Proven methods for complete recovery of the body. Exercises performed while sitting. Each of us comes to recovery at a certain period of life: someone after illnesses, someone as a result of spiritual aspirations. The main thing here is striving

The beauty of our approach (systems of natural healing) in maintaining health lies in the fact that the transition to healthy nutrition can be carried out within the budget of an inhabitant with an average purchasing power, adhering to a system of natural healing.

So, what is the system of natural healing, what are its principles, who is the author, what is the evidence of its effectiveness?

The author is Academician G.S. Shatalova, high efficiency She confirmed this system, first of all, by experimenting with her body, and for several decades her system of natural healing was successfully tested by thousands of students and followers.

Unfortunately, G.S. Shatalova passed away in December 2011 at the age of 96 and, to the greatest regret, this truly great woman did not receive proper recognition from official medicine. Even her death was “silenced” by the media, official bodies, and institutions. Wild people!

The main postulate of the system of natural healing is that a person must live in harmony with nature, since the cell of the body, the body itself, the Big and Small cosmos live according to the same laws.

Therefore, G.S. Shatalova believes that very limited limits of species survival have been set for us. The range of temperatures under which human body can comfortably exist, unprotected by clothing or walls of the dwelling, is extremely small and is about 50-60 degrees. Man artificially expanded these limits. But, having provided a comfortable living environment, a person simultaneously breaks ties with nature, he has the illusion of permissiveness. Self-confidence of this kind does not go unpunished: the human body, deprived of the natural conditions of life prescribed by nature, becomes easily susceptible to numerous diseases.

Unfortunately, people are looking for the causes of their diseases not in violation of the specific principles of nutrition, not in deviation from the laws of nature, but in spontaneously appearing diseases of internal organs and systems, while diseases are perceived as their “failure”. This view of human ailments strengthened everyone in the opinion that if you study the principles of the functioning of each organ separately, then by creating new drugs, you can restore its work. These erroneous conclusions have led to the fact that Western medicine has made its efforts to study the particulars to the detriment of the knowledge of the human body as a whole, as a self-regulating system. That is why we still do not know what a healthy person is, just as there are no approved physiological constants of health. Official medicine formulates the term "health" as follows: "When a person is not sick, he is in good physical form, spiritually developed, socially successful - these are the main signs of health.

This definition does not create a basic basis for an effective system of health prevention, because. does not reflect the state of health, either spiritual or bodily. G.S. Shatalova conducted a series of studies in order to find such a basic basis. And it turned out that the body of a truly healthy person needs oxygen about 5 times less than the body of a healthy person in the generally accepted concept. A truly healthy person breathes less frequently: 3-4 cycles (inhale - exhale) per minute, without special techniques and training, and not 18-20, as the so-called practically healthy one.

This fact testifies to the correctness of new ideas about the norms of basal metabolism, which consist of energy costs directed to the internal needs of the human body. Until now, it has been argued that, depending on the weight of a person, to ensure the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, even at complete rest, from 1200 to 1700 kilocal/day is required. But it turned out that these scientific recommendations can only be applied to those people who are adherents of the current anti-human civilization. For this they are rewarded with the so-called practical health, which means: diseases have not yet overcome the body, but the foundation has already been laid.

It was possible to establish that, contrary to the existing point of view, the basic metabolism of a human body with actual health, which adheres to the recommendations of the Natural Healing System, requires 5 times less energy: 250-400 kcal/day.

This established fact made it possible to define a new approach to the calorie content of the daily diet. In the experiments carried out by Shatalova G.S. managed to prove that a significant reduction in the daily diet does not reduce body weight in trained people, even subjected to prolonged and heavy physical exertion, but increases endurance.

The system of natural healing considers the human body as a whole. The body of a healthy person is a self-regulating, self-healing system that automatically controls the processes occurring in the body. This system is so complex that, with our current knowledge base, it is still inaccessible to human understanding in full. It is all the more important for us to identify and describe at least accessible objective signs of health, which, in turn, allows us not to trail in the footsteps of diseases that have already taken place, but to seek and find those conditions in which the body can fully realize its ability to self-regulate and self-healing. The system of natural healing, at its core, contains precisely this principle.

Thus, it has been theoretically and experimentally proved that a low-calorie diet with a one-time consumption of plant foods of no more than 450 cubic cm triggers the mechanism of self-healing and self-regulation of the body, the system of natural healing. Due to what?

Our body is the most complex biological system, the vital activity of which is provided, is regulated by the flows of various types of energy. Unsystematic consumption of food products leads to intoxication of the body, unreasonably high energy costs for the assimilation of food, neutralization, and removal of toxins from the body. To do this, our body turns off some vital functions, as a result of which, against the background of its slagging, diseases arise. And, on the contrary, by switching to healthy nutrition, we gradually reduce the intoxication of the body, and it, receiving additional energy reserves, directs them to self-regulation of vital functions.

Now let's look at why some foods are useful and others are harmful, how to use them correctly in order to get a positive effect.

So, what is good for us to eat?

You can answer very briefly - vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, full-fledged cereals, with minimal heat treatment. I agree - it doesn't sound very convincing. For persuasiveness, it can be added that these are “living products”, which are species-specific for humans, fully providing the human body with energy, not exposing it to intoxication, creating energy reserves that trigger the self-regulation mechanism, the natural healing system.

This is a little clearer, but questions still remain, and answers to them can be obtained by considering some nutritional theories. The currently existing caloric theory of nutrition claims that a person makes up for all the expenditure of his energy at the expense of the energy that appears when the chemical bonds of food are broken. The energy intensity of food products is determined by calorie specialists by determining the amount of heat released (in kilocalories), and the amount of heat that a person releases - by measuring, placing a person in a thermal insulation chamber. And if a person performs intense mental work? - He will release the same amount of heat, but at the same time, there will be a loss of live weight from one to three kilograms. Take a fresh, freshly picked apple fruit that has lain in a vegetable store for several months. Which one is better, which one would you choose? - It's not about calories, not even about vitamins, but about special energy - biological, energy-informational, which all living things are endowed with, which our body is able to assimilate, and devices for determining it have not yet been invented. Subjecting products to heat treatment, we destroy biological, energy and informational energy.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the nutrition of each type of living beings has its own species characteristics. (forced preferences) , which do not affect his health, mental, physical abilities in any way - predators eat exclusively meat, and herbivores, for example a camel, eat camel thorn, in which protein, fat, carbohydrates - the cat cried, but both of these species survive perfectly with their natural nutrition.

Vegetarian nutrition is based on plant foods, but long-term heat treatment, mixing incompatible products which are allowed by vegetarians. Another feature of species nutrition is that concentrated foods, canned food, sugar, etc. are excluded from it. If you want to be healthy, gradually exclude meat from your diet - this is a non-species product for humans, a person, contrary to all statements, is unfortunately not omnivorous. In addition, store-bought meat and the one that a predator gets for itself are completely different products.

There are also certain nutritional rules, food combination rules, non-observance of which can negate all our efforts in healthy nutrition, read “Food Compatibility”.

And yet - ideally, the one-time amount of food consumed should not exceed 450 cubic cm, and if you are striving for perfect health, then during the transition period, food intake should be gradually reduced to these indicators.

