Probiotics for female microflora. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina

The composition of the microflora of the vagina, what functions does it perform? What is vaginal dysbacteriosis, why does it develop and what symptoms does it cause? Ways to restore local immunity.

The content of the article:

The microflora of the vagina is a symbiosis of microorganisms that are constantly located and multiply on the mucous membrane of this gynecological organ. As part of the vaginal biocenosis lactobacilli - 95-97%, as well as opportunistic microorganisms - anaerobic and gram-positive rods, enterobacteria, cocci - respectively 3-5%. Lactobacilli (Dederlein sticks), producing lactic acid, normalize local immunity and suppress the activity of opportunistic bacteria.

Features of violation of the microflora of the vagina

Thanks to the symbiosis of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, a stable acidity is maintained in the vagina, so pathogenic bacteria and fungi, invading from the outside, are neutralized in an acidic environment. In connection with physiological hormonal changes - the monthly menstrual cycle - slight deviations in acidity occur.

Girls are born with a sterile vagina. But from the first second after birth, the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs are inhabited by bacteria that do not need oxygen, that is, cocci and anaerobes. Dederlein sticks are present in the vaginal secretion, but in small quantities. Until menstruation begins, the acidity level remains neutral. As we grow older, estrogen begins to be produced, the walls of the vagina thicken, and the pH drops to normal due to increased activity.

The acidity (pH) of the vagina in girls in the premenstrual period is 7.0. In the future, the indicator depends on the condition of the outer part of the mucous membrane of the genital organ.

Vaginal conditionAcidity, pH
Norm, lactobacilli3,8-4,5
Cytolytic vaginosis< 3,8
candida vaginitis4,0-4,5
Trichomonas colpitis5,0-6,0
Aerobic vaginitis> 6,5
Atrophic vaginitis6,0-6,5
Bacterial vaginosis, cocci and enterobacteria4,5-5,3

Violation of the balance of microflora is called dysbacteriosis or vaginal dysbiosis. That is, the activity of lactobacilli is suppressed, due to which the opportunistic or pathogenic microflora begins to multiply uncontrollably. There are favorable conditions for the development of inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

In a healthy adult woman, various bacteria live in the vagina - more than 40 species. Most of them are Dederlein sticks, useful microflora. The microecological system is responsible for the condition of the reproductive organs.

By themselves, pathogenic microorganisms - the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, and fungi - are not the cause of dysbiosis. But they cause acute inflammatory processes, which provoke a decrease in local immunity.

The main causes of violations of the microflora of the vagina

Dysbacteriosis can be considered not as a disease, but as a condition.

The reasons for the imbalance of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are:

  • Hormonal changes - can be triggered by external factors or appear in violation of organic metabolism and diseases of the endocrine system. External factors include: growing up, pregnancy, abortion, menopause.
  • Congenital anomalies of the reproductive system.
  • Treatment with certain medications - antibiotics, corticosteroids, antidepressants.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis caused by malnutrition, malnutrition, infectious diseases.
  • Formation of neoplasms in the gynecological system - polyps, cysts, leiomyomas.
  • Random change of sexual partners, use of spermicides to prevent pregnancy, irregular sex life.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Neglect of hygiene of the intimate area or frequent douching, use of detergents that are not suitable for the care of the genitals.

Factors causing the development of dysbiosis: chronic stress and frequent hypothermia, emotional and physical overwork, unbalanced nutrition, emotional overload.

Common signs of vaginal dysbacteriosis

Manifestations of bacterial dysbiosis are purely individual.

Possible symptoms:

  1. Qualitative and quantitative changes in secretions. The volume of the vaginal secretion may increase or decrease, the color, smell and consistency change. The color becomes grayish, greenish, yellowish, the smell is ammonia, fishy, ​​sweetish. Consistency - too liquid or curdled. A thick secret sticks to the walls of the vagina.
  2. There may be itching, burning, pain. The mucosa becomes thinner, hyperemic. For some women, signs of discomfort appear only during the menstrual cycle.
  3. During intercourse, unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations appear.
  4. At a young age and during the transition to menopause, adhesion of the labia minora occurs.
  5. Burning and soreness when urinating.
Signs of an inflammatory process with a change in the microflora of a woman's vagina do not always appear. In some cases, bacterial vaginosis is detected during a routine examination, or when the patient went to the doctor with complaints of frequent inflammatory processes, infertility, early termination of pregnancy.

