Not enough estrogen. Female hormones estrogens: symptoms of deficiency, consequences, restoration of hormonal levels

What are estrogens? This is a group of female steroid hormones produced mainly in the ovarian follicles. A small amount of estrogens is also produced in the testicular tissue in men, as well as in both sexes in the adrenal cortex.

The human body produces three types of estrogen:

  • estradiol;
  • estriol;
  • estrone (or folliculin).

They play the main role in ensuring the sexual characteristics of a woman. It is thanks to estrogens that a beautiful figure, clean tender skin, and a soft voice are formed. This is the effect of "beauty hormones".

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    The value of the hormone for the female body

    The main purpose of estrogens is the formation of sexual characteristics according to the female type and ensuring reproductive function.

    Their active production begins during puberty. Under the influence of estrogens, secondary sexual characteristics develop:

    • hairline appears under the armpits, on the pubis;
    • mammary glands grow;
    • the uterus develops, menstruation begins.

    Estrogens are responsible for preparing the female body for motherhood, for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. In adulthood, in women, the regularity of menstruation, sexual desire and general well-being depend on estrogens.

    In addition to affecting reproductive function, estrogens are responsible for the formation of bone tissue and are a natural defense against osteoporosis. Growth also depends on their number in adolescence. A high level of estrogen leads to an early closure of the growth zones in the tubular bones, as a result, the girl remains low.

    Under the influence of these hormones, the exchange of certain minerals, salts is formed, fluid retention in the body depends on them, as well as the state of the blood coagulation system.

    Estrogens have an anti-sclerotic effect: they reduce the level of total and "bad" cholesterol, protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis. This explains why women before menopause are less likely to have a stroke or heart attack.

    Deficiency symptoms

    In a teenage girl, a lack of estrogen is characterized by a slowdown in puberty: sexual characteristics appear later, the onset of menstruation is delayed, the girl is taller, has long arms and legs.

    In young women, the deficiency of sex hormones is manifested by the inability to become pregnant. Other symptoms of hormone deficiency:

    • violation of the menstrual cycle;
    • painful periods;
    • irritability;
    • swelling;
    • pain in the mammary glands;
    • change in appetite;
    • sleep disturbance.

    In adulthood, a decrease in hormone synthesis leads to menopause. Her symptoms are as follows:

    • Periods begin to come irregularly, then completely stop.
    • A woman may suffer from excessive sweating, from "hot flashes".
    • Libido decreases, problems with sexual life begin.
    • The release of lubrication is reduced, which leads to painful sensations during sexual contact.
    • Increased nervousness, tantrums, insomnia, constant fatigue.

    Manifestations of atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteoporosis often accompany natural menopause. Also, these symptoms almost always occur in young women with low estrogen levels, for example, after surgery to remove one or both ovaries.

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    Causes of the phenomenon

    In addition to oophorectomy surgery, some genetic diseases, thyroid diseases, radiation and chemotherapy can lead to problems with the production of sex hormones in young women.

    Very often, a lack of a hormone is observed in girls who are on a diet. In an effort to lose weight, they limit their intake of fats, and sometimes completely remove them from their diet. But cholesterol is the basis for the production of all body hormones. As a result, not only skin problems appear - dryness, sagging, acne, but menstruation may also stop.

    Too much physical activity can lead to disruption of hormone production. Overwork or excessive training, especially during puberty, can lead to very unpleasant consequences in women, including infertility. If a woman has long used oral contraceptives, which include estradiol, the body can become "lazy" and reduce the production of its own hormones.

    Due to the rejection of animal food - a source of fat - problems with hormonal insufficiency often occur in vegetarians. Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction lead to a reduction in hormone production, so women with addiction to bad habits age earlier than those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

    In women over 40 years of age, the cause of the lack of sex hormones is age-related changes. Under their influence, the activity of the uterus and ovaries, which produce estrogen, is reduced - this is how menopause begins, menstruation stops.

    Negative consequences

    Delayed sexual development, weak skeleton - the consequences of a lack of estrogen in puberty. The main danger posed by the lack of estrogen for women is infertility. Even if pregnancy has come, it can be interrupted at different times, because the elasticity of the muscles of the uterus also depends on the hormonal background.

    Lack of hormones negatively affects the state of the entire system of reproductive organs. Mastopathy, endometriosis, fibroids, uterine prolapse, ovarian cysts - this is not a complete list of diseases that can be caused by hormonal imbalances.

