How to eat an athlete during fasting. Proper exercise while fasting

Greetings to all lovers healthy lifestyle life and sport!

In the period from February 27 to April 15, 2017, the period of Great Lent. If you play sports, especially athletics. If you follow the canons of cleansing the soul and body and train in the gym, you are required to observe sports nutrition in fasting. How to make a diet correctly, what foods to eat without violating the rules, how not to lose precious calories during the period of restrictions, which sports supplements can be consumed at this time. All this we will consider today in the article.

Any layman knows that it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin. So we remove meat, dairy specimens, eggs from our schedule, in exceptional cases fish. With such a lean option, physical activity decreases due to a decrease in intake essential amino acids. Reducing the intake of protein in the muscles leads to a decrease in performance when working with weights, free weights. The intensity of the training process decreases, the muscles pass sluggishly. There is chronic fatigue. How to be? What products will act as a substitute for cottage cheese, tuna, chicken breasts.

Fasting herbal products for athletes containing protein, essential amino acids

An athlete who maintains his shape for two months is recommended to switch to objects enriched with proteins, vegetable base. Let's make a reservation right away the right amount calories in such facilities are lower, but refueling is constant.

Percentage of protein by dry weight in similar products

productpercentage of dry matter
wheat flour11
rye flour10,5
buckwheat grain12,6
pearl barley9

Soya. Without violating the nutritional regimen, buy soy meat in the store. Plant protein digestibility is fast.

Beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas . Members of the legume family diversify Lenten menu, the presence of carbohydrates and some protein.

Mushrooms. In any form and condition, it will supplement with protein, vitamins, minerals. I love myself very much mushroom soup from dried representatives of forests and glades.

Nuts, seeds. to these elements Lenten table I would be careful. In addition to protein, nuts contain large deposits of healthy fat.

Fruits and vegetables. How to eat for an athlete in Lent, we partially answered. Let's add here multi-colored juicy (per 100 g of product - 1 g of protein 120 kcal), broccoli (5 grams important element), seaweed.

Dried fruits. All stripes. Add to whole grain cereals. Prepare compote.

Honey. Drink tea with the addition of honey, it will saturate the body with calories and digest well.

When you plan your meals vegetable protein. It is necessary to take into account the moment, digestibility proceeds by half, in contrast to the protein of dairy products and eggs. Diversify sources for two months. Replace the soy element with legumes, combine soy milk and cereals.

If you are going to eat right as an athlete in Lent, you must definitely pay attention to the predisposition to certain elements. Intolerance to cereals (rye, barley) containing glutin can cause disease and disorder digestive system. The diagnosis is celiac disease and it is necessary to refuse food with some elements of the lean table.

What sports nutrition can be in fasting

Above we have described regular products nutrition, now we will consider what kind of sports nutrition in a post can be used by an athlete of bodybuilding and fitness.

Protein shakes. In the network of manufacturers of sports types, a diverse selection soy proteins. The product will not allow you to slow down the build-up of muscle mass. Amino acid drinks will restore the working capacity of muscle groups after strength training in the gym. Time Orthodox Lent coincided with the period of weight loss, the process of losing weight, take L-carnitine. Excellent transport of acids to the muscles accelerate. Fat burning will go faster.

Such sports nutrition in fasting will allow you to save the result, throughout the entire period of time. Follow the recommendations with a proper diet, continue to train hard, share the information received with your friends. If you have any questions, write in the comments to the article. I wish you further sports success, until we meet again on the pages. Best regards, Sergei.

People who play sports use more energy more strength and emotions than ordinary people. Accordingly, the athlete needs more water, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals - the metabolism is then accelerated. But there is a special category of people who fast without stopping training. This is where you should think carefully about how to replace such important products animal world consumed by us in regular time. After all, the body cannot be explained that you need to work in economy mode for some time, and soon the food will return to normal. BUT great post and does come at the beginning of spring, a period when the body already lacks vitamins.

From products of animal origin during fasting, you can eat fish, and even then only a couple of times, big holidays. The rest of the diet should consist entirely of food. plant origin, which is allowed to be consumed every day.

Athletes need to make sure that dishes containing valuable vegetable protein are present on the table as often as possible. And that means in enough you need to eat soy products, cereals, nuts and seeds, mushrooms. Also, it will not be superfluous to purchase vegetable protein, which is easy to find in stores. sports nutrition. The protein in such cocktails is qualitatively processed and more easily digested than in ordinary food. This somewhat increases the value of vegetable protein for the body, which athletes consider much lower than that of an analogue of animal origin.