Provided that these are vegetable products with a low calorie content, then your health is guaranteed, although compared to the traditional menu, it looks like a half-starved existence. Here it is important to know that the success of healing nutrition largely depends on the restructuring of mental and physical programs, your thinking settings - therefore, read the classics of healing, follow the positive changes in your body, then you will feel the rejection of uncontrolled food consumption habits.

A little about other types of nutrition - separate nutrition, raw food diet, macrobiotic. Separate is when various groups food products are consumed separately, at different time intervals. What does it give? – Reduces intoxication of the body, i.e. has the least toxic effect on the body. Is it worth wasting time using the split meal method? But if you have not yet crossed the line beyond which diseases begin, separate nutrition may well be suitable as a preparatory, transitional stage on the way to specific healing nutrition, while the basis of modern macrobiotics is Eastern philosophy about the principles of Yang and Yin balance, ensuring the equilibrium state of basic energies. All diseases and all products are divided into Yang-Yin. Yang - diseases are treated with Yin - products and vice versa, read "Macrobiotics". Raw food diet. - It's true. It's very efficient. But these are also crises, very difficult, personal experience of healing nutrition is needed, with a parallel study of the recommendations of famous raw foodists, the theory of raw foodism. By the way, with a raw food diet, there is no need to cleanse the body, fasting, because. specific food products consumed raw do not slag the body with toxins and slags.

No small harm is done to the human body, bakery products. The author of the theory of separate nutrition, G. Shelton, spoke very categorically about the dangers of bread, as one of the great curses of mankind. We will not be so categorical - grain, yeast-free bread is quite suitable for nutrition, of course, if without abuse.

G. Shelton meant yeast bread, made from finely ground flour. Why is it harmful? – The intestinal microflora is killed, the lack of trace elements, and White bread It's all starch and sugar. The biggest drawback is wheat protein gluten, which, due to a lack of enzymes, is not completely broken down, poisons the body, literally sucking energy out of it, causing a whole bunch of diseases, starting with ... and ending with oncology.

I tested the statements of G.S. Shatalova, the author of a system of natural healing, that when eating bread, vitality, energy, without any allegories, simply leave the body. - Yes, they do, at least it affected my body in this way - there are surges of energy when bread is excluded, its lack when consumed.

How to determine what effect you get when switching to healthy nutrition, are there any obvious, available methods, indicators? - There are reliable, simple, affordable - this is control acid-base balance(KSCR of the body), health-improving, cleansing crises.

Why KSHR? – Because the state of a person’s health can be judged by several indicators – acid-base acid, blood pressure, cholesterol, bilirubin, hemoglobin, heart rate. And only KShchR from this entire list of indicators is able to influence simultaneously all body systems, being, as it were, a trigger mechanism for stabilization or destabilization processes.

The pH of saliva and urine is controlled using litmus paper or a pocket electronic pH meter (I just use this one). Normal indicators: saliva pH - 6.8 upon awakening, 7.0 - before meals, 8.5 - after breakfast; Urine pH - 6.4-6.8 - upon awakening, 7.0-8.5 - two hours after eating, 6.6-6.8 the rest of the day. For measuring the pH of saliva optimal time from 10 to 12 noon, urine pH is best measured two hours before a meal, or two hours after a meal.

Thus, if, for example, the pH of saliva is below 6.5, this should alert you, if it is 6.0, you are sick.

No less harmful to the body is also its increased alkalization, i. pH greater than 7.4. The result is the same, disease. Therefore, the term is such - KShchR, i.e. necessary to maintain health strict observance acid-base balance of all body environments. And why is everyone talking about the need to alkalize the body without any additional conditions? - This is because all the internal environments of the body (blood, lymph, etc.) are slightly alkaline, in addition, the vast majority of people acidify the body due to mixed nutrition. So drinking slightly alkaline water is the only right way for the total majority of people. It is necessary to control the acid-base balance when the state of health worsens. There are other factors that affect it (trauma, stress, etc.).

But what about the body itself, as a self-regulatory system, is it simply obliged to adjust pH? – Corrects, quite successfully. When we, being engaged in gluttony, acidify the body to unimaginable limits, it is saved by alkalization. How? - Removes alkali metals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) from tissues, bones, read what diseases this leads to. Bad teeth, brittle bones - but unfortunately this is not the worst thing, and contrary to common sense, we do not give the body a choice, it is forced to sacrifice alkali metals for self-preservation, i.e. chooses the lesser of two evils.

Let's talk about this one more thing. Some authors advocate ideas that contradict what you have just read. For example, it is proposed to CLEAN THE ORGANISM due to its ACIDIDATION with animal products, or the author claims that many diseases can be cured by ACIDIDIZING the body with FRUIT.

Does the body cleanse its acidification? Yes, but only by increasing the concentration of CO2 (for example, when eating carbohydrates or slightly acidic water), and protein food only slagging, poisoning the body.

Can fruit heal? - Who would argue, they acidify the body, due to the acids contained. Yes, they acidify, but only at the beginning of biochemical transformations, which end with alkalization of the body, because. fruits contain weak organic acids, which, when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, exhibit an acidic reaction, and being absorbed from the intestine into the blood, into the lymph, they decompose into chemically neutral products, and organic salts formed by organic acids, together with alkali metals, already alkalize the internal environment of the body .

Why do such conflicts occur? - One author can be sincerely mistaken, while another needs it for some reason. The criterion of the author's interest can be, for example, a clear desire to promote a product (an intellectual product or the same dietary supplements).

When I encounter something like this, I always remember that all famous raw foodists, when publishing books, articles, always refer to their experience of raw food diet, their health indicators. Rejecting the usefulness of plant foods, did someone convince you from their own experience, eating exclusively meat? Rather, on the contrary, there are facts that those sentenced to death were sometimes transferred to REINFORCED meat diet, without vegetables, fruits and other products besides protein, i.e. meat. After two or three months, he died of natural causes.

The system of natural healing takes into account many factors, but again - each of us is unique in the set of microelements, health indicators, diseases, finally. Therefore - no dogmas, in small steps, moving forward, create your own system of recovery. I don’t think that plant foods will be fatal for someone, but it may well turn out that your body, having lost animal proteins, will begin to malfunction. Only you can determine this. Moreover, some people, having switched to a raw food diet, include slightly salted sea fish, hard cheeses, egg yolks, yeast-free grain bread in the menu. You just need to know - how much, why, why - learn the materiel! A will help you with this


We live in interesting and very dynamic times. Our life due to the development of civilization and progress is becoming more intense and more comfortable. But despite the development of science, diseases are still actively attacking the human body, and they are not getting smaller. On the contrary, it can be argued that thanks to the latest scientific methods of diagnosing, humanity annually discovers new diseases for itself.

Doctors say that the person himself is to blame, since most diseases are due to the lifestyle that he leads.

And, the state of the environment, unfortunately, contributes and leaves much to be desired. In large cities, where millions of people live, where numerous industrial productions are concentrated, it is difficult to find at least a small corner of ecological well-being.

Here we can surely add two eternal human vices - vanity and pride. In the pursuit of careers and high earnings, many of us sacrifice our physical and mental health. Often in the struggle for a place in the sun, instead of the desired comfort and a comfortable life, we get crazy stress and "workaholic syndrome" that entail illness.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself: we are forced to live in such conditions that there is less and less time for rest.

