Excessive sexual activity - the cause of PCa? On the benefits of sexual abstinence for men. What is increased sex drive

The sexual disharmony of a married couple is one of the main reasons for the decline or lack of sexual attraction one of the partners or both. As a rule, violations of sexual desire due to sexual disharmony in women are much more common than in men. Often this is due to the fact that men's ideas about sexual intercourse are limited to the fact that they must have a desire and an erection, as men say, "so that they want and can", and the interests of a woman are not taken into account.

Since a man, if he has a normal potency, experiences an orgasm with every sexual intercourse, then personally he is such sex life quite satisfied, even if the wife constantly remains sexually unsatisfied.

On the one hand, sexual intercourse is a wonderful workout for sexual, endocrine, cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems. Therefore, active sexual activity fully prolongs life.
Sexual intercourse requires a lot of energy. But fatigue after sex should be positive, not exhausting and not unpleasant. Sexual fatigue passes quickly. After all, sex is to some extent a sport. This means constant training is needed. If they are absent for a long time, then do not expect to quickly return to their former skills.
For those over thirty, prolonged abstinence leads to a gradual decline in sexual function.
Sexopathologists say that during abstinence in men, two phases are observed. At the first, sexual preoccupation appears, influxes of desire are felt, erotic dreams appear. If there is no possibility for the realization of sexual desire, then the second phase begins - calm, when the desire decreases, sexual problems they simply cease to worry, and a person can go for many months without sexual contact almost without suffering from it. After prolonged abstinence a man may experience temporary sexual problems: a slow onset of an erection or too quick ending sexual intercourse. Within about ten intimate contacts, this condition is eliminated, and the man enters his usual norm.

On the other hand, sexual intemperance inevitably leads to weakening of the kidneys, premature aging. Indiscriminate waste of sexual energy leads to the fact that you have to expend a lot of effort to restore it. In addition, along with sexual energy, sperm is lost - the elixir of longevity, because it is sperm that helps the body maintain stability, multiplies vitality supports youth.

In addition, excessive sexual activity can have a number of negative consequences: weakening of the body and withering of the body, deterioration of vision and hearing, the appearance of weakness and pain in the legs, back, kidneys and bladder and appearance bad smell from mouth.

Sexologists believe that with normal physiological cycle sexual relations spouses (or any couple) should have at least 3-4 sexual acts per week.

In this situation, we advise you to try again to talk with your husband, but already to argue your unwillingness to have sex so often. Give as arguments all the "minuses" of excessive sexual activity. If the conversations lead nowhere, the best thing would be to make an appointment with a sex therapist.

BUT Australian scientists questioned the health benefits of traditional sex for men. Biologists from the University of Western Australia say that in fact, excessive sexual activity leads to a weakened immune system, undermining the body's resources. .

Scientists came to such conclusions by examining insects - field crickets. According to experts, the biomechanisms in men and crickets are absolutely similar. Observation revealed a link between the production of sperm in the body and health in males. It turned out that during the production of high-quality seed, for example, other systems of the body suffer, but it becomes more vulnerable during this period the immune system. The body of males turns out to be a target for various bacterial and viral infections. At the same time, the more sex, the less its ability to resist disease.

This information is especially important, according to experts, for those who have enough low level sexual attraction. If a man has a tendency to neurotic reactions, then immoderate sex can cause the development of neuroses. Also, the mood can significantly worsen, the man becomes irritable and quick-tempered. There may even be manifestations of aggression.

With inflammation chronic nature internal genital organs, intemperance from intimacy can also lead to very sad consequences, because it provokes an exacerbation of all ailments.

Doctors draw Special attention at the time of onset of sexual activity modern teenagers. Puberty in young men it occurs quite early - at 12-14 years old. Experts warn that sexual intercourse at a very young age can be dangerous, as the body of boys under the age of 15 is still too weak for the stress experienced during intercourse. After all, sexual intercourse requires a lot of energy from the body. And regular contact with a sexual partner, taking a lot of strength from a teenager, can significantly slow down, in some cases, both physical and mental development.

Source - https://goo.gl/ITlMlK

Excessively varied sex life of a man significantly increases the risk of cancer prostate. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Nottingham.

The main point of the study was the suggestion that the sex hormones in some men may be responsible not only for stronger sex drive in younger years, but also for the development of prostate cancer in later life.

