What is useful blackcurrant? Amazing blackcurrant. Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of blackcurrant and contraindications for its use should have been known to the inhabitants of our country like no other. After all feels at ease in our climate and successfully grows in most summer cottages in most of Russia.

But the happy owners of lush blackcurrant bushes often do not understand how to use this berry so that it benefits the body.

So, let's figure it out.


The calorie content of blackcurrant per 100 grams is 63 kcal. This amount of fresh berries also contains:

  • 6.8 grams of vegetable fiber;
  • 2.6 g of fruit acids (citric, malic, quinic);
  • 295% of the daily dose of vitamin C;
  • 27% vitamin E;
  • 10% vitamin A;
  • 9.3% iron;
  • 5.7% calcium and magnesium%
  • 6.7% pantothenic acid;
  • 4.4% folic acid;
  • 4% vitamin B6;
  • 3.6% vitamin B1.

In many ways, the health benefits of blackcurrant are determined by the antioxidants that make up its composition.

The berry is unusually rich in vitamin C. Many do not even think about what vitamin C is. But this is one of the strongest antioxidants. A lot of the product and vitamin E, also known for its ability to destroy free radicals.

The deep purple berry is due to the presence of anthocyanins. More than 15 different types of anthocyanin antioxidants have been found in black currant. There are also quite a lot of antioxidants of the flavonoid group.

If we talk about which currant is more useful: black or red, then the black version of the berry should be put in the first place. It contains much more than red, anthocyanins and vitamin C, a higher concentration of some other vitamins and minerals. But the glycemic index is lower.

Beneficial features

  1. Anti-cancer activity. Regular inclusion in the diet helps to reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms. And the extract obtained from Ribes nigrum, even contributes to the destruction of already formed cancer cells.
  2. Preservation of vision. All foods rich in antioxidants are useful in preventing eye diseases. However, the healing properties of blackcurrant in this regard are so high that it has a true healing effect on patients with glaucoma. Taking extracts prevents the onset of blindness in those who have already been diagnosed with this disease, and not just contributes to its prevention.
  3. Strengthening immunity. Vitamin C has significant immunomodulatory properties. One glass of berries supplies the body with more than three times the daily dose of this vitamin.
  4. Antiviral properties. The healing properties of blackcurrant, which help to avoid the development of infections, are associated not only with the fact that it strengthens the immune system. But also with its ability to directly block the development of viral invasion. Berry extract has been shown to prevent viruses from attaching to the cell membrane of the human body. The extract is active against influenza viruses, adenoviruses, herpes virus.
  5. Antimicrobial Properties. Destroys a berry and bacterial microorganisms. It has been proven to inhibit development H.pylori, causing gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as whooping cough pathogens.
  6. Help in the treatment of cystitis. This currant is especially useful for women because it helps to treat cystitis. It works best in the form of juice, which has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to remove pathogens from the bladder. Anthocyanins in the juice prevent pathogenic bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract.
  7. Protection against neurodegenerative diseases. The main cause of brain aging, memory impairment, cognitive decline and the development of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is the effect of free radicals on the brain. rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, and therefore helps to keep the sharpness of the mind until old age.
  8. Prevention of cardiovascular disease th. The benefits of blackcurrant for the human body also lie in the fact that it helps to ignite the blood and normalize the lipid profile. The antioxidants found in this berry help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (particles of "bad" cholesterol). It is oxidized lipoproteins that pose a danger to blood vessels. Therefore, such activity of the berry is extremely important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  9. Improving the condition of the intestinal microflora. The berry has a lot of vegetable fiber, which nourishes and maintains the intestinal biocenosis. In addition, the anthocyanins of the product have a specific beneficial effect on bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium, reproduction of which is extremely important for the proper functioning of the microflora.
  10. Liver cleanse. It has been proven that with the regular inclusion of this berry in the diet, the level of the enzyme alanine aminotransferase normalizes in a biochemical blood test. Elevated levels of this enzyme always indicate liver damage.
  11. Improve mood. Eating a berry meal increases the levels of compounds that are popularly known as “happiness hormones” – serotonin and dopamine. This leads to an improvement in mood and an increase in the overall energy potential of the body.
  12. Improving the appearance of the skin. Berry antioxidants protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals on them, which lead to aging of the whole organism in general and the skin in particular. Vitamin C is of great importance for maintaining good skin tone, as it plays a key role in the synthesis of collagen in the skin.
  13. Help in the treatment of anemia. The product contains a lot of iron. Therefore, it is useful for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia and can help in the treatment of this disease.

