Analysis of the content of trace elements in the hair. Spectral analysis of hair, nails, blood serum. Analysis of hair for trace elements: what is it for?

Let's try to separate the wheat from the chaff, and credibility from commerce. For such an analysis is oh, how expensive, and mistakes can cost oh, how expensive!

The first is sad. There is nothing “revolutionary” in the method: hair analysis began to be done back in 1929. Analysis methods have improved significantly since then, and that is why it has now begun to be used by scientists. They, according to the content of various trace elements in the hair, predict the likelihood of contracting various diseases: from cancer and Alzheimer's to arthritis and kidney disease.

At the same time, analyzes are done in certified laboratories specially equipped with precise instruments.And conclusions about the risk of getting sick are not made on the basis of the total amount of certain microelements in the hair of a particular person, but on how much more of one or another of these microelements is in people who have or do not have a specific disease.

You probably already guessed what I'm getting at. Ostap Ibragimovich Berder defined it brilliantly: “Chernomorsk? I knew it! A city where, even before the revolution, a man with 10,000 was called a millionaire.” The question, in fact, is with what to compare the content of trace elements that will be found in your hair! And to compare, for the assessment of "many-little", alas, there is nothing!

After all, science, despite the “old age” of the “hair” method, has not yet adopted the final standards of how many and what microelements should be in the hair of a healthy person.

But, as the same O.I. Bender: “In Chernomorsk, antiques are valued. And they love to ride them. And that is why the Black Sea and non-Black Sea commercial laboratories are riding with might and main ... at you and me.

The laboratory can determine how many of these or other trace elements are in your hair. But she cannot interpret the result, since, alas, there is no generally accepted standard by science of how many and what microelements should be in your hair.

In addition, the risk of getting sick with something is associated with a huge number of different factors and their combinations. Moreover: in different regions, the risk of falling ill with the same diseases is associated with different amounts of trace elements in the hair. That is why the conclusions that scientists make are made by them only on the results of comparing specific groups of people from specific regions and are only relevant for them!

Hair - long, standard - short.

But regional differences in the amount of trace elements are not so bad. In the world (science) so far, despite the duration of the use of hair analysis, there are no uniform standards that would determine how much and what should be contained in our hair. Here is a quote from a study published in the respected journal Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology:

“In order to analyze minerals in hair, it is necessary to develop standard procedures and provide a detailed analysis methodology. Only then would it be possible to provide meaningful reference ranges and exploit the potential that lies in hair mineral analysis as a method of medical diagnosis.”

So does it even make sense to tear your hair out and take it to the lab?

The extensive study states: “Laboratories offering hair micronutrient analysis differ significantly in their analysis and quality control procedures. Therefore, the results of these tests cannot be used for individual diagnosis with two exceptions: arsenic and methylmercury. The reason is a large number of sources of errors in the method of analysis and factors of individual and environmental impacts. This method can be used for cadmium, lead and zinc, but only to compare their content in the hair of a particular person with the average results of the population where he lives."

And is hair analysis really accurate in determining how much toxic metals a person is getting from the environment? Alas, but not for everyone and not always!

Here is a distressing quote from a study that determined how reliable hair tests are for determining the environmental friendliness of the environment in which the analyzed person lives:

“Aluminum in hair is irrelevant in environmental medicine. To assess exposure to cadmium and inorganic arsenic, hair analysis is only suitable as a screening method, based on large populations. Hair lead monitoring is a valuable screening method also for small groups, especially children. The content of methylmercury in the body can be determined by analyzing the hair. For other mercury compounds, hair analysis is less important.”

"Screening" is the primary examination of groups of people. That is, hair analysis is used to preliminarily determine whether it is worth doing tests for toxic cadmium and arsenic in general. But by itself, this method is not suitable for determining their number.

So should we bleed or tear your hair?

Of course, cutting off a strand of hair is much easier than being injected into a vein for blood analysis. But it seems that for now only a blood test can be used as really credible.

