Estrogens female hormones: deficiency symptoms. Symptoms of a lack of female hormones How a lack of female hormones manifests itself

Estrogen is a hormone reproduced in the female body from the onset of puberty and then over the next 25-30 years, and all this time the synthesis is approximately the same. In subsequent years, the reproduction of estrogen in the female body gradually slows down.

Without estrogen, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in women is impossible.

If the production of the hormone goes without disturbance, then the woman looks harmoniously built, there are no rashes or acne on her skin, she has a thin waist and wide hips, and there are no excess fat deposits.

lack of estrogen

Estrogen deficiency can develop if the ovaries that produce it, for some reason, begin to synthesize the hormone less than usual. The cause of failure in the ovaries may be a hormonal imbalance (pituitary gland dysfunction) or age-related changes in the body. The lack of estrogen can be either complete or partial (accordingly, the synthesis of the hormone stops completely or partially).

In the female body, ovulation is provided at the genetic level, since with age, the ovaries are depleted and stop their function.

If estrogen deficiency occurs before the onset of puberty, then there is an insufficient development of the body, the absence of menstruation. In the case when the deficiency of estrogen hormones develops already at the end of puberty, but before menopause, infertility may develop due to the small size of the uterus and mammary glands.

The manifestation of estrogen deficiency after the age of 45 becomes a sign of the onset of menopause, however, if such symptoms appear earlier, then they indicate a lack of estrogen hormone, and its cause may be hidden even in an effort to lose weight in any way.

For any symptoms indicating changes in the hormonal background, you should immediately contact the doctors to determine the causes and their treatment. This will help prevent the development of a violation. Most specialists resort to substitution therapy.

Noticeable symptoms of a lack of female hormones estrogen

Manifestations of hormone deficiency in women can be individual. Usually this:

  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • accelerated skin aging;
  • loss of elasticity of the mammary glands.

The appearance of excess weight

With failures in the synthesis of estrogens, there may be an increase or decrease in the functions of the endocrine glands. Gradually, excess fat reserves begin to accumulate on the internal organs or at the waist. The female body is rapidly losing harmony.

Sometimes the cause of weight gain can be an increase in cholesterol levels, which, in addition to obesity, can cause heart failure.


With a lack of estrogen, dysbacteriosis can develop, leading to bloating of the abdominal cavity. This is due to a violation of the process of absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Estrogen deficiency leads to disruption in the production of collagen. Responsible for skin elasticity. For the skin, this is fraught with the following symptoms:

  • exhaustion and flabbiness of the skin (it becomes like parchment);
  • loss of elasticity and dryness of the skin;
  • the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles;
  • manifestation of cellulite.

Cosmetic procedures designed to rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles and stretch marks do not give the desired effect, since in this case the cause lies much deeper in the body. To obtain a visual result of rejuvenation, you will need to resort to replacement therapy.

This method involves the replenishment of estrogen reserves in a woman's body with hormone-like substances of plant origin. Do not resort to self-medication, as contraindications are possible. Plant hormones in some cases can upset the balance between estrogen and progesterone in the body, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

More modern hormonal preparations (pills) are better balanced in terms of the composition of hormones, but they are selected individually and with great care.

The female body produces a large number of hormones. Their action provides what is commonly called women's health: the smoothness of the lines of the female figure, the density and shine of hair, mood, skin condition and emotions.

But the main function of a woman's body is the bearing and birth of children. The main role in the regulation of female reproductive function belongs to two groups of hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The lack of these hormones leads not only to problems with conception and childbirth. Deficiency of estrogens and progesterone leads to early aging of the body and numerous dysfunctions.

The role of estrogens for women

Estrogens belong to the group of steroids. The main source of estrogen production in women of reproductive age is the ovaries. A small amount is produced by the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, a certain amount of estrogen is produced by the placenta. Estrogen receptors are found in the vagina, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, adipose tissue, mammary glands, liver and myocardium.

