How to smear a dog from ticks folk remedies. Folk remedies for ticks for dogs. We repeat! A very important point is an urgent, it is also a timely appeal to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

pets in spring period are attacked by ticks, which occurs directly during their walking by the owners. Ticks are a danger not only to animals from which they suck blood, but also to humans. These small insects are carriers of various dangerous diseases, which can lead to death.

The best tick remedy for dogs

All modern facilities against ticks for dogs can be divided into types. They differ in the way they are applied:

  • special drops;
  • shampoos;
  • wool processing solutions;
  • dry mixes;
  • collars;
  • lotions.

In addition, all these drugs differ from each other in such an important parameter as the duration of exposure. The sooner the drug acts, the better it is not only for the animal, but also for the owners. According to the duration of exposure, drugs for dogs from ticks are:

  • instant;
  • long action.

  • 2. Sprays. Instead of drops, you can use a spray, which should also be treated with the dog's coat. The sprays last up to 4 weeks. During processing, the animal's hair should be controlled so that the dog does not lick it off. After all, such drugs have a very powerful toxic composition, which can cause poisoning or indigestion in a dog. Sprays, depending on the manufacturer, can kill or only repel insects.

  • 5. Solutions. Solutions for dogs are used mainly either during their bathing or by spraying. The solutions are effective and prevent the appearance of ticks on the body of the animal for 1 month. Often, solutions are not able to kill insects, but only repel them.

All available and manufactured drugs against ticks can be divided into two types:

  • for the destruction of insects;
  • to repel insects.

Each of the drugs has its own advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing them, it is important to take into account all the nuances, which will increase not only the safety of the dog, but also your life.

Tips to help protect your dog from ticks:

The best drugs for dogs from ticks

To find out which the best remedy from ticks for their dogs to use, you should consider all drugs that have received only positive reviews and recommendations. Successfully proven drugs are in great demand, but are they as effective as the reviews say, we will find out in more detail.

Funds from Bayer

Bayer dog products are produced in Germany, which already speaks of the quality and effectiveness of the products. The company is engaged in the production of protective equipment for animals in various forms: collars, solutions and sprays. Fixed assets manufactured by Bayer have the following names:

It's important to know! This type of collar is not recommended for use in combination with other drugs.

The high cost of the collar speaks of its effectiveness and safety.

Funds from Merial

  • Collar FrontLine Kombo. You can protect your dog from ticks with FrontLine Kombo French Drops. Most owners recommend using drops from Merial, arguing that they are effective. Quantity positive feedback for this company, it does not reach the first place, therefore it takes an honorable second. The drops are based on such active substances as methoprene and fipronil. Allows you to avoid the appearance of any living creatures on the dog. The duration of the drug is 1 month, after which the application procedure should be repeated. After using the product, the dog should not be bathed for the next 2 days. The drug is effective and absolutely safe, due to sufficient high cost.

  • Spray Front Line. The spray contains the active ingredient fipronil. The treatment of the animal is carried out from a distance of 10-20 cm, after which it is necessary to rub the applied spray. The drug is effective for one month, after which its application should be repeated. The drug is absolutely safe, so it can be used even by puppies. The drug is popular due to its effectiveness and safety, but the high cost and inconvenience in use put it in the background.

Popular in Russia last resort Russian origin called Bars. It can be found in the form of drops and spray. Key properties such as efficacy, safety, duration and effectiveness can be noted. Ten drops of Bars are enough to treat a dog weighing up to 10 kg, and the duration of the effect is up to 2 months. When choosing a drug, you should not rely only on the cost, because Russian analogue Merial and Bayer are no worse, but besides, it also has a pleasant cost.

Folk remedies for the fight against ticks

Folk remedies that are no less effective than insecticides will help get rid of ticks. foreign companies. Before preparing a natural potion for a dog, you need to find out some features:

  1. 1. If you do not want ticks to appear in the dog after daily walks, then it is necessary to provide her with a walk in places where there is no tall grass, on which insects live.
  2. 2. You can avoid the appearance of ticks by taking quick walks with your dog. Ticks mainly attack the victim at the moment when she is resting on the grass. Lack of rest will reduce the likelihood of ticks in the dog.
  3. 3. Another way to prevent the appearance of ticks in a dog is to take walks between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. During the day, bloodsuckers mostly rest, so they do not attack the victim in this period of time. The most active, bloodsuckers become in the morning and evening time spring months.

