How easy it is to switch to proper nutrition. The transition to proper nutrition: radically change the way of life without harm to health

The essence of proper nutrition boils down to the fact that you need to give the body all the necessary nutrients for normal operation, without excesses. The problem is that sooner or later, a losing weight person retreats from the unusual rhythm of life and returns to the previous diet, reducing his efforts to nothing. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and develop new eating habits that will later become natural for a person.

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    Basic principles of proper nutrition

    In any organism, even in a calm state, there are a lot of processes that require energy. Food is a source of all the necessary enzymes and hormones. Once in the body, food is synthesized and broken down into trace elements, the lack or excess of which causes a variety of disruptions in the body. Proper nutrition is based on saturating the body with all the required substances in the right quantities.

    The main principles are:

    1. 1. Correct mode. You need to eat at least four times a day at the same time. At the same time, the percentage of meals should be as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15% and dinner - 25%.
    2. 2. Maintaining a balance between the main nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
    3. 3. Sufficient saturation of the body with water (the norm is 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day).
    4. 4. Accounting for calorie intake. Each person has their own ratio of required calories. It depends on gender, age category, weight, height and lifestyle. You can calculate it using the formula: weight losing weight in kg * 10 + height in cm * 6.25 - age in years * 5. Then subtract 161 (if a woman) or add 5 (if a man). The resulting number must be multiplied by a coefficient that depends on the activity of the person and is presented in the table below.

    Physical activity coefficient:

    In addition to the above, there are other principles that require great scrupulousness (for example, counting vitamins, amino acids, counting calories spent during sports, etc.). But even using only the basic ones, you can achieve very good results, especially in combination with moderate physical activity.

    Separately, proper nutrition for athletes is highlighted, especially if you plan to gain muscle mass. The diet should be dominated by protein foods and the daily routine should be strictly observed.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss - principles, menus with recipes

    Switching to a healthy diet

    It is impossible to leave the usual way of life in an instant. If you limit yourself in everything at once, you will not be able to do without disruptions. Therefore, you need to be patient, take a notebook, a pen, a kitchen scale ... and do not change anything in your eating habits. The first few days you just need to keep a record of everything that was eaten and drunk. This will help you understand how things are going with your daily diet.

    In most cases, the cause of weight gain is not at all a large number of calories, but the wrong ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Developing new eating habits

    To make the transition to proper nutrition (PP), you need to understand that this is not a diet. To cleanse your own body, you should develop new eating habits. It is impossible to do this quickly in a few days. Therefore, losing weight beginners, in order not to break loose, you need to slowly introduce habits one by one into your life:

    1. 1. Drink water. Every day it is necessary to saturate the body with a sufficient amount of fluid. Moreover, tea, coffee, juices, fresh juices and other drinks do not count here. Cells need plain non-carbonated water.
    2. 2. Print and hang a table of caloric content and BJU content of the most common foods on the refrigerator, above the microwave, or in another prominent place.
    3. 3. Go shopping only when you are full. When a person experiences a feeling of hunger, he is more prone to "bad purchases", which is a breakdown.
    4. 4. You should avoid or completely eliminate fast food from your diet.
    5. 5. Minimize the intake of canned food.
    6. 6. Replace sugar with natural honey.
    7. 7. Before going to the store, you need to make a list of products (it's easier to do this after compiling the menu for the next week). Make purchases in strict accordance with what is written.
    8. 8. Cook your own food. This is a very important step for losing weight. Only self-cooking provides authentic knowledge about the calorie content and the content of BJU in a particular dish.
    9. 9. Accustom yourself to eat vegetables and fruits daily.

    Over time, these postulates will become an integral part of life.

