How to insert a candle rectally to yourself. Instructions for use of rectal suppositories - how to properly insert into the rectum. The use of contraceptive vaginal suppositories

Candles - preparations consisting of a combination of solid fats with active ingredients. Depending on them, drugs can be painkillers, venotonic, decongestant, hemostatic, antibacterial. Products have a smooth, slightly slippery surface that facilitates insertion into the anus. The drug is packaged in sealed blisters, unopened packages can be stored for up to 5 years.

Rectal suppositories can be monocomponent, containing only one active substance. However, most modern drugs have a complex effect and are able to solve several problems at once, characteristic of. The attending physician should choose the right remedy and accurately calculate the dosage, he also monitors the patient's condition and, if necessary, makes adjustments to the therapeutic regimen.

Among the most common options are:

  1. Candles with analgesic effect containing lidocaine, benzocaine, novocaine. This category includes , .
  2. suitable for reducing hemorrhoids, increasing vascular elasticity and preventing thrombosis. Most of these drugs contain heparin. This category includes , .
  3. Antitumor and anti-inflammatory suppositories. They include prednisolone, antibiotics, light anesthetics. Among the most popular drugs are Prednisolone,.
  4. Wound healing and regenerating. Monopreparations with a single active substance, healing even deep tears and extensive injuries. This category includes both, affordable and very effective.
  5. Homeopathic preparations. They include extracts of medicinal herbs, they act very gently, but are distinguished by good efficiency. They restore tissues, prevent swelling and inflammation, treat internal and external damage to the skin and mucous membranes. This group includes, wormwood, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile.
  6. stand apart drugs with strong hemostatic and venotonic properties.

Our website provides the following useful information about hemorrhoids:

  • Detailed description of the various stages: , ;
  • Features and ;
  • List of drugs, suppositories and ointments that are used in the treatment of this disease.

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And you can talk about harmful and useful products for the male organ.

What is the advantage of such treatment?

Suppositories are included in any treatment program. They can be used as a prophylaxis, used at different stages of hemorrhoids, included in the recovery course after resection of hemorrhoids.

Candles have a lot of advantages over other dosage forms:

The drug acts locally without getting into the stomach, the active components are completely excreted from the body along with urine or feces. The withdrawal period does not exceed 12 hours, which completely eliminates intoxication in case of overdose.

They have fewer contraindications compared to injections and tablets. They are suitable for the treatment of patients with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure, hypertension.

Easy to use. Candles for hemorrhoids: instructions for use are very simple. Their introduction requires attention and accuracy, but the patient can do it on his own. The only requirement is to strictly observe the dosage and hygiene rules.

Therapeutic suppositories have a complex effect. They not only relieve pain, eliminate bleeding or swelling, but also contribute to normal defecation. A film of melted fat protects the walls of the rectum and the surface of hemorrhoids from trauma.

Ease of storage. Rectal suppositories have a long shelf life - from 3 to 5 years. Opened packaging can be stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, freezing is not allowed. The sealed blisters are successfully stored at room temperature away from heating devices.

Indications and contraindications

Rectal suppositories are prescribed for the following symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • pain inside the rectum;
  • a large number of internal nodes prone to increase;
  • fever, weakness, anemia;
  • small ruptures of mucous membranes;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • internal and external edema;
  • discomfort after defecation;
  • in the anus.

Candles can be administered 1 to 4 times a day. The course depends on the active components and individual tolerability of the drug.

Candles with antibiotics or strong anesthetics are recommended for short courses of 5-7 days.

Preparations with heparin and other venotonics can be used longer, the course lasts 10-14 days.

This is followed by a short break, after which treatment can be resumed.

It is advisable to carry out under the supervision of a physician, as there is a risk of incorrect combinations or overdose.

Despite their effectiveness, rectal suppositories have some contraindications.

  • heavy rectal bleeding;
  • deep external cracks, prone to suppuration and inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant tumors of the rectum;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With an overdose, side effects are observed: burning and itching in the anus, redness and rash on the skin near the anus. In rare cases, diarrhea, headache or nausea may occur.

