What causes white discharge. Vaginal discharge in women: the norm and a sign of disease. Which doctor should I contact with pathological vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge in women can be of a different nature - they can be scarce, abundant, red, yellow, green, with or without an odor. But most often, patients complain about the presence of white vaginal discharge. Should I be worried about them? And what pathological conditions can indicatewhite discharge in women?

general information

The inner surface of the vagina, uterus and other organs of the reproductive system is lined with mucosa, on which there are glands that produce mucus. It allows you to clean the vaginal cavity from dead cells, menstrual blood, pathogenic microorganisms and ensures the maintenance of normal microflora.

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Depending on the state of the microflora, the work of the reproductive organs and many other factors, every woman or young girl can regularly noticedischarge on panties, of a different nature.

And most often they are allocated from the vaginawhite highlights. This is due to several reasons - physiological and pathological.

What is the norm?

Vaginal mucus should normally be clear, like water, without a specific odor and stand out in small quantities.Discharge on pantieswhite color indicates minor deviations from the norm, which may indicate both the development of serious pathologies and some disorders in the body.

For example, white mucus from the vaginamost often worries young girls who are just beginning to develop hormonal levels. In women of more mature age, its appearance may also be associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background due to the onset of menopause. But in women aged 20-45 years, it is observed extremely rarely, since all these processes are in a stable phase.

In addition, if a woman takes oral contraceptives, then she may also notice similardischarge on panties. Their occurrence is provoked by the hormones contained in the tablets and they are the norm, but only if there are no other symptoms.

In the absence of infections, inflammations and other pathological processes, vaginal discharge:

  • Not accompanied by discomfort in the perineum.
  • Transparent and only on certain days of the cycle of a yellow or white hue.
  • Watery, and at the time of the onset of ovulation, they acquire a mucous and stretching, like snot, consistency.
  • Throughout the day time are allocated in large quantities and are invisible to women.

But it should be noted that mucous andtransparent selectionsometimes they can be released in very large quantities, while not having anything to do with pathologies. This phenomenon can be observed:

  • With sexual arousal.
  • 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation.
  • Throughout the day after sex.

It should be noted that after engaging in sexual intercourse, in which contraceptives (condoms) were not used,mucous discharge from the vaginamay be observed throughout the day. At the same time, white lumps or whitish streaks may be present in them, which is also the norm. Thus, the body gets rid of the remnants of sperm.

Allocations on the 20th day of the cycleare also considered normal. Most often, they are a harbinger of the onset of menstruation soon. At the same time, 3-4 days before menstruation, they can be plentiful and even contain streaks of blood. After that, bleeding (menstruation) appears.

During the onset of ovulation (it occurs on the 12-16th day of the cycle),watery discharge in women. It is on these days that most people navigate their cycle and identify the most “dangerous” periods, when the risk of getting pregnant during unprotected sexual contact increases several times.

It should be noted that the presencewhite discharge from the vaginaconsidered normal if they are not accompanied by severe symptoms. That is, they do not provoke the appearance of itching, burning in the perineum, irritation or a feeling of moisture. They do not have a strong smell and practically do not disturb the woman. In all other caseswhite mucous dischargeare pathological and require immediate treatment.

As you can see, provoking the appearancewhite discharge in women causesnot so little. And in order to accurately establish them, you will need to pass several tests at the clinic and undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

no symptoms

Quite often you can hear from women and young girls: the appearancewhite discharge, but not due to thrush, this is normal? vaginal discharge,which have a white color, are simply called white. They occur periodically in all women and young girls and are natural. As mentioned above, it is they who provide cleansing of the walls of the vagina from dead cells.

Beli in women also contain a secret secreted by the cervix, therefore, during the period of ovulation, their daily volume increases, while they change their consistency - the discharge in the middle of the cycle becomes stretchy and mucous. They can go for several days or observed daily in very small quantities. At the same time, they are not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and burning, and also do not provoke the appearance of pain.

And if we sum up small results, then it should be said that a woman can celebrate abundantdischarge on pantiesnot pathological in only a few cases - with the imminent onset of menstruation or ovulation. They can also occur as a result of changes in hormonal levels, when taking oral contraceptives, or a violation of the pH (acid-base balance) in the vagina.

