How to run to lose weight on a treadmill. Treadmill workouts for weight loss - programs for men and women with video

Systematic physical activity is a natural and effective way to lose weight and restore health. The treadmill is in demand in fitness centers and sports equipment stores. This easy-to-understand and accessible simulator never sits idle in the gyms.

The treadmill belongs to the group of cardio equipment. Allows you to train strength and endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The simulator consists of a moving belt, put on two axles, and handrails.

Advantages and disadvantages of a treadmill

You don't have to leave your home to run on the treadmill. The simulator allows you to run and at the same time stay in place. Running can be replaced by walking. Brisk walking burns as many calories as running.

Walking helps obese people lose weight, for whom all other types of physical activity are difficult.

Moderate walking is recommended by doctors to patients with osteoporosis, people who have had a heart attack, suffering from hypertension. Running on a treadmill improves immunity, reduces the risk of catching a cold. Slow walking is recommended for pregnant women to strengthen muscles and ligaments.

What are the benefits of a treadmill

  • The cushioning system of the canvas reduces pressure on the spine and joints, which allows it to be used at any age.
  • The trainer can be adjusted and adjusted to suit you.
  • The treadmill will allow you to study and watch a program on TV, prepare for an exam, listen to music.
  • A computer is built into the treadmill, the display of which reflects objective information about the performed muscular work and the athlete's pulse rate. The monitor displays data on the kilometers traveled, calories burned. For classes, several built-in programs with different levels of complexity are offered.
  • On the simulator, you can simulate running on rough terrain, running with an incline, running or walking uphill.

What muscles work when running

Running harmoniously develops all muscle groups. Although the main load falls on the muscles of the thighs and calf muscles, the shoulder girdle and oblique abdominal muscles are actively included in the work, the press is connected. On a track with a high slope, the gluteal muscles are especially well worked out. Strengthened work of the diaphragm is provided by the work of the press and intercostal muscles.

Running strengthens not only the striated skeletal muscles, but also the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and the heart.


On the simulator you can not only run, but also walk. Walking has no contraindications, it is physiological and recommended for everyone. People with diseases of the respiratory system, suffering from heart failure, heart defects should consult a doctor. Moderate walking is recommended for patients who have had a heart attack to restore heart function.

Running is more intense than walking. Each step creates a load on the spine and joints, several times the weight of the athlete. For obese people, weight loss is better to start with walking.

How to choose a treadmill for your home

Pictured is an electric treadmill

Mechanical tracks do not provide the necessary training comfort. Lost interest in work. After a short time, the purchase will gather dust somewhere in the farthest corner of the apartment. It is better not to save money and buy an electric treadmill with a built-in computer and a modern design to enjoy:

  • The engine must have a power of at least 2 liters. With. Such an engine will be able to provide safe movement to a user weighing more than 80 kg. The running belt should be 40 cm wide and 120 cm long.
  • A cushioning system ensures safe running. This is important for a comfortable workout, and for people who have suffered spinal injuries, have joint problems or are overweight, it is a vital condition.
  • The warranty period for the simulator frame must be at least 30 years; for the engine, the warranty period must not be less than 5 years. Warranty service - one year.
  • The famous brand simulator guarantees long-term safe operation.
  • The treadmill must have a security key. It is attached with a cord to the runner's belt; when the athlete falls, the key stops the track.

Types of treadmills.

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Magnetic.
  3. Electrical.

Mechanical simulators do not depend on power sources, they can be folded, they are compact and do not take up much space. A variety of mechanical tracks are magnetic treadmills. They are equipped with a special system that allows you to smoothly brake and increase the load. In electric treadmills, the belt is driven by an electric motor.

Tips for choosing the right treadmill.

It is recommended to stop your attention on the brands of well-known manufacturers: horizon, winner magma, torneo and others. Popular treadmills are equipped with fat analyzers, quick adjustment buttons located on the arm levers, and water bottle holders. The tracks are equipped with an orthopedic treadmill, which helps to avoid back pain during intensive training.

If the apartment has a little free space, then you can opt for a folding model.

When folded, it is compact, it is easy to carry and rearrange to a new place. Can be installed on the balcony and exercise outdoors.

How to exercise to lose weight

Training on a treadmill will give a quick and good result if the diet is followed: do not eat one hour before running, two hours after running. If running follows strength work in the gym, then you should not sort out carbohydrates before training.

Before strength training, you can eat no more than four tablespoons of porridge, so as not to exercise on an empty stomach.

On the treadmill, after strength exercises, not calories of porridge will be burned, but excess fat.

If the goal is to “lose weight”, then the heart rate for a healthy person may be higher than the “fat burning” pulse, which is 55-75% of the maximum. At such a pulse rate, the body throws into the furnace to extract energy and burns fat without affecting muscle fibers. With a higher pulse rate, muscle fibers also begin to “burn out”. This is important for bodybuilders, just losing weight this process is not terrible, the muscle fiber is perfectly restored.