If persistent negative symptoms are detected, treatment should be interrupted.

How to use candles for hemorrhoids?

How to put candles from hemorrhoids correctly - consider the points.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the introduction of suppositories, you need to prepare.

  • If a normal bowel movement is not possible, it is worth doing a cleansing enema with warm water.
  • Then the anus area is washed with water and baby soap, dried with a terry towel or gauze.
  • Particular care must be taken when cleansing skin that has damage: abrasions, rashes, anal fissures.
  • Before the introduction, do not use ointments, gels and other external agents.

If it is supposed to administer suppositories 3-4 times a day, there is no need to cleanse the intestines. It is enough to wash with warm water and dry the skin.

Candles are removed from the package immediately before use. Do not open the package in advance, suppositories may dry out or become dirty.

Introduction of suppositories: how to do it right

It is more convenient to insert a candle in the supine position on the right side. For those who do not like this position, you can try to insert the candle while standing, leaning slightly forward or crouching.

It is important that the muscles of the anus are completely relaxed., and the anus is as open as possible. If the candle seems too dry or hard, its tip can be lubricated with petroleum jelly or glycerin.

Spread the buttocks with your hand and with a slight effort push the candle into the anus. The suppository should completely pass the sphincter without causing discomfort.

After the introduction, you need to close your legs and lie down for at least 20 minutes.

If there is an urge to defecate, they must be endured. Most often, these urges are a common reaction to a foreign body in the rectum. Unpleasant sensations will pass in a few minutes.

It is best to administer suppositories before bed. The drugs will relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms, making it possible to sleep peacefully. In 7-8 hours, all active components will be absorbed to the maximum extent, in the morning the patient will feel much better.

After the introduction of the suppository, the anus area is closed with a sterile gauze. You can use sanitary pads or a bandage folded in several layers. This design is needed to protect underwear and bed linen.

Under the influence of body temperature, paraffin, wax, petroleum jelly, which are part of the suppositories, will melt and naturally leave the body. A small amount of fatty components can also be found in feces, you should not be afraid of this. Solid fats, which are part of suppositories, are not absorbed by the body.

Rectal suppositories are indicated for various hemorrhoids, they act quickly, are easily digested and have a minimum of contraindications. Now you know how to use hemorrhoid suppositories. Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a doctor, this will help to avoid side effects and complications.

Gynecologists recommend that their patients insert vaginal suppositories to treat delicate diseases. Suppositories are very convenient for a variety of ailments. Their use has rapidly gained popularity because they allow active substances to act on the source of infection faster than those found, for example, in tablets.

Some girls are absolutely in vain afraid to use vaginal suppositories. After all, the competent use of this remedy is completely painless.

Medicines of this type are usually used 1-2 times a day. Be prepared to take a horizontal position and lie down for about an hour. Some vaginal tablets leak if you stand up immediately after inserting them. In general, inserting candles is quite easy. It is enough to follow simple tips.

Before inserting a candle, you need to wash yourself with an antibacterial agent and wash your hands thoroughly.

If an applicator is present in the kit, then inject the medicine using this particular auxiliary tool. It is very comfortable. The applicator will easily allow you to push the suppository inward to the desired depth.

If there is no applicator, then it is also not difficult to understand how to insert a vaginal suppository into the vagina. Try to push the tablet with your fingers as far as possible. Shallowly inserted suppositories melt and flow out quickly.

Benefits of this type of medicine

Among them:

  • impact directly on the focus of the disease;
  • rapid entry into the blood of the active substance;
  • no side effects associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exclusion of drug overdose;
  • the presence of a healing effect.

Contrary to the popular belief among many patients that vaginal suppositories should only be used to treat symptoms of diseases (itching or burning), suppositories are prescribed directly to eliminate the source of infection.

Symptoms of delicate diseases

The use of suppositories is required if the following symptoms are present:

  • burning in the vaginal area;
  • itching in the intimate area;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • skin redness;
  • bad smell;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • discomfort or pain during intercourse;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • green, brown, yellow, cheesy discharge.

