A disease caused by a metabolic disorder in the e. Incorrect metabolism symptoms

Metabolic disorders (metabolism) are manifested at almost all levels of the biological systems of the body - at the cellular, molecular and others. The most serious is a metabolic disorder at the cellular level, since it significantly changes the mechanisms of self-regulation and has a hereditary cause.

Metabolism is a complex of chemical reactions that fully correspond to their name, because metabolism in Greek means “transformation”. A constantly functioning metabolism, in fact, maintains life in the human body, allowing it to develop and multiply, adequately respond to environmental influences and maintain all its functions.

Fats, carbohydrates, proteins and other elements take part in metabolism, each of which plays its own role in metabolism.

  • An irreplaceable "building material" is proteins, which became famous thanks to Engels' historical phrases about life as a form of existence of protein bodies. The statement of one of the fathers of Marxism is true, where there are protein elements, there is life. Proteins are included in the structure of blood plasma, hemoglobin, hormones, cytoplasm, immune cells, and proteins are also responsible for the water-salt balance and fermentation processes.
  • Carbohydrates are considered a source of energy resources for the body, among the most important are glycogen and glucose. Carbohydrates are also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, lipids.
  • Fats accumulate energy reserves, and give energy only in combination with carbohydrates. Also, fats are needed for the production of hormones, the absorption of certain vitamins, they are involved in the construction of the cell membrane, and ensure the preservation of nutrients.

A metabolic disorder is a change in one of the stages of metabolism - in catabolism or anabolism. Catabolism or dissimilation is the process of oxidation or differentiation of complex elements to the state of simple organic molecules that can participate in the process of anabolism (assimilation) - synthesis, which is characterized by energy consumption. The metabolic process takes place throughout life according to the following steps:

  • Nutrients enter the human body.
  • Nutrients are absorbed from the digestive system, fermented and broken down into the blood and lymphatic system.
  • Tissue stage - transport, redistribution, energy release and absorption of substances.
  • Removal of metabolic decay products that the body has not absorbed. Excretion occurs through the lungs, with sweat, urine and feces.

Renewal of the cells of our body, daily activities, creative activity and much more become possible due to the fact that every second a variety of chemical reactions take place in our body, energy is released and new molecules necessary for normal life are formed. The totality of all these reactions is called metabolism.

Although, by and large, metabolism is a single whole, for convenience, experts have divided this concept into several components. So we are currently talking about an exchange:

  • energy,
  • proteins,
  • fat,
  • carbohydrates,
  • water and minerals.

Adhering to this division, consider the symptoms of metabolic disorders in more detail.

Protein metabolism

Proteins are one of the most complex structural elements of the human body. They are necessary to ensure normal breathing, digestion, neutralization of toxic substances, the normal functioning of the immune system and many other functions, for example:

  1. Participation in chemical reactions as catalysts. Currently, more than 3 thousand enzymes are known, which by their nature are protein compounds.
  2. transport function. With the help of hemoglobin protein, each cell of our body receives oxygen, lipoproteins help to “package” and transfer fat, etc.
  3. Protecting the body from infection. The immune system would not be able to effectively cope with the tasks assigned to it if there were no antibodies, which are also protein compounds.
  4. Stop bleeding. Fibrin, the fibrinogen that is needed for blood clot formation and subsequent clot formation, is also a protein.
  5. Muscle contraction, enabling movement. This is possible due to the presence in each muscle cell of contractile proteins - actin and myosin.
  6. Frame and structure. Proteins are included in the frame of cell walls, hair, nails, protein molecules are made of proteins, they are included in tendons, ligaments, provide elasticity and strength of the skin.
  7. Ensuring the functioning of the body as a whole. Numerous hormones that regulate various processes and the functioning of individual organs are also proteins.
  8. Anti-edema function. Albumin proteins protect the body from the appearance of so-called hungry edema.
  9. Energy supply. As you know, the breakdown of 1 g of protein provides energy in 4 kilocalories.

Symptoms of a protein metabolism disorder

One of the manifestations of protein metabolism disorders in the body is a decrease in bone mineral density, or osteoporosis.