Training programs

An individual program of regular training for weight loss is selected depending on the degree of preparedness of the athlete. If the decision to take up the figure and get on the treadmill came as an instant insight, then you need to start from the basics. The principles of all training are gradualness and moderation.

Beginner level.

  • Walking - 6-7 km / h move 5 minutes.
  • Alternate jogging and walking: 3-5 minutes of jogging - 5 minutes of walking.
  • Finish 5 minutes walk.

Walking at a pace of 6-7 km / h, the pulse should be in the fat burning zone and be 55-75% of the maximum. The maximum heart rate is obtained by subtracting your age from 220. At the age of 40, the maximum heart rate is 220 - 40 = 180. The running time is chosen according to how you feel, the main thing is not to overload yourself at the very first workout and do it with joy and pleasure.

Workout for weight loss.

  • Jogging at a speed of 8-9 km / h - 5 minutes (mandatory after a warm-up).
  • Alternate walking and jogging, gradually reducing the time for walking. Walk 2-3 minutes, run 5-10 minutes.
  • Jogging - speed 7-8 km / h.

Interval training for weight loss.

With good physical fitness, interval training is used. This method has proved itself perfectly, has been repeatedly tested, gives a quick result. During interval training, it alternates with medium and high intensity. The program is selected individually. For starters, you can practice according to the scheme:

  • Running at an average speed - 5 minutes.
  • Intense running at high speed - 2-3 minutes.
  • Medium intensity jogging - 5 minutes.
  • Alternate running at medium speed and at high speed, gradually reducing the time of running at high speed, if necessary.
  • Finish with 5 minutes of running at an average speed.

Before starting a workout on a treadmill, you need to warm up your muscles. The warm-up consists of several general warm-up exercises (arm swings, torso twists and turns) and slow walking. Start at a speed of 4 km / h, gradually increasing it to 7 - 8 km / h.

Every 10-15 minutes it is desirable to change the working conditions on the simulator. It is necessary to compose the program in such a way as not to get tired of the monotony of the load. You can change the speed of movement, the angle of the track, use weights for the legs and arms to increase the load, pick up dumbbells, do not let the muscles get used to the monotonous load, constantly surprise them.

Finish running or walking, gradually reducing the speed. You can not jump off the track on the go, stop abruptly. This is harmful to both the heart and the electric motor. Any working system is destroyed by such careless handling. You need to do it regularly.

After training, stretching exercises for working muscles are required. To get beautiful elongated and elastic muscles, a hitch should be given at least 15-20 minutes after a workout. A hitch is also necessary for the heart to calm down after a stressful load.

There are a large number of reviews on the benefits of running, which confirm the positive answer to the question: is it possible to lose weight with a workout on a treadmill? The fact of the positive impact of cardio loads on human health is also confirmed by scientists conducting research in this area. Running helps those who are overweight lose weight due to the fact that a large amount of energy is expended during running (depending on the intensity of the exercise, from 300 to 600 calories per hour).

What is a treadmill

Aspiring athletes or those who are visiting the gym for the first time may wonder: what does the simulator look like? The treadmill is a popular exercise machine in fitness clubs. Appearance: the base is a podium that moves (adjustable speed). From the base of the simulator, near the chest level of an adult, there is a panel with a screen and control buttons. With this, you can control the rise (tilt) of the podium, the speed of movement, note the time, etc.

Can you lose weight on a treadmill

Aerobic exercise, if performed regularly, can help an overweight person lose weight. Depending on the intensity of the exercise, the body will burn fat or carbohydrates. Slow pace burns more fat. If the trainee's heart rate rises to 60% of the maximum rhythm, the body uses the reserve fuel - glucose. In any case, the body spends calories, which confirms that you can lose weight on a treadmill.

The mechanism of losing weight is to spend more energy than to get it from food. In any other case, a person will either gain or maintain his mass. Therefore, training should correspond to the goals - intensity, duration, type of aerobic exercise are individually selected. Many run for pleasure or to keep fit (health) of the body, while eating in the right amount, so as not to lose weight and not get better.

Exercises on the treadmill

Running is an aerobic exercise that has many variations to achieve certain results. Exercises on the treadmill for weight loss are periodic changes during training in the incline of the simulator, the intensity of the run and the length of the period. An example of a lesson for a beginner (the essence of the exercise is that with each increase we reach 7%, then again we decrease to 3%. The cycles should be repeated for 40 to 70 minutes):

  • warm-up walking - 5 minutes;
  • jogging with an incline of the simulator 3% - 1.5 minutes;
  • 1% rise - 1 minute;
  • 5% lift - 1.5 minutes.

Running on a treadmill for weight loss

If a person has problems with the heart or respiratory system, running on a treadmill for weight loss is not contraindicated for him. But we are talking about a low-intensity exercise that will not aggravate the patient's condition and will not cause an attack of heart failure or suffocation. Training under such circumstances should be made by a doctor. In this case, the process of losing weight will be carried out with a strict diet.

