When the dogs ears stand up completely. At what age do the ears of a German shepherd stand up: prevention and effective methods of setting. How to prevent wrong development

Raising pets takes a lot of time and effort, but brings a lot of pleasant emotions. Caring owners dogs make every effort to keep their pets healthy and looking good. beautiful dog exterior to a large extent depends on standards certain breed. For german shepherd one of these breed attributes is the classic setting of the ears, which makes the representatives of this breed recognizable and speaks of the successful development of the puppy. Ears do not always fit the right way without human intervention. That is why puppy owners are eager to find out when the ears of German Shepherds get up, what difficulties may arise, and how to overcome them.

Correct positioning of the puppy's ears

When the ears stand up, it is important to pay attention to how their fit corresponds to the current breed standards. The ears of the German Shepherd should be of medium size and pointed, set on broad base. The direction of the ears is strictly forward and up. Any deviation from the described standards is classified as a defect, including crooked or dangling ears, as well as distortion of direction. That is why considerable attention should be paid to the puppy during that period, Photo proper fit ears will help to notice emerging deviations. It is imperative that this be done on time.

This question is raised so often that it seemed that experts should have come to a conclusion a long time ago. single point vision. However, when it comes to when the ears of a German Shepherd should stand up, opinions differ somewhat. Some experts say that the puppy's ears begin to rise from two months, and this process continues until the age of five months. While others consider the setting of the ears to be normal at the age of six months. AT exceptional cases ears can finally stand up at the age of eight months. However, it is worth worrying even if at four months the puppy's ears have not begun to rise at least a little.

Causes of deviations in the fit of the ears

Why does a german shepherd's ear stand up in the wrong way? As with any other health problems, the causes of disorders are divided into congenital and acquired during life. So, for example, if the puppy's parents suffered from a similar problem, with highly likely it will also arise in their offspring. Sometimes it's the structure musculoskeletal system dogs. Also, improper development of the ears can provoke both mechanical injury, and infectious diseases, hypothermia of the dog, lack of vitamins necessary for the successful development, as well as a number of diseases that slow down the development of the body, excess weight or extremely low activity puppy.

How to prevent wrong development

As practice shows, the harmonious development of a dog fully depends on its owner. The first thing you should pay attention to is the food of the dog. It should be balanced, rich in essential minerals and vitamins. The amount of food should be appropriate for the weight and age of the puppy. A dog that is regularly overfed with much more likely can get into development trouble ear cartilage. In the same connection, it is necessary to walk enough with the puppy. Physical activity able to warn a large number of health problems. It is important to monitor the health of the ears, especially during the period when the ears of German Shepherds stand up, and clean them regularly, carefully avoiding any mechanical damage.

The danger is also represented by all kinds of infectious diseases that affect musculoskeletal system. Caring for the health of the puppy during his active development should be the top priority for the owner. You will also benefit from daily physical exercise, massage auricle dogs and a constant comfortable temperature in the room where the puppy is kept.

Puppy ear lift

In case the puppy's ears have not yet begun to rise by four months, when the ears of German Shepherds rise, it would be wise to resort to some more effective measures. In fact, the owner of the dog is able to correct the situation and help the ears rise in the right way. It is important to pay attention to the fact that before such procedures it is necessary to make sure that they are absolutely healthy and not mechanically damaged.

Ear lift with patching

First, it is important to make sure that this method. To do this, you should carefully feel the dog's ear for the so-called weak spots, when pressed, the ear rises on its own. If such a site is located in the upper part of the auricle, then the problem will be solved by itself and no additional intervention is required. If the weak point is located in the lower part of the ear, then the hall exists and it is necessary to resort to gluing. It is important to use a quality patch that does not irritate the dog's skin.

First of all, you should carefully cut the hair from the auricle, and also clean it of any contaminants, be it sulfur or dirt. Next, cut off two strips of plaster, which would be approximately the same size as the area inner surface ear. They need to be glued together: the non-adhesive side is glued to the adhesive side. This double strip is glued to the inside of the ear. The ear must be carefully twisted into a tube and fixed vertically with a patch. You can wear it for ten to twelve days.

