places - in the thickness of the organ, on the surface of the appendages and peritoneum, and so on.

They are subject to the same hormonal changes as normal endometrium. Until the moment of menstruation, they are hyperplastic, and when menstruation comes, they are rejected, which leads to symptoms of the disease:

  • A dark brown discharge appears.
  • Sometimes mucous secretions have small streaks of blood.
  • Menstrual blood may be dark and clotted.
  • Abdominal pain can have different intensity and prevalence.
  • It can be smeared throughout the entire cycle, since the pathological endometrium cannot separate until the end.

Why does brown discharge occur between periods? This is usually associated with the discharge of pathological endometrial sections from the abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes or damage to the uterine wall by them.

Endometrial hyperplasia and polyps

Dark brown discharge in women may appear as a result of endometrial hyperplasia. This disease is today united by common causes and mechanism of development with endometrial polyps.

Both pathological processes can cause brown discharge, the causes of diseases are usually hormonal imbalances, which lead to pathological growth of the endometrium. If the inner layer of the uterine wall grows evenly, they speak of hyperplasia, and local seals in the form of outgrowths are called polyps.

Predispose to the appearance of the disease may be heredity, cancer of the genital organs, hypertension, metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and abortion.

The only symptom of the disease is most often only red-brown discharge, which appears even before the onset of menstruation. Menstruation can be long and profuse.

Over time, significant iron deficiency can occur in the body due to constant blood loss. This leads to symptoms of anemia.

That is why it is impossible not to pay attention to discharge with blood, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Myoma and cancer

Blood can be separated with mucus during neoplasms of the body and cervix. Even a myomatous node, which does not pose a threat to life, can cause edema of the uterine stack, due to which blood is separated between periods and a brownish tint of the discharge occurs.

The appearance of brown discharge may mean the presence of cancer of the body or cervix, so you must always be aware of the possible development of cancer.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • Weight loss.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Weakness, decreased performance.
  • Increased volume or duration of menstruation.
  • The appearance of a palpable formation in the lower abdomen.

Such symptoms may not always mean that there is a neoplasm in the uterus, however, a full diagnosis will help to exclude it.

Ectopia of the cervix

Brown discharge and itching are most often a symptom of cervical pathology. The movement of the epithelium of the cervical canal to the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​called ectopia. Often it is confused with the term "cervical erosion", which means damage to the epithelium.

Ectopia occurs due to hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance and some environmental factors. Usually the process has no manifestations and does not require treatment.

Sometimes changes in the endothelium lead to itching and bleeding, which explains the appearance of brown discharge.

Pathology of pregnancy

If menstruation did not come on time, and instead brown discharge from the genital tract appeared, this may be a sign of an early pregnancy pathology. This symptom most often indicates 2 common conditions: detachment of the fetal egg and ectopic pregnancy.

The first situation can occur at an early date, when the woman has not yet realized that she is pregnant. The only sign will be the appearance of brown or dark red spotting instead of the usual menstruation. The appearance of discharge indicates that the detachment occurred about a week ago. At the time of a miscarriage, a woman sometimes feels a heaviness in the lower back or a pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

Another common obstetric problem is ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes a fetal egg does not pass from the fallopian tube into the organ cavity and develops directly in the appendage or abdominal cavity.

Tubal pregnancy leads to damage to the wall of the organ and the separation of blood into the uterine cavity. As a result, a brown or dark red liquid is released from the genital tract, which mixes with the vaginal secretion.

Excessive bleeding is accompanied by symptoms of blood loss - a drop in blood pressure, palpitations, dizziness, symptoms of anemia. Tubal pregnancy often causes abdominal pain and requires surgical treatment.

Side effects of drugs

Quite rarely, hormonal contraceptives cause such a side effect as the appearance of brown discharge. It usually occurs only in the first 2-3 months of taking combined contraceptives and does not require treatment or withdrawal.

If symptoms occur 3 months after the start of the drug, then it should be discontinued and consider using an alternative agent or another method of contraception.

Be sure to tell your doctor about any medications you take on a regular basis. Then the specialist will be able to correctly diagnose.


The history and symptoms alone are not enough to make a correct diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend some of the following additional diagnostic tests:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Biochemical study of blood.
  3. A smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina, a smear for cytology from the cervical canal.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.
  5. Hormonal studies.
  6. A blood test for hCG to determine pregnancy.
  7. Colposcopy.
  8. Hysteroscopy.
  9. Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.
  10. Laparoscopy.

Of course, not all of these methods are used in routine practice, usually the diagnosis is established with the help of several additional studies.