Athletes use low-, high-intensity, interval training. The first type - results are visible in a couple of months, uses fat as an energy source, spends less calories, requires duration. The second is a short run with an above-average heart rate. More energy is spent, but the fuel in this case is glycogen in the muscles, and not body fat. The visibility of the effectiveness of the second type of load appears faster. The third type - uses fat cells, but carbohydrates are also involved in providing energy to the body.

Walking on a treadmill for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight with a treadmill for those who do not want to run? The answer will be positive, because the low intensity of the lesson is recommended for many people who have health limitations and are lazy. Walking on the track for weight loss is the way out for many overweight. This training has a number of features:

  • The duration of the lesson should be at least half an hour.
  • Minus classes - the period of time before the first results can be up to 2 months.
  • The load can be increased by tilting the podium of the simulator.
  • While walking, the pulse reaches up to 50% of the maximum number of beats.
  • The body breaks down fat for energy.

How to run on a treadmill

The question of how to run on a treadmill correctly forces you to determine the purpose of the exercise. This determines whether you need to run to burn fat (low heart rate) or spend more calories, but use the carbohydrate store. Not every athlete can run for half an hour at the level of high-speed running, so interval training is more often used. If a person wishes to spend predominantly body fat:

  • warm-up for about 5 minutes - a slow jog or accelerated walking;
  • increase in speed up to 60-75% of the peak heart rate - 40-60 minutes;

If a person is more trained, then you can use the load more difficult:

  • warm-up for 5 minutes - walking;
  • a set of high-speed mode up to 80% of the maximum heart rate - 20-30 minutes;
  • slowing down the pace and resetting the pulse - 5-10 minutes.

How much to run on a treadmill

To quickly lose extra pounds, you need to run more on the treadmill? - A frequent question for every gym trainer in a fitness club from women and men. But there is no general answer for everyone here. Any sport involves an individual approach to compiling a training cycle for each person. Running is no exception. Bigger is better - it doesn't work here either. Losing weight on a treadmill can only be provided by a competent approach - instruction from a trainer who will advise one or another duration of running, depending on the goals of the student.

How to lose weight with a treadmill at home? The answer will be the same: the program should be compiled by a trainer who will have in mind the client's characteristics: fitness level, excess weight, age, existing diseases and training goals. Home exercises will help to achieve a slim figure in combination with proper nutrition. But the advantages of running at home are obvious: you don’t have to force yourself to go to the gym or go outside.

How to walk on a treadmill

There can be a lot of options on how to walk on a treadmill: with or without an incline, walking with weights, interval training - alternating one or another type of load. There is no specific answer for everyone. There are only recommendations that are acceptable in different circumstances - health problems, the level of fitness, the number of extra pounds, and others.

Interval training on a treadmill

Periodization within one session is a popular scheme of the training process, which gives a visible quick effect. Interval training on a treadmill involves alternating fast running with rest. Lesson example:

  • warm-up slow jog - 5 minutes;
  • acceleration-rest in a combination of 1:3 in minutes (gradually, the rest time decreases to 1:1 or even 2:1);
  • easy running up to 5 minutes.

Video: how to lose weight on a treadmill

Running on a treadmill is an affordable and effective way to keep fit, healthy and youthful for men and women.

Using various speed modes and other methods, you can successfully work out your muscles and remove extra pounds.

How to lose weight with this simulator? The only condition for obtaining the effect of classes is to comply with the necessary rules and have one hour of free time every day.

Benefits of treadmill walking

How can walking be helpful?

  1. Maintaining good physical shape without excessive stress;
  2. Training of the cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  3. Load intensity regulation. The ability to set various parameters: from small loads to quite significant ones;
  4. No age restrictions of any kind.
  5. Possibility to use any free time.
  6. , as a gentle physical activity.

How to walk to lose weight?

Before you start training, you need to learn a few important rules, which will be discussed below.

How often do you need to practice?

The walking program for burning fat is individual. On average, it should be one hour a day. Some trainers advise exercising on this simulator every other day with an intense load. You can use different types of activities, such as: walking uphill and with weights, which involve different durations and different levels of intensity. How often and To get started, just do it twice a week. Gradually, the load and frequency of classes must be increased.

What pulse and speed should be?

Walking speed schemes from different trainers may differ due to different approaches. One of the most common recommendations is to determine the speed while focusing on the pulse rate, which should be equal to one hundred and thirty beats. Although this indicator is individual for each. Depending on the goals pursued in the process of training, it is customary in sports circles to distinguish

  • The value of the maximum heart rate depends on age, health status, the presence or absence of physical fitness, as well as the presence of extra pounds.
  • The simulator, equipped with a heart rate sensor, will help you control your heart rate and adjust the load correctly.
  • It is necessary to precede the workout with a warm-up, which is done by walking at a slow pace. Walking speed should be gradually increased to reach a heart rate indicator, which is equal to an average of one hundred and thirty beats. The speed must be such as to maintain this indicator for twenty minutes of walking.
  • Then, at the final stage of training, the speed is gradually reduced. The recommended time for this stage of training should be ten percent of the time of the entire session.
  • An indicator that you have chosen too high a speed is a feeling of extreme fatigue, so the speed must be adjusted downward.
Attention! It is necessary to change the speed after pressing the "stop" button and stopping the track. In order to comply with the rules, you must not change the functions while the simulator is running.