With a sour smell

What does white discharge meansour smell? Their appearance in 90% of cases is caused by a violation of the pH level of the vagina and the active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. They provoke the development of a disease such as candidiasis. In the common people, it is called a thrush. It is accompanied by the presence of secretionsin the form of white lumpsor cottage cheese. But regardless of their consistency, the following symptoms are always present:

  • A sour smell comes from the labia.
  • The skin is irritated, red.
  • A white or beige coating appears on the labia.
  • There is a feeling of moisture in the perineum.
  • There is itching and burning.

In rare cases, thrush occurs without severe symptoms, that is, without discomfort and itching. Butdischarge in the form of white flakes(may also be noted thick cheesy chunks) or discharge like sour cream is always present. The development of candidiasis can be provoked by various factors. The most common of them are:

  • Frequent change of sexual partners, as a result of which the microflora of the vagina changes.
  • Taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics.
  • Pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Climate change.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • The use of intimate hygiene products with a high content of alkalis, etc.

In addition, the appearance of whitelumpy dischargecan also lead to malnutrition. If a woman or girl eats a lot of flour products that use yeast or sweets, this can also lead to the development of candidiasis, even for those girls who are not yet sexually active.

If a woman has white discharge comingwith a sour smell and are accompanied by discomfort in the perineum, then she should definitely visit a gynecologist and undergo a full course of treatment. At the same time, her sexual partner should also be treated (if there is indeed a thrush, then white flakes may appear on the head of the penis on the sexual partner). Since if only a woman undergoes treatment, then she will be able to get rid of this ailment, since Candida fungi will be transmitted to her with every sexual contact, after which the symptoms of thrush will occur again and again. BUT how to treat it is decided by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

With a rotten smell

If a woman noticesdischarge on panties, from which the smell of rotten fish emanates, this indicates the development of a disease such as gardnerellosis. It is also called bacterial vaginosis. The general clinical picture that occurs with this disease is similar to the symptoms of thrush. But only in this casevagina leakswhite liquid, like milk or sour cream. It is also possible bloody e discharge, but they are rare in bacterial vaginosis.

Allocated fluid from the vaginawith gardnerellosis, it also provokes redness and swelling of the labia, burning and itching. However, if the manifestations of thrush in both men and women are almost the same, then with this disease and men, only one symptom is noted - burning during urination.

Gardnerellosis mainly develops as a result of:

  • Frequent douching.
  • Applications of lubricants.
  • Promiscuous sexual life.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Use of vaginal suppositories such as Terzhistan and Polygynax.

What to do if there are signs of gardnerellosis? Naturally, go to the doctor and get treated immediately. At the same time, do not forget that both sexual partners need treatment at once.

White frothy dischargein women, this is a sign of the development of sexually transmitted diseases. And most often this symptom is manifested by trichomoniasis. As a rule, during the examination, this disease is detected immediately in both sexual partners. At the same time, in men, trichomoniasis is almost asymptomatic. Sometimes they may feel the presence of a mild pain syndrome when urinating. But in women, this disease always has severe symptoms.

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And the main symptom is, of course, a strong translucent or cloudy discharge from the vagina. They do not have to be white in color, most often they have a yellowish or greenish tint. Wherein in secretions clots or streaks of blood may be noted. All this is complemented by symptoms such as:

  • Hyperemia of the labia (they become cyanotic, swollen, itchy and itchy).
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse (by the way, with trichomoniasis, yellowish orwhite discharge aftersexual contact stand out very strongly).
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Cutting when urinating.

But it should be noted that foamymilk secretionsmay also occur due to:

  • Weakened immunity, when the body cannot fight pathogens on its own.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • The development of diabetes.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Microtrauma of the vagina.


If white dischargeappeared in the second phase of the cycle, then this may be a symptom of pregnancy. Quite often, a woman herself is unaware of her "position" and is waiting for the onset of menstruation. But instead of it there are abundant viscous cloudy discharge, but there is no menstruation. In this case, this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

When pregnancy occurs, the appearance of whitish discharge at the end of the cycle is a natural occurrence. They do not smell of anything and do not contain whitish or bloody streaks. If a woman is 20- day 23 of the cycle notes a jelly-like discharge, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor. Especially if she already knows that she will soon become a mother.