    The risk of developing tumor diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, myocardial infarction, and osteoporosis increases. A very unpleasant consequence is the drying up of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and especially the vagina (this entails not only problems with sex, but also causes involuntary urination).

    Of great importance for women is the fact that the body devoid of hormonal support ages. The skin becomes dry, flabby, wrinkled, papillomas appear on it.

    How to restore the level?

    Treatment of a reduced level of the hormone is carried out by prescribing replacement therapy. Now there are many drugs containing hormones. Depending on the specific circumstances, the doctor may prescribe Premarin, Gemafemin or Proginova. For complex treatment, drugs containing vitamin E are also prescribed.

    Taking pills is the most convenient way to deal with the lack of female hormones. There are also preparations in the form of patches, gels, creams, subcutaneous implants and vaginal suppositories are used.

    Increasingly, drugs and biologically active additives (BAA) containing plant extracts with an estrogen-like effect, as well as pantohematogen produced from the blood of a female deer, are increasingly used to restore hormonal balance.

    Hormone replacement therapy is possible only under medical and laboratory supervision, taking into account contraindications, which are violations of the liver and hematopoiesis, hypertension, tumor processes.

    Traditional medicine methods

    Herbalists mainly use the beneficial properties of medicinal plants containing phytoestrogens. Herbs are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, teas. Hops, sage, raspberries (leaves), mountain ash (fruits), red clover, red brush, plantain, hibiscus and others are useful.

    Of course, making and drinking delicious and healthy herbal tea is a pleasant way to increase estrogen levels, but a few rules must be strictly observed:

    1. 1. Drink tea with herbs in cycles: a month of admission - a month of rest.
    2. 2. Stop taking if warning symptoms appear.
    3. 3. When using oral contraceptives, teas are contraindicated.
    4. 4. In no case should you drink an infusion of boron uterus herbs - it reduces the level of estrogen.
    5. You can not exclude meat, milk, dairy products from the diet. The fats contained in them provide the necessary material for the production of hormones. These foods will help the body restore its own production of estrogen.

      You can eat vegetables and fruits rich in phytoestrogens. Nuts, soybeans, beans, peas, all types of cabbage, apples, pomegranates, dates, flaxseeds, pumpkins, carrots, tomatoes, green tea are just a small part of the list of these products. Soy is considered a "female" product that compensates for the lack of estrogen, but it is advisable for men to limit its use.

      A varied and vitamin-rich menu will help maintain a healthy hormonal background of the body. Estrogens are hormones responsible for youth, health and beauty of the female body. The lack of such important substances must be replenished in order to feel like a woman for many years - beautiful and desirable.

Female hormones are special substances that affect not only the course of processes associated with childbirth, but also the general health of a woman. From the very beginning of sexual development, estrogens influence the formation of a figure, the condition of the skin and other signs that determine the external attractiveness and even the character of a woman. With age, when the body ages and the reproductive function weakens, symptoms of estrogen deficiency appear. In some cases, to eliminate emerging ailments, it is enough to maintain normal hormonal levels.

  1. Estradiol, predominant in the body of a woman, from the period of maturation to the onset of menopause. It is produced mainly in the ovaries, and also (in a small amount) in the adrenal glands, adipose tissue, liver.
  2. Estrone is the main estrogen during the postmenopausal period. Its main source at this time is adipose tissue. In women of reproductive age, it is produced in the follicles, liver and adrenal glands. In the second phase of the cycle, along with progesterone, it is involved in the processes of preparing the body for pregnancy.
  3. Estriol - synthesized by the placenta during pregnancy.

The production of these substances is directly related to the content of pituitary hormones in the body - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).

The functions of estrogens in the body of a woman

Sex hormones ensure the functioning of the reproductive system, and are also involved in the synthesis of proteins and other components necessary for the development of various tissues, the normal functioning of organs. Due to their influence, pathological processes in the body are prevented.

The deterioration of health during menopause (the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, osteoporosis, genitourinary disorders and other specific signs of aging) occurs as a result of a significant decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood.

They are required for the following processes:

  • stimulation of the development and functioning of the genital organs and mammary glands;
  • the implementation of cyclic processes of renewal of the endometrium in the uterus, its normal growth and rejection during menstruation;
  • development of the body according to the female type (breast growth, roundness of forms due to the deposition of adipose tissue, lack of hair on the face, chest and abdomen, elasticity and softness of the skin);
  • regulation of blood clotting, so that in a healthy woman, menstruation does not turn into bleeding (heavy and too long periods are always a sign of pathology);
  • proportional development of bones;
  • ensuring the normal state of blood vessels, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques by regulating fat metabolism;
  • regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • the absorption of nutrients from food, necessary for the growth and renewal of cells in various tissues, including dental, nail and mucous membrane tissues.

