What is the normal duration of menstruation? What is important to know about menstruation expectant mothers

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Every woman is obliged to know everything about menstruation, and such information will allow not only to delve into the functioning of the reproductive system, but also to identify deviations and even determine the days most suitable for conception.

Menstruation or menstruation is called spotting that occurs in a woman. They begin the menstrual cycle, which normally should last about 21-36 days. Menstruation is periodic and cyclical, and their regularity indicates that the woman's reproductive system is functioning smoothly and correctly.

The first menstruation occurs in adolescence, which is the peak of puberty. But the time frame is quite wide, and the period of the onset of menstruation depends on several factors, such as genetic predisposition, lifestyle and nutritional habits, weight, past or existing chronic diseases, and even place of residence and climatic conditions. Usually, menstruation begins at about 11-15 years old, but as a result of acceleration in each subsequent generation, this stage of development occurs earlier. Although the onset of menstruation before the age of 10 signals early puberty. It is worth sounding the alarm even if there are no periods at the age of 17-18.

Menstruation. What is important to know about it.

Menstruation occurs in the first follicular phase of the menstrual cycle under the influence of certain hormones. The adenohypophysis is stimulated by the hypothalamus, as a result of which the latter begins to synthesize small amounts of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. They start the process of maturation of follicles, one of which should become dominant, burst and release an egg that has matured in it. But in the follicular phase of the cycle, the endometrium, which, under the influence of progesterone and estrogens, developed, thickened and prepared for possible fertilization and attachment of the fetal egg, becomes unnecessary and is rejected during contractions of the uterine muscles and comes out in the form of menstrual flow.

Normally, menstruation occurs every month, and it is this feature that determines the generally accepted popular name for these days. But they stop during pregnancy, since the endometrium at this important stage cannot be rejected and creates favorable conditions for bearing a child. Also, menstruation may be absent during lactation, which is due to the action of the hormone prolactin, which suppresses ovulation.

The composition of normal menstrual flow, in addition to the blood itself, also includes the tissue lining the uterus of the endometrium and the secretory fluid secreted by the glands of the vagina and cervix. Normally, the blood practically does not smell or has a mild characteristic odor. The color of the discharge is dark, close to burgundy. A characteristic feature is that menstrual blood does not clot, as it contains special substances that prevent clotting and ensure timely separation due to its liquid consistency.

The duration and frequency of menstruation

Normally, periods can last from three to seven days. Usually, the first 2 days of discharge are more abundant, then they begin to fade away and become moderate, and then scarce. If the duration has increased, then you should consult a doctor.

The duration of the menstrual cycle.

The first day of menstruation is considered the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the duration of which can be from 21 to 36 days. Thus, menstruation can occur every 18-33 days. Their frequency depends on the duration of the menses themselves and the cycle as a whole. Normally, the discharge should be regular, although fluctuations within a few days are possible. But during puberty, the cycle is established, and its final formation may take six months or a year. Failures are also observed after childbirth and during lactation.

Every health-conscious and responsible girl or woman should keep her menstrual cycle regular for several reasons. The first is to identify possible deviations and diseases. Frequent failures can signal problems in the reproductive system. The second reason is pregnancy planning. Ovulation, at which a fully mature and ready-to-fertilize egg leaves the bursting follicle, occurs approximately 13-16 days after the start of the cycle, depending on its duration. That is, if menstruation is regular, then with their help you can find out the days that will be most favorable for conception. In addition, the absence of the next menstruation in most cases signals the onset of pregnancy.

So that menstruation is not a surprise, it is worth keeping a calendar, marking the days of menstruation in it.

An interesting fact: there is such a thing as the synchronization of menstrual cycles. Several studies have been conducted, during which it was found that women who live together, menstruation occurs at the same time.

Normal volumes and possible accompanying symptoms

On average, the volume of blood lost per day varies from 20-25 to 50 milliliters. For the entire menstruation, a woman can lose up to 250 ml, that is, a whole glass. But such an amount is quite normal and harmless, as the body quickly replenishes reserves. Scanty periods can talk about hormonal disruptions or gynecological diseases, as well as excessively abundant.