Even the right to vacation, many of us either cannot afford because we are not able to get away from work for a long time, or do not have the opportunity to fully enjoy the rest during our vacation. But, even having found time for a vacation, our body simply does not have time to recover in a short two weeks, especially after a busy working day for a whole year.

Driven into the framework of our own ambitions, we remember our health only when it is already undermined, and feverishly begin to put our own lifestyle in order. Although it has been proven that prevention is much cheaper than treatment.

It has long been known that good rest in free time significantly increases efficiency, and that it is necessary to have a good rest, improve health and restore impaired body functions, not only during holidays, but also after a working day and on weekends.

In today's success-driven era, many people prioritize health and performance as top priorities. The fashion for all natural, natural products, fabrics and cosmetics, coupled with the growing popularity of fitness, a healthy lifestyle and stress management, have forced a new look at the style of relaxation.

And what could be more natural than the life-giving power of water? If you want to maintain your health and improve your ability to work, if you want to effectively resist many factors that reduce your well-being and your ability to work, if you want to strengthen your body and achieve rejuvenating cosmetic effects, then this book is for you. .

This book is entirely devoted to one of the most fashionable methods of healing in our time - healing properties water.

There are more than a hundred different healing methods based on the power of water. We will focus on the most progressive and affordable for every person, even at home. Namely: what is SPA and how to organize your SPA-resort at home; what is thalassotherapy, and how seafood helps to improve the quality of life, prolong youth, preserve beauty and good mood; how to use the healing powers of clay, mud, stones and mineral waters. Let's talk about baths and aromatherapy, cleansing the body, vitamins and nutrition problems.

Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday work, catch your breath and do not miss the chance presented to you by this book - discover the secrets of the amazing effects of ordinary water.


Chapter 1

Life originated in water. Perhaps that is why water has a unique life-giving power, gives youth to both our skin and soul. All life on Earth - from the most primitive amoeba to the dry bush of the desert, is three-quarters water. It is simple and mysterious at the same time. Mysterious and unique. This is the element that nourishes and purifies everything it touches. Let us recall at least the tales of living and dead water. Let us also recall that many temples and monasteries in ancient times in Russia tried to build near rivers and springs.

Lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams have a unique property to take away with them the pain, resentment, bitterness and fears of the person next to them. Maybe that's why most Japanese and Chinese prefer to spend their holidays in parks near water bodies.

The first information about hydrotherapy can be found in the Hindu treatise Rig Veda, written 1500 BC. Even then, water was used for healing, served as a remedy for both the ancient Hindus and the Egyptians. A variety of hydrotherapy methods can be found in the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates. Scientifically, water treatment is called hydrotherapy and includes douches and wraps, rubdowns, baths and showers using conventional fresh water with various medicinal additives.

More residents ancient rome they used to say: "Look for healing in baths ..." Since then, a lot of time has passed, and the methods of water treatment have changed and improved with each new century. Each century, rediscovering the healing properties of water, found millions of ways to use it.

The Romans knew what they were advising. After all, baths with warm water are one of the best means for removing muscle tension. They relieve fatigue, promote excellent deep relaxation and good sleep. What is the secret of water? In the buoyant force that can make the body simply weightless, which, you see, is already pleasant in itself. And if you add healing substances to the water, for example, vegetable or mineral?! Everyone knows about the healing effects of sodium chloride or table salt. Bath with salt not only relaxes and restores the body after labor day but also treats arthritis, sprains and muscle injuries, obesity and cholecystitis, and many organ diseases genitourinary system, especially in women.

Coniferous baths relieve the excitability of the central nervous system and enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Facilitate breathing, making it rare and deep. The smell of pine needles generally has a beneficial and calming effect on the entire body, relieving unnecessary stress, not to mention improving the blood supply to internal organs and muscles, or an effective antispasmodic effect.

Baths with the addition of needles - excellent remedy for the treatment and relief of pain in gastritis and gastric ulcers, bronchitis and rhinitis, neurasthenia and many other diseases.

For problems with the skin, starch baths are prescribed with their gentle enveloping and softening effect.

And mustard baths, on the contrary, excite the nerve endings of the skin with their essential oils, thereby increasing the activity of all metabolic processes. Maybe that's why they are recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract and the nervous system.

Recently, in European countries, for example, in France and England, the most fashionable doctors use various wraps and rubdowns in the treatment of colds. For these procedures, the same table salt. Cotton cloths or towels are immersed in the salt solution and wrap the chest and back of the patient with them, capturing the region of the lungs and bronchi. A T-shirt is put on top, wound in several layers terry towels, and woolen clothes are put on top. During this procedure, moisture evaporates freely from the surface of the skin, without creating a greenhouse effect, as with compresses. This healing process can last up to six to eight hours, until the dressing is completely dry.

At high temperatures, rubdowns are useful, especially for young children. To do this, add vinegar to warm water.

But water is good not only because it has buoyancy. Water is an excellent heat carrier and conducts heat many times better than air.

The most effective water, the temperature of which differs sharply from the temperature of the skin. Such an effect of irritation on the body can instantly increase skin blood circulation and gas exchange. For example, a cold foot bath relieves a headache attack. Those who regularly suffer from migraines are advised to walk barefoot more often in dew or in the cool water of reservoirs. Ideally, it is best to wander in the summer on the pebbles on the banks of a river or sea, but if this is not possible, then you can walk on a prickly rug in the bathroom. This method is associated with the centuries-old traditions of health-improving methods of Tibetan monks, who all year round at dawn take a certain number of steps along the shallow water of mountain streams. Ice water not only hardens the body, but also strengthens the spirit and clarifies thoughts.

It is believed that a monk, having taken twenty-one steps along a swift icy stream, energizes himself for the whole day.

You can also follow this technique, but already at home. And the received charge of vivacity and healing effect will only add to the ability to work before the upcoming working day. Consider some precautions: the first procedures should not last longer than a minute; the duration must be increased every three days; Only the feet should be immersed in water, no more than three to four centimeters. If you carry out this procedure in the bathroom, then, without plugging the drain hole, let cool water in with a strong stream and walk in place, laying a prickly rug under your feet.

For many years, people with asthma have been relieved by douches. cold water. Cold foot baths can also be used to reduce fever. But it suits hardened people. Even if you dare to use this method, try to keep your feet in cold water for no more than one minute. Then they must be rubbed vigorously and put on warm socks.

If we talk about hardening, then water is the simplest and most affordable and at the same time the most in an efficient way strengthening the body's defenses. Usually, hardening is understood as a variety of cold effects on the body. But you can not discount the thermal effects, if they are dosed and do not exceed the body's capabilities. The most important thing when hardening with water is the temperature difference. To compensate for it, our body activates the hardening mechanism. In fact, our hardenedness is nothing more than the body's ability to repay temperature loads on its own.

Hardening with water has no restrictions or contraindications, it is suitable as healthy people, and weakened or sick, and even with chronic diseases. After all, there is a strengthening of all vital systems of the body - from the cardiovascular to the nervous. It is significant temperature fluctuations that cause a sharp release of the body from all kinds of toxins, since metabolic processes are accelerated.