Currently, about three dozen types of estrogens have been studied, of which estradiol, estriol and estrone have the main role in reproductive function.

The main functions of estradiol:

  • the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in girls;
  • development of the figure according to the female type;
  • maintaining calcium balance in bone tissue;
  • development of internal genital organs;
  • follicle maturation and regulation of ovulation;
  • growth of the uterus and an increase in its tissue of blood vessels during pregnancy;
  • growth of mammary ducts during pregnancy;
  • increased blood clotting before childbirth.

Estradiol and estrone are produced by the ovaries in much smaller quantities, their content increases during pregnancy, during this period the placenta takes over the role of estrogen synthesis.

The following symptoms are characteristic of a lack of estrogen:

  • Increase in body weight,
  • sudden pressure drops,
  • Aging of the skin, fragility of hair and nails,
  • Disruption of the digestive process
  • The appearance of moles and papillomas,
  • memory problems, insomnia, irritability,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Frequent headaches
  • Rapid pulse,
  • Lack of sexual desire, irregular menstruation, painful menstruation.

Consequences of a lack of estrogen

Depending on the age of the woman, the symptoms of a lack of estrogen manifest themselves in different ways.

Consequences of a lack of estrogen in adolescents

In adolescents during puberty, a lack of estrogen leads to a delay in the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Hormonal imbalance can disrupt the formation of girls' figure according to the female type. There may be excessive hair growth on the limbs, similar to the male type.

The average age of first menstruation is 11 to 14 years. A later formation of the menstrual cycle indicates a lack of hormonal function of the ovaries. In these cases, estrogen deficiency can lead to the development of primary infertility.

Consequences of estrogen deficiency in reproductive age

In reproductive age, the lack of estrogen leads to menstrual irregularities. Menstruation becomes irregular, as a rule, such women seek help with complaints of the inability to become pregnant for a long time.

With a lack of estrogen, dry skin and mucous membranes develop. There is discomfort during intercourse, often associated with genitourinary infections. With severe estrogen deficiency, the shape of the breast may change, stretch marks may appear on the skin.

The consequences of a lack of estrogen in adulthood

In adulthood (after 40 years), the production of hormones gradually decreases. During this period, the lack of estrogen manifests itself increase in wrinkles on the skin, mood swings, periodic increase in pressure. During menopause, estrogen deficiency leads to increased bone fragility, decreased memory and attention. At this time, many women experience "tides" - periodic vegetative attacks of heat, increased sweating, increased pressure and panic fears. These symptoms are associated with a lack of estrogen in the body.

The role of progesterone

The main functions of progesterone are manifested during pregnancy. Outside of pregnancy, this hormone inhibits the excessive growth of breast tissue, normalizes the blood coagulation system, reduces vascular permeability and prevents swelling.

Functions of progesterone during conception and during pregnancy:

  • preparation of the uterine mucosa for implantation of a fertilized egg;
  • relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • stimulates the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes;
  • suppresses the mother's immune system to ensure the bearing of the child;
  • before childbirth, it softens the ligamentous apparatus of the small pelvis to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Symptoms of low progesterone

This hormone regulates the second phase of the menstrual cycle. With a lack of progesterone, the cycle of menstruation is disturbed. There is a delay in ovulation, an excessive increase in the thickness of the uterine mucosa and its subsequent long-term rejection. Menstruation becomes painful, profuse and lasts more than a week.

With a deficiency of progesterone, the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa is disrupted, infertility develops. Due to a violation of the movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes, an ectopic pregnancy may develop.

In women with a lack of progesterone, the frequency of abortions and premature births increases.