What is the impact on the process of losing weight?


In the minds of many people, any fruit or berry is good for weight loss. But it's not. Some fruit and berry products contain so many sugars, in particular fructose, that they get better rather than lose weight.

Blackcurrant for weight loss is useful because it contains little sugar. One glass of berries has only 3.8 grams of fructose. There are also not many calories in the berry: in one glass there are 70.5 kcal. The glycemic index is low - 15.

All these features make the berry a great snack on a weight loss diet. However, the explanation of how dark purple currants are useful for weight loss is more extensive.

  1. The product is rich in vegetable fiber. Therefore, it slows down the absorption of food. First of all carbohydrates. This is useful for weight control, as it helps to avoid a spike in blood sugar levels after a meal, which is always followed by a massive surge of insulin. And it is this rise in insulin levels that is one of the main reasons for the rapid formation of body fat.
  2. The medicinal properties of blackcurrant are associated with the presence of a large amount of antioxidants in it. For weight loss, this is important because antioxidants help reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which almost all overweight people have, and which is one of the reasons for the accumulation of this excess weight.
  3. The beneficial effect of the berry on the intestinal microflora is also important for weight loss. Since in people prone to the rapid formation of excess body fat, there is always a violation of the intestinal microflora, a change in its species composition.
  4. Currant improves mood and increases the overall energy potential of the body. This helps a person to move more actively during the day, and, therefore, burn more calories. And it makes it possible to avoid unnecessary snacks, many of which are simply due to boredom and nervousness.

How to include in the diet?

How much is allowed to eat per day?

Berry is not a medicine. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much blackcurrant is allowed to be consumed.

Most people tolerate it well. And he does not experience any problems even after a plentiful berry meal.

Therefore, as with many other fruits, the allowed amount is sometimes calculated based on the amount of fructose contained in the product.

1 cup of berries contains 3.8 g of fructose.

A person who does not have health problems, with normal weight, can eat up to 25 g of fructose per day, which corresponds to 6.5 glasses of currants.

Overweight people, as well as those who have a pre-diabetic condition (and this is the majority of those people who need to lose weight), can consume no more than 15 g of fructose per day - 4 cups of fresh berries.

The above calculations are correct if currants are actually the only source of fructose in your diet. If you eat other berries and fruits, honey and other sweets, the amount of berries consumed should be reduced. Otherwise, you risk overloading your body with sugars and harming your health.

Usage options

The most correct option for inclusion in the diet is the use of fresh blackcurrants. But there are other ways too. Namely:

  • put in salads;
  • add to sauces served with meat and fish;
  • use to create smoothies;
  • eat together with dairy products, for example, cottage cheese;
  • garnish porridge.

There are a lot of options for eating blackcurrant. But it should be remembered that only those recipes that do not require the use of sugar, honey and other easily digestible carbohydrates are useful.

If you bake pies with berries or make jam with sugar from them, you create just a sweet dessert. It is delicious. But it does not bring any benefit to the body. On the contrary, it causes harm.

By the way, currant jam can be cooked without adding sugar.

Although sugar is not used with this harvesting method, this method of preserving berries for the winter still cannot be called completely correct. Since it requires a long heat treatment, during which most of the vitamin C will be destroyed.

Frozen blackcurrant has much more useful properties.

Freezing berries is easy.

  • First, eat and dry.
  • Then spread in one layer on a tray, which we close with a lid or bag and put in the freezer.
  • When the berries become hard in the cold, pour them into a container or bag and put them back in the freezer for long-term storage.

Contraindications and side effects

  • A strict contraindication for the use of blackcurrant is an allergy to it. The berry is not a strong allergen. Therefore, such individual intolerance rarely develops, affecting mainly those who are allergic to salicylates.
  • Berry meals are prohibited for those taking phenothiazines due to an increased risk of seizures.
  • Like many other foods, the benefits and harms of blackcurrant go hand in hand. The berry thins the blood. And it is useful for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. But it can be dangerous for people suffering from blood clotting pathologies, taking anticoagulants, preparing for surgical interventions.