In a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle runs smoothly. If unexpected violations occur, this should be the basis for contacting the antenatal clinic. One of the pathological conditions is black discharge during or between menstruation. There can be many reasons for this, it is sometimes difficult for a woman to figure it out on her own.

Features of the menstrual cycle

Before you begin to figure out when black discharge is the norm, and in which case it is a deviation, you should remember what the menstrual cycle is.

Each woman's body is individual, and therefore menstruation is different for everyone. But the general parameters apply to all:

  • The normal cycle is 28 days. However, this indicator is inherent only for 60% of women. For the rest, the duration ranges from 21 to 35 days.
  • Menstruation has several phases: under the influence of estrogen, an egg is formed in the ovary (proliferative period), lasts from 1 to 17 days; the corpus luteum begins to function, due to which the hormone progesterone is formed (secretory phase), lasts around 13-15 days; in between, the phase of bleeding begins directly, which is called menstruation.

From this we can conclude that menstruation is a cyclic process that occurs if the egg is not fertilized.

Normal menstruation has the following indicators:

  1. Bloody discharge in women lasts within 2-7 days.
  2. On the first day, a woman loses more blood than in subsequent days. From the beginning of menstruation to the last day, the amount of discharge decreases.
  3. For the entire period of menstruation, blood loss averages 50 ml.
  4. A daub is considered normal if it has a red or scarlet tint, without the presence of a specific smell. At this time, itching or burning in the intimate area should not be observed.
  5. Blood during menstruation should not have impurities or extraneous shades.

Note! Black or brown discharge is considered a deviation from the norm.

When is specific discharge the norm?

If, shortly before the onset of the cycle, black or brown discharge appears, this is the norm. It's just that they got drops of blood, which is why this color turned out. This can also be observed a few days after menstruation, when the body removes the remnants of blood from the uterus.

At this time, even dark clots can be observed. This situation is observed in quite healthy women. This is a sign of the onset of the menstrual cycle. During the menstruation itself, the blood coming out of the vagina can have different shades.

There are several other factors in which dark daub should not cause concern:

  1. Black or brown discharge is normal in women taking hormonal contraceptives. Daubing in this case can appear at any time of the cycle.
  2. If the girl had sexual contact for the first time, dark discharge may be present for several more days.
  3. They can also appear after active sex, without sufficient lubrication, as a result of which injury to the vaginal mucosa can occur.
  4. In girls, before the normalization of the menstrual cycle, up to about 16 years, black and brown discharge is normal.
  5. In women with the onset of menopause, hormonal failure occurs. This leads to the fact that the cycle becomes irregular, menstruation may not occur for several months. But when the discharge comes, it can be quite scanty and dark in color.

Even if a woman has one of these factors, a consultation with a gynecologist will not hurt.

Dark discharge - harbingers of a serious illness

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and understand the cause of black vaginal discharge. After all, they can signal not about natural processes in the body, but about serious diseases. There may be several reasons why there are dark discharges.

Complication of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized and fixed to the wall of the uterus, some fragments of the mucosa are shed, which can cause scanty black or dark brown discharge. A woman may feel mild pain in the lower abdomen. Such a symptom does not pose a threat to the life or health of the fetus or mother. This only says that menstruation should have occurred, but fertilization occurred. It is worth starting to worry if the daub has a bright shade and at the same time it is quite plentiful. This is the first sign of pathology. You should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Important! Black discharge with clots during pregnancy can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.

At first, the woman does not feel pain, but both bleeding and pain gradually increase, attacks appear that look like contractions. If you consult a doctor at the first signs of a miscarriage, the fetus can be saved.

Black discharge also appears when an ectopic pregnancy occurs, when the egg does not enter the uterus, but is attached to the ovary, abdominal cavity. In this case, the woman experiences severe pain in the groin. They can also give to the lower back, rectum.

If you do not seek medical help in time, a tube rupture may occur. Not only will the pain increase, but the amount of blood will also increase.

Cervical erosion

Black or brown discharge is also possible with cervical erosion - a defect in the cervical mucosa. During a routine examination by a gynecologist or during sexual intercourse, tissue injury can occur, as a result of which dark-colored blood appears.

Another reason is an infection with ongoing inflammation. In such a situation, the secret of a dark edema appears shortly before menstruation and at the same time has a specific smell.

Healthy cervix and prone to erosion - click to view

Erosion is treated with a laser. After the procedure, black discharge may appear, which will gradually lighten.