    Sample menu for the week

    Even knowing all the principles, many losing weight people simply do not know what to eat. Below is a table to help you understand this:

    Days of the week/MealsBreakfastDinnerafternoonDinner
    MondayVegetables, green tea without sugar (possible with honey), whole grain breadBoiled lean meat, steamed vegetables, rosehip brothA glass of kefirBaked broccoli with cheese, boiled chicken egg, mint tea
    TuesdayYogurt, vegetable salad, apple, chicory drinkVegetable puree soup (without potatoes), baked meatFruit (you can use any except grapes and bananas)Boiled salmon, brown rice, unsweetened fruit drink
    WednesdayDiet omelette (steamed or oven-baked), herbs, orange, teaSteam meatballs (veal is best), stewed beans, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice or fresh fruitKefirCottage cheese casserole, unsweetened apple (such as semerinka), vegetable juice
    ThursdayVegetable salad, cottage cheese toast, teaWhole grain pasta, vegetable salad, dried fruit compoteAppleFish cakes, steamed broccoli, tea
    FridayOatmeal without sugar, with butter, apple and cinnamon, fruit juicePumpkin-sesame soup, chicken baked in foil, vegetable salad, teaRyazhenkaBoiled turkey meat, stewed carrots, juice
    SaturdayBaked potatoes stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs, fruit juiceBoiled rice, baked fish, green salad with tomatoes, teaApple150 g low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit, tea
    SundayToast with egg, cheese and tomatoes, greens, juiceSteamed veal, baked potatoes, vegetable salad, teaKefirDiet omelette, unsweetened fruit

    Losing weight mistakes

    For normal functioning of the body, a variety of products must be included in the diet. The brain usually sends certain signals to get the necessary micronutrients. Another issue is that they are sometimes perceived incorrectly, and this leads to the abuse of "harmful products". Knowing what the body really wants will help to avoid breakdowns:

    What does a person want to eat? What does the body need Products containing the desired substance
    ChocolateMagnesiumCashews, pine nuts, buckwheat, lettuce, seeds, legumes, legumes
    Bread, beer, kvassNitrogenFish, nuts, meat, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs
    SweetGlucoseHoney, sweet vegetables, berries and fruits
    Smoked meatsCholesterol

    Avocado, nuts, red fish, olives

    Cheese, fatty foodscalcium, phosphorusHazelnuts, milk, cottage cheese, broccoli, legumes, legumes
    BananaPotassiumPeas, tomatoes, beets, eggplants, figs, dried apricots, white beans
    SourVitamin CLemon, kiwi, strawberry, cranberry, Brussels sprouts, rosehip
    PeanutB vitaminsBeans, nuts, meat, fish
    sunflower seedsAntioxidant VitaminsGrapes, sorrel, spinach, beans, broccoli
    SaltyWaterPure, non-carbonated water

    What can help you avoid breakdowns

    Switching to proper nutrition is easy, the hardest thing is not to break down. Sometimes it is very difficult to forbid yourself to use something very harmful, but so tasty and beloved. There are several ways to avoid breakdowns:

    1. 1. You can try to find an alternative recipe for your favorite "light" dish that will delight your taste buds without harm to the body. For example, the famous Olivier salad. One has only to replace the sausage with boiled chicken breast, and mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream, and 100 g of the dish will add only 78 kcal to the diet, while the usual one - 198 kcal.
    2. 2. Sometimes indulge yourself with your favorite treats, but rarely and little by little (no more than once a week).
    3. 3. Motivate yourself. Psychologists say that the most important thing is the right attitude.
    4. 4. Follow the regime. At first, reminders on the phone about taking water or food will help. But after 21 days, the body will develop a habit and will itself remind you of this.
    5. 5. Rinse your mouth after eating. This will signal to the brain that the meal is over.
    6. 6. You should not be distracted by watching your favorite shows or reading while eating.
    7. 7. You need to enlist the help of your family, because if the household will eat, say, pies, it's hard not to join.

    It should be remembered: going on a diet or starting to eat right is only half the battle. You can't do without physical activity anyway. To achieve the best results, you need to join the training. And the best option is to purchase a subscription in a specialized institution.

    Usually in fitness clubs you can find the support of not only athletes, but also nutritionists who know how to help people who are starting to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity?But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

At the request of readers, I present my vision of the list of harmful and useful products, as well as the sequence of transition to a healthy diet, successfully tested on myself.

Following her, I managed to lose 20 kg and get rid of a number of chronic diseases (this was written about). If you also decided to change your life, to engage in your own recovery - start eating right.

Stage 1. We refuse food waste. We are switching to home-cooked food.