How to restore the microflora of the vagina?

Vaginal dysbiosis is confirmed with a swab-scrape from the cervical canal and directly from the vagina. Complex treatment helps to restore the balance of microflora and normalize local immunity. Treatment is carried out in 2 stages. They create conditions for increasing the activity of lactobacilli and restore immunity, and then use drugs that destroy pathogenic microflora and stop the reproduction of opportunistic pathogens.

Hygiene measures to restore the balance of the vaginal microflora

To restore local immunity, you need to pay attention to sanitary and hygienic measures and personal care. If, against the background of dysbacteriosis, an STD infection has not occurred or the doctor does not insist on douching, this type of washing should be completely abandoned.

For hygienic washing, you need to use special products with a pH of up to 5.5. Even ordinary baby soap has a pH of 7. During ablutions, you need to make sure that your hands or the shower head move from front to back so as not to bring E. coli to the surface of the vulva mucosa.

Underwear and towels should be changed every day, and bedding every 3-4 days. It is advisable to choose products only from hygroscopic natural fabrics that can be washed at high temperatures - 90-100 ° C in order to destroy pathogens.

It is necessary to exclude overheating and hypothermia, temporarily abandon baths, visits to the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, swimming in open water.

Normalization of the microflora of the vagina with nutrition

It is necessary to normalize the diet, abandon strict diets, the use of foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets), high-calorie foods and fatty foods, canned food and alcohol.

Often, vaginal dysbacteriosis develops against the background of intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, you need to increase the amount of dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, with the exception of bananas and grapes. Do not overheat or overcool food, the temperature of the dishes should be at the level of 25-50 ° C. It is necessary to increase the drinking regime with pure or mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks and green teas - from currant leaves or fennel fruits.

It is advisable to refuse whole milk. In adults, there are practically no bacteria that are responsible for its absorption. The development of intestinal dysbacteriosis can aggravate the condition of the vaginal microflora.

Medications to restore the microflora of the vagina

For the treatment of dysbiosis, medicines of different groups are used.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial agents

When prescribing drugs of this type, preference is given to vaginal suppositories: Clindamycin and analogues - Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Ornidazole, Neo-Penotran. But antibiotics of various types can also be prescribed, taking into account additional symptoms and concomitant diseases. The course of treatment with suppositories is 5-7 days.


When a fungal flora is detected, agents that inhibit conditionally pathogenic organisms are prescribed. These include antifungal suppositories: Pimafucin, analogues Clotrimazole, Nystatin.

In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, high efficiency has been proven from the use of complex agents - Terzhinan vaginal suppositories or an analogue of Polygynax in capsules. In addition to the antifungal component, the dosage form includes a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa.

Preparations for restoring the balance of microflora

This group includes vaginal suppositories or tampons soaked in solutions made from dried bacterial cultures. Medicines are used: Atsilact, analogs of Bifolact, Ginolact, Vaginorm or Bifidumbacterin. The multicomponent Gynoflor is widely used. It contains acidophilic lactobacilli and estriol (synthesized hormone estrogen).

If bacterial vaginosis cannot be eliminated for a long time, Solkotrikhovak is used - a vaccine to stimulate immunity. This tool prevents relapses and can be used as a preventive measure. The drug is administered only as prescribed by the doctor, accurately calculating the injection time. Introduction three times, once every 2 weeks. A year after the first injection, revaccination may be required. Knowing how to restore the microflora of the vagina after multiple relapses, it is possible to avoid inflammatory processes in case of possible hypothermia or the need to be in adverse conditions for some time.

The therapeutic course is often supplemented with the use of antihistamines. They try to use the latest generation of drugs, which are taken 1 time per day.

Improving the microflora of the vagina with folk remedies

Traditional healers advise to carry out hygiene measures with the help of tar soap with antiseptic and antibacterial action. It is enough to wash the genitals 2 times a week.

make tampons, wrapping cotton wool in gauze. Leave long enough ends so that the medical accessory can be easily removed. Tampons are impregnated with honey, sea buckthorn oil, water decoctions of calendula, chamomile, whey. When preparing the infusion 2 tbsp. l. brew a glass of boiling water, be sure to boil, at least 1 minute, and filter.

