Anabolic steroid. Anabolic agents

Beautiful body they want to have not only female representatives - many men are also kind to their appearance and work hard in the gyms. In order not only to get a toned figure, but also to increase muscle mass, to acquire relief forms, some men take special supplements, in other words, anabolics. Anabolic is actually any drug that promotes growth muscle mass.

A bit of physiology

AT ordinary life The human body continuously destroys and eliminates old cells and tissues, replacing them with new ones. This process is called catabolism. The opposite process to catabolism is called anabolism, it is characterized by the production of young, new cells. Special nutritional supplements provide similar action and contribute to fast These are anabolics for fast They are made on the basis of the hormone testosterone, the production of which is more characteristic of men. These drugs are produced in the form of tablets or capsules, and are taken orally according to a special scheme. There are also anabolics for muscles that must be taken. long time. They are produced in the form of injections.

What are anabolics for?

Anabolic is a drug that enhances metabolism, and also helps to quickly assimilate those substances that are responsible for renewing body tissues. First of all, it improves protein and mineral metabolism. Given that anabolics are based on testosterone, this type of supplement contributes to the formation of a muscular male figure. Anabolics for muscle growth are sometimes prescribed by specialists in medical purposes, for example, when the patient is severely emaciated, after serious injury and serious illnesses. Doctors prescribe these substances when the human body itself cannot cope with the production of new cells. But most often anabolics for muscles acquire absolutely healthy people- athletes and bodybuilders. And they take these substances not for medical purposes, but to obtain relief muscles and increase physical strength.

Why do athletes take anabolics?

Anabolic is, in fact, doping, and it is prohibited in big sport. But still, bodybuilders, bodybuilders, sprinters and other athletes actively use the mentioned substance to improve their results. At the same time, the dosage of anabolic steroids taken by athletes differs significantly from those doses prescribed by doctors in medicinal purposes. When these supplements only began to appear (in the 60s of the last century), they were not yet able to determine their presence in human blood, so there was no ban on anabolics at that time. Now they are included in the list of drugs prohibited in sports, and the test for the use of anabolic steroids is carried out not only in competitions, but also during training.

What is the danger of taking anabolic steroids?

Regular intake of anabolic steroids ensures the formation of a beautiful muscular body and rapid growth of muscle mass. But these substances are not at all harmless, because it is not in vain that they are included in the list of prohibited substances. As we have already mentioned, anabolics are doping, so their use to improve athletic performance is prohibited. In addition, they fundamentally undermine human health and lead to disruption in work. internal organs and systems. The insidiousness of anabolic steroids lies in the fact that a malfunction in the work of one or another organ is not detected immediately, but after some time. Therefore, in most cases, the disease is detected when it is already running, and its treatment requires considerable effort and money.

Consequences of taking anabolic steroids

Regular intake of anabolics leads to the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, loss of appetite up to refusal to eat;
  • irritability, aggression.

Males often experience impotence, inflammation prostate, the activity of spermatozoa decreases, there are difficulties with conceiving a child. Reception of anabolic steroids by women leads to violations menstrual cycle and increased hair growth (the effect of the male hormone on In addition, the fair sex often has a rougher voice. It is especially dangerous for adolescents to take anabolics, because, in addition to disruptions in the functioning of all systems and organs, this leads to a cessation of growth. Often the influence of the substances in question on the immature the young body is so strong that there is a delay in its development.Very often eating anabolics leads to an increase in injuries.The reason for this phenomenon is that from the abuse of steroids, the muscles rapidly increase in size, but the ligaments and bones remain in the same state and do not withstand such a load.The faster the muscles grow, the greater the risk of tendon rupture, but this is the other side of the coin.As a rule, in the pursuit of a muscular body, people do not think about it.Or they simply do not know about all the consequences of taking anabolics.The insidiousness of these substances also lies in the fact that performance, a surge of strength and muscle building occurs only with the use of the mentioned supplements. If you stop taking them, then everything returns to its original position, which forces the person to take the drugs again and again and even increase their dosage. And it can be difficult to give up anabolics, as a person simply becomes addicted to the drug.

Is there an alternative?

