Reduced testosterone in men treatment. Low testosterone in men - symptoms and how to treat

Testosterone refers to an anabolic steroid androgen, which is the main hormone that nature has assigned one of the important roles in the male body. Why is this hormone so important for the stronger sex?


Testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells in the testis and also by the cells of the adrenal cortex. Under the influence of this hormone, secondary sexual characteristics are formed in boys: the skeleton develops, muscles build up, the voice timbre changes, and body hair develops according to the male type. Testosterone throughout life controls the male body and its capabilities, regulates spermatogenesis and is responsible for sexual desire and normal potency.

The human body is designed in such a way that the content changes with age. From about the age of 30, the level of this hormone begins to decline. There are certain parameters by which you can set low testosterone in men and its causes. The full functioning of the male body depends on the content of testosterone in the blood. Normal is the indicator of this hormone in the range of 12-22 nmol / l. When the testosterone content is less than 5 nmol / l in the body of men, health problems begin.

Causes of low testosterone

A decrease in testosterone causes problems not only in the sexual sphere, but also in the activity of the whole organism. The lack of this androgen in men is often associated with his age. At a young age, testosterone levels are at a normal level. After 50 years, with aging, there is a decrease in the production of the male hormone.

But for some, the decline in testosterone levels begins much earlier due to:

Low hormone levels
  • Constant and prolonged stay in a stressful state, leading to loosening of the nervous system;
  • The absence of feasible physical exertion on the body;
  • Improper diet, overweight;
  • Living or working in an environmentally unfavorable place, etc.;
  • Bad habits like smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Some medications.

Such reasons for the decrease in testosterone cause a high release of adrenaline into the body, which blocks the production of the hormone.

A decrease in the level of androgen in a person can also be with an increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath, when the lungs do not cope well with inhalations and exhalations. Changes in heart rate, infectious diseases, kidney problems also contribute to a decrease in testosterone. If a person does not follow his diet, then unsplit fat appears, which accordingly leads to excess weight and an increase in blood sugar levels, as well as a high content of harmful cholesterol in the body. Diseases of the joints, in which osteoporosis can develop, violation of the thermal conditions for finding the testicles of men can also be the cause of a lack of testosterone.

Low testosterone levels in men determine their psycho-emotional state. Nervous stress, material difficulties have a negative effect on the production of testosterone and can lower its level. If a man is constantly in a state of stress, then the production of this important hormone can stop completely.

The cause of testosterone deficiency can also be the influence of medications and procedures. For example, in the treatment of peptic ulcers, drugs are prescribed that reduce the production of male hormones. Genetic predisposition plays a role.

Signs of low testosterone in men

The lack of a male hormone with its symptoms cannot go unnoticed. Its symptoms are manifested in the same way as in women during menopause: a sensation of hot flashes, heat, excessive sweating.

The first symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men

Here are the first symptoms that the representatives of the stronger sex should be wary of:

Sexual attraction to the female sex disappears or decreases. Erectile function is disturbed, spontaneous erections, which should be in healthy men 3-4 times a week, decrease in the morning or are completely absent.

Show low symptoms:

Male diseases
  • intimate problems arise, libido decreases. The presence of a psychological factor plays a more important role than the real difficulties of sexual life,
    a person falls into a depressed state, loses the taste for life, is often absent-minded and forgetful, has poor control over his attention;
  • there is insomnia or a failure of the mode of wakefulness and sleep;
  • bone hardness decreases, pain in the musculoskeletal system torments;
  • decreased physical strength and endurance;
  • shortness of breath accompanied by excessive sweating;
  • loss of consciousness of a short-term nature, weakness is felt throughout the body, complaints of fatigue;
  • movement coordination is disturbed, joint problems appear, there may be injuries associated with osteoporosis;
  • there are signs of a decrease in the testicles;
  • the volume of sperm decreases during ejaculation;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • frequent urge to urinate at night;
  • muscle growth slows down;
  • the emotional state becomes unbalanced, the mood often changes with a tendency to a depressive state;
  • concentration of attention is reduced, memory is weakened;
  • the skin becomes dry, prone to increased formation of wrinkles;
  • fat deposits appear, as in women, on the sides and thighs;
  • there is an abnormal growth of the mammary glands (the phenomenon of gynecomastia);
  • the density of hair in the armpits, on the face, pubis decreases, there may even be complete baldness;
  • bone tissue loses its hardness and density;
  • laboratory tests show anemia (low hemoglobin in the blood).

