What budget drugs from a pharmacy will raise testosterone. Choosing safe drugs to increase testosterone. Testosterone: how to increase it naturally

Some men have different ages testosterone levels may decrease. This negatively affects men's health. To increase the amount of this hormone in the blood, you do not need to take its preparations at all. Physical activity will help restore the indicator, healthy lifestyle life, quality balanced diet. In the article you will learn everything about testosterone, how to increase testosterone in men natural ways.

The value of testosterone in the body of men

What is testosterone is a question that interests many men. Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. A small amount is produced in the hypothalamus. If the amount of this substance in the body is not enough, then this gland produces testosterone and other substances that activate the work of the testicles.

The hormone has anabolic and androgenic effects. Anabolic Activity manifested in the fact that it helps to accelerate the growth of muscles and bones. Testosterone as a stimulant retains in the body of a man necessary trace elements- calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, potassium, nitrogen. It also takes part in the regulation of water content in cells and tissues.

Androgenic action is manifested in the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics and the development of typically male character traits. Testosterone regulates libido and sexual behavior.

In the prenatal period, the signs of sex are formed in boys, the development of the genitals occurs. In childhood, the action of the hormone leads to an intensive increase in muscle mass and strengthening of bones.

During puberty, the action of the substance leads to the appearance of ejaculations. It provokes such changes in the body:

  • genital growth;
  • the appearance of hair in the chest, legs, face, armpit, pubis;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • expansion in the size of the shoulders and chest;
  • chin augmentation;
  • formation of a low voice timbre;
  • bone and muscle growth.

Important! The norm in men of testosterone is from 11 to 33 nmol per liter of blood. In men at the age of 30, the content free testosterone gradually decreases, and in men at the age of 50 and later, it remains about half of the previous amount.

The process of age-related decrease in the amount of testosterone is manifested in the following:

If men develop these symptoms, it is important to measure the hormone levels with a testosterone test.

Why do men have low testosterone production?

There are reasons for the decrease in the production of the main male hormone.

  1. Age. After the age of 35, degenerative processes develop in the body that cause a decrease in testosterone production. Resist age-related changes impossible.
  2. Athletes taking anabolic steroids. Synthetic hormones help reduce the activity of the sex glands.
  3. Overweight. Adipose tissue begins to overproduce female hormones estrogen.
  4. Reduced physical activity.
  5. The harmful effects of alcohol and smoking. Alcohol and nicotine adversely affect the condition of the testicles. And since testicles produce testosterone, lovers of glasses and cigarettes have a reduced level of this hormone in the blood.

Medical treatment of hypotestosterone

At chronic decline doctor prescribes testosterone pharmaceutical preparations to increase testosterone in injections and tablets. They contain natural or synthetic testosterone. Synthetic analogues are well absorbed by tissues, but have a large number of side effects.

Majority hormonal drugs, sold in a pharmacy, is available in the form of injections. If he is in pure form gets into the liver, it will be destroyed here. Testosterone tablets are less effective, despite the fact that the hormone is preserved. Often patients are prescribed such drugs.

    1. Testosterone propionate. It is used intramuscularly with a decrease in sexual desire, during sports. Injections are done every three days.
    2. Testosterone enanthate. Used to grow muscle mass. It is given as an injection. The medicine eliminates the symptoms of joint diseases, helps the athlete recover after training.

Dangerous! This is enough powerful remedy Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take it without the consent of a doctor.

  1. Boldenone is a synthetic analogue of the hormone. Its use increases appetite, accelerated growth muscle mass.
  2. is anticancer drug, but it can also be taken to treat decreased libido and other disorders associated with testosterone deficiency.
  3. Therapy blocks the effects of estrogen on male body. Well absorbed by the body.
  4. Proviron is a hormonal drug for men with a pronounced androgenic effect. Increases potency and. If the dosage is prescribed correctly, then the remedy does not help to suppress the production of natural testosterone.