Ear lift with foam

This method is quite simple to perform. It is necessary to cut foam rubber tabs with a diameter half less than the width of the auricle and a little less than its length. Foam rubber inserts are inserted into the trimmed and clean auricle, the ears are fixed in several layers at the base in vertical position with a hypoallergenic patch.

Often, it will take two to three weeks to lift the ears in this way, in some cases - about a month. After removing the structure, the ears will be properly planted in an upright position.

These and other issues of dog care should be explored by anyone who plans to get a German Shepherd puppy: how many months does the dog's ears stand up, what are the ways to raise the ears, how to protect the dog from developmental abnormalities. After all, health and happy life dogs in the family are fully dependent on its owner and the responsibility that he bears for the life of his pet.

Pointed, standing ears are an integral part of the image. During the period of intensive growth of the puppy, the owner must carefully observe the development of his auricles, and in case of deviations from the norm, take all possible assistance in their setting or contact a specialist.

When Do German Shepherd Puppy Ears Stand Up?

How to put: gluing and winding

If a by 5-6 months, the auricles of the puppy are still didn't get up, then it's time to spend several sessions of gluing.

Special tabs.
For setting the ears, soft tabs are used, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

Such tabs are tightly inserted into the puppy's auricles and well wrapped on top with thin paper medical tape.

Foam curlers. Instead of tabs can be used large foam curlers, freed from plastic parts, and lightly smeared with medical glue. Glue should not drain into the ear canal.

From above, the auricles should be fixed by tightly wrapping them with paper surgical tape.

Cardboard blanks. Some breeders use triangular cardboard blanks with rounded corners. The blanks are wrapped with masking tape with the adhesive side out, then inserted into the auricles and wrapped outside with the same tape, but with the adhesive side to the body. Gluing and winding is carried out until the ears begin to stand without support.

How to clean your puppy's ears?

Every 3-4 weeks clean your ears german shepherd should carefully inspect and clean.

For cleaning will be required:

  • cotton pad (cotton wool, bandage);
  • alcohol (special lotion, chamomile tincture);
  • cotton buds.

A cotton pad is moistened with alcohol and the inner surface of the auricle is gently cleaned. Then, with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, dirt is removed from the skin protrusions inside the ear.

What to do if the ear got up and then fell again?

It happens that ears puppy get up, and after some time fall again. So why did a German Shepherd puppy's ear fall off?

Dog handlers attribute this feature, which begins at 3-4 months.

In this period necessary:

  • include meat and bone meal, milk, fish, jelly, boiled pork ears and other products to strengthen cartilage in the puppy's diet;
  • provide the dog with sufficient physical activity;
  • regularly attract her attention with unusual sounds, thereby forcing her ears to be fixed in a raised position.

At healthy puppies after a complete change of teeth ears rise again.

Important! If this did not happen by 6-7 months - need take the dog to the vet.

What to do if the ears do not stand up?

If the auricles of a German Shepherd didn't get up by 7-8 months, then, most likely, they already won't get up. In this case surgery can be performed for implantation in the shell of implants. Surgery will not fix the problem, but will fit the dog to existing standards and allow him to participate in exhibitions.

Puppy (5 months) hanging ears: a photo

Useful video

Dog ear cleaning

Thus, the period of formation of the auricles is one of the most important in the life of a German shepherd. In order for the ears to rise on time, the dog needs balanced diet and daily walks fresh air. AT emergency you can spend several sessions of sizing or consult a surgeon.

A whole standard has been developed for the German Shepherd, which the animal must meet. Special attention given to the ears: the shells should be upright, with sharp tips and be of medium size. If they hang, there are breaks - this is considered a marriage. It often happens that the dog's ears do not rise or only one rises. While the puppy is small, there is no reason for excitement and panic. Each dog develops individually, therefore it is not possible to say with accuracy how long it will take to set the ears.

When should the ears rise?