In addition to visible symptoms, reduced levels of factors affecting androgen levels. For some, with a drop in testosterone levels, the content of female hormones simultaneously increases, i.e. estrogen in the body.

All these symptoms should make men listen to their bodies and think, and then seek medical help from a doctor.

Possible consequences of testosterone deficiency in men

Lack of testosterone in men can lead to various undesirable consequences. In adolescence, during puberty, a deficiency of this hormone can cause virilization deficiency. This means that the formation of the body according to the male type can be expressed to a weak degree. There may be an increase in fat deposits, insufficient muscle mass, poor growth of hair on the body, in the armpits, narrow shoulders, high timbre of the voice.

There are other manifestations characteristic of the formation of the body according to the female type.

In the behavior of the boy, one can notice the increased emotionality inherent in the female sex, as well as vulnerability, excessive susceptibility, and a tendency to a depressive state.

In mature and older men, low testosterone levels can cause vascular fragility and bone fragility. There may be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, in the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system, and the risk of developing senile dementia also increases. In addition, skin problems with the appearance of acne may be disturbing. Reduced libido, problems with potency and erection can lead men to infertility.

Preventive measures

If you follow certain life rules, you can come to a normal testosterone level.

  1. Proper balanced nutrition is the synthesis of any hormones in the human body. The quality, quantity and timely intake of food is of great importance for the normal functioning of internal organs. In the daily diet should be a lot of vegetables and fruits containing the necessary vitamins and micro and macro elements.
  2. You should not take drugs that reduce good cholesterol, it is he who determines the production of normal testosterone levels.
  3. You have to lead an active lifestyle. Classes with dumbbells, power. There must be moderation in everything.

The normal level of this hormone affects brain function, helps maintain optimal weight, and helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Manifestations of male hormone deficiency mean that a person should pay attention to their health, organize a balanced diet and stop taking medications that negatively affect testosterone production.

With testosterone deficiency, you can not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, ignoring the symptoms can lead to unpleasant consequences. You need to consult an experienced specialist, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary therapeutic procedures based on blood test indicators for testosterone levels. With proper treatment, the hormonal background will return to normal, well-being will improve.

A decrease in testosterone levels in men at a young age is one of the main characteristics of a serious metabolic disorder. The consequences of a low level of this hormone are both a decrease in libido and a weakening of sexual desire, as well as weight gain against the background of muscle loss. In addition, low testosterone often leads to the development of depression.

At the same time, the cause of low testosterone levels in men aged 20-30 years (or even adolescents) is usually not hormonal problems at all, but also bad habits. In addition, low testosterone can be a signal of chronic overtraining in athletes who actively engage in physical training every day.

What is a testosterone booster and is a “natural anabolic” really capable of influencing muscle growth?

Age-related decline in testosterone

Age-related decline in testosterone levels in healthy men usually begins in their 30s and 35s, accelerating towards the age of 50. Since the level of this important hormone falls gradually, most men simply do not notice the decrease - if a woman loses up to 30-40% of her hormones at the onset of menopause, then the drop in testosterone in men is 1-5% per year (1) .

It is also important that the symptoms of low testosterone are extremely ambiguous and vague - in fact, at home, you simply cannot accurately determine whether your testosterone is low or not. That is why it is necessary not only to study articles and forums on the Internet, but first of all to consult an andrologist for a laboratory blood test.

Low testosterone and fertility problems

Strictly speaking, testosterone itself does not have a direct effect on potency (or on the possibility of conceiving a child) - it only affects the general arousal of a man and stimulates brain receptors, forcing them to synthesize nitric oxide, which triggers the erection process. In fact, low testosterone affects the level of libido and the quality of sperm rather.

Studies show that a reduced level of this sex hormone reduces interest in sex, making it difficult for a man to achieve and maintain a quality erection, it is more difficult to achieve ejaculation and the overall sensation and orgasm are dulled. However, most of these problems are psychological rather than physical.

Key Signs of Low Testosterone

In most cases, low testosterone levels will show up very implicitly - for example, in the form. As we mentioned above, only an andrologist based on a blood test can unequivocally diagnose this problem. Note that the cost of such an analysis of testosterone levels is low, even in paid clinics.