These unpleasant phenomena serve only as indicators of the underlying disease. The doctor prescribes studies to clarify the source of the infection. As a rule, the patient must pass a complete blood and urine test, as well as a smear for the flora. The latter is produced from the urethra, cervix or from the vaginal mucosa.

Candles for the treatment of gynecological diseases are produced both in the standard type and in the form of vaginal tablets. It is required to consider in more detail the most famous drugs.

Remember that only a doctor prescribes a medicine and prescribes a dosage! Do not self-medicate! It's dangerous to health!

List of tablet suppositories

You should pay attention to how to properly insert this type of vaginal suppositories. In addition to the recommendations common to all drugs, there is a separate rule for such drugs: the tablet should be slightly moistened with cold boiled water before use. This facilitates administration and accelerates dissolution.

The most popular means are:

  1. Terzhinan. A combined antifungal and antibacterial drug, available in the form of vaginal tablets. Active ingredients: ternidazole, neomycin sulfate and nystatin. In addition to the active ingredients, the composition includes: lactose, sodium starch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and wheat starch. Indications for use are the following diseases: vaginitis of various etiologies and bacterial vaginosis. In addition, these tablets are used before surgical interventions in the pelvic area. These suppositories have a pronounced antibacterial, trichomonacid, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect.
  2. Polyjenax. These are vaginal capsules intended for the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections of the female genital organs. Especially often they are used to treat thrush (candidiasis), vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, fungal nonspecific vaginitis. In addition, the drug is prescribed to patients with reduced immunity for the prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases and for the rehabilitation of the genital tract before childbirth, abortion or cervical surgery.
  3. Klion. Tablets for insertion into the vagina are white. One end is pointed and the other is slightly rounded. This form is provided so that the patient does not have a question about how to put a vaginal suppository: the drug is easy to inject inside with a sharp end. The composition of miconazole and metronidazole, and as excipients used: povidone, tartaric acid, sodium lauryl sulfate and some others. The drug is used in the treatment of thrush and non-specific vaginitis, it has an effective antiprotozoal, antifungal, antibacterial action.
  4. Gynoflor. It is usually prescribed by a gynecologist after the main therapy for the complete restoration of the microflora of the female genital organs. The main component is Lactobacilli bacteria, which inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The hormone estriol, also included in the composition, promotes the regeneration of damaged vaginal tissues.
  5. Neo-penotran. Available in the form of a flat body with a rounded end. Cream or white. The composition contains metronidazole, which provides antitrichomonas, antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect. It is active against many pathogenic bacteria, such as anaerobic microorganisms, streptococci and some types of pathogenic fungi.
  6. Intimasi. The drug contains only vitamin C. It is used as part of rehabilitation therapy after the treatment of the underlying disease. Helps to improve the natural protective functions of the body and normalize the microflora of the female reproductive system.

Gynecologists agree that there is no fundamental difference in which candles to put: the usual type or tablet. In any case, the desired effect will be achieved only by the correctly used drug.

Brief overview of standard suppositories

  1. Pimafucin. A very popular drug. Often prescribed by doctors in the treatment of thrush (candidiasis), for the rehabilitation of the genital tract before natural childbirth or surgery in the pelvic area. Active against yeast fungi, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the macrolide group.
  2. Livarol is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of acute and recurrent candidiasis. Candles of white, cream or gray color contain ketoconazole. It is often used to prevent infections of the reproductive system against the background of reduced immunity.
  3. Nystatin. One of the cheapest suppositories. They are used in the treatment of thrush and some fungal diseases. They have a number of unpleasant side effects, for example, they often cause vaginal dysbacteriosis, which requires additional therapy.
  4. Iodoxide. It is used in the complex therapy of various diseases of the female intimate area. Candles enhance the effect of some antibacterial drugs, help restore damaged vaginal mucosa, and have a powerful antiseptic effect.
  5. Fluomizin. A drug with a very broad spectrum of action. Effective against both fungal and bacterial infections such as Candida and many streptococci. Do not use before sexual activity.

