What is HRT in gynecology. Preparations of hormone replacement therapy, reviews. Indications and contraindications

Menopause for many women can be a serious test. The thing is that with the onset of menopause in the body, there is a gradual extinction of the reproductive function, as well as a serious hormonal restructuring, which affects different systems and organs. Hence the symptoms of menopause. In most cases, only special drugs as part of hormone replacement therapy can normalize the condition of the fair sex. What are these funds? What are their indications for use and are there any contraindications? What HRT drugs are prescribed most often?

Briefly about menopause

The menopause is a natural stage in the life of every woman, the next step, and not a disease, as many of the fair sex believe, waiting with horror for its onset. On average, the onset of menopause falls on 45-55 years, but there is also an earlier or later menopause, which is influenced by certain factors.

All the changes that occur in the body during this period are the result of a deficiency of female sex hormones due to the shutdown of ovarian function. This can happen with age or forcedly, if there was an operation to remove the ovaries, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The lack of estrogen leads to symptoms that may appear in a woman even before the last time she had a period. Some of the early symptoms of menopause include:

  • frequent hot flashes;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden mood changes, irritability, anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • memory loss.

Many women do not feel such symptoms or they are mild, so they ignore them, which is fundamentally wrong. It is imperative to consult a doctor in order to prevent more complex consequences of menopause, in particular:

  • deterioration of the skin, hair, nails;
  • discomfort in the vagina, which is expressed in dryness, itching, pain during sexual intercourse;
  • problems with urination (frequent urination, involuntary urination, cystitis);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (heart attack, stroke, increased arterial decrease in sexual desire;
  • pressure, atherosclerosis);
  • bone and joint diseases.

What are the problem solving methods?

To live the menopause beautifully, without being a hostage to its symptoms, the following options will help:

  1. Modern cosmetology.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. Here it is very important to give up bad habits, eat a balanced and healthy diet, and also be physically active, but not overload the body.
  3. Treatment with non-hormonal drugs. Each drug, selected exclusively by a doctor, is aimed at overcoming a specific symptom. Such treatment is quite expensive, and may not always give the expected effect.
  4. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Timely treatment with hormonal drugs will help to cope with many unpleasant manifestations of the menopause.

HRT: what is it?

The method of treatment with drugs that contain predominantly female sex hormones is called hormone replacement therapy. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the lack of estrogen and progesterone, and this is caused by a decrease in the production of sex hormones by the endocrine glands.

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause can be of two types:

  • Long. Treatment of serious changes in the body, in particular the work of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, endocrine glands. The course of treatment is 2-4 years, in some cases, treatment can last 10 years.
  • Short-term. Treatment of menopausal symptoms. The course of treatment is 1-2 years.

Taking hormonal drugs requires strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, only in this case you can count on successful treatment. New generation hormonal drugs can reduce pain and restore mucous membranes, reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, improve the condition of the skin, nails, and teeth.

Benefits of hormone replacement treatment

  • Hormone replacement drugs of the new generation may contain female sex hormones, as well as hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland. They do not contain male hormones. New generation preparations have synthetic hormones that are as close as possible in composition to natural ones, which made it possible to reduce the dosage, and the manifestation of masculine signs in women, in particular, hair growth, coarsening of the voice.
  • They do not contain narcotic substances, respectively, there is no addiction to the body. You can stop treatment at any time, but only after consulting a doctor.
  • Hormone-containing drugs that are prescribed for menopause do not cause weight gain. The reason may be a decrease in physical activity.
  • Hormone-containing preparations contain hormones synthesized in the laboratory, which are completely identical in composition to the hormones that the female body produces. This is what makes them so widespread. If we compare these drugs with phytohormones, then the latter are many times weaker and only temporarily alleviate the condition.
  • Progesterone in modern hormonal preparations reduces the risk of estrogen-dependent tumors, and individually selected preparations are a good prevention against oncology.
  • It is convenient to use, because HRT drugs for menopause, new generation drugs are available in various dosage forms. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this type of hormonal preparations, such as a gel or patch, can be used.

Indications and contraindications for hormone treatment

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause is a symptomatic and preventive method. Treatment with hormonal drugs is aimed at overcoming the already existing symptoms of menopause. If we talk about prevention, then it is carried out to reduce the risk of complications of menopause, which may occur due to hormonal changes at a late stage, in particular osteoporosis, arterial hypertension.

HRT is prescribed for menopause in such cases:

  • early menopause;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • high risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • high risk of developing diabetes.

There are contraindications to HRT in the presence of such pathologies:

  • liver disease;
  • thrombosis;
  • tumors dependent on estrogen;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (complicated);
  • diabetes mellitus (complicated);
  • cancer of the genital organs, mammary glands, endometrium of internal organs;
  • uterine bleeding of uncertain nature;
  • pregnancy (possible in the early stages of menopause).

Can there be side effects of the treatment?

HRT has a selective effect, and drugs are prescribed in a low dosage, so the risk of side effects is minimized. Adverse reactions of the body can occur in rare cases, and their intensity is mild.

So, more often than other reactions, a woman may experience breast engorgement. This phenomenon will pass on its own in a few months, when the body adapts to the introduction of female sex hormones.

Very rarely, there may be symptoms such as nausea and headache.

It is forbidden to cancel drugs on your own, as well as change the dosage. Only the doctor who prescribed it can correct HRT.

Do I need to prepare for hormone replacement therapy?

Self-administration of hormonal drugs is highly discouraged. HRT can only be prescribed by a doctor, and the selection of drugs is made by the doctor individually and only after the diagnosis.

The examination consists of laboratory and instrumental methods, which allows you to get the most complete picture of the state of the female body.

Diagnostic measures before the appointment of HRT:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity;
  • examination and diagnosis of the mammary glands;
  • taking a smear from the cervix;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • measurement of blood pressure.

Other diagnostic methods may be prescribed, as well as consultations with doctors if a woman has chronic diseases. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the influence of these diseases on the body, only then the doctor will be able to choose hormonal drugs that will help reduce menopausal manifestations.

Mandatory medical supervision

When taking hormone-containing drugs, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist so that the doctor has the opportunity to monitor the course of treatment and, if necessary, adjust it to obtain the best effect.

The first time you need to visit a gynecologist 3 months after the start of treatment. Return visit for follow-up examination after 6 months. Further, the gynecologist should be visited every six months regularly.

Once a year, you will also need to do a gynecological ultrasound, mammography, as well as a cytological analysis of a smear from the cervix.

Forms of HRT with menopause

The drugs that are part of HRT can be produced in the following dosage forms:

  • for oral administration (dragees, tablets, pills);
  • for local use (gels, suppositories, creams, patches);
  • transdermal form (injections, subcutaneous implants).

Each HRT remedy has both advantages and disadvantages, and can only be prescribed by a doctor in each individual case individually.

The most convenient form of hormonal drugs are tablets, they are quickly absorbed and have a low cost, but they are contraindicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, local or transdermal forms of hormones are prescribed, which do not affect the gastrointestinal tract, they can be used with many drugs, because. do not interact with them.