It is not recommended to consume a large amount of currants even while taking conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. As well as taking dietary supplements with angelica, cloves, ginger, ginseng.

Possible side effects from a rich currant meal are the same as from any other plant food rich in fiber. This is bloating and flatulence, diarrhea, nausea. These symptoms are unpleasant, but do not pose any threat to health.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

The benefits of blackcurrant during pregnancy are diverse. Here are some examples of its beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother:

  • protection against viruses and pathogenic bacteria, strengthening immunity;
  • elimination of constipation;
  • prevention of iron deficiency anemia and saturation with folic acid - a vitamin that is especially useful for pregnant women;
  • control over weight gain;
  • mood improvement, etc.

At the same time, there is an allergy to currants much less often than to some other berries. For example, it is associated with an increased risk of developing allergies. In this case, the occurrence of such a side effect is unlikely.

So, pregnant women can and should eat blackcurrants. But not at a later date. For this product dilutes the blood quite strongly, which can be fraught with the development of bleeding during childbirth.

Is it possible to eat on breastfeeding and from what age to give to children?

Use blackcurrant while breastfeeding with caution. Start with very small portions, literally a few berries a day, and carefully monitor the condition of the baby.

This is due to the fact that, despite the fact that the berry rarely causes allergies in adults and older children, in those who are charmed, it can cause an allergic reaction, mainly a rash on the body.

It is one of the favorite berries of many people. In addition to excellent taste, it has a great effect on human health. Due to its strong healing properties, this berry is often used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in folk medicine.

The black that it possesses is needed by people throughout the year. Therefore, jams, compotes are made from berries, or they are simply frozen for the winter. However, the excellent taste of this plant is very good, so it is used with great pleasure in cooking, adding to wine, pastries, desserts, marinades for fish and meat.

Blackcurrant outwardly is a low shrub belonging to the gooseberry family. It reaches a maximum height of 2 meters. Berries usually ripen on it in July-August, and the plant begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after the initial planting. Allocate currant early, mid-season and late-ripening. It ripens fruits of an even round shape, dark black in color. Berries are harvested only fully ripe.

Blackcurrant: useful properties

So, what is useful blackcurrant? In many ways, all its benefits are determined by its unique composition. It is no coincidence that people consider this berry a valuable storehouse of various useful substances. After all, it contains useful vitamins of group B, vitamins E, A, C, P, pectins, sugars, essential oils, iron, potassium, and vitamin C is present in the berry so much that it can provide the body with a daily norm of the necessary ascorbic acid, only 15- 20 berries.

Blackcurrant surpasses all berries in a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances contained in it. Studies have shown that these berries have the ability to prevent the dangerous onset of diabetes. Yes, it is these important properties that have influenced the fact that it is often an additive for products designed to improve and strengthen the body during a variety of diseases.

Black currant also has useful properties in the treatment of many chronic diseases: malignant tumors, cardiovascular Alzheimer's. If you regularly use these wonderful berries, then immunity will be strengthened, diabetes will be prevented, vision problems will be prevented, and intellectual capabilities will be maintained in the elderly.

The berry helps to cope with SARS remarkably: anthocyanidins and vitamin C have a powerful and fast anti-inflammatory effect. And blackcurrant juice actively contributes to rapid recovery after surgery, a decoction treats hypertension, stomach ulcers, gastritis, anemia, bleeding gums. It has a therapeutic effect on pharyngitis and tonsillitis: with berry juice, which is diluted with water, you need to rinse.

Blackcurrant leaves: useful properties

No less valuable are the leaves of the shrub. They contain even more than berries, vitamin C, essential oils, phytoncides, as well as magnesium, silver, manganese, copper, lead, sulfur.

They have a beneficial effect on problems with the cardiovascular system, gastritis and even gout. Black currant leaves tone up, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, cleansing and diuretic effect.

For medicinal purposes, infusions of leaves are often used, and for a general, reliable strengthening of the body, they are brewed like ordinary tea. You can use fresh or dried leaves for this. An excellent vitamin drink will be an infusion of young leaves mixed with any sweet and sour fresh juice. You can add sugar to such a cocktail, and drink ½ cup a day.

The leaves of the blackcurrant bush, oddly enough, have a pleasant strong aroma, therefore, when pickling and preserving vegetables, they are often put as a spice.

