What is gardnerella and why is it dangerous. Gardnerella vaginalis: what is this bacterium and how to recognize it? What is dangerous gardnerellosis for the expectant mother

Gardnerellosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases, manifested as a result of an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina and an increase in the concentration of pathogens in it - bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis. These microorganisms are among the opportunistic pathogens and are found in a small amount in healthy body. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply uncontrollably and lead to the manifestation of pathological changes.

Basically, the disease is transmitted sexually. Incubation period lasts from 3 to 10 days.

Causes of gardnerellosis

The development of the disease contributes to a number of factors, the main of which are:

Main signs and possible complications

The environment in the vagina is very favorable for the reproduction of gardnerella. Once in it, pathogens begin to multiply en masse, displace beneficial lactobacilli and over time lead to disruption of normal microflora. As a result, inflammatory phenomena characteristic of vaginitis begin to appear.

One of typical symptoms gardnerellosis is the presence of abundant grayish-greenish discharge. They have a uniform consistency and adhere to the walls of the vagina. Characterized by a sharp fishy smell. The genital area is itchy and severe burning, increasing during tormenting.

Symptoms of the disease are sharply increased after sexual intercourse. The reason lies in alkaline environment sperm, providing a stimulating and irritant effect on the affected vaginal mucosa, as a result of which the amount of secretions increases and the intensity of their smell increases.

The use of soap for hygiene purposes has a similar effect - also due to the predominance of an alkaline environment in it.

At untimely treatment disease, it can cause the development of cystitis or pyelonephritis.

In pregnant women, the disease often leads to uterine bleeding, possible rupture of the membranes and premature birth. As a result of the gardnellosis transferred by the future mother, the weight of the baby may be below normal, and the woman in labor has symptoms characteristic of postpartum endometritis.

Can men get gardnerellosis?

Gardnerellosis also affects men. The pathogen enters their body during unprotected intercourse with a sick woman.

Basically, bacteria are excreted from the urethra in the urine within a few days. However, a man during this period is a potential source of infection and can get sick himself.

Rare cases of manifestation of gardnellosis in men are explained by the fact that the pathogen affects mainly squamous epithelium which is located in the vagina.

In the male body this species epithelium lines the first 5 cm urethra, area of ​​the navicular fossa. The rest of the channel does not provide favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerellosis in men manifests itself mainly when another disease is attached to it.

It can proceed in the form of balanoposthitis. In this case, the main symptom is the appearance of a characteristic bad smell on the surface of the glans penis and foreskin.

The disease is not particularly dangerous for men. At high concentration bacteria or suppressed immunity, reproductive problems are possible.

AT rare cases against the background of gardnellosis, urethritis develops. Its symptoms are a feeling of discomfort, burning and pain in the urethra, especially when urinating.

In some cases, the disease leads to prostatitis or provokes an inflammatory process in the seminal appendages - epididymitis.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of the disease is carried out in two main directions:

  1. Measures to suppress the overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms - the causative agents of the disease. For this, antibiotic therapy is prescribed using drugs such as clindamycin, metronidazole, etc. They are mainly used topically - in the form of suppositories or gels, much less often - orally in tablets. The duration of the course is from 7 to 10 days.
  2. The second direction is rather time-consuming and complicated. Its essence lies in the restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina, its colonization with beneficial lactobacilli until their normal level is reached.
  3. Prior to the use of products with lactic acid microorganisms, a blood test is performed to assess the effectiveness of measures for antibiotic therapy and to determine the presence or absence of thrush, which often develops as a result of taking antibiotics. For local application use vaginal suppositories: lactobacterin, acylact, lactonorm. For oral administration, drugs containing lactobacilli are prescribed: lactonorm plus, lactobacterin and others.

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As a rule, along with the treatment of gardnellosis, the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis is carried out. Patients are prescribed preparations containing prebiotics: normoflorin, linex, bifidumbacterin.

Since one of the reasons for the activation of the growth of the causative agent of the disease is the weakening of the immune system, one of important points in the treatment of gardnellosis, the use of immunomodulators, including natural ones (schisandra, echinacea), becomes vitamin complexes(Vitrum, Biomax, etc.).

A week after the completion of the course and the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the effectiveness of the treatment is evaluated.