Popular hormone-containing drugs for menopause

Among the most effective hormone replacement therapy drugs for menopause, the following list can be distinguished:

  • Femoston tablets;
  • Cyclo-Proginov tablets;
  • tablets and suppositories Ovestin;
  • Estroferm tablets;
  • tablets Angeliq;
  • Trisequens tablets;
  • plaster Klimara;
  • patch Dermestril;
  • dragee Klimonorm;
  • Divigel gel.

These hormonal preparations are the means of a new generation, because the hormones are there in minimal doses. They have excellent medicinal properties, do not cause changes in the functions of internal organs.

When prescribing each remedy, the doctor calculates the dosage, as well as the regimen, which must be observed.

An independent change in the dosage prescribed by the doctor can further affect the hormonal level, and increasing the dosage threatens oncology, especially in cases where there is a hereditary predisposition or there are benign tumors.

It can be concluded that hormone replacement therapy can provide significant support to the female body in such a difficult menopause for her, especially with pronounced symptoms. Adequately selected drugs can reduce the unpleasant manifestations of menopause, as well as minimize the likelihood of complications. Each medicine and its dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor based on the examination. Only in this case it is possible to count on a positive effect of therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) becomes relevant for women after menopause.

The body no longer produces the required amount of estrogens, and in order to maintain hormonal hemostasis, it is necessary to make a decision on taking conjugated drugs.

And if, after removal of the ovaries at a young age, hormone replacement therapy becomes the only opportunity for a fulfilling life in the future, during the menopause, many women are overcome by doubts whether it is worth interfering with the natural course of events and compensating for the decline in hormonal activity.

It is worth approaching such an important decision with all responsibility and studying everything related to HRT - its purpose, the mechanism of action of drugs, contraindications and side effects, as well as the possible benefits that it provides.

Estrogens (the term "estrogen" is often used) is a group of steroid sex hormones that in women are synthesized by cells and some other organs - the adrenal cortex, brain, bone marrow, subcutaneous fat lipocytes and even hair follicles.

Yet the main producer of estrogen is the ovaries.

The exception is Livial.

Means Livial

Livial is a drug for the treatment of symptoms of menopause, in case of withdrawal of which bleeding does not occur. The main active ingredient of the drug is tibolone.

It has a slight antiandrogenic effect, estrogenic and progestogenic properties.

Tibolone is rapidly absorbed, its working dose is very low, metabolites are excreted mainly with bile and feces. The substance does not accumulate in the body.

Hormone replacement therapy with Livial is used to eliminate signs of natural and surgical menopause, to prevent osteoporosis in estrogen deficiency.

Livial is not a contraceptive.

It is prescribed immediately after an oophorectomy or one year after the last menstrual bleeding.

In case of an overdose, bleeding is possible.

The drug is used with caution in migraine, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, high blood cholesterol.

Therapy for any type of menopause with tibolone involves daily oral administration of 1 tablet (2.5 mg) per day for a long period of time.

Improvement occurs after 3 months of taking the remedy. It is advisable to take the drug at the same time of day in order to maintain a constant concentration of the active substance in the blood.

Harmonic replacement therapy with Livial may have side effects: fluctuations in body weight, uterine bleeding, swelling of the extremities, headaches, diarrhea, and liver dysfunction.

Combined Femoston

Femoston is a combination drug for HRT. The substitution effect of the drug is provided by 2 components: estrogen - estradiol and progestogen - dydrogesterone.

The dose and ratio of hormones in the preparation depends on the form of release:

  • 1 mg of estradiol and 5 mg of dydrogesterone;
  • 1 mg of estradiol and 10 mg of dydrogesterone;
  • 2 mg estradiol and 10 mg dydrogesterone.

Femoston contains estradiol, identical to natural, which allows you to compensate for the lack of estrogen and remove the psycho-emotional component of menopause: hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, migraines, a tendency to depression, hyperhidrosis.

Estrogen therapy with the use of Femoston prevents age-related changes in the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system: dryness, itching, painful urination and sexual intercourse, irritation.

Estradiol plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis and bone fragility.

Dydrogesterone, in turn, stimulates the secretory function of the endometrium, preventing the development of hyperplasia, endometriosis and cancerous degeneration of endometriocytes, the risk of which increases significantly while taking estradiol.

This hormone does not have glucocorticosteroid, anabolic and antiandrogenic effects. In combination, the drug allows you to control cholesterol levels.

Hormone replacement therapy using Femoston is complex and low-dose. It is also prescribed for physiological and surgical menopause.

Doses and treatment regimens are selected strictly individually, depending on the reason for prescribing the drug.

Replacement therapy with Femoston may be accompanied by side effects such as migraine, nausea, indigestion, leg cramps, vaginal bleeding, chest and pelvic pain, and body weight fluctuations.

Therapy for porphyria with the use of Femoston is not used.

Preparation Angeliq

The composition of the drug Angeliq includes 1 mg of estradiol and 2 mg of drospirenone. This drug is prescribed to compensate for the deficiency and to prevent osteoporosis.

Drospirenone is an analogue of the natural hormone progestogen. Such a complex treatment is most effective for hypogonadism, ovarian dystrophy and menopause, regardless of its cause.

Angeliq, like Femoston, eliminates the clinical manifestations of menopause.

In addition, Angeliq has an antiandrogenic effect: it is used to treat androgenetic alopecia, seborrhea, and acne.

Drospirenone prevents the formation of edema, arterial hypertension, weight gain, pain in the chest.

The hormones estradiol and drospirenone potentiate each other's action.

In addition to the classic properties for the drug of substitution therapy, Angeliq prevents the malignant degeneration of the tissues of the rectum and endometrium in the postmenopausal period.

The drug is taken 1 time per day, 1 tablet.

Possible side effects: brief bleeding at the beginning of therapy, chest pain, headache, irritability, abdominal pain, nausea, dysmenorrhea, benign neoplasms in the mammary glands and cervix, asthenic syndrome, local edema.

Proginova differs from other drugs used for HRT in that it contains only estradiol in an amount of 2 mg.

The drug is prescribed to compensate for the lack of estrogen after the removal of the ovaries and uterus, the onset of menopause and for the prevention of osteoporosis. If the uterus is preserved, an additional progestogen is needed.

The drug Proginova is prescribed both before and after the onset of menopause after a complete examination.

One package of the drug contains 21 tablets, which are taken 1 time per day during the first 5 days after the onset of menstrual bleeding or at any time if the cycle has already been completed.

Proginova is taken continuously during the postmenopausal period or cyclically until the onset of menopause.

Taking the drug may be accompanied by the usual side effects and contraindications for estradiol.

Modern hormone replacement therapy drugs contain the minimum allowable therapeutic dose of estradiol, and therefore their ability to cause cancer is minimized.

However, taking only estradiol for a long time (longer than 2 years) increases the risk of developing endometrial cancer. This danger is removed by combining estradiol with progestin.

