Abnormal and normal discharge in women. Discharge in women - normal and pathological

Each representative of the fair sex should ask the question: "What should be the normal discharge in women?" After all, they can already determine the state of women's health. Every woman can see a small amount of discharge on her underwear every day, and this is considered quite normal. However, in some cases, this may indicate the presence of serious pathologies and abnormalities in the body. From this article, you will learn about what normal discharge should be in women, as well as what indicates the presence of pathologies. Read the information provided carefully in order to protect and arm yourself as much as possible.

What should be the normal discharge in women?

The body of each representative of the weaker sex is individual, therefore, the discharge will differ in appearance, as well as in other characteristics. However, there are common features that are characteristic of all healthy women. Consider the main characteristics:

  • The daily amount of discharge should not exceed five milliliters. It is impossible to accurately determine their volume, however, approximate results can be obtained using a daily pad. The diameter of the spot from the discharge on it should not exceed one and a half centimeters.
  • It is also very important to pay attention to their consistency. If the woman is healthy, then they will look like egg white or mucus. However, they should be thick enough. However, on some days of the cycle, as well as during pregnancy and sexual arousal, they can become excessively liquid. In these situations, this is also not a pathology.
  • Very many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are interested in the question: "What should be the normal discharge in women?" It is also important to pay attention to their structure. They should not be cheesy or flaky. Only a small amount of thick seals are allowed.
  • Another indicator of discharge is smell. In the normal state, it should be slightly acidic, since the environment of the vagina is precisely acidic, or they should not have any smell at all.

Normal discharge in women by day of the cycle

As you know, little girls do not have vaginal discharge. They begin to appear only when the girl's hormonal background begins to return to normal. It should be borne in mind that throughout the entire menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge, their color and consistency will change. This is not a pathology, so you should not worry about this. The main thing is to study what secretions accompany the main phases of the cycle.

Changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle occur due to changes in the level of female hormones in the blood. The most common menstrual cycle for women is 28 days. Based on this, we will consider what changes will occur in the female body:

  • Usually from the first to the 12th day after the end of menstruation, the first phase of the menstrual cycle begins. During this period, there is a small amount of discharge, painted in a whitish or yellowish color. In this case, the state is considered the norm when a small amount of small white lumps appears in the mucus. The normal smell of discharge in women is considered sour.
  • From the 13th to the 15th day of the cycle, ovulation occurs. In this case, the amount of discharge can increase significantly in a woman, while they will be very viscous. can be transparent, white, and even with a cream or beige tint.

  • The end of the cycle falls on the 16-20th day. During this time period, the amount of mucus produced is reduced, while in consistency it becomes similar to jelly. What color is normal discharge in women in this case? In the period after ovulation, leucorrhoea can be transparent, white and yellowish. Gradually, brown whites also appear, which are evidence that menstruation is coming.

Why do women need discharge?

The most basic task of the mucus produced by the female vagina is to protect the vagina itself, as well as the uterus, from the penetration of foreign pathogens. In addition, mucus will protect the vagina from drying out and cleanse the birth canal. She is also able to make sexual intercourse comfortable, which will contribute to a successful conception. If vaginal discharge is not produced in sufficient quantities, this can lead to infection of the female reproductive system, as well as to painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

What is included in the extracts?

Each representative of the fair sex should know what kind of discharge from women is considered normal, as well as what is included in their composition.

First of all, their main component is mucus, which is formed by the cervical canal. It provides reliable protection of the cervix from infectious microorganisms. The secretions also include constantly renewing epithelial tissue cells lining the surface of the uterus.

Do not forget about the special microflora of the vagina. The composition of mucus includes a large number of various microorganisms, including pathogens. If the woman's immune system fails, then the pathogenic microflora begins to multiply rapidly, and this leads to the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes. However, the main part of the microflora are lactic acid bacteria, which provide a sour smell.

What drives change?

Photos of normal discharge in women indicate that leucorrhea can have a different color and consistency. We have already mentioned that these parameters change depending on the phase of the cycle. They can also change when infected with infectious diseases or for a number of other reasons. Consider what can affect the state of the discharge.

  • If a woman is just starting to have sex or changes her partner, then a completely unfamiliar microflora penetrates into her vagina (we will consider only non-pathogenic microflora). What color of discharge in women is considered normal in this case? When changing a partner, the amount of discharge may increase, as well as their consistency and even color. All this is considered normal.
  • The very same sexual intercourse contributes to the development of special secretions. After intercourse without using a barrier method of contraception, the discharge looks like clots, painted white or yellowish. However, within a few hours, their condition will return to normal.
  • The secretions and hormonal contraceptives taken by the fairer sex also change. Such drugs act by inhibiting ovulation and changing hormonal levels. So, against the background of their use, the amount of discharge will be significantly reduced. The same thing happens during breastfeeding. As soon as this process ends, the secretions begin to be produced as before, according to the phases of the cycle.