Outside of pregnancy, symptoms of progesterone deficiency appear:

  • as increased emotional lability - mood swings, depressive or aggressive state (PMS);
  • weight gain before menstruation;
  • sleep disturbances - insomnia, or vice versa - increased drowsiness;
  • unstable blood pressure, dizziness and fainting;
  • increased or decreased body temperature;
  • frequent severe headaches;
  • intestinal motility disorders - constipation and bloating;
  • the appearance of edema, heaviness in the legs;
  • constantly cold hands and feet;
  • rashes on the skin, hair loss;
  • dryness, stretch marks, pale skin;
  • the presence of fibrous or cystic changes in the mammary glands.

Treatment is prescribed individually for each patient after all studies.

Estrogens and progesterone provide not only reproductive function. The appearance, well-being and mood of a woman depends on a good hormonal balance. If you are experiencing symptoms of a lack of female hormones, you need to seek qualified help.

Before deciding how to increase the level of estrogen in women, it should be noted that this group includes several important hormones - estriol, estradiol, and estrone, on which many processes in the body depend.

Analyzing the reasons for the lack of estrogens in the female body, it can be noted that the weakened functioning of the ovaries dominates among them, which are designed to produce vital female hormones.

A number of pathological disorders that can lower estrogens are also revealed:

  • diseases of the pituitary gland, causing a failure in the regulation of hormonal levels;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • bad habits - alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • hormonally active tumors;
  • hereditary factor;
  • taking antidepressants for a long time.

Thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect the proper functioning of estradiol, a reduced level of which can occur with hypothyroidism, a pathological process in the thyroid gland.

There is hypoestrogenia and as a consequence of age-related changes. An estrogen deficiency can be caused by improper intake of Vitex, which is prescribed for certain female diseases. This is due to the fact that Vitex, taken to alleviate the premenstrual state, is able to lower the generation of estrogen. If you strictly follow the medical prescriptions, the result will be the restoration of hormonal balance. With excessive use of the drug, serious disorders will follow, caused by a lack of hormones and requiring therapeutic measures.

Visible symptoms

Against the background of estrogen deficiency, due to the loss of calcium in a woman, bone strength decreases, which often leads to the development of osteoporosis. Most often, this condition occurs after 50 years, when estrogens are no longer produced during menopause according to physiological normal parameters. Whether treatment is necessary in this case through maintenance hormonal therapy, the doctor decides.

It is impossible to understand the causal relationship on your own, therefore, with any noticeable and disturbing symptoms characteristic of estrogen deficiency, competent consulting support from a specialist is necessary.

Level normalization methods

In case of serious malfunctions in the body that caused low estrogen levels, treatment is usually carried out with special means designed to replenish the amount of hormones. The therapeutic complex in each case is determined individually. It can include both medicinal and natural preparations.

Considering that the estrogens needed by the body are found in some available products, the doctor gives recommendations on how to correctly organize your daily diet. Estrogen-progesterone deficiency will require a special approach, since it is necessary, along with the replenishment of female hormones, to stimulate the production of progesterone.

Menopause also requires attention. In severe cases, a supportive treatment course can be carried out.

Medical treatment

Traditional treatment is based on the use of drugs that have an increasing effect on tarragon. As an active substance, they have that kind of hormones, which, according to the results of analytical studies, is not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

If you choose what is better to use, you must take into account that there are several dosage forms.

  • The most convenient and common are tablets. When they are taken according to the recommended scheme, a positive effect appears quite quickly.
  • For people who often travel and work, patches are becoming increasingly attractive, which provide an increase in estrogen by absorbing the active substance through the skin.
  • Medicinal ointments, gels, creams with estrogen affect the body in the same way. They do not cause discomfort when used, unless an allergic reaction is observed.
  • Subcutaneous implants have a long duration of action. They are able to secrete hormones directly into the blood. Usually they last for six months, and then a replacement follows. In case of possible negative reactions, immediate removal of the implant is required.
  • Virtually no side effects are vaginal forms. But the manifestation of a positive effect is weaker.
  • In order to bring low estrogen back to normal more quickly, a doctor may prescribe intravenous or intramuscular injections.