Ear lifting in puppies begins at two months of age and is completed by five. There are exceptions when the process stretches up to the eighth month or up to a year. Over time, the auricles begin to acquire large sizes due to the strengthening of cartilage.

Often, by the age of 60, the ears rise, but due to weak cartilage, they fall again. This phenomenon is normal.

The owner must ensure that no cracks form on the pet's ears. If they do not rise by six months, be sure to take the pet to the veterinarian for examination and identification of weaknesses in the cartilaginous joints. It should be remembered that after the seventh month, setting the auricles is almost impossible.

Why can't ears stand up

It is known that the German Shepherd's ears do not rise due to completely different factors.

These include:

  1. 1. Uncleanliness. Dishonest breeders often deceive people: they sell them unpurebred German Shepherds. Such animals often have problems with the setting of the ears, so it is necessary to carefully check all the documents of the purchased puppy.
  2. 2. Flaw minerals in the dog's diet. Because of this, cartilage cannot form correctly and in a timely manner, which causes problems with their setting.
  3. 3. Ear diseases. Inflammatory processes and the appearance ear mites render Negative influence for the development of the ears.
  4. 4. Non-standard structure or arrangement. Too wide set of ears, very large or heavy cartilage leads to the fact that the ears cannot rise on their own, here you will need the help of a person. If the ears are very thin, artificial staging will be required. For right decision problems, it is better to contact a veterinarian so as not to harm the animal.
  5. 5. Underdeveloped immune system and frequent illnesses puppy. In this case, the dog's body will quickly spend nutrients for recovery, and they will not be enough for the formation of cartilage tissue. Often it is weakened dogs that face the problem. correct setting ears.

Raising and training a German Shepherd - basic principles and rules, advice from cynologists

What measures to take

If a puppy at the age of four months has excessive flaccidity and softness of the ears, the owner should take measures such as:

  1. 1. Ear massage. To stimulate blood circulation, lightly stroke the puppy's ears.
  2. 2. Sound effects. The attention of the animal is attracted by an unusual sound for him. The puppy will definitely turn and raise or fully set his ears. In this state, they will not stay long, but thanks to regular workouts strengthens muscle, due to which, over time, the auricles will stand upright.
  3. 3. Proper diet plan. With a lack useful substances cartilage will not develop. The puppy's menu should be varied and include fish, dairy products, bone meal, boiled pork ears.
  4. 4. The use of special dressings. Thanks to them, the dog receives all the necessary trace elements.

In the event that the auricles do not rise by the due date, it is recommended to consult with veterinarian. He may prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements.

After strengthening the cartilage tissue, it is necessary to perform some procedures that will prevent defects in the auricles. It is better to entrust this to a specialist, but if the owner has certain knowledge, he will be able to do everything on his own.

When to rewind your ears

If there is a need to rewind the ears, some nuances must be taken into account before the procedure. To carry out the operation, you need to wait until the puppy's teeth begin to change, and it is best to wait for the end of this process.

During this period, the puppy should be provided with calcium in enough, which is necessary for changing teeth and other processes in the body. When there is a shortage useful element problems begin with the setting of the ears. It will be enough to slightly increase the sources of calcium in the puppy's diet (a tablespoon of cottage cheese or yogurt will help overcome the deficiency).

If there is no firm confidence that the time has come for rewinding, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian about this. With early rewinding, the auricles can be seriously damaged and then they will no longer stand.

It is categorically not recommended to give calcium supplements to animals: with an excess of calcium, it begins to be deposited in the skeletal bones, which leads to orthopedic problems on the later dates life.

Much depends on the health of the pet. The owner must follow the vaccination schedule and deworm in a timely manner. Puppy food should be high quality and balanced. It is recommended to allow the animal to gnaw on non-hazardous bones and toys.

A separate item is the protection of the puppy's auricles from injury. Due to damage, staging problems may occur. During games, dogs often drag each other by the ears - such games should be stopped.