  • Photos of normal secretions in a woman during pregnancy indicate that during this period, the production of mucus increases significantly in the fairer sex. This is due to the fact that blood circulation in the genital area is significantly accelerated. But in the last three months of pregnancy, the volume of secretions increases even more. This usually indicates the imminent onset of childbirth.

How to determine the presence of diseases?

In fact, quite often women themselves influence the change in the microflora of the vagina. You can influence her condition by not observing the rules of personal hygiene, as well as by frequent douching with special solutions or even plain water. The vagina is able to clean itself on its own. Consider what can lead to self-cleaning problems of this organ:

  • Prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Treatment with hormonal medications. This also includes the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • The presence of advanced stages of diabetes mellitus.
  • Problems with the immune system.

Please note that even transparent and white discharge may indicate the presence of pathologies. Therefore, go to the gynecologist regularly and do not hide from him what worries you. Consider what the presence of secretions of one color or another may indicate.

Transparent highlights

It is very important to understand what kind of discharge in women is normal and abnormal. At first glance, transparent discharge is considered the most harmless. However, even clear mucus may indicate the presence of pathogenic processes. So, an excessive amount of clear mucus may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the appendages and endometrium. If the disease has already managed to go into an advanced stage, then the presence of blood clots in the clear mucus is not excluded. In this case, the discharge will have an extremely unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

White discharge

Normal and abnormal discharge in women can be white. Most often, the fact that a woman is healthy is evidenced by white discharge. However, they can also be evidence of the presence of pathological processes. How to distinguish normal white discharge from abnormal?

Be sure to consult a gynecologist if the white discharge has a curdled consistency, is released in a very large amount, and also smells extremely unpleasant. Moreover, their occurrence is usually accompanied by itching and redness of the external genitalia. In fact, there are simply a huge number of causes of white pathological discharge. Consider the most common of them:

  • in the first place it is worth putting thrush or candidiasis;

  • also, white discharge may indicate infection, an unhealthy lifestyle, the use of hormone therapy, or a lack of timely hygiene;
  • white discharge may indicate the presence of pathologies such as colpitis or adnexitis.

Discharge with blood

Every woman should know what normal discharge looks like in women. Blood in the secretions is usually considered a serious pathology. The only exception is the state before the onset of menstruation. If a woman has daily scarlet or brown discharge, then this may indicate the presence of a very serious illness. Consider what kind of pathologies can lead to the occurrence of spotting:

  • cervical erosion;
  • the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the endometrium;
  • the presence of polyps.

In addition, bleeding can also be observed after an abortion, miscarriage, with improper use of hormonal medications, and for a number of other reasons. It is very important not to self-medicate and consult a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Presence of yellow and green discharge

It is very important to figure out which discharge is normal in women. There are a large number of sexually transmitted diseases that can change the color and consistency of mucus. Consider the most common of these diseases:

  • Many women are faced with such a pathology as trichomoniasis. The disease is accompanied by a profuse discharge of yellowish and greenish frothy mucus, which has a disgusting smell of rotten fish.
  • With inflammatory processes in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, a yellowish liquid is formed, which simply flows out of the vagina in a very large amount. At the same time, the normal smell of discharge in women is absent.
  • The vagina itself may also be infected. At first, mucus is secreted as before, and only gradually its production begins to increase rapidly. But very serious symptoms can begin to occur only a year after infection.
  • Gonorrhea is considered a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. It is characterized by the presence of copious secretions of a yellow-green color, accompanied by a fetid odor.

Pap smear at the gynecologist

Every woman should undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist twice a year. At the same time, it is very important to take a smear, which allows you to determine the state of the female microflora. First of all, the doctor will take a general smear, with which you can determine the purity of the vagina. With its help, you can determine the state of the epithelial cells, as well as identify diseases that arise due to the presence of pathogenic microflora. Such diseases include thrush, vaginitis, vaginosis and others.

If necessary, the doctor will take a smear for hidden infections, as well as oncology.

Usually, the procedure for taking a smear is painless. Only in some cases, it can lead to mild discomfort. A smear is taken from the cervix using a brush or a sterile cotton swab.

How to restore the microflora of the vagina?

Very often, pathological discharge in women occurs due to a disturbed microflora of the vagina. If other reasons are to blame for the change in secretions, it is very important to identify them and not self-medicate. In any case, visit a gynecologist. He will take all diagnostic measures and prescribe the most optimal treatment for you.

With disturbed microflora, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Stop taking alcoholic beverages, start eating right and consume as many dairy products as possible.

Avoid douching completely. This will further exacerbate your problem. Better use herbal suppositories. Chamomile and calendula will produce a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect and gradually bring the microflora back to normal.

Follow all the rules of personal hygiene, if possible, refuse to use hormonal contraceptives, and you will notice how the mucus in your vagina will acquire the desired color and consistency.