Menstruation can be accompanied by a number of symptoms, and some are observed even before the onset of discharge. The following are considered normal:

  • Cramping pains. Their intensity depends on the structure of the uterus, the characteristics of the contraction of its muscles and on the individual pain threshold. For some representatives of the weaker sex, pain causes discomfort, while others hardly notice it. But if the sensations are strong and sharp, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • Weakness, dizziness, drowsiness. These symptoms are natural and are due to the loss of blood, albeit within the normal range. If fainting or complete disability is observed, then this may indicate profuse discharge or bleeding.
  • The so-called "daub". Pale pink discharge may occur within one or two days before and after your period. It is also normal, but should not be prolonged.
  • A small amount of clots should not scare. Their presence indicates that the body does not have time to secrete a sufficient amount of anticoagulants, and part of the secretions coagulates on the way from the uterus to the vagina.
  • Separately, it is worth noting premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which begins to appear about a week before the onset of menstruation and includes symptoms such as swelling, depression, mood swings, apathy, tearfulness, irritability, weight gain, soreness and breast engorgement. All these signs are due to the influence of hormones.

Possible deviations

The following signs should be alert:

  • Irregularity of menstruation. She talks about hormonal disruptions or diseases of the endocrine or reproductive system.
  • Heavy periods are also abnormal and are sometimes a symptom of serious abnormalities.
  • Scanty discharge indicates that the endometrium is very thin, and normally by the end of the cycle it should have a significant thickness.
  • Excessively thick blood, a large number of clots. This is probably due to increased blood clotting and threatens the formation of blood clots.
  • An unpleasant strong smell can be a sign of genital infections.

Sexual life and menstruation

Many women and girls are interested in whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation. This is not worth doing for several reasons. First, both partners may experience discomfort, which will reduce the pleasure of sex. Secondly, an intimate relationship during menstruation can end in pregnancy if ovulation is early. Thirdly, sex during menstruation is dangerous from the point of view of the risk of infection, because the cervix at this stage opens slightly, and pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through the resulting lumen.

Sexual life and menstruation. Recommendations from a doctor.

If, nevertheless, both partners decided on an intimate relationship, then you should follow the rules of hygiene before sex, as well as take a shower after it. In addition, a man must use a condom: this contraceptive will not only prevent pregnancy, but also minimize the risks of infectious diseases.

Knowing everything about menstruation, any girl and woman will be able not only to identify deviations in time and avoid serious consequences, but also to conceive a child.

Critical days, what is it, how to survive them calmly and painlessly? The issue of menstruation for young girls is very important. They are afraid that someone might notice that they have "these" days, that it will be too painful, it will be impossible to go to school, or that the average duration of critical days will be long and the discharge will be abundant. Lots of fears. And they are well founded. Every mother should convey to her daughter the following nuances of this stage of her growing up.

The first critical days in girls (menarche) usually occur at the age of 12-14 years. Usually at the same age as their mothers or a little earlier. Before menarche, girls show signs of puberty - pubic hair appears, in the armpits, the figure becomes feminine. And just before the start of bleeding, a few days before, acne may appear on the skin of the face and body. Monthly spotting is a signal that a woman's body is already or very soon will be ready for pregnancy. This is a kind of transition from childhood to adulthood. However, pregnancy at such an early age is highly undesirable, since the body of a young girl is not yet ready for such heavy loads and trials.

Menstruation in women proceed with different duration and intensity, that is, it is individual. But on average, normal menstruation lasts at least 3 days and no more than 7. At the same time, a woman loses no more than 50-60 grams of blood. If there are discrepancies with these figures, you need to consult a doctor.

Naturally, how many critical days last for women, so much you need to use hygiene products. Pads are recommended for young girls. The specific company is not important. But it is necessary that the hygiene product was odorless (did not contain fragrances), in order to avoid allergic reactions. You can start with the classic "three-drop" pads. And then, if necessary, abundant secretions, change them to more absorbent ones. Sanitary tampons can also be used by virgins, but this is not very convenient, moreover, this hygiene product needs to be changed frequently, otherwise there may be sad consequences in the form of toxic shock.

