Calendar method of protection. Natural methods of contraception Methods of natural contraception calendar

You can avoid unwanted pregnancy with the help of physiological or biological methods of contraception, the essence of which is to refrain from vaginal intercourse on those days of the menstrual cycle when the probability of fertilization of the egg is highest. In order to use these methods correctly, it is necessary to have an elementary understanding of the physiology of the female reproductive system. The menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next, and its duration in most women is 28 days, in some - 21 or 30-35 days. Rhythmic changes that prepare a woman's body for pregnancy occur throughout the body, but are most pronounced in the brain structures of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, in the ovaries (ovarian cycle) and uterus (uterine cycle). The first, or follicular phase lasts 14 days with a 28-day cycle and 10-11 days with a 21-day cycle. In this phase, one of several follicles in the ovary usually matures. Then comes ovulation - the rupture of a mature follicle and the release of an egg capable of fertilization from its cavity. Fertilization occurs in the cavity of the fallopian tube. An unfertilized egg dies within 12-24 hours. On a 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day, but may occur between the 8th and 20th days. After the release of the egg, the luteal phase begins, or the phase of development of the corpus luteum. If pregnancy occurs, then the corpus luteum of pregnancy is formed, which grows and performs an important function during the first months of pregnancy. The corpus luteum forms with each menstrual cycle, and if pregnancy does not occur, it is called the corpus luteum of menstruation. Menstruation indicates the death of the egg (“bloody tears for a failed pregnancy”) and means the end of the physiological processes that prepared the body for pregnancy. However, as noted above, the menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. This is due to the fact that menstruation is the most pronounced event among all cyclic processes in a woman's body, which is impossible not to notice. There are several phases in the uterine cycle. The rejection of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa and its release to the outside along with the blood occurs in the phase of desquamation (menstruation), which coincides with the beginning of the death of the corpus luteum in the ovary. Restoration of the mucous membrane (regeneration phase) ends by the 5th-6th day of the cycle. Then, until the 14th day, before ovulation, under the influence of estrogens of the follicles, the uterine mucosa grows (proliferation phase). The development and flowering of the corpus luteum in the ovary coincides in time with the secretion phase, which lasts from the 14-15th day to the 28th (this is the best time for the implantation of a fertilized egg).

Given the different likelihood of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle, it is convenient to distinguish between three periods:

1. The period of absolute sterility (conception does not occur) begins 48 hours after ovulation and continues until the end of menstruation.

2. The period of relative sterility (conception can occur) lasts from the last day of menstruation until ovulation.

3. The fertile period (maximum chance of conception) begins with ovulation and ends 48 hours after it. Despite the fact that an unfertilized egg is viable up to 24 hours, this phase is given 6-8 days, taking into account the error in the calculations, as well as the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize within 3-5 days. In the cervical mucus, spermatozoa survive for 48 hours.

The publications present cases of pregnancy after a single sexual intercourse a week before ovulation, recorded by measuring basal body temperature (see below).

Methods of natural (physiological) contraception include:

1. Rhythmic

a) calendar method

b) standard days method

c) measuring basal temperature

d) cervical method or cervical mucus monitoring method

e) two-day method

f) symptothermal (multicomponent) method

2. Coitus interruptus

calendar method is based on three provisions: with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation (this discovery was made in 1920), the viability of the egg remains 24 hours, and spermatozoa - 3-5 days. Based on this information, a woman with a regular menstrual cycle can determine the days when she is most likely to conceive, mark them on the calendar in the next month and refrain from sexual intercourse. The Pearl Index, or the number of pregnancies in 100 women using this method for 1 year, is 13-20%.

Method of standard (defined) days slightly different from the calendar. It is better suited for those women whose menstrual cycle is not regular, but ranges from 26 to 32 days. The standard days method is based on the following principles: the first day of menstruation is considered the first day of the cycle, the fertile period lasts from days 8 to 19 (it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse or use barrier methods of contraception), from the 1st to the 7th day and from the 20th days before the onset of menstruation, you can not protect yourself. In this form, the standard days method was proposed by researchers at Georgetown University in the USA. We cannot agree with the recommendation about the possibility of sexual intercourse during menstruation, because there is a risk of developing endometriosis, as well as non-specific inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages. You can determine the fertile period based on the duration of menstrual cycles over the past 6-12 months. To do this, 18 and 11 are subtracted from the shortest and longest cycle, respectively. For example: 25-18= 7 and 31-11=20; therefore, the fertile period lasts from the 7th to the 20th day of the cycle, so 13 days of abstinence or the use of other contraceptives is required to prevent pregnancy. To use the method of standard days, special rosaries have been developed, moving which it is impossible to forget about "dangerous" days. The Pearl Index for this method is 5-12%.