  1. Decreased volume of ejaculate. The higher the level of testosterone in a man, the more seminal fluid the body produces (3) , while low testosterone ejaculate volume usually decreases. At the same time, the interval between ejaculations affects only the concentration of spermatozoa, but not the total volume of the seed, as many mistakenly believe.
  2. Cessation of nocturnal erections. A healthy man should experience morning or night erections at least 3-4 times a week, as they are related to diurnal changes in testosterone levels rather than the content of dreams. The chronic absence of such erections may be associated with a decrease in testosterone.
  3. Sudden bursts of heat. The decline in hormone levels during male andropause, as in the case of female menopause, provokes "hot flushes" (hot flash) - a sudden feeling of warmth that starts from the head and descends below (4) . Sweating at this point also rises sharply.
  4. Change in character traits. Low testosterone significantly dulls the aggressiveness of male character traits. If even the excessively rude behavior of those around you no longer annoys you, do not write it off as wisdom that has come with age. Most likely, this is a decreasing level of sex hormones.

Low testosterone causes belly growth

Since testosterone is an essential hormone for maintaining and gaining muscle mass, a decrease in its level is usually associated with muscle degradation. The biceps, chest and leg muscles are most noticeably "blown away" - while it will be difficult for the muscles to return to their previous volume even with the help of regular physical training and taking sports nutrition.

In parallel, with low testosterone, the body (primarily on the abdomen and thighs), since the genes responsible for the accumulation of fat reserves are extremely sensitive to a low level of testosterone in the blood. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the growing adipose tissue further inhibits testosterone and other hormones (2) .

Why does high levels of the hormone cortisol lead to obesity and belly fat gain? .

Drugs to increase testosterone

Very often, a sharp drop in testosterone levels (especially in men at a young age) is accompanied by the development of chronic depression. The ability to focus on a specific goal decreases, a feeling of foggy consciousness arises, motivation decreases, and apathy develops. In extreme cases, the condition can approach suicidal.

Since taking antidepressants is not able to raise testosterone, in many countries of the world, the attending physician has the right to prescribe a legal course of anabolic steroids, which are, in fact, a synthetic analogue of this hormone, to young men with low testosterone levels. However, before that, you should try legal ones.

How to increase testosterone with food?

On the one hand, it is impossible to increase testosterone through nutrition - in fact, there are no products that automatically raise the level of this hormone. However, on the other hand, malnutrition can lower testosterone. In other words, if you normalize your diet, it can definitely affect the normalization of testosterone levels.

The natural decline in male sexual activity after 50 years is associated with age-related changes in an already aging body. A cause for concern arises if erectile dysfunction or lack of sexual desire (decreased libido) is observed in a young man.

The cause of these symptoms is a decrease in testosterone. To prevent impotence and possible infertility, you need to consult an experienced urologist, andrologist and endocrinologist. It is the above specialists who will help ensure the correct and effective treatment, improve men's health and restore self-confidence.

Spectacular advertisements and tempting offers, which are filled with informational blogs on the Internet and signs of most clinics, promise to get rid of problems with the sexual and reproductive system. However, not everyone has an idea of ​​the impact that androgen levels have on the body. Below we consider how the concepts are related: testosterone and potency.

Already on the 8-9th week from the moment of conception of the fetus, the production of androgens in the gonads and adrenal glands, as well as an increase in their concentration, begins. By the 17th week, the process of formation of the genital organs starts in the unborn child, and by the 4-5th month of intrauterine development, the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the male type develops.

Thanks to cellular receptors located in the tissues and the so-called target organs, the hormone acts on the body.

Formula of testosterone

It is responsible, first of all, for the severity of secondary sexual characteristics, stimulates the appearance of hair in the pubic, axillary region and on the face, regulates the sebaceous glands and skin, controls body weight, muscle volume and prostate cell division, plays an important role in strengthening bones.

The ability to conceive a partner and procreation provides a man with increased testosterone. The peak of sexual activity is the period, as a rule, from 25 to 30 years.

Why does testosterone drop?

Individual characteristics and the constitution of the body, a hereditary predisposition to an early weakening of potency, falling in love and emotional experiences can lead to low testosterone.

Every year, the level of sex hormones decreases by 1%, provided that the man is absolutely healthy.