Their appearance may indicate the development of an infection, anddischarge with bloodthey talk about placental abruption and may indicate an imminent spontaneous miscarriage.

Instead of menstruation

Availability white discharge during menstruationDoctors give the following reasons:

  • The onset of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal disorders during the development of diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent stress.
  • The development of infections or inflammation.

Sometimes women have dense mass with white lumps from the vagina streaked with blood at the time when menstruation was supposed to begin. Such allocations during the time of menstruation is often a symptom of cervical erosion.

Women's highlights in the middle of the cycle, at the end or at the beginning stretching consistency are the absolute norm, and therefore they do not need special treatment. But if a woman literally has white mucus flowing from her vagina on cycle day 19 or twentieth , while it has an unpleasant odor and causes severe discomfort, you must definitely go to the hospital.

Why discharge from the female vagina how to treat them, only the attending physician can tell. He will take all the necessary tests and, based on them, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Remember! In no case should you self-medicate. White and transparentselections at the end of the cycleor at its beginning are absolutely normal. It is not worth doing various douching with herbs or antiseptic solutions, as this can only aggravate the situation.

Discharge in women and girls should always be - this is the natural state of the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, thanks to the secretions, the vagina is independently cleansed of various bacteria, dead cells, menstrual blood, and mucus. Most often, natural discharge does not have a color, but sometimes the appearance of white discharge in girls and women can raise a question - is this normal or are they pathological, indicating a disease.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Often, white discharge in girls is somewhat more abundant than in women of reproductive, middle age, or women during menopause. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is just being formed in girls, the hormonal background is beginning to stabilize, and in middle-aged women this process has already been completed and is more permanent. Normally, both in girls and in women before menopause, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment, due to the presence of lactobacilli, which form lactic acid. This environment is detrimental to pathogenic microorganisms, it is unfavorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. So, what kind of discharge can be considered the norm?

Why does a girl have white discharge with a sour smell?

White mucous discharge in girls and women is commonly called whites. They are a natural waste product of the body, since the cells that cover the walls of the vagina are constantly being updated. Dead cells are constantly sloughed off, mixed with mucus. In addition, the discharge from the cervix is ​​also part of the whites, therefore, physiologically during ovulation, the amount of discharge from the cervix increases, they become more stretchy, mucous. Therefore, it is normal if the discharge is transparent or white, while nothing else worries the woman, neither, nor burning, nor pain.

However, if a white discharge with a sour smell appears, while the itching or discomfort is either significant or only intermittent, this may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis. a lot - these are hormonal changes, failures, taking hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy there is very often thrush, hygiene disorders, abuse of flavored and antibacterial intimate hygiene products, colored toilet paper, taking antibiotics, stressful situations, climate change, nutritional errors - abuse sweets, diets, synthetic underwear, douching too often ()

What discharge may indicate a disease?

With a decrease in local or general immunity, with a violation of hygiene, taking antibiotics, with hormonal failures, opportunistic organisms that are normal in the vagina, without causing harm, can begin to multiply and lead to an inflammatory process. If a girl has the following discharge pattern, this is a symptom of any diseases or disorders and requires examination and a thorough examination by a gynecologist:

  • Very profuse, white thick curdled discharge in girls. If the discharge resembles cottage cheese, while the woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina, especially sitting cross-legged, this is bright and girls. Moreover, thrush or vaginal candidiasis does not depend on whether the girl is sexually active or not.
  • Foamy, profuse discharge - more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Discharge of any pronounced color - brown discharge, yellow, green or other noticeable shades.
  • Unpleasant smell - putrid smell, sour, onion smell and others.
  • Any suspicious discharge, especially when accompanied by itching, dryness, or discomfort during intercourse, redness of the vulva, pain in the lower abdomen (on one side or both sides just below the navel), fever, or persistent pain during and after intercourse .