Since during fasting the basis of the diet is bread and cereals, it is worth abandoning the classic white bread in favor of whole grain or bran. It is also preferable to cook porridges not from flakes or crushed grains, but whole grains.

A deficiency of vitamin B12, which enters our body mainly with food of animal origin, will help replenish seaweed salad. Laminaria will relieve overwork, distracted attention, and contribute to the normal functioning of the heart.

It is best to refrain from tea and coffee, these drinks are too exciting nervous system. A good alternative to them can be dried fruit compote, which contains valuable fiber and vitamins and minerals vital for active people.

An additional source of energy will also be honey, which is almost the only sweet that can be consumed in fasting. It will support the immune system and give a charge of vivacity. Habitual sweets can be changed to bananas (dried and fresh) and dates, dried apricots. In addition, banana and dried fruits are also high-calorie foods, which means they can be successfully used as a snack.

Now many people think that fasting and sports are not very compatible things. In addition, many people say that you should not fast during active sports. After all, during these periods there are very high energy costs, and all the time it is necessary to restore proteins. Sometimes this view post and sport occurs very often among coaches, athletes. Some manage to combine fasting and sports: they work out in rocking chairs and at the same time refuse to fast only from different types meat.

It is worth noting that in ancient church during eating only 1 time in the evening. And it was mostly plant based food without the use of bread. Some athletes are now trying to combine post and sport. Many of them note that at the same time the body is able to discover its new possibilities. For example, playing sports during fasting in the first week can be very difficult. After all, the forces practically evaporate due to the lack of the usual food, elements. But after a week, some dexterity in movements may appear.

Over time, new forces appear, reset excess weight, there is an unprecedented speed relative to movements. Thus, fasting and sport complement each other perfectly. In general, amateur athletes can and should combine fasting and sports. They can fast with all possible severity. This, by the way, both health and the body itself, the body can open up its new possibilities.

It is very important for athletes to understand that you need to try to diversify your diet at a time when it is combined post and sport. It should be noted that many Christians prefer to fast very strictly during the first week of fasting. Sports fans can also follow this custom. In general, this post implies that you need to exclude dairy, meat, fish food, eggs from the diet. It is better, of course, to coordinate your measure of fasting with confessors, and also take into account the state of your health.

AT post and sport will be very effective if you diversify your diet with all kinds of healthy cereals and soups. In you can cook porridge not with milk, but, for example, with water. You can fill them not with oil, but with some kind of sauce. You can also make a sweet version of the sauce (based on jelly, jam, berries, nuts, dried fruits, honey, cream, cocoa). If you want something savory, then you can cook mushroom, vegetable sauce. You can also do different variations with delicious spices. In general, athletes and other people can greatly diversify the main components of cereals (rice, pearl barley, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, cereal, etc.).

As for soups, there are also very good ones.

Where to get protein during fasting and is it possible to increase during this period muscle mass? How to train in fasting and is it necessary at all? Dietitian Alla Shilina and fitness trainer Pavel Fatykhov - Herbalife experts - answer all your questions.

Alla Shilina,company nutrition expertHerbalife, dietitian, endocrinologist of the highest category:

Nutrition in fasting must be approached very responsibly, especially for people who are engaged in high physical exertion. The menu during this period is best selected individually, since the needs of the athlete depend on his age, gender, parameters and training schedule. But there are several general recommendations which must be observed by everyone who trains.

It is important to remember about balanced diet, which saturates the body with micro- and macronutrients in optimal amount and ratio. Otherwise, you may face the consequences of imbalance and improper diet: chronic fatigue, inability to complete a workout or warm-up. It is important to consider: protein and carbohydrates affect the performance of an athlete, and carbohydrates and fats provide him with energy for effective muscle development.

The main problem during fasting is the refusal to consume animal protein. Studies have shown that the need for athletes in this element is higher than for those who do not engage in serious physical activity. People who are fond of sports that require endurance should consume 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, and strength athletes - 1.4-1.8 grams. In fasting, you should try to consume plant proteins: legumes and soy products, nuts and seeds. By the way, soy protein- the only vegetable protein with a complete amino acid composition and can be considered a complete replacement for animal protein, unlike other sources. Therefore, sometimes a meal can be replaced with a protein shake.