White discharge in women is normal, provided that they have the right consistency. Pay close attention to your health. Vaginal discharge is an indicator of women's health. If you notice any deviations in color, consistency or smell, immediately go to the gynecologist, because they may indicate the presence of very serious pathologies. Don't forget that your health is in your hands. Only you are responsible for its condition. Therefore, take care of yourself, take care of yourself and take care of yourself, and then your body will begin to take care of you. Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. This should be one of the main rules in your life. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

The more a woman learns about her body, the calmer and more confident she feels in a variety of life situations. To avoid unnecessary anxiety and not make far-fetched diagnoses, let's figure out which are the norm, and when you should suspect something is wrong.

What should be normal vaginal discharge

During puberty (10-12 years), the glands of the cervical canal begin to secrete mucus, which mixes with dead epithelial cells and microorganisms that live in the vagina (lactobacilli, Doderlein sticks, streptococci, fungi, mycoplasmas, ureplasmas, etc.). Moisturizing the mucous membrane, these secretions prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria, protect against infections and promote self-cleaning of the vagina. The first discharge is usually scanty, colorless or whitish, does not smell, or has a faint yellowish tint, and a subtle sour smell (the result of the action of lactic acid bacteria).

As soon as the girl comes, the amount, color and consistency of vaginal discharge will change depending on the phase of the cycle. Consider the options for the norm on the example of a 28-day menstrual cycle.

    The first phase of the menstrual cycle (1-12 days after the end of menstruation): the discharge is scanty, liquid or mucous. The consistency is mostly homogeneous, less often - with an admixture of small lumps. Color - transparent, whitish or yellowish. The smell is sour or absent.

    Ovulation (13-15 days after the end of menstruation, the middle of the cycle): the discharge becomes abundant (up to 4 ml / day). Consistency - viscous mucus. Color - transparent, whitish, light beige.

    The second phase of the menstrual cycle (15-16 days - the beginning of the next menstruation): the discharge becomes less than during the period of ovulation. With their consistency, they resemble liquid cream or jelly. Color - whitish, yellowish, transparent. The appearance of brown spotting indicates the onset of menstruation.

Why does selection change?

The nature of the discharge from the genital tract can change under the influence of hormonal factors, without being a symptom of any pathology. For example, the onset of sexual activity or a change of partner becomes a hormonal stress for the female body. In the process of "getting used" to the new microflora, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, changes color and consistency.

Women who are sexually active have noticed that the nature of the discharge changes during and after intercourse. An increase in their number is associated with excitation and blood flow to the vessels of the vagina, as a result of which mucous drops are secreted directly by the walls of the vagina. This natural lubrication facilitates the insertion of the penis into the vagina, making sexual intercourse natural and painless for both spouses.

Vaginal discharge may also change due to intake. The drugs inhibit the onset of ovulation, therefore, during their administration, the amount of secretions decreases. A similar process occurs after childbirth, during breastfeeding.

In pregnant women, abundant discharge is due to an increase in the blood supply to the uterus and vagina. In the later stages, this is also associated with the discharge of cervical mucus immediately before childbirth. If a woman notices the appearance of copious liquid discharge, she should consult a doctor, as this may indicate a discharge of water.

After childbirth, normal secretions are lochia - a mixture of mucus, blood and dead tissues of the uterine lining, resembling heavy periods with clots. Lochia usually passes within 1-2 months after the birth of the child.

Signs of pathology

It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, guided by the nature of vaginal discharge. Moreover, without the appropriate tests and clinical examination, the gynecologist will not be able to do this either. But there are a few simple signs that will signal a possible disease:

    The appearance of discomfort, itching, burning in the vagina.

    Foamy discharge of yellow, white or greenish color.

    Profuse discharge of white or yellowish cheesy lumps, irritating the genitals.

    Profuse discharge, with an unpleasant fishy odor, aggravated during sexual arousal.

    Yellow discharge, accompanied by difficulty urinating, pain in the lower abdomen.

    Thick purulent discharge with impurities of blood, with a sharp unpleasant odor.

    Bloody discharge that appeared between periods.

Watch your body, study it, visit a gynecologist regularly, and pathological vaginal discharge will not bother you.

Maria Nitkina

There is no woman in the world who does not care about the nature of the discharge from her genital tract. Among them are those that are part of the female physiology, and some may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in the body, or an inflammatory process. To protect yourself, it is more competent to contact a gynecologist and take tests for the microflora of the vagina and for bacteriological culture. Therefore, many are interested in which discharges are considered normal, and which ones are the reason for visiting a doctor.

Normal discharge and menstrual cycle

Allocations in healthy women appear from the moment of puberty and are present until the onset of menopause. Another name for vaginal discharge is leucorrhoea. They vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The amount and color of leucorrhoea depends on the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the blood. Consider what normal discharge looks like at different periods of the female cycle.