Excess protein in the body can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea),
  • loss of appetite, its absence,
  • hyperproteinemia (increased amount of proteins in the blood plasma),
  • the development of kidney disease and (they have to remove an increased amount of protein breakdown products),
  • development (for the utilization of excess protein, calcium is needed, which the body takes from the bones),
  • salt deposition (for example, in violation of the exchange of nucleic acids).

Most often, an excess of protein is associated with increased consumption of protein, when the diet consists mainly of protein foods.
The symptoms of protein deficiency are as follows:

  • swelling,
  • general and muscle weakness,
  • decreased immunity, manifested in the fact that a person is more likely to get sick with various bacterial and viral infections,
  • drowsiness,
  • weight loss up to exhaustion and dystrophy,
  • increase in the level of ketone bodies (),
  • in children: decreased intelligence, growth and developmental delay, death is possible.

Most often: kwashiorkor, alimentary dystrophy, as well as with an unbalanced diet.

What tests need to be done to check protein metabolism?

In order to get an idea of ​​​​protein metabolism, the following types of analyzes are usually prescribed:

  1. Proteinogram (total protein, amount of albumins, globulins, their ratio).
  2. Kidneys: determination of the level of creatinine, uric acid, residual nitrogen.
  3. Liver: urea level, thymol test.

Metabolism of fats (lipids)

Lipids represent an extensive group of compounds, including directly fats, as well as fat-like substances. These include:

  • triglycerides,
  • cholesterol,
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids,
  • phospholipids,
  • lipoproteins,
  • sterols,
  • glycolipids, etc.

In our body, lipids have the following functions:

  1. Mechanical protection against damage. Adipose tissue protects vital organs from damage, softening possible blows.
  2. Energy. 1 g of digested fat provides 9 kilocalories.
  3. Thermal insulation. Adipose tissue conducts heat quite poorly, therefore it protects internal organs from hypothermia.
  4. Warming. Brown fat, which is mostly found in infants, is able to produce heat itself and to some extent prevent hypothermia.
  5. Promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  6. Adipose tissue is, in a sense, an endocrine organ that produces female hormones. For example, if the adipose tissue in a woman's body is less than 15% of her body weight, then her menstrual cycle or reproductive function may be disturbed.
  7. As compounds with proteins (for example, lipoproteins) they are part of the membranes of body cells.
  8. Cholesterol is important for the formation of steroid hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands.
  9. Phospholipids, glycolipids interfere with development.

Symptoms of a lipid metabolism disorder

Excess lipids can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hypercholesterolemia (excessive cholesterol in the blood),
  • hyperlipoproteinemia (an increase in the blood level of low-density lipoproteins that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis),
  • symptoms of atherosclerosis of the brain, abdominal arteries ("abdominal toad"), heart (, myocardial infarction), increased blood pressure,
  • obesity and related complications.

Most often, excess lipids are associated with increased intake from food, genetically determined diseases (for example, congenital hyperlipidoproteinemia), endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus).
The symptoms of lipid deficiency are as follows:

  • exhaustion,
  • development of deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K with corresponding symptoms,
  • and reproductive function
  • deficiency of essential unsaturated fatty acids, as a result of which the formation of biologically active substances is disrupted, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: hair loss, eczema, inflammatory skin diseases, kidney damage.

Most often, lipid deficiency occurs during starvation, unbalanced nutrition, as well as congenital genetic diseases, pathologies of the digestive system.

What tests should be done to check lipid metabolism?

Atherosclerosis develops when lipid metabolism is disturbed in the human body.

Standard analyzes to determine the nature of lipid metabolism are:

  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood,
  • lipoproteinogram (HDL, LDL, DPONP, TSH).

Carbohydrate metabolism

Like proteins and lipids, carbohydrates are among the most important chemical compounds. In the human body, they perform the following main functions:

  1. Providing energy.
  2. Structural.
  3. Protective.
  4. They take part in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
  5. Participate in the regulation of protein and fat metabolism.
  6. Provide energy to the brain.
  7. Other functions: are components of many enzymes, transport proteins, etc.

Symptoms of a carbohydrate metabolism disorder

With an excess of carbohydrates, there are:

  • increase in blood glucose levels,
  • obesity.

An increase in glucose levels occurs in cases such as:

  • eating a lot of sweets (usually lasts for several hours after ingestion),
  • increased glucose tolerance (glucose levels after eating sweets remain elevated for a longer time),
  • diabetes.