First of all, give up everything that contains preservatives, dyes, substitutes, unhealthy food additives, trans fats, excess salt, overcooked butter, etc.
These are carbonated drinks, fast food, canned food, all kinds of snack bags (chips, nuts, crackers, corn sticks, etc.), store-bought sweets (sweets, cakes, cookies), glazed curds and curd masses, store-bought sausage, store-bought hard and processed cheeses, cereals and instant pasta (those that are simply poured with boiling water), ketchups, mayonnaises.

The consumption of food waste and recovery, and a healthy lifestyle in general, are incompatible. Stop buying death in bags!

We replace the above nasty things with homemade dishes, compotes, jams, homemade preserves, homemade sweets and pastries, cottage cheese without impurities, meat, lard, fish, soft cheeses (feta cheese, mozzarella, etc.), homemade boiled cereals, homemade sauces. We lean on vegetables, fruits, herbs. Read how easy it is to wash and dry greens.

We exclude store juices from our diet and start drinking fresh juices instead. It would be nice to get a juicer for vegetables and fruits. I talked about mine in an article.

Stage 2. Improving the quality of home food

Since at this stage we already eat mostly homemade food, then we begin to carefully evaluate the ingredients and pay attention to proper preparation.

We replace fried meat, fish, potatoes with boiled, baked, steamed ones.

We try to eat less fat. Significantly limit, salt, sugar, vinegar.

We eat salads only freshly prepared, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oils.

We try to buy milk not from a store, but homemade: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. I’ll say about myself that, taking advantage of the fact that we live in the countryside, we kept a goat for a long time and enjoyed delicious milk and homemade white cheese (until we moved to the next stage, you can read about it).

We prefer beef to pork, we prefer poultry to store-bought poultry.

We buy fresh eggs (up to 7 days they are considered dietary, with further storage they reduce the content of useful things).

We refuse yeast baking, products made from refined white flour and - attention - from fresh pastries. We try to buy bread without yeast, rough, ideally - thin pita bread.

Whole grain porridges are the best in relation to porridges from polished, crushed, processed cereals.

We try to buy high-quality fruits and vegetables, untreated for long-term storage with paraffin, gases and all sorts of rubbish.

Stage 3. We consume water correctly, do not overeat

We monitor the amount of food consumed. We don't "get fat". When the food is very tasty, it is difficult to stop in time. But this is important. I advise you to read on this topic.

We monitor the amount of pure water consumed () and the intake regimen.

A female Chinese medicine doctor I knew, to my surprise, diagnosed me with dehydration even after I drank at least 1.5 liters a day for three months. It turns out that I did it wrong (about half a liter three or four times a day) and the water was not absorbed by the body.

The doctor taught me to drink water throughout the day in small sips: one at a time or three sips at a time. To be honest, I didn't have time to listen to the explanation at that moment. Therefore, I didn’t figure out why you shouldn’t drink two sips or, for example, four sips ... But I don’t “bother” and drink three sips. It seems to help. 🙂

Even if you stop after the first three steps, the health benefits will be significant. The results will be visible, as they say. But it is better to go further on the path of recovery.

Stage 4. We try to make our food healthy

Minimize food of animal origin (leave no more than 20% of the diet). Who wants to get rid of a number of chronic diseases - we refuse it almost completely.

We completely refuse milk and all dairy products. This is a very important move for those who want to improve their health. This topic is dedicated.

We try to eat vegetables raw (we refuse to stew and preserve), if possible - with a skin. At the same time, we give to seasonal vegetables that are typical for our region.

We prefer sprouted wheat and other cereals to boiled cereals. We introduce a variety of nuts into the diet.

We refuse sugar completely. We eat honey very rarely. We refuse salt.

We do not drink tea, coffee, compotes. We drink only clean water. Many structure it. The Internet is full of recommendations for structuring and other ways to improve water. I don't have personal experience here, so I can't comment. We have good water from our own well. It only has to be driven through a filter that removes iron.

Stage 5 - for "advanced". Separate food, and better - mono-eating

We refuse to use vegetable oils (even the first pressing).

We stop mixing incompatible things in one meal: proteins with fats, proteins with carbohydrates, fats with carbohydrates. I will elaborate on this topic in a separate article.