In turn, the latter contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Currently, the most effective combinations of hormones for HRT are still being studied, taking into account its effects on the cardiovascular and other body systems.

The goal of scientific research is to develop the most effective replacement therapy regimen with the lowest risk of developing malignant neoplasms and side effects.

The word “menopause” for many ladies is associated with something terrible and reminiscent of old age, although it is translated from Greek as “step”, but whether it will go down or up depends only on ourselves.

At the onset of forty-fifty years, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which are caused by aging and "worn out" of the reproductive system. In particular, the production of estrogen decreases, the level of which in the blood decreases, and this is followed by the appearance of the most unpleasant symptoms:

  • Tides;
  • night sweats;
  • insomnia;
  • The leaching of calcium from bone structures.

All this is just part of the clinical picture of menopause, from which a woman can suffer to a greater or lesser extent. The severity of signs is determined by individual characteristics and the general condition of the body.

For many centuries of fruitful work of scientists, a huge number of remedies have been invented that should help with menopause. Traditional medicine also collected ancient knowledge, passed down from generation to generation, which is said to reduce symptoms and improve well-being. But to truly help, and not hide the symptoms, to restore hormonal imbalance, and not aggravate the situation, only specially designed drugs can be used, which have recently been strongly advised by highly qualified gynecologists to their patients.

New generation drugs

We are talking about hormone replacement therapy, which our ladies, for some reason, perceive "with hostility." With its help, the lack of estrogen is restored, as a result of which dangerous symptoms are prevented. With a developed process, unpleasant symptoms first weaken, and then completely disappear.

The danger of menopause lies also in the consequences that follow it. Due to hormonal disorders in women, there is a risk of developing:

  • osteoporosis;
  • heart disease;
  • Atrophic vaginitis and other pathologies.

When the hormonal level under the influence of HRT returns to normal, the occurrence of abnormal processes becomes impossible, which gives a woman a chance to ensure a healthy old age without painful complications.

While there are many benefits to hormone replacement therapy, it is not for everyone. As well as bringing relief, they can also harm, therefore it is strictly forbidden to prescribe them yourself. This should be done by a specialist, based on the results of your examination and other factors.

Usually, HRT is relevant for women who:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats are strongly pronounced, especially if these symptoms cause terrible discomfort and interfere with your usual lifestyle;
  • The following pronounced signs appear: dryness of the vaginal mucosa, which causes an unpleasant sensation and pain during intercourse, as well as urinary incontinence;
  • There is an active leaching of calcium from the bones, there have been fractures due to osteoporosis, or there are high risks of developing these conditions.

Another symptom that accompanies menopausal women is depression. However, if there are no other complaints besides him, then the treatment of HRT is an extra measure. In this case, antidepressants are more effective.

Hormone replacement therapy drugs are contraindicated in women who have/had: breast cancer, uterine endometrial cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids, liver failure or other serious liver disease, venous thrombosis, or high blood triglycerides.

HRT - preparations containing estrogens in their composition, have long established themselves as the most effective remedy that is prescribed to patients diagnosed with menopause. But for you to know, these are not only tablets, but also intramuscular injections, hormonal patches, vaginal suppositories, subcutaneous implants, spirals, gels and other forms of release. Such an abundance is required in order to select the right therapy option for each woman, depending on:

  • How long ago she stopped menstruating;
  • What is the list of symptoms and their intensity in a particular case;
  • What illnesses does she have or have had?
  • Have there been surgical interventions?

Opinions for and against

Our women are wary of HRT, because as practice shows, only 0.2% of mature and elderly women in Russia resort to this type of treatment. Of these, only a fifth continue therapy for more than one year, although as required by the instructions, the duration of the course should be about five years.

Their more modern peers, living in Europe and America, are much more positive about hormone replacement therapy, their number is about 25%. They note that their activity, cheerfulness and cheerfulness are preserved, despite their age.

The effectiveness of HRT in relation to menopause and its symptoms is fully justified if treatment is started in a timely manner. Doctors say, and patients confirm, that a significant decrease in hot flashes is noticeable after the first week of continuous medication. There is no magic or anything inexplicable here. The bottom line lies in the fact that estrogens, which are part of hormone replacement therapy, act on the cause that caused the menopausal syndrome - to restore their deficiency in the blood. When the balance is balanced, the clinical picture is eliminated by itself.

  • Our people are accustomed to treating all medicines as something unnatural. HRT also falls under the same comb, although if you look, it cannot be more natural than estrogen. Let's say there are herbal preparations that are similar in structure to female estrogen, but they only imitate their presence. After all, there is a protein of plant origin, and there is an animal, but they are not interchangeable, but complementary for the human body. And so we learn that HRT contains real female estrogens.
  • The second point, which also sounds ridiculous from women: “hormone replacement therapy is an unnatural interference with the natural aging process.” They cite as an example their great-grandmothers, who could not imagine such a thing and survived the menopause by their own efforts. Of course, they did not need this, because they performed their function laid down by nature: they gave birth to about ten children, did housework and chores, ate natural products and lived in other ecological conditions. In addition, such intimate topics were closed for discussion, and no one knows how they really felt.
  • The absence of hot flashes allows women to think that they are quite healthy and easily endure menopause. This is not true. It’s even very good when there are hot flashes, they signal probable internal pathological processes. Even if the vegetative system turned out to be stable, nothing excludes the latent development of diseases. The use of HRT is also relevant, because in addition to hot flashes, it can safely prevent all negative consequences.
  • Someone is afraid that HRT will cause addiction, but such drugs do not contain any addictive drugs. Therefore, after completing a long-term course of admission, nothing but an improvement in well-being threatens you.
  • “HRT is hormones, which means I can get better or hair will appear on my face,” such jokes can sometimes be heard from uninformed women. Hormones hormones strife! Estrogens are female sex hormones, they have been present inside you all your life, and have you noticed any of the above?! At the moment, with the advent of menopause, there are fewer of them, and in order to normalize the situation, you can simply help your body without worrying about such terrible consequences.
  • There can be cancer from HRT, this is another myth that scares away patients. Naturally, it will be if you have not been examined by specialists, and have arbitrarily started taking it with an existing neoplasm that does not manifest itself in any way. Or, if you did not comply with the dosage and drank more than the prescribed norm. And also, if instead of five years of the course you have been using drugs for all 10 years. With the correct appointment of HRT, when a specialist does it, based on the results of examinations and all tests, and with the conscientious implementation of all his recommendations, no terrible things will happen in your body.

The portal administration categorically does not recommend self-medication and advises you to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Our portal presents the best specialist doctors, to whom you can make an appointment online or by phone. You can choose a suitable doctor yourself or we will select one for you absolutely free of charge. Also, only when making an appointment through us, the price for a consultation will be lower than in the clinic itself. This is our little gift for our visitors. Be healthy!

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Estrogens in menopause: pros and cons

Menopause (menopause) is an inevitable stage in the life of every woman. The genetically determined extinction of the reproductive function occurs at the age of 45-55 years and is characterized by the cessation of ovulation, menstruation and the ability to bear children.

