How to reduce hormones. How to reduce male hormones in women. Sexual behavior of a woman with elevated testosterone levels

Sex hormones are produced by the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. Traditionally, "male" hormones, such as androgen, are necessarily present in the body of every woman, but in very small amount. If a male hormones in female body begin to be produced too actively, their total increases and hormonal imbalance occurs. This condition adversely affects health and can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of hormonal disorders

All substances produced by the body must be in a certain concentration and balance in relation to each other. In men, androgens determine the development of secondary sexual characteristics and are responsible for sexual desire.

An excess of male hormones in women indicates a violation in the body and poses a threat to health:

  • Heredity. If the male hormone is produced in excess in the mother's body, then there is high probability that the disorder is hereditary.
  • Severe stress, emotional upheaval, unrest, psychological and neurological diseases lead to a state when hormones are produced too much.
  • Metabolic disorders can cause an increase in the amount of certain hormones.
  • Destruction of the bond between testosterone and proteins leads to the appearance of high concentration free androgen

The male hormone obtained during pregnancy exceeds the norm by 3-4 times. This is not a violation in the work of the body. For the full development of the fetus, increased production of hormones and other substances is necessary. Childbirth will help remove excess androgen. Over time, the normal balance of hormones is restored.

Imbalance symptoms

An increase in one indicator can negatively affect other substances. Doctors recommend doing a hormone test immediately upon detection characteristic symptoms androgen excess. Signs of malfunctioning glands are manifested physically and emotionally. Upon detection anxiety symptoms you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

  • Most common symptom- the appearance of excess facial hair, as in men
  • An excess of androgen can lead to a change in physique, the figure can become similar to a man's
  • Weight gain, obesity
  • The appearance of acne on the face and shoulders
  • Changing the timbre of the voice, it becomes like a man's
  • The appearance of coarse, actively growing hair on the arms
  • Increased sweating
  • Hair becomes greasy, bald patches may appear on the head, as in men
  • Male sex hormones increase sexual activity and physical endurance
  • An increase in androgen levels leads to dry skin and flaking.
  • Lethargy, irritability and even rudeness, the same symptoms are observed with an excess of androgen in men
  • Violation menstrual cycle, delays or complete absence menses, stop ovulation

It should be noted that sometimes the high content of male hormones in women does not manifest itself outwardly. Only the result of tests for hormones will help to find out about the violation. In the direction for analysis, male hormones can be called androgen, testosterone, etc. When deciphering the results, the attending physician will give all the necessary explanations.


Blood tests from a vein are always taken on an empty stomach. Also, 1-2 days before donating blood, you should refrain from having sex, sports training and other physical activities, do not overeat and completely eliminate alcohol. non-compliance simple rules preparation for analysis can distort the results of the study and the blood will have to be taken again.

The test is usually scheduled for 3-5 or 8-10 days of the menstrual cycle.

Before lowering the androgen level, you should complete diagnostics and determine the cause of the violations. Blood tests for men and is not a sufficient basis for establishing a diagnosis. In men and women, tests can only show an excess of androgens, but not answer the question: why is this happening. There are several main factors that affect the production of androgens: the functioning of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and general metabolism in the body.

As part of comprehensive survey it is necessary to address to the gynecologist and the endocrinologist. Survey thyroid gland, which can affect the production of hormones by other glands, will give more information to the doctor. female doctor necessarily appoints ultrasound examination pelvic organs. With help modern methods an ultrasound scan may reveal polycystic ovaries or the presence of tumors. Timely diagnosis contributes to a speedy recovery.

Normalization of hormone levels

To understand how to reduce male hormones in women, you should determine the causes of the imbalance of substances. If the body receives excess amount androgens, may be affected reproductive functions and develop infertility. As a treatment, the doctor may prescribe special medicines affecting the level of androgens in the body of a woman. Any drug that removes excess hormones should be used only as directed by a doctor. Often recommend "Dexamethasone", "Digitalis", "Cyproterone", etc.

Many patients are concerned about the question: how to lower the level of male hormones on their own? There are ways to normalize hormonal background without use medicines. However, in order to lower the level of androgens, the participation of a qualified doctor is necessary. Self-medication can end badly. Blood tests from a vein are used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

During the course of therapy, the patient passes several tests, the frequency of the study is determined by the attending physician.