After 1.5 months, a control examination is prescribed.

What can be done at home?

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, it is also recommended to use home methods and some traditional medicine recipes.

  • Do rinsing using solutions of milk and boric acid. They contribute quick recovery microflora of the vagina.
  • Recommended application medicinal herbs helping to strengthen the body and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Very effective decoctions of birch leaves, licorice root, chamomile, violets, oak bark, calendula, plantain, bird cherry, yarrow, thyme, wormwood, marshmallow, lavender, linseed, eucalyptus, celandine, coriander, mint, St. John's wort.
  • Based on the listed herbs, tea can also be prepared. They should be consumed in the mornings and evenings to strengthen defensive forces organism, saturating it with vitamins, microelements and effective fight with pathogenic bacteria.
  • A good result is given by sitz baths using a light solution of potassium permanganate and salt. The procedure should be carried out several times a day. It promotes the destruction of gardenella and quickly relieves inflammation.

Gardnerella is a special microorganism that constantly lives in the vagina of any healthy woman, but causes the disease only when its amount exceeds the norm. Changing proportions between necessary for the body microorganisms and bad bacteria leads to the fact that lactobacilli become insufficient to maintain optimal microflora and dysbacteriosis occurs. Most often, they ask how gardnerella is transmitted, those who do not have sexual intercourse, but after diagnosis, they identify this disease in themselves. It turns out that sometimes she does not need to be transmitted anywhere at all, because she is constantly present in the vagina and, under favorable conditions for her, begins active reproduction, displacing others beneficial bacteria, thereby causing vaginal dysbacteriosis.

And yet, doctors are inclined to believe that gardnerella is sexually transmitted. It is transmitted both from a woman with dysbacteriosis to healthy man, and from an infected man to a completely healthy woman with normal microflora. Most men do not react to this microorganism and do not get sick, however, they become passive carriers of the pathogen, which they can pass on to a new partner during intimate relationships when a condom is not supposed to be used. In the body of a man, this microorganism can live from several hours to several days. That is why loving womanizers, who live with many women at the same time, are a breeding ground for the disease, while they themselves do not get sick.

Remains controversial issue how gardnerellosis is transmitted in everyday life. Theoretically, contact-household transmission routes of gardnerellosis are also determined, but many physicians deny this theory and are not inclined to think that hygiene items or underwear can be transmission routes for gardnerella, if it is already present in the body.

How can you get infected with gardnerella: ways and means

When these bacteria were first identified in a woman's vagina, there was panic among those active in sexual life, suggesting that the number of diseases transmitted through intimate relationships will increase. However, soon the question of how to get infected with gardnerella was partially resolved, because the main residence of this microorganism, the vagina, was determined. Since that moment, the main ways of infection with gardnerella have been identified - sexual contact with infected individuals.

Doctors do not deny the sexual methods of infection with gardnerella, although they found that this microorganism does not take root in men. Consequently, male body is a transit route of infection with gardnerellosis.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

It is easier to protect yourself from any sexual infection than to subsequently be treated, so the prevention of gardnerella is the best remedy protecting your body.

The microflora of the vagina in most cases is disturbed due to a decrease in immunity. This issue is easily solved if you constantly think about your own health and eat right. During pregnancy, be sure to take vitamins. We should not forget about immunocorrection during treatment complex diseases using antibiotics that destroy the microflora.

Since the main ways of getting infected with gardnerella are sexual, it's time to learn the right sexual behavior with partners you don't know well enough. Doubt whether it is possible to get gardnerella from a casual partner? Better use a condom if intimacy inevitable.

Although hypothermia is not a method of infection with gardnerella, it causes inflammatory processes. genitourinary system, which also leads to dysbacteriosis. Avoiding hypothermia of the body, it is also possible not to know that such a disease as vaginitis exists in nature.

Every woman's observance of the rules of hygiene - important step prevention. Excessive sterility of the vagina is no less dangerous than a lack of hygiene procedures. Care of the genitals should be reasonable with the obligatory use of only those intimate care products that do not cause irritation and do not lead to a violation of the microflora.