How to breathe during a workout?

Proper breathing is, first of all, measured breathing. If you are suffocating and you do not have enough air, then the pace of walking is chosen incorrectly and its intensity must be reduced.

4 different walking options

There are several basic types of step training. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Interval

This type of exercise gives a strong load on the muscles, more intensively trains the respiratory and cardiovascular system. It is chosen by those who want, above all, to achieve weight loss. This type is great in terms of strengthening the muscular system. A characteristic feature is that its intensity is constantly changing. This is done with the slope of the working surface of the track. When the canvas is tilted, more effort is expended on walking. Accordingly, the lesson is more efficient.

Approximate lesson plan:

  1. The initial stage begins with a warm-up, which lasts from five to ten minutes. The speed is four kilometers per hour. In this case, the working canvas is horizontal relative to the floor.
  2. The actual workout lasts from twenty to thirty minutes. At that time every five minutes we increase the angle of inclination by two degrees at a speed of five to six kilometers.
  3. On some modifications of the simulators there are buttons for a gradual change in the angle of inclination and speed. They are also equipped with various modes and training programs.
  4. At the final stage, we reduce the angle of inclination in the same sequence in which we increased it. The recommended time for this stage should be about ten percent of the time of the entire lesson. Some coaches advise setting the duration of the final stage to about ten minutes.
  5. At the last stage, the working surface returns to a horizontal position.

There are others effective on this simulator.

Attention! It is necessary to change the angle of inclination after pressing the "stop" button and stopping the movement of the track.

2. Scandinavian

Nordic walking with sticks imitates the movement of the hands when skiing.

This type of training gives a uniform load on the muscles, joints and ligaments. It is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Reliance on sticks reduces the load on the joints.

This type of walking may be recommended. It has little use for treadmill use. Used for walking outdoors on flat and rough terrain. This option is perfect for those who doubt which is better -.

3. Uphill (with running belt tilted)

Hill walking is a variant of classic walking, but the working surface of the track is in an elevated state for the duration of the workout. This makes it possible to give a stronger load to the muscles of the legs, as well as the gluteal muscles. This type of walking is used by those who want to lose extra pounds, and.

Sample workout program:

  1. The first stage is a warm-up, which lasts five minutes at a speed of four kilometers per hour. In this case, the working canvas is located horizontally.
  2. Next, the canvas rises by a given number of degrees. On average, this figure is ten degrees. The main part of the workout lasts from twenty to thirty minutes, at an average speed of six kilometers per hour.
  3. At the final stage, the working surface is brought to a horizontal position. The recommended time for this stage should be an average of ten percent of the duration of the entire lesson.

4. With dumbbells in your hands or weights on your legs

The use of weights is advisable for training those who have already mastered the treadmill, and not

Weights - this is a more difficult stage of training on the simulator, which has a number of age and health restrictions. Such loads are shown to healthy young people who want to strengthen muscles and lose weight as soon as possible.

The use of additional weight is excellent, it increases the load on the muscles and joints. The selection of weights must be approached carefully and not immediately apply a lot of weight.

Such exercises can be practiced every other day, since after heavy loads the muscles must rest and recover. You need to start with the use of weighting agents weighing half a kilogram, increasing it every week.

To reduce unwanted stress on the joints of the legs, you need to

This type of occupation involves the use of a horizontally located working canvas.

  1. The first stage is a warm-up, which lasts five minutes at a speed of four kilometers per hour.
  2. The main part lasts from twenty to thirty minutes, with an average speed of six kilometers per hour.
  3. The final part can be an average of ten minutes. The speed is set to be suitable for walking at a leisurely pace.
Carefully! Do not use more than half a kilogram at the beginning of classes. This can injure fragile ligaments.

The effectiveness of these workouts for weight loss

With regular exercise, brisk walking or running is a fairly effective way to not only to lose weight, but also not to gain it in the future. By changing the angle of the treadmill and increasing the speed, you can tailor the workout to your needs.

The ideal combination is a treadmill exercise along with a balanced diet. With this approach, you can lose up to one kilogram per week.

Nutritionists call this weight loss ideal, since calorie consumption is slow, which means that its results are more stable than with rapid weight loss.

Instructors and sports doctors advise adhere to the principles of healthy eating constantly. Parting with extra pounds with immoderate consumption of high-calorie foods, they can be returned again.

Some helpful videos

For an even deeper understanding of the issue, we advise you to watch the video below:

The benefits of training on this simulator can be crossed out by non-compliance with the recommendations and the desire to get results faster. Increase the load in stages, take care of your health. Remember that classes should bring vivacity and good health, and not fatigue and weakness!