Long-term use of hormonal drugs can cause hyperandrogenism in men. This disease is manifested by acne, visual impairment, erectile dysfunction. Iatrogenic hyperandrogenism causes a significant increase in the size of the gonads.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

  1. Sleep normalization. To be excreted in the body normal amount hormone, you need to sleep at least eight hours. A person should wake up without the help of an alarm clock and with a feeling of cheerfulness.
  2. Balanced diet. The diet should have more minerals, vitamins (E, D, C, B). It is necessary to ensure that the ratio of the main components in food is optimal.
  3. Man must drink enough water to prevent dehydration in the body. If a man goes in for sports, then the amount of fluid increases. Store-bought juices, carbonated drinks are not considered clean water.
  4. All rapidly digestible carbohydrates, fried foods containing a large number fats of animal origin. They raise blood cholesterol levels.
  5. The higher the weight of a man, the less sex hormones are produced in his body. For testosterone levels to be normal level need to reduce weight.
  6. The enemy of testosterone is low physical activity.

Important! Physical activity is the main factor maintaining a high level of male sex hormone up to old age. And it depends total score health.

The role of physical activity in increasing testosterone levels

Moderate physical activity is the main factor in normalizing the level of sex hormones in a natural way. It is the development muscle strength promotes the growth of the main hormone. The most effective for men are simple exercises with physical activity. They should be done in moderation: overwork will have the exact opposite effect.

Principles right occupation with such loads.

  1. You need to train for no more than an hour.
  2. The number of classes should not exceed three per week. Be sure to take at least one day break.
  3. It is very important to train big mice. Can increase the amount of testosterone in the blood strength exercises- barbell squats, bench press, deadlift and so on.
  4. You should choose the right weight of the sports equipment. It should be sufficient to complete no more than 10 repetitions.
  5. bodybuilding exercises - great way increase testosterone naturally.

To overcome low testosterone at home, it is important to engage in other sports activities.

  1. Walking is the easiest and most accessible form physical activity to control and increase the level of the main male hormone. It is necessary to ensure that the testicles hang freely while walking. This ensures their natural massage.
  2. A short run helps to improve the hormonal index of men. It is important that it be short: long running training promote the release of the testosterone antagonist cortisol.
  3. The pelvic muscles should be strengthened. To do this, you can perform rotation of the pelvis, tilts, etc.
  4. Men need to perform training of the coccyx-pubic muscle (it is localized in the perineum). Training this muscle significantly increases the blood supply to the testicles and promotes the distribution of hormones into the general bloodstream.
  5. Swimming promotes correction hormonal level men.

How to eat for testosterone production

correct sports nutrition is important condition for the production of male sex hormones. Increase testosterone levels in men folk remedies with the help of a balanced diet is quite real. The list of foods that increase testosterone in men is as follows.

  1. All types of seafood - oysters, shellfish, sea ​​fish, crabs, etc. They enrich the body with valuable unsaturated fatty acids. Contain necessary for men vitamins A, E, zinc, selenium.
  2. Vegetables and fruits neutralize the action of a large number of harmful substances.
  3. The menu should include fish fat and linseed oil, . Vegetable oils contain valuable omega 3 acids. You should consume up to 20 g of fat: it contains arachidonic acid valuable for health.
  4. Men will useful currants, lemon, melon, carrot, pepper, raisin.
  5. Every day on the table should be healthy foods for potency - dill, arugula, parsley, basil.
  6. Include in sports diet porridge - wheat, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat. They contain fiber, which has a positive effect on hormone production.
  7. Hot peppers, onions, turmeric, cardamom, curry promote estrogen metabolism.

It is impossible to raise testosterone if you do not establish a healthy lifestyle, succumb to stress, bad habits. To improve men's health, it is important to follow these tips.