Remember that only a doctor prescribes treatment. It is very dangerous to take the liberty of diagnosing diseases or choosing a drug on your own!

You need to know not only how to properly insert suppositories, but also how to store them. Do not forget that candles are stored in the refrigerator. Pay attention to the expiration date of medicines.

Accurately observe the dosage prescribed by the gynecologist, carefully read the instructions, do not forget to ask the doctor about possible side effects.

Do not forget about personal hygiene in the complex therapy of the disease. Wash regularly and use a pad when using vaginal suppositories so that the inserted preparation does not stain the laundry.

Always pay attention to any, even the most insignificant, in your opinion, "bells" of the body. It is very important to monitor the condition of the genitals, regularly undergo an examination by a gynecologist, even if nothing hurts. After all, this, at least, will allow you not to experience discomfort in intimate life and be confident in your own reproductive health.

Before using suppositories for hemorrhoids, you should read the instructions. It should not only contain information about the medicinal composition of the drug and its properties, but also describe the method of application. Usually, the instructions for suppositories explain step by step how to use hemorrhoid suppositories, but it is better to read additional information on this topic for safety net.

Preparation for the use of candles

Before entering the suppository, it is necessary to empty the intestines. This will ensure high efficiency. If you do not go to the toilet in advance, the candle will not be inside for long, so it will not have time to work properly.

Also, to avoid infection, you must take a shower before the procedure or rinse in cool water. In case of violations of the digestive tract, it is better to make an enema before the procedure for introducing rectal suppositories, and then wash the anus with soap.

It is best to use candles at night. This will allow the medicine to act on the inflamed areas for a long time and not leak out. In addition, at night, the digestive system will better absorb the medication, and the lack of stress from walking and sitting will relieve discomfort.

The suppository should be unpacked right before administration, as it melts and becomes soft at room temperature. In addition, an open suppository can get dirty, which will negatively affect inflamed hemorrhoids. Only after carrying out preliminary procedures can a candle be inserted.

Step-by-step instruction

Inserting a suppository is always a little unpleasant. Inflamed hemorrhoidal bumps can cause pain when pushing the suppository into the anus. To make the task easier, you need to do the following steps:

After that, you can put on underwear and go to bed peacefully. Having done everything right, you can reduce pain and burning sensation in the anus for the first day of use. Candles will eliminate inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Important! If the patient's rectal mucosa is too weak, the introduction of suppositories can lead to injury to the hemorrhoids. In such cases, it is recommended to insert the suppository only while lying on your side to reduce pressure.

Things to Remember

Before using suppositories for hemorrhoids, you should consult with your doctor. There are a number of contraindications for which it is more reasonable to use a cream or other methods of treatment. Rectal suppositories are not recommended in such cases:

  • in the presence of neoplasms in the rectum;
  • in case of individual intolerance and allergy to the components of the drug;
  • with osteoporosis;
  • during severe inflammatory processes (with acute infection, erosion, ulcers, inflammation of the rectal mucosa);
  • with acute form of hemorrhoids;
  • with an open form of tuberculosis;
  • in case of progression or exacerbation of diabetes mellitus;
  • in chronic arterial hypertension.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers deserve special attention. Depending on the components of the drug, suppositories may be contraindicated, since the active substances of suppositories are absorbed and enter the bloodstream, which may affect the fetus during pregnancy or the quality of milk in breastfeeding women. It will be correct to use suppositories only with the permission of a specialist.

Also, consultation before use will not interfere with people who have symptoms such as anal bleeding and prolapsed hemorrhoidal bumps. In the advanced stages of the disease, complex treatment may be required, since it will be impossible to completely remove the symptoms and signs with one drug. In the most extreme cases, doctors resort to surgery.

Influence efficiency

Candles begin to act immediately after the introduction, because with inflammation, blood circulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hemorrhoids is increased. In order to use the suppository correctly and with maximum efficiency, it is necessary that it completely dissolves inside the rectum. That is why after the introduction of the drug inside it is undesirable to get up for an hour. Only after this time, you can begin to perform normal daily activities.

Important! If side effects of the drug are detected, stop using it and consult a doctor to replace the medication.