If progesterone deficiency is observed simultaneously with estrogen deficiency, then combined oral contraceptives will be required. Drugs are needed that restore the functioning of the thyroid gland in case of hypothyroidism, if it is established that this disease was the cause of a decrease in the amount of female hormones.

If prolactin is elevated, then this indicates that the level of estrogen is also high. Before conducting a lowering course, it is necessary to identify the causes of hormonal failure so that the body quickly restores its vital activity.

Folk remedies

Along with hormonal therapy, natural estrogens are often used, which, when used correctly, gently restore the disturbed balance.

When deciding how to increase the level of estrogen, you can pay attention to the flax seed, which can simply be brewed in the evening, left until the morning, so that after waking up you can drink a flaxseed drink. Also, a good effect of flax is manifested if its seeds are simply chewed dry. Since they have a specific taste, it is preferable to prepare a vitamin salad with carrots, cabbage, flax seeds, and nuts. You can also grind flaxseed to a powder and add little by little to dishes.

The level of estrogen will gradually increase if brewed, instead of tablets, herbs such as wormwood, sage and others. The natural estrogens contained in them have a beneficial effect on the female body. Particularly effective in increasing the concentration of female hormones is sage, often used if menstrual cycle failures occur.

Sage also has a calming effect on hot flashes, promotes the formation of the follicle. Before drinking sage, it must be borne in mind that it is advisable to do this at the end of menstruation before ovulation begins. It is more convenient to use sage for brewing in bags. The course, if necessary, can last a year, but with mandatory supervision by a doctor.

Foods rich in estrogen

Treatment to increase estrogen becomes more effective if you make adjustments to your diet and eat foods that have a high percentage of these hormones.

A fairly extensive list includes the following food varieties containing estrogens that have a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • soy, beans;
  • olive oil;
  • fruits - pomegranate, plums, apples, etc.;
  • dairy;
  • Red beans;
  • eggplant.

It is also important to know which foods contain carotene, which is needed for estrogen deficiency (beets, sea buckthorn, carrots, and others). Especially useful in small quantities beet juice, rich in other vitamins.


  1. Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. Makarov O.V., Ordynsky Moscow 2010 P.127.
  2. Miscarriage, infection, innate immunity; Makarov O.V., Bakhareva I.V. (Gankovskaya L.V., Gankovskaya O.A., Kovalchuk L.V.) - "GEOTAR - Media". - Moscow. - 73 p.-2007.
  3. New honey. technology (Methodological recommendations) "Management of preterm pregnancy complicated by premature rupture of membranes"; Makarov O.V., Kozlov P.V. (Edited by Volodin N.N.) - RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RSMU-2006.
  4. Obstetrics: a course of lectures. UMO certification for medical education. Strizhakov A.N., Davydov A.I., Budanov P.V., Baev O.R. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.

In order for a woman to develop secondary sexual characteristics, a sufficient amount of estrogen must circulate in her body. This hormone, which is produced in the ovaries and partially in the adrenal glands throughout the entire period of puberty, is difficult to underestimate, its role is so great. Often there is not enough of it alone, but estrogen-progesterone deficiency is diagnosed.

If there is no lack of estrogen in the blood, then the girls usually have a good proportional figure, the skin is clean and not spoiled by various rashes, and there is no problem of excess fat, subject to normal nutrition. Starting from puberty and the next 25-30 years, approximately the same amount of the hormone should affect the body. Excluding the moment that estrogens during pregnancy are released according to completely different patterns.

The lack of estrogen in women immediately makes itself felt with rather unpleasant symptoms. This is due to the fact that the ovaries reduce the production of the hormone for one reason or another. Reduced estrogen can be the result of a hormonal failure, for example, due to the malfunction of the pituitary gland. Another possible prerequisite may be the natural low level of the hormone estrogen in relatively old age. Absolute or relative insufficiency of estrogens occurs both with a complete cessation of production, and with insufficient intake of them into the blood.