The ideal situation is to switch to mono-eating (when only one product is consumed at one meal). Now I try to stick to this type of food, but so far it does not always work out. I will also write about monoedenia later.

At whatever stage you are, friends, do not forget to please your body with systematic physical activity. Movement for a person is not only useful, it is necessary! How to accustom yourself to exercise daily read.

Perhaps I forgot to write something. If someone wants to add something, I will be glad.

Proper nutrition - what is it? Since you have visited our project, it means that you have probably already thought about changing your habitual lifestyle, looking for your own way of gaining and strengthening health and want to find the necessary information about proper nutrition. Where to start for a person who has no idea how to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, start removing toxins from the body, feel easy and confident? Below, in this article, you will find the basic principles of how to switch to the right nutrition.

From our life

My wife and I know firsthand that most people do not even want to hear about giving up their habitual wrong diet. You don't have to go far. Our children are still with burning eyes grabbing packs of chips, KFC, drinking carbonated drinks (terrible cola). They gobble up sweets and cakes, and also eat meat products (red meat, shish kebab, sausages) and much more that an ordinary person is so used to.

We believe that we will be able to inspire them with our example, and over time they will also reconsider their approach to nutrition. There is one more thing. People who do not play sports and do not give their body any physical activity suffer greatly in terms of their health. Moreover, not only health suffers, but also the figure of a person.

Sweets often defeat willpower, and incompatible and stupid foods are digested for a long time inside. They torment the poor digestive system, which does not know why, how and for what it is punished. The body, consuming complex food, asks the question: “How to digest sweets in borscht?”))

Stop torturing your body. Today, every third person has an uncharacteristic figure of a “fat” person. Just look at yourself, for sure, many of you have not seen the abdominals for a long time and have a slightly protruding tummy. You can watch overweight people at work, what they eat at lunchtime.

Simple Rules

The success or failure of your dietary reform will depend largely on your approach to your own life. It is necessary to form and consolidate new habits and at the same time part with old ones. You will get used to the best if you stick to it firmly.

But you must, with the help of your will, be able to resist the temptations of various catering establishments and resist the ridicule of your ignorant, deluded, although they want only “good” for you, friends and relatives. Even if there was a breakdown, and you allowed yourself to eat something from the “unhealthy”, you do not need to blame yourself and self-eat. Part of the cells in your body that are accustomed to regular food still require their "dope". Just return to the chosen path.

Be persistent in your determination to form good habits and you will surely win. You will be able to love good food that you may not like now, and even faster than you can imagine.

Hear your body's call for help and be prudent. Have pity on him. I think this clear and understandable step-by-step scheme should help "beginners" in getting on the path of proper nutrition.

Where to begin?

The first and most important thing to do is to revolutionize the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets: replacing unhealthy food with healthy food. What products are completely not designed to improve your body? What should be excluded from our diet? We bring to your attention a list of junk food, the taste of which you will have to forget, if possible forever:

  • chips, crackers and other representatives of similar products;
  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks having a colored structure
  • harmful sauces, especially mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Fast food (hot dogs, sausages in dough, burgers, pizza);
  • Frozen foods prepared in advance (dumplings, dumplings, meat and fish products);
  • yeast products, confectionery (trans fats);
  • all dairy and sour-milk products, and ice cream, too, yes, yes.
  • fried and boiled potatoes;
  • sausages of various types (can anyone tell their real composition?)
  • remove all flour products from the diet (everything made from white flour: bread, pasta, etc.)
  • forget about salt and sugar (sometimes it will be possible to add salt to salads and even then for the first time. Salt in a salad can be replaced with pleasant lemon juice, but more on that in a separate article).
  • any canned food

I would like to end the first part of this article on a positive note. Therefore, we want to wish all users of our resource more self-confidence. Do not listen to anyone and trust only your feelings. And you will definitely succeed. Well, we will consider the main recommendations and rules for the transition to the best food in the world

Every normal person understands that a healthy diet is the key to a long life without pain and disease. In addition, a healthy diet is also an excellent appearance: cleanliness and attractiveness of skin and hair, a flexible, slender figure, a beautiful smile, and so on. At the same time, many people think that it is enough to adhere to a certain “magic” diet for a certain time in order to achieve beauty and harmony, and then you can again afford fatty high-calorie foods. So, remember: healthy eating should become the principle of your whole life, not a month or a week! Proper nutrition is a one-way ticket, and if you are not going to stick to it all the time, you should not start.