Help restore the balance of microflora sitz baths. Use chamomile, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort and sage. First, decoctions are made according to the above recipe, and then diluted in 2 liters of boiled water. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

If the gynecologist does not mind douching, use decoctions of the aforementioned medicinal herbs or whey. A decoction that can be soaked in tampons, and also used for douching and sitz baths: mix equal amounts of chamomile, dried juniper berries, oak bark and walnut leaves. Brew 1 tbsp. l. 0.5 l of boiling water.

To increase general immunity, potions are made according to the following recipes:

  • Rowan. Dried rowan berries are brewed like tea, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled to room temperature. Pour into a glass of drink 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and liquid honey. A glass is drunk per day, in equal portions, regardless of the meal.
  • Currant. Blackcurrant leaves are brewed - 3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml. When the drink has cooled, add crushed garlic cloves - 5-6 pieces, juice of half a lemon. Stir, let it brew for 1 hour. Filter. Take similarly to rowan medicine.
They have an effective effect suppositories. Melt cocoa bean butter - 30 ml, add lavender essential oil - 20 drops, stir until smooth. Then cylinders are formed, wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator chamber. For the formation of candles, it is better to use disposable syringes. Cut off the lower part of the syringe, gain a thick mass, squeeze out a column 1.5-2 cm high. The frequency of use is 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, the duration of the treatment course is 5-7 days.

Prevention of vaginal dysbacteriosis

Stabilization of local immunity contributes to the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the intimate sphere.
  1. When taking care of yourself, use products with lactic acid.
  2. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. When having sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners, use barrier contraceptives (condoms).
  4. Change daily pads every 3-4 hours, and hygienic - every 1.5-2 hours.
  5. Flavored products should be avoided when caring for the genitals.
  6. Make sure your diet contains a sufficient amount of raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products and high-fiber foods.
How to restore the microflora of the vagina - look at the video:

At the first signs indicating a disease of the genital area, it is necessary to choose the time for a visit to the gynecologist. When treating with antibiotics, introduce probiotics, prebiotics and vaginal suppositories into the therapeutic regimen to restore the vaginal microflora.

The normal microflora of the vagina is a necessary condition for women's health. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor this indicator. Sometimes it is not possible to detect the disorder on its own, because it goes away without obvious symptoms. That is why it is necessary to visit a gynecologist in a timely manner. Currently, there are many drugs that can quickly restore the balance in the genitals of a woman, many of them are safe even for pregnant women. But in order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to contact a qualified specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina

Symptoms of violations

Sometimes violations of the microflora, also called vaginal dysbacteriosis, are completely asymptomatic. But more often they are accompanied by clear and tangible signs. So, itching and burning appear in the genital area, the usual discharge changes its character - they become more abundant, change color and texture, and often have an unpleasant odor. During intercourse, a woman may also experience discomfort. It should be noted that this disease is not transmitted to a man. However, if the dysbacteriosis was caused by a more serious illness, then with unprotected intercourse, the risk of infection is high. That is why at the first signs of a violation of the microflora, you must always use a condom.

Causes of violation of microflora

Currently, in a wide variety there are candles for restoring microflora. But before prescribing them, the doctor must identify the causes of dysbacteria. Among them, the most common ones can be distinguished: hypothermia, constant use of tampons during critical days, improper diet, serious sexual diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis), chronic lack of sleep and stress, a sharp change in climatic conditions, intestinal disorders.

Candles to restore microflora: only a doctor can recommend, depending on the causes and stage of the disorders

Restoration of microflora with candles

It is often easy to restore the normal microflora in the vagina. Especially if the violation is not associated with the presence of more serious diseases. But self-medication should not be done. Only an experienced specialist, after examining the necessary tests, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

Most often, together with tablets, the doctor prescribes suppositories to restore microflora. The latter contain fewer active substances, but at the same time act more effectively, therefore, with mild disorders, they can be prescribed as the only drug. Candles have a direct effect, interacting with the mucous membrane of the vagina.