Health-related causes of testosterone decline are also considered:

  • metabolic disorders, obesity or prolonged fasting;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency - damage to the parts of the brain and the transmission of nerve impulses provokes disruption of the sex glands and thyroid gland;
  • hypogonadism - congenital underdevelopment or acquired anomalies of the genital organs;
  • mumps or "mumps";
  • adrenal hyperplasia - causes underdevelopment of the testicles and a decrease in androgen synthesis;
  • varicose veins - the cause of impaired hormone transport;
  • diseases of the endocrine system - characterized by insufficient activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Klayfelter's syndrome - abnormal development of the reproductive system at the chromosomal level;
  • Turner's syndrome - a pathology of the formation of the sex glands and the development of the kidneys, rarely - the absence of sex chromosomes;
  • uncontrolled intake of immunosuppressants, sleeping pills and hormonal drugs.

The decrease in testosterone in men contributes to the evening from 16 to 20 hours and the usual lack of sleep, when the hormone level can drop by 40%. The consequences of regular alcohol consumption include an increase in the level of female hormones estrogen, which is observed with a decrease in the work of the gonads.

You can determine the hormonal imbalance by the characteristic symptoms of a violation of the reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems:

  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • frequent depression;
  • feverish state;
  • feeling of discomfort;
  • sexual dissatisfaction.

Too low testosterone also shows other equally important symptoms in men:

  • decreased libido (sexual attraction to the opposite sex);
  • absence or short duration of erection;
  • low quality orgasm;
  • rapid weight gain, turning into obesity;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • "tides";
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • deterioration of bone tissue, manifested in their fragility;
  • hair loss or baldness;
  • labored breathing;
  • unnatural growth of the mammary glands due to increased estrogen.

Most men have memory impairment, a decrease in intellectual abilities. Sometimes there is an abnormal change in the size of the genitals, as well as a sharp decrease in the number of morning erections.


To assess the state and degree of activity of the reproductive system, to find out the cause of a decrease in testosterone in men, laboratory tests are used:

SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

A study of blood from a vein is carried out using globulin, which in the body promotes the transfer and binding of up to 60% of sex hormones.

A hormonal imbalance is indicated by a deviation from the norm, which on average corresponds to an indicator from 12 to 75 nmol / l. This analysis not only determines low testosterone in men, but also makes it possible to detect the main causes of the pathology.

Testosterone total

Serum from venous blood is used as the initial biological material for further study. The results are obtained by enzyme immunoassay.

Low testosterone in the male body is considered to be a decrease in hormone production below 8.9-42.0 nmol / l.

testosterone free

Analysis for free testosterone is carried out in a comprehensive study. Its amount usually does not exceed 4% of the androgens produced by the male body.

The level should normally range from 1 to 28.28 pg / ml.

Drugs to increase testosterone

It is possible to carry out effective treatment of low testosterone in men on your own, but only after consultation and approval of a specialist who will select the appropriate drugs, prescribe an acceptable dosage and eliminate side effects.

  1. Methyltestosterone - a synthetic androgen substitute increases potency and sexual activity, restores the adrenal glands and normalizes the amount of calcium in the bones. With low testosterone, the recommended daily dosage should not exceed 5-15 mg, for patients with erectile dysfunction - 20 mg.
  2. Proviron - stimulates the work of the genital organs, restores male reproductive function. After taking 25-50 mg of the drug, increased potency is observed.
  3. Andriol - accelerates the activity of male germ cells and normalizes the activity of the prostate gland, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It has an increased effect on potency, on the functioning of the sex glands and on the growth of testosterone levels. It is prescribed in a course of 25-50 mg once every 2 days.

Be sure to read to understand all the nuances.

hormone therapy

The high professional training and competence of the medical staff of most clinics eliminates the causes and consequences that low testosterone leads to.

A course of replacement therapy prolongs youth and increases the likelihood of restoring reproductive function. For intensive treatment of low testosterone in men, potent androgenic agents are recommended:

  • Nebido - Restores receptors in target cells, activates the number of germ cells and stimulates the hypothalamus, eliminates the lack of androgens during the male menopause. Intramuscular administration for congenital underdevelopment of the gonads is prescribed daily at a dose of 25 mg. In the treatment of age-related androgen deficiency, the daily dosage is 10 mg.
  • Testosterone-propionate - interacts with the receptors of target organs, stimulates the prostate gland. To increase testosterone, daily administration of 5 or 10 mg of the drug is prescribed. During menopause and with insufficient work of the gonads in men, the daily rate rises to 10 mg.
  • Omnadren 250 - penetrates into the nucleus of receptor cells, regulates sexual behavior and potency through the nervous system. Daily injection of 100-200 mg.