But not all anabolics are harmful. There are plants that have a slight anabolic effect. Thanks to his natural origin, they do not disturb the balance of the body, but contribute to the growth of muscle mass. Natural anabolics for muscle growth are celery, dill, wild garlic, parsnips and horseradish. Let muscle mass increase from their use not as quickly as from synthetic drugs, but they do not undermine human health, do not lead to side effects and are not prohibited for use on sports competitions. Therefore, before taking anabolic steroids in order to build muscle as soon as possible, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also consult your doctor about possible consequences use similar drugs. After all, anabolic is not harmless vitamins or Whey Protein, and substances that have strong impact on the body and therefore requiring strict control and use in recommended dosages, which are strictly not recommended to be exceeded.

Everyone who comes to the gym and works hard, hopes for a return. In bodybuilding, the result is an increase in muscle mass. Stimulate the growth of muscle cells and contribute to an increase in the mass of muscle fibers, special substances synthesized by the endocrine glands. Increase the secretion of anabolic hormones allows special treatment nutrition and training.

Anabolic and catabolic hormones

Hormones are called chemicals that have the property of inducing. They are produced by the cells of any living organism to influence the processes in the cells of all parts of the body.

According to their properties, hormones are divided into two groups: anabolic and catabolic. The hormone, which has an anabolic effect, allows you to build muscle mass, and catabolic - break down the fat layer. Some hormones can be attributed to both groups, for example, growth hormone.

Anabolic hormones are divided into three large groups:

  • amino acid derivatives (eg adrenaline or tyrosine);
  • steroid hormones (progestins, estrogens, testosterone, cortisone);
  • peptide hormones (insulin).

Anabolic hormones

They are called chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands, growth depends on them. muscle tissue. These biologically active substances are divided into two groups: steroids and polypeptide, or protein (for example, growth hormone or insulin).

To increase the level of such hormones in the blood, special training programs have been developed. How do they work? During intense physical exertion, the protein breaks down, in response, the body produces the lost protein. Due to this reaction, muscle mass increases. If the growth process slows down, you need to stimulate the synthesis of substances such as anabolic hormones. The list of such hormones includes insulin, somatotropin, testosterone and others.


Insulin is an anabolic hormone produced by the pancreas. The substance helps to assimilate glucose and useful fatty acids. By letting glucose into the cell, insulin provides stimulation of glycogen synthesis, and by letting in fatty acid- getting your own human fats, which the joints need. Insulin skips amino acids to start intracellular protein synthesis. So it is insulin that is rightfully considered the main anabolic hormone.

However, the absence physical activity, consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates in food, and, as a result, excess weight increase insulin production. And since the hormone is involved in the body will gradually accumulate fat.

Exceeding the dose of insulin can be deadly, as there is a risk of hypoglycemia. For an overdose to occur, you need to inject at least a full insulin syringe, and the smallest lethal dose is 100 IU. But even lethal doses do not induce insulin lethal outcome with the timely intake of glucose into the body.

Substances that stimulate insulin synthesis

Banaba leaf extract contains an acid that increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. You can enhance the effect of the supplement when taken together with ginseng. In medicine, banaba leaf extract is used in the treatment of diabetes. Take the substance immediately after intensive physical activity together with protein and carbohydrates (35-50 mg of extract at a time).

Gymnema sylvestre plant extract has long been used to treat diabetes. The substance increases the amount of insulin produced, but does not deplete the gland responsible for its production. Take the extract slowly, in small sips for half an hour after training. More effective reception hymnema sylvestre together with proteins and carbohydrates (400-500 mg).

Under the influence of alpha lipoic acid (ALA), the uptake of glucose by the muscles improves. Acid is taken immediately after exercise at 600-1000 mg. When you include animal proteins in your diet and plant origin there is an increase in the production of a protein that has an anabolic effect. It is also effective to take dissolved in water. essential amino acids(at least 20 g) during training.

A growth hormone

Growth hormone (other names: GH, somatotropic HGH, somatotropin, somatropin) is called a polypeptide hormone with an anabolic effect, it is synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland. Thanks to this biologically active substance, the body begins to actively use fat reserves, converting them into muscle relief.

The effectiveness of growth hormone decreases with age: it is maximal in early childhood and minimal in the elderly. Growth hormone production usually rises at night, about an hour after falling asleep.