The most common drugs that are suitable even for pregnant women are Terzhinan, Nistanin, Polygynax, Clindamycin and others. In addition, there are drugs used to restore microflora that have a more specific effect.

So, if dysbacteriosis is caused by a hormonal imbalance, then the doctor can prescribe suppositories containing estrogen. Among them, the most common are Estrocad and Ovestin . They have similar properties. Basically, they are prescribed to women after 40 years, when due to age-related changes, frequent microflora disorders can be observed against the background of hormonal changes. These suppositories contain the hormone estrogen and other components that promote the regeneration of genital cells and increase resistance.

Very effective suppositories for restoring microflora - Terzhinan . They are prescribed in cases where the violation is accompanied by the development of bacterial and fungal infections. This drug is a vaginal tablet that has the property of a complex effect on the body. They not only destroy microbes and fungi that cause dysbacteriosis, but at the same time relieve unpleasant symptoms. For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to use suppositories continuously for the period prescribed by the doctor (most often 10 days).

A drug Laktonorm able to restore violations of the microflora of the vagina in the absence of serious violations. Such candles operate according to the following principle. They deliver the necessary microorganisms to the vagina, which help restore the normal acid-base balance. It should be borne in mind that it is highly undesirable to use this drug in the presence of fungal infections. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-pass all the necessary tests.


Restoring the normal microflora in the vagina is only half the battle. After that, you need to be able to also maintain it in a normal state. For this, it is necessary to observe, first of all, caution when choosing a sexual partner. Most often, it is the microflora of the vagina that suffers from promiscuity in sexual life, since the balance is very fragile and can be easily disturbed. It is also necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and proper nutrition - the diet should be less starchy and sweet, more fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The correct daily routine, healthy sleep and moderate physical activity are also important.

It is not difficult to restore the microflora of the vagina, just as it is easy to disturb it. But self-medication is not the place here. The female body has its own characteristics, and all candles differ in the nature of the impact. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after an examination of the tests.


The microflora in the vaginal area of ​​a woman is a very important ecosystem. It is designed to protect the reproductive organs from infectious, inflammatory, fungal diseases. In order for it to perform its function, it must be in the right balance, in which all microorganisms (even opportunistic pathogens) perform only positive functions. However, for some reason this balance is disturbed, which can lead to certain problems. Therefore, urgent action is needed to improvement of microflora and its restoration.

Why is it necessary to restore the microflora?

The microflora of the vagina is represented by a combination of microorganisms, some of which are beneficial, and the other part is conditionally pathogenic. The latter, under appropriate conditions, begin to multiply excessively, as a result of which there are too many of them, they suppress the activity of beneficial microorganisms. As a result, the balance of microflora is disturbed.

Normally, the vaginal environment contains approximately 95% lactobacilli. These microorganisms produce lactic acid, which maintains an acidic environment in the vaginal area. This protects the reproductive organs of a woman from possible infection. The remaining 5% of bacteria are rods, cocci, enterobacteria.

With dysbacteriosis, the number of lactobacilli decreases, so the acidity of the vagina decreases, and the environment becomes alkaline. As a result:

  • local immunity decreases;
  • the vagina becomes susceptible to various diseases;
  • possible irritation of the labia.

Moreover, with untimely treatment of certain pathological processes, a woman may develop infertility. To prevent all these consequences, it is urgent to restore the vaginal microflora.

Gradual restoration of microflora

How to restore the flora in the vaginal area? This process is quite lengthy and does not take a couple of days. It usually requires several steps.

Elimination of pathogenic microflora

To improve the microflora in the uterus, it is first necessary to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, if dysbacteriosis is caused by sexual infections, the pathology must be urgently cured, otherwise there is a risk of very serious complications. Therapy consists of taking antibiotic drugs. At the same time, a number of therapeutic measures are additionally carried out.

If vaginal dysbacteriosis is not caused by a sexually transmitted disease, it is not necessary to take antibiotics. After all, such drugs cause a violation of the intestinal microflora. Usually, for therapeutic purposes, a short course is used - no more than 3 days. In addition, it is possible to use local antibiotic preparations and antiseptics. Due to this, the suppression of pathogenic microflora occurs much faster and more efficiently. Usually, such drugs are used for this purpose: antibiotics - Trichopolum, Sumamed, antiseptics - Miramistin and other drugs.