If whites began to change color, smell, quantity, and irritation and discomfort appear in the genital area, this is considered pathological changes and discharge, and the cause of their appearance should be determined. Also, the discharge can be of different origin, that is, come from different parts of the female reproductive system. The classification of secretions by origin is as follows:

  • Tube whites- appear with inflammation of the fallopian tubes, while fluid accumulates in the tubes, which first enters the uterus, then exits through the cervix into the vagina.
  • Vaginal leucorrhea- this is the most harmless discharge, when, with inflammatory diseases of the vagina, various white, yellow discharges appear, most often with an unpleasant odor - this can be trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, etc.
  • Cervical leucorrhea- appear with inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) of any etiology. The cause may be mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Uterine leucorrhea- with endometritis of any etiology. In this case, the inflammatory exudate drains through the cervical canal into the vagina and mixes with the vaginal secretions.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there can be more than 100 reasons that cause a change in the color and nature of the discharge, based on the external description of the discharge, not a single gynecologist can establish a diagnosis without laboratory diagnostics. Theoretically, only abundant, strong white curd discharge in girls and women can be an unmistakable diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. However, thrush is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, so only smear and bacterial culture tests, as well as tests for STIs, can establish the true cause of a change in a woman's discharge. The color of the discharge can only give a little hint in which direction the research should be carried out more thoroughly:

  • Transparent whites, foaming can be .
  • Gray shade of white with a characteristic fishy smell, most often occurs with gardnerellosis,.
  • Greenish discharge- discharge with such a shade speaks of a purulent process, since a large number of leukocytes give the discharge a green color. The stronger the inflammatory process, the more leukocytes, and, accordingly, the more green tint in the discharge.
  • yellow discharge- this may be one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis, since inflammation in trichomoniasis is most often localized in the vagina, in which the concentration of leukocytes is lower.
  • Discharge in girls white color- can both be a symptom of thrush, and be the norm. Since, with a mild degree of vaginal candidiasis, there may not be significant itching and burning, only occasionally and slightly, therefore, if more abundant, too white, thick, curdled discharge appears, you should visit a gynecologist and find out whether it is thrush or not.

However, it is not necessary to unequivocally regard the color of the whites as a diagnosis of the disease, only tests are able to establish an accurate diagnosis in pathological discharges.

When to see a doctor for white discharge?

If the white discharge from a girl or woman is not more than a teaspoon per day, is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then you should not worry. However, if the discharge becomes very abundant, curdled, frothy, thick, appears, changes color to yellow, green, gray, any unpleasant odor appears, especially if any of the above is supplemented by itching, burning, pain, even not high, subfebrile temperature is a reason to see a doctor:

  • First, the gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair. In the mirrors, you can see the walls of the vagina and the cervix - in what condition they are, inflamed or not, whether there are pathological discharges from the cervix and what they are.
  • In some cases, a doctor may perform a colposcopy to rule out or confirm cervical dysplasia or erosion.
  • If an STI is suspected, in addition to the usual smear for flora and bacteriological culture, the gynecologist can send a PCR smear for analysis.
  • If the patient complains of pain, menstrual irregularities, etc., if inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages or the uterus itself are suspected, a transvaginal ultrasound is indicated, which can help in establishing a complete clinical picture.

The presence of a small amount of vaginal discharge in women is a normal physiological phenomenon. But their abundance, uncharacteristic color or unpleasant odor can be a symptom of a gynecological disease. Many women do not immediately pay attention to such changes. And during this period, the disease begins its active development. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to white discharge in women in time. What changes in the normal secretion process signal should be considered in more detail.

The normal state of a woman

In healthy women, a certain amount of secretion from the vagina is secreted daily. The reasons for this process in the normal state are:

  • mucous discharge from the cervical canal;
  • dead epithelial cells;
  • lactobacilli.

It's important to know! If the discharge is not abundant, there is no pus in them, they appear odorless and without itching, then this is normal! A different consistency of the secret indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the woman's vagina.

