Contraceptives for men. Essential facts about contraceptives for men. The most common contraceptives for men

There are several ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy, designed specifically for men. The most common are coitus interruptus and the use of condoms. Surgical interventions are also performed, the effect of which may be reversible or irreversible.

Contraceptive drugs are being actively developed. When creating them, special attention is paid to the effectiveness and safety that the product should have.

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    Coitus interruptus

    The most common and easiest to perform is the method of coitus interruptus. It can be used without special training in any circumstances. To do this, the partner must have time to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation begins.

    The disadvantage of this method is its unreliability, since a small amount of sperm can be released at the time of intercourse. The degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy does not exceed 70%. The disadvantages include the lack of protection against infections transmitted through sexual contact. It is believed that the constant use of this type of contraception negatively affects the psychological state of a man and his potency.


    The use of condoms also applies to methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. When they are used, a mechanical barrier is created that does not allow sperm to enter the vagina. The positive properties of the contraceptive include:

    • high reliability;
    • prevention of sexual infections;
    • lack of influence on the reproductive sphere;
    • availability, low price;
    • to choose a condom, you do not need to consult a doctor.

    It should be remembered that the benefits are realized only if the protective equipment is correctly applied. It is necessary to select the size of the product and follow the instructions for its use.

    There are liquid condoms. They are produced in the form of a can, in which latex is under high pressure. The contraceptive is sprayed onto the erect penis. After 2 minutes, the latex hardens, after which the man can continue sexual intercourse.

    Can of liquid latex

    The disadvantages of this method of protection are inconvenience of use and high price. A liquid condom protects against possible pregnancy and infections better, since it completely repeats the shape of the penis. This eliminates the possibility of misuse of the product.

    Invasive methods of protection

    Invasive methods of male contraception include:

    • vasectomy;
    • installation in the vas deferens of special valves or polyurethane plugs;
    • the introduction of a spiral with spermicide.

    The advantages of these types of protection are high efficiency and no effect on the hormonal profile (on libido and potency). The disadvantages are:

    • the need for surgical intervention;
    • irreversibility of action (with vasectomy);
    • lack of protection against genital infections;
    • for the selection of a technique, consultation with a specialist is required.

    Vasectomy (sterilization)

    The sterilization procedure for men is called a vasectomy. During the intervention, the surgeon cuts the vas deferens of the testicles. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. The patient becomes infertile a month after the procedure.

    Currently, there is a technique called "reverse vasectomy". It is indicated for previously sterilized patients planning a child. The crossed ducts are stitched together, as a result of which the reproductive function is restored in 90% of cases.

    Installation of valves and polyurethane plugs

    These procedures serve as an alternative to vasectomy. Their advantage is the complete reversibility of the contraceptive effect. During surgery, miniature valves are placed in the vas deferens to prevent the passage of sperm. If necessary, they can be opened or closed again.

    It is possible to introduce a special substance based on polyurethane into the ducts. After it hardens, the man loses the ability to conceive. When planning a pregnancy, the resulting "plugs" are removed, fertility is restored.

    Spiral for men

    Another type of contraceptive is the male spiral. This device is shaped like a miniature umbrella. At its end is a spermicidal gel, which leads to the destruction of spermatozoa. The coil is inserted through the urethra into the man's scrotum. This type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is rarely used.

    Hormonal contraception

    Contraceptive preparations for men are being actively developed. By their nature, they are hormonal steroid drugs and are used in the form of tablets or injections. They are not available for general sale. Oral and injectable contraceptives contain testosterone, gestagens, or a combination of both. These substances cause a reversible decrease in the levels of pituitary hormones responsible for the formation of sperm in the testicles. As a result, the number of active spermatozoa decreases, making fertilization impossible.

    Testosterone is used in the form of esters. Preference is given to injectable forms of prolonged action, which can be administered weekly. Oral drugs have a large number of adverse reactions and can adversely affect liver function. There are subcutaneous implants that provide a uniform and gradual release of the hormone into the body. The effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy in this case does not exceed 85%.

    Undesirable effects from the use of testosterone include:

    • increased production of sebum;
    • the occurrence of acne;
    • weight gain;
    • increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood;
    • changes in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
    • disruption of the liver.