Restoration of the vaginal flora

Necessarily after the removal of pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to restore the number of lactobacilli. To this end, favorable conditions are created in the field of the reproductive organs, which are necessary for the engraftment and normal functioning of the beneficial flora. In order to restore the flora, eubiotics containing live bacteria are used. There are drugs of general and local action.

Before the restoration of the flora, it is imperative to kill pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, the use of eubiotics alone will be completely useless.

Maintaining a Healthy Vaginal Flora

To consolidate the results of treatment and maintain a healthy vaginal microflora, it is necessary to restore local immunity. For this purpose, local immunostimulants are usually used - Cycloferon and other drugs. In addition, it is desirable to take probiotics containing lactobacilli - Linex, Lactobacterin and others.

To maintain a healthy vaginal microflora, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Sour-milk products must be included in the diet: sour cream, kefir, fatty cottage cheese, various types of cheeses.

If the case is very advanced, it may take about 3 weeks to restore local immunity with the use of the above drugs. After completing the therapeutic course, it is imperative to undergo a final examination by a gynecologist. The doctor may also prescribe a control test to confirm a complete cure.

To maintain the balance of the flora, vaginal suppositories containing lactic acid bacteria are prescribed. During pregnancy, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the reproductive organs. Vaginal dysbacteriosis can provoke premature birth, as well as cause some infectious diseases in the child.

Drugs for therapy

How to improve the microflora in the reproductive organs? If any symptoms of dysbacteriosis appear, it is urgent to be examined by a doctor. Self-medication is prohibited, and only the attending gynecologist can prescribe any drugs. Drugs against dysbacteriosis are divided into several main groups.

Antibacterial agents

Complex therapy is required to restore the vaginal microflora. Moreover, the drugs must be sufficiently effective and correspond to the degree of the disease. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of dysbacteriosis, but should not exceed 7 days. The preparations can be applied topically (in the form of suppositories, tablets, vaginal ointments) or in general form (in the form of capsules and tablets). For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, the following agents can be prescribed:

  1. Clindamycin. This is a drug that destroys a large number of varieties of microorganisms. The medicine is available in the form of capsules. Permissible dosage - no more than 4 capsules per day.
  2. Terzhinan is a topical antibiotic produced in the form of tablets for the vagina. Used once a day before bedtime. Before administration, the tablet should be moistened in warm water so that it becomes slippery and does not injure the vaginal mucosa. After that, it is forbidden to get up for at least 15 minutes until the tablet is completely dissolved. The medicine can be used even during menstruation, but with caution.
  3. Trichopolum. It is used 2 times a day, 1 tablet. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. The drug is very effective and quickly eliminates the infection. Very effective in venereal diseases. However, Trichopol often leads to side effects, in particular, causes dyspeptic disorders.

Only the attending physician can prescribe any antibiotic. Moreover, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to combine their intake with other drugs in order to achieve a good effect.

Tampons and baths to restore the vaginal microflora

To improve the microflora in the vaginal area and uterus tampons soaked in special formulations are used, which can be prepared independently at home. For dysbacteriosis, the following recipes are used:

  • Propolis (2 tablespoons) is melted with 200 g of butter in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The resulting product is well moistened with a tampon and inserted into the vagina for several hours. Usually, 3-4 procedures are enough to treat dysbacteriosis, but more advanced cases require long-term treatment - up to 10 days.
  • Wet the swab in natural sea buckthorn oil. Before its introduction, it is necessary to douche the vagina to clear it of mucus. Usually, a tampon is inserted at night, and in the morning the vagina is washed with warm water.
  • Take 1 tsp. honey and castor oil, 2 tsp. aloe juice and mix all the ingredients well. The resulting mixture is thoroughly impregnated with a tampon and placed in the vagina all night. In the morning, it is taken out and the vagina is washed with warm water.

Baths for the vagina are also effective. Washing can be done with boiled water or tincture of chamomile, linden, nettle, lavender and other medicinal herbs.