During pregnancy, with an increase in the uterus, the eroded mucosa is injured, which also causes a scanty bloody daub. It is impossible to treat the disease during this period, but the woman must be under constant supervision.

endometrial hyperplasia

In the uterine cavity there is a layer of endometrium. Its thickening is called hyperplasia. The first sign of the disease is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Partitions appear in the uterus that prevent blood from escaping, it folds, turning into clots. Allocations at this time are black or dark brown, scanty, in rare cases plentiful.

Treatment of hyperplasia consists in curettage of the uterine cavity, followed by the appointment of hormonal drugs.


Endometriosis is another disease in which the endometrium grows as a result of hormonal failure. Bloody daub is strong enough, have a dark color. May appear in the interval between periods for 2-3 days. A few days before and during the menstruation itself, a woman experiences severe pain.


Cervical cancer is one of the most common diseases in women. At the beginning of the disease, the main symptom is a dark spot between periods, the appearance of blood after sex, a failure in the cycle. Little blood is released. It has a black color, sometimes with a greenish tint and most often a specific smell.

As you can see, black or dark brown discharge is a sign of quite serious diseases. If there are failures in the cycle, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Additional factors provoking discharge

In addition to these factors, there may be additional reasons that cause a dark daub:

  • stress;
  • violation of the usual rhythm of life;
  • imbalance in food;
  • climate change;
  • some time after childbirth;
  • failures in the work of metabolic processes;
  • inflammation of the ovaries or uterus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • spiral setting.

Important! If the cause of the daub is inflammation, then there is an increase in temperature, pain.

You should immediately consult a doctor if bleeding is accompanied by:

  • burning in the intimate area;
  • bad smell;
  • bloody clots;
  • a change in the amount of blood released during menstruation;
  • discharge between periods;
  • dizziness, feeling unwell, brittle nails and hair.

These signs indicate a possible infection or inflammation. The concern of the fair sex about dark vaginal discharge between periods is understandable. Thus, the body can signal serious pathological processes occurring in the body. Delaying a visit to the doctor can lead to serious complications.

Brown, odorless discharge is not at all the norm. Very often, women who care about their health come to the doctor with just such a symptom. Sometimes such a manifestation is the body's reaction to a disease of the genital organs. Also, these discharges appear with the onset of menopause. During this period, a woman's monthly menstruation stops, and instead of them, spotting appears.

brown, odorless discharge. This may be a manifestation of hormonal changes and preparation of the body for menopause.

Crashes in the loop

Very often, women have brown, odorless discharge instead of normal menstruation. This state of affairs is not normal. From the point of view of gynecology, a healthy woman should have bleeding every month - menstruation. If there is a delay, and after it comes a "daub", it's about hormonal failure. In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the imbalance and try to eliminate it. For any disease, you do not need to self-medicate! Only a specialist should, based on the results of the tests, determine the causes of this manifestation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Doctor's consultation

The first thing the doctor will ask is: “When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?” The fact is that often, if after a certain time after sex, brown

discharge, then we are talking about either a serious illness or pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to be checked and tested. According to the results of laboratory tests, the doctor will report that the partner has awarded you either a child or a sexually transmitted disease. Be that as it may, clarity is better than speculation about the nature of secretions.

The main causes of the appearance of brownish mucus from the vagina

1. Brown, odorless discharge that lasts for a long period may be a symptom of endometriosis. This is inflammation of the endometrium as a result of the multiplication of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, which entered the uterus as a result of difficult childbirth, abortion or miscarriage. If this is not treated in time, then cell growth in the tissues of the endometrium may occur.

2. Hyperplasia caused by the growth of the inner wall of the uterus. It must be urgently treated, because the disease can develop into the formation of malignant tumors.

3. Chlamydia, ureplasma, herpes, mycoplasma can also cause prolonged periods with brown discharge.


Special attention should be paid to a woman in position. Brown discharge during early pregnancy may indicate the presence of a serious illness. For example, the presence of bleeding or smearing brown mucus may indicate placental abruption. This can lead to miscarriage. In the first trimester of your pregnancy, you should be especially careful, in case of detecting the slightest deviation, immediately go to the doctor. Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor can also occur as a result of the development of a sexually transmitted disease. You should not joke with this case, because the fetus may begin abnormal development and other pathologies. Consultation of a specialist and timely treatment is the key to saving a child.