Note: It has been noticed that alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction occurs faster in women than in men due to the fact that an insignificant part of estrogen is produced in the brain, affecting the corresponding centers. Normal levels of these hormones improve memory, mood, and learning ability.

Video: The role of female sex hormones in the body

Symptoms of insufficient estrogen production

If, as a result of any pathology, the production of estrogens changes, this leads to a disruption in the functioning of various body systems, poor health, and also affects the appearance of a woman. The lack of these hormones in the body of a young girl leads to disorders in the development of the uterus and ovaries, which subsequently affect the childbearing ability. If their level has decreased after the onset of puberty, then the girl's breasts may decrease. The cycle is broken, menstruation can completely stop.

In adulthood, a lack of female estrogen hormones can lead to vaginal dryness (a disruption in the production of mucus that protects its surface from damage). The result of this is the appearance of a chronic inflammatory process in the vagina. A decrease in the production of mucus, which creates a plug in the cervix that protects the internal genital organs from infection, leads to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. Vaginal dryness causes painful intercourse, weakening sexual desire.

If the level is greatly reduced, then a woman cannot become pregnant even in the absence of other deviations in reproductive health. A decrease in the content of estrogen affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which leads to an unreasonable change in mood, the appearance of depression. The condition of the skin worsens, dryness appears, red spots form. Hair becomes brittle and dull, their loss intensifies. The structure of the nail tissue changes, the teeth are destroyed.

Pain in bones and joints. Due to insufficient absorption of calcium, osteoporosis occurs. The thermoregulation of the body is disturbed, due to which hot flashes appear with increased sweating. Memory deteriorates, absent-mindedness appears.

Hormone deficiency is indicated by the appearance of warts in a woman or several moles at once within a short period of time (for example, 15 new moles appear within 1 year). With such hormonal disorders, a woman has fluctuations in blood pressure, there is a feeling of constant fatigue, sleep is disturbed, and cardiac arrhythmia worries.

All these signs are especially evident during menopause, when they are the norm. But due to hormonal imbalance, they also occur in young women. Menstrual irregularities (irregular cycles, painful periods) are a characteristic symptom of estrogen deficiency at a young age. After 40 years, irregular periods are a natural phenomenon, indicating the gradual completion of the reproductive processes in the body.

Addition: The presence of individual signs of deviations does not always indicate hypoestrogenism. Pathological conditions of the body also occur for other reasons, therefore, an analysis of hormones is required to confirm the lack of estrogen in the body.

Video: The effect of estrogens on the appearance and mood of a woman

Causes of estrogen deficiency

The main reason for the abnormal decrease in the content of hormones is a violation of their production in the ovaries. This can happen as a result of the following factors:

  • age-related changes in the structure of the ovaries;
  • inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the uterine appendages;
  • disruption of the pituitary gland, leading to a decrease in the production of FSH and LH.

Diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, too active sports (gymnastics, ballet, swimming, figure skating) can contribute to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. As a result of heavy physical activity in the body of a woman, the production of testosterone, a male sex hormone that suppresses the production of estrogen, increases.

The presence of bad habits also leads to the suppression of the production of female hormones. In the body, changes occur according to the male type: the figure becomes angular, the voice coarsens. Unhealthy diet has a negative effect on the production of estrogen. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of female hormones. If products containing it are completely excluded from the diet (for example, a woman adheres to a purely vegetarian diet), then the production of hormones may be insufficient.

Estrogens are synthesized with the participation of enzymes, which include iron. Therefore, a decrease in the level of these hormones contributes to the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. Starvation or unbalanced nutrition leads to a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue in the body, and due to this, the content of estrogens decreases. This is exactly what happens with anorexia.

Sometimes the level of sex hormones is influenced by a heredity factor, for example, the presence of Turner's syndrome, in which a woman has low growth, external signs of femininity are poorly developed, and there is no menstruation.

To confirm the diagnosis of estrogen deficiency, a blood test is performed for the content of estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormone. If there are signs of gene abnormalities, chromosomal testing is prescribed.