Vaginal tablets and suppositories

Vaginal tablets are also often used and candles for restoration of the vaginal microflora. They are considered the most effective, as they have a local effect. Usually, the following agents are used during therapy:


  1. Neo-penotran. These are suppositories with antibacterial action. 1 suppository is introduced into the vagina at bedtime for 14 days. At the discretion of the attending physician, the dosage and duration of treatment may be changed.
  2. Flagyl. These are suppositories that are usually combined with metronidazole treatment. They are inserted into the vagina at bedtime for a week. Prolonged therapy may lead to overdose.
  3. Gynolact. It is a tablet and capsule that contain lactobacilli. After their use, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited, local immunity is restored. Duration of treatment - no more than 6 days.
  4. Acylact. These are tablets that contain live lactic acid bacteria. Introduced intravaginally 1 tablet per day for 5-10 days.

Thus, vaginal dysbacteriosis is successfully treated. However, the intake of any drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to very serious complications, up to infertility.

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Only a doctor will be able to prescribe the most suitable suppositories for restoring microflora in women. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a large number of different drugs and try to somehow stand out from others. For example, someone produces candles with an applicator, others reduce the course of treatment due to dosages.

Important! The information presented in the article is useful not only for restoring the microflora of the vagina after thrush, but also for restoring it after other conditions. This may be a long-term use of antibiotics, a general decrease in immunity, various infections.

Candles in order to restore the microflora are prescribed to women only after she has completed the main course for the treatment of the disease described. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina, especially after prolonged vaginal candidiasis, is an important stage of treatment. Pay attention to the material about. With the help of suppositories, you can strengthen the immunity of the mucosa so that it can perform "excellently" its functions of protecting the body from pathogenic bacteria.

The specifics of the use of candles

Normally, the environment in the vagina is acidic. It does not allow harmful bacteria, even if they get on the mucous membrane, to spread further throughout the body. To restore the microflora, it will be necessary to lower the natural pH level to 3.5-4.5. Lactobacilli will help. They are ways to isolate such an amount of organic acids that will help achieve the goal.

But, it is quite logical that a decrease in the level of acidity of the mucosa will lead to the fact that yeast fungi will feel at ease. Therefore, suppositories are needed to restore the microflora in women. They contain additional lactobacilli, but this type of medicine can be used only after the main course of treatment has passed.

Important! To confirm recovery, you will need to take an analysis from a gynecologist. What ANALYSIS is handed over, we have already considered in detail. In particular, you will need to additionally take a swab for flora.

How to start the restoration of microflora

What drugs are used

We have found that suppositories for the restoration of microflora in women and drugs of general systemic action are important. First of all, for those who suffer from chronic thrush. Since the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs of this kind, only a gynecologist can prescribe suitable ones for a particular lady. For a complete recovery, it is useful to carry out.

Of course, there are a number of drugs that have proven themselves well. Among the most popular and effective drugs are:

  • Vagilak, Ecofemin. They have an excellent effect on the restoration of the microflora of the vagina after candidiasis. These drugs have a gentle effect on the body as a whole. The course of treatment is 10 days, the composition contains herbal ingredients;
  • "Bifidumbacterin" - candles for the restoration of microflora in women, which normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms;
  • "Lactobacterin" . Another vaginal suppository that normalizes the balance of those microorganisms that should protect the body and local immunity;
  • "Vaginorm S" . It is produced in the form of tablets and the drug is necessary to restore the normal level of acidity;
  • "Genferon" . These are suppositories that can be inserted vaginally or rectally. They help cleanse both the vagina and the genitourinary system from pathogenic bacteria;
  • "Pimafucin" . Many gynecologists prescribe these suppositories due to the fact that they do not have side effects, they are suitable even for pregnant women.

It is extremely important to select candles to restore microflora in women and other drugs with your doctor. After all, for a particular anamnesis, the medicine is selected individually. The course to restore the microflora after thrush can cost a pretty penny, but, having started treatment, you should bring it to the end. Once again, we present statistics that show that after the described course of recovery, the risk of relapse is reduced by 12 times.

