Nutrition for athletes. sports diet


Eat more protein: 2-3 g per kilogram of body weight.
Protein Sources:

  • Chicken breasts, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit.
  • Eggs chicken, quail.
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk).
  • Fat-free fish (tuna, pollock, hake).

Fats should be 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight. You get them from animal products, or separately, a tablespoon of linseed oil and other unrefined types. And also a source of fats are nuts and seeds. They can be added to breakfast, and the oil can be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

Thus, you will consume no more than 10% of your calories as fat, possibly less. Because of this, you don't need to track your fat intake. If you're on a high protein diet all the time, all you have to do is adjust your carb intake, looking in the mirror will tell you if you need it or not.

When it comes to nutrition before and after training, it is important calculate ratio BJU for your weight, and break it down into 4-5 meals throughout the day. Your task is to saturate the body with long-lasting carbohydrates for energy and proteins, the same thing - you must close it, otherwise the muscles have nothing to increase their volumes and they will simply collapse.

Menu for an athlete for a week

Regardless of whether you have a training day or a day off, example of pre-workout nutrition can be a full snack no later than 16.00. Example "after training" suitable for a late, or last meal.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 10–20 g walnuts; skimmed milk.
  2. Snack: whole grain toast with turkey or chicken, low-fat cheese, 1 apple.
  3. Lunch: chicken breast, baked potato, glass of milk, 1 piece of fruit (peach).
  4. Pre-Workout: Fruit smoothie (1 cup fresh fruit and ½ cup juice), cereal bar.
  5. After training: a protein shake with milk or cottage cheese, bread.


  1. Breakfast: whole wheat porridge with low-fat milk and berries.
  2. Snack: cottage cheese with honey and walnuts.
  3. Lunch: beef steak, potatoes, asparagus, low-fat milk.
  4. Before training: fruits or juices, cottage cheese.
  5. Post workout: low-fat yogurt, eggs, crispbread.


  1. Breakfast: 2 whole eggs and 3 proteins, whole grain bread, tomato, low fat milk.
  2. Snack: chicken, carrot, cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar, 1 fruit.
  3. Lunch: cereals (buckwheat), baked fish, vegetable salad.
  4. Before workout: banana, glass of milk.
  5. Post workout: rice, vegetable and seafood salad.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in milk with banana and raisins.
  2. Snack: chicken or turkey meat, vegetable salad, 1 fruit (grapefruit, orange).
  3. Lunch: steamed fish rice, pineapple, a glass of low-fat milk.
  4. Before workout: banana, raisins.
  5. After training: milk, cottage cheese (or).


  1. Breakfast: wheat groats with banana and milk.
  2. Snack: salad with tuna and vegetables, 1 fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  3. Lunch: buckwheat with chicken, vegetables.
  4. Pre-Workout: Whole wheat porridge with fruit.
  5. After training: kefir or fermented baked milk, eggs with vegetables and herbs.


  1. Breakfast: 2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites scrambled eggs with vegetables, low fat milk.
  2. Snack: vegetable and seafood salad, 1 fruit (pineapple).
  3. Lunch: boiled beef, rice, fresh vegetables.
  4. Pre workout: cereal bar, fruit salad.
  5. After training: fish (hake, pollock) with vegetables, kefir.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, milk.
  2. Snack: fruit, toast with low-fat cheese.
  3. Lunch: brown rice with steamed vegetables.
  4. Pre-Workout: A small tofu bun.
  5. After training: eggs, meat with fresh vegetables, kefir.


Proper nutrition for athletes plays no less important role than the training itself. How you work out your workout depends on what you eat. But also post-workout nutrition, you will not progress in growth if your diet is deficient in nutrients. Nutrition for muscle gain should be high-calorie, first of all, carbohydrates predominate in it. During the period of drying, or simply weight loss, carbohydrates are significantly removed, which leads to a calorie deficit, therefore, the body takes energy from subcutaneous fat. Therefore, a lot depends on the athlete's menu, the wrong diet can only hurt you. Set goals and work towards them the right way.

Athletes and people who do not devote their free time to training have different nutritional needs. The difference is due to several factors. Athletes expend much more energy than office workers or even factory workers. High energy costs are not the only reason for the athlete's special nutritional requirements.