Both the calendar method and the standard day method are indicated when there is no need for effective contraception and there is no possibility of using other means of contraception. Therefore, these methods are contraindicated in irregular menstrual cycles, as well as in cases where effective contraception is required (pregnancy poses a threat to a woman's health). The disadvantages include the need for prolonged abstinence, low contraceptive effect (high Pearl index) and in connection with this constant fear of pregnancy. Like other natural contraceptive methods, neither the calendar method nor the standard day method protect against sexually transmitted diseases. It should be remembered that the ovulation period can be affected by climate change and time zones, overwork, stress, alcohol abuse and other factors. The advantages of the calendar method and the standard day method are ease of use, no side effects, and that they can be used by couples of different religious beliefs.

Measurement of basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle is a fairly reliable method for determining the time of ovulation. The temperature is measured with the same thermometer, in the same place (in the mouth, or vagina, or in the rectum), every morning before getting out of bed, at the same time, for a full 5 minutes. Do not eat or smoke before the measurement. It is advisable to use a special electronic thermometer designed to measure basal temperature, on which only a few degrees are applied. It is necessary to draw up schedules for at least 2-3 cycles in a row. The days are plotted along the abscissa axis, and the basal temperature along the ordinate axis; celebrate the days of sexual intercourse. During the follicular (first) phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is usually 36.1-36.7°C. 12-24 hours before ovulation, it falls, which, however, is not always determined. And then it rises by an average of 0.3-0.5 ° C, which is due to increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum and its thermogenic effect, and remains at this level throughout the luteal (second) phase, which is safe in terms of pregnancy (see . above). With the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature decreases to its original level. Disadvantages of the method: ovulation cannot be predicted, it is determined retrospectively. In some women with normal, ovulatory cycles, which are confirmed by other methods, the temperature does not rise, and the curve remains monophasic on the graph. However, the measurement of basal temperature is widely used to determine ovulation, due to the simplicity of the method, availability and low cost. Biphasic temperature curve is a reliable indicator of ovulation. If the curve is monophasic, additional studies are carried out to determine the pathology of the genitals. The rise in basal temperature is accompanied by an increase in the serum concentration of not only progesterone, but also the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland. Given the viability of sperm and egg, the fertile period begins 6 days before ovulation and ends 3 days after it. If the menstrual cycle is regular and ovulation occurs without failure, there is no need for daily temperature measurement - this can only be done in the middle of the cycle to determine the day of its rise. Measurement of basal temperature can be used as an independent method of contraception, but more often it is combined with others.

cervical method is based on a change in the nature of the mucus produced in the cervical canal during the menstrual cycle under the influence of sex hormones. During the fertile period, the mucus acquires such properties that help spermatozoa penetrate the uterus - it becomes plentiful, well extensible and resembles raw egg white, light and transparent. Most often, mucous discharge from the vagina and a feeling of moisture in the external genitalia (vulva) appear. After menstruation, before the period of fertility or after it, a little viscous mucus with a whitish or yellowish tinge (“dry days”) in the vagina disappears. If a woman has found a viscous, well-stretched mucus, one should refrain from sexual intercourse until these properties disappear. The abstinence period will take approximately 8 days. The inconveniences of the method are associated with the need for daily monitoring of changes in vaginal discharge and vulvar moisture, a long period of abstinence, the impossibility of using the method in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, especially cervicitis and vaginitis, which can change the symptoms characteristic of the fertile period. The Pearl Index when using the cervical method reaches 20%.