Gardnerellosis - oral

The likelihood of contracting gardnerella through oral sex is quite low. This microorganism cannot live on the mucous membranes of the pharynx. The exceptions are female monogamous relationships, when oral-vaginal contacts alternate with an infected woman.

In rare cases, gardnerella is orally transmitted, but diseases in oral cavity does not cause and does not enter the respiratory or digestive organs. Its presence for some time causes the carriage of microorganisms, therefore it is dangerous for new contacts in the near future. She cannot live for years in the oral cavity, and yet doctors have not fully studied this issue. They are doing more research on whether gardnerella is transmitted orally, so you should not practice such a relationship. The risk of transmission of the disease, although minimal, exists. It is better not to create problems, but to wait until the imbalance in the vagina is resolved.

Sex with gardnerellosis

When a woman has vaginal dysbacteriosis, the doctor will definitely prescribe her treatment. As long as the body has a large number of gardnerella, sex is not recommended with an infected person without the use of a condom to protect against any infection. Vedmeste with her in the vagina may be other microorganisms, because dysbacteriosis weakens the immune system.

After passing full course treatment, a woman must pass a control analysis, which will show whether the vaginal microflora has returned to normal. If a


Gardnerella discovered in 1955, they were identified in a woman suffering from bacterial vaginosis. That is why gardnerella has been called the main cause of bacterial vaginosis. Later, when the level of diagnostics made it possible to identify other microorganisms, the decisive significance of gardnerella in the pathogenesis of vaginosis was rejected. She was called a "marker of vaginosis", since most often gardnerellosis was found in women suffering from vaginosis. Specific features such as "fishy smell", itching, burning, copious discharge characteristic of both vaginosis and gardnerellosis.

More serious studies have revealed what is found in the vagina healthy women without a deficiency of normal microflora and in women with a deficiency of vaginal lactoflora, but without signs of vaginosis. This was the reason for the transfer of gardnerella to the category conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

The main route of transmission of gardnerella is sexual, infection occurs during unprotected intercourse. There is evidence that gardnerellosis can be transmitted through oral-genital and oral-anal contact, as well as during anal intercourse. These data are confirmed by studies in which gardnerella were detected in washings from the rectum and rear wall throats of women practicing homosexual contacts and different kinds sex.

The probability of transmission of infection from mother to child during childbirth or at home is low, since gardnerella feeds on epithelial cell glycogen, the percentage of which is regulated by estrogen. In girls before puberty, the level of estrogen is insufficient, and therefore the gardnerella quickly dies due to lack of nutrition. Although cases of infection of the child during childbirth and intrauterine infection have been clinically confirmed. household way infection should not be ruled out, since only this can explain the presence of gardnerella in the vagina.

Men do not suffer from gardnerellosis, but they are the main link in the transmission of infection. A few days after contact with an infected woman, it clears itself, but during this time it is potentially dangerous and can infect healthy women. Long-term carriage is characteristic of chronic urethritis and prostatitis. Gardnerella can be detected only in the first few days after contact with a sick woman. The disease occurs extremely rarely and is a sign of male reproductive ill health.

The presence of gardnerella in the vagina, even in the absence of signs of vaginosis, is already a risk factor, since any decrease in immunity or stress can trigger the development of vaginosis. Some diagnosticians associate the absence of signs of inflammation in the presence of gardnerella not with its conditional pathogenicity, but with the ability to disrupt the activity of leukocytes.

It is necessary to treat garnerllosis, even if there are no symptoms of vaginosis. This opinion is shared by most obstetricians and venereologists. It responds well to treatment and a single course of drugs from the tinidazole group is sufficient, which are administered orally and topically in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories. The use of a condom almost completely eliminates infection with gardnerellosis.

AT female vagina all created the necessary conditions for the development of certain groups of microorganisms. They coexist peacefully and perform a protective role - they prevent the colonization of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Sometimes the delicate balance is disturbed, but the development of an inflammatory reaction does not occur, symptoms of gardnerella appear in women. What is the reason for such a shift? Can it get infected?

The microflora of the vagina is in a state of delicate balance. Changes in lifestyle, diseases can upset the balance. Sometimes the result is inflammatory response. But dysbiosis can begin, which is not accompanied by signs of inflammation. In gynecology it is called bacterial vaginosis(gardnerellosis).