Increased physical activity affects the athlete's body in such a way that it begins to work in a more intense "mode". To restore the energy expended during training, maintain good physical shape and perform exercises, sports nutrition should be high in calories, natural, and varied.

The correct distribution of physical activity and the restoration of the forces expended at the same time are the main guarantee of success in achieving high sports results. Energy costs cannot be replenished without the consumption of properly selected foods. Food serves as both a source of energy and material for cell reproduction.

Products for the athlete's diet

The main thing to consider is that the food for the athlete must perform a number of specific tasks, and is not solely a source of satisfaction of hunger. Products on the bodybuilder's menu must meet the following requirements:

  1. Supply the body with all the necessary nutrients, micro and macro elements, vitamins, calories

The caloric value directly depends on the athletic goals of the athlete.

  1. Contribute to the normalization and activation of metabolic processes occurring in the body

Natural additives and active biological substances fully meet this quality.

  1. Regulate body weight

Weight depends on your goals. At some stages of training, the mass should decrease, at others it should increase, and in some cases it should be maintained unchanged.

  1. Change morphological parameters

This property allows you to build muscle mass, and fat deposits, on the contrary, reduce.

The importance of good nutrition for an athlete

Training requires the athlete to expend a huge amount of energy both to perform physical activity and to maintain the most important functions for life. This is the work of the heart muscle, respiratory and digestive systems. This is due to the fact that during intensive training, both muscles and internal organs work in an enhanced mode.

If the body does not receive enough nutrients and nutrients, then this will first lead to an energy imbalance, and then to exhaustion. To avoid this, the athlete needs to pay increased attention to his daily diet. It should be as balanced as possible, fully replenish the expended energy, consist of healthy natural products of animal and vegetable origin.

Sports diet

The formation of the menu depends on both individual and general requirements. The first include the physical characteristics of the athlete, sports discipline, loads, and the second, independent of discipline and other factors, is the qualitative composition of the athlete's diet, which should contain foods rich in macro- and microelements.

According to the qualitative composition, proper nutrition for an athlete should be close to the formula: 30% proteins, 60% carbohydrates, 10% fats.

The use of trace elements and vitamins involves the inclusion in the diet of food containing them in one quantity or another, or the intake of special complexes.

One of the most important components of a healthy and balanced sports nutrition. It has a multifaceted effect on the body.

All biological structures, which include the organic part of bone tissue, tendons, ligaments and muscle tissue, are composed of protein. Protein is a catalyst for biochemical processes, accelerating them millions of times, is part of hormones, being a growth factor. Both energy and metabolic processes occurring in cells directly depend on the activity of the enzymatic protein.

Proteins provide tissues with oxygen and essential nutrients. The component also plays a huge role for the immune system. This is due to the fact that antibodies are specific protein molecules.


Nutrition for athletes who actively train in the gym has its own characteristics. In addition to complex carbohydrates, vegetable fiber should predominate in it, monounsaturated fats should be present. It is preferable to eat fractionally. The break between separate meals should be less than three hours.

Sample menu for girls actively involved in sports:

  1. The first breakfast includes three eggs, oatmeal (100 gr.), And the second - half a liter of kefir or milk;
  2. For lunch, it is recommended to eat brown rice (150 gr.), White poultry meat or fish (200 gr.);
  3. For an afternoon snack, nuts and cottage cheese are best (200 gr.);
  4. For dinner, salad or fruit, meat or fish (200 gr.);
  5. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink at least 500 ml of kefir, which can be replaced with any other fermented milk product.

The dietary requirements for an athlete remain the same, regardless of whether the menu is for a week or a month. The main thing is that the products in it are chosen exclusively nutritious, natural and healthy.

Prohibited Products

Ordinary table salt is a taboo for athletes. An alternative to it is the sea. It is rich in many useful elements. The menu should not include spicy or fried foods, mushrooms, sugar, alcoholic beverages, various types of semi-finished products, juices made from powder.

You need to eat enough so as not to overeat or, conversely, feel hungry. Eating should take place without haste. Food needs to be chewed well. It is necessary to constantly control the weight and monitor your own well-being.