    Medications based on gestagens - depot-medroxyprogesterone, norethindrone, norethandrolone - also have a depressant effect on sperm formation. But for a pronounced effect, it is necessary to prescribe high doses, which is associated with the development of negative phenomena. After the abolition of progestins, a long process of restoration of reproductive function is observed.

    The anabolic steroid 19-nortestosterone has a mild progestogenic effect. It is well tolerated and does not adversely affect potency and libido. The decrease in sperm production during its use is reversible, which makes it very attractive for prescribing as a contraceptive for men.

    In order to reduce the side effects of contraceptives, a combination of testosterone esters, progestins and an analogue of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone Nafarelin is used. The usual mode of their reception is 1 time per month. The most common combinations of substances:

    • 19-nortestosterone (Anadur) with norethindrone;
    • testosterone cypronate and enanthate with depot medroxyprogesterone (DMPA);
    • testosterone enanthate and Nafarelin.

Many people think of condoms when they think of male contraceptives. However, there are now a number of other methods that allow you to make the process of intimacy safe and secure.

Varieties of male contraception

Today, scientists have developed many drugs that block the action of spermatozoa. The modern man who responsibly approaches family planning does everything possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy of his sexual partner. For this, condoms, implants, birth control pills, vasectomy, special injections are used. Each method has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Classic condoms

Of course, the most popular method of contraception is the use of a condom. This allows for 98% to secure sexual intercourse. Such contraceptives protect against sexually transmitted infections and ailments. The consumer market now offers a multi-choice choice of latex products of various colors, sizes, flavors. Some condoms even come with sensitivity enhancement. However, many men neglect this method of contraception.

Among the advantages of using condoms are their availability, ease of use, and reliability of protection. Condoms have no contraindications for use. An exception is an individual tendency to develop allergic reactions. According to statistics, about 56% of men prefer the use of condoms. The disadvantages of these latex products include the following nuances:

  • The product may tear or simply slip off during use.
  • The product creates some psychological discomfort in the process of intimacy.
  • The degree of sensitivity during intercourse decreases.
  • The use of condoms requires some skills.
  • The condom is not always nearby at the right moment.

Hormonal drugs

Such means of protection are certain medicines. They contain a special hormone. It inhibits the activity of spermatozoa, minimizes their mobility. These tools are currently available as:

  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • gels;
  • capsules;
  • subcutaneous implants.

Birth control pills contain testosterone. In high doses, it prevents unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, this method is 99% effective. However, the use of hormonal drugs can provoke a number of undesirable effects:

  • prostate enlargement;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombosis;
  • dysfunction of the heart;
  • malfunctions of blood vessels;
  • increased body hair growth;
  • allergic skin rashes.

Some doctors believe that long-term use of hormonal drugs is fraught with male infertility. To avoid such a reaction, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using hormonal drugs.

Surgical methods

The most radical method of contraception for men is a vasectomy. Such a surgical procedure involves a manipulation in which the vas deferens is cut. This operation does not adversely affect the potency. The efficiency of the method is up to 98%. However, vasectomy deprives men of the opportunity to continue the birth, having conceived a child.

Modern research has proven that a reverse vasectomy can be done. But this operation does not give a 100% guarantee for the restoration of reproductive functions.

The advantages of vasectomy are 100% reliable and there is no need to use other means of contraception. However, among the disadvantages are the high price of manipulation, the need for surgical intervention. In addition, a vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, which are transmitted directly during intimacy.

Also, surgical techniques include sewing implants under the skin. This contributes to the release of testosterone, which blocks the processes of spermatogenesis, which prevents fertilization. This technique is recognized as reliable and effective.

Gels and oral preparations

To avoid unwanted pregnancy in a sexual partner, some men prefer oral medications. There are special pills that block the formation of spermatozoa. This makes sexual intercourse safe. These pills contain large doses of testosterone. At the end of their use, the reproductive function stabilizes.

This method of contraception is suitable for young people who lead a stable sex life with a regular sexual partner. In addition to hormonal tablets, highly effective are products that contain cyproterone acetate. They reduce the amount of male sperm. Such tablets have the effect of short-term sterilization. The volume of sperm produced will eventually be restored if the man stops taking these drugs.