So, in the first phase of the female cycle (about 1-14 days), the discharge is usually the most meager - about 1-2 mg per day. This amount of white leaves a spot with a diameter of 2-3 cm on the panty liner. During this period, vaginal discharge is normal if it has a transparent or whitish tint. Usually they are odorless or the smell is slightly sour.

At the end of the first period, ovulation occurs, which lasts 1-2 days. As for vaginal discharge, an increase in their abundance compared to the first phase is considered the norm. Their number is about 4 mg per day, and the diameter of the spot on the pad can reach 5-6 cm. Whites are similar to chicken protein - they are also transparent and have a viscous and mucous character. Such secretions are a favorable environment for the promotion of spermatozoa to the egg.

The second half of the menstrual cycle is characterized by a comparative decrease in the amount of whites. These secretions become thicker and have a jelly-like or creamy character. With the approach of menstruation, the abundance of leucorrhoea increases, their color becomes whitish. Thus, on the eve of the onset of menstruation, white discharge is normal. Naturally, provided that they do not bring a feeling of discomfort, itching or burning.

Normal female discharge and various factors

You also need to know what normal discharge should be, depending on the influence of various life situations:

Without exception, all women know what discharge is. They change their character depending on the day of the cycle. A visit to the gynecologist always ends with taking a smear for analysis. The results of the study allow the doctor to understand how healthy the patient's reproductive system is. We will talk about what vaginal secretion is in this article.

Many do not know what normal discharge women should have. For some reason, it is customary to get rid of them at any cost, using medications, the douching procedure, special pads, gels, and so on. Often, all these actions just lead to uncomfortable sensations, since all the beneficial flora is completely washed out.

Normally, vaginal discharge is whitish in color, slightly viscous and does not have a strong odor if a woman follows the rules of personal hygiene. As for the amount, it does not exceed 1-4 ml per day. Because of this, the panty liner becomes damp by the end of the day if it is not changed. The color of the vaginal secretion can be pink, white, yellow, cream.

Source: healthladies.ru

Allocations for the days of the cycle will be different. Many women are guided by their number and viscosity, using as an indicator of ovulation. The first half of the menstrual cycle is characterized by a secret with a predominance of cervical mucus. The closer ovulation, the more abundant vaginal discharge.

Before menstruation, they become smaller. Some women may develop what is known as spotting. It can be either a variant of the norm or a signal that something is wrong.

Cervical mucus always contains a lot of leukocytes. Especially towards the end of the luteal phase, as well as during the ovulatory period. The peak is observed during the bearing of a child.

The anatomical location of the vagina suggests that in front it is adjacent to the bladder, its posterior wall, and the anterior wall of the rectum is in contact with it from behind. Close contact with these organs means that they are connected by nerve fibers and blood supply. This is why vaginal discharge can be the cause of both bladder and bowel problems.


Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what factors increase the discharge in women without color, odorless:

  • bearing a child;
  • age features;
  • the level of hormones in the body;
  • state of acid-base balance;
  • the number of sexual relations;
  • bad habits;
  • day of the menstrual cycle;
  • oral contraception;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • taking medications for other diseases;
  • excessive douching;
  • regularity of sex.


What does normal vaginal discharge in women consist of:

  • Mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal;
  • Cells of the integumentary epithelium, desquamated from the cervix and vaginal walls.
  • Microorganisms that live in the vagina all their lives.
  • Effusion (transudate) from blood vessels.

From the foregoing, it became clear that there are no glands in the vagina that would secrete a secret.


Not all experts know how many white blood cells should be normal in vaginal mucus. There are also errors when taking a smear. If the doctor takes too much mucus and smears it on the glass with active movements, the result will be incorrect. It is important to use a small amount of the content and not smear it on the glass, but simply apply it. Otherwise, epithelial cells can be destroyed. When taking material from several points, it is necessary to use different tools.

The reproductive system of women works properly thanks to white blood cells - leukocytes. If their number rises, this does not always indicate inflammation. Something happens in the body every second. The number of leukocytes depends on changes in the hormonal background.

Discharges before and after menstruation will not only have a different number of leukocytes, they will also differ in their appearance. Before the onset of ovulation, their level is quite high. The same picture is observed before the onset of monthly bleeding.

Leukocytosis during pregnancy is a completely physiological process. If the white blood cells are low, then problems may arise during the bearing of the child.

White blood cells found in secretions are made up of the liquid part of the blood that has leaked through the vaginal walls and adjacent vessels, as well as other white blood cells.

Cervical mucus is called leukocyte depot. Fluctuations in the hormonal background affect their number. It is worth noting that any leukocytes penetrate the walls of the capillaries.

The cork that closes the cervix during pregnancy is white due to white blood cells. It is formed from them and the mucus of the cervical canal. The endometrium also includes several types of white blood cells.

In the endometrium, there may be macrophages, B and T lymphocytes, neutrophils, and others. There is also a special uNK in it - the uterine natural killer (mNK). This species appears at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as each cycle during the end of the luteal phase. If there is a shortage of uNK, then implantation will not take place and pregnancy will simply be impossible.