If you put the suppository correctly, but the course of treatment will be effective and short-lived, but not
adverse reactions are excluded:

  • allergy;
  • pain and burning in the anus;
  • spasms due to a sharp increase in intestinal motility;
  • dyspepsia.

In such cases, the doctor will prescribe a drug with a milder effect or recommend purchasing an ointment for hemorrhoids instead of suppositories. In 85% of cases, if the instructions are followed correctly without exceeding the dosage and duration of treatment, these medications do not bring discomfort and allow you to quickly remove inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

What to pay attention to

Before inserting suppositories, you should check their expiration date, and also determine the consistency by touch. If the medicine has expired, its use is dangerous to health.

Melted rectal suppositories will not be inserted correctly, which will require great effort and may lead to injury to the mucous membrane.

It is necessary to store the drug properly - in the refrigerator or other cool place. The shape of the candle should be torpedo-shaped.

Only after checking the condition of the drug and performing all the preliminary steps, suppositories can be safely used.

Candles can be designed for insertion into the rectum or into the vagina. This form of medication is often prescribed to patients today because suppositories are effective and do not have a harmful effect on the digestive system. But not all patients know how to properly insert suppositories into the rectum or vagina.

medicinal suppositories

Candles for introduction into the rectum are widely used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems. Suppositories from hemorrhoids are often used, which reduce pain, reduce nodes and relieve itching. This way of taking the medicine has many positive qualities compared to pills. How to insert candles correctly will be described later.

The drug contained in the suppositories immediately enters the bloodstream, that is, it acts much faster and much more efficiently. In addition, rectal use of drugs does not have a negative effect on the digestive system (especially if there is a need to take a large dosage). But sometimes suppositories are still not recommended for medical reasons. These are severe forms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures and other diseases.

Introduction of rectal suppositories

How to insert candles correctly? The technique of treatment with rectal suppositories is quite simple, but for those who have never encountered this form of drugs, difficulties may arise. Before inserting the suppository into the rectum correctly, you need to wash and dry your hands well. Hands should not be hot, because the candle will melt too quickly. For this reason, before starting the procedure, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator or under cool tap water for several minutes. But the candle should not be too cold, because this can lead to discomfort.

How to insert suppositories rectally to yourself? The candle should be released from the packaging when it becomes a little warmer. If the doctor has prescribed only half of the suppository, you need to cut the medicine lengthwise with a clean knife. When inserting, it is better to use clean medical gloves. You need to take care of their presence in advance. For ease of insertion and a minimum of discomfort, it is advisable to lubricate the sharp end of the candle with cream (children's or special lubricant). Vaseline is not recommended for this. If there is no suitable remedy at hand, then vegetable oil can usually be used. If there is nothing at hand, it is enough to moisten the anus with plain water.

Sometimes the contents of the candle may leak. Therefore, you should take care in advance that there are several disposable napkins nearby. How to insert candles correctly? It is most convenient to administer the medicine in a pose on the side. In this case, the lower leg should remain straight, and the upper leg should be bent at the knee (towards the stomach). With one hand, you need to lift the upper buttock and advance the candle a distance of about five centimeters. After the introduction, you need to squeeze the buttocks and hold them in this position for a couple of minutes. Then you should remain in the supine position for a few more minutes. This will not allow the candle to come out until it is completely dissolved.

Introduction of vaginal suppositories

In gynecology, suppositories and tablets for local effects are also widely used, which must be inserted into the vagina. How to insert suppositories into the vagina? Before the procedure, you should wash your hands and perineal area very thoroughly without using aggressive detergents. It is better to insert vaginal suppositories at night, doing this already in bed. Some drugs are sold with an applicator that allows you to enter the drug and advance to the required depth correctly.

How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly? For convenience, you need to take a prone position, pull your knees to your chest and insert the applicator, with which you can push the candle into the vagina. Remove the applicator very carefully and without haste. In the absence of a special applicator, it is required to insert the candle with your fingers as far as possible. With a shallow injection, the medicine will simply flow out.