Reducing the concentration of androgens is carried out by changing the diet. The diet should include meat, fried vegetables, olive oil, White bread, sugar, natural Bee Honey, juices, salt in moderation. During treatment from diet food and vegetarianism will have to be abandoned. High rate some hormones can be adjusted folk remedies(licorice root, Maryin root, vitex, etc.). Reception homeopathic remedies must be supervised by a physician. As a rule, doctors recommend combining traditional therapy with natural treatment.

Some sources claim that yoga causes a decrease in male hormones, but there is no scientific evidence for this. Moderate exercise and relaxation undoubtedly have positive effect to the nervous immune system and health in general. But yoga is not a cure.

The analysis of male hormones in the female body is carried out according to the relevant indications and complaints of patients. Also, the study of the hormonal background is carried out in preventive purposes. These analyzes prevent serious violations health and functioning internal systems organism. In a woman, the level of sex hormones must be examined when planning a pregnancy.

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Do you know that the reason male impotence and overweight.. female hormones?
The female hormones in the body are found in male body in minimum quantities they fulfill their specific properties and when estrogens and progestogens go off scale, you can pick up a whole bunch of negative effects.

A little theory about female hormones.
Female hormones are estrogen. These include hormones such as: estrone, estradiol and estriol. I think everyone has a question and where female hormones found in the male body. And they are produced by the testes and adrenal cortex in men under the influence of gonadoliberins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones). AT a small amount, female hormones produce joint lubrication, reduce the level bad cholesterol, increase the concentration of thyroid hormones, iron and copper. With an excess of estradiol (and this is the most active and nasty of female hormones), there is high blood pressure, edema (due to excessive water retention in the body), body fat on female type(on the abdomen, flanks, lower back and thighs), decreased libido, in the worst cases observed erectile dysfunction and even infertility. All this can and should be fought. There are a few effective ways- natural and with the help of pharmacological preparations.

For a natural decrease in estrogen, it is necessary that the basic rules be followed:
1) Proper Diet nutrition(minimum fat, fast carbohydrates(sweet, flour), maximum protein foods of animal origin, exclusion from the diet of soy, beer, hops, kvass, bread (since they are sources of phytoestrogens and can only aggravate the situation). Eating male testosterone-boosting foods - meat (especially lean, chicken fillet), dairy products, fruits, vegetables.
2) Physical exercise medium and low intensity(run, gyms, sauna, skiing, football) all this leads to an increase in testosterone and a decrease in estrogen.
3) Exclude depressive state and try to be stress-free as much as possible.

But there are much faster and effective methods reduce female hormones in the male body based on the application medical preparations. They include two types: aromatase inhibitors and antiestrogen.

Aromatase inhibitors- this is specific preparations, which, upon entering the body, will certainly block the sources of estrogen. Thus, when using them, there is an almost zero amount of female hormones. These drugs are not very cheap, they include: masterolone (Proviron), Arimidex and others.

Antiestrogens are so-called drugs whose action is based on the fact that the molecules of these drugs compete with estrogens for receptors on the body and thus take them out of the game. Estrogens drop and become inactive, thus doing nothing negative impact. These drugs are much cheaper and no less effective, they include: tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and clomiphene (Clomid, clostilbegit).

The next so-called pain spot in the male body are progestins. These are special substances that enhance the effects of estrogens in the body of a man, as well as the production of prolactin (the hormone responsible for feeding offspring with milk). It is natural that male chest is not intended for feeding, then this hormone is extremely harmful and undesirable for us (men). With an elevated progestogen background, various edema, negative suicidal mood, a decrease in libido and erection are observed. To avoid this, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with Bromkriptin. This drug is the most effective in the fight against progestins. In general, this is the whole complex of preparations and measures that allow a man to overcome the feminine in himself.

And finally, look at the effect that drugs based on female hormones - estrogen - have on the male body. This young man, took them for a little over a year (14 months)..