What prevents pathogens from multiplying ...

On defense internal environment vaginal cost several factors.

  • Clear separation. The genital organs are strictly divided into upper and lower divisions so that any infectious process could be limited. Also, the vagina is disconnected from the external environment. The large labia are tightly closed, which does not allow pathogens to penetrate.
  • Features of the epithelium. The mucous membrane is dependent on the concentration of estrogens. Under their influence, a large amount of glycogen accumulates in the cells. Cells are constantly updated, and the dead become a breeding ground for lactic acid bacteria.
  • Biological protection. Glycogen metabolism ends with the formation of lactic acid. It acidifies the environment and makes it unsuitable for the life of most microorganisms. Hydrogen peroxide is also formed, which can damage pathogenic cells. Glucose is completely used by lacto and bifidobacteria, so there is no nutrient medium left for pathogens.

The described processes normal level health contribute to maintaining the internal environment of the vagina. They are called "the ability of the vagina to self-cleanse." This property is typical for women reproductive age, since it is directly related to the state hormonal background.

… and why protection fails

The causes of gardnerella in women lie in the factors that lead to an imbalance of microflora. Mechanisms are launched that lead to a decrease in the number beneficial microorganisms. Nature does not tolerate emptiness - the vacated places are occupied opportunistic flora. In some cases, it can become a trigger for the emergence of pathogens. Formation can cause the following conditions.

  • Hormonal changes. Pregnancy, frequent stress, pathology reproductive organs, menopause is accompanied by a relative or absolute imbalance of hormones. The vaginal mucosa is sensitive to the concentration of estrogen. With their decrease, the storage of glycogen decreases, which means that there is less nutrient medium for lactobacilli.
  • Infections. Sexually transmitted diseases destroy the normal flora. Even after recovery, it takes time to restore the microbiocenosis. BUT chronic infections for a long time do not allow to restore the norm.
  • Medicines. The course of antibiotic treatment does not go unnoticed. Most of of them has a wide range actions, therefore, not only the causative agent of the disease dies, but also normal flora intestines and vagina. In its place comes gardnerella vaginalis. Treatment with cytostatics and hormones negatively affects the flora.
  • Contraception. Intrauterine devices, despite their compatibility with biological tissues, cause little chronic inflammation, which is part of the contraceptive mechanism. But such a reaction in some women leads to dysbiosis. Sometimes the use of certain spermicidal agents can be the culprit.
  • interventions. Abortion, which is late term with the help of scraping, operations also expose the microflora negative influence, a crash occurs.
  • Decreased immunity. Under the influence of chronic diseases, endocrine pathologies, stress and exorbitant physical activity immunity fails. The weakening of protection can also be observed in the form local reaction, which gives room for the development of conditionally pathogenic flora.
  • Allergy and toxic substances . Allergic reaction accompanied increased voltage immunity. It can be both a systemic reaction of the whole organism, and local manifestation. In women, it is often caused by scented sanitary pads, the use of intimate soaps.

The question of whether gardnerella is transmitted during sex remains open. It has been noticed that women who constantly change sexual partners and neglect means of protection get sick more often. But at the same time, in cases of observation of adolescents and mature people who have an active sex life, this pattern was not statistically confirmed.

Symptoms of gardnerella in women

Gardnerella vaginalis are small rods and cocci complex structure cell wall. They are immobile, unable to form spores. Carbohydrates are fermented on nutrient media to form acetic acid. By antigenic structure similar to candida.

The viability of microorganisms is low. In the external environment, death can occur within 24 hours; in semi-liquid environments, it can persist for several days.

The source of infection can be a sick or healthy woman. Studies have shown that 12 to 47% of women are gardnerella carriers in the absence of symptoms. The causative agent is also detected in girls younger age and also in virgins. But with the development of vaginosis, the number of microorganisms increases significantly. In ICD-10, gardnerellosis is encrypted as N 89.8 - other non-inflammatory pathologies.

Gardnerella leaves behind unstable immunity. Therefore, the disease can relapse.

How does it manifest

It is difficult to confuse with another disease how gardnerella manifests itself in women. Some signs are nonspecific, but there are also very bright ones, characteristic only for this pathology.