Causes of the appearance of pathological discharge

A woman may experience profuse discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor. What could it be? There are many reasons for their development, depending on the nature:

  1. Curd secretions. Most often accompanied by severe itching, have a yellowish color. This indicates the occurrence of thrush. A specialist can diagnose this disease with the help of a laboratory smear test.
  2. A secret with a sour smell. It can also signal the appearance of thrush. It occurs as a result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida against the background of a hormonal imbalance, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, and taking antibiotics.
  3. Grayish discharge with a fishy odor. Over time, their abundance increases. It is a characteristic symptom of the development of bacterial vaginitis. Sometimes accompanied by external itching.
  4. Thick white discharge can also accompany the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, you need to consult a gynecologist. After all, this secret may not be pathological in nature, but be a consequence of the use of vaginal suppositories for prophylactic purposes or as a method of contraception.
  5. Liquid secretions. If they are not accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching or an unpleasant odor, then during the period of ovulation or during pregnancy they are considered normal.
  6. The secret during intercourse is a normal physiological state in a woman. At the time of sexual arousal, the white discharge should be slimy and odorless. If they are of a different nature, this may indicate the development of an infectious disease.
  7. Creamy discharge is most often formed before menstruation, so they are not dangerous.
  8. Foamy discharge most often begins to disturb a woman with trichomoniasis. Usually accompanied by redness and swelling of the labia, itching, pain in the vagina.

Important to remember! In a normal state, a woman should have white or slimy stretching odorless discharge! A secret of a different nature appears with the development of infectious, fungal, viral diseases in the vagina.

This unpleasant symptom overshadows the normal life of every woman, especially intimate relationships. In order to get rid of the sharp unpleasant odor of discharge, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. The most typical prerequisites are:

  1. Candidiasis. The fungi that cause this disease are not in themselves representatives of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina. They begin to bring harm during reproduction as a result of exposure to adverse conditions.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis, also called bacterial vaginosis. The cause of this disease is a violation of the composition of the normal microflora of the vagina and the active reproduction of opportunistic bacteria. The disease is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
  3. Purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Occurs as a result of infection with pathogenic microflora.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases resulting from sexual contact with an affected partner. One of the signs of these pathologies is the pungent smell of secretions.
  5. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Every woman should shower daily and change underwear. If she neglects these procedures, then an unpleasant odor will soon appear.

Important to remember! If there is a sharp uncharacteristic odor for discharge, you need to contact a gynecologist!

Treatment of pathological white discharge

In order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you need to contact a specialist. He will conduct a thorough examination and send a smear for a laboratory study, the results of which will help to identify the cause of the discharge that is uncharacteristic for a healthy woman. After that, the gynecologist will prescribe the most effective treatment in each individual case. The most commonly used methods for this are:

  1. Taking antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antifungal drugs. The drugs are used both topically and in the form of tablets. The type of drug depends on the cause of the disease.
  2. Biological products containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and helping to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
  3. Physiotherapy activities.

It's important to know! Diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment for such an unpleasant symptom in a woman should be carried out by both partners! This will help to avoid the recurrence of pathology.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many recipes for the preparation of drugs to eliminate pathological white discharge. They can be easily used on their own at home.


Treatment with soda in traditional medicine has several options, with the help of which local baths are required:

  1. You should take 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 tsp. iodine, add 1 liter of purified water. In this solution, you need to sit for about 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out before going to bed every day for a week.
  2. Baking soda can be used as a douching solution. This will require 1 tsp. and 1 liter of purified water. Douche should be 3 times a day.

Baking soda has a devastating effect on the fungus that has appeared in the vagina.


To prepare the medicine, you will need pine buds in the amount of 20 g, which should be poured with 2 liters of boiling water. Put to simmer on a slow fire for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then, with the resulting solution, carry out the douching procedure 2 times a day.


It will take 20 g of juniper fruit, which should be poured with 1 glass of hot water. Leave for approximately 4 hours. After the time has passed, use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.


Chamomile treatment has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a medicine from this medicinal plant, 5 tbsp. l. dry flowers pour 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 1 hour. Then do a local bath for about 30 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a day before going to bed.

Important to remember! Before treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult a gynecologist! He will help you choose the most effective medicine in each individual case.