If estrogen deficiency is due to age-related causes, then we are talking about menopause. The ovaries produce the hormone only until their egg supply is depleted. Every woman has her own time, genetically planned.

It happens that girls lack estrogen, female hormones in this case, the symptoms of deficiency and absence are clearly visible. The baby is developing poorly physically and her menstruation does not come on time. But this is if the decrease or absence occurs before the onset of puberty. If the estrogen deficiency sets in after this period, the doctor will find the uterus and small breasts, and a woman will come to him, most likely with complaints of amenorrhea and infertility. And, most likely, it will be estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

The level of estrogen in women can give a severe failure if significant attempts have been made in order to lose weight. At the same time, euphoria from new numbers on the scales will gradually be replaced by despondency from a deterioration in well-being, since there are no sudden changes.

External signs of estrogen deficiency

Signs of low estrogen vary from woman to woman. Some people have a sign that they need to increase estrogen, there will be pressure drops and great fatigue. In others, the mammary glands sag and increased skin aging begins. But there are some signs of a lack of estrogen, which are characteristic of the majority and can be immediately considered an alarm signal.

  1. Weight gain. Estrogen disruption never comes alone. Along the way, the production of one or even several hormones by the glands always increases or decreases. Such hormonal failures respond with the accumulation of excess adipose tissue in the abdominal region. Over time, the excess produced leads to the disappearance of the waist and the woman says goodbye to her former harmony. And if the mass will, in addition, increase due to cholesterol, called bad, then there is also a threat to the health of the heart muscle.
  2. Lack of estrogen leads to frequent bloating. If you do not take drugs that increase the level of the hormone, because dysbacteriosis occurs, during which the food eaten is poorly absorbed in the intestines. This is naturally accompanied by high levels of accumulated gases.
  3. Lack of estrogen leads to the appearance of wrinkles. The occurrence of deficient conditions of the mentioned hormone can reduce, and this happens almost always, the production of collagen in the skin. Therefore, the skin takes on a flabby appearance, moisture leaves it, and with it elasticity, and then stretch marks appear. All signs of mature age appear: many wrinkles, very obvious cellulite, youthful appearance is lost forever. Therapeutic therapy undertaken in such cases does not bring practically any results. The decrease does not occur even after the woman resorts to injections or specialized devices. In this case, only one treatment is possible - to raise the level of estrogen with the help of drugs, to replace the hormone that is not produced by the ovaries. And in this case, you can stop the aging process.
  4. Low estrogen levels cause skin to peel and nails to break off constantly. A little hormone in the blood means that the skin is thin, peels constantly appear on them, and the slightest damage leaves scratches behind.
  5. The lack of estrogen in women also responds to the rapid excretion of a very important element - calcium - from the body. And this, of course, makes the bones very brittle. In addition, for this reason, fragility of the nail plates is manifested, and hair also falls out.
  6. From a lack of estrogen in women, a lot of moles and papillomas can “pop out” in a short time, which has never been observed before. Sometimes the number of such "rashes" on the skin can reach 20 pieces.

Internal sensations from a lack of estrogen

The lack of estrogen, as well as estrogen progesterone deficiency, shows itself not only in the appearance of a woman. The patient may wonder how to increase the level of estrogen if she has one of the above problems. But besides this, she will also feel some problems. Doctors conditionally divided them into three groups: acute neuro-endocrine, urogenital and chronic.

Chronic disorders

If the amount of estrogen is not increased in time, atherosclerosis may occur. This is a pretty serious brain injury. This is both impaired blood circulation of this organ, and poor memory, which can even reach a stroke. If the target is the vessels of the heart, then a variety of problems can arise, from angina pectoris to a heart attack. If you don’t think about how to increase the level of estrogen in women in time, the processes will worsen and the consequences will be unpredictable. Special drugs increase the amount of the hormone and the situation is corrected.

Estrogen and progesterone deficiency can also lead to the diagnosis of a disease such as osteoporosis. This means that due to the low content of hormones, the bone tissue has become thinner.