What happens when you dive into cold water? And there is a kind of vascular reaction, that is, the vessels of the skin are reduced, and the blood rushes to the internal organs. Following this, blood flows are again directed from the internal organs to the skin. The vessels of the skin expand, and we feel a pleasant warmth. The narrowing and expansion of blood vessels can be safely called effective gymnastics, which allows you to train the skin, forcing it to better adapt to fluctuations in the temperature of the external environment. But it's not just our skin that benefits. Water procedures affect the activity of all organs - the heart, lungs, brain tissue, and, therefore, the state of the nervous system, blood circulation and respiration.

One of the most common hardening methods is swimming in natural waters, especially in the sea. Indeed, when swimming in the sea, our body is affected not only by the temperature factor, but also by the chemical one, that is, the influence of salts and minerals dissolved in water occurs. There is no possibility to swim in the sea - it does not matter, you can successfully arrange a spa at home - take baths with a variety of marine additives. It is recommended to start hardening at a water temperature of 15–17 ° C, gradually increasing the duration of bathing. But not only baths are useful, each of us at least once in our lives took a contrast shower. Surely everyone remembers the delightful feeling of cheerfulness that this procedure gives us. In addition, the temperature contrast is an excellent hardening procedure. At first, it is recommended to carry out a contrast shower of the head, always starting with hot and ending with cold water. If you take a shower in the evening before going to bed, you can finish with warm water.

A contrast body shower should also be started with hot water and ended with cold. Try to gradually increase the time spent under cold water, the sharper the temperature difference, the better.

It is better to get used to such a soul gradually. First, you should take a daily shower at a comfortable temperature, then add one contrast shower with a short stay under cold water. Then, gradually adding contrast, increase the duration of being under cold water. And don't be afraid to get sick. It has been proven that a sharp short-term dousing with ice water does not have time to take away heat from the body, but in the most effective way it affects nervous system strengthens thermoregulation and immune system. But, most importantly, listen to your body, and he will tell you the duration of this very pleasant and useful procedure.

Many people know about hardening, as well as about cold compresses, but not everyone knows that ice candles help in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. This technique can be easily organized at home: roll a cylindrical shape of small diameter out of paper, fill it with water and freeze. To give the tip of the candle round shape, before the introduction, lower the end of the ice candle into warm water. The first five days, ice candles are held for no more than half a minute, then the duration of the procedure is gradually increased. The technique is used until relief occurs. Even proctologists often recommend cold short compresses to the appropriate place, especially as a prophylaxis for hemorrhoids and during postoperative rehabilitation. Doctors recommend swallowing pieces of pure ice (frozen water) for chemical poisoning, for burns of the larynx, pharynx or esophagus, as well as for pulmonary and gastric bleeding.

In general, summing up all of the above, we can safely say that water has a huge healing property, and it is simply stupid to refuse such a generous gift from mother nature.

As soon as people do not call water: “mother”, and “healer”, and “sorceress”, “God's grace”, “juice of life”, “natural doctor”. Water gives life to all living things, is inside us and surrounds us everywhere, caressing with a gentle touch of air vapor, raindrops, streams of healing springs, air and snow cover. As it was sung in a song in one old famous film: “And without water, it’s not there, it’s not here.”

All of the above is just an incomplete list of the most well-known and accessible methods, the story of which would take the volume of more than one book. There are a lot of health-improving methods associated with hydrotherapy or recovery. Let's talk in more detail about some of the trendiest, progressive and affordable ones.

Chapter 2

The concept of SPA has been around for a very long time. From a proper name, and Spa is the name of a Belgian town where the first water resort was opened back in the times of the Roman Empire, the concept of SPA has turned into an abbreviation for Sanus Pro Agua, which means “health through water”, because it is water and its effects that play essential role in SPA-therapy. AT English language The very word "SPA" means "resort" or "health center". But whatever the origin of the word, this does not detract from the role that SPA plays in our lives. These three cheerful letters make up the most fashionable word in cosmetics in our time. It begins and ends with the names of creams, salons, luxury and trendy resorts, hotels, bars and fitness clubs.

Today, when the popularity of the spa has reached its peak, no one thinks about its origin. And why? After all, SPA therapy is bliss, care and a complex of luxurious wellness procedures applied according to a program individually drawn up for each client. Today, beauty and health are impossible without a spa, just as fruit acids and vitamin C revolutionized cosmetics a few years ago.

The craze for a healthy lifestyle has forced many to take a fresh look at the style of relaxation. It is no longer fashionable to wallow on the beach, smoke and suffer a hangover, arrange shopping and spend precious days for relaxation on incomprehensible excursions or sales. Tired of the constant stresses of our dynamic life, many want peace. And SPA resorts with their massages, diets, body wraps and other procedures make up a successful combination of luxury holidays with a healthy lifestyle. SPA has become the most fashionable trend and the most fashionable secular topic. And, perhaps, that is why, after the resorts in the cities, centers, salons and clubs with an identical range of services began to open. No matter how well a person has a rest in resort oases, returning to the jungle of megacities in a matter of days nullifies all the beauty and tranquility, makes you plunge back into office or street stress. And three funny letters Spas allow you to feel again far from the chaotic civilization.

A classic spa center must meet several rather stringent requirements. Firstly, this is a mandatory location outside the city; secondly, at a sufficient distance from noisy and gassed highways; and, finally, thirdly, it is imperative to have a natural source of water, preferably mineral.

Typically, such centers offer several programs that really solve the most various problems in the body. As a rule, they are calculated for a period of six days to a whole month. But there are also one- or two-day suggestions for recovery: recovery appearance, stress relief after work week. There are not many such ideal spas. That is why both abroad and in our country the so-called city SPAs are becoming increasingly popular.

For example, Day-SPA, cozy mini-oases in the midst of a noisy city bustle, are very relevant in the States. This is a restoration of strength, health and beauty, and all in one day. It is clear that for many people it is unrealistic to be away from work for a long time, so the Day-SPA program takes from three to eight hours. Moreover, the result of the visit is so effective that it makes many come there regularly.

In addition to the main program, which includes water procedures: bath, bath, shower, massage, thalassotherapy (we will talk about it in a separate chapter), SPA care for hair, legs, hands - you will definitely be offered special food, vitamin cocktails, herbal medicine and aromatherapy.

Typically, a package of wellness services includes three or four procedures, combined depending on the wishes of the client. SPA therapy differs from multiple wellness methods in that it works strictly individually and only after consultation with a doctor. Many Day-SPAs are considered medical facilities and are required to have appropriate staff on their staff.

In a good Day-SPA, every detail is taken into account and everything is aimed at comfort. The interior will never meet you with cold colors, sharp corners or hard surfaces. The staff is so trained and qualified that it makes you feel like a flower around which butterflies flutter. Quiet music, subdued light, the smell of scented candles - everything provides for peace and relaxation.

Initially, spas used only techniques based on marine or thermal components, but demand creates supply. And quite exotic procedures are becoming more and more popular. For example, milk, wine, honey and even chocolate baths. The latter are especially popular on Valentine's Day.