Meanwhile, getting used to eating right is not as difficult as some people think. In fact, it takes 21 days for a person to develop a sustainable habit. How to switch to a healthy diet in three weeks?

First: Train yourself to eat small meals 5 times a day, that is, every 3 hours. To avoid the temptation to "overeat" yummy, buy a small plate that holds no more than 200 grams of food, as well as a small spoon and fork. Let the family laugh if they want - and you will be slimmer at this time!

Second: breakfast should consist of porridge (buckwheat and oatmeal are the best choice!), sour-milk products and fruits. At the same time, it is better to eat fruits 20-30 minutes after the main meal, so that “fermentation” does not begin in the stomach. For lunch, nutritionists recommend eating proteins and vegetables (raw or stewed). At the same time, as a protein food, you can afford lean meat, fish, liver or eggs. For dinner, it is best to limit yourself to a plate of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of low-fat kefir. Between the three main meals, there should be two "snacks", which include nuts, fruits, yogurts, all kinds of berries.

Third: make sure your body gets enough clean water. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal. But during meals and within 40 minutes after it, try not to drink! In total, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and even more in the heat. Just do not drink at night, otherwise you will wake up with a swollen face. In addition to water, nutritionists recommend drinking green tea without sugar (possible with a spoonful of honey). As for fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes, most modern nutritionists believe that they are much less useful than natural fruits - a juicy crisp apple, sweet cherry or ripe raspberries. So it's better to allow yourself any fruit, except for bananas and grapes, but not more than 300 g per day.

Fourth: if you really like sweets, you can afford some treat (not too fatty!) in the morning, until 12 o'clock. Better yet, completely abandon sugar, replacing it with a moderate amount of honey (the norm for an adult is 1-2 tablespoons of honey per day).

Fifth: let white bread and pastries become an impossible product for you! Refuse completely from products made from premium flour: scientists have proven its unconditional harm to the body. If you can’t live without bread, choose rye or bran, you can eat diet bread.

Sixth: switching to a healthy diet in three weeks does not mean starving yourself. Eat meat calmly, but not fatty pork or lamb, but diet chicken, turkey or rabbit. However, beef is also good, but without fat. At least twice a week on your dining table should be fish - preferably sea. Allow yourself seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus, cuttlefish are very useful. A good substitute for meat are eggs and legumes - they also have a lot of protein.

Seventh: If possible, replace potatoes with spinach, zucchini and cauliflower. Season your food with chopped herbs. Try not to fry food, but stew, steam, boil or eat raw.

Eighth: once a week, arrange a pleasant fasting day for yourself - choose the most suitable one for yourself and enjoy kefir, buckwheat porridge or grapefruits. Let the body feel light!

Switching to a healthy diet in three weeks is quite possible. And then, as soon as you want a barbecue or fried potatoes, just remember what you managed to achieve, praise yourself and think how sorry it would be to lose what you have achieved. You can do it!

A growing body of research continues to link the development of many serious illnesses to poor nutrition.

Proper nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer or heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

A healthy diet can positively impact both brain function and physical performance. It has a positive effect on all cells and organs.

If you are involved in sports or physical training, then a healthy diet is, without a doubt, very important in achieving the desired results.

The balance of calories consumed and used by the body is a key factor in weight control and a healthy diet.

If you control the portion size of the food you eat, you are more likely to avoid overeating.

Even though natural foods are much easier to overeat than processed foods, it is nevertheless possible.

If you have accumulated a lot of excess seed and are trying to lose weight, then it is especially important for you to control the size of food portions.

There are many fairly simple strategies for this.

For example, you can use smaller plates and take less food the first time. And for a supplement, come back no earlier than 20 minutes later.

Another popular method is to measure portion sizes with your hand. A standard serving should contain about a fist of carbs, ½ palm of protein, and ½ thumb of “healthy” fats.

Every person interested in the topic of weight loss knows at least three to five diets.