Growth began to be used in sports after medicine. Despite the ban on reception, the volume of sales of this chemical increased.

The main reason for the popularity of somatropin is the lack of side effects and his high efficiency in the formation of relief, due to the ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and the ability to accumulate fluid in muscle cells. Apart from high cost the drug, the disadvantages include the fact that taking this hormone does not lead to an increase in strength indicators, does not increase productivity and endurance. Growth hormone stimulates a slight muscle gain (about 2 kg).

Substances that increase the production of growth hormone

Alpha-glyceryl-forforyl-choline (alpha-GPC) actively stimulates the production of its own GH in the body. In medicine, this supplement is used primarily for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Take 60-90 minutes before training, 600 mg of alpha-GPC.

Another compound is arginine and lysine. Substances stimulate the immediate production and release of growth hormone into the blood. accept pharmacological agent in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before dinner and at bedtime (1.5 - 3 mg of each substance).

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that is involved in the transmission of nerve signals. Usually the drugs in the list active ingredients which include gamma-aminobutyric acid, are used in medical practice for the treatment of dementia. In sports, GABA is taken in significantly increased doses. Shows the use of amino acids on an empty stomach an hour before bedtime or before training for 3-5 g.

Increases the secretion of growth hormone and melatonin, which is taken an hour before physical activity, 5 mg each.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroid- This is a group of pharmacological drugs that repeat the action of male sex hormones. The latter include, for example, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Unlike peptide hormones, anabolic steroids easily penetrate the cell, where they start the process of formation of new protein molecules. Due to this, there is a significant muscle gain (7 kg per month), an increase in strength, performance and endurance. However, in addition to anabolic effects, there is a significant percentage of androgenic ones: baldness, increased hair growth on the face and body, masculinization - the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics in women, virilization - excess male hormones in women, testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy.


Testosterone is the main hormone in the male body. The substance affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the volume of muscle mass, sex drive, self-confidence and degree of aggression. A synthetic analogue of testosterone is officially banned in Russia, however, some substances and exotic plants can stimulate the production of their own testosterone in sufficient quantities.

Biologically active substance has a number of side effects, but if you do not abuse synthetic testosterone and do not exceed the recommended dose, you will not have to face them. Even excessive doses rarely lead to irreversible processes in the body. The media has exaggerated the dangers of taking substances such as anabolic hormones.

Drugs that stimulate the production of testosterone

Increases testosterone levels damiana - a shrub from the Turner family. The preparation of the same name contains an extract of the leaves of the plant. The pharmacological agent stimulates the production of its own anabolic hormones in the body and blocks the synthesis of estrogen, in contrast to medicinal analogues, which enhance the production of the latter. With an overdose, there is almost narcotic euphoria and a significant increase in libido. Take the substance half an hour - an hour before the first meal, as well as before physical activity and sleep (50 - 500 mg each).

Another drug - "Forskolin" - contains an extract of an Indian plant called coleus forskolia. By influencing the production of its own anabolic hormones in the male body, the pharmacological agent stimulates natural production testosterone. Take "Forskolin" twice a day, 250 mg.

Strong antioxidant containing the natural pigment astaxanthin, which gives color aquarium fish- Astaxanthin. The substance is used in conjunction with saw palmetto, which includes fruits. When these substances are taken at the same time, natural testosterone is produced in the body. Take the drug once a day as part of astaxanthin + saw palmetto (500-1000 mg of each component).

Anabolic hormones are produced naturally at following conditions: a full eight-hour sleep, proper nutrition and maintenance water-salt balance organism. Training should not exceed an hour of intense exercise.

anabolic steroids are called special pharmacological preparations, which mimic the action of various anabolic-type hormones. In most cases, the effect of testosterone is reproduced, or its initial level is increased. It is generally accepted that all steroids are "anabolics". In practice, there are both androgenic and anabolic drugs, and their action is strikingly different.

The site administration is categorically against the amateur use of anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS). These drugs are used only in high-performance sports, for example, when entering the stage as a competitive bodybuilder. Ordinary amateurs who want to gain muscle mass should not use hormonal drugs. this moment distribution and possession of steroids falls under article 234 of the criminal code Russian Federation. All information below is provided for informational purposes only.