The study notes that "further research into the relationship between the content of elements in hair and other tissues of the body is desirable." You understand what this soft wording means: scientists cannot yet establish exactly how the content of microelements in hair correlates with the content of the same microelements in blood, body tissues and bones.

Science believes that the analysis of the content of trace elements in the hair is "auxiliary" in relation to the blood test.

A study that assessed the reliability of hair micronutrient analysis versus blood micronutrient analysis concluded: “Hair micronutrient analysis has its limitations given the reliability of this type of analysis compared to blood testing. Therefore, clinicians should exercise caution when using hair mineral analysis as an adjunct tool.».

Do not hide your money in banks and corners!

What are the "hair" laboratories more interested in: your health or your money? For us, the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space, this is not an idle question. Here is a quote from a study whose authors clearly sympathize with the "hair" method of analysis.

“The key to obtaining reliable and accurate hair element analysis results is to ensure that the laboratory is properly licensed and uses standardized and documented analysis procedures.”

Are you sure that the laboratory where you donate your hard-earned tuft of hair has really high-quality equipment and uses reliable methods of analysis?

No wonder one American study is eloquently titled “Commercial hair analysis. Science or fraud? I quote:

Hair samples from two healthy teenagers were sent to 13 commercial laboratories performing multimineral hair analysis. The recorded levels of most minerals varied significantly between identical samples sent to the same laboratory and from laboratory to laboratory.

Laboratories also rated what was considered “normal” or “usual” amounts of micronutrients in different ways.

Most of the reports contained computerized interpretations that were voluminous, bizarre, and potentially frightening to patients. Six laboratories recommended nutritional supplements, but their types and amounts varied widely from report to report and from laboratory to laboratory.”

Scientists who studied the results of analyzes made in six commercial laboratories in the United States came to similar results. These 6 largest laboratories analyze 90% of all hair samples in America. Several of the largest laboratories in Germany were also surveyed.

And in both cases, the results of hair analyzes done by scientific laboratories differed by 30 - 100% from those issued by commercial laboratories.

The scientists noted that: “Significant differences were found in laboratory sample preparation methods and calibration standards. Laboratory definitions of normal reference ranges varied greatly. This resulted in inconsistent classifications (high, normal, or low) for almost all trace elements analyzed. The labs also provided conflicting recommendations for nutrition and supplementation based on their results."

1. Scientists cannot determine the reference amounts of trace elements that should be contained in the hair of a healthy person.

2. Now the hair analysis method is used exclusively as a primary or auxiliary method. Really accurate is the analysis of the content of trace elements in the blood and tissues.

3. So far, only the determination of the content of methyl mercury and, with reservations, arsenic in the hair is really significant.

4. The results of analyzes of hair samples even in American and German laboratories differ by 30-100% from the results that are made in certified scientific laboratories. Therefore, the results of analyzes from commercial laboratories should be accepted with great caution.

5. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to do a hair analysis for the content of trace elements in commercial laboratories of the former CIS and accept their proposals to eliminate the lack of various trace elements in food. But - realizing that you are at great risk of wasting money.

Sources of inspiration:

  1. Dean A: Trace Element Analysis in Hair: Factors Determining Accuracy, Precision, and Reliability
  2. Seidel S: Assessment of commercial laboratories performing hair mineral analysis.
  3. Mikulewicz M: Reference values ​​of elements in human hair: a systematic review.
  4. Wilhelm M: Hair analysis in environmental medicine.
  5. Hamilton T: The reliability of conclusions based on hair mineral analysis in individual diagnostic.
  6. Namkoong S: Reliability on intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory data of hair mineral analysis comparing with blood analysis.
  7. Barrett S: Commercial hair analysis. science or scam?
  8. Wołowiec P: Hair analysis in health assessment.
  9. Drasch G: Assessment offered of hair mineral analysis commercially in Germany.