Now let's look at the main folk remedies in the fight against ticks:

  • Essential oils. We buy lavender essential oil, after which we put a few drops in the hand and rub it pet. Instead of lavender oil, you can use oak bark extract diluted with water, or tea tree oil.

  • Distilled water, tar soap, essential oils grapefruit, juniper and thyme. All components of the preparations must be mixed, then fill the resulting product into a spray bottle and spray the dog with it.

drugs folk origin there are many to fight ticks in dogs and other animals, but it is recommended to use them only in combination, for example, with collars or alternate with sprays or solutions.

Unfortunately, most of even the most vaunted anti-mite agents do not provide absolutely guaranteed protection. But after all, any dog ​​breeder has the number one task - to protect his pet from tick bites as reliably as possible, so the choice of method and preparation is an individual decision. The main thing is to know and take into account all the pros and cons of each of the available ones.

Note! The overalls worn on the dog significantly protects it from the introduction of ticks into the skin during a walk!

What threatens a dog with a tick bite

A tick is a universal container for storing and transmitting pathogens of all transmissible infections that warm-blooded people and humans suffer from, because it drinks blood from any random victim, without picking it up on purpose. Some pathogens are terrible for people, others for cats, others for dogs, and some cause disease in both animals and humans.

Tick ​​on the body of a dog

Therefore, dogs have their own “bouquet” from the list of dangerous infections for dogs that threaten them with a tick bite.

Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs

In the first place for dogs in terms of danger is piroplasmosis, or babesiosis, caused by the protozoan Piroplasma canis, which annually from spring to autumn leads to their mass death. With absence medical care or if it is late, up to 90% of our pets are doomed. And when reinfection the dog may develop a chronic sluggish form. Only knowledge of the symptoms and urgent appeal in the veterinary clinic they will save the dog from torment and death.

Symptoms develop rapidly, so it is important to carefully monitor the pet.

  • Refusal of food and treats.
  • Lethargy and inactivity.
  • Vomiting, possible diarrhea.
  • Stiff, difficult gait.
  • Pale or bluish mucous membranes.
  • The main symptom is urine that has changed color, from normal to dark brown, due to the removal of dead red blood cells.

Important! With timely treatment, the dog recovers quickly and without any special consequences.

Canine ehrlichiosis

Another infection that is dangerous for canines, the culprits of which are the rickettsia Ehrlichia canis and Ehrlichia ewingii, affects the internal organs of the dog - the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. After that, hematopoiesis and blood vessels are affected.

The symptomatic picture is quite extensive, because it depends on the type of rickettsia that got into the bloodstream with a tick bite, on the endurance of the dog, on its age, on its state of health. The first signs, on average, occur a couple of months after the tick bite.

The most common complaints among owners of dogs with ehrlichiosis are:

  • hemorrhages;
  • apathy;
  • refusal of food;
  • pet weight loss
  • fever;
  • dyspnea;
  • impaired coordination;
  • characteristically tilted head.

The infection is treated successfully if therapy is started as early as possible. Dogs with a rapid course have a better prognosis than those with a flattened form.

Important! Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds are especially hard on erlichiosis!

Canine hemobartonellosis

A disease that can be caused not only by a tick bite, but also by a flea. It is caused in dogs by the microbes Haemobartonella Canis, which are introduced into red blood cells, which leads to the onset and progression of anemia. Most severely ill dogs with spleen disease or after surgery to remove it.

Signs of hemobartonellosis on average are as follows:

  • yellowish tint on mucous membranes;
  • fever;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • general lethargy and weakness, loss of playfulness.

Hemobartonellosis is treated on an outpatient basis, if there are no severe lesions, the main thing is to diagnose the infection in the dog in time and start therapy.

Lyme borreliosis

A serious infection for dogs, which also threatens humans, is caused by Borrelia spirochetes and is dangerous due to the severity of its consequences, as well as the duration of the latent period - up to several months, which makes it difficult to associate with a tick bite.

Explicit painful symptoms not observed in all dogs, only up to 20%.

This may initially be:

  • fever;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • difficult stiff gait;
  • swelling of the joints, noticeable lameness;
  • increase lymph nodes;
  • signs of meningitis, convulsions and convulsions.

After defeats may join internal organs- heart, liver, kidneys. But the joints are the first to suffer. In dogs, kidney damage leads to death.