Prevention of the appearance of pathological secretions

In order to avoid gynecological diseases, you should follow these rules:

  • use of condoms during intimacy;
  • get rid of bad habits, because smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol negatively affects women's health;
  • do not use other people's hygiene items;
  • eat more fermented milk products, which have a positive effect on the microflora of the vagina.

Also, one should not forget that the greatest protection against viral, infectious and fungal diseases during sexual intercourse is a condom.

One of the indicators of a woman's health is the characteristic of her sexual secretion. Discharge during sex is a complex process conceived by nature itself. What they should be in the norm, and what is considered a pathology - more in this article.

Features of female discharge during arousal

Almost all sexual partners during intimacy observe vaginal moisture, and with an increase in sexual desire, it increases.

What is released in women when excited?

In everyday life, the secretion that appears during sex is called lubricant. It is a transparent liquid mucus, odorless and homogeneous in consistency. The described substrate consists of liquid and cellular components, which are the secretion of the glands of the epithelium of the vagina and the uterine cavity, leukocytes and various microorganisms.

How much mucus should be normal?

Usually female lubrication is allocated up to 5 ml per day. The amount of fluid with excitation increases significantly due to the rush of blood to the walls of the vagina and stimulation of the gonads. Discharge during arousal in girls can be excessively plentiful or, conversely, scarce. Sometimes the largest number of them.

What is female lube for?

This secret performs many functions. With the help of it, sex becomes more comfortable, easy insertion and sliding is provided. The sticky composition helps to reduce the ingress of foreign microorganisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.

During the fertile period in the fair sex, this fluid adapts the composition, creating a favorable environment for sperm, thus contributing to conception.

White discharge during sex (like a cream)

Often, ladies notice thick white discharge during and after sex. Many describe it using the phrase "like a cream".

On medical forums, no one can really explain the nature of such a secretion, and many users advise visiting a clinic and getting tested. However, experienced gynecologists argue that white creamy discharge should not frighten a woman if they do not have an unpleasant odor, they are of a homogeneous consistency, and are not accompanied by uncomfortable sensations such as burning, itching and pain during urination. This feature, according to experts, is characteristic of mucus on certain days in the menstrual cycle.

The fact is that throughout the cycle, the level of hormones is constantly changing, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances determines the nature of female secretion. In addition to the vagina, mucus is produced by the uterus, the so-called cervical fluid.

Its main function is to help transport sperm to the egg. Figuratively speaking, this is a seed storage, the environment of which is favorable for him and allows him to survive in the conditions of the acidic microflora of the vagina.

How does secretion change during intercourse for a month?

The characteristic of vaginal mucus depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which sexual intimacy occurred.

At its beginning, there is very little mucus, it is transparent in color and rather watery. Its function at this stage is the barrier that it forms in the cervical canal (the so-called cervical plug), which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.

When ovulation approaches, the amount of estrogen increases, which affects the work of the whole organism, in particular, the reproductive system and the properties of vaginal mucus. The vaginal secretion becomes profuse, thick, viscous and alkaline. Has a pronounced smell of egg white, cream or white.

After ovulation, mucus is again produced in a minimal amount.

The nature of vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can even tell you what stage of fertility a woman is in and whether conception is possible.

To calculate the most suitable days for fertilization, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual mucus:

  1. With the presence of scant discharge and dryness in the vagina, conception is impossible (immediately after the critical days and before them).
  2. Sticky and sticky mucus, which dries quickly on the fingers, can only minimally contribute to the survival of sperm.
  3. with odorless sex, they will tell you about the approach of ovulation and an increase in the chances of getting pregnant.
  4. The period of ovulation is characterized by the release of a white viscous liquid resembling egg white. Greatest chance of conception.
  5. Then the estrogen level goes down, which makes the CL less able to store and transport the male seed.

These allocations may also change due to other factors. The transferred stresses and diseases on the legs, hormonal imbalance, taking medications, including hormonal, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases and gynecological pathologies can change the description of the mucus secreted during sex.