Synonyms of steroids: Anabolics, androgens, AS, AAS (as they are officially referred to in the literature), as well as such slang concepts as "vitamins" and "chemistry" - all this is nothing more than anabolic steroids.

They began to use them even before they learned to properly identify. The starting point should be considered 1931, when Adolf Butenandt, having processed 10,000 liters of urine, isolated 15 mg of androstenone. Four years later, a group of scientists were able to synthesize crystalline testosterone. Scientists who managed to do this received the Nobel Prize in 1939. Human trials began in 1937.

There are theories that Nazi Germany anabolics were administered to soldiers in order to increase their stamina and increase aggression, but this remains in the realm of rumors. However, it is absolutely known at the same time that the Nazis conducted research on steroids on prisoners of concentration camps, and even personal doctor Adolf Hitler claimed that he was injected with anabolic steroids. Also in the 40s, these pharmacological drugs began to be used by athletes. The chemists of the USSR and the USA improved their drugs, striving to surpass each other, until 1976, when the Olympic Committee banned the use of steroids. Soon, tests were developed to detect them, and this is where the story of legal anabolics ends.

Anabolic action- this is the effect of pharmacological drugs and diet, which promotes protein synthesis, and, as a result, muscle growth.

As mentioned above, the purpose of taking such drugs is to simply increase the level of your own hormones, in particular, testosterone. The history of their creation dates back to 1935. We won't bore you historical reference, we only note that at the moment steroids are used in any professional sport, be it bodybuilding, athletics or rowing. Alas, the world anti-doping control is just a business, and it has nothing to do with fair competition. At the moment, there are a huge number of steroid drugs, both oral and parenteral (intramuscular). There is an opinion that oral steroids unnecessarily burden the liver, and various esters that need to be administered through injections do not have such a negative property. Alas, this is just a stereotype. Steroid molecules will still be filtered in the liver, regardless of the route of administration. All steroids can be classified into anabolic and androgenic, despite the fact that each has similar properties, i.e. all anabolics are partly androgenic, and vice versa. However, the differences lie in the ratio of these indicators.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroid- These are pharmacological preparations, the action of which reproduces the effect of such male sex hormones as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Steroids contribute to the fact that protein synthesis in cells is accelerated, which, in turn, leads to a sharp increase in muscle mass. Taken for rapid growth muscles and for effective work on relief during the drying period

They are called anabolic for a reason. Once in the body, they cause secondary functions high level testosterone, while not affecting the male hormone direct impact. That is, there is no forced and purposeful oppression hormonal system. The body only receives secondary anabolic effects such as increased protein synthesis, a positive nitrogen balance, and slight increase testosterone levels, which is present due to the presence of androgenic activity. always try to choose exactly anabolic steroids, with the lowest androgenic index. The fact is that all negative side effects associated with high androgenic activity. But more on that below.

Androgenic steroids

This group of drugs is most often called androgens. In general, this is a subgroup of steroid drugs that purposefully increase the level of their own hormones (endogenous). It is androgens that cause the development of secondary male sexual characteristics. As mentioned above, the high androgenic activity of certain drugs causes a whole cascade negative effects such as: baldness, acne, seborrhea, masculinization (for women), testicular atrophy, etc. into the skin. At the moment, the practice of their use is not as extensive as before, and such patches are used only in the treatment of hypogonadism.