Lyme borreliosis is treated in dogs only specific drugs against spirochetes, in parallel, therapy is carried out according to the available indications, aimed at neutralizing the symptoms.

How to protect your dog from tick bites

The threat of a tick attack in dogs is significantly increased, unlike people, so each owner tries to protect his pet from the danger that threatens him. Today, the arsenal of acaricidal veterinary drugs is extensive, but still does not stop with the beginning of the season, an avalanche of tick attacks on our pets, and the queues for veterinarians with tick-bitten dogs do not decrease, including those with treated ones.

One sensible solution is to keep the packaging of the product used on the dog until its expiration date. If during this period a live tick, saturated with blood, was removed from the pet at least once, then the next treatment should be carried out with a different agent with a composition different from the previous one, which is always indicated on the packages.

The fact that a bloodsucker attacked a dog in the presence of a fresh treatment suggests that the drugs included in this remedy, on this dog do not work as stated. And it's not a bad thing or good quality funds, and not in price, and not in the reputation of the manufacturer, but in the immunity of a single tick to this agent.

Therefore, no drug can give an absolute guarantee, there is always a percentage of ticks that have managed to develop resistance to any type of insecticide.

On the this moment for dogs, the veterinary industry offers the following means to protect against ticks:

  • insectoacaricidal drops at the withers;
  • protective collars impregnated with repellent, insecticides and acaricides;
  • acaricidal sprays for dog hair;
  • anti-mite shampoos.

In turn, veterinarians offer the following methods against ticks:

  • chewable tablets for dogs against ticks;
  • piroplasmosis vaccine.

Important! Vaccination will not save you from being bitten by a tick, it will only make it hard for your dog to endure the infection!

Protective drops at the withers

Treatment of a dog with drops from ticks

Among others, the following drops enjoy well-deserved trust among cynologists and veterinarians:

  • Frontline (France);
  • Bayer Advocate, Advantix (Germany);
  • Fiproguard, Sentry (USA);
  • "Chistotel" Ecoprom (Russia);
  • "Dana" (Russia);
  • Stronghold (USA);
  • "Bars" (Russia).

The principle of operation of the drops is based on the slow absorption of the drug with acaricidal and insecticidal properties into the skin and its uniform distribution in its thickness, namely, in sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Pesticides do not enter the bloodstream of the treated dog, so systemic poisoning does not occur. The only thing that threatens individual dogs- an allergic reaction from the skin.

There are also safe, gentle eco-drops designed for small puppies, small breeds, old dogs, pregnant and whelping bitches.

Do not allow other animals living in the house to lick off areas where drops have been applied! It is better to isolate the treated pet in such cases for a day, until the product is absorbed and the coat dries.

Like any remedy, drops have their own nuances in the selection, application and frequency of treatments.

Important! When buying drops for treating a dog from ticks, look just as carefully at the expiration date! Stale and expired products will not strong protection and your pet will still be at risk of tick bites!

Acaricidal collars

Collars impregnated with preparations with acaricidal, insecticidal and repellent properties are even easier to use - just unpack, put the tape on the dog's neck, fit it in size, and the pet is insured against the attack of bloodsuckers.

Tick ​​Collars for Dogs

Protective dog collars are a flexible band of plastic composites different colors impregnated with substances that have a destructive effect against ticks, fleas, lice. Slowly released, the substances, like drops, saturate the coat and the surface of the skin, especially in the area of ​​​​a special lesion for ticks - the head, neck, chest, ears, scruff. After all, it is on these zones that ticks cling to in the first place.

  • Minus the collars - the back, stomach, tail area remain vulnerable. Meet allergic manifestations, especially in the area where the tape is worn.
  • It is dangerous to use collars for those who have several pets - there is a high risk that the collar will be licked or bitten by them, which can cause poisoning. Families with small children should not wear toxic tape on their pet for the same reasons.

Like drops, collars are produced by many well-known foreign and Russian brands, but it is better to base the choice on the advice of local cynologists and veterinarians - which one works best in a given area, and which one consistently shows a negative result.

Sprays against ticks

It is the anti-mite sprays that have earned the greatest trust from hunters and their dogs, thanks to the full protective coverage of the dog's torso. After all, even hitting the muzzle or neck, it is not a fact that the tick will infiltrate there.

Important! Carefully read the instructions, especially the points on contraindications and special conditions to use this spray! They usually have the longest lists there!