Heavy discharge during sex

A secret secreted in a significant amount, as a rule, does not indicate pathology. In addition, the amount of discharge will help you navigate the likelihood of conception by the vaginal method. It involves the following actions: the introduction of 2 fingers into the vagina (deep enough), the subsequent extraction and determination of the presence of fluid.

Strong discharge during sex can indicate ovulation, as well as trouble in the intimate environment, so this method works only in the absence of pathologies and diseases.

Pathologies and diseases

The cause of excessive lubrication in a girl when excited can be some violations.

A common disease that manifests itself in excessive discharge is bacterial vaginosis. During and after sex there is sticky copious mucus, yellow, green or off-white in color with a rotten smell of fish. During sexual intercourse, discomfort in the form of burning and itching may appear.

The curdled consistency, white color and kefir smell will indicate a fungal disease Candidiasis, also known as thrush.

Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea often explain the significant leakage of fetid fluid of different colors during intimacy.

Natural causes of heavy white discharge in women after intercourse

A similar secretion may result from the mixing of vaginal secretions and the man's semen. Sometimes it has a yellowish tint and a proteinaceous smell, similar to a chicken egg. Usually this mucus does not cause discomfort. Genital discharge is quite abundant and indicates the completion of sexual intercourse by ejaculation in the vagina.

Often, hypersensitivity becomes the cause of strong female discharge when white is excited. In this case, the symptom cannot be attributed to pathology; rather, it is a phenomenon of a psychological and emotional nature.

Scanty discharge during sex

Sometimes there is no lubrication at all, which is a consequence of the problem. Perhaps the acid-base balance is out of order or the microflora is disturbed. Most often, the cause is hormonal failure, which is why vaginal dryness is often found in menopause.

Allocations in women are physiological and pathological. The first type is transparent, consists of mucus and lactic acid bacteria. The fluid is watery, viscous, with particles of dead uterine and vaginal epithelium. Abnormal discharge indicates inflammation. They are brown, green or yellow. White discharge can be both physiological and pathological. To determine what type they belong to, the consistency and smell will help.

Common Causes

Clear mucus turns white before ovulation. This happens on the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle. The secretions have a sour smell, they become thick and plentiful. The genital organs of a healthy woman produce up to 4 ml of secretion per day. A spot with a diameter of 4.5–5 cm is formed on a daily pad or underwear. Small soft lumps of a white or yellowish hue are found in the mucus. These are physiological secretions that every healthy girl and woman has.

The mucus becomes white due to stress and frequent douching. A milky discharge is produced if a woman:

  • regularly uses lubricants or lubricants;
  • takes hormonal contraceptives;
  • does not comply with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • change underwear every 2-3 days or less;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle, due to which blood stagnates in the pelvic organs;
  • treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • protected by vaginal suppositories;
  • buys only synthetic underwear.

White discharge is due to stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. They appear if an inflammatory process has begun in the vagina or uterus. The exact cause of the secret will be determined only by the gynecologist after examination and analysis.

White discharge, odorless

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the physiological secret is transparent and viscous, like raw chicken protein. On days 12-14, the uterus begins to prepare for ovulation. The mucus secreted by the cervix becomes liquid so that the spermatozoa can enter the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the female body produces a watery, whitish secret. This is normal if the girl is not bothered by unpleasant symptoms, such as itching or burning after urination.

5-7 days before the onset of menstruation, the discharge, which is called leucorrhoea, becomes plentiful and thick. Sometimes lumps come out with mucus. The uterus is preparing for the exfoliation of the epithelium and is cleared of infections and microbes, so a sour smell appears. There is no reason for concern if no more than a teaspoon of secretion is produced per day.

Mucus becomes white after defloration. The girl's body gets used to the partner and his microflora, trying to protect himself from infections and bacteria that can enter the vagina during intercourse.

White mucus appears in women who have an intrauterine device. Patients who notice strange discharge are advised to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the uterus does not accept a contraceptive, and you will have to choose another option for preventing unwanted pregnancy.

White, odorless discharge and unpleasant symptoms do not need to be treated. A woman should wash regularly, use panty liners and wear only breathable underwear made from natural fabrics.