An important component of the diet of athletes - omega-3 fatty acid. They reduce the risk of blood clots and have anti-inflammatory properties. Recovery daily allowance fats can be added to food with cedar, linseed or hemp oil, and on strict days of fasting, replace them with seeds, nuts and avocados.

Athletes also need in large numbers B vitamins, especially thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, which provide energy needs and support muscle building. During the off-season, it is important to protect yourself from beriberi, so you should increase your intake of nutritious vegetables and fruits and, if necessary, take a vitamin and mineral course.

During fasting, no less significant is drinking regimen. Physically active people should drink fluid regularly and in sufficient quantity to ensure thermoregulation and normal functioning organism. During training, you need to drink water every half hour, and in hot or dry weather even more often.

From my point of view, in fasting it is impossible to eat in such a way as to achieve muscle growth. During this period, it is much more important to take care of your health, pay attention to changing your diet and listen to your body.

Pavel Fatykhov, fitness trainer, Herbalife expert:

As you know, muscles begin to grow when the body is recovering, and this happens during sleep and through nutrition. Athletes who build muscle physically need protein, and a very large amount of it. In fasting when to use animal protein it is impossible, the progression of muscle mass is out of the question. During this period, you need to adjust the training regimen from recruitment to maintenance. You can’t train according to the same scheme, otherwise the body will progress for some time, but then exhaustion will begin. In training, it is recommended to reduce weight (up to 50% of the maximum weight), do 20-30 repetitions, replace part of the exercises with cardio. At the same time, we should not forget about the use of vegetable protein: cereals, lentils, nuts, etc. You can eat more sports nutrition that contains soy protein, since soy high index digestibility. The main tasks of an athlete who adheres to fasting is not to lose muscle mass and cleanse the body. And then after the end of the fast, you can get an enhanced result in terms of muscle growth.

How to eat right during fasting is known, since there is a specific list of prohibited and permitted foods, it remains only to choose what you like and cook lean and healthy food. Well, as for sports, is it possible to continue training or is it best to stop classes for a while, and we will try to find out.

Religious aspect

During fasting, it is recommended to refrain from any actions of a “carnal” nature, but if you understand fitness as one of the pastime options that is aimed at improving the body, there is no contradiction in this. But it is worth considering that during fasting it is forbidden to consume animal products, that is, you reduce to a minimum the intake of protein in the body. Because of this, increased physical activity can lead to fatigue, irritability, and even exhaustion, so if you decide not to give up sports during fasting, then you need to take measures to rule out health problems.

Some rules

In order for you to have energy and strength for training, you need to correctly compose daily menu. If you eat only porridge and bread, the body will not receive necessary substances needed for training. Be sure to eat fruits, honey, nuts, and soy products.

If you stick strict fast and completely eliminated meat from your diet, you can replace it with special protein shakes from soy, which will supply the body with the protein necessary for training, but at the same time you will not break the fast.

Some athletes say that during fasting, through training, they discover new opportunities in themselves. At first, playing sports will be a little hard to bear, since there is practically no strength due to lack of energy, but after a while it opens new power and there is ease of movement. This makes training very easy. overweight leave and you feel at your best. Given this, we can conclude that sports during the fasting period cannot seriously harm the body.

Remember that fasting is not a diet that is not aimed at losing weight, but self-control and restriction in everything. This also applies emotional state, various excessive pleasures, etc. Keep this in mind, and do not turn fasting into a regular diet.

What to choose?

If you decide to play sports during fasting, then it is better to refuse to visit gym and at this time give your preference to aerobic exercise. Also during this period, it is recommended to abandon training, for which it is necessary to use various sports equipment that increase the load. Moreover, you don’t need to start new sports for you, put it off for a while. Set a goal for yourself not to change your figure and physical form but just to support it. Trust your body and feelings, if you feel even a slight malaise, it is best to refrain from playing sports during fasting.

Prohibitions on fasting and sports

It is not recommended to fast, and even more so to play sports at this time, for children, pregnant women, as well as for the sick and the elderly. If you adhere to a strict fast, that is, you are practically starving, then it is better to refuse physical activity, as this can lead to depletion of the body, disruption of homeostasis, and also cause serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Before starting a fast, you can consult a doctor for advice to draw up an optimal diet for this period in order to have enough energy for sports.

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