At present, a new type of diagnostics of the state of the body has appeared in medical science - a mineralogram (or hair for microelements). It allows you to identify the ratio of about 40 substances necessary for health, as well as determine the degree of their excess or deficiency in order to select the most appropriate way to correct the imbalance. Hair is analyzed for microelements according to the patented method of A. V. Skalny.

What is a mineralogram for?

This type of diagnosis is required to obtain accurate information about the patient's health status. He appreciates:

  • nutritional balance;
  • impact on the body of bad habits and ecology;
  • condition of internal organs;
  • quality and completeness of metabolic processes;
  • excess and lack of nutrients in the appointment of dietary supplements.

As a rule, the analysis time does not exceed 10 days. In some cases, the period may be reduced to 7 days or extended to 2 weeks.

Why hair?

Different types of biological material are suitable for this type of diagnosis - urine, blood, hair or nails are usually used.

In the first two cases, the analysis can give distorted results due to the instability of the state of the substances mentioned - even the product eaten the day before affects the reporting data. In addition, the shelf life of such materials is extremely low - research should be carried out immediately after sampling.

Nails are similar in nature to hair, but are less commonly used in spectrometry. Often their surface is covered with varnish, which, along with its removal liquid, can reduce the accuracy of the output.

Hair provides the most reliable information about the state of the body - being a storage material, it can store information about substances for a long time. Also, this type of material is quite resistant to the influence of random factors. For the reliability of the data, it is better to choose this type of diagnosis and do a hair analysis for trace elements.

Features of collecting material for research

At the time of sampling the material for analysis, the hair must be clean. The presence of any care or styling products is undesirable. 14 days before the proposed study, you should stop using shampoos with additives. Be sure to indicate in the questionnaire the condition of the hair - whether it has been bleached, curled, dyed or subjected to other significant effects (at least 30 days must pass from the moment of the procedure). If it is impossible to deliver the analyzed material from the scalp, you can make a selection from any other place - for example, the chest, armpits or pubis.

To analyze the hair for vitamins and trace elements, a part of the material is cut from the root (the length is preferably from 3 cm). Tips are usually not required. The sample is taken from several places 5 times, and it is preferable that the cut hair is on the back of the head closer to the neck. The resulting strands are combined into a bundle, which in girth should be 3-5 mm in size. When selecting short hair, you need to provide a volume of about a dessert spoon for analysis. Be sure to indicate the direction of hair growth.

Indications for the procedure

The most common reasons for the need for spectral hair diagnostics include:

  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent manifestation of respiratory and viral diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • insufficient effectiveness of therapy used to treat problems of the circulatory system;
  • nerves:
  • deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • increased stress on the body of any nature;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • danger or harmfulness of labor activity;
  • being in a place with increased radioactivity or poor ecology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • deterioration of the condition of the hair and epidermis.

It is also useful to carry out the procedure for those who are on a diet, have insufficient body weight and vision problems.

Substances determined by spectrometry

Analysis of hair for trace elements can give an idea of ​​the content of 40 elements in the body, including: aluminum, iron, iodine, gold, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, silver, phosphorus, zinc, antimony, selenium, nickel, tin, sodium, rubidium , boron, beryllium, vanadium.

The presence of such elements as barium, tungsten, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, silicon, lithium, lanthanum, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, arsenic, platinum, tin, nickel, rubidium, mercury, strontium, antimony, lead, chromium, thallium is also noted. and zirconium.

Execution technology

Under laboratory conditions, the sample is cleaned of fat with acetone, washed with distilled water and dried twice. The prepared material is weighed, transferred to a special container, where nitric acid and water are added in certain proportions. The mixture dissolves the hair. The resulting mass is placed into the spectrometer while simultaneously being brought into contact with argon gas.

The study is carried out at high temperatures, and when exposed to the plasma sample, the material is burned. The signal received by the analyzers is converted into an electronic diagram by special programs. The results obtained are compared with normal ones.

Analysis Report

A mineralogram is built, reflecting the real ratio of microelements in the body in comparison with the reference one.