Shampoos against ticks

Bathing products with the addition of acaricides, insecticides and repellents have poor protection, especially after a few days.

  • Such protective shampoos are suitable only for short-term pet insurance for short term, therefore, they are used by owners of decorative small breeds who do not need long-term protection against ticks due to their domestic lifestyle.
  • Shampoos are also suitable before a short trip or a walk in a dangerous area for ticks.
  • You can resort to bathing a dog already treated with drops in such a shampoo when the drops are about to expire.

Important! Considering that the chance of running into a tick lies in wait for a dog even on city streets, it is better not to risk it and not rely on only one shampoo and the protection that it can give!

Tablets for dogs against ticks

The revolutionary innovation, only recently tested by Russian veterinarians and cynologists, has already delighted those. A completely different composition and principle of action does not leave any chance for ticks to survive!

The substance binds to plasma and circulates throughout the body for a long time, completely and comprehensively protecting dogs not only from superficial bloodsuckers, but even exterminates demodicosis pathogens under the skin.

Tablets are allowed to be given even to pregnant and lactating bitches. They are prohibited only for newborn puppies, sick animals and some especially small breeds.

To date, only 2 types of anti-tick dog tablets have been created and are available.

  • This is "Bravecto" produced in Austria based on the new substance fluralaner, 1 dose of which will protect the dog for exactly 12 weeks. Calculated by weight.
  • And also "Frontline Neksgard" French production giving protection for 1 month. They taste like beef stew to the dog. Suitable from 4 weeks of age and primarily indicated for dogs with allergies.

Tablets from ticks "Bravecto", the duration of the drug is 12 weeks

Tablets from ticks "Frontline Neksgard"

The disadvantages include perhaps a tangible price - they are quite expensive, but according to reviews, the tablets are worth it, because the life of a beloved pet is more expensive!

Vaccination against piroplasmosis

2 vaccines against piroplasmosis have been developed for dogs - Pirodog and Nobivak Piro. But the immunity that they form is weak and insufficient to talk about full protection from infection.

The vaccine contains weakened strains of piroplasms, so vaccination will not cause negative reactions in the dog.

The only thing that justifies such vaccination is the easier course of symptoms and guaranteed survival after infection, which is also important.

Combination of protective equipment

For dogs at particular risk of becoming a victim of tick bites, in order to level this possibility, you can combine funds, but first you need to find in the instructions for the product with which the animal has already been processed, the point where it is indicated with which means it can be combined, and with which not.

Among dog breeders, the most effective combinations have taken root:

  • collar and spray;
  • drops and spray;
  • drops and collar.

Important! Tablets are not required additional funds and efforts to protect the dog from ticks!

Tiny ticks can not only greatly annoy people and their animals, but also carry a variety of infections. These little creatures are able to "reward" us extremely dangerous diseases, which often lead to lethal outcomes. For example, piroplasmosis with encephalitis can send a patient to bed for a long time or turn him into an invalid. Therefore, it is advisable to know how to treat a dog from ticks, which ones to use for this finished preparations or folk remedies.

Choosing how to protect dogs from insects

Usually dog ​​breeders are divided into two categories - active lovers of introducing new store products and ardent opponents of any chemicals. All kinds of drops, sprays, collars, tablets can protect your pets well on walks, but any medicinal substances always have, albeit small, but side effects. That is why many are trying to find ways to protect their beloved dogs from ticks with affordable and safe folk remedies.

To begin with, try to create an extremely unfavorable atmosphere for the life of these creatures on your site. Gotta mow the weeds and the tall meadow grasses, remove thickets of unnecessary shrubs and heaps of old dry leaves and branches. After that, rodents and other peddlers of ticks will start to run away from your territory. It is even better to create protective belts of gravel up to a meter wide and enclose the estate with fences, preventing access for stray animals.

AT warm time year, starting from spring, dogs and other animals are in danger in the form of ticks, which are carriers of deadly diseases for animals. By the way, in 2015, in the regions of central Russia, cases of tick bites were recorded as early as February.

Why are ticks dangerous for dogs?

The list of diseases transmitted by ticks includes neurointoxication (tick paralysis), borreliosis (Lyme disease), babesiosis (piroplasmosis), ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis, spotted fever, tularemia, bartonellosis. Rarely, after a tick bite, skin lesions, such as folliculitis, erythema, are observed. A large number of ticks on the animal's body can lead to anemia.