Difficult questions about critical days (video):

Answers to difficult questions about critical days.


What can not be done during menstruation, so as not to harm the body? Doctors recommend these days not to engage in active sports, not to swim, not to take a bath. Physical activity should not be completely ruled out, it is more likely to harm.

You can hear different opinions about whether it is possible to have sex on critical days, including from doctors. In the first days of menstruation, it is better to postpone sexual activity. 2-3 days at least refrain. And then you can, but it is advisable to use a condom. This raises another question - is it possible to get pregnant on critical days? This is unlikely since most women do not ovulate until day 12 of their cycle. Well, spermatozoa live in the female genital tract for 3 days at best. But a condom is needed in this case not as a contraceptive, but as a guarantee that the infection that the partner may have does not get into the uterus, ajar during menstruation, and there will not be an inflammatory process - endometritis.

Nutrition on critical days should be moderate. Since in the second phase of the cycle a woman manages to gain up to 1 kilogram of weight, her appetite is increased at this time. And during menstruation, you can arrange a fasting day. The weight of a woman during critical days may gradually decrease, as the edema, provoked by a large production of progesterone earlier, disappears. Excess liquid leaves, legs become slimmer, gas formation disappears, we see a smaller number on the scales.

There was one unclear question related to the spiritual life - is it possible to go to church during critical days or not? There are many opinions on that. But most women try not to attend church on bleeding days. Although, of course, no one will know about this, even if the ban is violated. All believers try to follow the rules.

Each organism is strictly individual. To maintain health, ladies should have an idea of ​​how their body works, what a normal menstrual cycle is, how many days it lasts, and how to determine this condition. Scientific facts will help to deal with these questions. After all, knowledge about the menstrual cycle makes it possible for the fair sex to independently determine whether they have problems in the genital area even before a visit to the doctor.

Some anatomical and physiological features of the female body

External female genitalia (pubis, labia, vestibule bulb, large and small vestibular glands, clitoris) are designed to protect the internal genital organs. Small lips border the urethral opening and the vestibule of the vagina. The clitoris is the point of connection of these organs. It is rich in nerve endings, so its main function is to bring pleasure to a woman. Internally, the vagina is connected to the cervix. Further, the uterus expands, a fertilized egg (zygote) enters it, from which the fetus is subsequently formed. If the egg is not fertilized, then it leaves the body along with bloody discharge. Accordingly, the place prepared for the implantation of the zygote also becomes unnecessary. 2 weeks after ovulation, the endometrial epithelium is torn off and excreted in the form of spotting. After that, the cycle repeats again.

Cycle phases

How many days does a menstrual cycle (MC) last? This question interests many. The duration of this process under ideal conditions should be 28 days. Theoretically, the female body is ready for pregnancy every month. For girls whose MC is more than 28 days, but less than 36 days, you should not worry, since all these are variants of the norm. A large cycle between periods is most likely an indicator of a long first half of the cycle, that is, the follicular phase. Under such conditions, the oocyte simply needs more time to mature. Any changes in the rhythms of the cycles should be the reason for contacting the doctor.

Phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • Stage I (menstrual). One of the most painful, since at this time menstrual flow and rejection of the epithelium are observed. The first days are the most painful period in the cycle. On average, the first phase of the menstrual cycle ranges from 3-6 days. The first day of menstruation is considered to be the beginning of MC.
  • II stage (follicular). In the blood, the content of pituitary hormones increases. The main one is FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), it stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs (female sex cells). Follicles are vesicles in the ovaries that are filled with fluid. Each follicle contains an immature egg. FSH activates the maturation of a certain number of follicles. The ovaries produce female steroid hormones (estrogens) that prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized cell. The second phase of the cycle lasts 14 days.
  • III stage (ovulatory). The duration of the phase is about three days. The mature egg leaves the follicle and then travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. By the time of puberty in the ovaries of girls, there are up to half a million eggs. Their laying is carried out in the embryonic period. The process of release of the egg from the follicle is called ovulation. How many eggs mature in one cycle? About 20 gametes normally mature in the ovary every month. When a follicle ruptures, one, less often 2-3 eggs come out of its cavity. Very often, ovulation in girls is accompanied by severe pain. Most often it hurts in the lower abdomen.
  • IV stage (luteal). The duration of the phase varies in the range of 10-16 days. At this time, many hormones (progesterone and estrogen) are synthesized, preparing the entire body for bearing a child.