Treatment for estrogen deficiency

Methods of treatment depend on the age of the woman, the cause of hormonal abnormalities. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the pathologies that caused the violation.

It is recommended to improve nutrition by including plant foods containing phytoestrogens in the diet (dishes from legumes, linseed oil, cabbage, meat, coffee, and others). To replenish the supply of useful substances, synthetic multivitamin complexes containing iron and other necessary elements are prescribed. Hormone replacement therapy drugs are also used.

Such treatment is necessarily prescribed in cases where there is a violation of sexual development, there are no periods, with early menopause, after surgical removal of the ovaries, in case of obvious signs of osteoporosis. This method is often used to alleviate the symptoms of a severe menopause. Hormonal preparations are used in the form of tablets, patches, gels, vaginal suppositories, subcutaneous implants.

Hormone therapy is carried out only after a thorough examination for hormones and general health and is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since the improper use of such drugs can cause serious complications (the development of cardiovascular diseases, the formation of tumors).

Health ecology: Estrogen is essential for the proper functioning of the body. When all hormones are balanced, the body works as it should, but with an excess of hormones, various problems arise. Despite the fact that estrogen is known as the "female" hormone, its excess negatively affects men as well.

Why Excess Estrogen Occurs

Estrogen is essential for the proper functioning of the body. When all hormones are balanced, the body works as it should, but with an excess of hormones, various problems arise. Despite the fact that estrogen is known as the "female" hormone, its excess negatively affects men as well.

In women, estrogen is produced in the ovaries, and in pathological conditions, it is often produced by fat cells, the placenta, liver, adrenal glands, brain, and muscles. It is responsible for the menstrual cycle, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and even bone formation.

Together with calcium and vitamin D, it restores bones, so its level decreases significantly with age.

Estrogen also affects the thickness and strength of the vaginal walls, blood clotting, stimulates the production of vaginal lubrication and many other bodily functions, affecting the pelvic muscles, hair and skin.

Throughout life, a woman's hormonal levels are constantly changing.: From puberty to pregnancy to menopause. A decrease in estrogen production occurs with the onset of menopause, leading to symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and loss of sex drive.

What happens when the body produces too much estrogen?

Possible causes of excess estrogen:

Estrogen levels rise with the onset of puberty and pregnancy. But sometimes excess estrogen appears in the normal period of life.

There are only two reasons for the accumulation of estrogen in the body: either the body itself produces too much of it, or we get it from the environment and food.

If estrogen levels are high compared to other hormones, then the condition is often referred to as estrogen dominance because one hormone dominates the others. A common disorder is estrogen dominance over progesterone, another hormone that also regulates the menstrual cycle.

Surprisingly, the accumulation of excess estrogen is not too difficult to explain, since we are constantly exposed to estrogen-like compounds in foods containing toxic pesticides, herbicides, and growth hormones.

Many of the everyday household products we use, including plastics such as BPA, detergents, cosmetics, furniture and carpeting, contain endocrine disruptors, chemicals that mimic estrogen.

These toxins lead to weight gain, which serves as an incentive to produce more estrogen from our own fat cells.

Pharmaceutical hormones that are used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) also lead to excess estrogen, whether we take them ourselves or drink them from drinking water.

Be aware that there are also foods that are high in certain types of phytoestrogens, such as soy.

There are other causes of excess estrogen, including:

    Excessive alcohol consumption;




    High blood pressure;


    Heart diseases.

With all this in mind, it's no surprise that the alarming rates of estrogen dominance in recent statistics show that more than 50% of women aged 35 and over suffer from excess estrogen.

Let's look at some signs of estrogen dominance:

1) You are gaining weight, although you have not changed your lifestyle

You don't overeat, you don't lie on the couch all day. But you still gain weight for no reason, especially in the pelvic area - this is one of the main symptoms of excess estrogen.

You also often suffer from bloating and cannot lose weight even if you significantly cut calories, eat healthy food and exercise regularly. All this is because the body cannot balance the hormonal background, because only then will you lose weight and be able to maintain your ideal weight.

2) You have an irregular menstrual cycle

There are many reasons why menstruation comes early or late, and high estrogen levels are one of them. If your cycle is always on schedule and suddenly becomes erratic (except during pregnancy), it may be due to excess estrogen.

The menstrual period is carefully controlled by hormones and with an increase in the level of one beyond the norm, the whole process goes astray.