Long-term use of birth control pills often provokes a number of side effects, including:

  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • mental disorders;
  • hair loss and subsequent baldness;
  • depressive state;
  • weight gain;
  • the formation of benign and even malignant tumors in the testicles;
  • violation of reproductive functions;
  • azoospermia.

Some men prefer the use of special gels. Such funds are applied to the genitals. They are 89% effective. Gels reduce the quantitative content of spermatozoa during ejaculation. But the safety of such funds has not yet been proven, therefore it is in doubt.

In general, many types of male contraception are currently in development or undergoing clinical trials. Therefore, the choice of such funds is multifaceted and depends on the individual preferences of each man.

It is generally accepted that the only type of contraceptive for men is condoms. However, in fact, there are much more means of protection against unwanted pregnancy for men. These are hormonal drugs, contraceptives for men, and various surgical methods. To find the right remedy, you need to study the pros and cons of all contraceptives.

Any modern man should discuss the possibility of pregnancy with his partner in advance. If both partners in a couple are not yet ready to become parents, you need to decide which method of protection to choose, and who exactly will take drugs or use other means.

What are the contraceptives for men?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about male contraceptives is condoms. This is the most affordable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, however, not the most reliable. There are a wide variety of condoms on the market today. There are ultra-thin, and, conversely, the most durable. However, the problem that absolutely all couples face, namely, the breaking of a condom, occurs to this day. That is why men are beginning to consider other methods of protection.

In addition to the common and well-known condoms, there are less popular methods of protection:

  • Contraceptive pills and capsules.
  • Contraceptive injections.
  • contraceptive gels.
  • surgical methods.
  • subcutaneous implants.

Are birth control pills for men legal?

The type of contraception that is gaining popularity is hormonal drugs. In this case, the man takes a special hormone that reduces the activity and motility of spermatozoa. Contraceptives for men include a large amount of testosterone, which at this dosage acts as a fuse against unwanted pregnancy.

In addition to the usual pills, there are also contraceptive injections for men. In addition, drugs of this kind are now available in the form of capsules, gels, and even subcutaneous implants. A man can only choose the most suitable form of release of funds.

According to statistics, the effectiveness of birth control pills or other means for men is almost 99%. This allows us to say that using such drugs is better than any other method of contraception. One of the advantages of contraceptives is the absence of discomfort and discomfort during intercourse, which can occur when using a condom.

Side effects

Despite the positive aspects, hormonal drugs also have a number of side effects, which sometimes become an obstacle to the use of oral contraceptives:

There is also an opinion that long-term use of contraceptives can lead to male infertility. This theory has not been scientifically confirmed, however, it must be understood that hormonal agents affect the male reproductive system, therefore, before using contraceptives, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Vasectomy or birth control?

The most effective include the technique of surgical intervention -. This is a special operation in which a man's vas deferens are blocked. The advantage of this technique is 100% efficiency. In addition, after the vasectomy procedure, a man may not worry and not use any contraceptives, since there will simply be no sperm in his seminal fluid. Despite such serious changes, in general, vasectomy does not affect the body of a man.

Surgical sterilization has its drawbacks.

  • This procedure is not suitable for young people who plan to have children in the future.
  • The operation can only be performed by men who have reached the age of 35 and have two children. The reason for this limitation lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to reverse the operation.
  • During the first five years, doctors can return the vas deferens to their original state, but the chance of conceiving a child is reduced to almost zero.

Thus, if a man wants to protect himself and his partner from pregnancy temporarily, which usually happens at a young age, then he is strictly forbidden to use surgical methods. In this case, oral contraceptives are best suited. The advantage of contraceptives is that immediately after the end of their intake, the possibility of fertilization returns to the man.

Are there contraceptives for men in the form of gels?

Contraceptives for men are not only pills and injections. Today, contraceptive gels for men are widely used, which, like other means, belong to the category of oral contraceptives.

The advantage of contraceptives is that a man, along with a pill, injection, capsule or gel, receives a large amount of the sex hormone - testosterone, which affects the production of spermatozoa, stopping it. There are also drugs that are aimed at reducing the activity of male gametes, but such drugs are less effective.

