Candles for inflammation of the ovaries in women. Types of anti-inflammatory suppositories. Vaginal suppositories for cystitis

Inflammation of the appendages or adnexitis ranks first among the diseases with which women turn to a gynecologist. There are a lot of reasons for the development of inflammation in the ovaries. The treatments are well known and effective when done right. One of the modern means of therapy are suppositories for inflammation of the appendages, successfully used in gynecology.

Popular forms of topical preparations can be both vaginal and rectal suppositories. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, affect pathogenic bacterial and fungal flora. The choice of which suppositories to use for inflammation depends on the nature, clinical manifestations and the causative agent of the infection.

Suppositories are an important part of the treatment for inflammation of the appendages. Candles are introduced into the vagina, and, acting locally on the mucous membrane, they have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which contributes to a speedy recovery. The most commonly used due to their effectiveness are Pimafucin, Hexicon and Polygynax.


This drug is used in such cases:

  • treatment of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • , the vestibule of the vagina, the cervix (cervicitis);
  • prophylactic use before operations on the pelvic organs;
  • preparation for the procedure of intrauterine diagnostics (hysteroscopy);
  • prevention of inflammation before and after cauterization of the cervix;
  • sanitation of the birth canal.

Polygynax is a combined gynecological preparation, the action of which is aimed at eliminating bacteria and fungi that cause the inflammatory process. Another important property of this medicine is to improve the nutrition of damaged tissues, which speeds up the process of their recovery.

Side effects may include allergic reactions, discomfort and irritation in the vagina, itching, burning.


The main active ingredient of the drug is chlorhexidine - a local antiseptic. Hexicon is effective against bacterial pathogens, Trichomonas and the herpes simplex virus. Applies in the following cases:

  • prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes before surgery;
  • sanitation of the vagina before cauterization of the cervix, abortion, hysteroscopy;
  • prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • in preparation for childbirth;
  • treatment of vaginitis and inflammation of the cervix.

Side effects of Hexicon are manifested in irritation of the vaginal mucosa, burning sensation and itching. Considering the safety of the drug, it is also allowed to be used by lactating women.


The drug has an antifungal effect. Fungicidal activity is mainly aimed at fungi of the genus Candida. Indications for the appointment of Pimafucin are vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis. A side effect of this drug may be a burning sensation in the vagina. Pimafucin allows you to treat thrush effectively until complete recovery.

Rectal suppositories for inflammation of the appendages

An important component of therapy are suppositories for inflammation of the appendages with an anti-inflammatory effect, which are applied rectally. Absorbed through the rectal mucosa into the blood, the drugs have a therapeutic effect on the focus of inflammation. Applying drugs rectally, the patient is protected from their adverse effects on the gastric mucosa.


A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has many forms of release and applications. In gynecological practice, indications when Diclofenac is prescribed are the following conditions:

  • pain syndrome;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the appendages (in complex therapy with antimicrobial agents).

The action of the drug is based on anti-inflammatory, moderate analgesic and antipyretic effects. Due to the rich blood supply of the rectal mucosa, the drug, being quickly absorbed, “works” locally, without exerting a systemic effect.

When using Diclofenac rectally, the following side effects may occur:

  • local irritation;
  • painful defecation;
  • the appearance of mucous secretions with streaks of blood;
  • in isolated cases, inflammation of the large intestine;
  • rarely exacerbation of ulcerative colitis.


Often used anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology containing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) indomethacin. The therapeutic effect of the drug is to reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins, resulting in a decrease in the severity of the inflammatory process.

Indications for the appointment of suppositories is the treatment of acute inflammation or exacerbation of a chronic process in the appendages. Possessing a moderate analgesic effect, Indomethacin helps to reduce the manifestations of pain.

Side effects can manifest as allergic reactions, irritation, itching in the anus, false urge to defecate, exacerbation of chronic colitis.


Another effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used in the treatment of adnexitis is Movalis. The purpose of the drug in complex therapy is shown in order to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. The action of Movalis rectal suppositories is based on the ability to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Side effects that may occur when using this drug: irritation of the rectal mucosa, allergic reactions, itching and inflammation of the large intestine.

Candles with belladonna extract

With adnexitis, the attending physician may prescribe rectal suppositories with belladonna extract for severe pain. The main effect of suppositories with belladonna is to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, which causes an analgesic effect.

The use of this medicine can cause allergic reactions, constipation, anal sphincter spasm.

One of the complications of inflammation of the appendages - adhesions in the fallopian tubes - is often the cause of infertility, therefore, in order to avoid such an outcome, only a doctor should prescribe treatment after a preliminary examination. Adnexitis therapy is effective if it is carried out in a complex manner, with the selection of funds depending on the causative agent of infectious inflammation.