The treadmill is one of the simplest and most affordable simulators that allows you to go in for sports even for people without significant training. After all, everyone knows how to walk and run, and the essence of such training is extremely clear.

According to experts, at least 10,000 steps should be taken daily for health. To normalize body weight, a little more diligent training will be required.

We will tell you how to lose weight on a treadmill and how much excess weight you can lose.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for burning fat

In short, such efficiency is especially high with systematic exercises. Regular jogging on a treadmill will not only improve your well-being, but also:

  • the mechanisms of burning subcutaneous fat will start;
  • metabolism will improve;
  • the level of stress will decrease;
  • the mood will rise;
  • the work of the main functional systems of the body is stabilized and normalized.

By the way, a regular positive mood from classes also helps to lose weight. After all, many today are “jammed” by stress and nervousness. And if you regularly feel good through jogging, then you will not eat excessive food and you can tighten your body.

How much weight can you lose?

In fact, a lot depends on your goals and needs. As many people know, the most important thing in the process of losing weight is the stabilization of body weight: that is, you need not only to lose weight, but also be able to keep the result.

Therefore, to maintain a figure, you should not only lose weight, but also switch to an optimal diet and cardio training.

There are many confirmed testimonies when treadmill exercises and normal nutrition allowed to achieve grandiose results, and people dropped tens of kilograms of excessive weight with the help of a set of exercises. Therefore, if you have regular classes, follow the rules on how to run to lose weight, and with proper effort, you can achieve the desired result.

Note! You can lose weight to the level you need: you just need to try, train regularly and know how to run.

You should not strive to immediately lose a significant amount of mass - such overloads are not entirely beneficial for the body. Need to lose weight gradually: 1-2 kilograms per week is quite a normal schedule, which will allow you to move steadily in the desired vector and achieve the result. You can create a weight loss schedule and follow your plan, and if the results decrease, just change the training program a little.

Is it possible to get results quickly?

If you are on a diet and use intense workouts, the first results will appear after the second training. You will notice weight loss and some fatigue.

What loses weight when running in the first place?

When you start your metabolism and anaerobic fat burning regime, subcutaneous fat is actively burned.

As a rule, wrinkles and fat on the abdomen are the most noticeable, but in reality, fat is distributed almost evenly throughout the body. If you are overweight, then there is fat on the hips and on the arms - it's just less noticeable there. However, jogging is quite possible to remove the stomach.

Therefore, do not ask the question - does running help with cellulite? Through training, you will notice a uniform reduction in volume throughout the body. Legs and arms will become more slender, and the stomach will also gradually approach an athletic appearance.

5 Fat Burning Workout Options

Next, consider effective training programs. A feature of the proposed programs is the purpose specifically for weight loss. If certain parameters, tables or instructions are given in these programs, then they are given for a reason, but precisely because of their effectiveness for weight loss.

For other purposes (for example, for the development of endurance - especially for men), a different training methodology is used. Therefore, making your own schedule of classes, try to follow the advice of these particular programs.

1. Walking to shed extra pounds - the first level

This is a less effective option compared to running, but should not be neglected either:

  • some restrictions do not allow running at all,
  • with proper training, walking also has a significant effect, which helps to reduce weight.

Regular walking for an hour is also very useful, but you need to keep up the pace. A kilometer needs to be covered in a maximum of 10-12 minutes, and for effective weight loss even faster.

Of course, we are not talking about recovery walking and serious stages of obesity, the load should always be chosen according to your own conditions. This rule also works in the opposite direction: if, in the course of the described exercises, your heart rate dropped below 60% of the maximum, then you need to increase the incline or load in order to keep the heart rate in the desired range. Therefore, in the process of exercising, regularly measure the pulse.

  1. 10 minutes - warm-up, easy walking;
  2. 5 minutes - walk at a speed of 7-9 km / h with regular heart rate measurement;
  3. 5 minutes - walking at a calm pace until breathing normalizes;
  4. 5 minutes - we go at a slope of 6 degrees at an intense pace with fixation of the pulse.

Heart rate data must be recorded at each stage:

  • Stage 1 - walking (intense and calm) without a slope,
  • Stage 2 - walking downhill.

If your heart rate was highest when you were walking without a slope, then the first training program is required, and if the heart rate was maximum when walking downhill, then use the second program.

2. Increase the load - the second level

Gradually, you can increase the load:

  1. warm-up - 10 minutes 4-6 km / h;
  2. the beginning of the phase - 5 minutes 4-6 km / h, but with a slope of 3-6 degrees;
  3. intensive walking - 2 minutes 7-9 km / h without a slope;
  4. brisk walking - a minute 10-12 km / h without a slope;
  5. hitch - up to half an hour of measured or intense walking.

After the second session, you should add the number of repetitions of stages 2-4: that is, after a fast walk, go back to the beginning of the phase and repeat the stages.

Increase the maximum number of repetitions of steps 2-4 to 6-8.