A disease in which the microflora of the vagina is disturbed is called vaginal dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). Its symptoms do not cause much concern, but if left untreated, the disease can lead to the development of dangerous infections. In the restoration of microflora, candles come to the aid of women. How to use this tool correctly?

Types and causes

Vaginal dysbacteriosis most often occurs in two forms:

  • gardnerellosis - characterized by the predominance of gardnerella;
  • candidiasis (thrush) - the predominance of fungi such as Candida.

The causes of dysbacteriosis can be many:

  • excessive hypothermia and weakened immunity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • climate change during travel;
  • infectious diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

These are not all the factors that can lead to a violation of the microflora. If the woman's immunity is in good condition, dysbacteriosis is not terrible. Otherwise, antibiotics and suppositories can be prescribed for treatment to restore microflora in women.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Quite often, vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs without symptoms. In some cases, the following symptoms of the disease may be observed:

  • copious yellowish-white discharge;
  • bad smell;
  • feeling of dryness, itching and burning in the perineum.

The symptoms themselves are not dangerous, but the bacteria can infect the cervix and vagina.

In order for the doctor to diagnose dysbacteriosis, the patient will have to pass several types of tests:

  • PCR diagnostics for the presence of genital infections;
  • seeding for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • smear for microflora.

Based on the results of the tests, the cause and methods of treating dysbacteriosis can be determined.

General strategy

Therapy of dysbacteriosis can be carried out in three stages:

  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • restoration of beneficial microflora;
  • strengthening immunity.

In case of detection of thrush and other genital infections, suppositories for restoring microflora in women can be prescribed only after pathogenic microorganisms have been suppressed. In this case, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

If the pathogenic flora has not been detected, but dysbacteriosis is present, the course of antibiotic treatment is either not prescribed at all, or reduced to 5 days. In most cases, treatment is performed with local antiseptics, which are administered using baths, tampons. Such measures are much more effective, since many bacteria are not susceptible to antibiotics.

The general restoration of microflora takes about 3-4 weeks. During this time, the patient also undergoes a course of strengthening the defenses with the help of immunomodulators. This is necessary, since a decrease in the immunity of the vaginal wall contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

After taking antibiotics, women often develop thrush, which also has to be treated. Only after completing the full course, we can talk about the restoration of microflora.

Vaginal suppositories to restore microflora are probiotics that contain lactobacilli. Such suppositories are prescribed after antibiotic treatment of genital infections, thrush or microflora regeneration in case of dysbiosis and the absence of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, such remedies will not always be effective, since infections have a detrimental effect on epithelial tissues. That is why manufacturers add substances to the preparations that help restore the epithelium so that lactobacilli can gain a foothold in the vagina.

The principle of operation of suppositories to restore microflora after treatment of thrush is quite simple. They are designed to lower the pH level to 3.4-4.5. Lactobacilli produce acids. So that the thrush does not develop again against the background of a decrease in the pH level, special substances in the preparations come into action.

Bifidobacteria contained in probiotics stimulate the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended, while undergoing treatment, to drink bifidobacteria, as a result of which the risk of re-development of thrush drops sharply.

Preparations for the restoration of microflora

  • Vagikal (analogue of "Laktogin")

These are phytocandles, which effectively and sparingly restore the microflora and suppress pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of the drug includes calendula flowers, which are a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Vagical is an excellent antioxidant that promotes healing and restoration of the structure of the cells of the vaginal epithelium. You can use the drug for 10 days.

These are suppositories with lactobacilli to restore microflora. The composition also includes the hormone estriol. Thanks to the lactose contained in it, beneficial bacteria begin to multiply actively. Estriol restores the tissues of the vagina. Despite the presence of the hormone in the composition, the drug is absolutely harmless to health. It should be applied within 6 days, but if necessary, the maximum period can be two weeks. Enter suppositories before going to bed. After a course of treatment in a couple of weeks, it can be repeated.

  • Bifidumbacterin ("Lactobacterin")

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, it successfully normalizes acidity and suppresses pathogenic bacteria. Suppositories are administered at bedtime, the course of treatment is 6 days, but if necessary, it can be extended to several months.

Candles are aimed at strengthening immunity and restoring microflora. One course is 10 days. For a complete recovery, you need to go through 2-3 courses, taking tests between them.

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