Two day method- a simpler version of the cervical method, proposed by researchers at Georgetown University in the USA and has already been tested in three countries. The Pearl Index is 14%, but may be lower with a more careful attitude to the method and use of other contraceptives (eg, condoms) during the fertile period. The two-day method is based on the same methodology as the cervical method, but does not require consideration of the nature of the mucus (viscosity, viscosity, color, quantity). A woman at the same time of the day pays attention to vaginal discharge and answers a simple question, were they yesterday and are they today. If there was no discharge, then you can not be protected from pregnancy. If they were two days in a row, therefore, the fertile period has come and you should refrain from sexual intercourse throughout its entire length (at least 8 days). At this time, you must continue to monitor the discharge! Unlike previous methods, the two-day method is most suitable for women with irregular menstrual cycles or cycles that are not 28 days, but more than 32 or less than 26 days. The measurement of basal temperature, the cervical method and the method of two days can be called symptomatic, since they are based on taking into account certain signs (symptoms) indicating the fertile period.

Symptothermal (multicomponent) method combines the measurement of basal temperature, accounting for changes in the nature of cervical mucus, data from the calendar method, as well as a number of subjective signs (mood swings, sensitivity of the mammary glands, ovulatory pain, bloody discharge from the genital tract in the middle of the menstrual cycle). The method is quite complicated, but its efficiency is lower than theoretically expected - the Pearl index reaches 20%.

Due to the low efficiency of the method of measuring basal temperature and the symptothermal method, it is a practice among some couples to have sexual activity only three days after the temperature rise. This is the so-called postovulatory temperature method. Its obvious drawback is that with high efficiency (Pearl index is only 1%), a long period of abstinence is required. We emphasize once again that the results of measuring basal temperature are affected by various diseases accompanied by fever, alcohol abuse, travel and other reasons.

Coitus interruptus consists in the fact that the man completely removes the penis from the vagina and takes it to a sufficient distance from the external genital organs of the woman before the onset of ejaculation. The prevalence of the method is high, the efficiency is low - the Pearl index is 15-30%. Before sexual intercourse, a man should urinate and thoroughly wipe the head of the penis. With repeated sexual contact, a man needs to urinate again. The method of coitus interruptus is indicated for those sexual partners who, for the sake of protection from pregnancy, are able to strictly observe the rules of this method, in situations where religious or moral beliefs do not allow the use of other methods of contraception, there are no other contraceptives “at hand”. Some men have difficulty using the method correctly because they do not always feel when ejaculation is approaching or suffer from premature ejaculation. Frequent use of this method can lead to disruption of orgasm in men, neurosis and impotence.

Highly ineffective methods of contraception, which by definition could be attributed to methods of natural contraception, should not be used, such as placing a woman in an upright position (squatting) after intercourse so that sperm is released, douching to remove sperm from the vagina (in cervical mucus spermatozoa penetrate as early as 90 seconds after ejaculation), a man taking a hot bath before intercourse to kill spermatozoa with high temperature, prayers and others. Douching not only does not show a reliable contraceptive effect, but also reduces the number of lactobacilli, normal inhabitants of the vagina, and thereby contributes to the development of gardnerellosis and inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that natural contraceptive methods are not highly effective and do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. However, they also have a number of advantages (simplicity, low cost, no side effects, involvement of men in family planning, etc.) and are indicated in cases where there is no risk of sexually transmitted diseases and absolute contraindications to pregnancy due to a threat to the woman's health.

The calendar method of contraception is the most affordable way to reduce the likelihood of unwanted conception. According to her menstrual cycle, a woman calculates the approximate date of ovulation and allocates dangerous and safe days for unprotected sex. On dangerous days, abstain from sex. In short, the safest are the first 7-8 days of the cycle and the last week. But only those women who have a known exact duration of the menstrual cycle do not have long delays. Otherwise, late ovulation and pregnancy may occur on days that were calculated to be safe.

The most reliable method of protection is the calendar method for women with a regular menstrual cycle. That is, for those whose cycle is always equal, for example, to 28 days. Ovulation, the day when the egg is ready to be fertilized by the sperm, is about the middle of the cycle. With a 28-day cycle, this is approximately the 14th day. However, there may be deviations in one direction or another for a couple of days. Thus, using the calendar method, couples will not have sex from the 12th to the 16th day inclusive. Someone advises to add, just in case, another 1 day on one side and on the other, since spermatozoa can remain ready for fertilization for several more days in the female genital tract.