He tried something personally, some were told by the environment. Diets can be based on different foods and principles, but they all have one thing in common: they don't work.

We think like this: “I eat a lot and get fat, so I need to eat a little, and I will lose weight”!

Unfortunately, such logic on the body does not work as well as we would like.

The fact is that throughout our history as a species, evolution has come up with complex biological processes that have one goal: to survive at any cost.

The body stores fat and nutrients whenever possible, fearing hunger.

This is due to the fact that humanity has relatively recently begun to live in an industrial world, where food is, in principle, enough and it is available to 95% of the population.

The body simply did not have time to rebuild.

Often diets do not help get rid of extra pounds.

Here it is - the cruel truth. On average, losing 1 kg on the scale, you remove 700 grams of muscle and only 300 grams of fat.

Nutrition must be balanced

As a result, your body composition becomes even worse than it was. And this is not to mention the poor health, loss of strength and irritability that usually accompany these measures.

So the body signals the danger of hunger.

The transition to proper nutrition begins with the realization that the very principle of eating food needs to be changed and restrictions are reasonable only in metered quantities.

It is necessary to change internal attitudes, and this is difficult, because from childhood we are instilled with: “bread is the head of everything”, “first, third and compote”, “until you finish eating, you won’t leave” and so on.

To eliminate subsequent breakdowns, once and for all explain to yourself why, in principle, you need to lose weight.

Don't be surprised, this is very important. If the initial goal is not solid, we guarantee that you will not get out of the wheel a la "lost weight - got fat."

The first three weeks will be the most difficult in the new lifestyle.

Do you want to lose weight once and for all? Decide why you need it!

Keep in mind that achieving what you want is not easy and there are always obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. There are many and they are significant.

Therefore, if you try to eat only the right foods and lose weight at the same time for the sake of someone, and not for yourself, then your fuse will not last long. This is a bad motive.

Those who work on themselves for the sake of personal health achieve the best results. Especially if there is no way back.

When there is either illness or harmony ahead, the choice is obvious.

Find the right motivation for you

There are many stories when diabetics lose weight dramatically or people with the third degree of obesity learn the basics of proper nutrition.

And then, inspired by their own results, they continue to achieve success and heal themselves.

In any case, do not wait for a similar situation, be healthy now, and if you are already in it - it's time to take matters into your own hands!

Whatever anyone says, everyone likes slender people with healthy skin color and good looks.

They, in turn, always move faster up the social ladder, we want to be like them. A living confirmation of this is the endless programs about the life of movie stars or the musical Olympus.

Fans rave about the stars. And they try to look even more attractive, clearly realizing that their financial situation and success depend on these characteristics.

In the end, those who eat often but little win.

If one or more of the motivations on this list are close to you, you are likely to achieve your goals.

Agree, food takes up most of our lives, we are 100% dependent on it, so the goals we have should be the most persistent.

This will help develop self-discipline, willpower and move to a new level of life.

At least for a while give up harmful products and very soon you will begin to think differently.

To begin with, it is worth abandoning everything that stands in the way of achieving a slender body.

This is the hardest part, but last 21 days and it will get easier.

Tip: use calorie calculators so you don't overdo it with the amount of food. It's easy to get fat on fruits.

Losing weight will be much easier if you pay attention to the correct selection of products and use enough components necessary for life.

Unhealthy food will have to be replaced with healthy

Proteins are an important part of our body.

These are amino acids from which our muscle fibers, internal organs, hair, and skin are built.

Due to the use of these substances, a gradual restoration of cells occurs, which is why athletes so lean on protein.

In addition, it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. The minimum amount per day is 50-60 grams, but it is better to rely on individual needs (two grams per kilogram of live weight).

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Here you need to be especially careful, because the excess energy will certainly be deposited in the sides and stomach. Since we have already abandoned sugar, we will replace it with a small amount of sweet fruits and candied fruits.

Do not forget about fiber, it frees the intestines from feces and pus, accumulated mucus, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Fiber is found mostly in vegetables, but avoid them in the morning.

Go to the market and buy dried fruits and nuts, let them be indispensable residents in your kitchen. Every time you have thoughts of a breakdown, think about what you will become if you go through this difficult path. After that, reward yourself with dried apricots!

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