The experiment involved 809 men, of whom 400 had previously been diagnosed with prostate cancer and 409 were healthy. In the course of the research, special attention was paid to the following parameters: sexual activity, the number of sexual partners and the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. Analysis of the data obtained showed a correlation between sexual activity and the risk of prostate cancer.

The researchers found a difference between the two groups in the amount of sexual contact a man had. During the experiment, it turned out that men diagnosed with prostate cancer were more likely to have sex or masturbate. So, 40% of men with prostate cancer did it more than 20 times a month, and in the healthy group of such men, there were only 32%. At the same time, among men with prostate cancer, the majority had more than six partners in the past, and in the group healthy men only a third of them.

But according to team leader Dr. Polyxenia Dimitropoulou, the link between sexual activity and prostate cancer weakens with age. Scientists cannot yet explain the reason for the latter pattern. However, this discovery suggests that hormone therapy can be very effective in fighting prostate cancer. According to P. Dimitropoulou, hormones play a key role in the development of prostate cancer, and therefore, as a therapy, it is possible to reduce the level of hormones, which are supposed to stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

In the structure of morbidity among men, prostatitis ranks first. According to various estimates, the incidence of men aged 25-45 years is 30-40%. The risk of prostatitis increases significantly with age. AT recent times there is a trend of "rejuvenation of prostatitis", that is, the disease is increasingly developing in young men.

In general, the real risk of getting prostatitis occurs when puberty is established and the onset of sexual activity. At the same time, the qualitative and quantitative aspects of sexual activity largely determine the risk of prostatitis.

The existing assumption that prostatitis occurs with insufficiently active sexual life is justified to some extent. Regular sex has favorable influence on the functional activity male reproductive system and normalize the hormonal status of men. At the same time, both excess and lack of sexual activity can become a risk factor for the development of prostatitis. Low activity sexual life involves the occurrence of congestive phenomena at the level of the pelvic organs in general and the prostate gland in particular. Stagnation of blood and prostatic juice in the tissues of the prostate predispose to the development of infection and the transition acute process into chronic. On the other hand, excessive sexual activity (especially with large quantity partners) also predisposes to the development of prostatitis. Overly active sex life characterized by an increased risk of transmission and development of various infections that can cause prostatitis.

The quality of intercourse also affects the risk of prostatitis. During sexual arousal, there is a rush of blood to the tissues of the prostate. During orgasm, the prostate contracts, freeing itself from excess blood in the vessels. Full sexual intercourse (coitus), in itself, is excellent remedy prevention of prostatitis, while interrupted coitus or very long sex increases the risk of prostatitis.

However, this connection between sexual life and prostatitis is not exhausted. As is known, one of the cardinal clinical manifestations prostatitis are sexual disorders. According to the data contemporary research the frequency of occurrence of sexual disorders in patients with prostatitis is estimated as follows: erectile dysfunction (weak erection) is observed in about half of all cases of prostatitis, and a decrease in sexual desire is observed in a quarter of patients suffering from this disease. Violations of the sexual sphere with prostatitis have a negative impact on the patient's personal life, in which sexual relations occupy an important place. More than 85% of patients with prostatitis speak of significant reduction frequency of sexual relations due to their illness, about 60% say that due to sexual disorders caused by prostatitis, their relationship with a sexual partner either worsened or stopped altogether. There is an assumption that sexual disorders against the background of prostatitis predispose to homosexual relationships. In part, this assumption is justified by the obvious discredit of a man that takes place during this disease.

Causes of sexual dysfunction in prostatitis
The pathogenetic relationship between prostatitis and sexual disorders that occur against the background of this disease is highly ambiguous. On the one hand, there is evidence that morphological and functional changes in the prostate negatively affect sexual function, on the other hand, the development of sexual disorders is largely determined by psychological disorders occurring with prostatitis. Thus, the factors involved in the development of sexual disorders in prostatitis can be divided into two main groups: organic and psychogenic.

The role of organic factors (damage to organs and tissues) in the pathogenesis of prostatitis has been proven by numerous studies. clinical observations. It is known that at chronic prostatitis the receptor apparatus (nerve endings) of the prostate undergoes significant damage, which inevitably leads to disruption of the reflexes responsible for erection and ejaculation. Chronic inflammation in the tissues of the prostate leads to the formation of a persistent focus of irritation. nerve endings, in connection with which, initial stages prostatitis, there is increased excitability and premature ejaculation. It is important to note that chronic irritation of the sensitive receptors of the prostate leads to exhaustion over time. nerve centers, regulating the basic sexual functions, therefore, after increased excitability, a decrease in excitability and erectile dysfunction occurs. Be that as it may, the occurrence of persistent sexual disorders cannot be explained by morphological and functional changes in the prostate during chronic prostatitis.