Symptoms of a lack of carbohydrates are:

  • violation of the metabolism of proteins, lipids, the development of ketoacidosis,
  • hypoglycemia,
  • drowsiness,
  • limb tremor,
  • weight loss.

Most often, carbohydrate deficiency is observed during starvation, genetic defects, insulin overdose in diabetes mellitus.

What tests should be done to check carbohydrate metabolism?

  • Blood sugar test.
  • Urinalysis for sugar.
  • Blood test for glycated hemoglobin.
  • Glucose tolerance test.

Metabolic disorders of other substances

Violation of the metabolism of minerals and vitamins will be manifested by the corresponding pattern of excess or deficiency of the corresponding substances, for example:

  • iron deficiency -
  • lack of vitamin D - rickets,
  • - development of endemic goiter, etc.
  • Violation of pigment metabolism is most often manifested by jaundice (pigment - bilirubin), symptoms of porphyria.
  • With an excess of water, edema occurs, and its deficiency is characterized by thirst, gradual inhibition of all body functions and subsequent death.

Metabolism is a certain combination of certain chemical changes, as well as all types of transformation of matter into energy directly in the human body, which ensures its normal operation.

Through metabolism, a person releases energy. Our multifunctional body independently copes with the removal of all unnecessary substances. The whole process is divided into two stages - anabolism and catabolism.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Problems associated with various metabolic disorders in the body are divided into external and internal. External causes include the entry of toxic substances into the body, imbalance in nutrition, the appearance of unfavorable gases in the atmosphere, significant changes in the saturation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the penetration of unfavorable viruses into the body. Internal factors include genetic changes in the synthesis of enzymes, immune proteins, and other components.

There is also a slowdown in the acceleration of metabolism in the elderly.

Symptoms of a metabolic disorder

As a rule, with metabolic disorders, excess weight appears sharply, which can even be described as obesity, the face and limbs begin to swell strongly, the skin has an unhealthy appearance, a person may suffer from acne due to the fact that the skin is too oily. Also, metabolic disorders can be judged by the hair and nail plates - they become brittle and weakened. All this happens due to the fact that a person consumes too much fat, eats irrationally - this leads to the disease.

Diagnosis of metabolic disorders

In order to establish for sure whether you have this disease, you need to see a doctor who will conduct a preliminary consultation, physical examination, measure your height and weight, and then calculate the percentage of adipose tissue. You will also be prescribed an ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and an ECG. In conclusion, the doctor will measure the pressure in the supine position at rest, as well as in the standing position. It will be necessary to conduct laboratory tests of blood, triglycerides, T3 and T4, lipoprotein A, adiponectins, homocystins, as well as HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol.

Treatment of metabolic disorders

If you want to improve your metabolism, then first of all you need to ensure a healthy 8-hour sleep and normalize your diet. You need to forget about snacks, exclude mayonnaise, white bread, pork, fried foods from the diet, and also limit sugar. To maintain a normal metabolism, a person should drink at least two liters of non-carbonated mineral water, and also switch to the side of a healthy diet - it is better to eat boiled foods, have breakfast with foods that contain complex carbohydrates, for example, oatmeal. It is also necessary to consume fermented milk products (kefir). If physical activity is added to a healthy diet, then success will be obvious.

Prevention of metabolic disorders

In order for the metabolism to be always in order and not let you down, you should lead a healthy, mobile lifestyle. You also need to watch your diet - eat only healthy food. It is very important to always keep your thoughts in a positive mood - and then the disease will not touch you!

Metabolism is the main link in the process of chemical reactions of the human body. In violation of metabolic processes, there is an increase in the load on the system as a whole. This leads to the development of stress and provoking various diseases. The main function of metabolism is to support the body in providing adequate energy.

Causes of deviations

  • irrational, unbalanced diet. Diets, abuse of fasting days, starvation (most often women suffer);
  • stressful situation, nervous strain;
  • in women, inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, abortions, delivery with significant blood loss;
  • obesity;
  • age;
  • bad habits (alcohol consumption, smoking);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • in men with excessive production of female sex hormones. testicular dysfunction;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • in women during menopause;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • impotence in men;
  • severe diseases of various etiologies;
  • in women during menopause.