If the cycle is irregular, then you need to remember the longest and shortest. Thus, you can find out the approximate date of the earliest possible ovulation and the latest. The calendar method of contraception in this case will not be reliable if you do not allocate a longer period of time. Capture the gap between possible ovulation dates, plus the days before and after them.

If you don’t want to count manually and trust automatic programs more, then please. The script on our website will help you use the calendar method of contraception, it will be able to accurately calculate online safe days specifically for you. More precisely, it will show you the most favorable days for conception. Well, your task will include an exception during these days of sexual activity. At least without the use of contraception, preferably barrier.

If the calendar method showed you had a dangerous day, but still you could not resist sex, or the condom broke, you need to use emergency contraception. It can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, you need to understand that it, emergency contraception, is not always effective. And its action largely depends on the speed of taking the pill after unprotected intercourse. In addition, the emergency contraceptive has an effect on the hormonal background of a woman, which can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy at first glance, the calendar method makes it safe. But really, only the first. Yes, you don't need to take any drugs. Spoil the sensations with a condom too. But this method is very unreliable. And if he fails, conception will occur, you will have to have an abortion. Well, this intervention in the female body is much more unpleasant and dangerous than hormonal pills.

The issue of conception and pregnancy is of interest to many people who have an active sex life. So, some want to quickly acquire offspring. Others believe that the time has not yet come for this event. Quite often, couples use contraceptives. Safe days in this case are calculated according to a certain scheme. This is what will be discussed next. The article will tell you about which days are safe from pregnancy, as well as how to calculate them correctly.

conception principle

Before you determine the safe days from pregnancy, you need to know something about fertilization. How does it usually happen?

A man in good health is almost always ready to conceive. In his body, spermatozoa are regularly produced, which, when they enter the female body, merge with the egg. When does it happen? The women's cycle is divided into several parts. However, none of them can be called fertile. So, during and after menstruation, estrogen is produced. This hormone helps the follicle grow and also stimulates the growth of new endometrium. A few days before the expected ovulation, luteinizing hormone is released. It allows the follicle to burst and release an egg. Next comes progesterone. This substance contributes to the further transformation of the endometrium and the progression of pregnancy in the event of its occurrence.

After the fusion of the male and female cells, we can talk about pregnancy. However, the fetal egg must descend into the uterus and securely gain a foothold there for further development.

What days are considered dangerous?

The most (there will be no pregnancy) are the furthest from ovulation. To determine them, you need to know the dates on which sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy.

Ovulation occurs in the female body regularly. This usually happens once a month. Less commonly, the process is triggered twice or thrice. There is an opinion that a healthy woman may not ovulate about twice a year. This means that part of the cycles will not lead to conception even with sexual contact on any day.

The female egg is capable of fertilization within 12-48 hours. If contact occurs immediately after ovulation, then there is a high probability of conception. Male cells are able to live in the body of the fairer sex for about a week. Depending on the health of the man, this period varies from 3 to 10 days. From this we can conclude that about a week before ovulation and 2-3 days after it are considered dangerous days. Let's try to find out which days are the safest for pregnancy. It is worth noting that much depends on the duration of the female cycle.

In a long cycle

It's pretty easy to calculate. To do this, you just need to know the duration of the female period. We are talking about a long cycle when its duration is 35 days. This is an absolute norm and does not require medical intervention.

The second phase of the female period lasts an average of 12 days. Sometimes this interval can be in the range from 10 to 16 days. To understand, you need to make an elementary calculation. From 35 days, you need to subtract the length of the second phase. The result will be 23. This suggests that it is on the 23rd day after the onset of menstruation that the follicle opens. Given the viability of male cells, we can say the following. Safe days in a long female period will be 1-14 days and 26-35. In total, this is 23 days.

normal cycle

What are the safe days from pregnancy in the average cycle? Usually this period lasts 28 days, or four weeks. In this case, the opening of the follicular vesicle occurs on the 14th day. Remember that the duration of the second phase is always the same. Only the length of the first part of the cycle can change.