The most likely to pick up a tick exists in dogs with long hair, long ears, tail.

Means for protecting dogs from ticks

The pet market offers a wide range of means of protecting animals from ticks. None of the means gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a bite, but reduces the risk of infection of the animal.

Vaccination does not protect the animal from bites, but contributes to the development of immunity against piroplasmosis, Lyme disease. The effectiveness of the vaccine, and there are only two of them - Pirodog, Nobivac Piro, is more than 76%. Vaccination is carried out annually, and in the case of increased concentration insects and the degree of risk of the animal - every six months. The disadvantage of vaccination is the likelihood of repeated piroplasmosis if the animal has previously had it. In addition, vaccinations should not be given to pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies under 5 months of age.

Sprays act immediately, are effective in terms of protection against insects, but have a number of disadvantages. First of all, sprays should be applied carefully, exclusively on outdoors, otherwise the animal, inhaling the poison, may be poisoned. It is difficult to dose the amount of spray, although the instructions for some products indicate how many sprays need to be done depending on the size and body weight of the animal. Before using this type of protection, you must read the instructions, because there are restrictions on the use of pregnant, lactating bitches, puppies, sick and debilitated animals. The most widespread are sprays based on fipronil and pyrethroids, in particular Frontline (there is an analogue of Fipron), Celandine, and Bars.

Tick ​​Collars have a deterrent effect, which occurs a few days after the start of using the collar. The conditions for effective protection are constant wear throughout the warm season and timely replacement of the collar after its expiration. The validity period is different, but according to the experience of dog breeders, it is better to change the collar several times during the summer, without waiting for the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer. Collars from ticks "Beafar", "Bolfo", "Kiltiks" are in demand. For the safety of the animal, it is important to fit the collar to size, cutting off the excess part in order to avoid poisoning the dog, which may accidentally chew on the dangling end of the collar. Collars are not suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies and sick dogs. The disadvantages include the possibility of skin irritation in the neck area.

Drops are the most effective and safest tick repellent for dogs. Drops are easy to use, applied to the skin at the withers or along the back once a month. Ticks in most cases do not have time to bite the dog, because they either die or fall from the body of the animal, paralyzed. Drops are effective at least a day after application, suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies, with the exception of preparations based on permethrins, organophosphorus compounds. As disadvantages, moisture instability can be noted, i.e. drops are easily washed off with water, for example, rain, and there is also a risk of poisoning animals that can inhale or lick the drug from the coat of a treated dog. Drops from ticks "Frontline", "Mr. Bruno", "Advantix", "Hartz", "Bars", "Fipreks", "Celandine" gained popularity.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the popular Frontline drug (more effective than French production) is often faked. The drug has a high cost, so you should carefully study the information on the package, evaluate appearance, the quality of fonts and text, and in case of doubt, you should be asked to provide documents confirming the quality of the tick remedy.

The choice of product depends on the specific case, for example, dogs walking on the hands of the owner need minimal protection, such as shampoo, and for hunting dogs need enhanced protection, such as overalls and drops.

Pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies, older dogs, sick and debilitated animals are susceptible to chemicals in different ways. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, you should carefully read the instructions, paying attention to the dosage, interval and other processing rules.

Do not use tick preparations if the animal has injuries skin. Before vaccination, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. Some vaccines cannot be given at the same time.

Multiple use is not allowed. chemicals protection, because the reaction of the body can be unpredictable. Mixing active substances may cause allergic reaction or animal poisoning. The complex use of drugs is permissible only in the case of alternation, for example, first treatment with drops is performed, and after 3-4 weeks a collar is put on, while re-treatment with drops is not needed.

The first treatment against ticks should be carried out from the moment the positive night temperature is established.

Measures to protect dogs from ticks

In addition to using protective drugs, you can take additional measures for the prevention of tick attacks.

Dogs living in the yard of a private house can be protected from ticks by treating the territory with special chemicals, which have a detrimental effect not only on ticks, but also on other insects, such as ants, fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches. Most known means are "Cifox" (Russia), "Force-Site" (Russia), "Taran" (Russia), "Medilis-ZIPER" (Russia), "Baytex" (France).

Ticks are not attracted to well-groomed areas, so you should regularly mow the lawn, trim bushes, remove fallen leaves and grass debris in a timely manner, thereby limiting the potential habitat of ticks.