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normal cycle

How long is a normal menstrual cycle? There is no single answer to this question. For each lady, this figure is strictly individual. Doctors distinguish a number of signs that characterize a normal MC:

  • cycle stability. Deviations of 2-3 days are considered normal. For some of the fair sex, the cycle is shorter than 21 days, for others it is longer than 35 days. Scientists explain this by the morphological and functional characteristics of the body, so if the cycle duration remains unchanged for a long time, this is not considered a violation.
  • During the menstrual period, the volume of blood lost should be no more than 80 ml. It is worth noting that menstrual blood does not clot, as it contains an anticoagulant - the enzyme plasmin.
  • Normally, the duration of bleeding should be from 3 to 7 days.
  • Menses should not be too painful.


How long the menstrual cycle lasts in healthy women, as well as the amount of discharge, largely depends on various life circumstances (diet, exposure to stress factors, contraceptives, childbirth, etc.). There are many reasons for delaying menstruation, but is a long physiological delay possible?

Deviations from normal periods are most often observed in young girls and women before menopause. It is believed that a delay of up to six months can be the norm. Sometimes changes, a change in the cycle of menstruation is observed in girls after the first sexual experience. Experts attribute this fact to a strong emotional shock. However, normally, the discrepancies should not exceed a few days from the established cycle.

In the postpartum period, women may also experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Under ideal conditions, the period of pregnancy should not be accompanied by menstruation. If a young mother does not breastfeed her baby, then the menstrual cycle is quickly restored and returns to normal as soon as possible. This is due to the low concentration of prolactin in the blood of women.

How to count a cycle

The first menstrual bleeding is observed in girls as early as adolescence at the age of 10-16 years. They tend to be irregular at first, but after a few years the cycle sets in. Under physiological conditions, the female cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days ± 3 days. Violations of this rhythm may indicate serious malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as the development of certain diseases.

Read also Peeling during menstruation

Many readers are looking for an answer to the question of how to determine the cycle of menstruation, how many days it lasts, how to calculate. What is physiology and what is pathology? The menstrual cycle is calculated from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. For the convenience of describing women's processes, 28 days are taken as a basis. In order to calculate how many days are in the cycle, you need to subtract the date of the previous ones from the date of the current menstruation and add one day (For example: the date of the current menstruation is March 25, the previous one is March 2. MTs 25 - 2 + 1 \u003d 24 days).

When to See a Doctor

Doctors recommend that all girls and women keep a calendar for monitoring menstruation. The calendar of monthly cycles in women helps to determine their regularity and duration, as well as the duration of menstruation. This information will be useful not only to the patient, but also to the treating doctor.

Common causes of irregular periods:

  • stressful situations;
  • physical or mental fatigue;
  • starvation;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • diets;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • autoimmune anomalies;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (endometriosis, oophoritis, uterine fibroids, cystitis, polycystic ovaries, adnexitis);
  • alcohol or nicotine intoxication;
  • prolonged depression;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • acclimatization;
  • exhaustion;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • psychological shocks;
  • obesity;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • unfavorable environment.

The above factors negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. In this case, the reproductive system is no exception. In this regard, the normal menstrual cycle (MC) should last in the range of 21 to 36 days. Menstruation, in which the specified interval is traced, is called correct, normal, ideal or regular.