It is no secret that steroids have a pronounced anabolic effect, i.e. they contribute to a set of muscle mass, and with little or no increase in the percentage of fat in the human body. Hormones play essential role in all sports, especially in bodybuilding. Not surprisingly, anabolics can dramatically improve possible result from training and nutrition. However, in this barrel of honey there is a huge fly in the ointment. Positive effects of steroids: Increasing testosterone levels Increased strength through testosterone Accumulation of nitrogen - a positive nitrogen balance Acceleration of protein synthesis Stimulation of appetite Stimulation of libido Negative effects of steroids: Possible aromatization - conversion of testosterone to female hormones The wrong “course” will cause the opposite reactions: a decrease in libido and testosterone The accumulation of fluid in the body and a corresponding increase in pressure Seborrhea Acne Damage to internal organs, in particular the liver Masculinization is characteristic of women The phenomenon of “rollback” - the loss of all gained muscle mass Decreased sensitivity of their own androgen receptors steroids are not ideal remedy to increase muscle mass. It is worth noting that the vast majority of amateurs make up the wrong courses of taking certain steroids, as a result of which mainly negative effects appear. In fairness, it should be noted that the lion's share of negative side effects is reversible, and it is enough to stop taking steroids. However, there are also severe pathologies, which can be caused by prolonged and improper use of steroids. A vivid example is gynecomastia in men or infertility, which is inherent in the so-called "eternal" courses, during which the athlete does not use periodization and uses anabolics on a regular basis. In practice, such self-sacrifice can only be traced to PRO bodybuilders. Advertising contracts force them to keep in great shape with minimum percentage fat in the body almost the whole year in order to conduct seminars and star in various marketing format videos. There is a stereotypical opinion according to which anabolic drugs can negatively affect erectile function. In practice, a completely different situation is observed: the level of testosterone is high, as a result of which the libido rises to an unprecedented level. The athlete begins to succumb to the natural instinct - he wants to continue the race, since it is at the moment that he has the best of health, both physiologically and psychological point vision. Impotence from taking steroids can be caused by a very long and incorrect course of taking drugs. In this case, testicular atrophy will be observed. Another stereotype can be called the mortal danger of steroids. In fact, no more than three deaths were noted in the entire history of their existence. In this case, steroids played only an indirect role. It must be understood that pharmacological drugs "play" with hormonal levels, but at the same time they do not have a noticeable effect on organs such as the heart, brain or central nervous system. The rollback phenomenon is not a myth. But at the same time, the terms "fake", "chemical", "empty" muscles, etc. should not be used. From a physiological point of view, muscle fibers built up with steroids are no different from those that were recruited thanks to their own endogenous testosterone.

Indeed, after the abolition of the steroid course, there is a return to the original state. Recall that testosterone is responsible not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for maintaining it. Steroid withdrawal is a reduction general level male hormone. Often, it is at this moment that all the negative consequences, in particular aromatization, appear. In addition to testosterone, the level of estrogen in the body rises, as the body strives for internal homeostasis. In the process of taking steroids, the hypothalamus sends inhibitory signals to the pituitary gland, and from there it goes directly to the testicles. This system called the hypothalamic-pituitary. The situation is simple: the body understands that the level of testosterone is incredibly high, as a result of which it tries to reduce it. The only one possible way is the conversion of male hormones into female ones. It sends the appropriate signals and aromatization occurs, but the intake of steroid drugs from the outside does not allow it to complete this task, as a result of which each time it tries to aromatize more and more. And so, at the moment of steroid withdrawal, the testosterone level instantly drops, but the body has an impressive inertia, as a result of which the conversion to estrogen will continue for some time. It was during this process the athlete loses all the recruited muscle fibers. To prevent the phenomenon of "failure", there is PCT (PCT English) - post-cycle therapy. To compile a correct and effective PCT, various analyzes and professional sports doctors. No forum or seller of steroids is competent to make steroid cycles and subsequent PCT. That is why it is highly recommended to avoid anabolic and androgenic steroids, being an ordinary visitor to the gym who just wants to look good. You should never increase the dose recommended in the instructions for the drug. If the course prescribed by a specialist does not involve combining different steroids, independent creativity in this it is better not to engage in the area. The duration of the course should be clearly established and cannot be exceeded. Women are better off avoiding steroids in principle, last resort use anabolic complexes. People under the age of 21 are better off not taking steroids. PCT (a cycle of drugs taken after steroid therapy) will help reduce most effects. Of course, any, even the most insane "cycle" of anabolic steroids will allow you to gain muscle mass, however , this will only last as long as the drugs are taken on a regular basis. As soon as they are canceled, all muscle mass will crumble like a house of cards. Main question: why? The answer is quite simple: because AAS should only be taken under the supervision of doctors. Otherwise, there is a chance of gaining a whole list of negative consequences. Steroids are drugs from another universe of bodybuilding. Ordinary inhabitants those who are engaged for health and appearance should not resort to such drastic measures. You should not look for various anabolic complexes that are supposedly safe. They are quite often offered by various manufacturers of sports nutrition. If the drug is allowed, this does not prove its safety at all. This statement refers to innovative supplements that have not stood the test of time. The most you can spend your money on is standard sports nutrition. Of course, it cannot even be considered as an alternative to steroids, but bodybuilding is about training, nutrition and rest, and not an endless search. easy way in the form of safe steroids. Train, study theory, follow a diet and sleep well - this is the only way to ensure yourself a long-term result that will not depend on certain drugs.