The male hormone - testosterone is produced in small quantities, synthesized in the ovaries and adrenal cortex. Its excess leads to the appearance of hair on the face and body, acne, alopecia, changes in figure, disruption of the reproductive system, and infertility.

Hyperandrogenism is treated with medications, special diet, lifestyle changes, folk therapy and weight loss.

Proper nutrition with high testosterone

It is possible to reduce the increased male hormone in women by following a diet. To reduce the production of testosterone, it is recommended to eat sweets. This causes an increased synthesis of insulin, the pancreatic hormone suppresses the production, turns them into estrogens.

Unfortunately, a large number of carbohydrates negatively affects the condition of a woman’s figure, is rapidly gaining excess weight. To prevent obesity and control the level of the male hormone, sweets should be consumed in the form of fruits (dates, bananas, raisins, grapes) and natural honey.

Helps fight hyperandrogenism unripe oats and others cereal crops. useful for breakfast oatmeal with honey and fruits butter. This dish contains complex carbohydrates, which are broken down in the intestines for a long time, normalize the balance of hormones and provide a woman with energy for a long period.

While cooking vegetable oil it is better to replace with flaxseed, pumpkin or olive. Add basil to salads. This seasoning has pronounced antiandrogenic properties.

Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the production of insulin, which transforms the male hormone into a female one. Antiandrogens convert active testosterone into, reducing. Preparations of this group (Androcur, Byzanne) help to normalize the menstrual cycle, treat endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility.

To lower the level of the male hormone, non-steroidal antiandrogenic drugs (Flutamide, Flutafarm Femina) can also be prescribed. The tablets do not have agonistic properties for glucocorticoid, estrogen, progestin and mineralocorticoid receptors; they block androgen receptors of target cells in prostate in men, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the brain, the ovaries in women.

In addition, drugs inhibit the effect of endogenous testosterone on the ovaries, due to which the manifestations of hyperandrogenism are reduced, PCOS, infertility, hirsutism, and infertility are treated.


You can reduce the elevated levels of male hormones in women through lifestyle changes. Should be abandoned bad habits, drinking alcohol. It is necessary to observe the regime of the day, regularly engage in moderate physical activity.

But you can’t choose power sports, since intensive training, on the contrary, leads to an increase in testosterone in the blood. It is useful to visit the pool, fitness, yoga, Pilates. To relieve stress and irritation, it is useful to do acupuncture, reflexology.

For effective reduction levels of the male hormone, you need to eat right, provide a complete night rest. Sleep should last at least 6-8 hours. Women need to control body weight, to prevent the development of obesity. By making lifestyle changes, you can maintain normal level androgens without medication.

Nutritional supplements

To reduce high level male hormone testosterone in women, in combination with the main treatment, natural nutritional supplements. Dindolimane is made from extracts of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage.

The active ingredients allow you to maintain a normal balance of hormones. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician, since improper administration of the drug can backfire, testosterone, on the contrary, will increase, provoke the growth of cancer cells.

Good therapeutic effect with hyperandrogenism in women, calcium gluconate is taken in combination with vitamin D. Soy isoflavones from Vivasan act as natural female hormones and have antiandrogenic properties.

Folk remedies for hyperandrogenism

Application medicinal herbs and folk recipes contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, while increasing the production of female hormones estrogen, binds, turning into non active form.

Treatment with folk remedies does not cause development side effects, reduces the level of male hormones, the concentration of sugar in the blood, prevents the development, improves the utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues.

Recipes to reduce the male hormone in women:

  • Peppermint has anti-androgenic properties. It is useful to add it to tea, prepare a refreshing drink (1 tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water). Enough 2 cups of mint decoction per day to improve well-being, normalize the balance of hormones, reduce testosterone production in women.
  • One of the most effective means treatment for hyperandrogenism is licorice root. It is brewed together with tea, the crushed powder is added to ready-made dishes in the form of a spice.
  • Peony evasive is used to treat hormonal disorders in women, effective for progesterone deficiency. A tincture is made from the plant: they take 2 tablespoons of a dry plant, pour 0.3 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days. You need to drink a medicine to reduce testosterone at the rate of 1 drop per kilogram of body weight. The course of treatment is at least 1 month. Such a tool helps to lower the male hormone, normalize the menstrual cycle,.