Violation of metabolic flows can be divided into the following subgroups:

  1. protein metabolism;
  2. fatty;
  3. carbohydrate;
  4. steroid metabolism;
  5. water, mineral;
  6. exchange of organic acids and amino acids.

Violation of protein metabolism

Proteins are important for a person to ensure normal digestion, respiration, and immunity. For the removal of toxic substances, the transport of hemoglobin. Protects the body from all kinds of infections, prevents the development of bleeding. Reduces muscle musculature, is the basis for cell walls, skin.

Symptoms of excess protein

Symptoms of excess protein in the body:

  • appetite decreases (may be completely absent);
  • stool is disturbed (diarrhea, constipation);
  • An increase in the amount of protein in the blood (hyperproteinemia);
  • provokes the occurrence of kidney disease, renal failure;
  • osteoparosis develops (protein leaches calcium);
  • gout (excess salt deposits).

Such conditions develop against the background of excessive consumption of protein foods.

Protein deficiency symptoms

With a deficiency, the following symptoms are noted:

  • muscle and general lethargy;
  • pastosity;
  • decrease in immune forces;
  • a sharp weight loss (may reach dystrophy);
  • drowsiness;
  • the appearance of acetone in the urine;
  • in children, slowing down growth and development;

Nutritional dystrophy and poor nutrition lead to such consequences.

Analysis to establish the amount of protein:

  1. clinical analysis of eyes (residual nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid);
  2. proteinogram (determines the total protein, the content of globulins, albumins, their ratio).

Lipid metabolism (fat)

Protects from damage, replenishes energy, has heat-insulating, warming qualities. Promotes the absorption of fat-soluble riboflavins, in women it promotes the production of sex hormones. Included in the structure of cell membranes.

Symptoms of an excess of lipids in the body

  • symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • obesity.

The cause is diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, malnutrition.

Symptoms of lipid deficiency in the body

  • a deficiency of fat-soluble riboflavins (E, D, A, K) develops;
  • women have menstrual irregularities;
  • hair falls out, inflammatory diseases of the skin develop;
  • kidneys are affected;
  • there are signs of exhaustion.

This type develops against the background of starvation, poor nutrition. With ischemic diseases, pathological conditions of the digestive tract.

  1. blood for the determination of cholesterol;
  2. lipoproteinogram.

carbohydrate metabolism

It provides energy, participates in the metabolism of fat and protein metabolism, in the synthesis of RNA, DNA. It has protective, structural properties, contributes to the efficiency of the brain.

Symptoms of excess carbohydrates

  • overweight;
  • an increase in blood sugar leads to the formation of diabetes mellitus;

Carbohydrate Deficiency Symptoms

  • ketoacidosis develops;
  • decrease in blood glucose;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • weight loss.

This type of metabolic disorder can develop with, against the background of starvation, with genetic defects.

  1. Blood and urine for sugar.
  2. Sugar tolerance test.

With a deficiency of minerals and riboflavins develops:

  • endemic goiter;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • rickets and other serious pathologies.

With an excess amount of water in the body, pastosity (edema) appears. A deficiency leads to constant thirst, the gradual suppression of all vital body functions.

General signs of pathology of metabolic processes in men and women

  • teeth suffer (destroy, fall out);
  • skin integuments change their color (earthiness, pallor, the appearance of age spots);
  • puffiness appears under the eyes after sleep - “bags”, “bruises”;
  • an increase in the number of free radicals (lead to the formation of a tumor);
  • sudden change in body weight (up or down);
  • malfunctions in the digestive tract;
  • brittle nails.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of metabolic disorders is a long and complex process.

  • The basis of effective treatment is the revision of nutrition. It needs to be balanced, it is better to eat fractionally, at least 4 times a day;
  • you need to establish the correct mode of the day, ensure a good sleep;
  • stress should be avoided whenever possible;
  • sports will also have a positive effect on the dynamics of the treatment of metabolic disorders.

These therapies will help with the initial stage of metabolic disorders. These treatment measures will be enough to stop the pathology.

If the metabolic disorder is due to genetic disorders or serious diseases, drug therapy must be included in the treatment.