It is worth noting that any oral contraceptives are suitable only for those men who have a permanent partner, otherwise such funds will simply be ineffective. To achieve the effect, contraceptive injections for men or other means must be taken for three months. This is how long it takes the body to renew the seminal fluid. During these three months, the man must use other means of protection, since spermatozoa will still be present in his ejaculate.

Contraceptive gels are perfect for men who need protection not after three months, but at any convenient time.

  • These funds work by reducing the activity of spermatozoa.
  • It is enough just to anoint the gel on the penis area, after which the special components will act on the sperm, reducing their mobility.
  • As a result, male gametes simply cannot reach the egg and fertilize it.

There are no contraindications to the use of gels, except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, experts do not recommend the frequent use of such a remedy, since the chemicals in the gel can adversely affect the microflora in a woman's vagina with prolonged use of the drug.

Contraceptive implants for men

According to the mechanism of action, the contraceptive implant is no different from conventional oral contraceptives. This tool is a small object containing hormones. This item is placed under the skin of a man. Further, the hormones in the implant are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and stop the production of spermatozoa.

The advantage of a contraceptive implant is that there is no need to constantly take drugs or give injections. This tool is installed under the skin for a fairly long time. The downside of implants is that their effect has not yet been tested, there have been no clinical studies confirming their effectiveness.

What contraceptive drugs to choose?

What contraceptives to use - only a man decides. Here the main role is played by comfort in use, so male contraceptives have almost the same degree of effectiveness. Among contraceptives for men, pills with the name are especially popular:

  • Gamendazole
  • and Ajudin.

Initially, these drugs were used in the treatment of cancer. However, subsequently doctors also began to prescribe them as contraceptives due to the fact that a side effect of such drugs is the cessation of sperm production.

It is worth noting that hormonal pills have a strong effect, so they should be taken only as directed by a doctor and under his strict control. Otherwise, the body may react negatively to such funds.

A safer option is to use birth control gels. The most popular remedy in this area is Nestorone gel.. It contains the hormones testosterone and progesterone. As a result of its use, the number of healthy spermatozoa is sharply reduced, and the sperm becomes infertile.

The price of contraceptives for men depends on the drug chosen. On average, the cost of male contraception is several times higher than that of women. Therefore, these drugs are not very popular. Couples approaching the choice together prefer to use pills for women, as they work faster and cost much less. New contraceptive drugs are currently being developed, so it is possible that new drugs with greater effectiveness will soon appear.

Attention, only TODAY!

Male contraception is less diverse than female. This is due to the stereotype that protection from unwanted pregnancy is the concern of the girl, not her partner. The second reason for the scarcity of male contraceptive methods is the complexity of their development.

Methods and means of contraception for men

The main task of contraceptives for women is to protect the egg from penetration, the danger of which occurs only 1 time per cycle. For men, the situation is more complicated: the remedy must be able to stop the millionth flow of spermatozoa. Most of the stronger sex, who have a permanent partner, use the method of interrupting sexual intercourse. This is the safest solution, but its effectiveness is only 80%. The following describes not only existing, but also male contraceptives that will appear in pharmacies in the future.

Hormonal contraceptives

The following are hormonal defenses:

  1. Oral contraceptives for men. This is a relatively new contraceptive, similar to female contraceptive pills (for example, antiandrogen group, two-, three-, monophasic). Male hormones in new generation tablets prevent the formation of spermatozoa. When you stop drinking the remedy, the childbearing function resumes. Hormonal preparations for men are not yet commercially available, as they are at the stage of clinical trials, but many doctors are already skeptical about them. Since the male sex cells mature within 70 days, you should start taking the pills 3 months in advance. In addition, it is not yet known what harm they can cause to the body.
  2. Contraceptive implant for men. It is a small object (up to 2.5 cm) that is placed under the skin. The implant blocks the production of spermatozoa, temporarily stopping the childbearing function. Such contraception for men allows you not to use other protective equipment. The disadvantage of implants is their unreliability, which can cause hormonal disruptions. In addition, such modern methods of contraception do not exclude many side effects.
  3. Injections. The use of such contraceptives for men has begun recently. The effectiveness of the remedy was proven by a mass study in which 1000 people took part. They drank a hormonal drug for 2 years, as a result, only 1% of men became fathers. So, injections can be compared in effectiveness with female birth control pills. The injection contains a special substance, the name of which is "undecanoate", thanks to which the production of sperm is suspended. The contraceptive does not affect male potency.