  • Allocations. Normally, the amount of whiteness is small, almost imperceptible. With gardnerellosis, it can increase significantly. By the nature of the discharge, they are homogeneous, gray-white or with a yellowish tint.
  • Smell . characteristic feature Gardnerellosis is the smell rotten fish. It is observed constantly, but may increase after sexual intercourse or washing.
  • Itching and burning. At the initial stages, they may not bother. Their accession indicates the development of complications of the disease.
  • Discomfort when urinating. Dysuric disorders also appear with complications - gardnerella urethritis.
  • Pain . Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or pain during intercourse can be signs of an ascending infection.

Symptoms of intoxication, temperature are not typical for this pathology. Most often, its onset proceeds imperceptibly for a woman. For men, the disease can manifest itself in the form of epididymitis and urethritis. But a long existence in the urethral cavity is uncharacteristic, there are no necessary living conditions.

What complicates

What is dangerous gardnerella infection, so it's severe consequences that can not always be eliminated.

  • Increased risk of infections. Against the background of dysbacteriosis, conditions are created for the penetration of pathogenic pathogens.
  • Ascending infection. Inflammatory pathologies the vagina can spread to the overlying sections and lead to the development of salpingitis,.
  • Complications of pregnancy and childbirth. AT advanced cases can cause preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis and postpartum endometritis.

The long-term consequences of gardnerella for women can manifest themselves in the form of infertility, problems with pregnancy.

How to identify and cure

Before you start treating gardnerella in women, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis. Most of the symptoms of the disease are nonspecific and can only be suspected of pathology. Of the clinical and laboratory findings listed below, at least three must be present to make a diagnosis.

  • Allocations. Homogeneous, gray-white in color, evenly cover the mucous membrane of the vagina, with an unpleasant odor.
  • Smear. Based on the results of the analysis, key cells are found - the epithelium, which is covered by small cocci.
  • Acidity. The pH of the vaginal discharge is 4.5, and in some situations even lower.
  • Aminotest. Positive result research says that after adding 10% potassium hydroxide to smears, the “fishy” smell either appears sharply or intensifies.

Bakposev for diagnosis is of no value. In healthy women, the transcript may show a number of microbes that will grow on a nutrient medium.

A smear is taken at each visit to the gynecologist. For bacterial vaginosis, the characteristic features must be observed:

  • massive microflora with key cells;
  • single lactobacilli;
  • no leukocyte reaction.

The examination is not carried out during menstruation. After the last sex, at least 72 hours must pass before the tests. It is also recommended to be screened for other sexually transmitted infections. PCR method. A positive result will indicate the need for treatment with multiple drugs.

Acceptable regimens

It is possible to cure gardnerella at home, hospitalization is not required. But you need to choose and combine correctly medicines. Therapy will differ depending on the position in which the woman is. Possible treatment regimens are reflected in the table.

Table - Treatment regimens for bacterial vaginosis

A drugApplication schemeTreatment period (days)
"Clindamycin" (cream, 2%)5 g in the vagina at night6
"Metronidazole" (gel, 0.75%)5 g intravaginally at night5
"Metronidazole" (tablets)- 500 mg orally 2 times a day;
- 2 g once orally
"Tinidazole" (tablets)2 g orallyonce
"Clindamycin" (tablets)300 mg orally 2 times a day7
"Ornidazole" (tablets)500 mg orally 2 times a day5

Start treatment for bacterial vaginosis with local funds. In addition to those indicated in the table, there are metronidazole suppositories that are more convenient to use than cream. With inefficiency local treatment are switching to tablets.

Pregnancy and illness

Bacterial vaginosis can be triggered by pregnancy or a weakening of local immunity. But the treatment of pathology is not carried out before the second trimester. This is explained by the fact that antibiotics that act on bacteria are dangerous for the developing fetus. In the first trimester, the laying of all organs and systems occurs, therefore Negative influence drugs more pronounced. Later, the placenta begins to function, which provides protection to the fetus from some harmful substances. The treatment regimen for gardnerella during pregnancy includes one of three drugs to choose from.

  1. Cream "Clindamycin" (2%). A single dose of 5 g is injected deep into the vagina once a day at bedtime. The course of treatment is three days.
  2. Gel "Metronidazole" (0.75%). Dosage for one time 5 g, used twice a day for five days.
  3. Metronidazole tablets. 500 mg orally twice a day. Course duration - 7 days.