As you can see, the natural discharge in women, the norm for which is not clearly defined, is constantly changing. If he talks about uNK, then their structure is very specific. They are very sensitive to hormonal changes. The level of progesterone and other sex hormones affects their amount.

At the very beginning of menstruation, there is an increase in the number of leukocytes, as well as an increase in HLA 1 - human leukocyte antigen (HLA) of the first class. The role of the latter is very important. Menstruation is impossible without the death of the endometrium with its subsequent rejection.

Lysis is also part of the process - the splitting of cells that have exfoliated. And all these functions allow you to support MNCs. But not everything is so simple. After all, during lysis, the connective tissue (stroma) and the lower layer of the endometrium (basal), which should not exfoliate, may suffer. And this is where the CLA is needed. It is he who protects those parts of the uterus that should remain unchanged.

Allocations - physiology, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Lymphocytes are secreted by uterine prolactin. If we talk about neutrophils, then there are quite a few of them in the endometrial tissues for most of the cycle, but they are always present. And only during menstruation their number reaches a maximum.

It is generally accepted that the fall in progesterone at the end of the luteal phase causes an increase in leukocytes. Vaginal discharge - that it is not just mucus, but a product of an ecosystem with a huge number of components - will make many people look at the test results differently.

In the uterus, the main neutrophils are polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In short - PYAL. This species is always mentioned in the literature when it comes to inflammatory diseases. And there is truth in this. They determine not just the number of PMNs, but also find their ratio with squamous epithelial cells.

When asking the question, what kind of vaginal discharge is considered normal, you should know that the resulting ratio looks like this: 1 epithelial cell per 10 leukocytes. Unfortunately, in modern laboratories they calculate “roughly” and the results cannot be called accurate.

If a woman does not complain about anything and there is no inflammatory process, then why are PNLs needed? It turns out that these leukocytes not only fight infection by absorbing microbes, but also phagocytize tissue remnants and dead cells.

During planned bleeding, endometrial cells die. The presence of blood at the same time creates excellent conditions for the active growth of microbes. They can also enter the uterus. To prevent this from happening, neutrophils come to the rescue - orderlies that clean the areas from pieces of the functional layer of the endometrium. Thus, they prevent the reproduction of pathogens that could infect the uterus and endometrial tissues.


Allocations before menstruation and after menstruation also contain macrophages. Their number is about 20% of the total number of leukocytes. Macrophages appear at the end of the luteal phase. Despite the fact that these microorganisms do not respond to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone (they do not have receptors), their number will still depend on the day of the cycle and the level of hormones.

Macrophages not only help break down dead endometrial cells thanks to their enzymes, but also produce special substances involved in the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Approximately 10% of women, according to test results, always have severe leukocytosis. They may have a thick vaginal discharge, liquid or something else, but there are no signs of the disease. To begin with, antibacterial therapy, antimicrobials and all kinds of douching are used. The microbial landscape of the vagina does not change. And then the doctors just watch. It is possible that over time, leukocytes will return to normal on their own.

red blood cells

Single erythrocytes found in a smear are not considered a pathology. Examining the discharge before and after menstruation, the causes of which are explained by physiology, experts came to the conclusion that during this period, red blood cells increase. That is why you need to go to the gynecologist when the menstruation is completed completely.

In addition, red blood cells enter the smear when taken roughly, when a sharp instrument injures the mucous membrane.

epithelial cells

The inside of the vagina is lined with squamous epithelium. It is updated regularly. Therefore, it is considered normal for epithelial cells to enter the discharge from the vagina.

If a woman has a low amount of estrogens with an increased number of androgens, then she will have less epithelial cells in her vaginal secretion. In the case of an excessive amount of desquamated epithelium, additional studies are necessary to rule out inflammation.


Specialists examine colorless, odorless discharge in women in the following ways:

  • microscopic method. The taken material is superimposed on glass and studied under a microscope. If too much mucus is taken for analysis, the result will be distorted. Not everyone takes this into account.
  • Cytology. Thanks to this method, it is possible to assess the condition of the integumentary epithelium. An analysis is carried out to identify cancerous and precancerous cells of the cervix.
  • pH determination. Today, many experts neglect this study, although the acid-base balance could tell a lot about which vaginal discharge prevails.
  • Crops. Often it is required to determine which particular bacterium is active in order to find an effective tool in the fight against it. But even here there are flaws. If you take a smear inaccurately, then microbes living in the vestibule of the vagina will get into it.
  • An immunological study (PCR and the like). The method is effective and expensive. Today it is prescribed to many, although there are no less informative analogues.

In the vagina there is always a rich set of microorganisms. There are also fungi, and viruses, and bacteria. They could get inside in different ways: during intercourse, during operations, injuries and other situations.