When finding small discrepancies, doctors can adjust the diet and, if necessary, supplement it with dietary supplements. In the case of a significant imbalance, as a rule, a referral is issued to the doctor in charge of the specific case (most often to an endocrinologist, cardiologist or toxicologist).

Degree of deviation from the norm

The significance of the detected deviation from the norm is set separately for each of the elements. So, a score is usually given on a 4-point system (1 - minimum, 4 - maximum), depending on the neglect of the condition and the difficulty of its therapy.

It is important to be accurate when putting down the numbers, since each element can cause different reactions in the body. For example, the excess of the norm of sodium content is 2 times less significant than the same situation with phosphorus.

If a 1 or 2 degree is affixed near the element, then the deviation does not disturb the correct functioning of the systems too much. This suggests that the body does not have reserves of this substance, which increases the likelihood of disease. Therapy of the condition comes down to changing the diet and taking dietary supplements.

In the case of grades 3 and 4, we are talking about chronic pathological processes that require a long recovery. For treatment, they use appropriate dietary supplements, adjust the diet and use medications prescribed by highly specialized doctors.

1 degree of deviation is not investigated further due to its insignificance, and in case of obtaining a higher score, attention should be paid to the above-mentioned therapeutic measures.

After completion of the prescribed treatment, the study is repeated. From the moment of the first hair analysis, at least 10-11 months should pass.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the procedure in clinics depends on the amount of substances detected - you can choose between 25, 40 and 70 minerals. The latter option is less common due to the fact that there are few institutions offering such a service as a hair analysis for trace elements. The price for 25 positions starts from 2500 rubles, for 40 - from 3400.

Spectral analysis of hair according to the method of Dr. A.V. Rocky(reg. No. 2471 in the Russian Academy of Education) allows you to determine the ratio with high accuracy 40 trace elements in hair person.

Why do you need to do a hair mineralogram?

Spectral analysis of hair is necessary in order to find out:

  • how complete and balanced your food;
  • influence of bad habits on your health and immunity;
  • How do they affect your well-being environmental factors:
    • ecology;
    • workplace conditions;
    • place of residence;
  • functional state of your internal organs.
  • your metabolic state
  • in order to prevent an excess of trace elements when prescribing dietary supplements

Laboratory where hair samples are sent for trace element analysis:

Order execution time - up to 10 days.

Who is shown the analysis of hair for trace elements:

  • people with immunocompromised;
  • persons subject to frequent colds and other diseases;
  • people with food and other allergies;
  • with insufficient effectiveness of traditional treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • with increased irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • at diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( dysbacteriosis, etc.);
  • with osteochondrosis and other metabolic diseases of the osteoarticular system;
  • at decreased libido and potency;
  • at infertility;
  • in case of disruption thyroid gland;
  • with psycho-emotional and physical overload, sports;
  • if irregular and monotonous food;
  • with chronic stress;
  • working in hazardous production and in adverse conditions;
  • people of professions associated with excess radiation background;
  • living in ecologically unfavorable areas (industrial emissions, radioactive contamination);
  • with osteoporosis and other disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism (including those with an unknown cause);
  • with a sharp deterioration of hair, skin and nails.

Why is it important to know the quantitative composition of trace elements in the body?

Medical research has shown that lack of some micro and macro elements in the human body can cause specific diseases. For example:

  • Anemia is known to be caused by a lack of iron in the body.
  • at the end of the 20th century, a connection between the development of endemic goiter and a lack of iodine in the body was revealed.
  • zinc deficiency: decrease in cellular immunity, diseases of the hair, nails, prostate
  • copper deficiency:
    • exhaustion of the nervous system
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially in children)
    • flat feet
    • bronchial asthma
    • if copper and iodine deficiency are combined, thyroid disease
  • manganese deficiency:
    • disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system
    • allergies
    • diabetes
  • Accumulation of toxic trace elements:
    • Lead:
      • damage to the central nervous system
      • blood
      • immunity
    • Cadmium:
      • kidney damage
      • of cardio-vascular system
      • immunity
    • Mercury:
      • nervous system damage
      • kidney damage
    • Arsenic:
      • oncology
      • liver damage

The amount of information on the role of trace elements as root causes of diseases is constantly growing.