To prevent testosterone from dropping, all the indicated dosages and prescriptions of the treating specialist should be observed. The duration of therapy depends entirely on the discipline of the patient and the experience of the doctor.

Prevention of testosterone deficiency

Low sexual activity, lack of sexual desire for a partner, impotence and infertility are the consequences of a catastrophic lack of testosterone in the body in men. The result of this situation can be a low birth rate and a large number of social problems. We recommend simple ways to return the hormonal background back to normal.

  • A man produces 30% more sex hormones from 4 to 8 in the morning. This must be taken into account during pregnancy planning and immediately before conception.
  • Physical activity, regular exercise and strength training can increase testosterone.
  • It is also better to forget about smoking, alcohol and psychotropic substances.
  • Another way to increase testosterone naturally at home is to use food. Suitable for this purpose: turmeric, walnuts and other species, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • You can also introduce the use of dietary supplements from trusted manufacturers, products such as zinc, tribulus.


Fluctuations in testosterone levels are an integral part of every man's life. Therefore, you need to know the signs of its fall and immediately take measures to eliminate it. For this, consultation with a specialist is required.

Low testosterone in men is the cause of many unpleasant effects, which in the mass are aimed at "killing" the man in him.

The situation is not hopeless, it can be dealt with. But first you need to make sure that the problem is really in testosterone.

In this article, we have collected 10 symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men.

Functions of testosterone in the body of men

Testosterone is perhaps the most famous hormone produced in the body of men (and women) to a wide audience.

Men have a much higher level than women. In their body, it is produced in the testicles and is responsible for a masculine look(growth of muscle mass and hair in appropriate places, strengthening of bones) and for sexual development(sperm production, sex drive, etc.).

In the body of a man, testosterone determines the following functions:

  • sexual (desire, erection, sperm production);
  • growth and maintenance of muscle mass;
  • the ratio of fat and muscle mass;
  • bone density;
  • production of red blood cells.

If we take these functions with negative signs, we get a picture of what will happen with a lack of testosterone. In general, it is unpleasant, both from a physical point of view and from an emotional point of view.

Causes of low testosterone in men

There are several factors that affect testosterone levels in men.


The production of testosterone in the body increases during puberty, but already After 30 years, it begins to gradually decrease: about 1% every year.

According to the American Urological Association, approximately 2 out of 10 men over the age of 60 have low testosterone 1 .

Ecology and medicines

Testosterone levels in middle-aged men can be adversely affected ecology about which scientists have been talking more and more lately.

It is known for certain that some chemicals (Roundup herbicide, for example) used today in agriculture to control weeds, when ingested, inhibit the natural production of testosterone 7 .


Some medications also cause a decrease in testosterone production in men. This applies in particular to cholesterol-lowering drugs 8 .


As you know, natural factors that stimulate the production of testosterone are sleep, exercise, a healthy diet, and the absence of bad habits.

The obvious fact is that all of them are neglected today by most of humanity and even by many athletes.

Quite eloquently, this position was indicated by Mark Twain in his time: " The only way to be healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you're too lazy to do."

Low testosterone levels can be a consequence of age (after 30 years, it gradually decreases), poor ecology, medication, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

The norm of testosterone in men

To begin with, let's decide on the testosterone norm for men, so as not to panic and not diagnose ourselves in vain.

A testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dl (0.3 mcg/dl) is considered low (according to the FDA).

The norm of testosterone in men is 300 - 1000 ng / dl (0.3 - 1 mcg / dl).

The exact value can be determined using a blood test.

The norm of testosterone in men is 0.3-1 mcg / dl

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men

1 Decreased sexual desire

Perhaps the biggest problem that men face with a decrease in testosterone levels is a violation of the quality of sexual life.

Testosterone and sex are inseparable. It plays a key role in libido (sex drive) in men. Symptoms of its deficiency can be:

  • decreased desire to have sex;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decrease in sperm volume.