It should be noted that the perineal area is considered the most polluted area of ​​the human body. During a bowel movement, many microbes leave the body. Also in women, the discharge includes various microorganisms.

As a result, the area around the anus and vulva is inhabited by bacteria. By the end of the day, the smell of a pad or underwear always confirms what has been said. Personal hygiene helps to solve this issue without problems, although perfect cleanliness can never be achieved. And that's okay.

Previously, it was believed that normal discharge in women should contain only lactobacilli and that's it. Microbiology has evolved, so scientists have refuted this claim. So, it was found that the inhabitants of the vagina can be about 100 species. And the “population” is different for everyone. In total, about 5 types of opportunistic bacteria can be detected in one woman.

It can be viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa. For most of their lives, they do not harm the body of a woman. If optimal conditions for reproduction are created for them, then the inflammatory process begins. Abundant secretion appears, even discharge from the uterus may occur. It all depends on the pathogen.

Today there is no unequivocal opinion why the human body is a haven for many bacteria. In the absence of pronounced symptoms, a woman is considered healthy, despite such a rich flora.

The most common vaginal microorganisms are candida fungi, mycoplasma, ureplasma, staphylococci and streptococci.

The opinions of doctors were divided as to which group they should be attributed to - to the normal flora or to the conditionally pathogenic. Microbes can live in the body without causing disease. Normal vaginal discharge, photos of which can be searched on the Internet, even if they contain a lot of bacteria, is not accepted to “treat” until symptoms and other signs of the disease appear.


The body of a newly born baby is instantly populated by a variety of flora. If you examine the vaginal secretion of a girl, then often intestinal bacteria will be found there. This phenomenon is normal. In adolescence, when the first uterine bleeding begins, the vagina is colonized by lactobacilli. From the first days of life, there are very few or none at all.

From the vagina, the discharge will change its composition during the growth and development of the girl's body. Gradually, some types of bacteria crowd out others. Observing the rules of personal hygiene, it is possible to keep the genitals clean, but not absolute. All the same, under different conditions, the vagina is populated by different bacteria living in the intestine. In addition, sexual intercourse and imbalance when taking antibiotics also regularly change the flora.

Earlier we mentioned that only lactobacilli were considered beneficial for the health of the genital tract. But everything turned out to be more difficult. Vaginal discharge from some women does not contain lactobacilli at all. Or there are very few of them. Such patients range from 10 to 42%.

Subsequently, the term ecosystem was coined in relation to the flora of the vagina. For its balance, both beneficial and opportunistic bacteria are needed. There are about 135 species of lactobacilli living in the vagina. They got their name due to their important function - to convert lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. An ecosystem can contain both one species of lactobacilli and several.

They can be divided into three types:

  • producing hydrogen peroxide;
  • producing lactic acid;
  • bacteria that attach to vaginal epithelial cells or other microorganisms.

Odorless vaginal discharge can contain any kind.

Let's see what effect certain lactobacilli have while in the genital tract. So, hydrogen peroxide negatively affects fungi and pathogens. Thanks to lactic acid, an acidic environment is created in the vagina, which neutralizes some bacteria.

In the case of attachment of lactobacilli to microorganisms of the intestinal group, the movement of the latter is restricted. This helps the infection spread more slowly.

Lactobacilli do not affect Candida yeast. But they stimulate the immune system and are responsible for the balance of the vaginal flora. Their active vital activity prevents the reproduction of many conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, their number is always under control and vaginal discharge is normal, there are no accompanying symptoms of inflammation.

Recent studies have shown that the following species are most often found in smears:

  • L. johnsonii;
  • L. fermentum;
  • L. crispatus;
  • L. Jensenii.

It was previously thought that acidophilus bacteria predominated in the vagina. Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies still produce drugs containing them, designed to restore microflora and to treat various infections. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is rather low.

Video, how the process of taking a smear takes place:


There is also such a factor as weight, affecting the amount of secretion. Thin women are characterized by a lack of adipose tissue, so they have a lot of secretion and it is plentiful, especially during arousal.

This is explained by the fact that fat in the human body takes part in metabolic processes related to hormones. By the way, for the same reason, thin women have a longer menstrual cycle and do not ovulate more than once a year.

Adipose tissue is a kind of depot for important substances that accumulate during stress. In addition, fat is a layer that protects the organs and structures of the body. The female reproductive system has many blood vessels. Nature took care of this so that the reproduction processes proceeded successfully.

Note that the discharge on the 8th day of the cycle gradually increases in quantity and the consistency changes - ovulation is approaching. This happens to everyone regardless of weight. This does not happen with anovulatory cycles.

Dysbacteriosis. After taking antibiotics, the intestinal microflora is disturbed. Often, a similar picture is immediately observed in the vagina.

Sexually transmitted infections. With the confirmation of one of the infectious diseases, it is unlikely that anyone will be surprised why there is a discharge from the vagina. But if at the same time there is discomfort in the anus or urethra, the woman may be frightened. But everything is explained by the anatomy, which we talked about above. The mucous membranes have a special structure, and therefore such a chain reaction occurs.

