What are the tests for the kidneys? Diagnostic methods at home. Laboratory diagnostics of kidneys

The kidneys are a paired organ excretory system, they derive from human body exchange products and others toxic substances. From them normal functioning depends on the state of human health. Therefore, if a violation occurs, their robots should know how to check the kidneys. There are many ways to do this, which should be used only after consulting a nephrologist - a doctor who specializes in kidney diseases.

Blood test for kidney function - uric acid concentration

Specialists analyze the results of the study, based on the amount of blood filtered into certain time in relation to a certain part of the blood plasma. It then calculates the volume of creatine being pumped in milliliters per minute. Uric acid is the end product of metabolism. Excessive presence of a substance may indicate kidney stone, urinary tract, or even kidney failure. Deficiency of this acid indicates Schwartz-Barter syndrome.

Blood test for kidney function - electrolytes

Everyone should check at least once a year for tests and electrolytes. The results of these baseline studies illustrate the basis of kidney function, which is the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. At normal function kidney value of sodium and potassium is very important, so their correct values important to the health of the subject. Elevated sodium can have effects such as too little water in the kidneys. However, too low concentration this element may indicate water loss through the kidneys.

Indications for examination and basic methods

The kidneys are also called the main filter of the body, since their main function is to remove decay and metabolic products in the process of life. These substances, remaining in the body for a long time, become toxic and can poison it. There are a number of indications for the diagnosis of kidneys. Among them:

High levels of potassium in the body are typical symptoms kidney failure. Therefore, the main purpose of kidney function blood tests is to evaluate kidney function and help identify disease. In addition, blood tests can monitor the progression of kidney failure.

The kidney is an organ whose main purpose is to eliminate unnecessary protein metabolites, maintain the stability of the body fluid composition and, therefore, excrete excess water, electrolytes and hydrogen ions. Not surprisingly, damage to kidney function causes significant dysfunction in many organs. Kidney disease can be divided into primary and secondary. In primary kidney disease, the kidneys are the first "kidneys" and secondary damage to other organs, including the heart, blood vessels, bones, anemia, and many others.

It is also necessary to undergo a scheduled examination for such phenomena:

If one of these signs is identified, then a visit to the nephrologist is mandatory. He will prescribe a diagnosis of kidney disease. It includes such methods of examining the kidneys:

In secondary kidney disease, the condition first appears outside the urinary tract and secondary kidney damage occurs. In developed countries, the most common cause of kidney damage is diabetes and hypertension. The social and medical costs of kidney disease in diabetes are so great that kidney damage in diabetes has been described as a global catastrophe.

kidney disease and cardiovascular diseases. Most people with hypertension, diabetes, ischemic disease hearts or even overweight suffer from kidney damage. It is worth adding that proper treatment diabetes, hypertension, overweight, smoking cessation are the most important elements prevention or delay of kidney disease.

  • physical ways(examination and questioning of the patient, history taking, palpation of the kidneys);
  • laboratory diagnostics(general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests);
  • instrumental methods for examining the kidneys(ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan and others).

One or another research method can be prescribed exclusively by a nephrologist, depending on the presence and severity of symptoms, as well as other indications and possible contraindications. Therefore, if you have problems with the kidneys, you should visit a doctor who will determine which tests to take and how they should be taken.

Kidney disease is a common disease that affects approximately 10-15% of the adult population suffering from kidney disease. The most important health consequences of kidney damage are cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. So, in a simplistic way, you can say that by taking care of your kidneys, you are taking care of your heart.

What anomalies in the study results suggest kidney disease? Most kidney diseases are asymptomatic. Often the consequences of kidney disease can be a heart attack. Microalbuminuria is determined from a urine sample. It is worth remembering that by taking care of the kidneys, we reduce the risk of heart damage and blood vessels- the most common cause of death.