At the same time, the secretion of female sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone - gradually decreases. And at the same time, the female body becomes more and more vulnerable to the diseases of civilization: the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels accelerates, blood pressure rises, metabolic processes are disrupted, the heart and lungs, the nervous and endocrine systems, the musculoskeletal system, skin and mucous membranes, and immunity suffer. , the efficiency of all life processes decreases.

If at childbearing age, thanks to estrogens, a woman was well protected from coronary heart disease and hypertension, osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus, various autonomic and vascular disorders, then with the onset of menopause, the female body has to fight all these ailments without their hormonal "helpers".

And then there are these painful manifestations of the climacteric syndrome: a sudden feeling of heat (“hot flashes”), increased sweating, palpitations and pressure drops, headaches and dizziness, irritability and decreased mood, problems with urination, dry skin and mucous membranes, pain in joints and overweight…. How to cope with these problems, maintain female attractiveness and slow down the aging of the body? For this, first of all, you need an active lifestyle with regular moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, good rest and protection from stress.

Vegetable sedatives (valerian, motherwort, peony, St.

Estrogen hormone replacement therapy for menopause: benefits

The most effective during menopause is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using estrogens and progestogens. Combined hormonal drugs during menopause are recommended to be taken as prescribed by a doctor for a long period - from one to five to seven years.

Properly selected HRT using estrogens allows you to quickly improve the well-being of women aged 45-60 years, relieves them of the painful manifestations of menopausal syndrome, provides prevention of osteoporosis and slows down the aging process. Hormone replacement therapy has been successfully used in various countries of the world for over 20 years and during this period has proven its effectiveness. Estrogens and gestagens can be used in the form of tablets, creams, patches, vaginal balls, and an intrauterine device.

Is estrogen safe during menopause? When should you not turn to hormone replacement therapy? Here is the main list of contraindications for taking drugs containing estrogens and gestagens during menopause:

Absolute contraindications to HRT

  • Past or suspected breast cancer
  • Previously transferred malignant tumors of the female genital organs (endometrial, ovarian cancer)
  • Uterine bleeding (the cause of which is not clear)
  • Newly diagnosed endometrial hyperplasia, which has not yet been treated
  • Ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction)
  • Hypertension stage II-III
  • The presence of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
  • Acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver

Relative contraindications to the appointment of estrogens and progestogens in menopause

  • uterine fibroids
  • endometriosis
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract (chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis)
  • Diabetes mellitus with vascular complications
  • Seizures
  • Migraine
  • Benign diseases of the mammary glands
  • Age over 65 years at the initial appointment of HRT

Research scientists have shown that long-term (4-5 years or more) taking estrogen during menopause can increase the risk of developing malignant tumors of the breast and ovaries, as well as various thromboembolic complications. Therefore, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist strictly according to indications: in the presence of pronounced manifestations of menopausal syndrome, a high risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases, genitourinary and sexual disorders, with mental and neurotic disorders (including depression and memory impairment) .

With contraindications to taking estrogens and progestogens during menopause, you can use the previously listed sedative herbal remedies, as well as phytoestrogens and homeopathic remedies.

Phytoestrogens in menopause

  • Regular consumption of foods containing phytoestrogens will help reduce the severity of the manifestations of menopausal syndrome:
  • Isoflavones (source - soybeans and other leguminous plants, lentils, pomegranates, dates, cabbage, sunflower seeds)
  • Lignans (found in bran and fiber obtained from the outer layer of grains of wheat, rye, rice, as well as in flax seeds, garlic and carrots, nuts, apples, cherries)
  • Phytohormones contained in some plants (cimicifuge, melbrosia, raponticin). The most famous climadinone is a drug obtained from cimicifuga.

As you can see, the choice of remedies to help get rid of unpleasant problems during menopause is quite wide. And your obstetrician-gynecologist will help you choose the best option in each case.


Hormone replacement therapy for menopause: hidden effects and new opportunities - 45 plus

Modern women are well informed about how effectively hormone replacement therapy drugs cope with the "classic" symptoms that appear during menopause: hot flashes, increased sweating, insomnia, irritability, etc. However, the successful “work” of HRT to protect the body from “non-classical” symptoms that arise due to hidden manifestations of a deficiency of female sex hormones during menopause remains behind the scenes. Today our conversation is about the additional beneficial properties of HRT.

In world medical practice, the positive results of using hormonal treatment for menopause are widely known. For several decades, doctors in Western Europe and the United States have been recommending hormone replacement drugs to women over 45-50 to maintain health and beauty. In our country, these techniques for improving the quality of life during menopause became known in the nineties of the XX century. But even today, many representatives of the beautiful half of Russia pass “horror stories” about HRT by word of mouth, based on information from the 70s of the last century or data from long-outdated studies (we wrote about this in detail here).

But modern medicine has come a long way in recent years. The fact that progestogens protect the endometrium became known already by the end of the eighties. Since then, doctors have abandoned estrogen monotherapy, which was previously used even with a preserved uterus. The negative experience of monotherapy, treatment with high doses of hormones, and the lack of an individual approach to each patient were left behind. But our compatriots (funny to say!) Still “google” on the Internet: “conspiracies from menopause and tides.”

Very often, beautiful ladies of the age of “45 plus” with complaints of various ailments find themselves at the appointment of a neurologist, ophthalmologist, rheumatologist, urologist, psychotherapist ... But for some reason they go to the gynecologist last. And this is a big mistake.

Today, science has unambiguously answered the question about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for traditional symptoms of menopause.1 And now another question is gaining relevance in the professional communities of doctors: how new generation drugs act on the female body as a whole.

Classical and non-classical manifestations of menopause in women

Very often, beautiful ladies of the age of “45 plus” with complaints of various kinds of ailments find themselves at the appointment of a neurologist, ophthalmologist, rheumatologist, urologist, psychotherapist ... But for some reason they go to the gynecologist last. And this is a big mistake. There is a misconception that menopause symptoms cannot occur if menstruation persists. But after all, for most women, the menopausal transition has already begun at this time, which means that the body is deficient in female sex hormones. However, few people with "dry eye syndrome" or periodontal disease will suspect signs of menopause. So the endless trips to the doctors begin, the patient is prescribed a lot of medicines for a variety of diseases, but no one deals with the real problem. And time is running out...

The "classic" symptoms of menopause are well studied, and their treatment is proven in practice. But aren't there other, implicit signs of hormone deficiency that significantly reduce the quality of life? For example, vision deteriorates with age and dryness in the eyes worries

What are the first signs of menopause?