Surely most of you, starting your journey in gym thought not only about the training program, nutrition and food additives, but also about using medicines to improve your results. And today we will try to figure out what is good and what is bad in terms of the use of anabolic drugs by non-professionals.

The first mention of the use of doping is in 1865, and in 1866 the first death associated with the use of substances designed to improve physical performance was recorded.

In order for the mechanism of action of anabolics on the body to be more or less clear, let's start with metabolism and consider the processes of anabolism and catabolism on simple examples. These two processes are interrelated and are fundamental to our body.

Anabolism is a process of growth and development of cells and tissues that requires energy; during catabolic processes, energy is released during breakdown complex substances to simpler ones.
Thus, when you come to a workout, you load your muscles, they, firstly, consume energy, and secondly, they are destroyed. And during rest and recovery, pay attention, anabolic processes are turned on, and you “grow”.

We will not complicate this scheme now, speaking of neurohumoral regulation, enzymes and types of load, we will leave it for the future.
So, the unity of the processes of anabolism and catabolism allows you to keep your body in balance (a state of homeostasis). What do anabolic drugs give us? Of course, the same height and fast recovery.

First, consider non-steroidal anabolic drugs. They are represented by amino acids, vitamins and nootropic substances. Their effect is not as significant as from taking steroids, however, side effects are practically not observed (an exception may be allergic reactions, but this is a specific feature of your body). Most of these substances are sports nutrition, and not to the prohibited doping category.

The mechanism of action of these substances is quite simple, usually we are talking about accelerating recovery due to the participation of nonsteroidal anabolics in the metabolism, followed by accelerating the excretion of metabolic products; amino acids are a universal building material for tissues, nootropics affect nervous system, improving the absorption of oxygen by tissues, relieving the feeling of fatigue.

Consider the main non-steroidal anabolic drugs:
The first group of non-steroidal anabolic drugs should include substances that improve protein synthesis and are used to prevent physical overexertion. These are the well-known potassium orotate, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, carnitine. We specifically take it out separately so that you understand that carnitine and its derivatives are not fat burners, but participate in biochemical processes, normalizing metabolism and accelerating tissue growth. Paired with potassium orotate, riboxin is often used, which affects cellular respiration.

The second group of drugs combines substances that can accelerate recovery energy reserves activating the action of human enzyme systems and increasing resistance to hypoxia ( oxygen starvation). It is primarily a series of amino acids.
Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid that stimulates brain metabolism and protein metabolism.
Aspartic acid. We all know the drug Asparkam or its analogue Panangin (potassium and magnesium asparginate). Used for prevention cardiovascular disease, is prophylactic when overworked, increases endurance and activates protein synthesis in the body.

The third group includes substances under common name"adaptogens". These are drugs that can increase vitality and resilience under stressful conditions. Most of the funds are of plant origin. Cobabamide, rosehip extract, pantocrine, echinacea and eleutherococcus extract. With a certain amount of sarcasm, I would like to include drugs with a placebo effect in this list.

Taken as prescribed by a doctor, these drugs are unlikely to harm your body. However, when preparing for the competition, carefully read the lists of prohibited drugs, so as not to tempt fate.

And now let's move on to the most interesting part of our story, namely, steroid anabolic drugs. All this group is synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Synthetic testosterone was created and used for the first time in 1935, in the 50-70s, testosterone derivatives got rid of most of the androgynous properties, while increasing the anabolic ones. By and large, these are the drugs that are heard to this day: methandrostelone, retabolil and others. Initially, steroid anabolics were used in medicine - to restore the body of a person affected by serious illnesses or after surgical interventions. The anabolic effect of testosterone derivatives was fully justified in experiments with the muscle mass of horses.