During the treatment period, any douching is contraindicated. They will wash out the normal microflora and further worsen the condition.


Any bacterial infection involves the use of antibiotics. None folk remedies or homeopathy is not able to replace these drugs. They can temporarily muffle the symptoms, and this is fraught with the development of complications. Therefore, after making a diagnosis, you need to listen to the doctor's recommendations, and use traditional medicine for the recovery period of microflora.

Folk therapy may include medicinal fees, decoctions that are taken orally. But similar treatment does not have scientific evidence efficiency.

Recovery period

It is impossible to carry out the destruction of gardnerella and leave the mucosa without normal microflora. In place of the disappeared microbe, other microorganisms can come, and the situation will repeat itself. Therefore, it is necessary to populate the vagina with beneficial flora. For this, vaginal suppositories are used:

  • "Gynoflor-E";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "Vaginorm";
  • Ecofemin.

The first signs of gardnerellosis in women are easy to notice on their own. This is easiest to do while washing. If, after soaping, an unpleasant fishy smell appears, then this is gardnerella. Do not delay a visit to the doctor, it is better to initial stage start treatment in order not to wait for complications.


What's happening? Such a question is asked by a woman at the sight of an abundant, unpleasant odor,. Tests for all kinds of sexual infections are negative. The reasons for this condition can be very different. One of them is gardnerellosis.

Whether Gardnerella vaginalis is the causative agent of infection or not is an open question, since this rod-shaped bacterium is part of the vaginal microflora in small quantities. In a healthy body, it behaves quietly, does not betray its presence in any way and does not actively reproduce.

AT female body(as in the male) is constantly home to about 10 thousand species of microorganisms. Them total weight is about a kilogram. Considering the size of bacteria (in each human cell lives 10 bacterial cells), then we can imagine the scale of this neighborhood. Many bacteria do not cause any harm to humans. Moreover, people simply cannot live without them. Each variety of our satellites occupies its own niche and quantitatively does not leave it.

Problems arise when the biological program fails. For some reason (internal or external), the number of some bacteria decreases, while others immediately seek to occupy the vacated space. This also happens in the case of bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis): due to a decrease in the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina, opportunistic microorganisms actively multiply. Among them is gardnerella vaginalis.

Causes of vaginal dysbacteriosis and gardnerellosis

Normally, the vagina is dominated by bacteria that constantly secrete lactic acid. Milk in Latin lactis, therefore, microorganisms are called lactobacilli (another name is Doderlein sticks). acid environment does not contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, including gardnerella.

Gardnerella, appearing in a healthy body (for example, as a result of unprotected sexual contact), is destroyed immune system person. Sometimes a safe amount of bacteria remains in the vagina.

In the case of a weakening of the body's defenses, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and an active reproduction of opportunistic gardnerella occur. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina develops. Often this leads to an inflammatory process in the vagina - nonspecific vaginitis and other ailments.

With dysbacteriosis gardnerella (or other pathogenic bacteria) stick around the epithelial cells of the vagina, forming the so-called. "key cells"

There are many reasons for the development of an imbalance in the vaginal microflora. The root cause is immune suppression. Both external and internal factors lead to this state.

To internal reasons leading to vaginal dysbacteriosis and, as a result, to gardnerellosis, include:

  • Changes in the hormonal status of a woman (including during pregnancy);
  • stressful state;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • Diseases of a chronic nature.

To external reasons the occurrence of gardnerellosis can be attributed to:

  1. The use of antibiotics, hormonal agents;
  2. Bad ecology;
  3. Venereal diseases;
  4. Change of sexual partners;
  5. Operations, including abortions;
  6. Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  7. Allergy;
  8. The use of intrauterine contraception;
  9. The effect of toxicants on the body;
  10. Usage contraceptive suppositories with 9-nonoxynol;
  11. Unreasonably frequent douching, as a result of which the protective microflora of the vagina is washed out;
  12. The use of tampons, pads, various cosmetic liquids for intimate hygiene;
  13. Tight synthetic underwear.