3) Your breasts are too sensitive or swollen

Many women experience breast changes during their monthly cycle and also during pregnancy. The breast is very sensitive to hormonal changes. If your breasts are sore, especially around the nipples and front of your breasts, or if you notice that they are more swollen than usual, then you need to check your estrogen levels.

4) Mammary glands hurt

With an excess of estrogen and a low level of progesterone, the breast acquires the so-called fibrocystic condition. It becomes sensitive and even painful, usually on the upper or side of the chest. With these signs, immediately consult a doctor to avoid the appearance of a tumor and other changes in the breast.

5) You are too emotional

Estrogen affects many systems in our body. Mental state and emotions are no exception. You probably experienced imbalance and agitation during PMS. Such drastic mood changes are due to hormones. With an excess of estrogen, women experience depression, panic attacks, anxiety, inexplicable anger, and more.

6) You have frequent headaches

Women are more prone to headaches and migraines due to their reproductive system and fluctuating estrogen levels. With a strong deviation of estrogen from progesterone, headaches often develop.

Many factors influence the development of headaches, including genetics and diet, but in women, excess estrogen is a major contributing factor to chronic headaches and menstrual migraines.

Before puberty, migraines occur approximately equally in both boys and girls, but after puberty they occur with a frequency of 3:1 towards girls.

7) Your hair is falling out

Many people think that men are more prone to hair loss, but this is not true. With an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone, women lose hair no less than men. But do not rush to blame hormones for everything. It all depends on how much hair you have lost and for how long.

Noticeable hair loss depends on a number of factors: genetic predisposition, lifestyle, diet, and overall health, whether or not you take steps to address the problem.

8) "Girl's Memory"

Do you know this funny expression? If you notice that your memory fails much more often than before, for example, often losing your car keys, leaving your phone at work, then this may be the fault of estrogen.

Low estrogen levels are often linked to Alzheimer's disease and memory loss, but scientists have found that excess estrogen also leads to memory difficulties, although the exact cause of this phenomenon is not yet known.

9) You suffer from insomnia

Estrogen is a stimulant for the brain, in fact, this hormone can be considered an exotoxin. Therefore, women who take a lot of estrogen experience terrible depression and insomnia after abruptly stopping the intake.

One of the signs of excess estrogen in women is the inability to stop, whether it's work, sports, or just talking.

Even moderate estrogen dominance causes sleep problems, because an excess of this hormone reduces the production of melatonin. So if you have a lot of estrogen and not enough progesterone (a hormone that helps to calm down), then you are guaranteed insomnia.

10) You feel exhausted

Lack of sleep easily leads to feeling completely exhausted. Of course, in such a busy world, with many of us facing a long list of responsibilities each day, many get tired, but that doesn't always mean estrogen dominance.

If you notice that you get tired much more often than usual, you experience some of the other symptoms that we talked about, you may indeed have excess estrogen.

Know that estrogen dominance increases the risk of serious medical problems, including high blood pressure, depression, uterine, breast and endometrial cancer, and endometriosis.

Another important detail: the level of estrogen must be monitored from time to time, because its level fluctuates constantly.

What can we do to bring estrogen back to normal?

    Limit your alcohol intake.

Since the liver is responsible for the metabolism of estrogen, it must be carefully taken care of. Alcohol impairs liver function, which can cause estrogen to build up.

Drinking more than one alcoholic drink a day in women increases the risk of breast cancer.

    Eat organic foods.

Non-organic foods contain a variety of pesticides and chemicals, including those that act like estrogen in the body or endocrine disruptors. Buy natural products more often so that your body does not absorb hormones, antibiotics and chemicals.

    Eat more fiber.

Insoluble fiber binds to excess estrogen in the digestive tract and is then excreted from the body. Fiber also influences the composition of gut bacteria and reduces the accumulation and re-absorption of free-floating estrogen. Good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dried beans.

    Eat more probiotics.

An imbalance of healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, and "bad" or unhealthy bacteria can not only compromise digestion, but also prevent excess estrogen from being properly removed from the body in the digestive tract.

Eat more probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, and kombucha, or take a probiotic supplement.

    Weak phytoestrogenic foods.

These foods counteract the effect of excess estrogen: flaxseed, oats, barley, pears, berries, and apples.

    Follow a balanced diet.

All essential vitamins and minerals help balance hormone levels. The body needs adequate amounts of vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc, and several other nutrients to support normal hormone levels and the functioning of the enzymes that balance testosterone and estrogen.

    Essential oil of rosemary.