Non-hormonal method of contraception - vasectomy

This is a surgical operation in which fragments of the vas deferens are tied or removed. This method of contraception is 99% effective - this is the highest rate among all existing today. The choice in favor of the operation should be made carefully and meaningfully, since it is not always possible to restore the patency of the spermatic cords. The price of a vasectomy in Russia varies between 5000-50000 rubles.

Barrier methods of male contraception

More than half of men among all types of contraceptives prefer condoms. Modern protective equipment is made of latex, a material through which spermatozoa cannot pass. The advantages of such contraceptives for men are their high efficiency (up to 97%), ease of use, general availability, protection against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. However, condoms also have an impressive list of disadvantages:

  • the need to select the size;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to the chemical composition of the gel (lubricant) or latex;
  • certain skills are required to apply;
  • if used incorrectly or a poor-quality condom is chosen, it may break or slip off.

In addition to traditional latex, there are liquid condoms. They are available in cream and spray form. Such contraceptives should be applied about 5 minutes before sexual intercourse, so that the liquid has time to harden, turning into a film. The main advantage of these protective equipment is versatility: men do not need to select the size, as is the case with a latex condom. However, contraceptive sprays also have disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • loud hissing at the time of use of the product;
  • the need to wait for the solidification of the liquid.

Video about birth control pills for men

Everyone knows that in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, women take a variety of hormonal contraceptives, install an intrauterine device, etc. As for the stronger sex, most do not even suspect that in addition to condoms, there are many types of male contraception and even birth control pills for men. Let's try to understand the issue of male protection deeper.

Male pills for unwanted pregnancy

In women, the laying of follicles occurs even in the mother's womb, therefore, already at birth, the exact number of eggs is predetermined, which throughout life will be formed from follicles and participate in ovulation. In the male half, spermatogenesis is a continuous process. It is precisely because it is much easier to prevent the release of an egg once a cycle than to suppress the daily maturation of sperm that scientists began to actively develop drugs for female contraception. But in recent decades, many discoveries have been made in this area, one of which was contraceptives for men.

Operating principle

In order for a man to lose his fertilizing abilities, but not to lose his potency and libido, it is necessary to neutralize the sperm that forms in the testicles. Various approaches are used for this:

  • In all sorts of ways, artificially stop the production of sperm;
  • Remove spermatozoa from semen or stop their development;
  • They block the production of certain components of sperm, which leads to its unsuitability for fertilization, etc.

All these changes are provided by taking specific drugs containing hormonal and other components.

Do not confuse male contraceptives with female ones, although they have a similar principle of action. Only now, if a man decides to take female contraceptives, then this will not lead to anything good. The composition of female preparations contains estrogenic and progesterone hormones. After a single dose, health may not suffer, but if a man starts taking female contraceptives regularly, then tremendous changes will occur in his body. Although a man after such drugs will definitely not be able to have children. Male hormonal contraceptives contain a completely different set of hormonal components designed specifically for the stronger sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

In women, the egg matures only once during the cycle, and in men, spermatozoa are formed daily, therefore, constant hormone suppression is necessary. Therefore, if contraception is based on hormonal suppression, then you will have to take high-dose drugs every day. This, in fact, is the main disadvantage of tableted contraceptives for men. In addition, such drugs provoke a lot of adverse reactions such as baldness on the head and body hair, the appearance of various kinds of rashes, blood clotting and cardiac disorders.

Such drugs provoke respiratory disorders and uncontrolled weight gain, arthralgic manifestations and convulsions, sudden outbursts of aggression and unreasonable anger. And in many tablets there is still a gestagen, which has a strong effect on the brain, due to which the suppression of spermatogenesis is ensured. The danger is that with the combination of testosterone and progestogen, pathological inhibition of libido occurs and even irreversible infertility develops. As a result, most drugs were banned. Among the advantages of such drugs can be called high efficiency and the absence of a negative effect on erectile function. After most drugs, reproduction is completely restored over time.