Here is such a wonderful berry - blackcurrant. It gives useful properties to everyone who eats it.

Helps in the treatment of many diseases. Both leaves and berries are used. It is used both in cooking and in decoctions and compotes.

What is useful currant for people?

The berry blooms in spring and by the end of summer you can enjoy delicious fruits. It contains such useful substances as vitamins and trace elements, tannins. They are easily absorbed by the human body.

Usually, during a cold, grandmothers and mothers are advised to drink tea with currant jam. This is the right advice, because it contains a large amount of the well-known vitamin C and P. An interesting fact is that 46 grams of black currant contains a daily intake of vitamin C.

To reduce the amount of toxins in the body, a decoction of berries is used. Folic acid in blackcurrant helps to remove these harmful substances.

Also, the berry is used in the fight against pathogens of infectious diseases. They neutralize various kinds of bacteria. Blackcurrant tincture is used in conjunction with antibiotics, which increases their effect tenfold.

The berries of this shrub have the property of reducing inflammation. Because of this, most cosmetic products contain the enzymes of this plant. What else is currant useful for the body? In the treatment of wounds, this berry will also come to the rescue.

Some people have a question: what are the benefits of currant leaves? So, a decoction of them is used as a diuretic. Due to the presence of tannins in the composition, this effect is obtained.

Currants are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to boost immunity. It is applicable for ulcers and gastritis, kidney disease.

In the role of an antiseptic, the berry is used in the treatment of colds and flu. For gargling, it is recommended to use diluted currant juice.

Scientists claim that the plant can prevent the formation of tumors. But if you ask how currants are useful for cancer, then this issue has not yet been fully studied. But further study of the berry in the future may help to cure this disease.

For older people, eating berries will help improve memory and cerebral circulation.

A decoction of blackcurrant and honey will help people suffering from hypertension and heart problems. To prepare it, you will need half a kilo of berries, six large spoons of honey and part of the water with gas. It is recommended to take a small amount of the drink several times a day.

Blackcurrant: useful properties and contraindications in medicine

This berry should not be consumed in too large quantities for a number of reasons:

  • Allergy to blackcurrant. A reaction in the form of a rash or itching, redness is possible for any person. As a rule, often this phenomenon can be observed in children. Therefore, they should not be given a lot of berries, but it is better to check the reaction of the body with a small portion. If signs of allergy appear, it is necessary to take antihistamines and immediately contact a specialist.
  • acid in berries. Black currant is used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis. But consuming it in large quantities can lead to the opposite effect, namely, corrosive ulcers in the stomach.

Despite all the contraindications, it should be noted that there are much more useful properties of black currant. Just do not overdo it with eating berries. It should also be remembered that each organism has its own characteristics.

How to choose the right berry?

When growing black currants in your garden, you do not have to choose it. But in the market it is necessary to be more careful about the choice of berries.

So, the berries must be whole, intact. You should choose currants without a stagnant smell, as this indicates a spoiled product. As a rule, sellers allow you to taste the berries. It is recommended to buy currants with a sweet and sour taste.

How should berries be frozen?

Usually grandmothers made jam from currants. Now they can be frozen. To do this, you need to sort out the fruits. Choose whole berries, peel them from leaves and twigs.

After the currant is washed under running water and dried. Next, the berries are placed on a dish and put in the freezer. Once they are frozen, you can sort them into bags. In such berries, all its beneficial properties and vitamins are preserved.

Medicinal properties of currant leaves

All parts of this plant can be used. What are the benefits of currant leaves? The answer to this question is simple. They can be added to tea. Get a great vitamin drink. They have healing properties of a general strengthening character. They contain essential oils, vitamins and phytoncides.

We list several useful properties of currant leaves and contraindications:

  • the largest amount of vitamin C is contained in them, and not in berries;
  • can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • have diuretic and cleansing actions;
  • have antiseptic, disinfectant and tonic properties;
  • thanks to the infusion, excess uric acid can be removed from the leaves;
  • popularly used as a laxative and diaphoretic;
  • a decoction of blackcurrant leaves helps in the fight against kidney diseases and edema;
  • constant use of infusion destroys pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blackcurrant leaves are strictly forbidden to take with thrombophlebitis;
  • decoctions and infusions with increased acidity of the stomach, peptic ulcer should also not be consumed.