And this is not even a fad for the exotic, the effect of these procedures is simply amazing. In our country, spa therapy is at the stage of development. Spa centers that provide clients with a full range of services are located only in large cities, although the phrase "SPA therapy" has become fashionable to add to the price list of services. In order not to buy into advertising names, and the cost of services at the same time increases several times, it is worth figuring out which procedures are included in the SPA therapy complex. But first, let's define the classification according to which spa centers are distributed: club spas, where services are included in one package with fitness; special urban spas or Day-SPAs without overnight accommodation; cruise spas, which are located on ships; special resort spa hotels where everything is subordinated healthy lifestyle life; medical SPA centers, where, in addition to cosmetic services, you can undergo a complete examination, improve your deteriorating health, or even make plastic surgery; SPA resorts located near mineral springs; ordinary resort hotels with a spa center or salon.

Basic spa treatments

The ultimate goal of any wellness methods is to restore the body or improve it. SPA therapy is no exception, it offers a range of activities based on natural natural factors. Namely: mild climate, mineral waters and therapeutic mud, artificial analogues, such as a solarium, artificially mineralized waters; in addition, the SPA includes procedures aimed at increasing the tone of the body, strengthening physical and mental strength, as well as the ability to realize cravings for a healthy lifestyle. For this, methods of psychotherapy are used, dosed physical exercise based on fitness, diet therapy.

What is the main advantage and difference of SPA therapy? The fact that all procedures are selected strictly individually and only depending on the state of health and the wishes of the client. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, spas provide such a wide variety of treatments in one place that they eliminate trips to different salons and save time. And this is an important factor in our life. In other words, in the spa you can get both beauty and wellness services. Although the latter are the main prerogative of any SPA.

A good SPA salon or SPA center should include, first of all, a complex of hydrotherapeutic procedures: mineral or aromatized baths based on sea or thermal components, different kinds baths or sauna, wet wraps or rubdowns, hydromassages (jacuzzi, shower, and so on). Also mandatory is the presence of thalassotherapy and pelotherapy (in other words, the use medicinal properties seaweed and healing mud). In addition to providing cosmetic services, make-up artists, stylists and hairdressers can offer advice.

No less important is the block of services aimed at relaxing the psyche and eliminating stress: aromatherapy, stone therapy, music therapy and other tonic procedures.

For full volume, such a vacation should not be complete without physiotherapy, such as fitness or swimming. Moreover, each client is guaranteed its own approach, depending on physical condition and desired results. You will not be forced to exhaust your body with heavy loads, by no means, all activities will be aimed only at improving your health.

A healthy lifestyle is simply impossible without proper balanced nutrition. In a well-organized spa center, you are obliged to offer advice from a dietitian or even directly organize meals, taking into account all individual recommendations, especially for multi-day programs. Even this type of vacation requires recuperation after many procedures, so a phyto-bar or just a bar with vitamin snacks, natural juices, herbal tea, and so on is a must for any SPA center.

A distinctive feature of a good SPA center is the fact that all of the above services are provided to the client in one package. In addition, the purchase of the whole package allows a person to undergo a number of complex procedures at a lower cost than, say, if he received all these procedures in different salons. Naturally, everything depends on your desire, and you can refuse some services that are not necessary for you. And, of course, the most important thing that should be an integral part of the SPA center is highly qualified staff.

It is the creation of an atmosphere of friendly attitude, comfort and coziness that helps the client to fully feel relaxed. The staff is selected in such a way that you do not even need to think about planning your procedures, their sequence, methods and other organizational issues.

It was written above about the classification of SPA centers, let's dwell on this point in a little more detail. Spa centers are classified depending on their focus, location and duration of stay. Spa centers with a stay of less than one day are very popular. As a rule, they are located within the city and provide customers with all or only part of the above services, but in a more intensive mode.

Many people visit them on the weekends, and some even during their lunch break, which helps to relax and relieve tension or stress.

Experts call the classic version of SPA, of course, SPA resorts. Initially, the way it was, it was the resorts that gave impetus to the development of the entire spa industry. Spa resorts are necessarily located in environmentally friendly places.

Mild and good climatic conditions, combined with the surrounding environment, for example, on the banks of water bodies or in the forest, are especially conducive to quality rest. You will be offered to stay either for the entire vacation for two to three weeks, or for the weekend, starting from Friday until Monday morning. As spas become more and more popular and very fashionable, many resorts have turned into classic spa centers.

In our country, the same thing is happening, but the range of services is somewhat limited, since before the advent of the SPA, no one trained specialists of this level.

According to the classification, the resorts are followed by medical SPA centers, where, in addition to wellness procedures, services are provided for the treatment of certain diseases.

If SPA centers are located near mineral or thermal waters, they are called balneological. AT this case the proximity of waters and sources gives a huge advantage. Firstly, it is hydrotherapy that occupies the main place in the complex of services; secondly, the prices for services are much lower, since there is no need to transport or store natural mineral water. The presence of thermal springs allows you to organize warm therapeutic baths directly at the point of water outlet.

Recently there has been a huge demand alternative medicine, therefore, SPA centers began to appear, having in their arsenal both classical services and procedures, as well as folk or methods oriental medicine. For example, centers that use methods based on the Eastern philosophy of Zen are gaining more and more popularity. The dream of achieving inner harmony and spirituality has become part of the current dominance of the East, not only in interiors, fashion, but also in cosmetics. It is not surprising that Zen-style rituals were added to the currently popular relaxing and tonic remedies and procedures.

Ayurveda, stone, chromo, bioresonance and other types of therapy help restore energy flows in our body, eliminate all accumulated negativity and return lightness, peace and bliss. To achieve Zen will help you with the help of special massage, acupuncture, yoga and even laser exposure. The leading role in all Zen procedures is given, of course, to aromatherapy. It is believed that without now fashionable aroma cocktails you will not achieve absolute harmony of body and soul. In fact, the scents are so gentle and pleasant that they can be enjoyed for hours.

In general, the most fashionable and advanced spas use the huge healing potential of oriental medicine accumulated over the centuries, mainly Indian and Chinese.

For those who prefer an active lifestyle, there are special sports and health spas. This is not the cheapest pleasure, as it implies the presence of golf courses, tennis courts, squash halls or horseback riding. Since demand creates supply all the time, the number of narrow-profile spa centers is increasing, where they will help you lose weight, wean yourself from smoking or addiction to alcohol.

But with all this diversity, the main technologies and tasks remain the same - to give each client the opportunity to rest, relax, improve their health or receive medical treatment.

A wide choice of programs

Any program involves a certain sequence of operations. Spa programs are no exception. In other words, the services of SPA centers should not act to the detriment, but bring only the maximum healing effect. Each person is individual in nature, and what is good for one person may be harmful to another. There are no procedures without contraindications. Any, even the most harmless at first glance, technique can cause some damage to the human body, if you do not clarify it. individual characteristics. That is why spa services are medical, but, most importantly, they must be licensed.

By the way, this SPA centers in our country differ from foreign ones. If this were not so, then, in accordance with our mentality, a huge number of “SPA scammers” would appear on the health services market, who would shamelessly “pump out” big money from customers.