The female hormone estrogen at childbearing age should be at the proper level. If this is not provided, this will lead to a certain form of infertility.

Acute neuro-endocrine disorders

How to increase estrogen in women? A similar question often arises in someone who becomes a victim of hot flashes. Due to the low level of the hormone, frequent pressure drops begin. The same sensations cover the fair sex in menopause. This phenomenon is described as a sudden heat in the area from the face to the chest for up to 6 minutes. Then the cold comes to the same area. Often, there is also sweating, dizziness, or a rapid pulse. Increases of such feelings are observed at night. Some are lucky, and such tides are repeated no more than 1 time in 24 hours. Others suffer 60 times in the same amount of time.

Not only such troubles cause estrogens. How to increase their level is also sought by those who suffer from headaches. Only drugs for this problem should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, the head can hurt for another reason. The likelihood that you will need pills precisely in order to replenish the amount of the described hormone is higher if an imaginary hoop squeezes your crown or pain torments the neck and neck, sometimes descending to your shoulders.

Urogenital disorders

If the ovaries suddenly decide to lower the level of estrogen, then the mucous membrane covering the genitals becomes very thin. If you do not achieve an increase, unpleasant tingling begins in this area. If this hormone is not enough, the menstrual cycle is disturbed in women, she does not feel the same attraction to her partner, and those menstruation that are there will raise unprecedented pain sensations. Postmenopause does lead to reluctance to have sex. This period of the life of every woman, the vagina becomes dry, so every sexual intercourse responds with discomfort.

Drugs are also prescribed for those who are overly irritable, prone to depression, panic. Such patients are distinguished by low self-esteem, and crying for them is as easy as shelling pears, it does not even need any reasons.

However, it is worth noting that a deficiency, like an excess of estrogen, should be diagnosed by your doctor. It is he who needs to be asked the question of how to increase the level of estrogen, or how to increase progesterone. The specialist will also closely monitor what estrogen is during pregnancy or determine the hormone in men. Not a single question should be asked to a non-specialist, and any, even the most severe disease, has a chance of being cured. A grandmother near the entrance will advise you, for example, flax, or oil from it. Flaxseed oil is indeed considered an effective folk remedy, but this is not a reason to self-medicate.

The female body produces many hormones. Such active biological particles regulate the course of all life processes, and all of them are important for normal well-being and for the optimal functioning of different parts of our body. So one of the most famous female hormones are estrogens. These are sex hormones that are important for the activity of the entire genitourinary system and other organs and systems. Let's talk about why there may be a lack of estrogen in women, symptoms, treatment, causes, let's look at such a violation in a little more detail.

Estrogen is not a single hormone, but a general name for a whole group of female steroid hormones. Such substances are produced mostly by the ovarian follicular apparatus, in addition, some of them are synthesized by the adrenal cortex.
There are three types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol and estriol.

Lack of estrogen - the causes of the violation

The reasons for the lack of estrogen in women can be different, as they can be caused by a number of factors. Sometimes such a violation is provoked by diseases of the pituitary gland. As you know, this gland is located directly in the brain and regulates the production of a number of hormones. If its activity is disturbed (for example, due to a tumor), estrogen levels may decrease.

Also, this situation can occur in patients with congenital diseases and genetic abnormalities. So the amount of estrogens decreases with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, in this case there is a violation of the formation of the gonads and a reduced production of female sex hormones is recorded. Thyroid diseases, irradiation of the pelvic organs, etc., can also cause a decrease in estrogen.

Experts say that the amount of estrogens can decrease when exposed to extreme stress (especially at the stage of puberty), as well as when following a strict diet (with fat restriction).

Also, the level of estrogen is significantly reduced in patients with menopause (both natural and artificially induced). Early menopause can develop after surgical or pharmacological castration, with ovarian failure syndrome, with ovarian resection (due to polycystic disease) and against the background of autoimmune ovarian damage.