How to rewind ears

If it is necessary to artificially raise the ears, this can be done at home.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. 1. First you need to shave off the coat from the dog's ears. Then degrease the inner surface of the auricles; cologne or alcohol will help with this. At the same time, close the auditory canals with cotton swabs.
  2. 2. For the manufacture of ear inserts, you need to use a hypoallergenic patch and a piece of cardboard. It is necessary to make two parts: one is cardboard, the other is made of plaster. Their shape and size should correspond to the size of the pet's auricles. The cardboard should be attached to the non-adhesive surface of the patch with glue.
  3. 3. Place the insert in the inner part of the ear and stick with the sticky part of the patch.
  4. 4. Roll up the auricle with a loose tube and fix it to the base with the same plaster to get a “horn” sticking up.
  5. 5. Attach the "horns" to each other so that they stand straight.

You can remove the fixing bandage after one to two weeks. You can try to remove the patch after 7 days and see the result. If the puppy's ears are straight, then the bandage is removed completely, if they still fall, then the design remains for another week.

If the method did not work, and the ears (or one) fell, you can resort to the services of a surgeon to implant the ear cartilage.

Veterinary surgery is the way to go if your pet's ears don't stand up, but it's best to try to avoid it.

Consult with dog handlers and veterinarians. It is possible that his ears are not because they were not purebred in his family, or because his mother did not eat well at the time. In the first case, you will have to come to terms with the state of things, in the second, start the puppy intensively with vitamin and mineral supplements with calcium and phosphorus, which will strengthen cartilage tissue auricle. If you are a supporter natural diet, give him bones, dairy products, minced meat.

However, if there are no problems with either the pedigree or the health of your pet's mother, this does not mean that he does not need such feeding.

Decide if you need to glue ears and in what place. For this, the tips of the large and index finger feel the ear canal. Find a weak spot (it's either a stripe or a "spot"). It is enough to pinch this area between your fingers, as the ear immediately rises.

If this place is located in the upper third and has the shape of a "spot", then gluing is not needed. Just keep feeding the puppy as intensively as possible so that his body does not need calcium and phosphorus. If this is a strip, it means that a hall has formed, which must be glued.

A weak spot located in the middle or lower part of the ear must be glued in any case.

Prepare two pieces of cardboard bigger size than the weak section. Cut off a piece of adhesive plaster (then you will need another one to fix it).

Plug the ear canal with a piece of cotton. Trim or shave the fur very shortly inside the ear where you will apply the patch. Moisten the cotton and wipe the clipped area. Then treat the sticky side of one of the pieces of the patch with it (so that you can later remove it without damaging the skin of the auricle). Wait until everything dries. Apply a patch. Press it firmly to the ear so that it does not wrinkle.

Take one of the pieces of cardboard you prepared and grease it on one side with Moment glue. The patch already in the ear should also be lubricated. Don't let the dog go. Hold the ear for a few minutes so that it does not stick together. Glue the cardboard after 7-10 minutes. Fix it with a second piece of plaster.

Do the same for the other ear. The cardboard and patch should be removed after 1-2 weeks.


  • how to pick it up from him

Dogs of many breeds, such as boxers and dobermans, according to the standards ears you need to stop and then put them in so that they stand correctly. By themselves, their ears will not stand up, so you will need to use some additional devices for this.

You will need

  • - adhesive plaster on a cotton basis in a roll;
  • - medical alcohol;
  • - scissors with blunt tips;
  • - baby powder;
  • - cotton swabs for cleaning the ears.


Clean the dog's ears from the inside and outside, degrease the surface of the ears from the inside by wiping them with alcohol. Cut off a piece of band-aid approximately the length of your pet's ear from the pinna cartilage to the tip of the ear. Cut it in half lengthwise and glue it to inside ear along its entire length. Press firmly with your fingers so that the patch adheres well.

Cut again a piece of adhesive tape 40-50 cm long, cut it in half lengthwise and cut it crosswise into small squares. From the auricle along the already glued strip, start gluing the squares to the edge of the ear, overlapping each other and overlapping about 70-80% of the bottom square. Press each square tightly with your fingers, fixing it with each other.