The nutrition system of athletes requires a professional approach, so a sports diet is developed in specialized scientific laboratories.

Going in for sports and training require huge physical efforts from a person, and preparing for serious competitions also requires great emotional stress. Given this, the athlete's diet should be complete, balanced and fully replenish his energy costs.

The essence and secrets of a sports diet ^

The principles of healthy sports nutrition include limiting the intake of fats and increasing the amount of foods containing fiber.

However, since athletes require a lot of extra energy, their diet is structured in such a way that the body gets enough calories for intense training and all the necessary nutrients, but at the same time does not gain excess weight:

  • The number of calories required is very individual and depends on the intensity of the load, age, gender and characteristics of the athlete's body.
  • The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is also individual. The standard solution implies the following ratio: fats - 20%, proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%. Under intense loads, this balance of nutrients is ideal.

  • To lose weight and gain muscle mass, athletes need a protein diet, with a restriction on the intake of carbohydrates.
  • It is obligatory to observe the food regimen, refusing food before bedtime and drinking up to 3 liters of plain water per day.
  • Biologically active additives, vitamin complexes and, in some cases, special sports nutrition are used.
  • Protein sources should be of various plant and animal origins.

Pros and cons of the technique

Disadvantages of a sports diet:

  • It is quite costly financially, because protein food does not mean sausages, canned fish or convenience foods. Juices, vegetables, fruits should be only fresh, and all products should be exclusively natural and of high quality. Although, this point can be attributed to the pluses.
  • The diet for athletes is suitable only for those people for whom sports have become the meaning of life.
  • For non-fans of sports, such a diet will only add kilograms.


  • The sports diet program is one of the most “non-hungry”, it is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger and appetite control.
  • Allows you to eat large amounts of food. The main thing is to develop the habit of eating small portions.
  • The food is very nutritious and balanced. A large amount of vitamins and minerals are consumed. It will never lead the body to depletion due to a lack of nutrients, such as a mono-diet or a low-calorie one that restricts the use of a large number of foods.
  • Very effective and safe for health.

Sports diet for weight loss: menu for 7 days ^

The sports program for weight loss is designed for a week, while one day must be unloading, at the discretion of the athlete. Mineral water and kefir are perfect for unloading, as an alternative, vegetables stewed without oil can be used.

The menu given as an example allows you to alternate products so that it is not the same for every day and does not bother. Note that a sports diet for men implies the indispensable use of a protein dish before training.

  • Banana or 2 unsweetened apples, or a glass of kefir.
  • You can eat 5 chicken proteins for breakfast, or a serving of oatmeal boiled in water.


  • Half a liter of milk or kefir.
  • Or a salad of fresh carrots and cabbage, boiled meat (lean -100 gr.), 2 egg whites, 30 gr. rye bread. Tea with honey.
  • Or 100 gr. boiled brown rice, 2 proteins, baked chicken breast (100 gr.), seaweed, unsweetened coffee.
  • Or buckwheat porridge (150 gr.), steamed fish (200 gr.) and tea.
  • Vegetable hodgepodge, fresh vegetable salad, 100 gr. boiled beef, black bread (30 gr.), natural fruit juice (freshly squeezed) half a glass.
  • Or vegetable stew (200 gr.) with meat (100 gr.), 2 pcs. dried apricots, 30 gr. dark bread and tea or coffee.
  • Or lean borscht, steam fish (150 gr.), Cabbage salad with olive oil and lemon.

  • Oranges, apples, grapefruit and pears are suitable as an afternoon snack and snacks.

  • Hercules on the water, vegetable salad.
  • Or fish or lean meats steamed with broccoli.
  • Or vegetable stew and baked chicken (100 gr.).

Young girls who train hard or do bodybuilding expend energy no less than men. In this case, the sports diet for girls is no different from the male version.

Women who exercise to maintain health and normal weight are not athletes and must eat a lower calorie diet in order to lose weight. It should also be noted that a sports diet for women is developed taking into account the age and intensity of training.