One of the postulates of endocrinology: sex hormones act on absolutely all organs and cells: reproductive and cardiovascular systems, bone and connective tissues, brain, lacrimal glands, hair, teeth, periodontium... Everything in our body has estrogen receptors. That is why the lack of these hormones in menopause in women has such a devastating effect on the entire body and for the same reason that menopause has so many manifestations. The "classic" symptoms (hot flashes, unstable sleep and mood, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease) are well understood and their treatment proven in practice. But aren't there other, implicit signs of hormone deficiency that significantly reduce the quality of life and bring a lot of worries? Here are just some of the "harbingers" of menopause:

  • the appearance of pain in the joints, very similar to pain in osteoarthritis;
  • blurred vision and "dry eye syndrome";
  • decreased salivation (salivation) and an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • occurrence or intensification of migraines;
  • hyperpigmentation, dry skin and rapid formation of wrinkles;
  • excess weight and accumulation of abdominal fat (around the waist);
  • decreased libido.

Since 2014, the Women First program has been operating in Russia, which, under the auspices of the International Society for the Study of Menopause, conducts educational events around the world. As part of this project, international experts raise the most pressing topics and discussion of the additional beneficial effects of HRT has been on the agenda for several years now.

Interesting data in the treasury of the beneficial properties of HRT have been collected by a team of American scientists from Hopkins University. It turns out that natural and synthetic estrogens can protect the weaker sex from the flu

Domestic scientists also do not remain aloof from significant medical problems. For example, at one of the conferences within the framework of the Women First program, this topic was voiced in the speech of Irina Shestakova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. She invited fellow gynecologists and endocrinologists to talk about the "hidden talents of an old friend" - hormone replacement therapy for menopause.2 The doctor spoke about a number of observational studies conducted in Russia and abroad, the results of which showed that HRT has "hidden talents" in the field of prevention and treatment of a wide range of "non-classical" problems with menopause:

  • effectively helps with joint pain (the so-called "menopausal arthralgia");
  • reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer;
  • reduces the risk of degenerative diseases of the retina;
  • protects the connective tissue and has a protective effect against changes in the intervertebral discs and bone matrix;
  • helps to reduce the mass of abdominal fat;3
  • can stop the occurrence of regular headaches;
  • maintains skin elasticity and helps to solve the problem of hyperpigmentation;
  • improves the outcomes of various medical procedures in the field of periodontology (including dental implantation);
  • positively affects the condition of teeth, hair, nails, etc.

One of the postulates of endocrinology: sex hormones act on absolutely all organs and cells. Everything in the female body has estrogen receptors. That is why the lack of these hormones is so destructive to the entire body and why menopause has so many manifestations.

It would not be out of place to recall that modern drugs contain not only estrogens, but also progestogens, the main function of which is to protect the endometrium during menopause (progestogens block the proliferative effect of estrogens, that is, they do not allow tissue growth and the occurrence of tumors, for example, endometrial hyperplasia) .

Preparations with estrogen and "non-classical" symptoms in menopause

Interesting data on the beneficial properties of HRT have been collected by a team of scientists from the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA): natural and synthetic estrogens have a protective effect against influenza. Project leader, Dr. Sabra Klein, recalled that previous studies have already shown that estrogens demonstrate antiviral characteristics against HIV, Ebola and hepatitis. “Physicians have seen new clinical potential for therapeutic estrogens used to treat infertility and menopause. It turns out that they can protect the weaker sex from the flu, ”the American journal AJP Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology quotes the scientist. 4

The North American Menopause Society has published research showing that estrogen therapy, used to treat menopausal symptoms, significantly reduces the risk of developing periodontitis, as well as other diseases of the teeth and gums.

Here's some good news from experts at the North American Menopause Society (NAMS): estrogen therapy used to treat menopausal symptoms can markedly reduce a woman's risk of periodontitis. The Society's Executive Director, Dr. Joanna Pinkerton, spoke about the results of a joint scientific study between the Brazilian health authorities and the State University of New York: "Estrogen, which has been shown to have positive effects in preventing bone loss, can protect against diseases of the teeth and gums during menopause."5

1 International Menopause Society (IMS) recommendations on the health of middle-aged women and the use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)

How not to go crazy after menopause?


HRT (HRT) - hormone replacement therapy for menopause: new generation drugs

In the life of every woman there comes a period when the level of sex hormones begins to gradually fall. It is called menopausal, and begins after 40-45, sometimes after 50 years, which recently happens quite rarely. The female menopause has become younger, and in some cases (in fairness it should be noted that this phenomenon is extremely rare and is rather considered a pathology) can occur after childbirth, and at any age.

The climacteric period is characterized by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • frequent and causeless mood swings, tearfulness, apathy, irritability and a tendency to depression;
  • dizziness, sometimes reaching fainting, headaches, migraines;
  • hot flashes that appear at any time of the day, night sweats;
  • sleep disturbance - insomnia is replaced by painful drowsiness;
  • deterioration in general condition, increased fatigue, decreased concentration and memory acuity;
  • changes in the mucous membranes of the genital organs, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, characterized by itching, burning and other unpleasant manifestations;
  • rising blood pressure, sometimes turning into persistent hypertension;
  • weight gain against the background of reduced appetite;
  • pain in the lumbar or suprapubic region after sex.

The female body thus reacts to the lack of production of sex hormones. HRT - hormone replacement therapy is designed to help a woman survive menopausal syndrome and maintain quality of life.

When is hormone therapy indicated and contraindicated?

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause (HRT) adheres to the following principles:

  • the use of drugs that contain hormones similar to natural ones;
  • only low doses of drugs with endogenous estradiol are used in women with early menopause;
  • complex use of estrogens and progesterone, which makes it possible to avoid endometrial hyperplasia, excluding the subsequent development of malignant neoplasms;
  • in the case of artificial menopause (after removal of the uterus or appendages), only short courses of estrogens are used to eliminate symptoms and prevent age-related pathologies of organs and body systems associated with hormonal dysfunction.

The benefits of hormone therapy for women are obvious, despite the "horror stories" that talk about the possible side effects of the use of artificial hormones. HRT with menopause with new generation drugs has its own clear indications:

  • early menopause, when it is possible to partially restore the functions of its own production of sex hormones;
  • with a high risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • a history of vascular and heart pathologies that are in a chronic state;
  • the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially in the presence of a hereditary factor.

Diagnostic methods

But substitution therapy can only be prescribed by highly qualified specialists after a series of examinations and laboratory tests. The required minimum diagnostic procedures include:

  • general medical examination with an assessment of the general condition of the body, the functioning of organs and systems, the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • visual examination and laboratory examination of a smear from the cervix;
  • examination of the mammary glands: visual, palpation, mammography, ultrasound;
  • blood pressure control;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, thyroid gland;
  • a blood test for hormones in order to establish the hormonal status and determine the prothrombin index (a tendency to thrombosis).

For women over 40, hormone replacement therapy is indicated in the absence of chronic pathologies and the ineffectiveness of treatment with phytoestrogens.

What are the contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for substitution therapy are also very clear:

  • renal and hepatic insufficiency, pathologies of these organs in the acute or chronic phase, including oncology;
  • increased tendency to thrombosis, thrombosis or thromboembolism in history;
  • oncological diseases of the mammary glands or other organs of the genital area;
  • uterine bleeding of various origins;
  • hormone-dependent tumors of various localization;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • complex cardiac and vascular pathologies.