3. Adding the slope of the track - the third level

This program uses track slopes:

  1. warm-up - 10 minutes 4-6 km / h;
  2. Stage 1 - 2 minutes of intensive walking without a slope;
  3. Stage 2 - 2 minutes we go already with a slope of 2 degrees;
  4. Stage 3 - 2 minutes walk with a slope of 4 degrees;
  5. Stage 4 - 2 minutes again we go with an angle of 2 degrees;
  6. Stage 5 - we finish 2 minutes with intensive walking without a slope;
  7. hitch - about 20 minutes of intensive walking without a slope.

From the second workout, add the number of stages, in particular, do the slope in the sequence of 2,4,6 degrees and vice versa. Over time, you need to reach 10-12 degrees of inclination, and a hitch walk can be done at a stable 6-degree incline if you need to increase the load for this.

4. Running program for weight loss

Consider a simple cardio scheme for burning fat:

  1. warm-up - 5-10 minutes;
  2. increasing speed to 7-9 km / h, easy running - 5 minutes;
  3. then a gradual increase in speed to 10-15 km / h - an increase in speed every couple of minutes;
  4. speed retention to obtain a heart rate of 60-70% of the maximum - at least 20 minutes;
  5. gradual decrease in speed - 5-10 minutes;
  6. cool down - 10 minutes, light jogging or walking.

The total duration of the lesson in the optimal variant is less than an hour. You can vary the duration yourself, based on your well-being and capabilities, at first you can train for 30-40 minutes.

If you can't keep your heart rate up at high speed, then add incline. In order to reach your desired heart rate and, as a result, burn fat, over time you will need to run more intensively. Don't forget about .

Before starting classes, consider the following recommendations:

  • shoes- for regular workouts, you need normal ones, if you consider this advice part of a conspiracy of running shoe manufacturers, work out 4-5 weeks in a row on a flat sole and see what your joints and ligaments on your feet will become;
  • restrictions- you definitely need to know about this: if you have diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, you need to run carefully; there are of course other restrictions for running (for example, and), so if possible consult a doctor, and if you doubt your own condition - choose walking;
  • mode- nutrition and healthy sleep are integral parts of normal weight loss: after training, you need to recover so that the metabolism works normally and the body burns fat; motivation - sometimes it is difficult to train, and motivation will help here (for example, the intention to get in shape and acquire external attractiveness);
  • heart rate- the zone of the most active fat burning is located within 60-70% of your heart rate from the maximum: as a rule, this range is about 120-140 beats / min, but it is necessary individually; in all the workouts described below (except for interval training and unless otherwise indicated), 60-70% of the heart rate from the maximum should be maintained in the active phase of the session;
  • breath- during walking and running, try to breathe evenly and deeply, monitor and control your breathing, this component can improve the effectiveness of training and make running more enjoyable.

If you miss a point, then training can be not only useless, but also harmful. So take it seriously.

Important! If you go beyond the indicated percentages of heart rate, then even with heavy loads, fats are burned less efficiently. That is why it is so important to know your own body and know how to burn fat.

Which track is better to choose for weight loss?

The most common are:

  • - the simplest option: the canvas moves from your effort, you yourself vary the speed of movement, but sometimes jerks are felt, so it can be difficult to maintain smooth movement;
  • - a kind of mechanics, but has a smoother running of the canvas;
  • - the most modern option: the canvas moves thanks to an electric motor, you can not only set the desired speed, but also create various training programs (for example, enter and start an automatic interval training algorithm).

If you want to train at home, then it may make sense to consider mechanics for weight loss: after all, such products are now a little cheaper. As an option for the home, it is well suited, as it takes up little space.

However, it is the electrician that is most commonly used. Such tracks with computers and sensors are much more convenient for losing weight, but using all the functions is not so easy. To get acquainted with the main functions, read the material - It is quite possible to purchase them as a home version of electricians at an affordable cost.

Nutrition for treadmill workouts

The essence of weight loss is as follows - spend more calories than you consume. In general, for this it is advisable to look at your own regular menu and count daily calories.

Usually, daily amount is 1500-2500 calories. If you eat more and do not play sports at a serious level or active physical labor, then the need to lose weight is understandable. To get started, you just need to slightly reduce the number of calories consumed and increase the amount spent.

Eating habits are a separate topic, so here we will give only brief tips on how to effectively normalize your diet. As a rule, people eat from the emerging feeling of hunger or lack of satiety, which can be caused not only by physical need, but also by illiterate nutrition. Pay attention to the following details:

  • hearty diet- add to your diet foods that create a feeling of satiety, and long-term satiety: there are simple recipes for this - for example, oatmeal porridge in the morning, which supplies so-called long carbohydrates to the body;
  • useful alternatives- this point follows from the previous one: healthy alternatives should be sought in the entire diet (if pasta - only from durum wheat, if meat - only dietary);
  • water and only water- water is your best assistant in losing weight, try not to drink anything at all other than water, which should sometimes be supplemented with such useful ingredients as a drop of lemon juice or a little ginger; just do not drink cold water after eating, and in general try to drink water at least at room temperature, as cold water washes out undigested food from the stomach and you begin to want to eat again;
  • nutrition and training- you need to run with a feeling of satiety, but not on a full stomach - it's best when you ate about an hour before training (for example, you ate a plate of durum pasta with diet cheese or a bowl of cereal with fruits and berries).