After examination by an endocrinologist and passing the necessary tests, the specialist decides on the treatment tactics:

  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus: hypoglycemic agents, insulin;
  • In diseases of the thyroid gland - thyroid drugs.
  • with dysfunction of the endocrine glands - hormonal drugs;
  • if the cause is genetic disorders, enzyme replacement therapy is used.


There are many recipes for restoring metabolism in the body.

Plantain leaves 40 gr. pour hot water into a glass. 30 minutes. defend, consume 30 ml. 3 times / day 30 minutes before meals.

Viburnum berries - 15 gr. fill with a glass of boiled hot water, insist for 2 hours. Consume ½ cup 2 times a day, for 15 days.

Dandelion for the treatment of metabolic disorders. In the form of a tea drink - per cup of boiling water 15 gr. leaves. Infuse for an hour, consume 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Garlic. Crush 200 gr. through a meat grinder. peeled garlic, transfer the resulting mass into a glass bottle. Pour everything with vodka - 250 ml. insist in a hopeless place for 10 days. After the end of infusion, filter the contents. It is taken orally according to the scheme: 2 drops per ¼ cup of cool milk, before meals 3 times a day. Every day you need to add 2 - 3 drops, bringing up to 25 per 1/3 cup of milk.

An excellent remedy is vegetable oil. You need to take a teaspoon of oil in your mouth, hold it, as if absorbing it. After 10 minutes, spit out the contents, in no case swallow. Rinse your mouth with warm, boiled water.

It is important to remember folk methods of treatment must be agreed with a specialist. You can not cancel the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

Metabolism in the human body is a set of processes responsible for the conversion of chemicals into nutrients, energy production, and tissue renewal. Thanks to him, our blood is saturated with useful elements that come with food; slags and toxins are removed from the body. If the metabolism is disturbed, then many health problems arise. What diseases are associated with poor metabolism? Let's try to figure it out together.

Causes of metabolic disorders

The factors provoking pathology can be both hereditary pathologies and diseases acquired during life. These include:

  • genetic disorders;
  • poisoning the body with toxic substances;
  • disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • accumulation of heavy metals in the body;
  • improperly organized nutrition that does not correspond to energy costs;
  • lack of vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, as well as essential amino acids;
  • violation of the synthesis of enzymes, immune and transport proteins.

What diseases are associated with metabolic disorders?

Incorrect metabolism can lead to the development of many diseases. The main diseases can be presented in the form of groups, which we will consider in detail.

Protein metabolism disorders

These include protein malnutrition - an imbalance between the formation and breakdown of proteins due to their low content in food. Intestinal diseases and deterioration of protein absorption, its loss during diseases (tuberculosis, burns, infections), diets and starvation - all these factors contribute to the development of pathologies resulting from metabolic disorders. It should be noted that excess protein nutrition also negatively affects metabolic processes and leads to damage to the liver, kidneys, disruption of the nervous system, increased consumption of vitamins, decay processes in the intestines, gout, and urolithiasis.

Fat Metabolism Disorders

The most well-known disease of this group is obesity (hereditary food, hormonal, neuropsychiatric). In addition, disorders of fat metabolism in the human body lead to growth retardation, weight loss, dry skin, bleeding gums, and increased blood cholesterol levels.

Carbohydrate metabolism disorders

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system that occurs due to a lack of insulin and is characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism. This disease affects both adults and children. In addition, it can develop under the influence of genetic factors.

Vitamin metabolism disorders

Vitamin deficiency is caused due to poor intake of vitamins from food, unbalanced nutrition. Violations of vitamin metabolism lead to diseases of the digestive system; hypervitaminosis - an excess of vitamins, which has a toxic effect on the body.

Mineral metabolism disorders

Mineral deficiency in the body can be associated with iodine deficiency and thyroid disease; fluorine deficiency and the development of caries; lack of calcium and the development of muscle, bone weakness. In addition, an insufficient amount of potassium in the human body leads to the development of arrhythmias, and iron deficiency leads to anemia. An excess of minerals also adversely affects health, causing disturbances in the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

What is needed for proper metabolism?

For the prevention of diseases associated with metabolic disorders, you need to tune your body to precise work: observe the daily routine and nutrition; not to starve; drink enough water; get enough sleep; enhance physical activity; organize a complete diet.

By following these simple rules, you should not have problems with metabolism. Agree, not much effort is needed to feel cheerful, energetic and healthy person.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

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