  1. Health will improve if bad habits. Disrupted under the influence of alcohol natural production hormone. Particularly harmful to men's health beer, because it contains analogues of female sex hormones. It is important to avoid smoking, as nicotine adversely affects the hormonal background.
  2. It is recommended to limit coffee consumption.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to eat a lot of food. As a result of poor nutrition, there is an increase in the percentage of adipose tissue, which negatively affects the secretion of male hormones.
  4. Starvation also does not contribute to the production of sex hormones and leads to the development of symptoms of testosterone deficiency. The consequences of fasting adversely affect the state of muscle mass.
  5. Regular sexual activity increases testosterone levels. Abstinence is extremely unhealthy, therefore, in the absence of regular sexual intercourse, it is useful to masturbate.
  6. Stress must be avoided. For men's health, it is important to stay in good mood. Stress is an important factor in the production of cortisol.
  7. To protect against the harmful activity of estrogen, it is important to consume more cabbage, red grapes and natural red wine (the latter should be consumed in moderation).
  8. Minor victories contribute to an increase in testosterone production.
  9. It's good to be in the sun. It promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which increases the amount of testosterone.
  10. It is recommended to use drugs based on herbs that increase testosterone. These include such plants: ginseng, eleutherococcus. Based on these herbs, dietary supplements are made - biologically active additives and other herbal preparations.

Lack of testosterone is detrimental to a man's health. To compensate for the deficiency of sex hormones in the body of a man, you should use simple means to improve it. Able to compensate for the reduced level of sex hormones playing sports, moderate physical activity, rational balanced diet.

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Hormones are extremely important substances in the body of every person. They are responsible for the implementation of almost all processes in our body and for their consistency with each other. That's why everything hormonal disorders can cause serious deterioration of well-being or pronounced health problems. One of the best known hormones is testosterone. male hormone, which is produced by the adrenal glands and a special area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe testes. Its deficiency adversely affects physical health men. Let's clarify what drugs are known that stimulate the production of testosterone in men.

Deficiency of testosterone in the body usually leads to a decrease muscle weight and makes a man unable to endure various physical exercise, including quite moderate ones. Such a shortage has a negative effect on potency and can cause the appearance common problems with an erection. With testosterone deficiency in men, hair growth slows down, both on the face and on other parts of the body. In the event that such a violation continues for a long time, it can cause gynecomastia and other female sexual characteristics, and lead to infertility.

To date, on sale you can find drugs that stimulate testosterone in the body. Among them are dietary supplements, which contain components that are close in composition to the natural substances involved in the production of testosterone. However, to date, there is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of such supplements. As for medications, there are drugs that stimulate an increase in testosterone levels in men, but only a doctor can prescribe them, and only on an individual basis. Such drugs can increase the production of hormone synthesis in men in the body or serve as a direct source of this active substance.

Testosterone stimulant drugs

Such drugs for men are mainly represented food additives, which can be in the form of capsules, tablets or dragees. Most of such medicines are combined preparations, which have in their composition a number of elements necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, as well as catalysts that take part in this process. They may also contain plant components that have a positive effect on the activity of the gonads. But they do not contain hormones and their derivatives. All the main components of such drugs help stimulate the activity of those organs that are responsible for the production of testosterone. Among such drugs are Vitrix, Tribulus and Evotest. Them active ingredient- This is an extract from the plant Tribulus creeping. Such plant component is now well studied, and is actively used to stimulate the sexual activity of men.

Also, to increase testosterone levels, Methyl Arimatest can be used, which contains two active compounds that have the opposite effect. The first of them stimulates the production of androgens, and the second slows down the synthesis of estrogens.

Many men with a similar problem are advised to use Parity - this medicine is based on eurycoma, Cyclo Bolan can also be used, which contains a concentrate of the yohimbe plant (the best aphrodisiac according to many).

All the medicines described are composed of other useful components represented by extracts various plants, a complex of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. But, it is worth noting that the effectiveness of many of them has not yet been confirmed by research.

Of the medicines with proven effectiveness to increase testosterone levels, you can use chorionic gonadotropin. This is a hormone that is used for injection.

Medications containing testosterone

Such testosterone preparations are widely used to increase the production of this substance in men. They have in their composition certain forms of such a hormone, therefore they give a pronounced positive effect very quickly. Depending on the type of agent chosen, it can be used internally, injected into the body, or applied to certain areas of the skin. These drugs are sold under different names. Now in the pharmacy you can easily buy:

- Nuvir
- Andriol
- Enentate propionate or testosterone caprate
- Androgel

So, Andriol is available in the form of capsules (tablets), it is taken orally. As for Androgel, as the name suggests, it is used externally. The drug should be applied to clean and dried skin on the abdomen or on the inside of the forearms in exact dosage.