  • Wheat germ oil contains phytosterols, which are precursors of female sex hormones. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the product contains, normalize metabolism, prevent postponing subcutaneous fat. You need to take 1 teaspoon of oil daily on an empty stomach.
  • Male root (Pallas spurge) contains phytoandrogens, normalizes the balance of the male hormone testosterone, helps in the treatment, fibrocystic mastopathy, with menstrual disorders, female infertility.
  • Unripe oats block the active form of the testosterone hormone in a woman's body, reduce the level bad cholesterol improves the appearance of the skin. The decoction is prepared from 1 liter of boiling water and a glass of oats (you can buy it in the department for diabetics). The ingredients are insisted for 7-8 hours, then filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 100 ml each.

Treatment of hyperandrogenism with folk remedies can be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist. It is important to constantly monitor the level of male hormones in the blood, adhere to healthy lifestyle life, eat right.

Normalization of testosterone levels allows women to get rid of hair on the face and body, the appearance of acne, oily skin and hair, normalize the menstrual cycle, treat polycystic ovaries, and infertility.

Increased levels of testosterone in the female body can lead to a number of serious gynecological diseases. If you suspect that this hormone is in excess in your body, you should definitely do an examination. What is worth paying attention to? Symptoms of excess testosterone include: acne, baldness, excessive growth of body hair, increased body fat in the area.

First of all, you should contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the tests necessary to detect testosterone levels. Please note that they must be taken on the seventh day of your menstrual cycle, counting from the first day of the onset of menstruation. On the eve of the analysis, you should definitely refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Only after receiving the results, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate medication.

reduce increased amount testosterone can be used with some oral contraceptives, which are taken along with essential medicine. The course of such treatment is quite long - up to several months, it all depends on the content of testosterone in the body. Such contraceptives help to cope with unpleasant external manifestations hormonal imbalance: acne, excessive hair growth, bleeding between periods.

Along with medications, it can also be taken biologically. active additives designed to lower testosterone levels in women. However, before using them, be sure to consult your doctor.

The most simple and accessible means lowering testosterone in the female body is special. It has been proven that on active development testosterone is influenced by minerals such as magnesium and. That is why women taking the course hormonal treatment It is not recommended to take foods rich in these minerals. The only way lower testosterone levels in the body is to increase the "female hormone" - estrogen. To do this, you need to enrich your products containing it in the required amount. These include rice, wheat, soy products, cherries, apples.

Exercise regularly, at least four times a week. However, don't get carried away strength training, it is better to give preference to such sports techniques as or Pilates.

the very same last resort to reduce testosterone in the female body is a substitution hormone therapy. This method is very effective, but has a lot of side effects. Until the doctor finds the optimal dosage of hormones, and this is very difficult to do, during treatment, patients may suffer from insomnia, sweating, and cardiac arrhythmia.

Hormonal imbalance is linked to many diseases, from infertility and depression to loss of focus and loss of muscle strength. Reproductive hormonal imbalance and systemic hormonal imbalance may be sources serious problems. Here are a few ways, both natural and medical, to treat and balance your hormones.


Part 1

Balancing female hormones

    Understand how your hormones work. Each hormone is responsible for performing certain tasks in the female body. Knowing what each hormone does will help you determine which hormone you are lacking based on which bodily functions are not performing properly.