Discharge and itching

Mucus takes on a white tint and a sour smell due to inflammation in the appendages or vagina. Infected tissues secrete lymphocytes and leukocytes, which destroy microbes and fungus, staining the secret in a milky color. Abundant discharge and itching can indicate various gynecological diseases:


Every second patient faces Candida. it occurs due to the Candida fungus. It affects the mucous membrane of the vagina. The discharge from thrush is thick, similar in consistency to thick sour cream, and has a sour smell. There are lumps and flakes in the mucus. Itching appears after urination, and during intercourse there are painful sensations.

Bacterial vaginosis

Refers to non-communicable diseases. It develops with prolonged use of antibiotics or antibacterial drugs. Appears due to spermicides, oral contraceptives and hormonal disorders.

Trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted to a woman from a partner during unprotected intercourse. The symptoms are similar to candidiasis. Patients who do not receive timely medical care develop infertility.


Refers to venereal diseases. Accompanied by copious discharge and itching in men and women. It is transmitted only sexually. Causes inflammation of the cervix, leads to the development of erosion and malignant tumors.

White discharge and itching can indicate thyroid disease and diabetes. Due to a hormonal imbalance, a woman produces thick mucus with a sour smell. Sometimes a milky, cheesy or watery discharge and itching indicate cancer. Patients who suspect thrush or a malignant tumor are advised to contact a gynecologist and take tests.

Discharge with odor

The physiological secret of a healthy woman is odorless. White thick discharge, reminiscent of sour milk, indicates thrush. The Candida fungus begins to multiply actively when immunity is reduced due to stress, colds, or the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Whitish translucent mucus that foams and smells bad indicates chlamydia or Trichomonas. Milky discharge with a grayish tint indicates vaginosis. If they give away rotten fish, the girl should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist and be tested for gardnerellosis.

A white, sour-smelling secretion may indicate HIV. Some patients become infected with the virus from a regular sexual partner during unprotected intercourse.

Discharge after sex

An excited woman's body produces watery, clear or white mucus. This is the lubricant that is needed to slide the male genital organ into the vagina. A thick secret of a milky shade appears in a girl after unprotected intercourse, even interrupted. So the vagina is cleared of the microbes of the partner and his sperm.

The uterus produces a white secret if:

  • the patient had intercourse with a new man;
  • a woman introduced candles, gels or spermicides from an unwanted pregnancy into the vagina;
  • partners used the lubricant.

Glands located in the uterus and vagina produce milky mucus when allergic to condoms. If a girl has intolerance to latex products, small and large labia swell, the skin turns red, itching appears.

Discharge after menstruation

Within 2-5 days after menstruation, the vaginal mucosa is restored and populated with beneficial bacteria. During this period, a woman may notice white spots on linen or sanitary pads. If the discharge is watery, not thick and loose, does not smell like sour milk, there is no reason to worry. This is a physiological secret, which is called whites. They take on a milky hue due to bacteria living in the vagina. You need to worry if the discharge is accompanied by itching or burning, they have brownish or pink streaks.

White discharge during early pregnancy

Beli in expectant mothers is a normal and natural phenomenon. You can say that it is. A plug is formed that closes the cervix and protects the embryo from infections and bacteria, so the discharge becomes abundant.
White or milky mucus is one of the early signs of pregnancy. The discharge should be profuse and painless. Not accompanied by itching, discomfort, redness of the genitals or irritation. After 12 weeks, the mucus becomes watery and translucent.
Thick curdled discharge is a symptom of thrush, which appears due to hormonal disruptions and reduced immunity. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning, itching and pain when urinating. A pregnant woman should not treat the disease on her own. Only a gynecologist can choose the right drugs that will not harm the child.


A patient who suspects inflammation or thrush is advised to undergo an examination:

  • do an extended blood and urine test;
  • take a smear;
  • undergo a colposcopy to exclude erosion and dysplasia;
  • make an ultrasound of the appendages and uterus;
  • donate blood for hormones.

A gynecologist may order a bacterial culture from the vagina to rule out an infection. A woman is checked for STIs, and if the whites do not disappear, they are advised to take an HIV and oncology test.

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