And Nebido, Nuvir and other medicines are intended for intramuscular injection. The main advantage of drugs for intramuscular injection is that they can be used quite rarely. So Nebido is administered every three months to achieve the desired positive effect. And Nuvir can be used both daily and at intervals of several days, depending on the indications and individual characteristics each individual patient.

It should be noted that all drugs in men that stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone are quite specific medications. They can only be used after consulting a doctor and after his approval. The dosage and duration of therapy is selected exclusively by a specialist.

The hormone testosterone has great importance in the lives of men and women. This hormone is involved in the formation of bones in the body, in the synthesis of proteins (anabolic action), is responsible for androgenesis ( sexual attraction, secondary sex characteristics). In addition, the amount of male hormone is an important factor in sexual behavior man, the management of his sexual functions.

The lack of a hormone in the human body can be filled with testosterone tablets.

Classification of testosterone tablets

According to their origin, the types of testosterone are divided into synthetic and natural.

natural testosterone

Natural testosterone is made from food plant origin: beans, yams, soy. AT laboratory conditions create hormones that are similar in composition to natural testosterone produced by the male reproductive system. This type of testosterone is produced in small, micron doses and is not fully absorbed by the body.
Micronized testosterone has a long duration of action, keeping hormone levels high throughout the day. There is an increase in sexual desire, energy, improves general well-being, tone, increased density bone tissue. However, taking micronized testosterone can lead to side effects such as increased pressure, fluid retention in the body, increased blood cholesterol levels.

Synthetic Testosterone

Synthetic testosterone is different from natural hormone in my own way chemical composition. It is quickly absorbed by the body through the blood and has a pronounced effect.

Tableted testosterone preparations are more convenient and comfortable to take than injections, but they are less effective and more expensive.

When a person takes synthetic testosterone pills, blood levels of the hormone can fluctuate significantly. Sharp increase hormonal levels after administration can lead to feelings of anxiety, aggression, some irritability, muscle spasms, headaches. Over time, as hormone levels drop, a feeling of weakness may occur.


One of the permitted types of synthetic testosterone in tablets is Methyltestosterone (Methandren, Testoral). Hormones of this type do not break down and are completely absorbed human body. A side effect of methyltestosterone is manifested in violations of the liver. And for this problem, the device has not received wide medical use.

Andriol (Androkson)

Undecanoate - a drug released in the 80s - does not show a pronounced toxic effect on the liver. Undecanoate is also available under the names Androxon, Andriol. Synthetic forms testosterone in the drug enter the lymph without involving metabolic processes in the liver.

This type of synthetic testosterone is actually a prohormone. Active ingredients the drug does not lead to water retention in the body, does not cause a significant suppression of the body's production of natural testosterone.

Based on sports practice, such a tablet form of the hormone does not have a significant anabolic effect.

In athletes using Androxon, there was no significant increase in muscle mass. The effects of anabolism, muscle growth was manifested only after the use of excess (240 mg per day) doses. This excess dosage increased the risk of side effects of the hormone.

The drug is used in medicine for disorders of the body associated with a lack of testosterone hormone:

  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • infertility;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • impotence.

For women, Androxon is indicated for the following diseases:

  • violation of the menopause;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • osteoporosis.

Hormonal preparations can be used only after consulting a doctor. The dosage is selected depending on the patient's condition, his gender and age. Taking testosterone tablets begins, according to the instructions, with daily dose from 120 to 160 mg. Taking the drug with this dosage is prescribed depending on the patient's condition for a period of up to 3 weeks. Further, maintenance therapy is prescribed - up to 120 mg of the drug per day.

Testosterone tablets are taken orally (by mouth) after a meal.

In men, prior to the appointment of testosterone preparations, an examination is carried out prostate. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of hormones and hematocrit, that is, the content of red blood cells in the blood plasma.

Side effects

When prescribing testosterone preparations as replacement therapy, may appear side effect drugs in the form of anisocytosis, erythrocytosis. There may also be increased sex drive, an increase in the number of erections, a decrease in the volume of ejaculate.

AT large doses, long-term use the drug can manifest itself in a decrease in sperm production, the appearance of prostate tumors, fluid retention in the body.