A feature of the German Shepherd is considered to be vertically upright ears. How long does it take for them to get up and when should this happen?

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When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

A German Shepherd puppy is born as a small fluffy lump with lowered ears. By 2 months, it grows, the paws are extended, and a thick coat appears.

Already at 2-3 months, you can notice the first signs that the ears are rising. This process can be delayed and last up to 8 months, and for some shepherd dogs up to 1 year. It’s worth worrying if by 4-5 months you haven’t noticed them raised.

In the process, when puppies' ears stand up, owners need to be vigilant. It is impossible to allow creases and treat in a timely manner if they get sick or inflamed.

They can get up at the German Shepherd one at a time, sometimes slightly sticking out to the side, or falling off again. A veterinarian or breeders should be consulted when examining this organ and looking for weak spots in the cartilage, if any.

Medications and vitamins for pets

During the raising of the ears of a puppy, there is increased growth the whole body, so the pet needs a balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, biological additives and calcium.

  • pax-forte;
  • mega;
  • antiox plus;
  • Vision complexes.
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  • reduce the consumption of cereals, especially barley, hercules;
  • enough to give dairy products, rich in calcium(up to 550 mg of calcium per 1 kg of weight);
  • add bone meal;
  • you can grind ordinary white chalk.

How to put ears on your own

How many times has your German Shepherd's ears been up and down again? How to understand that they will rise in a few months on their own? Can you install them yourself?

At the age of a puppy from six months, if the ears have already risen and are ready to stand up, you can help them:

  1. Inspection for weak spots in the cartilage. We probe with two fingers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auditory organ from the tip to the roots. Usually weak spots look like spots, but if there is a crease, they can be streaks. When you click on such a point, the ear should immediately rise.
  2. If there are no weak points or they are in the upper part, then the ears will stand up on their own, you just need to continue to properly feed the puppy.
  3. If there was a hall or a weak spot is located at a distance of about 2/3 from the root, then it is necessary to glue the ears.

Improvised means and medicines

How to glue the ears of a German Shepherd, there are several ways. First of all, it is better to cut the wool on them, and on both sides. Then choose one of the proposed gluing methods.

MethodmaterialsWhat actions to take
Curling on curlersFoam rollers (without plastic retainer, it must be removed)Place the curlers on a blunt pencil by about 3 cm.
Thin patch, wide is betterLubricate the surface of the curler with glue ¾ around the circumference. Avoid dripping glue.
medical glueWrap your ear around a greased curler, which must be inserted with a gap so that the dog can hear
dull pencilEverything is good to fix with a plaster
Take your puppy away from the new structure on its head for 5-10 minutes. It will peel off on its own within a week if it is not removed by the pet earlier.
Wrapping on cardboardEar-shaped cardboard without sharp cornersTape cardboard to the inside of the ear.
Masking tape or plasterwrap it around lower part to get it up.
The design will last for 24 hours, after which it will fall off painlessly. But the puppy will definitely try to rip it off.
Ear implantsSpecial medical implantsInstalled in veterinary clinics. Need expert advice.

Finally, a few tips for German Shepherd owners from experts:

  1. Do not worry if the shepherd's ears fall when the teeth change, and then rise again - this is considered normal.
  2. They should stand up on their own at the age of 8 weeks to 6 months. After that, it is recommended to install them yourself.
  3. Do not be afraid of gluing the ears or taping them. Properly done, the procedure stimulates the ear muscles and helps your German Shepherd.
  4. Spend preventive examinations your pet. You must be sure that he is healthy, eats properly and has enough essential vitamins and minerals for normal development.
  5. You can not start the process when the ears are up. Watch him carefully and take action in time, otherwise they may not get up at all.
  6. Do not be afraid to ask questions to specialists, veterinarians or breeders.

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Video "We put the ears of a shepherd dog"

The video tells how to bring an examination of the ears, and gives recommendations for self-staging them.

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