Physical examination

The physical examination is primary. After all, before prescribing certain tests, experienced doctor must first ascertain whether the patient has kidney problems. For this, several methods are used:

There will be three simple test to make sure everything is okay, or to detect the disease early and prevent serious complications. You must look at your kidneys if you have high risk: you suffer from diabetes or hypertension, your family already suffers from kidney disease, or you are over a year old. The main tests that allow you to diagnose chronic illness kidneys, include measurement blood pressure and so called. Kidney and/or urine tests may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of these organs.

Only early diagnosis gives you a chance to slow down and even stop the disease. Creatinine is a compound that originates in the muscles and then enters the bloodstream. The kidneys filter the blood and remove creatinine. However, if the kidneys are not working properly, they can no longer filter, so excess creatinine remains in the blood. renal function also mentioned in blood. This compound is formed in liver proteins. Urea production also depends on your diet and can be elevated if you eat a lot of protein foods.

Laboratory diagnostics of kidneys

When identifying deviations using physical methods, it is shown to carry out additional research. What tests to take to check the kidneys completely? At kidney disease necessarily apply laboratory tests. This type of examination involves the use of several methods:

In addition, your doctor may examine the sodium and potassium levels in your blood. In case of renal insufficiency, the potassium level increases and the sodium concentration decreases. In addition, sodium contributes to the retention of water in the body, and if it is too much, it causes edema and hypertension.

General urine examination Painless, simple and inexpensive, and helps to detect many diseases, especially the liver, kidneys and urinary tract. Urine color, clarity, reaction, and specific gravity are assessed in this study. It also checks for the presence of protein, glucose and ketone compounds. Urine is also centrifuged. In this process, a precipitate is formed, in which white and red blood cells, rods, crystals and epithelial cells are searched. If urinalysis results suggest infection urinary tract may occur, then a urinalysis.

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Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against kidney disease is not on your side yet ...

And you already thought about surgical intervention and the use of toxic drugs that are advertised? It is understandable, because it directly depends on the state of the kidneys. general state HEALTH. And ignoring the pain lumbar region, pain when urinating, can lead to serious consequences ...

This lets you know if bacteria has grown in the urine and what kind of bacteria they are. The color of urine depends on the hydration of the body and the presence of various substances. Urine color can vary in intensity and tone different people. This should not be a symptom of a disease, as the color of the urine may change under the influence of diet or medication. Urine should be clear and clear. If this is not the case, it could be, for example, the presence of crystals or a bacterial infection.

Diet and medications can change the pH of urine, but it is usually slightly acidic. With urinary tract infections and after persistent vomiting, as well as in vegetarians, urine can become indifferent or even alkaline. A meat diet, alcohol, fever, prolonged hunger, dehydration, or untreated or poorly controlled diabetes contribute to acidosis.

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  • nausea and vomiting...
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  • urine color change...

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The specific gravity of urine depends on the hydration of the body and the presence of various compounds in it. This indicator also refers to the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. Specific gravity is high when water is excreted excessively, such as with or after diarrhea, or when you drink too little. Low level heaviness of urine may be a sign of kidney failure.

Their presence is always a warning signal. The presence in the urine of proteins called albumin is the most early symptom kidney disease. It is also an important indicator of chronic renal failure. Sometimes protein in the urine can appear in case of fever or after exercise, sometimes also in pregnant women.

Refer to additional methods disease diagnosis. modern medicine has a large arsenal laboratory research, one of the most important is a biochemical blood test.

They are used in order to obtain more detailed data on the work of the whole organism or any certain body, since the biochemical changes at the slightest violation of their functions. This popular laboratory diagnostic method provides a lot of information for the doctor and has a high degree of reliability. Analysis of biochemical parameters is used to diagnose diseases of many organs and systems in therapy, gynecology, and surgery. Modern biochemical analysis includes several dozen various indicators. Consider only those of them that have the most importance in correct diagnosis diseases of organs and systems.

Glucose in the urine is found in people with diabetes who have very high blood sugar or some kind of kidney disease. Large quantities ketone compounds in the urine are most often attributed to ketone acidosis - dangerous state which can develop in poorly treated diabetics.