After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 30 minutes. Candles are not completely absorbed, so for hygienic purposes, you will need to use a napkin or sanitary pad. At the time of therapy, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse in order to avoid re-infection. The partner also needs to be examined, because men of this kind of disease are often asymptomatic.

Vaginal tablets: how to administer

Vaginal tablets eliminate gynecological diseases or are intended to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs are in solid form. Before using the tablets, you need to wash your hands, if the nails are long, then it is advisable to wear medical gloves. The tablet should be moistened with water. The medicine is administered in a prone or squatting position as deep as possible into the vagina. After the introduction, it is desirable to lie down for at least 15 minutes. If the doctor has prescribed to administer the pill at night, then you should not get out of bed.

Pills for contraception contain substances that destroy the sperm membrane, which leads to the inability of male germ cells to conceive. These substances dissolve and form a film on the mucosa. The film forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. So, tablets are considered a barrier remedy. Such contraceptives should be administered immediately before sex. It is important to follow all the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. After the introduction, you can not wash off for 30-60 minutes.

Medicines in the form of suppositories or tablets in the vagina are prescribed for discharge, itching and burning, and an unpleasant odor. In addition, this form of drug administration can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. With abundant discharge, it is recommended to first rinse the vagina so that there is an effect from the use of the medicine. But you can not use detergents with aggressive components.

Precautionary measures

Only a doctor can prescribe vaginal tablets or suppositories. You can not self-medicate or act on the advice of a friend. The wrong scheme of application can complicate the course of the disease, and the process will become chronic as a result. Such initiative is also unacceptable in the case of pills that are used as a means of contraception.

Introduction of candles to young children

How to insert candles for small children? Here the procedure is slightly different. The child needs to be put on his back and with one hand lift the legs up. With the second hand, the candle is inserted into the rectum. Beforehand, it is better to lubricate the anus from the outside with a small amount of baby cream or oil. The medicine should be used after a bowel movement so that the suppository does not come out with the feces. It is better for very young children to administer suppositories during sleep.

Appointment of rectal suppositories for children

Children are often prescribed rectal suppositories, because this is a gentle form of the drug. They are prescribed even to newborns to reduce the temperature in case of illness. Suppositories are very effective, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant. To prevent the baby from crying, you need to distract him with a toy or turn on a cartoon. It is very important when using suppositories to think about the risk-benefit ratio. It may make sense to save the child from an extra dose of the drug if the body can cope on its own.

Vaginal suppositories are the most common form of topical medication with proven efficacy. In the absence of generalized infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, local therapy is recognized as the most rational method of combating sexual infections.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, candles can be used as a contraceptive. In order for the medicine to produce the maximum effect, you need to follow the recommendations for its use. How to insert vaginal suppositories is described in detail in the instructions attached to the preparation. However, this is not a reason to refuse an additional consultation with a gynecologist.

Dosage form

In the manufacture of candles, pharmaceutical companies use cosmetic fat, mainly palm oil. Recently, however, the trend towards the use of sea buckthorn oil has increased. In addition to the good physical characteristics of vegetable fat, sea buckthorn has long been famous for its therapeutic effect on the epithelium. Suppositories made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the processes of epithelialization and tissue regeneration.

Each pharmaceutical manufacturer, as a marketing ploy, tries to interest the consumer in the form and advertising of the drug being produced. Vaginal suppositories may differ slightly in shape and volume compared to other analogues, but are mainly presented in the following versions:

  • cylindrical;
  • torpedo-shaped;
  • rounded.

The size of the suppositories depends on the amount of the active drug that is part of them. Some drugs additionally contain an applicator, which is very convenient to use. The applicator not only protects the vaginal mucosa from injury by long nails, but also promotes deep insertion of the suppository. Candles with an applicator are somewhat more expensive, but more convenient to use.

In most cases, the package contains one or two plastic blisters with instructions for use. Each of them indicates the amount of active substance contained and the expiration date. You need to use only drugs with an unexpired shelf life. Otherwise, the drug is absolutely ineffective, it can cause local allergic reactions.