The difference between our centers is that our clients are more focused on receiving cosmetic services. It is very important that spa salons are staffed by qualified doctors and specialists. Of course, if you just want to undergo hydrotherapy or get cosmetic help, then you will not need to consult a doctor. But, if a visit to the SPA center involves services that deeply affect the body or involve a load on the heart and other vital organs, you must be additionally examined.

Department of Public Health of the Kemerovo Region

Novokuznetsk branch

State budget educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo regional Medical College»

discipline "Healthy person"

Modern methods of healing the body

Completed by: student of the FSH-151 group,

specialty 32.02.01 General medicine

Voloshina Elena Alekseevna

Checked by: Romanova L.V.

Novokuznetsk, 2015


Today, in the age of high technology, industry and transport, it is becoming more and more difficult for a person to maintain his body in healthy condition. In addition to unsatisfactory environmental conditions, malnutrition and frequent stress contribute to poor health. Together, these factors reduce life expectancy and significantly reduce its quality. However, with the negative influence of the environment and wrong image life can and must be fought.

This fight should be carried out in a complex way, and start with the improvement of the body as a whole (although a person consists of a heart, liver, intestines and other organs, it is a single system). Today there is a large number of tools to help people stay strong and healthy. Not all of them are universal, so their appointment requires an individual approach. Before you decide on any healing procedure, you need to be examined by doctors for contraindications.


You need to start healing your body first of all with a change in lifestyle: the best period for this is the age interval from 20 to 30 years, when the body is already fully matured, but the process of withering and aging has not yet begun. If you start healing procedures in time, then there is a chance to prolong your youth. First, and most importantly, is to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

And then the first step on the road to health is the right one. balanced diet, which involves the exclusion from the diet of fried, salted and smoked foods, the restriction in the use of flour, the addition of cereals, fruits and vegetables to the menu. As for drinks, you should drink as much pure water as possible.

To maintain health, it is also necessary to observe the regime of sleep, rest and eating: most people undermine their immunity precisely by irregular working hours, snacks on the fly and late going to bed.

If you follow all of the above instructions, then you can certainly feel an improvement in well-being.

hardening healing essential oil


This is a conditional concept that combines methods of diagnosing, preventing and treating human diseases that, for one reason or another, have not received universal recognition from doctors. The main reason for this is usually the lack of clear rules, a large proportion of subjectivity in the choice and application of these methods, poor reproducibility of results in the hands of different specialists and, as a result, difficulties in conducting objective tests of their effectiveness and wide implementation in clinical practice.

2.1 Hardening of the body

Hardening is a system of special training of the body's thermoregulatory processes, which includes procedures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to hypothermia or overheating. Under the action of these environmental factors, a complex physiological complex of responses arises in the body, in which not only individual bodies, but in a certain way organized and subordinated to each other functional systems aimed at maintaining body temperature at a constant level.

Hardening is a proven means of promoting health. The hardening procedures are based on repeated exposure to heat, cooling and sunlight. At the same time, a person gradually develops adaptation to the external environment. In the process of hardening, the work of the body is improved: the physico-chemical state of cells, the activity of all organs and their systems are improved. As a result of hardening, working capacity increases, morbidity decreases, especially colds, and well-being improves.

The most powerful hardening procedure - winter swimming, has a number of contraindications, especially contraindicated: for children, adolescents and people who constantly suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Winter swimming should be preceded by the preparation of the body, which consists in regular dousing with a gradual decrease in water temperature.

One of the most common types of hardening is walking barefoot.

At long breaks in hardening, its effect is reduced or lost altogether.

It is necessary to start hardening (any of the proposed types) only after visiting and checking a doctor, since hardening is a training, not a treatment, and for people with a disease and with weak immunity, such procedures may be contraindicated.

2.2 Yoga

Yoga is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense, meaning a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state by the individual.

The history of yoga goes back to ancient times. Several seals found in the Indus Valley dating from the period of the Indus Civilization (3300-1700 BC) depict figures in meditative or yogic postures. These archaeological finds point to the possibility that the population of the Harappan civilization practiced one of the ancient forms of yoga or a ritual related to it. The concept of yoga was first mentioned in the ancient monument of Indian literature, the Rig Veda. Many people do not worry about the state of the body, especially for diseases that do not speak about themselves at first. Suppose a stomach ulcer, some cold and other similar diseases can still be recognized, but ailments that do not show symptoms are already difficult to diagnose on their own. Sometimes a person notices them on late stages when you need complex and long-term treatment medicines. Researchers have confirmed that yoga for several months can be much more effective than medication. It has been established for thousands of years that the mind and organs of a person are dependent on each other. There is definitely a subtle relationship between our psyche and the whole organism.

Signals are everywhere in the body, and yoga will teach you to pay attention to them. For example, human lungs. Our lungs have great potential: they are designed for 5-6 liters of air. But an ordinary person takes breaths using only a small part of this potential. If the normal rhythm goes astray, a person's health (especially with aggravating factors) and immunity decrease. In such a situation, yoga makes it possible to restore balance at the physical and spiritual level, increase the body's defenses, strengthen the immune system, in other words - "bulge the chakras", restore blood circulation.

Some who start yoga classes expect quick changes in their figure, as from visiting a fitness club. But it should not be compared with physical activity, it is a whole system in which the soul, body, and thoughts gain experience of being in harmony. Naturally, there are no quick changes in yoga for obvious reasons.

Abusing the resources of the body, worsening its condition with loads throughout life, we do not have to be in anticipation of quick positive changes in the body, so you need to tune in to work and unlimited patience.

2.3 Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a method of treatment that is aimed at restoring the vitality of the body by activating the processes of self-regulation with the help of homeopathic medicines used in extremely small doses. The homeopathic approach to healing has been around for over 200 years. Even now, when homeopathy is officially recognized as an alternative to traditional medicine, people who are not specialists in this field know very little about its healing possibilities.

The fundamental difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine is the use of medicines that differ not in composition, but in the amount of substances they contain. Compared to homeopathy, traditional medicine uses much more large doses medicinal substances. Homeopathic preparations are obtained as a result of dilution of substances of plant, animal and mineral origin, but in extremely small doses. Now there are already several thousand such drugs. And all of them, unlike traditional ones, were tested on volunteers. Before using any medicine, both homeopathic and traditional, it is better to consult a doctor. Homeopathic treatment is very individual. Shouldn't be opposed traditional medicine and homeopathy. They always went hand in hand, in parallel and helped each other, not competed. After all, homeopathy was born out of conventional medicine. And if a person decides to be treated homeopathic remedies, this does not mean at all that he should completely renounce traditional medicine.

Aromatherapy is a treatment based on the use of natural essential oils. Treatment is necessary for the sick, for the young and beautiful, it is "a way to improve mood and condition with the help of smells." Getting through Airways in the human body, aromas have a healing and cleansing effect. You calm down, peace of mind returns, life again acquires a bright color.

All sorts of beauty salons offer this new service, as something terribly advanced. In fact, the advancement of aromatherapy has been recognized for a very long time. And its history goes back over 6,000 years. The very first methods of aromatherapy were developed by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, fragrances were used for religious purposes - fumigation of temples and palaces with incense was widespread. Then the Egyptian healers drew attention to the beneficial effects of aromatherapy on human health, not without reason the Egyptians called the nose "the center of the skull." They also used fragrances for skin care, perfumed clothes, added them to food and wine. The priests influenced the minds of people, skillfully using the right aromas to put the audience into a trance.