Previously, the berry grew near the Moscow River. In honor of this, the latter was called Smorodinovka.

We figured out what currants are useful for. But it turns out that green varieties, or rather unripe berries, contain more nutrients than mature ones.

Currant leaves, which people so actively put together with cucumbers and other vegetables during preservation, not only enrich their taste palette, but also transfer their beneficial substances to them.

What else is currant useful for? The plant is the most beautiful honey plant. Honey has preventive and curative properties.

How is the plant used by the people?

In blackcurrant, useful properties and contraindications do not correlate equally. That is, the first is more than the second. So, at high temperatures, it is advised to drink fruit drinks and compotes from berries. With bronchitis, fruit juice along with honey is best suited.

Thus, with the help of cold pressing, it is possible to obtain oil from blackcurrant seeds. The result should be an oily liquid with a yellowish tinge. This oil contains various kinds of fatty acids, which are so well valued by pharmacists and cosmetologists. Thanks to the beneficial substances it contains, blackcurrant oil has anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. It is also used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

What else is currant useful for? It turns out that its juice is used as a hemostatic agent due to vitamin P, which is responsible for lowering blood pressure and vascular elasticity. In addition, this miraculous drink will help with ulcers and diseases of the genitourinary system. Vitamin C in the juice will help make the course of respiratory diseases easier. It can also relieve headaches.

Berry based recipes

From this plant, you can prepare not only jams and preserves, but also healthy drinks. Black currant has a considerable amount of useful properties. So, a decoction of berries helps to get rid of such ailments as hypertension and bleeding gums. To prepare it, you will need about 300 grams of currants and the same amount of water. You need to cook it for about 20 minutes over medium heat.

To get rid of excess uric acid, an infusion of berries is perfect. For its preparation per liter of water, you will need about 60 grams of currants and viburnum. It can also be used as a laxative.

To prepare a tincture from a plant, leaves and buds are needed that have not yet blossomed. They should be collected approximately in the middle of spring. Then the washed parts of the plant are dried and rammed into a glass bowl, then poured with vodka. Infusion takes about a day.

What are the varieties of currants?

There are quite a lot of types of berries. Each variety of currant has different useful properties and contraindications.

So, the red variety of berries helps to lower blood pressure. Thanks to the use of fruits, heart attacks can be avoided. Berry juice quenches thirst and has antiseptic properties. In diabetes mellitus, red currant improves metabolism and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The black type of berries has vasodilating properties, anti-inflammatory effect. The fruits should be taken for severe headaches, called migraines, and joint diseases. Blackcurrant helps to cope with insomnia. For several decades, this particular plant has been used as a remedy for the normal functioning of the intestines.


Dear readers, the berry season is in full swing. As usual in the summer, we try to “vitaminize” to the maximum, stock up on useful substances for future seasons and enjoy the gifts of nature to our fullest. And if autumn is usually considered a "vegetable" season, then the summer months can rightly be called "berry". We have already talked with you about the benefits of strawberries in the article and found out that this tasty berry, in addition to being “tasty”, carries a whole gamut of all kinds of “usefulness”. And today we will talk about the beneficial properties of blackcurrant. Now it is just in full swing, so you can, without delay, enjoy and improve your health.

Like most of our other seasonal berries, blackcurrant has been familiar to us since childhood. I think we all remember this fragrant bowl of small dark berries and grandmother's recommendation to "eat while you eat." Indeed, our currant is a fairly common berry, many of which grow in gardens and vegetable gardens.

I also remembered how the whole family gathered it together, sitting under a bush on a stool with a bucket for harvest. And here are all those grandmother's instructions that eating currants is very useful - after all, they are absolutely accurate and truthful. Yes, we still love to collect. And picking berries, and talking about everything - everything pleases.

Our ancestors also knew about currants as a useful berry. And today we use it not only for culinary, but also for medical purposes. Let's find out why blackcurrant is so useful and why its use in season and not only is so important for our health. By the way, not only berries are useful for currants, but also leaves. But first things first.