Until the beginning of the seventies, athletes were free to use whatever they wanted (yes, in the USSR, as in other countries, "methane" was used en masse in the preparation of athletes), but 1968 brought changes: at the initiative of an active participant in the Olympic movement, Alexander de Merode, first ever Olympic Games compulsory doping control.

To date, the pharmaceutical industry offers more than 400 drugs that can be safely classified as anabolics. How many types of underground production offers us - only God knows. So why are steroid anabolics banned? Why is there such a hype around the side effects of these drugs?

Steroid anabolic drugs directly affect the processes of tissue building at the molecular level. Once in the cells, the substance activates androgen receptors, and the receptors, in turn, activate certain sections of DNA, “forcing” the production of muscle proteins. The strength and duration of exposure depend on the chemical structure of the drug itself.

In our body there are not only receptors that recognize testosterone derivatives, but also glands responsible for the production of this hormone. When taking steroids, you must understand that own production the body of this hormone decreases, which has, although remote, but very backfire for male body. Girls should pay attention to the fact that testosterone in female body It is produced in much lower doses than in men, and the use of drugs is fraught with changes in the timbre of the voice, figure, and unwanted hair growth on the body. You can easily find information about the horrors of using steroids yourself by typing in a search engine « Side effects anabolic hormones" . Unfortunately, many do not perceive possible harm anabolic steroids seriously and experiment on themselves, not bothering to be examined.

Anabolic steroids have plenty of advantages: an increase in muscle mass, a decrease in fat, quick recovery and increased vitality. By the way, there is a catch in the last paragraph: steroids cause withdrawal syndrome, tk. they act on the central nervous system, neither more nor less, like a drug. Everything that a person without pharmaceutical support spends years on, an athlete taking anabolic steroids can get in six months or a year. If the body is susceptible, if no side effects are observed. Too many "ifs", and when considering anabolic steroids, it's better to ask yourself: are you ready for unexpected side effects and is your victory at 25 worth the health problems at 40?

text: Alexandra Serobabova

The anabolic effect is the process of converting simple compounds into more complex ones. It uses a certain amount of energy and is regulated by hormones. It is on it that the main mechanism of action of steroids is based. These drugs help accelerate the growth of muscle mass and promote muscle recovery. They give a quick effect, but they have some side effects. How do anabolics affect the body? What else is the principle of their action?

In the process of gaining adipose or muscle tissue in the human body, a large number of a wide variety of reactions. Doing sports, such as bodybuilding, requires a significant expenditure in terms of energy. If the energy "appetites" are greater than the body's reserves, an intake is required special means. These can be sources of fat or the muscle tissue itself.

If you use muscles as a source of energy, the results of sports activities will be reduced to zero. That is why the use of special substances - anabolic steroids - is shown in the process of playing sports. The purpose of their use is to increase the amount of protein, as well as the activation of its synthesis.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is similar to how peptide hormones work. Once in the bloodstream, steroid particles react with the muscles of the skeleton, sebaceous glands, some parts of the brain and individual glands. They penetrate into cells and bind to receptors in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Due to this, the process of formation of nucleic acids and protein molecules starts.

Steroids have a lot of positive properties.

  1. Increasing testosterone levels.
  2. Increased strength and endurance.
  3. Fat burning.
  4. Normalization of nitrogen balance.
  5. The body receives a large amount of proteins.
  6. Increased appetite.
  7. Increased sexual desire.

In spite of positive sides, doctors talk about the dangers of steroids. Them long-term use may cause development various pathologies and diseases:

Transformation of testosterone into female hormones;

  • an incorrectly designed system for the use of drugs has the opposite effect;
  • fluid retention in the body and, as a result, edema and high blood pressure;
  • seborrhea and acne;
  • disturbances in the work of internal organs, in particular, the liver;
  • all the gained muscle mass is lost;
  • androgen receptors lose their sensitivity.

In medicine, there are cases when the use of steroids by men for long period time led to infertility. However, reports of such complications appear very rarely. Most of the negative effects do not affect the structure of cells, are reversible and can be treated.

What does anabolic effect mean? This is a process that involves replenishing the energy expended on training due to any substances, in this case steroids. They have a lot of advantages. The effect is possible under one condition - the athlete will strictly adhere to the instructions.

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