Unfortunately, over time, many of the secrets of aromatherapy have been lost. But doctors and scientists unanimously agree that the aromas of plants have a huge positive influence per person. Many essential oils are natural antibiotics, aromas promote relaxation, calming, relieving fatigue, getting rid of insomnia, are antidepressants. Even Hippocrates recommended that his patients in the treatment of many diseases take daily aromatic baths and oil massage.

There are a huge number of oils or their mixtures that can be used to relieve stress. The following are only the main ones: anise, orange, basil, bergamot, oregano, spruce, jasmine, cedar, coriander, lavender, lemon, tangerine, lemon balm, peppermint, rose, rosemary. Aromatherapists do not recommend using the same oil or mixture of oils for too long - they may lose their effectiveness.

Today, about 200 different essential oils are known that can have a strong healing effect and, if used correctly, will not cause side effects. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed! Do not apply undiluted oil to the skin and mucous membranes, and exceed the allowable dosage. Be sure to check if you are allergic to oil. There are also restrictions on the use of essential oils during pregnancy, heart and respiratory diseases.


There is no person who has never been ill with something. But sometimes it is enough to spend a minimum of effort to feel invincible against any disease, because nature has taken care of our perfection, endowing the human body with the ability at the right time to connect those internal reserves that are inherent in everyone.

You just need to know how it is done, and then you can escape from almost any disease. This is the main abstract. There are ways of alternative treatment of diseases, often allowing to get nice results, to mobilize the body's internal reserves to defeat the disease.

Each of us comes to recovery at a certain period of life: someone after illnesses, someone as a result of spiritual aspirations. The main thing here is the desire to live a long and happy life, without pain and ailments.


1.Voytkevich S.A. Essential oils for perfumery and aromatherapy. Moscow: Food industry, 1999

.Zhukovsky P.M., Botany, 4th ed., M., 1964

.Ioyrish N.P. "Bee products and their uses". Moscow, 1976

.Koyransky B.B., Cooling, hypothermia and their prevention, 2nd ed., [L.], 1966.

.Agasarov L.G., Osipova N.N. Quick Guide on acupuncture - M., 1996. - 215s.

.Lakusta V.N. Ling Zhi Sheng Zhen - juju therapy pain syndromes and emergency conditions. - Chisinau: "MAGA", 1995. - 253p.

Life in the modern world is replete with many factors that adversely affect human health. The main ones are bad ecology, questionable food quality, contaminated drinking water, poor quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the regular improvement of the body with the help of various methods and funds.

Basic principles of healing the body

The human body is a complex integral biological system based on communication and interaction of all organs. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive overall health improvement of the body to improve physical health, quality of life, increase its duration. Here are the main principles to be followed:

  • Regularly clean the most important organs and systems: first of all, the intestines, where the main processes of digestion take place; liver and kidneys, as these organs are responsible for cleaning the blood, remove water-soluble and fat-soluble toxins; vascular system to improve blood and lymph flow; joints to maintain normal musculoskeletal system;
  • Use moderate but regular physical activity to improve the body. It is enough to perform a simple complex every day morning exercises for 5-10 minutes, jogging, cycling or swimming 1-2 times a week. It is also important to lead an active lifestyle;
  • Do not forget about a healthy full sleep, during which the whole body is restored.

As for nutrition, it should be comprehensive and contain as much as possible. natural products. It is necessary to adhere to the ratio of vegetarian and animal food in the diet of approximately 85% to 15%. Moreover, it is recommended to give preference to: fish, not meat; cereal dishes; vegetables and fruits.

Also for general health the body should eat a lot of greens, nuts, exclude from the diet flour products, sweets, tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks. It is important to get rid of the habit of overeating, you should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be no later than four hours before bedtime. It is necessary to consume as much liquid as possible, including natural juices.

As a therapy, it is recommended to sunbathe daily for 15 minutes, take regular walks and spend a lot of time outdoors, preferably in a green area or on the banks of water bodies.

Ways and methods of healing the body

Today, there are many opportunities that allow a person to maintain health as long as possible. The main thing to do right choice, since each of them requires an individual approach to use. So, for example, some methods of healing the body are contraindicated for cancer patients, others - for allergy sufferers or hypertensive patients.

However, there are universal methods to improve physical health that are beneficial to almost everyone.

An effective and popular method of healing the body is hardening, in particular, dousing with cold water or a milder version - a contrast shower, as well as walking barefoot. Separately, it should be said about winter swimming or swimming in ice water. This method is considered one of the best for hardening, increasing immunity, the strongest in physiotherapy, which has helped many people recover from serious diseases.

The next way to improve the body is to take healing baths. To obtain the desired effect, add to the water sea ​​salt, decoctions of herbs or essential oils. This also includes turpentine baths, which help restore the capillaries of the epidermis, and stabilize the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. During exposure to hyperthermal baths, expansion occurs small vessels, as a result, blood circulation in tissues is normalized, stagnation of blood and lymph is eliminated, cells begin to feed better.

Other methods of healing the body include breathing exercises, curative fasting, Russian baths and Finnish saunas.

Also recently, such non-traditional methods have become increasingly popular:

  • aromatherapy;
  • Phototherapy;
  • Apitherapy;
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) and moxibustion;
  • Homeopathy;
  • Yoga and Ayurveda.

There is ample evidence of how healers who practice alternative therapies have been able to help people who have been trying for years to get rid of certain ailments.

Healing the body at home

Today, it is not at all necessary to use expensive procedures or drugs to improve your health. Proven folk remedies are no less effective for healing the body. Their main advantages are ease of use, as well as natural origin. Moreover, a variety of components can be used.

Basically, the improvement of the body at home is aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating it, for which a variety of methods and means are used. For example, one of the simple but effective ways is to consume a fortified mixture on an empty stomach. To prepare it, you need to take 200 ml of water, one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of vinegar, lemon juice, cherries, cranberries or lingonberries. This mixture speeds up metabolism, promotes better elimination of toxins, cleanses the liver.

Often folk ways healing of the body involves the use useful properties various plants and herbs. You can prepare such an infusion that enhances immunity: take 100 grams of dried herbs - chamomile, immortelle, yarrow and birch buds. Mix everything and place in a container or vessel. Pour a dessert spoon of the mixture with boiling water, put for 15 minutes on water bath. Take a fresh infusion three times a day until the collection is over. Such a course should be carried out no more than once a year.

Healing the body plays important role for a person, because good health allows you to enjoy as long as possible full life to look young and attractive. And the basis of constant recovery should be systematic cleansing of organs and systems, regular exercise, an active lifestyle, rational nutrition and adherence to the daily routine.


in physical education on the topic:

"Review of healing methods".

Prepared by:

1st year student


T-12 groups

Dumanova Yu.O.