Important! The diet is best selected personally, taking into account the conditions of your body. It makes sense to spend some money on an examination and visit with a nutritionist one day, in order to know exactly how you should eat. Always consider your own ailments when creating your daily menu.

In conclusion, the basis of weight loss should be noted - healthy habits. In particular, the diet should simply be brought to a healthy one: eliminate alcohol and soda and drink mostly water. Training should be done regularly, the load should be increased only according to your own conditions. The essence of a healthy habit is to use an adequate load.

The ideal is running about five days a week. However, if you choose interval training, then in the beginning you should do classes 3-4 times a week.

In addition, we note a very significant detail - your the goal is not wasting, but competent weight loss. Moreover, if you over-exhaust the body, the body will not get rid of fat, but will, on the contrary, accumulate. Therefore, set as your goal a developed metabolism that maintains homeostasis in optimal conditions.

Useful video

Finally, take a look at our videos:

That's all. Good luck with your studies!

Among the many ways to make a figure slimmer, running is not the last place. Modern living conditions lead many to train in the gym or at home with the help of a special simulator. The benefits of such exercises for weight loss are undeniable, so the question of how to lose weight on a treadmill is one of the most relevant when drawing up an individual training program. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account many factors and use different types of running.

Can you lose weight on a treadmill

A good cardio load can not but affect the state of the body. It is a source of energy and health. It doesn't matter where you do it: on the street or in the room, it is important how you do it. If your treadmill workout left you sweaty and short of breath, then a certain amount of calories was lost. The main thing is to train regularly and do it competently, that is, monitor the maximum heart rate (MHR) so as not to overstrain, but also not to be lazy, giving yourself a good load.

There are two opinions about losing weight with a track. Some people think that running alone is enough for it. Others believe that real weight loss begins when the right food is added to cardio workouts, which affects the basic metabolism and a certain exercise regimen. It is important that you eat nothing but carbs before your workout. When they are processed, energy will begin to flow from the consumable body fat.

What gives a treadmill for a figure

No matter what simulators and equipment we work with, everyone really wants to see a noticeable result on their figure. The treadmill strengthens the muscles of the whole body, because during the run all parts are actively working. The main focus is on the legs, the hips and calves work the most. If you do not hold on to the handrails, but energetically help yourself with your hands, then the shoulder girdle and arms are working just as actively. Thanks to this, you force the heart and lungs to work intensively.

How to do it right on the treadmill

A treadmill is a lightweight version of jogging. It is easier to train on it than on the street, because it helps a person through its own movement and the presence of handrails that you can hold on to. How to lose weight on a treadmill in such conditions? You need to train yourself to run without handrails and choose different degrees of incline. This will make your workouts look like a real street run. It is important to achieve as long as possible the duration of classes, do not forget about the warm-up, wear comfortable shoes, drink liquids in small quantities.

How much to run

The duration and frequency of treadmill workouts depend on what result you want to achieve. If the task is only to lose weight slightly, tighten muscles and tone yourself up, then short 15-minute workouts are enough, preferably 5 times a week. You don’t need to drive yourself hard: keep a moderate rhythm, gradually bringing the time up to half an hour.

How to lose weight on a treadmill by a few pounds? In this case, the duration of the workout should be 40 minutes or more. Only during this time the body begins to burn fat. You can start with short runs with a constant increase in load and time. You can do this three times a week, on other days the muscles need to be given a rest, because such a run should make you sweat well.

What muscles work

The treadmill makes all the muscles of the body more toned. They do not pump up, but "dry", that is, the excess fat around them goes away. The toned muscle mass becomes more noticeable. Most of the load is received by:

  • The calf muscles, which are located from the knee and below. Exercises on them will make legs slimmer, increase too small calves or tighten large ones.
  • The quadriceps are the muscles that form the thighs. They are located at the top front of the leg. They are involved in the movement to the rise.
  • The biceps femoris is the back surface that pumps up during a fast run.
  • The gluteal muscles are involved in any type of running and the buttocks become elastic.
  • Shoulder girdle. It is activated by active hand swings.
  • Heart muscle. Increased breathing makes the heart work several times more intensively. Heart rate-dependent modes control the heartbeat and work out the endurance of the heart.
  • Intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles work due to intensive breathing.

How many calories are burned

Exercise programs may show various data, but those that reflect calories burned are not entirely correct. So, in the first minutes of training, not fat deposits are consumed, but water. Further indicators depend on the intensity of training. Brisk walking burns up to 300 calories - this pace is suitable for beginners. If we consider easy running, then it helps to waste up to 500 calories per hour. At this intensity, a person begins to lose weight. How to lose weight on a treadmill? Run with full dedication to achieve a loss of 800 kcal / hour.