Black currant. Compound. calories

The word "storehouse" is the best way to characterize the composition of blackcurrant. She is the leader in "usefulness" among other berries. By the way, this fact is recognized even by physicians and scientists. So, currants have no competitors in composition. What is rich in berries? In its composition:

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, P, K, C, E, D
  • Trace elements - iron, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and others
  • Acids - ascorbic, malic, oxalic, phosphoric, citric
  • Essential oils
  • Tannins
  • Phytoncides

As for the chemical composition, 100 g of blackcurrant contains 1 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 7.3 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of 100 g of berries - 63 kcal.

Black currant. Beneficial features

  1. Increases immunity, strengthens the body, fights colds thanks to the phytoncides contained in it and the composition rich in vitamin C. By the way, this very vitamin C is more only in rose hips. In order to replenish the daily intake of vitamin C, it is enough to eat about 20 currant berries daily.
  2. Blackcurrant contains antioxidants. According to their content, it is in fourth place after lingonberries, blackberries and cranberries.
  3. Blackcurrant is rich in trace elements such as potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium. And we need trace elements for cellular metabolism.
  4. Blackcurrant contains anthocyanins, substances that protect us from various damages.
  5. Disinfects, relieves inflammation, which also helps in the treatment of seasonal colds. In addition, doctors advise those who have recently undergone surgery or are recovering from a long or serious illness to lean on currants.
  6. Helps in the prevention of the fight against cancer. This quality of it is recognized, among other things, by doctors who strongly recommend using this berry in all sorts of variations.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes, so the fruits of black currant must be present in the menu of diabetics and not only.
  8. 8. Good effect on the blood. Thanks to the use of currants in humans, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, the cardiovascular system itself is strengthened, blood pressure returns to normal, and the composition of the blood becomes better. We all know that currants are usually advised to use to increase immunity.
  9. It is also useful for those who have vision problems, malfunctions in the liver and kidneys.
  10. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.
  11. Reduces the rate of weakening of mental abilities in the elderly. And even used as a prophylaxis for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
  12. Blackcurrant has a very beneficial effect on the condition of our skin. It helps fight wrinkles.

Black currant leaves. Beneficial features

But it turns out that currants are useful not only for berries, but also for leaves. And, to some extent, the leaves are even healthier. For example, they contain more vitamin C than berries. Because of this, they are used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Black currant leaves have a bactericidal effect.

A decoction of currant leaves is used as a remedy to combat anemia, and currant leaf tea will greatly help in the fall to cope with a cold, and in the spring to replenish the supply of vitamins. For this reason, pouring currants are often used to make medicinal preparations. But that's not all.

Blackcurrant leaves, or rather decoctions and infusions from them, are used not only internally, but also externally. Decoction baths usually treat skin diseases, diathesis, rashes, irritation and prickly heat. Usually, for such purposes, we use a decoction of a string, but, as it turned out, currant leaves are no less effective for external use. Although not everyone knows about this property. But as you can see, the beneficial properties of blackcurrant leaves can and should be used at least to strengthen our body. Affordable, simple and inexpensive, but very effective.

Interestingly, blackcurrant leaves are also used in cooking. Berries - no doubt, go to all kinds of pastries, jams, jams, fruit drinks and so on. But what about the leaves? But housewives use them for conservation - for pickling and pickling vegetables.

For preservation, only fresh leaves are taken, but dried raw materials can also be used for decoctions or tea. But it’s better to harvest young leaves, they have the most vitamins and nutrients.

How to choose blackcurrant?

If you buy blackcurrants on the market, then pay attention that the berries are ripe, whole, not wrinkled, without any foreign inclusions, the smell should be fragrant, in no case musty.

If you buy frozen blackcurrants in the store, then make sure that there are no sticky pieces inside the package. If they are, then the currant was thawed and re-frozen. The berry should be to the berry, as they say.

If you buy dried currants, which are also very healthy, choose the same way. Berry to berry, without impurities, pay attention to its appearance and aroma.

How to store blackcurrant? What is the best way to eat it?

It is best to eat blackcurrant fresh in plenty. You can also freeze it, we will talk about this a little lower, dry it. All jams, compotes do not retain their beneficial properties. But, of course, we cannot imagine our tea party without at least our “5-minute” beloved.

Fresh blackcurrants (washed and dried) can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

How to dry blackcurrant?

You can also dry blackcurrants. Wash the berries, let them dry, lay them out in a single layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. This is necessary in order to fully preserve vitamin C. The optimum temperature for drying berries: 45-50 degrees with intensive air supply.