Diet for gaining muscle mass ^

A sports diet for muscle growth provides for the following rules:

  • Eating should be frequent - this will contribute to the recruitment of muscle mass. Meals can be 5 or 6.
  • A necessary condition is not to overload the digestive tract. And in order for food to be well absorbed, 70% of the products must have a high calorie content. Fiber speeds up metabolic processes, it should not be more than 30%, a larger amount will not allow food to be fully absorbed.
  • It is worth limiting the consumption of fats: lard, butter, fatty meat, sausages and similar products. For muscle growth, these foods are not needed, such calories are stored in fat reserves.
  • Complex carbohydrates are needed for energy and muscle growth. Fast carbohydrates are instantly digested, blood sugar jumps, and glucose is quickly converted to fat.
  • After a workout, the muscles are able to utilize glucose faster, so you can eat sweets.

  • A sports diet for burning fat will be much more effective if 70% of the products are consumed before 16.00.
  • Before going to bed, it is better to eat protein foods. Before training - proteins and complex carbohydrates. An hour after it - a hearty meal. These are complex carbohydrates, proteins and sweets (fast carbohydrates). The body at this time well absorbs the nutrients that go to muscle recovery.
  • For gaining muscle mass, the optimal proportions are as follows: proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 60%, fats -10%.
  • Muscle mass is added if the energy supplied to the body from food exceeds its consumption. The caloric content of the diet can be increased by 10% or more. Sometimes, in order for the weight to shift, it is increased by 100%.
  • Calorie content increases gradually, focusing on weight gain, until 800 grams are added. If the numbers are higher, the caloric content of the diet is reduced.

The results of the sports diet are impressive:

  • In the first two weeks, up to 6 kilograms of fat are gone. However, it should be noted that it all depends on what results you want to achieve.
  • If you stop playing sports and do not limit fats and fast carbohydrates, the weight will return.
  • Sports nutrition is a way of life that must be adhered to constantly.

Feedback from our readers

Reviews of the sports diet, of course, provided that all the rules and regulations are followed, only positive:

  • It is very easily tolerated, nutrition is correct and balanced, therefore it cannot harm the body.
  • In addition, a sports diet program involves the rejection of bad habits and encourages an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • The opinion of experts about the sports nutrition system is the most positive. People who are passionate about sports, adhering to this technique, achieve the desired results.

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

When playing sports, proper nutrition is especially important. Properly composed diet plays a decisive role for some sports.


The menu for an athlete should be much higher in calories than for a person who does not play sports.

Sports activities can serve different purposes. For most people, sport is a way to improve their figure and exercise 3 times a week, and for some, daily work and performances. Sometimes people strive to get relief muscles, and sometimes they just want to get rid of excess fat. For professional athletes, an individual diet is prepared by specialists in sports nutrition.

In addition to a sufficient number of calories, nutrition should provide the human body with vitamins and trace elements that are consumed during physical activity.

Proper nutrition involves 4 - 5 meals a day. The main amount of food should be eaten during the second breakfast and lunch. Overeating contributes to weakness and poor health, so you should not eat a large amount of food at a time.

Nutrition Basics

For an athlete, the right ratio of nutrients is especially important. The approximate amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet is 30%, 10% and 60% respectively.


A sufficient amount of protein is the basis of dietary and sports nutrition. It is from it that the body regenerates muscles. Proteins are involved in the formation of hormones and are catalysts for biochemical processes.

Protein rich foods:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy;
  • seafood;
  • eggs.

In some sports, protein shakes and bars are used to saturate the body with protein.


The combination of vegetable and animal fats in the athlete's menu is considered the most useful. The diet should include:

  • vegetable oils;
  • fatty fish;
  • butter;
  • nuts;
  • olives and olives;
  • dietary supplements - fish oil, flax and rosehip oil in capsules or others.

Fats are necessary for the functioning of internal organs, proper heat transfer and restoration of muscle and skin cells. Without them, a normal metabolism is impossible, so it is impossible to remove all fat-containing foods from the diet, even when you want to lose weight.

The athlete's menu should contain approximately 1.5 grams of fat per 1 kg of his weight.


Carbohydrates are required for all energy processes in the body. During sports, they are consumed very quickly. Complex carbohydrates are recommended for use, which provide the body with energy for a long time.

It is useful to include rice, buckwheat, millet and fruits in the athlete's menu.