    • Estrogen: This is the main female sex hormone. In women, it speeds up the metabolism, increases fat reserves, reduces muscle mass, helps form secondary sexual characteristics, increases sex drive, and also promotes the growth and formation of the uterus.
      • Estrogen deficiency can cause menstrual irregularities, lack of periods, mood swings, lack of sexual desire, inability to conceive, and early menopause.
    • Progesterone: Commonly considered the “pregnancy hormone”, it is responsible for preparing the uterus for conception and lowers the immune response so that the body can accept the pregnancy. Decreased progesterone levels after pregnancy are thought to help induce labor and milk production.
      • Progesterone deficiency is primarily recognized by heavy, irregular periods and difficulty maintaining a pregnancy. There may also be excess weight in the middle part, heavy premenstrual symptoms, severe fatigue.
    • Testosterone: Known as the primary male sex hormone, it is also present in the female body. In women, it promotes libido and is responsible for many of the changes a woman goes through during puberty, including acne, slight changes in vocal range, and completion of the growth cycle.
      • Testosterone deficiency in women is most commonly identified by a lack of libido, a physical inability to arouse, abnormally dry skin, and very brittle hair.
    • Prolactin: although it has wide range actions, but is the main hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands to induce lactation. This hormone also helps the development of the fetus when a woman is pregnant, and counteracts arousal, reduces it.
      • Prolactin deficiency is characterized by insufficient lactation, menstrual irregularities, delayed puberty, hair loss, and fatigue. It is most often diagnosed in women after childbirth, especially if heavy bleeding was observed during childbirth.
  1. Replenish the hormones you are missing. Some female sex hormones can be brought into balance simply by taking supplements available over the counter.

    • Estrogen and progesterone supplements are available over the counter in both cream and tablet form.
    • There are no prolactin supplements, but women who suffer from excess prolactin often take estrogen supplements or prolactin-slowing drugs to correct the problem.
    • There are no testosterone supplements on the market that are safe for women. Testosterone pills meant for men are too strong for women.
  2. Change your diet. In general, maintaining a balanced diet also helps maintain hormone balance, but there are a few specific changes diets that can further improve hormone levels.

    • Zinc is known to aid in the production of testosterone. Products with high content zinc include dark chocolate, peanuts and many meat dishes, including beef, veal, lamb, crab and oysters.
    • Eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats create healthy cell membranes which allows hormones to reach their destinations in the body. Will be useful walnuts, eggs and many types of fish, including sardines, trout, salmon, tuna and oysters.
    • Include more fiber in your diet. High fiber foods include whole grain, raw fruit and raw vegetables. Fiber joins with old estrogen, clearing it out of the body, resulting in improved overall balance.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Studies show that excessive consumption of any of these foods can contribute to premenstrual hormonal imbalances.
  3. Exercise more often. Exercise is known to stimulate the release chemical substances, which improve mood and help balance its fluctuations caused by a lack or excess of female sex hormones.

    Reduce stress. Stress triggers the production of excess cortisol, which blocks estrogen. In women, the loss of estrogen also causes low level serotonin, which is often associated with mood disorders.

    Seek medical attention. If a natural remedies will not help you, you may need to regulate your hormone levels through the use of drugs prescribed by your doctor or hormone replacement therapy.

    • Start taking oral contraceptives. Contraceptive measures do more than just stop reproduction. The pills contain synthetic hormones that are able to balance high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels.
    • Ask your doctor about antidepressants. Most antidepressants work by balancing serotonin levels, which fall in response to low estrogen levels. Some have also been shown to be moderately effective in reducing hot flashes for hormonal imbalances in menopausal women.
    • Go to hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is the prescription equivalent of conventional over-the-counter hormone supplements. Menopausal women are sometimes given doses of estrogen, progesterone, or a progestin-estrogen combination.

    Part 2

    Balancing male hormones
    1. Learn more about your hormones. Understanding the hormones involved in the male reproductive system will help you assess which hormones you may be missing.

      • Testosterone: Considered the primary male sex hormone, it is responsible for growth muscle mass, maturation of male genital organs, maturation of male secondary sexual characteristics, completion of growth, sperm production and libido strength.
        • Testosterone deficiency is most quickly recognized by a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction and testicular contraction. Other signs may include hot flashes, decreased energy, depressed mood, lack of concentration, insomnia, and loss of strength.
      • Dihydrotestosterone or DHT: Mainly involved in the formation and maturation of the male genitalia.
        • DHT deficiency is common in boys before and during puberty. Men with underdeveloped external genitalia tend to lack dihydrotestosterone. In adult men, a lack of DHT can cause infertility.
      • Estrogen and progesterone: Although both are considered female sex hormones, they are also present in men. Estrogen helps regulate sperm maturation and libido. Progesterone balances estrogen levels in men, preventing excess estrogen from entering the male reproductive system.
        • Estrogen or progesterone deficiencies can manifest in similar ways. When any of these hormones are out of balance, depression or loss of libido can occur. Estrogen deficiency can lead to density loss bone tissue, excessive hair growth, weight gain, or gynecomastia (male breast enlargement).
      • Prolactin: Another hormone commonly associated with women, it also occurs in men. In men, it is believed to play a role in the body's immune response, but there is no indication that prolactin is vital to the male body.
        • Excess prolactin can prevent testosterone production in men. However, prolactin deficiency does not seem to have any specific side effects.
    2. Replenish your hormones. Over-the-counter hormone supplements available in cream or tablet form can often correct some of the most common hormonal imbalances in men.