Despite the fact that hormonal drugs for menopause, related to the new generation, are safe, they still have side effects:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands, pain on palpation. Although minimal, there is still a risk of developing breast cancer;
  • pain in the epigastric region and stomach, nausea, increased appetite;
  • swelling of the face and extremities due to fluid retention. For the same reason, body weight increases;
  • either vaginal dryness or too much vaginal mucus may be present. Irregular or period-like bleeding may also occur, especially in women during menopause (when menstruation no longer occurs);
  • the general condition is aggravated, there is increased weakness, fatigue, headaches, which are in the nature of migraines;
  • cramps and spasms in the legs, especially at night;
  • there is acne of various localization, seborrhea;
  • possible development of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

All of these manifestations may indicate that replacement therapy should be discontinued. If necessary (the course of menopause is complex, the symptoms are pronounced and significantly affect the quality of life), after additional research, the specialist may try to prescribe another drug.

HRT is not a panacea and is not suitable for everyone. But a medicine containing hormones may be the only way out in the pathological course of menopause.

Forms and types of hormone replacement drugs

HRT drugs can be divided into several types:

  • natural - homeopathic, organic. They are produced from plants that contain estrogens - plant hormone-like substances similar in structure and function to human hormones;
  • synthetic - are made from artificial, chemical components that are combined into whole complexes.

For substitution therapy, drugs of various pharmacological forms are used, which differ in the nature of entry into the body and the time of exposure:

  • oral - when the drug enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract. These are tablets, capsules, dragees, tinctures, extracts and some other forms;
  • transdermal - the drug is injected under the skin or intramuscularly. The last and most innovative approach is the use of subcutaneous implants, which are installed for a year or several years. If desired, they can be easily removed. Such funds are protection against unwanted pregnancy during early menopause during the premenopausal period (when the functions of the gonads have not yet died out, only harbingers of future changes in the body begin);
  • local - drugs are available in the form of suppositories, creams and gels, which are used for external application to the vaginal mucosa, skin in the chest and abdomen.

HRT preparations, like all drugs, each have their own spectrum of action, have advantages and disadvantages that will be taken into account by an experienced specialist in each case.

For example, oral medications can irritate the stomach lining and affect the liver. Therefore, patients with such problems are recommended to be treated with implants or topical preparations. They do not affect the gastrointestinal tract and do not react with other drugs.

Some drugs

Modern HRT has in its arsenal many different drugs. Some of them are suitable for women over 45, some are recommended for ladies in their 50s. For some, replacement therapy is the last chance for a quality life, since menopause causes a lot of problems.

Some of the most popular HRT drugs that have collected positive feedback from women:

  • Klimonorm is an oral drug containing estradiol (a type of estrogen, the female sex hormone). It is indicated for artificial menopause - after removal of the uterus or appendages, as well as to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of early menopause. Caution - does not protect against pregnancy. Can be used for a long time.

  • Trisequens is available as a tablet containing estrogen and progesterone. It is prescribed for early menopause to eliminate painful symptoms. If side effects occur, which are extremely rare, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and be sure to inform your doctor about it.

  • Kliogest is a drug that helps to eliminate hot flashes. It has a preventive effect on the development of osteoporosis and arterial hypertension. It is indicated for use for a long period of time in the absence of side effects.

  • Estrofem. This drug is of plant origin. Facilitates menopausal symptoms, is prescribed as a prophylactic of cardiovascular pathologies. Contraindicated in ulcers and kidney pathologies.

  • Proginova is a drug that completely compensates for the lack of female sex hormones during early menopause or after removal of appendages. In case of side effects, you need to stop taking the drug and replace it with a more suitable one.

  • Livial - is prescribed as a prevention of osteoporosis, the development of arterial hypertension. Completely removes or significantly reduces the unpleasant symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

  • Ovestin is a one-component medicine produced in the form of tablets and suppositories. However, suppositories are still more in demand. It is used to treat atrophy of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

  • Klimadinon is available in the form of tablets and drops. Contains an extract of cimicifuga - a phytoestrogen that eliminates the symptoms of menopause, improves well-being and activates the body's defenses.

Sometimes hormone therapy is the only way out for a woman whose menopause has a difficult course, with many unpleasant symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life.

All these and many other drugs are new generation drugs that can gently and without any side effects affect the level of female hormones, which naturally cease to be produced. However, the risk of adverse effects, although minimal, still exists.

Therefore, before prescribing hormonal drugs, the specialist evaluates all possible risks, weighs the pros and cons, and compares the percentage of adverse effects. If the risk of developing such is high, then they resort to the use of natural preparations containing plant components similar to human sex hormones.

HRT uses a lot of drugs containing phytoestrogens. These drugs also effectively help fight the symptoms of menopause, with virtually no negative effects, which makes their use safer than synthetic hormones. However, they also have their own characteristics of use, side effects and contraindications.

Knowing what hormone therapy is for menopause, all its pros and cons, every woman can make a choice. But in no case is it recommended to prescribe drugs for yourself. Let the specialist evaluate all the pros and cons, and make an appointment. Attentive attitude to your health not only prolongs life, but also makes it much happier and better quality.


2018 Women's Health Blog.

For most women, the menopause is filled with unpleasant symptoms that interfere with the usual course of life. Therefore, with timely access to specialists, a woman is prescribed hormone replacement therapy using new generation drugs. Which is able to relieve the symptoms of pathological menopause and reduce the possible risks of complications.

Klimonorm is one of the new generation HRT drugs

Action HRT in the climax. New generation drugs to eliminate symptoms. Consequences of taking drugs

The only way to eliminate the symptoms of pathological menopause, doctors consider the use of hormone replacement therapy drugs. Z gt are analogues of female sex steroid hormones. They can be divided on the:

  • HRT containing only estrogen.
  • HRT combined action, which are composed estrogen and progesterone.

Application gzt Maybe not only during the period of natural menopause, but also during artificial menopause. In any of these cases, the use of drugs should be under the supervision of a specialist, because they have absolute contraindications:

  • If a histological examination of the breast confirmed the presence of cancer cells.
  • Contraindications are not only breast cancer, but also cancer of any endometrium.
  • melanomas.
  • Vascular disease of the upper or lower extremities. Thrombophlebitis.
  • Any diseases that are autoimmune in nature.
  • Pathological changes in the liver.
  • Diseases biliary ducts.
  • Any abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • The presence in the body of estrogen-dependent tumors (endometriosis, uterine fibroids).

Cyclo-Proginova, like other drugs, has a number of contraindications

How do new generation drugs work?

Since all disorders during menopause in a woman's body are associated with insufficient production of estrogen and an excess of progesterone, the use of drugs gzt helps to fill the shortage and normalize well-being.