Signs and manifestations of the disease

Often infectious diseases genitourinary system proceed without any symptoms. Even specific vaginal discharge is not observed. The woman is not bothered by abdominal pain, bleeding, irregular menstruation. However, the consequences of the excess content of gardnerella will not keep you waiting. To prevent complications, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Untreated gardnerellosis leads to nonspecific vaginitis- inflammatory disease of the vagina. Its signs:

  • Bad smell;
  • Allocations;
  • Burning;
  • Pain sensations.

Any alkali aggravates the symptoms, especially the smell. alkaline reaction has ordinary soap, semen.

With nonspecific vaginitis, it is necessary to take tests for microflora to accurately identify the causative agent of infection and take a course adequate therapy. In addition to gardnerella, this disease can cause:

  1. Staphylococci;
  2. Streptococci;
  3. Protea;
  4. coli;
  5. candida;
  6. Enterococci and others.

A pathogen in vaginitis along with bacteria can be a fungus. Therefore, gardnerellosis should first of all be differentiated from the equally common

Possible consequences of gardnerellosis

Gardnerella are conditionally pathogenic bacteria. “Possibly pathogenic” means not very dangerous. However, a bacterium, having taken a foreign niche, attracts its own kind there. For example, her "faithful companion" is often mobiluncus, which enhances the negative effect of gardnerella on the vaginal biocenosis. Thus, one should not treat them with complete indifference, since they do not always forgive this. Untreated gardnerellosis can become the basis for the development of other, more serious diseases:

  • Women sometimes develop vaginitis progressing to(inflammation of the vagina).
  • It is assumed that in the background chronic gardnerellosis arises intestinal dysbacteriosis which leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Inflammation from the vagina can spread to the appendages and cervix. It is possible that the occurrence endometriosis.

Close attention should be paid to bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. In this case, it is especially relevant early diagnosis to avoid complications.

How to recognize bacterial vaginosis?

Diagnosing an infection is not difficult. Let us make a reservation right away that such common methods as PCR, seeding, PIF, in the diagnosis of gardnerellosis are secondary. With their help, only the presence of the pathogen is detected. However, this is not particularly necessary, because gardnerella can also be present in the vagina of healthy women. The most informative technique -. This analysis allows not only to see the microbe itself, but also to estimate its abundance.

“Key” cells, the pH of the vaginal contents, and the presence of isonitrile are also determined. By the way, it is this substance - isonitrile - that gives vaginal discharge the smell of rotting fish. Sometimes a blood test for leukocytes is prescribed (with gardnerellosis, they become smaller). But this is an additional analysis.

When gardnerella is identified, the gynecologist may be interested in the number of her and the remaining lactobacilli. These analyzes are needed to determine complete picture microflora of the vagina.

Be sure to conduct a survey on the inflammatory processes of the genital area.

Treatment of the disease

How to cure bacterial vaginosis? First of all it is necessary to get rid of the reasons, as a result of which there was a surge in the number of microorganism. Necessary:

  1. Refuse uncontrolled intake of antibiotics;
  2. Do not frequently change sexual partners or use condoms. However, it should be remembered that condoms with spermicidal lubricant containing 9-nonoxylol are contraindicated in case of bacterial vaginosis;
  3. Apply hormonal agents only after consultation with a gynecologist;
  4. Raise the number of lactobacilli with the help of Linex, Bifidumbacterin;
  5. Do not interfere with the body's self-healing by minimizing douching.
  6. Avoid antibacterial suppositories.
  7. Use vegetable (Eleutherococcus, ginseng) or synthetic (Vitrum, Biomax) immunomodulators.

Not every antibacterial agent suitable for fighting gardnerella. In addition, if antibiotics are prescribed, then preference is given to drugs of local action and only in case severe course nonspecific vaginitis is prescribed antibacterial drugs general action. The treatment regimen consists of two parts:

  • Systemic antibiotics (clindamycin twice a day, 300 mg; metronidazole also twice a day, 500 mg). Take pills for a week. Apply at the same time local forms these drugs.
  • After antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to restore vaginal microflora. For this, probiotics are taken orally and in the form of suppositories. For internal use Lactonorm, Lactobacterin are recommended. They must be consumed for 30 or more days. Three weeks apply candles Laktonorm or Atsilakt.