Brown discharge, not associated with menstruation, greatly disturbs women, and there are quite good reasons for this. Among experts, it is generally accepted that vaginal discharge is a kind of indicator of women's health and the state of the reproductive system. The indicators of secreted mucus can tell a lot to the gynecologist. Of course, the brown mucous mass does not always appear as a result of a pathological process, and in some cases there is no reason for particular concern. However, often such a phenomenon becomes a symptom of the disease, and it is no longer possible to joke with this. When brown discharge from the vagina appears, you should not panic, but you should not let the process go by itself - the situation must be kept under control.

Why does discharge turn brown?

Vaginal discharge is always present in any woman, which is a normal physiological process. Normal secretions are considered to be clear, odorless and irritating mucus, manifested in a small volume, and their intensity changes during the menstrual cycle, reaching a maximum during ovulation. The usual composition includes leukocytes and lactobacilli.

Brown discharges are mucous masses with bloody impurities. It is the blood that provides them with a brown tint (with rare exceptions when pigments provide coloring), and the saturation depends on the concentration of the blood component. Very small ingress of blood into the mass gives a pale brown tint, and an increase in blood content increases the color saturation (dark brown discharge, and sometimes even almost black).

It should be noted that the brownish shades are provided by clotted blood, i.e. there is rapid blood clotting and a deep source of bleeding, a variant of delayed removal of the mass is possible. If the blood does not have time to clot, then the discharge becomes red, scarlet or pink.

It is the bloody bases of brown mucus that cause increased anxiety. In order for such secretions to appear, an internal source of bleeding is needed. Physiologically, the female reproductive system is constantly aimed at creating conditions for the fertilization of the egg and the preservation of conception, which becomes the essence of the menstrual cycle. Physiological secretions in women largely depend on the periods of the menstrual cycle, which is facilitated by changes in the hormonal background.

Complete cleaning of the system from everything superfluous in case of failed fertilization is provided by menstruation, the bloody component of which is perceived as a completely natural phenomenon. However, small blood impurities of the same nature can also come out at other times, which causes shades of brown in the discharge. The very process of ovulation also creates sources of bleeding. Thus, dark brown discharge is largely determined by the menstrual cycle.

In addition, it is necessary to note some other characteristic periods in the life of women, when the characteristics of vaginal discharge can change radically. First of all, this is the entire period of pregnancy with a real hormonal "revolution", as well as the puberty of girls, menopause, sexual intercourse.

In general, brown discharge can be caused by non-dangerous, physiological processes, but can also be a sign of a pathological lesion (illness, injury). When analyzing the nature of mucus, the following indicators are taken into account: color and its saturation; volume; consistency; the presence of odor, itching, pain, discomfort, impurities, etc. Pathological discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms.

Physiological processes

In order to understand the degree of danger of dark brown vaginal discharge, it is necessary to differentiate non-dangerous, physiological phenomena from pathological processes. First of all, physiological processes are caused by the menstrual cycle. Brown spotting is considered quite normal for 1-2 days after menstruation. This is how the remnants of unclaimed cells come out of the uterine cavity: at first it is red-brown, and then light brown mucus. If brown masses go longer than 5 days, then you should consult a doctor, because. pathologies are possible. Smearing brown discharge can be fixed 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. This is how the female body reacts to external drastic changes (climatic, psychological factors, physical overload).

In the middle of the menstrual cycle (13-16 days after menstruation), the appearance of spotting is associated with the process of ovulation. Such phenomena, in principle, are anomalous, but within the permissible norm. They are caused by a sharp hormonal imbalance.

Most often, quite abundant brown discharge can occur within 3-4 months after the first use of hormonal contraceptives.

During pregnancy, at its various stages, brown discharge can be of a natural physiological nature. In the early stages of pregnancy, physiological phenomena are due to the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. The process of fixing the fetal egg proceeds with a rupture of the smallest blood vessels, and the released blood mixes with the vaginal mucus. The mass may acquire a brownish, beige or pink tint. Such secretions are quite thick (cream consistency) and plentiful, but do not have alarming symptoms, and the pain syndrome is quite insignificant. The duration of the process can be 2-4 weeks.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause spotting around the time of your period before conception. These brown discharges are also taken as normal. At the same time, these manifestations should not be abundant and prolonged (more than 2-2.5 days) in nature. The recurrence of such an anomaly can be repeated in 2-3 months.

Possible causes of non-pathological manifestations

Another powerful enough stimulus to activate secretions can be considered sexual intercourse. Almost 20% of all women feel a significant increase in the intensity of discharge, incl. brown hue after sex. Bloody discharge is noted during the first sexual intercourse in a girl's life and subsequent 2-3 contacts. Another option for the appearance of blood impurities in the vaginal mucus is sex when a woman is not ready for contact, when not enough lubrication is released, and frictional movements lead to abrasion of the vaginal mucosa and microcracks.