Normal sexual intercourse involves the cooperation of two components of the organic (genital system and neural pathways) and psychological (sexual desire - libido, emotional attitude sexual intercourse, self-confidence and partner). Negative influence organic disorders on the sexual function discussed above, extends to the psychological component of the sexual process. However, in recent years there is more and more data on the existence of individual psychological mechanisms involved in the development of sexual disorders in prostatitis.

Mental burden is an integral component clinical picture chronic prostatitis. This symptom is observed in 75% of patients with prostatitis. Factors contributing to the development of mental burden in this category of patients are: chronic pain and primary organic disorders of sexual function.

  1. Chronic pain syndrome is observed in most patients with chronic prostatitis. The most pronounced and unpleasant are pain in chronic pelvic pain syndrome (this is one of the forms of chronic prostatitis). Most often, pain occurs or worsens against the background of sexual arousal, erection or ejaculation, which gives the sexual intercourse a negative emotional connotation. As you know, pain is the main stress factor. A stress response is an attempt by the body to avoid subsequent exposure to a stimulus. In the case of pain associated with sexual intercourse, a man will consciously or subconsciously seek to limit sexual activity - the source of pain.
  2. Primary sexual disorders in chronic prostatitis are definitely organic. This is proven by the effectiveness drug treatment(for example, with the help of antibiotics) in the elimination of these disorders on early stages diseases. Even unexpressed sexual disorders can significantly disturb a man and cause a decrease in his self-esteem. In this case, it may develop vicious circle in which anxiety about dysfunction certain body negatively affects its function, which in turn only increases fear.

The influence of psychological mechanisms on the development of sexual disorders has been proven by clinical observations of various categories patients with various mental disorders. In particular, patients with depression constantly complain of a decrease in sexual desire and a change in emotional coloring sexual relations. Patients with hypochondriacal disorders ( false illness) complain about constant pain or discomfort in the genital area, which causes them to limit sexual activity and, in the end, leads to the establishment of persistent sexual disorders. It is worth noting that in the cases described above, the causes of sexual disorders are "purely psychological."

Patients with chronic prostatitis tend to form hypochondriacal and depressive type behavior. They are characterized by prolonged fixation on the symptoms of the disease, the occurrence intrusive thoughts about the ineffectiveness of treatment and about future problems in personal and professional life. Often, against the background of chronic prostatitis, vegetative disorders occur: excessive sweating, hand tremors, sleep and appetite disturbances.

In general, sexual dysfunction in patients with prostatitis is mixed. This is especially noticeable when observing the phases of the establishment of sexual disorders: at the beginning, there is pain during intercourse, premature ejaculation and easing of orgasmic sensations, then erectile dysfunction and a decrease in sexual desire develop. Soreness during intercourse, blurred sensations during orgasm and premature ejaculation are due to chronic inflammation prostate gland (mainly seminal tubercle). Over time, these disorders lead to the establishment of erectile incompetence - partly due to the depletion of the nerve centers that regulate erection, partly due to negative impact chronic pain syndrome as a psychological inhibitor. A decrease in libido (sexual desire) is established both due to progressive organic disorders, and due to the formation of a pronounced negative attitude of the patient towards sexual relations and constant “expectation of failure”.

Thus, sexual dysfunction in chronic prostatitis should be considered as a complex pathological process in which psychological and organic factors are involved in parallel. The denial of this position by some doctors (supporting only one of the sides of pathogenesis) exposes the patient to difficult diagnostic procedures and prolonged, ineffective treatment.

Treatment of sexual disorders in chronic prostatitis
Methods of correction of sexual disorders in chronic prostatitis largely coincide with the methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis itself. Since this stage of treatment eliminates organic causes illness. At the same time, elimination psychological reasons sexual disorders require special methods treatment.

At the initial stages, the treatment of sexual disorders in chronic prostatitis does not require the appointment of strong psychotropic drugs(antidepressants or tranquilizers). Nice results can be achieved with the appointment of herbal sedatives, herbal adaptogens and stimulants (Cordyceps, Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Pantocrine, Rhodiola, Oregano, etc.).

More pronounced violations require additional prescription of drugs that restore sexual function: Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Impaza.