So, the release of the egg occurs exactly in the middle of the month. Let's add to this day two days in which the cell is able to accept the spermatozoon. The result is the following data. From the 17th to the 28th day, a woman's pregnancy is very unlikely. Do the same with the first part of the cycle. From the middle, subtract the viability of spermatozoa. In this case, the safe period will be from 1 to 7 days. Based on this, we can conclude that there are only about 18 safe days in the average cycle.

In women with a short period

What are the safe days from pregnancy when a woman has a cycle of 21 days? Let's try to calculate.

The second phase is about 12 days. With the help of arithmetic transformations, we obtain that the release of the egg from the ovary occurs on the 9th day. To this day, add the life of the female gamete. From this it turns out that the days safe from pregnancy are the period from the 12th to the 21st. What can be said about the first phase? Here everything is a little more complicated. It is only 9 days. Spermatozoa, as already known, can wait in the wings in the female body for up to 10 days. From this we can conclude that there are simply no safe days in the first part of a short cycle. Upon contact, conception can occur on any day. So, in a short cycle, the number of safe days is only one week.

Special cases

As you already know, every woman can have anovulatory cycles twice a year. During these periods, the egg simply does not leave the ovary. Doctors say that in this case, the reproductive organs are resting. are the absolute norm. At the same time, no contacts that can occur from the first day of the cycle to its end will not lead to pregnancy. However, a woman cannot foresee that it is this period that she will have anovulatory.

It is worth mentioning separately about the cycles of the fairer sex, who are in the lactation period. Ovulation does not occur during breastfeeding. This is how it has always been considered. However, with the development of medicine, it became known that the follicles still mature during this period. At the same time, they can break or undergo reverse development. So, during breastfeeding, a woman's cycles are irregular. Based on this, we can conclude that it is almost impossible to calculate safe days from pregnancy.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors say that the calendar method of preventing unwanted conception is very unsafe. To be insured against conception, you must have regular cycles that never fail even for 1-2 days. However, this is practically impossible.

Doctors say that safe days for women can be strongly shifted in one direction or another. All due to the fact that the body of the fairer sex is highly dependent on emotional experiences. Any event can lead to a failure of hormonal production and a violation of your calculations.


Despite the variety and availability of modern barrier and hormonal contraceptives, natural methods of contraception continue to be very popular. According to the observations of gynecologists, more than half of the women surveyed use them to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Although such methods differ in their physiological nature, their effectiveness is extremely low.

Typical representatives of this group include two options - the calendar method and interrupted sexual intercourse. But we are only talking about the first one - if used correctly, it can be really effective. The whole problem is that women, using it, are guided by dubious sources - the advice of relatives or girlfriends. Therefore, obtaining reliable information will allow you to protect yourself “wisely”.

Since it is simply impossible to eliminate the calendar method of contraception, it is therefore important to modify it as much as possible, making it possible to use it. Therefore, an important direction is the maximum obtaining of information about it. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages will allow a woman to reconsider her views on contraception or make an effective addition to it.


The calendar method can be called not only physiological, but also completely natural - its implementation does not require additional means or devices. Its whole essence lies only in the commission of sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Despite its historical nature, the method was recorded in the literature only at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, his study had a completely opposite interest - finding out the fertile interval (days with the maximum probability of becoming pregnant).
  2. Accordingly, observations have given another fact - in the menstrual cycle of a woman there is a period characterized by a minimum possibility of conception.
  3. The starting point for the assessment was the determination of the moment of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Therefore, a period consisting of several days before and after this event has a high probability of pregnancy.
  4. But closer to the next menstruation, cyclic hormonal changes reduce the likelihood of fertilization. Therefore, sexual intercourse during this period will not lead to conception - there are no conditions for its commission.
  5. If we take approximate numbers, then safe days take a gap of about two weeks (with a menstrual cycle consisting of 28 days). At the same time, it is almost divided in half by the first day of the onset of the next menstruation.

The calendar method requires a high responsibility from a woman - she should not know the approximate duration of the cycle, but strictly maintain a monthly calendar, be sure to determine the day of ovulation.