There is a new term in medicine microelementoses denoting pathological processes caused by an imbalance of both micro and macro elements.

Today, these studies are actively conducted by Dr. A.V. Skalny and his colleagues at the ANO Center for Biotic Medicine, which deals with micronutrient imbalances human body, their analysis and treatment. The main root cause of mineral imbalances are environmental factors: industrial emissions into the environment, background radiation, etc.

Involvement of trace elements in all biochemical processes of the human body and their dependence on the state of the environment makes it necessary to raise this topic not only for ecologists, but also for doctors of all profiles.
In Russia, to refer to pathological processes caused by an imbalance of both micro- and macroelements, the concept is used microelementoses.
Of the 92 chemical elements found in nature, 81 are present in the human body, 12 of which are structural, i.e. of them 99% of our body is.

Hair mineralogram sample. Table of deviations Variant of interpretation of the mineralogram of hair

Sample conclusion of the mineralogram of hair (diagrams)

For example, a 2-fold increase in the content of Na (sodium) in the hair is much less important for the body than a similar deviation in P (phosphorus).

As a rule, deviations in the content of chemical elements in the hair 1-2 degrees correspond to the depletion of the functional reserves of the body or pre-illness, and deviations of 3-4 degrees indicate a high risk of chronic disease.

  • Deviations in the composition of trace elements are corrected:

    • 1-2 degrees:
      • through dietary changes;
      • taking dietary supplements;
    • 3-4 degrees require long-term rehabilitation treatment with the use of:
      • dietary supplement;
      • corrections diet;
      • pharmacological agents appointed by narrow specialists (gastroenterologist, pediatrician, nephrologist, neuropathologist, etc.).

    The reduced content of trace elements in the body leads to:

    • Reduced sodium content in the hair of adults is usually found in:
      • neuroendocrine disorders;
      • chronic diseases of the kidneys and intestines;
      • as a result of traumatic brain injury;
    • Loss of magnesium (Mg) most often associated with:
      • chronic overstrain and stress (typical for "workaholics", managers, responsible workers);
      • intoxications(“overload” of the liver and kidneys, including alcohol);
      • the presence of diabetes;
      • kidney diseases;
      • hypertension(spasms of the arteries);
      • elevated risk of blood clots;
      • myocardial infarction;
      • immunodeficiency;
      • the risk of diabetes, pancreatitis, oxalaturia (one of the types of urolithiasis);
      • biliary dyskinesia;
      • cholecystitis (including stone);
      • fatigue and irritability;
      • sleep disorders;
      • interruptions in the work of the heart;
      • constipation.
    • Reduced potassium content (K) in the hair usually indicates:
      • asthenia (mental and physical exhaustion, overwork);
      • reduction of adaptive mechanisms and basal metabolism;
      • impaired renal function and depletion of adrenal function;
      • the risk of violation of metabolic processes and conduction in the myocardium;
      • mitral valve prolapse, dysregulation of blood pressure;
      • development of erosive processes in mucous membranes;
      • decrease in working capacity;
      • slowing down wound healing;
      • violation of neuromuscular conduction;
      • dry skin, dullness and hair weakness;
      • erosion of the cervix, the threat of miscarriage and infertility in women;
    • calcium deficiency in women manifests itself:
      • in the wrong diet:
        • deficiency of protein and dairy products;
        • excess phosphorus in products: soft drinks, canned food, etc.;
      • diseases of the kidneys and endocrine system;
      • stress;
      • dysbiosis;
      • food allergies;
      • intoxications (Pb, etc.);
      • increased risk of fractures for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as women in menopause;
      • in the form of muscle pain and cramps;
      • periodontal disease;
      • osteoporosis;
      • poor blood clotting;
      • elevated risk of developing atherosclerosis;
      • infectious diseases ( tuberculosis and etc);
    • Zinc deficiency conditions usually characterized by:
      • the presence of diseases of the skin, hair, nails;
      • allergic diseases;
      • hyperactivity;
      • a decrease in T-cell immunity, so people with zinc deficiency usually often and for a long time get sick with colds, infectious diseases;
      • memory impairment;
      • decreased attention;
      • loss of appetite;
      • loss of sharpness of smell, taste, vision;
      • increase in wound healing time;
      • frequent depression-like states(hypochondria);
      • stool disorders (constipation, “sheep feces”, diarrhea);
      • elevated risk of ulceration and neoplasms;
      • the risk of alcoholism, diabetes, peptic ulcer;
      • accelerated aging;
      • premature birth and the birth of weakened, underweight children in women;
      • prone to skin, allergic and immunodeficiency diseases;
      • diseases of the small intestine, liver, kidneys;
      • chronic stress;
    • Copper (Cu) deficiency in women may lead to:
      • psycho-emotional exhaustion, overwork, neuroses;
      • violation of the synthesis of thyroxine, female sex hormones;
      • development of anemia(anemia);
      • leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood);
      • immunodeficiency, allergic diseases (including asthmatic bronchitis, rhinitis, etc.);
      • skin depigmentation (vitiligo) and others skin diseases;
      • pathologies of bone and connective tissues, especially in the elderly (scoliosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, vein diseases);
      • development of diabetes;
      • the occurrence of demyelinating diseases;
      • neoplasms in the gynecological field;
      • development of ovarian dysfunction;
      • early menopause;
      • difficulty in getting pregnant;
      • violations of the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