In all cases of sexual dysfunction, psychotherapy is indicated. The goal of psychotherapy is to eliminate mental stress and lethargy of the patient, which, as shown above, are important pathogenetic factors.

Patients with chronic prostatitis, as a rule, are closed and notorious for their disease. Therefore, explanatory conversations prevent the formation of intrapsychic conflicts and contribute to the social and psychological adaptation of the patient.


  • Alyaev Yu. G., Vinarov A. Z., Akhvlediani N. D. Chronic prostatitis and copulative disorders, 2004.
  • Arnoldi E.K. Chronic prostatitis: problems, experience, prospects. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 1999.
  • Shuster P. I. Sexual disorders and infertility in chronic prostatitis, M.: Informpolygraph, 2002. S. 341-342.

Sex is a good thing. However, as they say, you need to know the measure. Too much zeal in this matter is fraught with consequences for the body.

How to avoid minor (and not so) injuries and troubles "at work" and what dangers may lie in wait for "sex champions" - this was told by the capital's doctors.

Press pause
- In fact, there is no such thing as "overabundance" in relation to having sex! says the gynecologist the highest category Tatyana Yakuseva. - You can make love as often as your physical and psychological allow. In addition, scientists have long proven that abstinence has a negative effect on our body! It is known that in men from long pauses in intimate life erection is often disturbed, there are problems with ejaculation. Women may have problems psychological nature... However, everything needs a measure! Particularly loving natures, some dangers can still lie in wait ...

Who's our warm-up?
“A surge of passion in some cases can provoke such troubles as sprains, vaginal muscles, microtrauma of the mucous membrane, redness and abrasions,” says gynecologist-physiotherapist Daria Pomazanova. - Sometimes the head of the penis and the frenulum can suffer from friction (it happens that the natural lubrication disappears for a short time due to the frequency of intercourse). Usually these annoying symptoms do not make themselves felt until the next day.

Also, on the outer labia, as a result of too saturated blood supply in them, signs often appear premature aging in the form of wrinkles, cracks and dry skin. Avoiding such problems is quite easy - before you make love, take together hot bath or shower (this will help make the muscles more elastic) or use special intimate lubricants and gels.

So that no loads are terrible, increase the time of the "prelude" - from this, natural lubrication is released more intensively and the ligaments warm up better.

What passions!
“Of course, the least likely (but this, unfortunately, happens!) With an overly violent manifestation of feelings, a dangerous thing can happen - a rupture of the vagina (its arch, front wall), says plastic surgeon-gynecologist Mikhail Zinkin. - What is fraught with such "wounds"? First of all - profuse bleeding, inflammatory processes and the penetration of the infection into the body (this is not counting the severe pain).

If something similar happened to you, discard all fears and embarrassment and urgently seek help from a surgeon to avoid undesirable consequences! - the specialist warns.

The rear is protected
By the way, doctors call the most traumatic anal sex. Even the Roman poet Martel threatened his wife with divorce because she did not want to make love to him. in an unconventional way, while other Roman matrons never denied him this. It is also known that in the nineteenth century this type of intercourse was quite popular in the working environment - they resorted to it to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

One of the most common injuries with frequent anal sex is anus fissures, violation of the mucous membrane, stretching of the circular muscle - the sphincter. The latter is especially dangerous, since over time it can lead to very serious consequences: sharp forms hemorrhoids, incontinence. This delicate muscle can easily suffer from a rupture, but it will heal very slowly and painfully.

Dangerous Gate
Some experts believe that anal sex provokes diseases such as anal cancer (dysplasia) and rectal cancer!

It will not be superfluous to know that this kind of sex is practically an open gate for any viruses ( intestinal infection, urethritis, papilloma). The mucous membrane of the rectum ( anus) unlike the vaginal mucosa is much less adapted to protect the body from infection, and condoms in this case not a panacea, - warns urologist, andrologist Dmitry Azanyan. - Avoid also combining anal sex with vaginal sex: intestinal microflora that has entered the vagina can cause serious infectious, inflammatory diseases uterus.

honey syndrome
- Another misfortune that lies in wait for especially ardent partners is the so-called "syndrome honeymoon", - says gynecologist Tatyana Yakuseva. - The most bright signs this temporary ailment: a feeling of discomfort during intimacy, painful urination, irritated mucosa, micro-inflammation, burning sensation, itching, sometimes discharge (leucorrhea).