It was the absence of any extraneous manipulations that determined the high popularity of the method - a woman just needs to know when she has safe days. The advantages of this method of contraception are best considered in comparison with other possible options:

  • Unlike hormonal contraceptive pills, it has no systemic effect on the body. Therefore, the method is characterized by the complete absence of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, along with interrupted sexual intercourse, this method of protection is the most physiological and safe.
  • There are also a number of advantages over barrier methods, and the main one is the lack of connection with sexual intercourse. Immediately before sex or after it is not required to carry out any activities that have a distracting effect. And the most important factor - the calendar method does not affect the sensations, which change significantly when using condoms or spermicides.
  • The generalized point for both options is the material side of the issue. Not every family or couple is able to allocate a stable amount of money for effective protection. Therefore, such contraception is the most budget option for such people.

But all the pluses are almost completely covered by the minuses - it is not for nothing that natural methods are considered the most ineffective in gynecological practice.


But the calendar method already has its own negative points, and it makes no sense to list them in comparison. Each of them should lead the woman to the idea that it is better to choose a different method of protection:

  • Immediately it is worth mentioning the Pearl index - it was specially designed to evaluate the effectiveness of contraception. Its value shows how many women out of 100 became pregnant, being protected by this method. For the calendar method, it ranges from 9 to 40 (slightly lower than that of coitus interruptus).
  • It is only suitable for women with regular and steady menstrual cycles. To correctly determine the safe interval, it is required that its duration be approximately the same at least 12 months.
  • Spermatozoa in the vaginal cavity die quickly, but in the cervical mucus they can persist for up to 6 days. Therefore, with a short menstrual cycle, the probability of fertilization remains throughout its duration.
  • The method does not protect a woman from possible infection with sexually transmitted diseases, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases. A person who is protected in this way should always be aware of the possible risk. Therefore, it is by no means suitable for casual sex.

At present, the calendar method has not lost its relevance, but it should only be used in combination with other options - barrier or hormonal contraception.


To correctly determine safe days, two prerequisites are required - keeping a diary of menstrual cycles, as well as using special formulas. Such a competent approach will minimize the likelihood of pregnancy:

  1. A diary should be kept even before the use of such contraception - to assess the regularity of menstruation. With it, a woman determines the main parameter - the total duration of the cycle. Currently, it is possible to purchase simplified versions - ready-made calendars in which you only need to mark the necessary days.
  2. Then, using the first formula, the beginning of the fertile period is determined. To do this, 18 days are subtracted from the duration of the shortest cycle.
  3. The second formula allows you to calculate the end of the days during which the maximum probability of conception remains. It is necessary to choose the longest cycle, and subtract 11 days from this figure.
  4. The resulting gap is considered safe - during it, sexual intercourse is least likely to end with fertilization. For convenience, its duration is also better noted in the diary of cycles.

The moment of border safe days is important (three days at the beginning and end of the period) - it is believed that during them it is better to use barrier contraception.


Recently, the Austrian gynecologist Maria Hengstberger has developed a special pocket device for daily monitoring of the course of the menstrual cycle. Outwardly, it looks like a necklace consisting of multi-colored beads:

  • The ratio of the balls roughly corresponds to the division of the cycle into several parts.
  • A few red ones (from 3 to 5) represent periods, blue beads characterize the fertile period, and yellow beads indicate the safe period.
  • The number of balls in the necklace is 28, which is typical for the average duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • It also has a special device - a rubber ring that can move through the beads. A woman must move it forward daily, independently determining the onset of a safe period.
  • The first red ball is taken as the starting point - it corresponds to the beginning of menstruation.

A special necklace is an alternative to a calendar only if the length of the cycle matches the number of beads in it.

Combined variant

Since the calendar method itself is limited in time, its combination with barrier methods of contraception is optimal. Their combined use will allow you to have an active sex life during the fertile period:

  • After determining the safe interval, it is important to immediately subtract three days from it at the beginning and end. They are considered borderline - when the probability of getting pregnant remains high.
  • As a result, about 7 days remain, during which the probability of conception becomes extremely low. In this interval, you can not use additional means used for protection.
  • But in the borderline and fertile period, determined using the calendar, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception. Their choice is now diverse - these are condoms, as well as spermicides in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, gels or foams.

Contrary to misconceptions, douching now does not belong to any group of contraceptives. Therefore, its implementation should not be made an alternative to the listed barrier methods.

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