Those women who use this dosage form for the first time may experience some difficulties with the introduction. You shouldn't worry about this. Having studied in detail the recommendations of the manufacturer, you can begin the process of introduction. In any case, an additional consultation with the attending physician will dispel all doubts. The doctor will explain in an accessible form how to properly use vaginal suppositories, where to enter.

The effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the correct use. If all the recommendations of the manufacturer, the advice of the gynecologist are followed, the treatment regimen is carefully selected, then the chances of successful treatment are high. Before using the product, you need to make sure that it is rational to use it according to the indications.

The amount of the active substance that is part of the suppository is usually calculated for one or two administrations during the day. The drug is administered in the morning and evening or only at night. Prepare sanitary pads for daily use in advance to prevent soiling of underwear.

Before inserting a candle into the vagina, you must thoroughly wash your hands and carry out the usual toilet of the genitals. Gynecologists do not recommend the use of alkaline cosmetics for the care of the intimate area in order to avoid reducing the effect of the drug.

Having chosen a comfortable position in the supine position, the candle is inserted deep into the vagina with the help of an applicator or a finger. The deeper the candle is inserted, the higher the chances of penetration of the active substance into the tissues. Some manufacturers provide for the presence of a protective polyethylene fingertip in the package for the purpose of hygiene.

After the introduction of the candle, it is necessary to lie down for 20-30 minutes so that the dissolved medicine is absorbed as much as possible. The drug used at bedtime is more effective, since most of it remains in the vagina. What can not be said about the procedure carried out in the morning. The resulting drug residues cause a feeling of discomfort in the form of excessive moisture, itching of the intimate area. In this case, you can use sanitary napkins.

During the period of using candles, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • restriction of sexual activity for the period of treatment;
  • treatment of the sexual partner with a similar remedy in the form of a cream, gel for lubricating the glans penis (in the presence of STIs);
  • decreased physical activity during therapy;
  • refusal to visit public places (baths, saunas, swimming pools);
  • regular consultations with the attending physician is the main rule.

Indications for use

Despite the availability of purchasing suppositories in any pharmacy, you need to use the drug only after consulting a gynecologist. The decision made on self-treatment threatens not only with the absence of a positive result, but also with the progression of the inflammatory process, the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Indications for the use of vaginal suppositories are the following circumstances:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix (colpitis, cervicitis). The treatment regimen and course of therapy is determined by the attending physician based on the results of the tests.
  2. Topical application of suppositories is included in the complex of treatment in the presence of systemic diseases of the urogenital area to achieve the maximum effect.
  3. Before surgery (abortion, the establishment of an intrauterine contraceptive).
  4. Surgical manipulations performed in the vagina, cervical canal or on the cervix. Gynecologists advise putting vaginal suppositories after surgical treatment of erosion, cervical dysplasia.
  5. In the complex of antiviral therapy for infection with herpes, human papillomavirus.
  6. Prevention of infection with pathogenic flora during unprotected intercourse. The maximum effectiveness of the drug is noted in the first two hours after intercourse.
  7. local contraception. The drug is administered 5-15 minutes before sexual intercourse in order to prevent pregnancy.
  8. In cases where the systemic use of the drug is contraindicated. Means of local action contain a lower concentration of the active substance, compared with systemic preparations. Penetration into the systemic circulation is negligible.


Particular attention should be paid to the use of suppositories during pregnancy and lactation. Before putting a candle, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. In most cases, suppositories are used as directed by a doctor when it is impossible to use systemic agents. However, before starting therapy, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the action of the drug. Using the drug on the advice of a doctor, strictly adhere to his recommendations.

When is the best time to start treatment

In women, the question often arises, how to administer and can vaginal suppositories be used during menstruation? Gynecologists do not recommend starting a course of treatment if menstruation has begun, due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. Therapy begins after the complete cessation of menstruation. However, in some cases, the doctor may insist on the regular use of the drug according to the scheme.

Intravaginal use of suppositories in compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and the attending physician helps to achieve the maximum effect. Timely diagnosis and regular consultations with a gynecologist significantly increase the chances of success.

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