        • 1 degree: identified deviations do not require conducting additional consultations and research;
        • 2-4 degrees: correction requires taking specialized drugs containing individual macro- and microelements.
        • deviations in the content of other chemical elements in the hair are generally moderate, and to eliminate them, perhaps, it is enough to pay attention to the diet and take polyelement preparations.

        Laboratory equipment for spectral analysis of hair:

        • mass spectrometer MS-ICP Elan 9000 (USA);
        • atomic emission spectrometer AES-ICP Optima 2000 DV (USA);
        • ICP mass spectrometer Nexion 300D (USA).
        • liquid chromatograph PerkinElmer S200 (USA), etc.
        • The laboratory of ANO “Center for Biotic Medicine” has accreditation certificate ROSS.RU.0001.22ПЯ.05 on independence and technical competence when conducting a spectral analysis of hair for trace elements in the body. In the laboratory of ANO “CBM”, the content 50 chemical elements, the most important vitamins and amino acids. The results of the analyzes for microelements are given to you in the form of standard conclusion.Effective quality control of the results is achieved by using standard samples produced in the USA, Germany, etc. in the study of hair as a biosubstrate with the highest diagnostic value.

          How to prepare hair for trace element analysis?

          • hair for analysis must be clean without the presence of chemical and cosmetic products for care and styling;
          • do not apply medicated shampoos 2 weeks before the hair test;
          • if your hair discolored, dyed or frizzy- be sure to reflect this fact in the questionnaire;
          • if it is impossible to select hair from the head, you can use other parts of the body(chest, pubis, etc.);
          • cut a strand of hair from the root of the hair length from 3-5 cm;
          • cut hair in 4-5 places in the occipital region near the neck;
          • combine the received strands in a bun as thick as a pencil;
          • if you give up short hair, their volume should be at least a teaspoon.

Beautiful hair, strong nails, excellent health and much more depend on the balance of macro- and microelements in our body. The body itself does not synthesize chemicals, but takes them from the air, food, and water. With a lack or excess of an element, an imbalance begins. It causes various diseases. Toxic substances that enter the body through the skin and mucous membranes accumulate in the body and harm health. Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements, as well as nails and / or blood serum helps to understand the cause of such problems.