Varieties of tablets

Today, male contraceptive pills are represented by drugs that provide the effect of temporary sterilization. The very first drugs were medicines with cyproterone acetate - this element is used in antiandrogenic treatment. Typically, these medications are prescribed for men with prostatic pathologies. Cyproterone is a powerful antiandrogenic substance that blocks the production of male hormones. Therefore, its constant use leads to temporary sterilization. But a serious side effect of such drugs is often suppression of libido and other side effects. Therefore, this category of medicines is not currently used in male contraception.

A more “younger” group of drugs is hormonal contraceptives containing testosterone. They also need to be taken daily. During the course, aspermia of a reversible nature develops, i.e. there are no spermatozoa in the semen. After stopping the intake, all reproductive qualities are restored, however, a number of adverse reactions may be present, such as decreased sensitivity during sex, a tendency to thrombosis, or testicular cancer.

An even newer generation of male contraceptives are drugs containing female hormones. But they need to be taken no more than a month, and then a break of three months is required. But these drugs are not without drawbacks, because they cause reactions such as mood swings, depression, excessive libido or increased blood clotting.

The name of male contraceptives like Ajudin or Gamendazole is little known, more precisely, they are known, but in a slightly different area. These medicines are used to treat cancer. Many andrologists prescribe them as contraception, which can lead to dangerous consequences. Development is actively underway, but a completely safe means has not yet been invented, so female contraception in this regard remains a priority.

Other types of male contraception

As you can see, the contraceptive option of protection is not at all safe for men. Therefore, the stronger sex is actively looking for other options for contraception. There are a lot of them, and most of them do not have dangerous consequences, so men are much more likely to turn to them.


The most reliable, one might say, proven for centuries, method of protection from unnecessary pregnancy.

  • Such products almost completely prevent not only unwanted conception, but also a lot of sexually transmitted problems.
  • Many couples, especially their masculine counterparts, cite a marked reduction in sexual sensations that are characteristic of traditional intimacy without rubber bands. If earlier this statement could somehow be justified, then today's technologies have reached the point that condoms are produced ultra-thin.

Therefore, the main problem is that they can break. Otherwise, condoms have no complaints, moreover, they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. Also, condoms are considered the most affordable contraceptive, which greatly increases the interest in this method of contraception.


They are used to prevent pregnancy and injections, which also belong to hormonal contraceptives. The specificity of the technique lies in the introduction of testosterone injection, which in the future will lead to the suppression of spermatogenetic processes. But injections also have their drawbacks, which are generally associated with blood thickening and alopecia, prostate adenoma and excessive body hair, gynecomastia in men.

Implants under the skin

There is another method of male contraception - subcutaneous implants. This technique involves the implantation of a special implant containing an androgenic substance. Over time, the ampoule biodegrades, i.e., resolves. Most often this happens after half a month or a month. The action of the ampoule sewn under the skin is due to the fact that the activity of spermatozoa is inhibited.

After applying the implants, the effect is observed for several months. But the technique can also provoke side effects such as seizures or headaches.

Vasoresection or vasectomy

Vasoresection is called a surgical intervention, which comes down to ligation of the spermatic cord. As a result of such a procedure, spermatozoa cannot droop into the uterus. Such an intervention is reversible, therefore, when a man wants to have offspring, the cord is untied. The technique is widely used in andrology for the treatment of prostatic formations.

It is used to prevent unwanted "flight" and vasectomy. This procedure involves cutting the ducts. About a month after the operation, the patient loses reproductive opportunities. Such an intervention is usually irreversible, but today the return of childbearing functions is possible.

It is possible not to resort to the method of crossing the ducts, today it is possible to simply close them with special valves, which, if necessary, are easily removed, returning the man to his former fertility.

male spiral

This technique is little known today, but it has long been used in foreign clinics. The specificity of the method is that a microscopic umbrella is introduced into the scrotum, on the tip of which a means for destroying sperm is applied. It is not yet possible to say for sure how safe such a contraceptive method is, but such methods are not practiced in our country.

There are best ways, you just need to choose the most suitable for yourself. It should be noted right away that safe contraceptives have not yet been created for men, so you should not use such drugs in your own practice. It is better to contact an andrologist who will help you choose the safest and most effective method of protection. And it is not at all recommended to resort to such techniques as vasectomy or vasoresection. No one guarantees that fertility will return after such an intervention.

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