Frozen blackcurrant. Beneficial features

We always try not only to enjoy this or that product during the season, but also to prepare it for future use. Previously, berries, including currants, were mainly used to make jam or canned compotes. Sometimes the berries were dried, but this is extremely rare. But with the development of technological progress and the advent of large freezers in our kitchens, housewives now also freeze this berry. It is worth noting that both in jams and in frozen form, currants do not lose their qualities. So blackcurrant berries retain useful properties even in a frozen state.

How to freeze blackcurrant?

To prepare blackcurrant in this way, you need to sort, clean and rinse the berry, let it dry well in an open space. It is better to lay it out on a cloth in one layer and stir a little from time to time, turning it over. If the day is sunny, then it will dry pretty quickly.

The dried berry must be carefully (since it is quite easy to wrinkle) shifted onto a small baking sheet, plate or something else to fit in one layer and put in the freezer. Then pack the frozen berries in bags or containers for freezing. Today, special trays and bags are sold that are specifically designed to store vegetables and fruits in them in the freezer.

Well, then in the fall and winter, use the berry for your own pleasure and for good - in compotes, pastries, fruit drinks, add to desserts and cereals, and indeed - as you like. Now I'm just doing the freezing of blackcurrants. It is best to freeze in small portions, so as not to defrost and re-freeze in any case.

Black currant. Application for health.

  1. Blackcurrant leaf tea . We take a tablespoon of dried leaves or two tablespoons of fresh chopped leaves, mix with a teaspoon (less if you don’t like strong) of traditional black or green tea without artificial flavors and additives. Pour all this mixture with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for twenty minutes. After that, we enjoy a fragrant, and most importantly, a healthy drink. A liter of the resulting tea is just enough for a day. This is such a delicious immune booster.
  2. Black currant infusion . You will need one tablespoon of blackcurrant berries and one glass of boiling water. Pour the berries and wrap the container, leaving it for a couple of hours. Then we filter and take half a cup twice a day. Helps with colds, coughs, and is also used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.
  3. Blackcurrant juice with honey . Another recipe for treating cough is to mix blackcurrant juice and honey in a 3:1 ratio. Use three times a day for a tablespoon.
  4. Blackcurrant juice to relieve sore throat, for rinsing . And if you are tired of a sore throat or just have a sore throat - use diluted currant juice for rinsing.
  5. With hypertension mix blackcurrant berries and sugar (or better - honey, if there is no allergy) in a ratio of 2: 1. It is better to wipe the berries through a sieve - so the resulting product will become a homogeneous consistency.
  6. With pyelonephritis, cystitis and urolithiasis an infusion of blackcurrant leaves will help. Pour six tablespoons of chopped currant leaves with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour in a warm place. Strain and drink a glass five times a day.

For everyone who still has questions, I suggest watching the Blackcurrant video. Beneficial features.

Black currant. Contraindications for use.

Despite the fact that the berry is useful, it is undoubtedly worth observing some caution when using it. So, in no case should you eat currants with thrombophlebitis. It is also impossible to use currants in large portions uncontrollably and for an excessively long time - this can lead to increased blood clotting. As they say, "everything is good in moderation." And common sense should be even in an effort to improve your health.

With caution, you need to use blackcurrant and remedies from it with increased acidity of the stomach, an exacerbated ulcer or inflammation of the duodenum. Fresh berries are good for the liver, however, with hepatitis, the use of blackcurrant is prohibited.

Should not get involved in currants and pregnant women. A few berries, if you really want to - yes, but uncontrolled use - definitely not. Check with your doctor.

Accuracy should also be present when introducing currants into the children's menu. The berry can cause allergies, so give your children little by little, literally a few berries to start with and watch for a reaction.

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Blackcurrants are worldwide considered to maintain health and beauty. It has an amazing feature to retain all its valuable qualities in absolutely any form: boiled, dried, have a very pronounced aroma, from which the name ("currant") was obtained.


Where can blackcurrant be used? The benefits and harms of this berry for the body have already been discussed several times. It is recommended to include it in the daily menu for dietary nutrition. It is said to have all the necessary micronutrients to promote fat burning.