In some cases, there is alopecia areata, gynecomastia, dizziness, nausea, progression of sleep apnea.

Contraindications for testosterone replacement therapy

A contraindication to the appointment of testosterone is the presence in patients of prostate cancer, prostatic hyperplasia, erythrocytosis, severe cardiovascular failure, liver failure.

Testosterone is a male hormone responsible for performing a huge number of functions, as well as appearance men. Against the background of a deficiency of this main hormone, great amount pathologies with severe consequences, the quality of life is significantly reduced, including in the genital area.

Testosterone plays a major role in the development of the male sex glands (prostate and testicles), spermatogenesis, the formation of sexual desire and sexual characteristics. In addition, it regulates mood, participates in the metabolic process (primarily in the regulation of weight and building muscle mass), and depends on the level of its content in the blood. higher functions brain (ability to learn, thinking, memory).

Causes of low testosterone levels in men

Testosterone acts as a kind of protection organisms from certain species malignant neoplasms, diabetes, disease of cardio-vascular system and osteoporosis. In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, but its amount is much less than in the body of a man. AT female body testosterone is responsible for regulating the levels of pituitary hormones and for the re-development of follicles in the ovary. In men, the hormone is also produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles.

Why does testosterone level decrease?

The main reasons for the decrease in the level of male hormone in the blood are the following:

Besides, male hormone deficiency can be called unbalanced diet, abuse of beer, smoked products and coffee. To the violation hormonal background may result sedentary image life, at the same time, excessive physical activity also contributes to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Signs of testosterone deficiency

A decrease in the level of the male sex hormone is manifested characteristic features. The main symptoms that appear in the body of an adult male can be the following:

The appearance of any/any of these symptoms should warrant a visit to the clinic. Do not ignore such disorders in the body, otherwise there is a huge risk of developing more serious consequences. How formerly a man turn to a specialist, the faster and easier the pathology will be treated.


Treatment reduced level testosterone carried out using special medicines, which are available in the form of injection ampoules, gels, patches, capsules, tablets, and implants. It should be remembered that self-selection medication and self-medication can cause severe consequences for good health. It is necessary to get rid of the problem that has arisen under the strict guidance of doctors.

Medications to increase testosterone

Exists lots of medicines that help boost testosterone production. In addition, the male hormone can be injected directly into the male body. Unlike synthetic anabolics, medicinal hormonal agent has a minimum of risks and contraindications.

Testosterone is available in the form of patches, gels, injection ampoules, and tablets. More prolonged action have injectables.

Testosterone Propionate

The most popular drug used to increase male hormone levels, is testosterone propionate. This synthetic drug has all the basic biological qualities of natural testosterone, but unlike the latter, it is more stable in the body. Thanks to this tool in the body of a man, the substances necessary for building muscle mass (sulfur, phosphorus and potassium) are retained.

Besides, testosterone propionate promotes improve protein synthesis and reduce body fat. Propionate is very popular among athletes and bodybuilders due to its instant action and the same rapid withdrawal from the body, which is important when passing doping control. The main disadvantage of the drug is its short-term effect (injections must be performed every other day).

Medicines in the form of tablets showed the least efficiency. This is explained by the fact that the drug introduced in this way decomposes too quickly in the body and practically does not keep at the right level. When using propionate, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, since exceeding the dose can cause a number of negative consequences: aggression, enlargement of the prostate and mammary glands, acne and baldness. In women, the clitoris increases and muscle mass increases, the voice becomes rough, and excessive hair appears on the body.

Trenbollon enanthate

This is another one anabolic used mainly by athletes. Available in ampoules for injection. The action of the drug is aimed at enhancing the process of formation and growth of muscle structures. According to the manufacturers, enanthate does not negative impact on the liver, does not provoke sodium retention in the body, which avoids the appearance of edema.


it steroid drug, which the previously actively used to prevent edema, increase sexual desire and growth of the genital organs. To date, stanozolol is widely used in medical practice for the treatment of diseases such as muscular dystrophy(an ailment characterized by muscle weakness), wasting (cachexia), aplastic anemia, as well as for the recovery of the body after radiation, burns or injuries. Athletes to this day use stanozolol for building muscle tissue. The treatment is combined with propionate, while synthetic steroid drugs (turinabol, danabol, baldenone) are taken at the same time.

Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is one of the most famous steroid anabolics, which is a complex analogue of testosterone. This drug is very popular due to the fact that it does not require frequent administration (injections are made every 2-3 weeks). Side effects:

To avoid the development of all of the above phenomena, testosterone enanthate is taken in combination with an aromatase inhibitor and gonadotropin. The use of these substances helps prevent the development of unwanted manifestations.

Testosterone undecaonate

A drug issued in the form oil solution used for injection, as well as in the form of tablets. And more often testosterone undecaonate is used in injections. This is explained by the fact that in this way the drug is more effectively absorbed and acts faster: the concentration of testosterone in the blood of a man increases the very next day after the injection. Nebido (another name for undeocanate) is also used to treat infertility in men.


It comes in the form of a gel, which applied to skin covering abdomen or inside forearms. For a single application, use no more than 10 gr. Androgel can be used long time, however, if irritation occurs on the skin, the drug must be discontinued.


Issued in the form of capsules or tablets for ingestion. The drug has a minimum of side effects, it can be used at any age. Among the advantages of this drug, one can note the speed of action, as well as the fact that Andriol is not involved in suppressing the synthesis of its own hormone. It is often prescribed for endocrine impotence, treatment male infertility, as well as many others negative phenomena associated with testosterone deficiency.


A drug available in the form of a solution for injection, which is administered intramuscularly. The procedure is carried out once a month. The composition of Omnadren includes four types of testosterone, due to which a man's potency increases and libido improves. The remedy is often prescribed for male menopause, oligospermia, impotence and infertility. In women, Omnadren helps to slow down the development of neoplasms in the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands.

Preparations that increase the level of natural testosterone

Apart from artificial male hormone contained in medical preparations, there are many natural medicines that can increase the level of your own hormone. The most requested of them are the following:

natural preparations most commonly used by athletes to achieve better results. Besides, high level testosterone has a positive effect on mental capacity and life expectancy of a man. Although many testosterone-boosting drugs are available over the counter, it is still necessary to consult a specialist before using them, especially for men over 35 years of age. After all, any seemingly harmless drug can have a serious side effect.

Men taking these medications need to have periodic check-ups. medical research the purpose of which is to control the level of testosterone, as well as monitoring the condition of the kidneys, liver and heart of the patient.

On condition compliance with all rules taking drugs that increase testosterone, a man after 40 years will live a completely full life, including sexual intercourse.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone that ensures the masculinity of the stronger sex. It is formed from the well-known cholesterol in the testes in men, a small amount is secreted, and the adrenal glands produce it in every person. Of course, such necessary substance ignored by doctors. Testosterone treatment occupies an important niche in hormone therapy diseases such as:

In men

  • Hypopituitarism - accompanied by a decrease in the size of the genital organs, loss of body hair, obesity and loss of sexual desire;
  • Infertility due to improper production of spermatozoa;
  • Male menopause;
  • Impotence;
  • Osteoporosis is a disease accompanied by gradual destruction of bone tissue and increased bone fragility.

Among women

  • Increased;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • uterine fibroids - benign neoplasm in the uterus, growing from the muscle layer;
  • Osteoporosis.

Medications that increase testosterone

Indications for treatment are the same for all analogues of the male hormone. Let's look at the main drugs.

steroid hormone, which contains in its composition, in addition to the main substance, also propionic acid ester. The drug is known among athletes who use it for drying and gaining muscle mass.

The testosterone shot provides speed dial muscle mass, increase in strength and sexual desire, improves muscle relief. Main disadvantage drug - his short action, it is necessary to repeat the injections every other day.

Of the main complaints of patients and athletes, pain and irritation at the injection site should be noted. At high doses of the drug in men, baldness is noted, an increase mammary glands and prostate, acne and aggression. In women, muscle mass increases, excessive hair growth appears, the voice coarsens, the clitoris increases.

The dose of the drug is selected depending on the disease.