It is believed that this oil can control estrogen levels by stimulating blood flow to the brain, encouraging proper thyroid function, and boosting the immune system.

This powerful antioxidant stimulates hair growth, improves memory, and eases muscle pain, which means it can combat some of the symptoms of estrogen dominance as well.

100% pure rosemary oil even affects the inert estrogen hormones. Rutgers University experts evaluated the effects of rosemary extract in laboratory mice and found that a diet with 2% rosemary oil increased liver microsomal oxidation and glucuronidation, a process associated with xenobiotic metabolism.

This was especially reflected in estradiol and estrone in the uterus. Estradiol is considered an aggressive form of estrogen.

    Avoid exposure to xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens mimic the effects of estrogen and are found in cosmetics, plastics, birth control pills, and other products. Limit your exposure to these harmful substances.

    Control stress.

Excessive stress leads to higher production of estrogen in the body. Stress decreases progesterone and increases the stress hormone cortisol, which often leads to an excess of estrogen. published

Estrogen is a hormone that is present in a woman's body in small amounts, but plays a huge role in maintaining her health. In the body of men, estrogen is also produced, but in much smaller quantities. Genetic disorders, heredity, or certain diseases can interfere with the production of estrogen in the body and lead to its deficiency. Estrogen deficiency negatively affects sexual development and sexual function, and also increases the risk of obesity, heart and vascular disease, and osteoporosis.

What are the main functions of estrogen?

  • During the menstrual cycle, as well as early in pregnancy, estrogen controls the growth of the endometrium.
  • Responsible for the sexual development of girls when they enter puberty.
  • Regulates cholesterol levels.
  • Plays a role in maintaining bone density.
  • Promotes the change and growth of breast tissue during puberty and during pregnancy.
  • Regulates appetite, weight, glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity.

What are the symptoms of a lack of estrogen?

Most often, girls who have not reached puberty, that is, the age of puberty, and women whose age is approaching menopause, suffer from a lack of estrogen. But estrogen deficiency can happen at any other age.

The most common symptoms of estrogen deficiency are:

  • Painful intercourse due to insufficient vaginal hydration.
  • Frequent cases of urinary tract infections due to atrophy of the urethra.
  • Irregular or absent menstruation (amenorrhea).
  • Mood swings.
  • Hot flashes (sudden sensation of heat).
  • Painful tenderness of the chest.
  • The onset or intensification of migraine attacks.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Prostration.

Another manifestation of insufficient estrogen production is bone fragility and fragility. This is due to the fact that estrogen deficiency leads to a decrease in bone density and the development of osteoporosis. Estrogen in "collaboration" with vitamin D, magnesium, calcium and other minerals strengthens bones. With a deficiency of estrogen, the work of the entire vitamin-mineral complex is disrupted.

And, of course, if the lack of estrogen is not treated, then it leads to infertility in women.

Estrogen is produced primarily by a woman's ovaries. Therefore, any disorders that somehow affect the ovaries are reflected in the production of estrogen. What factors can negatively affect estrogen production? At a young age (up to 40 years) it is:

  • Increased physical activity, including sports.
  • Eating disorders such as starvation, overly restrictive diets, malnutrition, and anorexia.
  • Decreased function of the pituitary gland.
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Ovarian exhaustion (premature ovarian failure), which, in turn, can be the result of both genetic defects and toxic poisoning or various kinds of autoimmune diseases (for example, affecting thyroid function).

In women over the age of 40, a drop in estrogen levels may be a sign of impending menopause. This period of time is called perimenopause. During this period of time, the ovaries still produce estrogen, but in a smaller amount. Over time, estrogen production will gradually decline even more until menopause. Once the ovaries stop producing estrogen, menopause is considered to have occurred.

Women with a family history of hormonal problems, and in particular cases of ovarian cysts, are also at risk.

How is estrogen deficiency diagnosed?

Early diagnosis of estrogen deficiency, especially at a young age, allows timely treatment and prevention of serious health and reproductive problems.

If you have several symptoms of estrogen deficiency, you should contact your gynecologist. Of particular concern are: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and irregular menstruation. The sooner you start treatment, the more health complications you can avoid in the future. Be ready to list all the disturbing symptoms and answer the question about possible hereditary problems with hormones, for which it is better to ask your closest female relatives about them in advance. Most likely, the doctor will perform a physical examination and order blood tests to measure your hormone levels. The most revealing analyzes for the levels of estrone and estradiol.