There are other factors that can cause a decrease in the amount of estrogen. Only a doctor can accurately determine them after conducting an appropriate examination.

Lack of estrogen - symptoms of a disorder

Estrogens affect the state of many tissues, so their deficiency is manifested by a variety of health and well-being disorders. A similar pathological condition can make itself felt in different women with different symptoms.

At an early stage of such a disorder, patients are faced with vegetovascular, neuroendocrine and psychological manifestations. They are worried about excessive sweating, a feeling of "heat" in the whole body, a feeling of "tides". Also, the classic symptoms of a decrease in estrogen are the appearance of fatigue, irritability, sweating and insomnia. Many patients at the same time gain excess weight, they develop disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

With prolonged estrogen deficiency, urological and sexual disorders occur, in addition, skin characteristics change. Patients complain of discomfort during urination, as well as urinary incontinence and pain during intercourse, which occur due to dryness in the vagina. Lack of estrogen can lead not only to dryness, but also to atrophy of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, which is also manifested by discomfort during sex. Due to unpleasant symptoms, many women stop having sex.

Estrogen deficiency causes some changes in the skin - its elasticity and turgor decrease. Characteristic changes are visible on the face, represented by soft tissue ptosis, a decrease in the clarity of the face oval and dry skin.

Over time, a decrease in the amount of estrogen causes a decrease in bone mineral density. Such a hormonal disorder provokes the occurrence of atherosclerosis and even vascular dementia. Many patients come to the appointment due to fractures, myocardial ischemia, they may also experience impaired blood supply to the brain and memory problems.

In women who are carrying a child, a lack of estrogen can provoke a sudden abortion. A similar threat is usually observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such a deficiency can also be manifested by the impossibility of conception, in other words, infertility.

Lack of estrogen - treatment of the disorder

Coping with the problem of low estrogen levels in women can be difficult. Therapy should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the factor that caused this violation.

Patients with such a problem must definitely change their diet. They should include foods rich in plant estrogens in their menu. These include soy and products based on it, for example, milk, flour, etc., legumes will benefit: chickpeas, peas and beans. Also, you can not do without dairy products and meat. With a lack of estrogen, it is worth eating more vegetables and fruits, coffee and caffeinated drinks are allowed.

In addition to correcting the diet, women with estrogen deficiency are usually prescribed hormonal preparations containing estrogens. Oral contraceptives are often the drug of choice. Of course, the therapy of women of reproductive age is carried out according to a different scheme than with menopause.

Therapy for estrogen deficiency can only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Alternative treatment

Traditional medicine experts say that it is possible to normalize the level of estrogen in the body with the help of herbal remedies. So sage can be used for medicinal purposes. To prepare the medicine, brew a teaspoon of dried herb with one glass of boiling water. Infuse such a remedy until it cools, then strain. Take the finished medicine in the morning, sweetening with honey. The duration of such therapy is about a month. Repeat the dose three times a year, if necessary.

A good way to increase the amount of estrogen in the blood is red clover. So you can prepare a couple of tablespoons of inflorescences of this plant. Brew them with one glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place to infuse for one hour. Strain the finished medicine, then take it in half a glass three times a day shortly after a meal.

Hibiscus can also be used to normalize the amount of estrogen in the blood. Make tea from it. Brew a teaspoon of dry plants (flowers, petals and calyxes) in a ceramic or glass container with one glass of boiling water. Infuse such a remedy for an hour (or more), then strain and drink at your pleasure.

There is evidence that common nettle can help cope with the lack of estrogen. Brew a couple of tablespoons of chopped vegetable raw materials with two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Insist such a remedy during the night, then strain. Take the finished drink in a sip three times a day. It is necessary to take into account the fact that nettle is able to increase blood clotting.

If you suspect a lack of estrogen, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. The specialist will help you choose the right treatment. The feasibility of using folk remedies must be discussed with the doctor.

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