  • Hypogonadism and eunuchoidism (with a decrease in the size of the genital organs and a change in the structure of the body): 25-50 mg every other day intramuscularly or subcutaneously;
  • Male menopause and hormonal impotence: 10 mg daily for 1-2 months;
  • Male infertility: 10 mg twice a week, treatment for six months;
  • uterine bleeding in menopause in women: 10-25 mg every other day, injections continue for a month.

Trenbolone enanthate

Another anabolic testosterone that is used in sports is trenbolone enanthate. It is used at 200-400 mg per week by injection. According to the manufacturers, it does not cause sodium retention and, accordingly, the appearance of edema. It is characterized by a pronounced anabolic effect and does not affect the liver.


Stanozolol- a steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Previously, in sports, it was actively used to prevent the progestogenic effect (edema, increased libido, growth of the genital organs) of synthetic testosterone. On the this moment used mostly in medicinal purposes. Indications for use are wide: cachexia (exhaustion) of various origins, aplastic anemia, muscular dystrophy (a disease characterized by muscle weakness), recovery from injuries, burns or radiation.

The drug is taken both inside (in tablets) and intramuscularly. Start with minimum doses 30 mg per day, then gradually increase to 50 mg. The course of treatment is several weeks.

Athletes still use stanozolol courses to create relief dry muscle mass. At the same time, treatment with propionate is combined, while synthetic steroids (boldenone, danabol, turinabol testosterones) are taken at the same time. Interesting fact- many testosterones were actively used in veterinary medicine in cattle at the beginning, then people began to take them. Testosterone boldenone is popular with breeders of large cattle, because it allows animals to slowly but surely gain weight. It significantly increases the appetite of animals, which is necessary in animal husbandry. Methandrostenolone or methane testosterone (danabol, let's say) was originally intended as a treatment for burns, but then bodybuilders began to use it in sports.

Decanoate and testosterone enanthate

famous anabolic steroid is nandrolone decanoate or Deka on slang. A better option is testosterone enanthate, which is an ester of the male hormone. It is very popular because testosterone injections are carried out once every two to three weeks. The drug comes in 0.01 g, 0.025 and 0.05 g, oil solution, is administered intramuscularly.

Side effects are pronounced: edema, gynecomastia, obesity according to female type, reduction in the size of the genital organs. That is why testosterone is taken in conjunction with gonadotropin and an aromatase inhibitor. These substances prevent the development of unwanted symptoms.

Testosterone undecanoate

Testosterone undecanoate interesting in that it comes in capsules and is applied orally. Capsules should be consumed before meals at 120-160 mg daily for 2-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. It is used for long-term replacement therapy in men with a lack of testosterone, with sex reassignment in transsexuals and with high bone fragility.

Side effects include edema with sodium retention, excessive sexuality, dizziness, and nausea. Testosterone in tablets is good because it can be used at any time and no outside help is required for injections.

Testosterone phenylpropionate

Another chemical analog - testosterone phenylpropionate. The drug has almost no effect on the liver, reduces the production of its own hormone. Indications and side effects match the drugs listed above. It is used at 10-50 mg, depending on the purpose of treatment. Women are treated with this testosterone for ovarian and breast cancer at a dosage of 50 mg daily.

In the world of simulators and relief muscles, testosterone boosters. it biological additives, which help to increase the male hormone in the body and avoid a sharp loss of muscle mass after refusing anabolic injections. The list of dietary supplements is updated every day, here are some of them:

  • Vitamin D, essential for testosterone, has proven effectiveness;
  • Tamoxifen is an antiestrogen that increases the hormone by more than 100% of its original value;
  • Aromatase inhibitors - reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, increase the production of testosterone.

Which testosterone is better to use should be discussed with a sports doctor and trainer. It should be remembered that after giving up injections, destruction of muscle mass and muscle sagging follows. Unauthorized attempts to use testosterone are fraught with complications such as infertility, excessive enlargement of the genital organs, damage to the liver and kidneys, and hormonal disorders.

In case of illness, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician and under strict control. Testosterone treatment for men modern medicine allows patients to lead a normal life and start a family.

The best testosterone is the one that is produced in your body.

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