It is not superfluous, as with any dysbacteriosis, to observe the correct diet food. spicy, fried fatty foods and alcohol should be replaced with dairy products.

A smear (control study) is performed after 1.5–2 months. During the treatment period during sexual intimacy, condoms must be used.

Gardnerellosis and pregnancy

Immediately reassure expectant mothers - gardnerellosis is not transmitted to the child. The bacteria are unable to cross the placenta and infect the fetus. And in the process of childbirth, this will not happen due to the low pathogenicity of gardnerella.

Gardnerellosis is dangerous for the mother herself. Exacerbated by bacteria chronic ailments or new ones appear in the form inflammatory processes bodies small pelvis, which in turn can lead to premature birth or fetal hypotrophy. because of which there is a threat of miscarriage. For this reason, gynecologists suggest that a pregnant woman take a smear from the vagina and fight vaginal dysbacteriosis.

The pregnant woman does not experience any special symptoms of gardnerellosis: all the same pains, rotten smell, itching. Often, these signs may not be. Especially if the bacteria are in the vagina in an uncritical amount. Most importantly, they do not suppress beneficial lactobacilli. But if, nevertheless, there are any signs of infection, the woman should contact medical institution for help.

Treatment of infection in pregnant women

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Firstly, only funds are used local action . These are gels and ointments with clindamycin. Secondly, even ointments cannot be used in the first three months. AT last resort, Betadiene and Hexicon candles are used. The problem is that such antiseptics affect not only unwanted microorganisms, but also beneficial ones.

Important! During pregnancy, any medical preparations can be used only after consultation with the gynecologist.

How to be treated with traditional medicine?

What is good ethnoscience so it is its relative safety. Women who fundamentally do not want to apply chemicals, may try to get rid of the microbe using folk remedies.

This disease is new. Rather, they began to recognize it not so long ago. That's why folk recipes fight only with unpleasant secretions and restore the vaginal microflora.

Despite the seeming innocence folk methods, pregnant women should never use them without consulting a gynecologist!

Folk recipes for douching

The use of tampons with folk remedies

You can make a tampon yourself from folded gauze, or you can purchase it at a pharmacy. Swab soak sea ​​buckthorn oil or a mixture of aloe juice with olive oil(1:1). The procedure is done in the evening, leaving the tampon overnight.

For more effective treatment you can independently prepare an immunomodulatory tincture:

  • Place a tablespoon (tablespoon) of dry mountain ash in boiling water (200 ml) and boil for 15 minutes. Then add a spoonful of honey and grated onion to the broth. Use 4 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

And most importantly folk treatment- this is proper nutrition: fresh vegetables, unsweetened bakery and dairy products, cereals.

Gardnerellosis in men - myth or reality?

In women, a certain amount of gardnerella may be present in the vagina - and this is the norm. These microorganisms are not part of the male microflora. A man can "get" them after sexual contact with a woman.

Symptoms of infection in men

Men do not have gardnerellosis as such. Bacteria do not take root on the male genital organs, but manage to "give" the man the most various diseases: urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), (inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis), cystitis (inflammation Bladder). Usually the first signs appear 2 weeks after intimacy with a woman. Manifested in the form, difficulty urinating, burning.

Very rarely occur and. They manifest as pain in the scrotum or lower abdomen.


Since the male body itself copes well with gardnerella, treatment is mainly aimed at suppressing the inflammatory processes caused by these microbes. It is recommended for this period to give up smoked meats and spicy snacks, alcohol, and also to use protective equipment during sexual intercourse. AT diet should include vegetables, cereals and dairy products. To maintain immunity, it is useful to take immunomodulating agents.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

No matter how banal the expression may seem, it is still much easier, cheaper, safer to prevent any ailment than to treat. This also applies to gardnerellosis. Measures that will help prevent this disease will also protect against many other ailments. At the base - healthy lifestyle life. As well as:

  1. Refusal of intrauterine contraceptives;
  2. warning and timely treatment inflammatory diseases sexual sphere;
  3. Fight against sexual promiscuity;
  4. Refusal of uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  5. Exception early start sexual life.

These measures will help maintain the balance of the vaginal microflora at the required level to ensure women's health.

Video: specialist on gardnerellosis in women and men

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