All these symptoms usually appear due to such ailments as bacterial vaginosis(violation of the natural flora of the vagina), colpitis (inflammation of the external genital organs and the mucous membrane of the vagina) and even cystitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder).

Passion Berries
To remove all these unpleasant manifestations, you first have to limit your sexual activity.

With vaginosis and colpitis, it is useful (as a preventive measure) to drink a decoction of sage leaves, calendula, yarrow herb and juniper berries. The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoon collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight and take 30 minutes. before meals (about 1/4 cup) for a month.

You can use this infusion for local baths at night. Warm baths with the addition of medicinal mixtures of herb succession, lavender, nettle, oak bark will soothe and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

The affected mucosa can be lubricated with honey (dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10). Hot baths from pine twigs or from pine extract help well from whiter (brew 10 liters of boiling water for 100 g of pine twigs, hold on low heat for 30 minutes and leave for 1 hour).

To drink or not to drink?
- Too frequent active sex sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion, - says a sports medicine doctor, sex therapist, psychotherapist Leonid Abramov. - It is expressed in strong feeling fatigue, apathy, distraction, emotional imbalance. Besides, the sex is pretty decent exercise stress on the body, during which we lose a large number of water (half an hour of lovemaking may require the same effort as running a five-kilometer distance), and this can occur without obvious sweating.

Therefore, after each intimate contact, it is necessary to replenish the moisture reserves in the body in order to prevent dehydration, which just causes fatigue and increases the risk of nervous fatigue. For this, a half-liter bottle of water or juice will be enough. Reestablish water-salt balance will help mineral water. As you know, very well tones and relieves thirst. green tea. A decoction of mint with hawthorn will soothe, normalize the work of blood vessels and the heart.

libido hormone
According to some doctors, a breakdown in sexual strength (especially in men) can also occur due to a decrease in the hormone of sexual desire - testosterone.

When women have sex, the level of testosterone in their body increases, but in men, after frequent orgasms, the amount of this substance in the blood decreases significantly. This leads to the fact that immediately after intimacy, the male muscles strongly surrender in their ability to contract, which leads to sharp decline physical activity. In addition, the lack of libido hormone causes irritability, a feeling of depressed mood.

drug orgasm
Unrestrained sex negatively affects brain cells! Such a hypothesis was recently put forward by European scientists-sexopathologists. In their opinion, the endorphins released during orgasm (which cause a feeling of pleasure) are not so harmless as previously thought. These substances act on the body like heroin. And if the heroin, penetrating through cell membranes, is distributed evenly throughout the cells of the body, then endorphins, released in the brain, act directly on its cells.

Sexopathologists argue that a kind of "overdose" of endorphins with increased sexual activity (!) Can lead to irreversible changes in brain cells, which is fraught with microscopic hemorrhages, circulatory disorders, and subsequently can threaten cancerous neoplasms. However, the founders of such a bold theory make reservations, stating that it is too early to draw final conclusions: the hypothesis needs more detailed research!

Give quality!
There is also an opinion that too vigorous sex life leads to a decrease in the ability male sperm to the fertilization of the female egg. Is it really?

After frequent ejaculations (for example, 4-6 times a day), sperm quality does deteriorate, but only by short period! - says urologist Sergey Zhakov. - Literally within a day beneficial features seminal fluid is restored anew, so this does not affect conception in any way.

The only thing that can happen during "enumeration" (we emphasize that everything depends on individual characteristics body), so this is a temporary lack of erection (quite natural period"non-excitability"), a decrease in the amount of sperm. Sometimes the so-called asthenic ejaculation can happen - this is when seminal fluid does not erupt, but flows freely.

Second heart
But for the work of the heart, contrary to misconceptions, there is no active sexual position pernicious influence does not render. Even vice versa! Sexologists and cardiologists unanimously say: during regular sex, the heart muscle is trained, normal blood circulation is maintained in the body, the resistance of the heart to stress increases and the action of a number of harmful factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary disease. In particular, mechanisms are launched that prevent the development of stress.

But doctors also warn: those who already suffer from any cardiovascular disease (especially myocardial infarction and heart failure) should not be zealous in “amorous affairs”.

In addition, sex is an excellent simulator for the prostate gland, or, as it is also figuratively called, "the second heart of a man." By at least it has been accurately proven that a stable erection and ejaculation prevent the development of prostatitis. This is due to the fact that with regular lovemaking, the chances for bacteria to multiply in the ducts of the gland are reduced. The less stagnation of prostatic juice, the lower the likelihood of the disease.

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