A fairly common cause of these manifestations can be various types of contraception. In particular, they are considered a normal reaction of the female body to the start of taking hormonal contraceptives or switching to other pills. Bloody traces can be detected within 4-6 months after the start of the use of tablets. If discharges are found even after this period, it means that this type of remedy is not suitable and should be replaced with another drug. If the change of tablets does not help, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

A similar reaction of the body may follow an unexpected cessation of taking pills after prolonged use. Even a reaction is possible if a woman simply forgot to take one tablet at the usual time. The body gets used to receiving a portion of hormones from the outside. Brown discharge also occurs with other methods of contraception. This phenomenon is detected within 3-4 months after the installation of the intrauterine device. Longer and more abundant discharge means that the spiral protection for a woman is not suitable for the individual characteristics of the body.

Manifestations of pathogenic factors

Brown vaginal discharge may be a sign of pathology of the genitourinary system. The following main pathogenic causes of this manifestation are distinguished:

  1. 1. Endometritis - an inflammatory reaction of the uterine mucosa (endometrium). Brown mucus, as a rule, is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and sometimes a pain syndrome of a aching nature in the lower abdomen. The main causes of the disease are abortions, miscarriages, hormonal imbalances, infectious lesions, postpartum complications. Pathology has a chronic course and is very dangerous during pregnancy, because. disrupts the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall.
  2. 2. Endometriosis - damage to the uterus or its cervix. Pathology in the uterine cervix develops in the form of small cysts and nodules or stripe growths of red or cyanotic color. The defeat of the uterine body mainly occurs in the muscle layer. With endometriosis, dark brown discharge is fixed, clearly indicating the blood component. After menstruation, the secreted mucus becomes somewhat lighter than before them.
  3. 3. Hyperplasia of the endometrium. Dark brown discharge of a smearing type is observed before menstruation and for a long time after their completion. The causes of this pathology: violation of the metabolic process (especially carbohydrate and lipid), hormonal imbalance, arterial hypertension, congenital anomalies, various diseases of the reproductive system.
  4. 4. The presence of polyps. Brown discharge often becomes a sign of the presence of polyps in the uterine mucosa or cervical canal. Their presence often provokes an inflammatory reaction. Especially severe bleeding is found when polyps are damaged, in particular during sexual contact.
  5. 5. Detachment of the fetal egg. Prolonged spotting of a smearing nature may signal a detachment of the fetal egg or placenta from the uterine wall. An important symptom is paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the lumbar region.
  6. 6. Pregnancy of an ectopic type. At the onset of such an anomaly, brown manifestations with an admixture of ichor are observed. Additional symptoms: arterial hypotension, pain in the lower abdomen, tachycardia, dizziness, general weakness.

The presence of diseases and pathologies

Brown spotting from the vagina can be provoked, in addition to the above pathologies, by a number of other diseases of the inflammatory, infectious and tumor type. It is necessary to note the following diseases:

  1. 1. Oncological diseases. Of particular note are uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Bleeding in the presence of such tumors is especially pronounced after sexual intercourse.
  2. 2. Erosion or ectopia of the cervix - ulceration or defects in the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Pathology can occur in a woman at any age, and the greatest danger is the tendency to transform into a malignant formation. The disease is especially dangerous in the presence of the papilloma virus in the body, which increases the likelihood of oncology. On examination, erosions are observed in the form of a superficial sore with a reddening area 3-20 mm in size. Bloody discharge increases during intercourse, because. mechanical damage occurs.
  3. 3. Uterine adenomyosis - extensive growth of the uterine endometrium. The main symptoms: brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle, excessively heavy periods, menstrual irregularities, bloating, pain with increased during sex.
  4. 4. Uterine fibroma - a tumor of a benign nature, having a connective tissue structure and forming on the uterine wall. Symptoms directly depend on the degree of growth and include menstrual irregularities, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dysuric signs, and radiating pain in the lower back.
  5. 5. Venereal diseases and sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis, etc. Characteristic signs: a sharp unpleasant odor, severe itching, burning. Bleeding increases after sexual contact.

Brown discharge in women can be caused by various reasons. Physiological manifestations do not require treatment, but oblige to carry out preventive measures: careful hygiene, nutrition optimization, rejection of bad habits, strengthening the body. If pathologies become the cause of the discharge, then you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor, after conducting appropriate examinations, diagnoses a specific disease and prescribes adequate treatment.

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