Ulyanovsk 2006

1. Natural methods of healing

1.1 Cleansing

1.2. Water and air procedures

1.3. General Immunity Boosting Tips

1.4. Nutrition

1.5. natural antibiotics

2. Healing therapies

2.1. Reflexology

2.2. Phytotherapy

2.3. colon hydrotherapy

2.4. Hirudotherapy

2.5. diet therapy

2.6. Rebirthing

2.7. Massage

3. List of used literature

1. Natural methods of healing

"Nature heals, and the doctor only helps" - the main idea of ​​​​the natural principle of healing. But in order for nature to be able to heal, all conditions must be created: to allow the immune system to fight the disease, to cleanse itself by a sharp increase in temperature and the burning of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Sometimes it's hard to make the decision not to "knock down" high temperature, but it must be remembered that body temperature up to 38.4-38.5 is considered "working", that is, healing. The stronger the natural immunity, the faster the temperature rises, the more pronounced the signs of the disease. Gotta trust own body, and, as Dr. Zalmanov writes, "respect the wisdom of the body, respect its natural protection."

And now let's talk about the most common, affordable and effective methods of healing with natural, natural remedies and methods. All the following methods are easy to use and have been successfully tested:

1. cleansing

2. water and air procedures

3. general tips for strengthening immunity

4. food

5. natural antibiotics

1.1 Cleansing

In many books on natural healing and treatment with natural remedies, you will find strong advice to cleanse the body with an enema, detox, etc. In my own opinion, I know how difficult it is to decide on this procedure yourself or subject a tiny baby to it. My advice is not to be tormented by doubts and postpone detox until better times. It will be enough if you listen to your child and stop feeding him heavy, rich in proteins, fats and hard-to-digest carbohydrates food. Follow, for example, a sick baby - he does not want to eat anything, because his body is more sensitive to itself than the body of an adult who is used to trusting pills and a false sense of hunger. Let him eat what he wants - fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, dairy products drink more and rest.

If you get sick, it is better to drink warm milk and lemon juice with water, sweetened with sugar or honey, on the first day, thereby cleansing your body, but without exposing it to dehydration. In a healthy or sick state, one should start the day with lemon juice on an empty stomach, see the recipe below, which absorbs and removes harmful substances from the stomach and intestines. All this stimulates the correct rhythmic work of the intestines and, as a rule, the morning stool, which is very favorable for the excretory system as a whole.

Special advice for pregnant and lactating mothers - drink fruit or vegetable juices in the morning (of course, homemade, not diluted from concentrates), this will help improve morning well-being, give energy, stimulate appetite, provide an influx of vitamins, regulate bowel function.

Of course, it is very good to use honey, not sugar, as a sweetener, but first check if you or your baby have any allergies. If you still have an allergy, try putting jam or jam.

With regular everyday use of juices, you can very well do without enemas and help you during acute condition. At the same time, you should know for sure that your consumption of certain fruits and vegetables, in particular lemon or carrots, does not cause you allergies.

If you are not allergic to honey, take advantage of this unique gift of nature, about which so much has been written that you just need to add the following - honey is wonderful because it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has a good effect on skin and hair.

Drink green tea more often. Try not to take heavy, high-calorie foods in the evening, but do not overuse salads for "weight loss" - the stomach, which received greens and vegetables as dinner, will not be able to digest them due to lack of energy for burning and simply put them in " long box", which will cause gas formation and rotting of food. Do not overload the stomach and intestines, and you will not have to clean them with difficult and painful procedures. If you want to lose weight, I recommend dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits, a baked apple, a small amount of nuts - walnuts. You can cook nut milk - pour walnuts a little boiling water, add milk, and the drink is ready.

1.2 Recipes

Lemon juice. Squeeze a lemon by hand or in a centrifuge, mix the juice in a ratio of 1:1 with water and add honey (in case of an allergy to honey - sugar or jam) and drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Keep in mind that centrifuged juice must be used within 2 hours.

Carrot juice. Take 5 or more carrots, squeeze the juice with a juicer, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1, add 0.5 teaspoon of sour cream or butter.

Nut milk (the easiest recipe). Pour hot milk over walnuts and let steep. Separate the "nut tea" for further use (1-2 times).

Water and air procedures.

The most controversial, radical, but also one of the most effective methods recovery is the use of various water procedures for hardening the body. The most active followers of the Russian folk healer Porfiry Ivanov practice dousing in the snow, swimming in an ice hole and other very effective methods, but I will focus on simpler, easily applicable methods that have practically no contraindications. Once again I want to remind you that it is all natural healing methods, and water procedures in particular, that require consistency (today, tomorrow and always, even if you feel bad and there is no “mood”), gradualness (do not try to immediately get into the hole, start small), flexibility (if you don't like one, try another, don't give up on the whole system at once) and patience - the results won't come right away.

Pouring cold water - extremely effective procedure. The purpose of the procedure is very simple - training the body under conditions of adaptive stress, that is, a state where stress does not destroy, but only accustoms to a rapid change in temperature and habitat. Pouring with cold water (tap water, in summer - water from a well) is very effective as a cold prevention after bathing, when after being in water of 36-37 degrees, the blood vessels are dilated, and the child is most susceptible to colds. Remember the Russian bath, swimming in the hole - it has the same goals: to narrow the blood vessels, to train them to quickly narrow in a cold environment in order to reduce heat loss. Contrast procedures are very useful - a contrast shower with alternating hot and cold water, ending with cold water. Tip: don't use every day contrast shower, leave it at the moment of the borderline state between health and illness, since this is a rather potent procedure. Small children can alternate between hot and cold tap water.

It is better to pour water from a container (for kids, a ladle, a jug is enough, for older children a basin, a bucket are suitable). For babies with neurological disorders, elevated intracranial pressure and other birth injuries, consultation with a pediatrician is absolutely necessary. Babies with an open fontanel can be poured over immediately after bathing, holding face down in their arms, starting to pour below the back of the head so that a strong stream of water does not fall on the fontanel. Start by gently saying: baby, pour / dive / water / rain, etc., in the future, the child will know what will follow your words. Older children can be doused while standing in such a way that the stream of water evenly falls on the head and the whole body. Many kids are happy to pour themselves from jugs and ladles, do not stop them in these useful games. In relation to whether to pour over your head or not, rely on your own opinion and intuition, but remember that babies with increased intracranial pressure, birth trauma and neurological abnormalities in no case should be poured over the head. In our family, it is customary to douse yourself with your head - this perfectly trains the vessels of the head and especially helps with the onset of a cold.

Many parents bathe their babies on the advice of pediatricians in warm water 36-37 degrees. Try to teach your child to bathe in cooler water, it has been noticed that babies perceive a hot, “steamed” bath much worse. Reduce the temperature to 35-34 degrees, and let it gradually cool down during the bath. Cold water for pouring does not need to be prepared - just pour it from the tap, if you are still afraid, do it a little in advance, and it will take on a higher temperature. Do not try to turn really cold water into cool water - the training for the vessels will turn out to be weak, and you will not achieve the desired result. On the other hand, you don't have to start by swimming in the snow and dousing in the cold - you still have time to go all the way if you want.

After dousing, let the water drain over the body, do not rush to wrap up the baby or wrap yourself up - the vessels have already narrowed under the influence of water, and it is impossible to catch a cold. After a few seconds you will feel a rush of blood to the skin and a feeling of warmth, then wipe the skin dry and dress yourself or dress the child.

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