During sexual intercourse, the excitation and friction of the penis against the vaginal walls causes an increase in blood flow in the vessels, both external and internal. The liquid part of the blood is in the vagina - it sweats there.

In girls, discharge of a similar consistency and abundance causes embarrassment during sex. The gynecologist, although he takes into account their complaints, is not always able to help. There is no cure for such problems.


Every woman knows that it is necessary to wash herself twice a day. In this case, you should do it correctly and use natural care products.

Let's look at what modern hygiene products cause vaginal discharge in women:

  • soap dries the skin and mucous membranes;
  • gels with fragrances and dyes;
  • pads for daily use due to their synthetic origin;
  • washing powders and gels based on aggressive chemicals;
  • tight synthetic clothing.

It is worth noting that after defecation, wipe the anus with toilet paper from the vagina to the crease between the buttocks, and not vice versa. After the act of urination, the movements change direction. Wipe the genitals just the same from the vestibule of the vagina to the pubis.

Before and after sex, you need to wash with warm water and soap. So you protect your reproductive system from many inflammatory pathologies.

We examined what types of vaginal discharge are outside of menstruation. More precisely, what composition they have in the norm. There is also discharge in diseases of the genital tract, but there are also special symptoms connected there - pain, unpleasant odor, deterioration.

In addition, there is slight bleeding during ovulation, and during implantation, a woman may find discharge with blood. In any case, if it seems to you that the secretion has become somehow unusual, consult a doctor. The results of the tests will help to understand what is happening with the reproductive system.

Every girl interested in maintaining her women's health has repeatedly worried about vaginal discharge. The secretion of the genital organs often refers to a natural process, but it happens that a change in the normal shade and smell of mucus indicates serious pathological processes or diseases.

Features of the female body

What does mucous discharge mean in women ?! Colorless are a biological fluid that is secreted by the body of the fairer sex. Often such manifestations indicate the state of women's health. Show the functional features of the ovaries. They are secreted from the cervix, which has special glands.

Mucous discharge in women consists of:

  1. Moisturizing fluid that helps lubricate the walls of the vagina.
  2. Useful and negative microorganisms and fungi that inhabit the flora.
  3. Particles of dead cells that come out of the vagina and uterus.
  4. Transudate from the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

The adjacent sweat and sebaceous glands in the area of ​​the urethra can also be a component. Remember that mucous discharge without the presence of an unpleasant odor and having a transparent color indicates the correct functioning of the pelvic organs.

Characteristics of secretions

Depending on the features, completely different causes of occurrence are distinguished. Mucous discharge in women, like snot, can change the frequency and nature. Such changes depend on many factors, it can be stress, a change in climatic conditions associated with the move, and so on. But often an important role in this process is played by the age, health status and hormonal background of the girl.

The most common factors are:

  1. Excited.
  2. The approach of the climax.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Menstruation.
  5. Changes that occurred in the body before or after the birth of a child.
  6. Breast-feeding.
  7. Change of sexual partner.
  8. The use of hormonal and contraceptive drugs.

Women's doctors came to the conclusion that discharges that do not exceed 4 ml per day are the norm. The liquid should be clear in color, odorless, with no blood streaks and discomfort in the vaginal area. This condition indicates the norm, except for the inconvenience of using panty liners.

When the norm

Mucous discharge, like snot, is often the norm, but only if they meet the following indicators:

  • observed for several days or hours;
  • are not regular;
  • stretched between the fingers;
  • there are no inclusions of lumps, blood and pus;
  • there is no discomfort in the form of itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations;
  • the volume per day does not exceed more than 4-5 ml;
  • no smell or slightly sour;
  • may leave a yellow tint on underwear or panty liners;
  • transparent consistency.

In all other cases, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to identify the problem at an early stage. Do not be afraid if the liquid began to resemble white mucous discharge, often a change in shade in this direction is normal. This is due to the age and hormonal background of a woman.

Possible reasons

Most often, a variety of factors affecting the mucous secretions in women, the reasons with which they are most often associated, are harmless:

  1. Beginning of puberty. After that, the ovaries begin to actively work.
  2. Ovulation. Most often, the onset occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Climax.
  4. In preparing the body of a woman for the upcoming birth.
  5. Mucous discharge during pregnancy.
  6. Sexual arousal before sexual intercourse.
  7. Breast-feeding.
  8. Reaction to the gel for intimate hygiene.

Influence of the menstrual cycle

Vaginal discharge of a mucous nature, which is normal, most often occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This process is called ovulation. It has to do with the release of the egg. Before ovulation, a woman may be disturbed by pain of moderate intensity in the abdomen, in addition, her breasts may swell.