Application gzt new generation eliminates the symptoms of pathological menopause:

  • Tides. A short-term increase in the temperature of the upper body, accompanied by increased sweating, a rapid heartbeat, and a feeling of anxiety.
  • Dryness of all mucous membranes. During menopause, women experience a decrease in the overall level of sex hormones in the blood, which leads to problems in: urinary system; excretory and reproductive organs. The mucous membranes dry out, thin out, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms (incontinence, itching in the perineum, exacerbation of healed STD).
  • High blood pressure, tachycardia.
  • Systematic disorder of the central nervous system, expressed by mood swings.

The tides are the brightest symptom of a pathological menopause, which manifests itself as a failure in the thermoregulation of the body by the hypothalamus. This failure contributes lack of estrogen, which easily eliminated by appointment gzt.

Klimen normalizes the cycle of menstruation

The consequences of the use of drugs

Since hormone replacement therapy preparations contain a high content of estradiol, long-term use without consulting a doctor is fraught with the occurrence of estrogen-dependent neoplasms.

Therefore, if any symptoms of a pathological menopause occur, you should not prescribe therapy yourself. The best solution would be:

  • Take tests for the level of sex hormones in the blood.
  • Check the thyroid gland for function.
  • Seek appropriate treatment from a gynecologist.

What medications are HRT drugs. Trade names and uses

In pharmacies you can find more than 50 types of drugs used in under different trade names. They can be divided into several groups, which differ only in the way they are introduced:

  • Orally. Tablets for oral administration.
  • Intramuscular injections.
  • Transdermal topical preparations.
  • intravaginal introductions.

The method of administration of the drug into the body is selected individually, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease or personal preferences. The most common form of drug administration is oral.

Your doctor may offer you a list of drugs with the same pharmacological properties but different brand names. Because of which you can independently choose a hormone replacement therapy drug based on your own budget.

Femoston is available in the form of tablets.

The most common remedies that help eliminate the symptoms of pathological menopause:

Tradename Active substance Pharmacological properties and indications for use
The composition of the drug includes two main components: levonorgestrel and estradiol. The drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of pathological menopause. It has a number of indications for use:
  • The drug is prescribed as hormone replacement therapy for atrophic changes in the structure of mucous membranes, endometrium of the organs of the reproductive system and pronounced symptoms of estrogen deficiency.
  • With artificial menopause in the postoperative period.
  • With adnexal dysfunction.
  • The drug is prescribed as a cycle regulator, if it is violated.

The drug also has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Ectopic bleeding of unknown etiology.
  • Thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism of varying severity.
  • The presence of estrogen-dependent neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system and the mammary gland.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Particular care when taking Klimonorm should be paid to the regularity of gynecological and general medical examinations.

Reception is contraindicated in combination with oral contraceptives, as there is a high risk of an overdose of climonorm.

Estradiol valerate, norgestrel The drug belongs to the group of drugs that relieve the manifestation of menopausal symptoms. The drug does not affect the general hormonal background in a woman's body, thanks to the content of estradiol valerate, it helps women of reproductive age to normalize the menstrual cycle, and during menopause eliminate the symptoms of pathological menopause.

The drug is successfully used to treat pathologies of the psycho-emotional background and autonomic disorders.

  • Decreased libido.
  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system.
  • Dryness in the vagina.
  • Muscle and joint pain.

The drug also has contraindications:

  1. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Ectopic and vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology.
  3. Histologically confirmed breast cancer.
  4. Hepatic tumors.
  5. Thrombosis.

This drug is not prescribed as a contraceptive.

Estradiol valerate, cyproterone acetate A drug containing estrogen and an antiandrogen has a pronounced histogenic property. It is a hormone replacement therapy drug that completely restores the deficiency of female sex hormones in the body.

May be prescribed to women of reproductive age to restore the regularity of menstrual bleeding. Due to the content of cyproterone acetate, it promotes the renewal of the thin epithelium of the uterus, maintaining moistening of the mucous membranes of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Perfectly eliminates the symptoms of pathological menopause and estrogen deficiency during menopause.

Indicated for use in patients after ovariectomy, in a state of artificial menopause.

But it also has a number of side effects:

  • A sharp increase in body weight.
  • From the side of the central nervous system, there is a general depression, a decrease in mood, there are frequent cases of migraine.
  • There are frequent cases in the presence of pain in the epigastric region, increased gas formation, increased appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Among other side effects, skin rashes, allergic reactions, tachycardia, and edema can be observed.

It is forbidden to use the drug in case of: pregnancy, lactation, the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors.

Estradiol, dydrogesterone The drug is used in as hormone replacement therapy with estrogen deficiency during menopause.

Perfectly fights against all manifestations of pathological changes in the body during menopause, and helps to solve the problem of preventing osteochondrosis, complications of the cardiovascular system.

The drug must be used as long as there is no risk of complications, against the background of oversaturation of the body.

Like other hormone replacement therapy drugs, Femoston has a number of contraindications:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The presence of confirmed neoplasms with cancer cells.
  • Pathological changes in the endometrium of the organs of the reproductive system, depending on the amount of estrogen in the blood.
  • Tumors and precancerous conditions of the adrenal glands.
  • Pathological changes in the kidneys and liver.
climodien Estradiol valerate, dienogest The drug is an analogue of estradiol valerate-containing drugs, and is a means of a new generation of hormone replacement therapy. Contraindications coincide with the drugs of the same group, but climodien differs from them in the consequences of an overdose:
  • Thrush. The most common symptom that occurs as a result of taking the drug. Stopped fungal disease reception antimycotic drugs - symptomatically.
  • Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the new generation of drugs, cases of weight gain are not uncommon. A woman notices an increase in body fat in the gluteus, abdomen, and arms.
  • If the patient suffers from arterial hypertension, then the use of climodien can aggravate the condition.
  • The consequence of excessive use of the drug may be the appearance of reverse effects. That is, a woman will not get rid of hot flashes, but their frequency will increase.

That is why the drug should be used only under strict supervision by specialists.

Climax, even with a mild course, is perceived as a necessary evil. The state of health worsens, and in different directions, disturbing thoughts visit more often. But few people try to fight this with the help of drugs, or women, due to incompetence, choose the wrong means themselves.

Meanwhile, menopausal hormone therapy can work wonders, turning an elderly, tired woman into a healthy and full of strength.

Read in this article

Why is HRT needed?

Many women have a prejudice against menopausal hormone therapy that its harm far outweighs the positive effect. Fears are groundless, the body has been functioning for many years, thanks to these components. They ensured a normal metabolism, the operation of all systems. Rather, it serves to cause disease, ultimately leading to premature old age and even death.

This does not mean that analogues of substances can be taken independently and uncontrolled. In each case, the choice should be based on a variety of body parameters of a particular woman. It also depends on the stage.