In some cases, a doctor may order a brain scan to look for pathological changes that may disrupt the endocrine system.

Hormone therapy helps women with low estrogen levels. It comes in several forms and varies by age.

estrogen therapy

Women aged 25 to 50 suffering from estrogen deficiency are usually prescribed high-dose estrogen therapy. This therapy corrects the resulting hormonal imbalance and reduces the risk of associated disorders such as decreased bone density, bone fragility and cardiovascular disease. The specific dose will depend on the severity of the hormonal imbalance and the way the medications are used.

Estrogen may be given:

  • oral
  • Outwardly
  • Vaginally
  • By injection

In some cases, long-term estrogen therapy is required even after estrogen levels return to normal. The dose of estrogen prescribed is usually lowered so as not to interfere with the natural production of estrogen. Long-term estrogen therapy is given primarily to women nearing menopause who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and ovaries). In most other cases, the duration of estrogen therapy should not exceed 1-2 years, due to the increased risk of certain types of cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy is designed to increase the body's natural hormonal levels. As a rule, HRT is prescribed to women during the perimenopausal period, when the level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drops sharply. HRT helps bring hormonal imbalance back to its previous level. In this case, as in the case of estrogen therapy, hormones can enter the body both through oral or external, and in the form of vaginal agents or by injection.

Hormone replacement therapy, depending on the diagnosis, may vary in dose, duration of use and combinations of hormones. But, as with estrogen therapy, it is recommended to limit its duration to about two years due to the increasing risks of cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, stroke, and breast cancer.

Despite the possible risks, there is no reason to refuse any hormone therapy at all. Science does not stand still, and over the years, hormone therapy has become safer and more effective.

Estrogen deficiency and excess weight: is there a relationship?

Sex hormones, including estrogen, affect the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Estrogen is involved in the regulation of glucose levels and lipid metabolism. Therefore, with a decrease in estrogen levels, excess weight gain is possible.

Doctors believe that, among other things, because of this, women who enter the menopause are gaining excess weight. Which, in turn, carries the risks of metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

In this case, both hormone therapy and a balanced diet and regular exercise help not to gain excess weight.

Today we will talk about estrogen - the female sex hormone, on the production of which many processes in the body of a woman depend. Of course, we will discuss on the site the signs of a lack and excess of estrogen, the causes of these conditions and tell you what to do, how to be treated so that the hormonal background returns to normal.

The human body produces a large number of different hormones. With their balanced work, systems and organs work like clockwork. With an excess or deficiency of any hormone, health problems begin, exacerbation of chronic and the emergence of new diseases.

Estrogen hormones (estradiol, estriol, estrone) should normally be produced by the ovaries in the body of every woman of childbearing age from the onset of puberty to menopause.

The production of the hormone estrogen in women (for convenience, they were combined by one name) begins in the first days of the menstrual cycle by the ovaries. Its role in the work of the female body is very large. It is responsible for physical, emotional and mental development. It controls the cycle of menstruation, affects the level of blood clotting, the structure and strength of bones, skin, hair.

In adolescence, this sex hormone forms secondary sexual characteristics and the structure of the organs responsible for childbearing.

Physiological change in estrogen levels with age

Under the influence of various reasons, improper production of estrogen occurs. It begins to be produced by the placenta, brain, fat cells, adrenal glands, liver and muscles. It is possible to determine the cause of pathologies associated with the production of estrogen only by laboratory and diagnostic methods.

Excess estrogen (hyperestrogenism)

Increased production of the hormone estrogen, which is not considered a pathology, is observed in adolescence during puberty and during pregnancy. In other cases, there is either excessive consumption of it with food, or increased production by the body.

Reasons for high estrogen levels

  1. Toxic substances found in food, dishes, detergents (hormone mimics, pesticides, herbicides, etc.). They lead to an increase in body weight, which contributes to the active production of estrogen by fat cells.
  2. Medicines containing this hormone.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, the presence of diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Regular stressful situations, nervous strain.
  6. Alcoholism.
  7. Eating foods containing a large amount of phytoestrogens (apples, grapes, fish oil, sage, etc.).
  8. Age over 35-40 years.
  9. Neoplasms of the ovaries or other organs that begin independent production of the hormone.
  10. Chronic diseases of the endocrine and reproductive system.
  11. Eating disorders.
  12. Incorrect work of the adrenal glands.
  13. Inflammation of the pituitary gland.
  14. Lack of regular sex life.