Each such process has its own reasons. For example, the stretchy consistency of the discharge contributes to the preservation of spermatozoa during conception. If the discharge occurs after menstruation and has mucous discharge with blood streaks, this indicates the removal of the remaining endometrium in the uterus.

Causes of heavy discharge

Specialists in the field of medicine consider mucous secretions, the causes of which lie in both normal and pathological processes. If a pathological condition has appeared in a woman's body, leucorrhoea can become very plentiful with an unpleasant color and a change in shade. Most often, unfavorable secretions are compared with the liquid secreted from the respiratory organs during a cold or SARS.


If mucous secretions are not accompanied by discomfort, burning sensation and itching, and there are no traces of pus and blood, then they are a physiological norm. The reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist are:

If at least one of the above points occurs, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. Only he, on the basis of tests, can make the correct diagnosis and select an individual treatment strategy. If an infection is detected, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed. If problems in the pelvic area arose due to a virus, then appropriate medications will be prescribed.

When to see a doctor urgently

Yellow discharge is most often associated with infections, although inflammatory processes are often the cause. Also, medical workers in the field of women's health attribute this shade to the initial reaction to taking hormonal drugs.

Yellow-green and gray mucus has its characteristic secretion in the following cases:

  1. A large amount of mucous secretions with a predominant fishy smell often indicates gardnerellosis.
  2. An abundant amount of yellow and green discharge with the presence of pus characterizes the disease trichomoniasis.
  3. Mucopurulent discharge with or without a foul odor most often indicates chlamydia.
  4. A watery liquid with blisters on the genitals confirms the presence of genital herpes.
  5. Transparent mucus with a very unpleasant and pungent odor most often indicates ureaplasmosis.

In addition to the above, green discharge is associated with vaginitis, an increased number of leukocytes in a smear (inflammatory process), vaginal dysbacteriosis, cervical erosion and gonorrhea.

To maintain women's health, it is necessary to constantly observe hygiene, regularly visit a gynecologist and take a responsible approach to treatment if it is prescribed by a doctor. And remember that the presence of pathological secretions negatively affects the microflora and in the future may adversely affect the conception of a child.

Pregnancy and childbirth

When a woman is in position, the work of her body is tuned to fully provide optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. In this regard, a complex hormonal restructuring is launched. One of the consequences is mucous discharge, which can continue to accompany the fair sex even after the birth of a child.

After the fertilized egg "attaches" to the wall of the uterus, the process begins to be accompanied by thick mucous discharge without color. They look like raw egg whites. An expectant mother can accompany such discharge during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

After that, they form a mucous plug, which prevents infection and bacteria from entering the uterine cavity, where the baby develops. Before childbirth, the mucus acquires a yellowish color and increases significantly in volume.

The exit of the cork before the onset of labor can occur either completely or partially. If a woman notices an unpleasant odor or a characteristic change in color, then she should definitely consult a doctor for the necessary tests. Moreover, snot-like discharge mixed with blood may indicate premature placental abruption, and this situation threatens the health and life of both the expectant mother and the child.

intimate relationship

When a woman is sexually aroused, a large amount of watery fluid is released from the vagina. This feature is a natural process and provides comfort during intercourse. After the end of sex, a discharge of a transparent and thick consistency also appears from the vagina, if it was not protected by a contraceptive. When using a condom, you may notice not very abundant discharge of a white and yellowish tint.


Before the onset of menopause, women may notice dryness in the vaginal area. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is disturbed, and with it there is a change in the nature and amount of mucous secretions. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the fair sex begin to feel discomfort, and sometimes pain.

The vaginal lining undergoes a natural process of thinning, becoming dry and producing virtually no natural lubrication. If menopause, on the contrary, began to be accompanied by copious discharge, then this is also a cause for concern and an immediate appeal to a gynecologist.

Change of sexual partner

Often there are situations when a woman changes her sexual partner, and for this reason, the fluid secreted by the vagina is replaced by a thick and viscous one, which begins to be produced in large quantities. This is due to the settlement of new microflora in the cervical region, which occurs after intercourse with a new man.

The microflora of a new sexual partner enters the vagina, and the process of getting used to unfamiliar fungi, bacteria and microorganisms is carried out. Sometimes situations occur when a woman's body rejects a new microflora, and the process of active mucus production begins with a change in external properties and characteristics. After some time, getting used to a new man. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that the frequent change of sexual partners sooner or later can lead not only to gynecological diseases, but also to infertility.


In order for the female microflora not to experience negative changes, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. First of all, you need to regularly take care of the hygiene of the genital organs. Use gels for intimate hygiene, which include extracts from medicinal plants, components that promote moisture, have an optimal PH level and contain lactic acid.

Do not panic ahead of time. After all, transparent vaginal discharge, odorless, is normal and only indicates that women's health is in perfect order. It is necessary to monitor changes in mucus, if an unpleasant odor, shade or consistency appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not risk your health, because seemingly minor changes can be a harbinger of a serious illness.

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