When the urine is centrifuged, the sediment is collected and examined under a microscope. At healthy people white blood cells and erythrocytes may appear. The presence of numerous red blood cells is most often associated with kidney disease. White blood cells appear in case of infection or kidney disease. Anomalies in biochemical composition blood allows a correct diagnosis. Hematological tests Along with biochemical research, the so-called. hematological examination or blood elements.

Biochemical in diseases of the heart and blood vessels

In patients with atherosclerosis, which causes the development of coronary artery disease, hypertension and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, determine the level of cholesterol and beta-lipoproteins.

An informative diagnostic test for damage to the heart muscle is an increase in the activity of the enzymes creatine phosphokinase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase.

Our blood and urine tests diagnose diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, pancreas, cancer, chondroma and many other diseases. "Morphology, small biochemistry, ionogram". But do we really know what is being said? Blood tests allow the doctor to assess the patient's condition, recognize the disease, monitor the effectiveness of treatment, and observe the effects of long-term illness and therapy. To help you understand the blood test, your pets have prepared a little guide.

If you want to know more about individual tests, ask your doctors. Morphology This is the most frequently performed blood test in animals and humans. This study gives us information about the state of hydration, existing anemia or infection, the ability of the blood to coagulate and the efficacy immune system. The test is required for animals with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, significant weakness, pale mucus, or lack of appetite. In the case of a planned operation, this test is necessary, in particular, the evaluation of blood clotting.

To determine the degree of inflammation activity in rheumatism, myocarditis and other inflammatory diseases determine protein fractions - albumins and globulins.

Biochemical indicators blood in diseases digestive tract

Biochemical indicators occupy an important place in the diagnosis of liver diseases. They are not very specific and do not provide staging accurate diagnosis, but their results make it possible to assess the functional state of the liver and the degree of its violation. Main indicators functional state liver are pigment, carbohydrate, protein, enzyme and The study of pigment metabolism involves the determination of the content of total, direct and indirect. About the state carbohydrate metabolism evidenced by the amount of sialic acids, seromucoid and lactic acid. Protein metabolism characterize blood and its fractions. The indicators characterizing the work of the liver also include total lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins.

A morphological study consists of a dozen elements. Deficiency may indicate anemia, excess blood also sometimes unfavorable and may indicate lung disease. An increase or decrease in these values ​​is characteristic of infections or some other disorders of the immune system, such as leukemia.

With it, we can assess the degree of dehydration or anemia. Their connection shows the possibility of infection or inflammation in the body. This is especially important in case of surgery. High level of these blood cells may indicate a condition called regenerative anemia.

Biochemical parameters of blood in kidney diseases

The most important indicator kidney function, which determines the biochemical blood test - creatinine. The state of the functional ability of the kidneys is also judged by the level of urea.

In assessing the work of other bodies, this analysis does not of great importance.

Patient preparation and technique for taking a blood test for biochemistry

This section will show the most commonly used biochemical tests that evaluate the effectiveness individual bodies, levels of electrolytes, hormones and others. Particularly important are the so-called preventive panels in older animals, patients before surgery and in animals with vomiting, diarrhea or toxic poisoning. Long-term patients are used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and possible effects treatment. It is currently recommended to conduct preventive blood tests in dogs and cats older than 6-7 years and always before surgery under general anesthesia.

Preparing a patient for taking an analysis for biochemical parameters is not difficult. Usually this analysis is taken in the morning, the patient must come on an empty stomach, therefore, before taking the analysis, you must not eat anything for 6-8 hours.

To determine biochemical parameters in a patient from cubital vein 5-10 ml of blood is taken. Typically, the results of the analysis are ready within a day after donating blood.

Biochemical parameters of blood should be determined even if there are no special deviations from health. Analysis indicators will help evaluate the work of the whole organism and timely identify possible deviations in the functioning of an organ. Conducting a blood test for biochemistry will help to take necessary measures before symptoms appear certain disease, which is treated on a developed clinical stage will be much more difficult.

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