These three factors together affect the quality of sex. Violation of any one of them will make sexual intercourse impossible.

Many men experience a natural decrease in sex drive as they age. However, those who have low testosterone for other reasons will also experience a sharp decrease in sexual desire.

Contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction (when it’s not worth it at all) is usually not associated with a lack of testosterone.

One of the most annoying symptoms of low testosterone for men is a decrease in sexual desire (desire)

2 Difficulties with erection (when “not worth it”)

Testosterone not only stimulates a man's sex drive, but also helps to achieve and maintain an erection: it does not in itself cause an erection, but activates certain receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is involved in the chemical reactions necessary for an erection to occur.

As you know, in bodybuilding, nitric oxide supplements are used to dilate blood vessels and fill them with blood. An erection is the result of the penis filling with blood.

When testosterone levels are too low, a man may have difficulty getting an erection before sex or have spontaneous erections (such as during sleep).

However, testosterone is only one of many factors that contribute to normal erections.

Research does not allow for an unambiguous conclusion that testosterone hormone therapy is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: in about half of the experiments it was ineffective 2 .

Many other reasons can cause erectile dysfunction. Among them:


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  • diabetes;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • high blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • depression;
  • stress;
  • anxiety.

Low testosterone can affect erection, but is not always the cause of its violation. Hormone therapy with testosterone is only 50% effective in its treatment.

3 Decreased semen volume

Testosterone plays a role in sperm production.

Men with low testosterone often report a decrease in semen volume during ejaculation.

4 Hair loss

Another function of testosterone in the body is to create hair.

While genes are often the cause of hair loss, it can also be due to low testosterone.

Hair on the face can disappear (beard does not grow or it is rare) and head (baldness).

5 Fatigue

The next symptom of low testosterone in men is a very strong feeling of fatigue.

Chronic fatigue even after sufficient rest or lack of motivation to go to training are likely consequences of low testosterone.

6 Loss of muscle mass

Lack of testosterone leads to unpleasant physical transformations.

This hormone is often called “male”, as it is responsible for the growth of muscle mass and strength, the appearance of hair in the areas of the body characteristic of men, and in general, for the formation of the male body constitution.

Studies clearly show that testosterone determines the growth of muscle mass (but not necessarily muscle strength) 3 . Look

Decreased muscle mass is one of the most annoying symptoms of low testosterone for men and athletes, especially when it is accompanied by an increase in the “belly” and female breasts.

This explains the almost complete sad absence in our society of lean old men of athletic physique.

Reduced testosterone manifests itself in a deterioration in the ratio of muscle mass and fat in the body: muscles disappear, body fat grows

7 Increase in body fat

An increase in the percentage of body fat is another unpleasant symptom of a decrease in testosterone in men. It manifests itself, in particular, in the development of gynecomastia - the growth of a “female” breast.

Scientists believe this is due to an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen (the female sex hormone).

8 Decreased bone mass

Osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, is a condition more common in women. However, a lack of testosterone in men can have a similar effect, as this hormone is involved in the production and strengthening of bones.

Decreased testosterone levels in men, especially older men, lead to reduced bone mass and a greater susceptibility to fractures.

9 Impaired sleep quality

In addition to being responsible for low energy levels, low testosterone can also lead to insomnia.

Testosterone replacement therapy in this case does not help, but may, on the contrary, lead to the formation of shortness of breath during sleep (apnea) (periodic respiratory arrest and resumption). This greatly affects the quality of sleep 5 .

Sleep disturbance, in turn, leads to an even greater decrease in the natural level of testosterone 6 .

10 Mood swings

Low testosterone is not limited to the effect on muscle mass and sexual function. It affects the emotional state (mood) and mental activity.

Studies show that men with low testosterone are more likely to be depressed, irritable, or unable to concentrate, and have lower motivation and self-confidence 4 .

A possible reason for this is the distortion of the two most important aspects for every man (lack of sexual desire, turning into an ugly fatty being), which leads to persistent depression.

Men with low testosterone are more likely to experience depression, irritability, decreased motivation, concentration, and self-confidence

The symptoms of testosterone deficiency listed above can be the result of dangerous diseases.