  • Vitamin C.
  • Antioxidants that fight the aging of the body.
  • Potassium - normalizes the rhythm of the heart and restores the necessary balance of water in the body.
  • Vitamins of group B - normalize the functioning of the nervous system and remove toxins.
  • Copper is essential for the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Manganese - improves the functioning of the immune system and contributes to the normal growth and formation of bones.

The benefits of berries

  • For the prevention and treatment of gastritis.
  • During the period of colds, beriberi.
  • After operations, so that the body recovers faster.
  • With heart disease.
  • To lower the pressure.
  • For the treatment of cough, tuberculosis.
  • Berries are recommended for older people with visual impairment.
  • With diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • To suppress depression and improve brain function.
  • In cosmetology, in order to preserve the youthfulness of the skin.
  • In the fight against bleeding gums.

It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of blackcurrant are manifested not only when eating berries, but also the leaves themselves. They can be brewed like tea - the result is a very healthy, tonic and cleansing drink.

In cosmetology, blackcurrant is used for external use. Masks and lotions for the skin, vitamin complexes for hair are prepared from it.

Harm of berries

What is this berry - blackcurrant? The benefits and harms of this product have been studied over the years. The following negative reactions of the body have been identified, to which its use can lead:

  • Berry should not be eaten in large quantities, especially for children. The fact is that the product can contribute to the appearance of an allergic reaction.
  • Excessive consumption of blackcurrant exacerbates stomach diseases.
  • You can not use berries for people who have a tendency to thrombosis. Blackcurrant significantly increases blood clotting.

Blackcurrant: benefits and harms for expectant mothers

Pregnant women simply need vitamins. A very popular berry in use today is blackcurrant. The health benefits and harms of this product during pregnancy are controversial.

Benefits for expectant mothers:

  • Due to the large amount of vitamins in the composition of berries, it will be easier for a woman in labor to maintain her immune system in good shape.
  • Good for removing puffiness.
  • Prevention of colds (good replacement for antibiotics).

Possible harm to expectant mothers:

  • Problems with emptying the stomach (constipation).
  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Possible manifestation of an allergy.

Is blackcurrant shown at night? The benefits or harms of its use completely depend on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. It is for this reason that if you really want to eat berries, it is better to do this in the morning. Then you can check the reaction of your body and find out if you can use these berries in the future.

Black currant calories

There are 44 kcal per 100 grams of berries. This is approximately 2% of the recommended daily allowance. The table shows the energy value of currants in other units of weight.

The benefits and harms of blackcurrant are individual for each person. Do not eat more berries than the daily allowance allows - and the negative impact of the product will not affect you.

Dish recipes

In what dishes can blackcurrant be used? The health benefits and harms of this berry have already been described above, now let's figure out what can be prepared from it.

Some recipes:

  • Refreshing fresh juice is a very tasty drink that will improve your mood and refresh you in the hot season. For cooking you will need: a glass of cherries, a little watermelon pulp and a glass of blackcurrant. All ingredients are well mixed in a blender, an ice cube is added. Refreshing fresh is ready.

  • Healthy cookies can be prepared by expectant mothers. It is very fast, tasty and healthy. We take some cottage cheese, add flour, blackcurrant berries, a little sugar. The curd must be fat. We mix everything well. The mass should be about the same as for cheesecakes. Now put everything on a baking sheet with a spoon. You can also arrange everything in molds to make cottage cheese muffins. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Contraindications for use

We have examined in detail the benefits and harms of blackcurrant. Berries should be used with extreme caution. In the last week, a pregnant woman is advised to exclude the product from her diet altogether, as this may cause intolerance to the product in the child in the future.

Do not give blackcurrant to children under 7 months. Later, to get acquainted with the product, try to cook compote from it. If the child did not notice an allergic reaction and problems with the stool, then you can gradually add the berry to the puree.

In what cases is the use of blackcurrant categorically contraindicated:

  • At risk of stroke or heart attack.
  • With increased acidity of the stomach.
  • During an exacerbation of gastritis.
  • With ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  • With a high level of blood clotting.
  • With hepatitis.
  • If an allergy to a berry was previously noticed.

Now you know what are the benefits and harms of blackcurrant. Any product can cause a negative reaction of the body if consumed in larger quantities than the daily allowance allows. It is for this reason that blackcurrants should be eaten in small portions, preferably in the morning. It is important to remember that everything should be in moderation, including the vitamins contained in various berries.

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