Exercises on the treadmill

With a treadmill, you can do a lot of different useful exercises. Thanks to him, they become many times more effective. Try executing:

  • lunges directly along the moving canvas forward and to the sides;
  • side step, which can be done at different speeds;
  • dynamic bar, that is, walking with your hands;
  • walking;
  • running with different slopes.


You can start exercising on the simulator with a normal walk. A treadmill for weight loss is suitable if your physical fitness is very weak. It is chosen by people in old age or after illnesses. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is not as effective as running, but gradually it prepares the body for more serious stress, and with regular exercise, slowly but leads to weight loss. By doing this exercise, you are minimizing the threat of overload. The optimal speed for sports walking is up to 7 km / h, the duration is about an hour.

There is a type of walking called jogging - this is a movement close to running, which is performed at a speed of 7 to 10 km / h. During jogging, a person may experience short states of "flight" when both legs are in the air at the same time. Classes at this pace are more effective than simple walking, have a better effect on weight loss, and train the cardiovascular system. This exercise is perfect for those who want to get rid of cellulite and tighten the body.


Running on a treadmill for weight loss starts at a speed of 10 km / h. It is recommended to perform steps from the toe. You need to realistically assess your physical fitness and not drive yourself from the very first workouts. The recommended heart rate while running is 120 to 130 beats per minute. A heart rate monitor will help you calculate it. As soon as classes at the chosen pace cease to tire you, then it's time to increase the load, otherwise there will be no effect for losing weight. You need to move smoothly, keep your arms bent at the elbows, shoulders and chest straightened. Breathe deeply through your nose.

Incline walking

An incline on the treadmill is a way to make your workout harder and harder. It forces the body to lay out 100-200% more. During such classes, there is an intensive process of burning calories and losing weight. To get the most out of incline walking, alternate between all the levels on your machine from low to high and back again during one workout. When you get used to all the load that the simulator can give, use weights (backpack, armlets, belt).

Treadmill workout program for weight loss

The training program must be compiled individually, based on the capabilities of your body and on the tasks set. On a mechanical simulator, you will have to do the calculations manually; the built-in computer will facilitate this task. In any case, you need to determine several indicators for exercising on a treadmill for weight loss: duration, speed, angle of inclination of the track. The increase in load and duration should occur every 2 weeks by 5%, but you can increase one thing, and not both at the same time.

Whatever weight you want to lose and whatever program you choose, the result can be different: instead of 5, you can lose 1 kilogram, or you can lose 8. It depends on the initial weight (more overweight people lose weight faster), on the number and duration of training, from nutrition. If you want to lose weight, you can’t rely only on training, because a diet, a minimum of alcohol are the same necessary conditions. Here are two types of training programs for weight loss:

  • Long workouts. Practice for 40 to 60 minutes. Keep a moderate pace. If you chose walking to start, you can do both daily and twice a day to lose weight.
  • Interval training. They will look like a 1-minute brisk run and a 3-minute recovery walk. As time goes by, the task increases. Classes are held in the form of load and rest 1:1, then 2:1.

Warm up

You should always start a lesson with a warm-up. This rule applies to any kind of training, because it warms up the muscles and helps to avoid injuries and sudden overloads. The warm-up for running on the track should last 5 minutes. Bring to a speed of 5 - 6.5 kilometers without a slope. After running 2 minutes, increase your speed by 0.3 km per hour and do this every next 30 seconds until you reach 5.5 km. Periodically grab onto the railings and walk for a few seconds on your toes, then on your heels. It loosens the shin.

interval running

How to lose weight fast on a treadmill? This will help interval training, that is, the alternation of different running speeds. There are two types of classes: with time limits or lasting as long as there are strengths. The second variant has no clear gaps and is called fartlek (playing for speed). It involves running to failure, then recovery walking. You can repeat it until the onset of hollow fatigue. Clear intervals may look like this: a minute of sprint, 2 walks; 4 sprints, 7 walks. It has been proven that calories continue to burn even after the end of the interval run.

Treadmill for beginners

Unprepared people should adequately assess their capabilities. How to lose weight on a treadmill if you have never exercised before? Start by simply walking for about 15 minutes a day. Breathing may become slightly rapid, but without the appearance of shortness of breath and other uncomfortable sensations. The first 2-4 weeks you should develop the endurance of the body. For the first three months, there should not be any intense loads, and especially interval ones.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for weight loss

Movement brings our body great benefits, and intense movement can literally revive the body and breathe new life into it. So classes on a treadmill for weight loss lead to numerous positive results. Among them are:

  • increased endurance;
  • strengthening all the muscles of the body, due to which the figure is tightened;
  • burning fat deposits and the disappearance of cellulite;
  • improving metabolism and increasing metabolism;
  • acceleration of blood flow, which provides a better enrichment of cells with oxygen;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Video: How to run on a treadmill to lose weight

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