Spectral analysis of blood

Our hair is completely renewed less often than, for example, blood. They store information about exchange processes longer. If you conduct a spectral analysis, you will see the ratio of toxic and essential trace elements in the body. The reasons for the lack of substances and the accumulation of toxins are the unfavorable ecology in cities, all kinds of stresses and even a passion for diets, “mono-diets” are especially harmful. Also on the list of provoking factors are:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exhaustion of the body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • smoking, alcohol.

When conducting a spectral analysis, the cause of the disease will be clearly visible.

Consequences of violations of mineral metabolism

Violations of mineral metabolism cause many unpleasant consequences, turning into serious diseases. Many symptoms are not taken seriously. Chronic fatigue and drowsiness are called laziness. Buy shampoos for hair loss. They fight insomnia with sleeping pills, try to raise low immunity with herbs.

Improper treatment only exacerbates the situation. The list of possible consequences from metabolic disorders is long, because the balance of the whole organism is at risk:

  • Violation of the thyroid gland;
  • Disease of the cardiovascular apparatus;
  • Violations of the lungs and bronchi;
  • skin diseases;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • eating disorders;
  • Constipation and loose stools;
  • Violation of the liver;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Weakness in the legs, curvature of the spine, changes in posture;
  • Weak brittle nails;
  • fertility problems (infertility);
  • Diabetes.

Spectral analysis of hair or nails, or blood serum is a painless procedure. Washed hair, cleaned of styling products, is cut off at the very root, in the back of the head. If there is no hair on the head, you can take them from another part of the body.

Spectral analysis of nails is carried out if there is no hair on the head and body: cut 1-1.5 mm, nails should not be varnished. You can do a blood serum test by appointment, in the morning on an empty stomach, in the clinic. Research takes from three weeks to a month.

What Spectral Analysis Shows

Spectral analysis shows which macro- and microelements are not enough, which ones are in excess. The doctor examines the study, finds out the degree of violation and determines the cause. And then selects a special diet and course of treatment.

ONLY AT US: an individual course of mesotherapy according to the results of spectral analysis! We put only those trace elements that are really necessary for your body. Right on target!

Where to do a spectral analysis of hair in Moscow? Clinic of modern trichology.

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements is a relatively new diagnostic method that can be done in more laboratories. What is he and why can he be trusted?

We all know how important complex diagnostics is in the treatment of various diseases. The study of blood is in this respect the main method for assessing the state of the functioning of the body. But, unfortunately, the analysis of this biological fluid does not answer the question of whether the concentration of certain minerals in it is the same as in target tissues. Because the values ​​in these "objects" can be very different. Hair microelement analysis comes to the rescue, which is promoted as the best method for diagnosing minerals accumulated in the body. Is a hair mineral scan really a better reflection of the situation, or is it just a marketing ploy that drains our wallets? Let's figure it out!

Hair as a mineral "warehouse"

Human hair is built from tough keratin, fats and minerals. It is a repository of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium, boron, cobalt, molybdenum and sulfur, as well as toxic substances: mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic , beryllium, cadmium.

Analysis of hair for microelements makes it possible to determine the content of these components in its “insides”, which directly affects their concentration in other tissues and is useful for diagnosing the metabolic state of the body and the degree of its “nutrition”.

Hair analysis for trace elements: why and how does it work, what does it reflect?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method that allows you to assess the nutritional status of the body. The close relationship between the level of elements in the hair and their concentration in the internal organs contributes to the fact that, by determining the amount of each mineral in the hair and their mutual proportions, it is possible to assess the metabolic activity of the body as a whole and the "normality" of the processes occurring in it.

Physiologically, there is a balance between the content of individual minerals in the body. Violation of these proportions, caused by a deficient diet, stress, drugs and toxins, can lead to an imbalance of minerals in our body. The excess or deficiency of one element affects the change in the values ​​of others. And the violation of the ratio between them often leads to disturbances in the functioning of body systems - in particular, nervous, digestive and endocrine. Based on the results of a chemical analysis of the hair, changes in the functioning of these systems can be determined.