In postmenopause, that is, a year from the last menstruation and later, other means are needed than in its initial phase. The final stage of menopause can be described using several features:

  • The work of the cardiovascular system worsens. Blood does not circulate as actively throughout the body, becoming more viscous. Vessels are less elastic, deposits appear on them. Hot flashes provoke heart failure, bringing the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke closer;
  • Arises. Vegetative-vascular disorders caused by the disappearance of the influence of sex hormones lead to increased neuro-psychological excitability, rapid fatigue. Hot flashes also interfere with sleep;
  • Atrophic processes of the genital and urinary organs develop, manifested by discomfort, burning of the mucous membrane, and itching. This provokes an inflammatory and infectious nature, as well as problems with urination,;
  • The risk of injuries and fractures increases due to (weakening of bone tissue as a result of loss), changes in the joints are noticed.

This is the general list of manifestations that the menopause “bestows”. At this age, individual symptoms may also be detected.

But even with their minimal presence, postmenopausal HRT improves well-being and quality of life, prolonging it. Drugs for menopause:

  • They normalize the lipid spectrum of the blood no worse than the statins intended for this;
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%;
  • Have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Prevents the destruction of bones.

In a word, hormone therapy is one of the main methods.

Is it shown to everyone?

The funds used for HRT are based on estrogens, progesterone, or only the first substance. They affect the body in a complex way. Estrogens allow the endometrium to grow, progesterone reduces this effect.

In some diseases, the struggle of hormones can lead to the development of ailments. Therefore, HRT is not prescribed if diagnosed:

  • Acute hepatitis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Tumors of the mammary glands or reproductive organs;
  • Meningioma.

What to do before taking hormonal drugs?

Given the contraindications and possible unexpected manifestations, menopausal hormone therapy, which is necessary for protection against diseases, is prescribed only according to the results of the examination. It should include:

  • Ultrasound of the reproductive organs;
  • Blood test for biochemistry;
  • A study on oncocytology of material taken from the cervix;
  • Breast ultrasound and mammography;
  • The study of hormonal status with the detection of the concentration of TSH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, glucose;
  • Blood clotting test.

In addition to these studies, which are mandatory for all studies, it is advisable for some to conduct:

  • Lipidogram, that is, an analysis of cholesterol;
  • Densitometry, which measures bone density.

Features of HRT at the final stage of menopause

Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women is prescribed not only taking into account the existing symptoms of the condition that need to be stopped, and potential threats. Important features of the female body, such as the presence of reproductive organs.

If the uterus is preserved, when exposed to estrogen-containing drugs, the mucosa is likely to grow, that is, creating a danger and endometrial cancer. Therefore, in this case, the doctor will give preference to drugs with progestins and androgens in order to remove the threat. For some women, the uterus is removed if processes dangerous to health occur in it. Hormone replacement therapy under these conditions will be estrogen.

The timing of treatment depends on what signs of menopause or probable ones need to be eliminated. Palpitations, hot flashes will take less time to use drugs. Longer treatment will be needed to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Stopping it on your own is just as dangerous as starting it.

Extension beyond the required period, excess dosages are fraught with an increased risk of tumor formation, thrombosis, heart attack, stroke. Therefore, the entire process of therapy is accompanied by control by a specialist.

Estrogen therapy for menopause

In such a fragile state as, HRT preparations should contain the necessary minimum of hormones. They contain only estrogens, are suitable for use after 12 months from the last menstruation and later the following remedies:

  • Premarin. In addition to reducing vegetative-vascular manifestations, it fights against the loss of calcium and phosphorus by bones, lowers low-density lipoproteins in the blood, increases HDL volume, and improves glucose excretion. Take the remedy in cycles of 21 days, then take a week break. Extended use is also possible. 0.3-1.25 mcg is prescribed per day, lowering or increasing the dose depending on how you feel;
  • Proginova. In fact, this is estradiol valerate, a synthetic analogue of what was previously produced by the ovaries. The drug keeps the bone tissue dense, preventing osteoporosis, maintains the tone of the mucous membranes in the urogenital zone. Take 1 tablet, without crushing, cyclically or continuously;
  • Dermestril. It exists in several dosage forms (tablets, spray, injection, patch). Eliminates vasomotor signs of menopause, inhibits the excretion of calcium from bones and clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol;
  • Klimara. containing estradiol gamihydrate, which is released and enters the bloodstream in portions of 50 mcg. Its action extends to the relief of all symptoms of menopause, but it is necessary to fix the remedy on the body not near the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • Estrofem. The main substance is estradiol, which prevents the development of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and atrophic vaginitis. Requires continuous intake of 1 tablet per day. If after 3 months of use the effect on stopping severe manifestations of postmenopause is insufficient, the doctor may change the dosage;
  • Ovestin. Estriol, which forms its basis, inhibits the leaching of calcium from the bones. The drug also reduces the possibility of inflammation of the vagina and other reproductive organs, due to the restoration of the mucosa. It exists in the form of suppositories, tablets and vaginal cream. Orally take 4-8 mg per day. Long-term use of high doses is undesirable, it is necessary to strive to reduce them.

If the listed funds are prescribed to a woman with a preserved uterus, they are combined with gestagen-containing or containing androgens.

Combined drugs for postmenopausal HRT

Combined HRT drugs postmenopause forces the use of savings if necessary. The estrogens contained in them perform their task, as in monophasic agents. But their negative influence is neutralized by the work of gestagens or androgens. Experts make a choice among such funds from the following names:

  • Climodien. It combines estradiol valerate with dienogest. The latter contributes to the atrophy of the endometrium, preventing its thickening, penetration into the muscular layer of the uterus and. Normalizes the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol, removing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Climodien is taken continuously, as long as there is a need for therapy, one tablet per day;
  • Cliogest. This is a "team" of estriol and norethisterone acetate. The drug is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, prevents the development of cardiac and urogenital ailments. Problems with the endometrium that are possible when taking estriol do not arise, thanks to norethisterone, which has gestagenic and slightly androgenic effects. For daily continuous use as part of the course of treatment, 1 tablet is enough. Similar to Kliogest in composition and effects on the body are the drugs Pauzogest, Eviana, Activel, Revmelide;
  • Livial. Its active ingredient is tibolone, which simultaneously has the properties of estrogen, androgens and gestagens. Thanks to this, the agent keeps the endometrium thin enough, helps to save calcium, and normalizes the condition of the vessels. The latter quality reduces the risk of heart disease, restores blood supply to the brain;
  • Femoston 1/5. The drug is a combination of estradiol and dydrogesterone. Saves from osteoporosis, vascular disorders, restores libido, thanks to the normalization of the state of the mucous membranes of the genital and urinary organs. Does not allow pathological changes in the endometrium. A low dose of estrogen makes it possible to use it for a long time without threatening consequences. Take Femoston once a day.


Substitution in postmenopause may not only be in taking hormonal drugs. The following have a similar effect on the signs of menopause:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Inoklim;
  • Klimonorm;
  • Qi-Klim.

They are quite effective in preventing complications of menopause, do not have such contraindications as hormones. And yet, they should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

Menopausal, properly chosen hormone therapy can not only prevent coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and bowel cancer. It has been proven that it reduces the risk of age-related visual impairment, Alzheimer's disease. The preparations also contribute to the preservation of external youthfulness.

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