The symptoms listed above can be both a consequence of a lack of testosterone, natural aging processes, and signs of some diseases:

  • thyroid disease;
  • damage to the testicles;
  • testicular cancer;
  • infectious diseases;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • drug side effects;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • genetic abnormalities affecting the testicles;
  • problems with the pituitary gland.

Only a doctor can understand the true reason.

What to do if testosterone is low?

Regardless of what causes low testosterone, the situation is not hopeless. There are several ways (legal and illegal) to increase it and get rid of unpleasant effects.

1 Hormone therapy with testosterone

Hormone therapy refers to the introduction of additional doses of testosterone into the body to artificially adjust its level.

There are several ways to administer testosterone:

  • injections;
  • tablets;
  • gels;
  • patches (a piece of tissue that is applied to the skin or inside the mouth);
  • granules (introduced under the skin of the buttocks).

In the world of sports and bodybuilding, athletes use and to increase its level. However, it is noteworthy that athletes actually not at risk for low testosterone.

3 Fat loss and physical activity

Physical activity and weight control are natural factors to increase or prevent a decrease in testosterone levels.

3 Taking sleeping pills to improve sleep quality

Sleeping pills can make sleep more sound, which normalizes testosterone levels. Physical activity from the previous point is also known to promote better sleep.

You can increase testosterone levels with relatively safe testosterone boosters, anabolic steroids (not recommended by doctors due to the high risk of harm to health), proper lifestyle habits


Unlike women, whose levels of hormones in the body decrease very sharply during menopause, men experience a gradual decrease in the main male hormone - testosterone.

The older a man is, the more likely he is to have low testosterone levels.

Low testosterone levels in men (below 300 ng/dl) are associated with many unpleasant symptoms.

You can increase testosterone levels both in a safe natural way (with the help of certain natural products or sports nutrition preparations), and dramatically, with the help of anabolic steroids with the risk of serious side effects.

Do not try to diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. Make friends with doctors. In order to establish the problem, it is enough just to take a blood test for testosterone. In addition to this, the doctor will be able to establish the true cause of its decrease .. in some cases, it can be a dangerous disease.

What makes a man a man? If you do not go into long discussions, omit the moral, emotional and psychological aspects, then the correct answer to this question will sound like this: testosterone! Yes, it is he who contributes to the fact that a man becomes such. Without testosterone, there would be no stronger sex.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is responsible for everything that is considered to be male. He gives a man a rough voice, bristles, brutal behavior, potency, body hair and much, much more. And what will happen if this very testosterone drops? Will a man stop being a man? This issue needs to be thoroughly understood, because it is not so rare for men who have a lowered male sex hormone.

Causes of low testosterone

This problem can affect anyone. It cannot be said that anyone is immune from this. With age, every man gradually decreases the level of testosterone, which is quite a natural phenomenon. Although it should be noted that each representative of the stronger sex can counteract this.

If everything is clear with the reasons, then other issues should be dealt with. For example, what can low testosterone lead to? What signs will he show?

Signs of a low level of sex hormone in the stronger sex

The symptoms of a low male sex hormone are quite typical, but only if a person can compare all the signs when observing his body and how he behaves.

The most accurate results, of course, will be given by various analyzes and studies, but it still makes sense to find out what problems a low sex hormone entails.

Is there any treatment for this situation? How to normalize testosterone levels? The situation is quite well affected, the disease and its consequences can and should be treated.

Treatment of lack of sex hormone in the stronger sex

It is much easier to lower testosterone than to raise it. But even this seems to be a task that can be done if maximum efforts are made.

Treatment should begin with a visit to a specialist. It can be a therapist, andrologist or endocrinologist. Most likely, you will have to go through all of these specialists. After detailed analyzes and studies, treatment will be prescribed. These can be drugs for regulating hormonal levels and other medicines that can raise the level of the male sex hormone. But there are some things a man can do on his own that will only increase his chances of recovery.

  1. For example, proper nutrition has a positive effect on the state of the body. It is important not to eat junk food, but to eat as many vegetables, fruits and cereals as possible. All this will help the body to activate its internal resources, get rid of toxins and toxins that interfere with the normal functioning of many systems.
  2. In addition, there are a number of products that help maintain men's health, maintain normal testosterone levels. These include nuts, honey, seafood, eggs, pomegranate, herbs, dried fruits, dairy products and some spices.
  3. It is recommended to play sports. Physical activity in moderation is synonymous with youth, health and well-being.
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