The material for the study is a sample of hair 3-4 cm long from the back of the head, with skin. The total weight of the sample should be 0.3 g. It is important that the hair is:

  • clean;
  • unpainted (owners of very dry hair are advised to wait 4-8 weeks for their growth);
  • uncoated hairdressing preparations (e.g. hairspray, spray).

As a rule, the results of laboratory research are accompanied by their interpretation and recommendations on nutrition and nutritional supplements.

Benefits of Hair Trace Element Analysis

Ease of sampling and painless examination

Hair samples can be easily and painlessly taken and sent to the laboratory at any time. Unlike blood sampling, taking material for research is not associated with the need to use a needle and break the integrity of the skin, which is usually unpleasant, especially for young children.

Stability of the result

The concentration of individual chemical elements in the blood can undergo rapid changes. And in the hair, their level is more stable, and it is easier to determine long-term changes: the concentration of metals provides information about their content in the body for a long time - 1-2 months. The result of the spectral analysis of hair for trace elements is not affected by short-term fluctuations in the amount of metal cations, for example, during the daily circadian cycle.

Many aspects affect the results of a blood test: the time of the last meal and its composition, the stress during sampling and the way it is stored in the laboratory. But in the case of microelement analysis of hair, there are not so many factors that can have a significant impact on the result of the study.

Ability to actually assess the content of minerals in the body

Not all substances that circulate in the blood enter the cells. Despite the fact that the concentration of individual chemical elements in the blood can be high for various reasons (for example, due to blocking of the receptors responsible for the entry of these compounds into cells), at the tissue level, their concentration may be too low.

The reliability of the resulting picture

The body strives to maintain the "correct" concentration of chemical elements in its main biofluid. A good example in this sense is calcium, the deficiency of which in the body is often not detected in routine tests, while at the cellular level one can state its significant deficiency. Basically, this happens due to mechanisms that ensure the proper level of calcium in the blood - often due to its intake from tissues (for example, bone), which are its "warehouse". And only when stocks run out, the concentration of calcium in the blood can fall below normal. This indicates a serious deficiency of this element. Determining the level of calcium in the blood can give a distortion of the result, while the analysis of its concentration in the hair will give a more realistic result, reflecting its actual amount in the body.

Possibility of early diagnosis of substance deficiency

With the help of hair elemental analysis, deficiency can be detected at an early stage, when too low concentration of this mineral in the body is not yet visible in the blood. As with calcium, iron deficiency can also be diagnosed much faster with a hair mineral test than with a blood test.

The possibility of repeated repetition of the study

There are no obstacles to the frequent repetition of such a laboratory study - except perhaps financial considerations. This allows you to compare the results and draw a conclusion whether the current diet and the intake of prescribed drugs bring the expected improvement or something needs to be changed.

Who should have a hair mineral analysis?

    • people living in tension and stress;
    • athletes - in order to improve the performance of their actions and health status during intense physical exertion;
    • pregnant women who are breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy;
    • people after illnesses - for a faster recovery;
    • people with symptoms of malabsorption syndrome (celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, gastric disorders);
    • suffering from hormonal, neurological, dermatological (psoriasis, vitiligo, hair loss), cardiovascular disorders;
    • overweight and obese people;
    • suffering from bone diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, other joint diseases;
    • exposed to contact with toxins and heavy metals, in case of poisoning with toxic elements;
    • people with non-specific symptoms of undiagnosed diseases;
    • anyone who wants to change their eating habits for the better, improve their well-being.

By studying the mineral composition of the human body, we obtain information about the functioning of his body at the biochemical level. And by examining the role of individual elements and their relationship, we can counteract the adverse effects of their deficiency or excess. Based on the results of the mineral analysis of the hair and the patient's medical history, doctors can select a strictly individual therapy. Hair analysis for trace elements can be an auxiliary element of basic diagnostics and help in choosing an appropriate diet plan and nutritional supplements. Thus, it is a reliable and valuable diagnostic test that is definitely worth the money spent on it.

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