Sugar, lemonade and sugary confectionery are usually excluded from the diet, as these foods are not related to a healthy diet.


During sports and during recovery after training, the body consumes a large amount of water. To maintain health, it is important to maintain the water balance of the body and not tolerate thirst.

Before the competition, some athletes leave only protein on the menu and limit their water intake to make muscle relief more noticeable. This is an unhealthy temporary measure, which is resorted to for only a few days. For an insufficiently hardy organism, such actions are dangerous with serious consequences.

When playing sports, the average amount of liquid drunk per day should be approximately 2.5 liters. The exact figure depends on age, gender, weight and many other factors.


Proper nutrition usually saves a person from the need for additional intake of synthetic vitamins, but for athletes this may not be enough. During training, a large amount of vitamins and minerals are consumed, without which recovery after training will be difficult.

Vitamins are needed for:

  • synthesis of collagen and amino acids;
  • absorption of nutrients and trace elements;
  • hormone synthesis;
  • growth and restoration of muscle tissue;
  • restoration of cell membranes;
  • proper metabolism in the body.

Vitamin complexes should be consumed in courses. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage indicated on the package, since some vitamins are toxic in large quantities.

With regular and hard training, you should pay attention to vitamin and mineral complexes that are designed specifically for athletes. They can be purchased at points of sale of sports nutrition or in online stores. If sport occupies a small part of the total employment of a person, then it will be sufficient to take vitamins from a pharmacy - Duovit, Multi-tabs and others.


To constantly adhere to proper nutrition, you can make a diet for a week in advance. After compiling the menu, the list of products will be almost ready. Some of them, especially meat and fish, are convenient to buy immediately for the whole week and freeze.

Popular menu base:

  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken breast;
  • rice and buckwheat;
  • beef;
  • milk;
  • fish for boiling or stewing;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal, oatmeal;
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables, bananas;

It is useful to include in the diet:

  • squids;
  • fermented milk drinks, yoghurts, sour cream, butter;
  • potato;
  • natural juices;
  • noodles;
  • minced meat for meatballs and cutlets;
  • seaweed.

If you refuse harmful products, sports nutrition for a week will turn out to be no more expensive than with a regular diet.

Approximate nutrition in the main meals is shown in the table.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
  • oatmeal;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • buckwheat;
  • chicken breast;
  • salad of seasonal vegetables;
  • beef chop;
  • seaweed;
  • a glass of kefir.
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled red fish;
  • soup with meatballs;
  • chop;
  • tomato and sour cream salad;
  • dried fruits compote.
  • steam cutlets from fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • drinking yogurt.
  • meat with cheese;
  • banana;
  • milk.
  • vegetable stew;
  • chicken broth with meat;
  • cauliflower or broccoli;
  • chicken breast;
  • kefir.
  • boiled red fish;
  • borsch;
  • buckwheat;
  • cutlet;
  • cocoa.
  • hot sandwich with cheese;
  • vegetable salad;
  • zrazy.
  • multi-grain muesli;
  • banana;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish cutlet;
  • compote.
  • eggplant with rice;
  • drinking yogurt.
  • stuffed pepper;
  • seasonal fruits;
  • stewed pork;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetable salad;
  • baked fish;
  • vegetable side dish;
  • oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • a glass of milk.
  • cheese soup with mushrooms;
  • chicken breast;
  • salad;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • kefir.

Proper nutrition is the basis of excellent health and good results during sports. For athletes, it is especially important to make a complete menu and choose vitamin complexes.

The nutrition of athletes differs from the diet of ordinary people for several reasons. Firstly, active sports require much more energy than work in an office or even in production. Secondly, heavy loads and rather specific requirements for the functionality of the athlete's body require a special approach to the composition of the diet.

Proper nutrition for athletes should be high-calorie, healthy and varied.

To achieve high sports results, it is important to correctly dose the loads and ensure recovery after them. Recovery is impossible without proper nutrition - this is what supplies the body with energy and material for the reproduction of new cells.

The athlete's diet should be developed taking into account the following tasks:

  • Providing the body with the necessary amount of calories, trace elements and vitamins (caloric content depends on specific sports tasks);
  • Activation and normalization of metabolic processes (this item is provided by biologically active substances and various natural supplements);
  • Weight regulation (at different stages, athletes need to increase, decrease or maintain weight in an unchanged state);
  • Changes in morphological parameters (increase in muscle mass and decrease in body fat).