None of the above reasons is a guarantee of illness. This is just a factor that increases the risk of pathology.

Symptoms of high estrogen in a woman's blood

The severity of the clinical manifestations of hormonal failure of any type depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Due to the increase in estrogen levels, changes occur in many vital systems.

  1. The breast becomes denser, the nipples become rough and become sensitive, which brings discomfort.
  2. There is a dull pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Happens.
  4. Increases weight in the absence of high-calorie food.
  5. Hair becomes dull, falls out easily, nails exfoliate.
  6. On the skin of the face.
  7. Nausea and vomiting often occur after eating. Diarrhea or constipation may occur.
  8. Difficulty conceiving a child.
  9. and concentration.
  10. Fatigue, weakness, poor sleep.
  11. Unreasonable nervousness or apathy, the occurrence of depression, possibly panic attacks.
  12. Frequent .

If symptoms are ignored, the condition can lead to chronic infertility, obesity, thyroid disease, thromboembolism, osteoporosis, limb cramps, mental disorders, and breast cancer.

Treatment of increased estrogen in the female body

Therapy is selected individually, regardless of the type of estrogenic disorders. The doctor is based on the severity of the pathology, concomitant diseases and diagnostic data.

Medical treatment.

  • Antiestrogenic agents suppress excessive hormone production. Drugs should be taken with caution, avoiding overdose. Clomiphene, tamoxifen, mastodinone, femara.
  • Intestinal bacteria to restore microflora. This contributes to the removal of excess hormone.
  • Bifidumbacterin, biovestin, gastrofarm, enterol, bioflor.
  • Diet. It consists in limiting harmful foods and foods containing estrogen.
  • It is necessary to limit the use or completely exclude strong alcohol, beer, coffee, sausages, canned foods, dairy products. Cow's milk is recommended to be replaced with rice, coconut.
  • The diet should be dominated by natural fruits and vegetables, fiber (seeds, nuts, vegetables), folic acid, B vitamins, foods high in sulfur (chicken egg yolk, garlic, onions, citruses).

Surgery is to remove the ovaries. In most cases, it is used in women in menopause or in the futility of other treatments. Surgical methods include ovarian ablation and oophorectomy.

Ovarian ablation is the effect of radiation on the ovaries. At the moment, this method is used extremely rarely.

Oophorectomy is the removal of the ovaries. May be partial or complete. Indications for carrying out are various inflammatory processes or neoplasms. Most often, the operation is prescribed for women aged about 50 years or with a hereditary predisposition.

lack of estrogen

After the removal of the ovaries, uterus, or when a woman reaches the menopause period, a decrease in the production of the described hormone is a natural phenomenon. In other cases, this process is considered a pathology.

Causes of estrogen deficiency

  1. Diseases of the pituitary gland, necrosis of its individual parts.
  2. The presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  3. Sudden weight loss.
  4. Diet with a lack of iron and cholesterol and an overabundance of vegetarian food.
  5. Physical inactivity.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Overdose or misuse of nootropics, hormonal drugs, antidepressants, testosterone.
  8. Age changes.
  9. Excessive power loads.

Symptoms of a lack of estrogen in women

  1. The size of the breast decreases, the shape changes.
  2. Hair and nails become dull, brittle, dry.
  3. The skin flakes, changes color, premature wrinkles appear.
  4. The amount of natural lubrication in the vagina is drastically reduced, leading to dryness and discomfort during intercourse.
  5. Infertility.
  6. Change in thermoregulation (a woman suddenly feels changes in cold and heat).
  7. Osteoporosis appears.
  8. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular, accompanied by strong.
  9. Attention and memory weaken.
  10. Pain in the region of the heart.
  11. Irritability, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances.
  12. Weakness, fatigue.
  13. Hair growth intensifies in the male pattern - on the white line of the abdomen, on the chin and upper lip, armpits, near the nipples.
  14. In young women, a decrease in the size of the uterus may occur.
  15. Prolonged estrogen deficiency can lead to a violation of the composition and strength of bones, osteochondrosis, loss of sensation in the fingers on all limbs, frequent muscle pain, and chronic fatigue.

Forms for vaginal administration are the safest, but less effective.
Subcutaneous implants are changed on average once every 6 months and release the active substance directly into the blood.
Injections have the fastest effect.
Hormoplex, Proginova, Ovidon, Ovestin, Mercilon, Janet.

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