      • Testosterone is the male hormone most commonly replenished without a prescription. Men can find testosterone supplements in the form of tablets, creams, and gels.
      • There are no drugs available for DHT deficiency, but an excess of it can lead to hair loss, and there are DHT blockers available in the form of pills and shampoos.
      • Available at pharmacies, progesterone cream for men can be used to treat progesterone deficiency and excess estrogen. However, men who need estrogen replacement may need a prescription.
      • Prolactin deficiency can be reduced with over-the-counter B-complex supplements.
    3. Choose healthier food. Balanced Diet this is The best way hormone regulation for most men; and most hormonal imbalances in men can be helped by simply adhering to traditional healthy eating standards.

      • Eat plenty of meat and carbohydrates, which provide energy and help with hormone production. Seafood rich in omega-3s fatty acids and low-calorie meat, will the best option, as well as fiber-rich cereals.
      • Avoid sugar, caffeine and excessive consumption of dairy products, which can make the body sluggish and require effort to produce hormones.
    4. Exercise more. Regular aerobic exercise and strength exercises able to increase testosterone production.

      Take it easy. In men, increased stress levels create more cortisol, which can convert testosterone to estrogen. The result is an abundance of the female sex hormone and an acute shortage of the male sex hormone.

      Get good sleep. Most of Testosterone is produced during the REM sleep cycle. Thus, lack of sleep will cause a decrease in testosterone, while adequate sleep can help stabilize testosterone levels.

      Wear loose clothing. Loose underwear and trousers are especially important. close Bottom part can create unwanted heat that can break down existing sperm and ultimately reduce sperm count.

    5. Contact your doctor. Serious hormonal imbalances in men may require treatment with hormone replacement.

      • Testosterone injections are the most common treatment used to balance male hormones. Doctors prescribe injections for as long as they deem necessary. The amount of the drug is eventually reduced and the patient is monitored to see if testosterone levels remain balanced after treatment or continue to fall. If levels continue to fall, long-term treatment may be needed.
      • Men who are deficient in estrogen or progesterone may also want to learn about prescription hormone replacement to treat these imbalances, as supplements for men are usually hard to find on the market.
    6. Know how soy can affect your thyroid gland. There have been some indications that a soy-based diet may lead to decreased thyroid hormone production. Those suffering from hypothyroidism, a deficiency in thyroid hormones, should limit soy intake.
    7. Balance your iodine levels. Iodine is a mineral that helps in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Foods high in iodine include sea ​​vegetables, potatoes, cranberries, yogurt, strawberries and dairy products. If you have hypothyroidism, eat more products rich in iodine. If you have hyperthyroidism, limit your intake of iodine-rich foods.
    8. Eat carbohydrates in moderation. Carbohydrates can provide the body with energy, but they also increase the amount of the hormone insulin the body makes. Too many carbohydrates can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels as well as insulin levels.
    9. Improve melatonin synthesis with vitamin B5. Foods rich in B5 include milk, yogurt, eggs, and fish. These foods are also rich in tryptophan, which converts serotonin to melatonin.
  4. Regulate your sleep to regulate your melatonin production. Melatonin is the "sleep" hormone, and it affects the sleep cycle in the same way that the sleep cycle affects it.

    • Avoid bright light sources while you sleep. Light can slow down the production of melatonin that occurs in the dark, making it difficult to sleep.
    • Give your body sleep signals. A consistent bedtime and a specific bedtime routine can tell your brain that it's time for bed. Your brain, in turn, will begin to send signals to the body that melatonin production should be increased.
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