For a dog, you can equip a safe zone, enclosed by a fence that prevents foreign animals from entering the territory, for example, hares, cats, which can bring on themselves blood-sucking insects. In a safe area, a well-groomed lawn is sufficient, but it is acceptable to plant plants that repel ticks, such as chamomile, feverfew, marigolds.

Regardless of the place of residence, walking, dogs should be carefully examined for the presence of ticks, especially areas of the body in the neck, chest, abdomen, groin, and ears. With long walks, rest on fresh air, especially in the forest, in the meadow, you need to examine the animal more often.

If possible, you should avoid playing and walking near bushes, high herbaceous plants, groomed lawns.

The found tick should be immediately removed and burned. By the way, infection will not occur if the tick is removed within a day from the moment of the bite.

Apart from the relatively harmless purulent abscess at the site of the bite, the tick is a carrier of a number of dangerous diseases:

Hepatozoonosis- the disease is diagnosed quite rarely, however, it occurs everywhere. When infected, the probability of death is more than 80%. The virus is difficult to detect even when laboratory research. Most dogs remain "healthy" carriers after being bitten, but with a decrease immune protection The virus begins to attack the body. Given that the symptoms appear suddenly, the disease is often confused with bartonellosis and piroplasmosis. A sick dog has: wobbly gait, weakness hind legs, inflammation of the joints, muscle pain, anemia, rarely, diarrhea with a significant admixture of blood. On the late stages myositis develops. inflammatory processes bone apparatus.

(babesiosis)- the most common disease affecting dogs due to a tick bite. It is not dangerous for humans, but the risk of infecting a dog is more than 90%. The disease is accompanied by massive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to a drop in hemoglobin levels, kidney failure, oxygen starvation. In terms of infection, “gluttonous” females are more dangerous, having drunk blood, the tick injects “waste” into the body of the dog - plasma affected by the virus. Piroplasmosis is accompanied by an incubation period of 2-14 days (rarely up to 20), after which symptoms appear: lethargy, refusal to eat, pallor of the mucous membranes, wagging gait, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal upset. A symptom that allows visual diagnosis of piroplasmosis with an 80% probability is a change in the color of urine to brown, reddish, gray-green.

- a rarely diagnosed disease, the reason is the difficulty in identifying the pathogen. Most often, the disease proceeds in parallel with piroplasmosis (one tick carries 2 viruses), which greatly complicates the treatment. The disease proceeds imperceptibly for 2–20 days, after incubation period appear the following symptoms: changes in basic body temperature from normal to 41 °, sudden loss weight, breathing difficulties, marked enlargement of the lymph nodes, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, convulsions, paralysis. AT acute stage develops a tendency to causeless bleeding. If the diagnosis of the acute form is reduced to blood tests without ROC samples, the results are false negative.

Read also: Healthy teeth- healthy dog

Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis)- a disease dangerous for dogs and people. acute form manifests itself rarely, after 3-12 days the following signs are noticeable in the dog: fever or its jumps, stiffness of movements, inflammation of the joints in the bite area, swollen lymph nodes, problems with the heart and breathing, apathy, loss of appetite. Chronic form accompanied by arthritis, causeless inflammation of internal organs, destruction of blood vessels. The virus is transmitted in utero, which most often kills offspring in the early stages.

Important! If you suspect a dog has been infected by a tick, insist on a blood test using the ROC method! it the only way accurately differentiate the pathogen and identify the disease in a latent form or incubation period.

In addition to compliance with the rules for keeping an animal, there is a set of rules based on many years of veterinary and cynological experience. Measures are elementary, but extremely necessary:

  • Examine the pet after each walk, if you are in the country or in the forest, feel the dog every 3-4 hours. Carefully feel the sides and armpits, inner region hips, examine the ears, muzzle, knees. Ticks move quite slowly, and from the moment they hit the body to the bite, 1-2 hours pass. In addition, the main part of the virus, the tick injects into the blood of the dog after "eating" the first portion of blood, after 2-3 hours.
  • Every 3-4 months, it is necessary to treat the dog from ticks at home. Acaricides are available commercially and have a "democratic" price range.
  • Before a long walk, treat your dog with special sprays that repel ticks by smell and reduce their activity when they get on the coat.
  • Protecting a puppy from ticks is almost impossible. Avoid walking in tall grass, before reaching the age allowed for processing, use special "children's" sprays and folk ways protection.
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