Every lady must know what happens in the female body during menstruation and when she should seek help from a specialist:

  1. Breasts ache and swell.
  2. Irregular periods.
  3. Paleness, dizziness.
  4. The duration of menstruation is more than a week.
  5. Itching of the vagina.
  6. Rare or, conversely, frequent menstruation.
  7. General weakness.
  8. Menses out of cycle.
  9. Severe pain in the abdomen (such menstrual pains most often disturb girls and nulliparous women) or in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia.
  10. Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and general weakness of the body;
  11. Menstruation is accompanied by copious discharge.
  12. The overall body temperature rises.

A woman should constantly pay attention to her health. Therefore, it is important to have a correct understanding of the functioning of the female body, the processes that occur in it. Ignorance in this matter leads to panic when minor problems appear or, conversely, a frivolous attitude to severe symptoms.
Doctors believe that an important indicator of a woman's condition is the peculiarity of the course of the monthly cycle. The most frightening and prolonged bleeding. No less doubt arises for and . The main question that women ask is: “How long do periods last, and when should I worry?” We offer to understand what is considered the norm, and for what reasons deviations may occur.

Read in this article

What is considered normal

It is very important to monitor the duration of menstruation, as this is an important indicator for:

  • determining the state of functioning of the ovaries;
  • establishing the presence of inflammatory diseases;
  • detection of neoplasms in the uterus;
  • prescribing hormonal drugs.

Women are advised to keep special calendars of the menstrual cycle, where you need to mark the beginning and end of critical days.

First of all, it should be noted that in women in adulthood, the duration of critical days differs from how long menstruation lasts.

When is long periods normal? In medicine, it is generally accepted that ... During menstruation, the mucosa is torn off and comes out in the form of bleeding.

Menstruation is an important part of every woman's life. After all, it is she who creates conditions for the female body that contribute to the conception and bearing of the baby. It should be noted that the duration and regularity of menstruation is an indicator of women's health.

Menstruation is considered normal, the duration of which is from 3 to 5 days. However, this parameter can be influenced by many factors, such as the woman's physical activity. The fact is that with enhanced training sessions, the discharge becomes more abundant and, accordingly, the duration of bleeding increases.

In the event that menstruation is present for less than 3 or longer than 7 days, then this fact must be discussed with the gynecologist without fail. After all, the development of scanty or heavy menstrual flow may indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, hormonal imbalance, and iron deficiency anemia.

It is important to consider that in adolescence, menstruation can come irregularly and have different durations. The fact is that the body is preparing for adulthood, so these changes are physiological in nature.

It should be borne in mind that since during the period of critical days the loss of blood is insignificant, the body compensates for it quickly enough. As a rule, a woman loses about fifty grams of blood per day. Therefore, in total, during one menstruation, the loss of spotting is no more than two hundred and fifty grams. Often menstrual blood has a bright scarlet color and a specific smell, does not clot.

In the event that menstruation is characterized by the presence of blood clots, then a similar phenomenon can be explained. The fact is that sometimes enzymes can not cope with the abundance of secretions and, accordingly, pass unprocessed blood, as a result of which it lingers in the vagina, curtailing there.

In addition, bloody daub, observed at the beginning, as well as at the end of menstruation, is considered quite normal. However, it should not last more than two days. Prolonged blood smearing may indicate the development of such gynecological pathologies as cysts, polyps. In this case, it is advisable to immediately visit a gynecologist in order to undergo the necessary examination.

It is imperative to contact a specialist if the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days, or more than 35 days.

Often women discover, but the origin of this fact is attributed to the individual characteristics of the organism. They do not pay attention to the duration of critical days, they ignore the pulling sensations in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, as well as headaches and nausea. However, such symptoms are a serious reason to see a doctor.

Wrong lifestyle and uncontrolled use of drugs very often adversely affect women's health. In addition, there are other reasons that contribute to the failure of the menstrual cycle. These include: ectopic pregnancy, oncological formations on the internal genital organs, prolonged stress, unfavorable ecology, severe diseases of the nervous system.

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