Athletes spend a huge amount of energy to maintain the most important vital functions (heart, digestion, respiration) during exercise: internal organs work in an enhanced mode during athletic exercises. If there is not enough nutrients, an energy imbalance will occur, which will lead to exhaustion of the body.

This is why proper athlete nutrition is so important. The athlete's diet should be optimally balanced and cover energy costs: the composition of the food consumed should include only natural and healthy products of plant and animal nature.

Diet for athletes

The qualitative composition of food for athletes should be selected taking into account individual physical characteristics, the characteristics of sports discipline, and the level of stress. But no matter what kind of sport an athlete is engaged in, his food should contain all the necessary macro- and microelements.

According to the qualitative composition, proper nutrition for an athlete should be close to the formula: 30% - proteins, 60% - carbohydrates, 10% - fats. It should also be remembered about microelements and vitamins, which can be supplied to the body both as part of a variety of foods, and in the form of special medicinal complexes.


It is the most important component in sports nutrition. The importance of proteins in the body is multifaceted:

The main sources of proteins for athletes are:

  • Fish (in addition to proteins, fish also contains fatty acids and vitamins);
  • Meat (for athletes it is better to use low-fat meat varieties - poultry, rabbit, tender varieties of veal);
  • Eggs (the egg contains the most important amino acids for the body, as well as fats and vitamins);
  • Dairy products (milk protein contains a lot of methionine, an essential amino acid that is not produced by the human body).


Carbohydrates are the basis for metabolic and energy processes. During exercise, carbohydrate compounds are consumed especially intensively. For athletes, it is more beneficial to consume "complex" carbohydrates, which are found in brown rice, wheat, black bread, fruits and vegetables, rather than "simple" ones - those that are in excess of sugar, sweets and lemonade. It is better for athletes to replace sugar with honey, which, in addition to carbohydrates, contains an incredible amount of vitamins and trace elements.


Another source of energy and building material, which is part of all cell membranes. The main percentage of fat consumption in athletes falls on the performance of labor-intensive and slow exercises, maintaining a constant body temperature and stable operation of internal organs during exercise.

In the athlete's menu for a week, it is advisable to combine vegetable and animal fats that perform various tasks in the body. Vegetable fats must be supplied to the body as part of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), animal fats and fatty acids are found in butter and fatty fish.

Sports menu examples

The approximate menu of an athlete for the day, taking into account the formula for the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, may include:

  • 400 g poultry meat;
  • 4-5 eggs;
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • 200 g of bread;
  • 500 g of porridge from healthy cereals;
  • 300 g of fruit;
  • 300 g of vegetables.

The diet of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for strength athletes should include additional sources of protein. Some athletes prefer special supplements - gainers, amino acids, proteins for making protein shakes.

Proper nutrition for female athletes also has its own characteristics. Their menu should be dominated by vegetable fiber, complex carbohydrates and monounsaturated fats. In addition, fractional meals are preferable for girls: breaks between meals should not exceed 3 hours.

An approximate menu for girls who are actively involved in sports should look like this:

  • Breakfast number 1: 100 g of oatmeal and 3 eggs;
  • Breakfast number 2: 0.5 l of kefir or milk;
  • Lunch: 200 g of fish or white poultry meat, 150 g of rice (preferably brown), fresh vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • Snack: 200 g cottage cheese + nuts;
  • Dinner: 200 g fish (meat), fruit or salad;
  • Before going to bed: half a liter of kefir or other fermented milk product.

The athlete's diet for a week (month) should be compiled according to the same principles. Two conditions that the consumed products must satisfy are variety and naturalness.

Products that are best excluded from the sports menu- sugar, ordinary food salt (only sea salt with useful elements should be used), fried, spicy foods, mushrooms, alcohol, convenience foods, powdered fruit juices, yogurts.

Athletes should not overeat and remain hungry. Hurrying is contraindicated during meals and thorough chewing of food is strongly recommended. It is also important to constantly monitor your weight and well-being, as well as the mood to win.

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