Launched inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of women cause discomfort and can cause menstrual irregularities, and even infertility. The treatment of such ailments is complex and is aimed at relieving inflammation, eliminating the source of infection and restoring the normal microflora of the vagina. In addition to the use of drugs in the form of tablets and injections, the introduction of suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries also occupies an important place in therapy.

The etiology of diseases of the genital organs of women is different, so medicine considers infectious, chemical, thermal and some other possible factors. Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli, gonococcus, Trichomonas, microbial associations, viruses and bacteria are in the lead among infectious agents.

Infection with these, as well as other infectious agents, is possible not only during sexual contact. Often, diseases occur after abortions, intrauterine manipulations, and even appendicitis. At the same time, any conditions that are accompanied by a decrease in immunity, menstruation, vitamin deficiency, hypothermia, prolonged and severe inflammatory processes can also cause salpingo-oophoritis, i.e. inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Several signs indicate an acute inflammatory process in the appendages:

  • pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-40°C;
  • purulent discharge;
  • dysuric disorders;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • sometimes - chills, nausea and vomiting.

Important! To prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, it is at this stage that adequate treatment is important, which cannot be interrupted when the first signs of recovery appear!

Since the acute course is caused by microbes and viruses, and the chronic course occurs due to general functional disorders (changes in the nervous, endocrine, vascular system), the treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease is different. This is taken into account by gynecologists when prescribing suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries, as well as other diseases of the female reproductive system that are caused by infection.


Women's diseases are a hot topic faced not only by adult women, but also by young girls, including girls. Inflammations along the gynecological line cause a lot of anxiety and unpleasant symptoms that patients cannot disregard in any way. Among the annoying concerns:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • discharge;
  • smell, etc.

Pharmaceutical companies provide a huge range of drugs that help cure these problems. But how effective are suppositories for inflammation in gynecology?

Can candles be used for inflammation?

Suppositories are a dosage form of a drug that remains solid at room temperature and melts completely when it enters the body. For female inflammation, this is the most commonly prescribed form of treatment. Why? Yes, because candles have a number of advantages over pills, injections, and so on.

  • Candles are topical preparations that quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms;
  • They do not have a negative effect on the intestinal mucosa and stomach;
  • The speed of delivery of the active component into the blood is less than an hour;
  • The minimum number of side effects and allergic reactions;
  • Natural composition.

As can be seen from the benefits, inflammation suppositories can be used. The same conclusion can be drawn, given the number of suppository prescriptions for women who seek help.

How to choose the right candles for inflammation?

Of course, this type of treatment is popular, common and available without a prescription. But this in no way means that a woman herself can choose acceptable suppositories for herself. This will only be done by a specialist. What will he rely on?

  • Than before this the woman was ill;
  • is it a primary case or a relapse;
  • What virus causes inflammation?
  • staphylococcus;
  • gonococcus;
  • coli;
  • what comorbidities are present;
  • whether there are allergic reactions;
  • the issue of pregnancy and lactation.

Only after the initial examination, comparing the existing symptoms and all the tests, the doctor prescribes exactly those suppositories that will definitely help, and not harm.

Types of candles for inflammation in gynecological practice

There are quite a few types. They can be divided in relation to composition, microbial group, number of complications, etc. However, it is customary to distinguish them according to their forms into three main groups:

  1. Rectal. Suppositories in the form of a cone or bullet, which are administered through the rectum. They mainly belong to the group of analgesics and antipyretics.
  2. Vaginal. Candles that are inserted into the vagina. They have a rounded shape, sometimes egg-shaped. Used to relieve symptoms.
  3. Uterine suppositories are introduced by the doctor directly into the cervix. A woman cannot enter them on her own.

Seeing such a variety, we are once again convinced that without education a woman will not be able to choose for herself exactly those that will be useful to her.

The most effective candles

All suppositories have a different composition, which is aimed at eliminating a particular group of viruses. Below are the popular inflammations of our time and suppositories that are actively fighting each of them.

From inflammation of the appendages with anti-inflammatory action

This type of inflammation affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes. The main reasons are hypothermia and decreased immunity due to a viral infection. The infection can get in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene and after sexual contact without using a condom. In this case, the treatment is complex, but candles are included.

  • Polygynax. Suppositories, which include the antibiotic neomycin and polymyxin. Among other things, the active ingredients contain an antifungal substance - nystatin. Great for ovarian inflammation.
  • Viferon. These suppositories, in addition to anti-inflammatory action, also increase immunity. Additionally, the composition includes vitamins C and E. Candles are rectal and alpha-interferon is included.
  • Diclofenac. Rectal suppositories, which are anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic agents. Due to absorption into the blood, the active substances reach the nearby organs, appendages, which contribute to their healing.

For the treatment of candidal colpitis (thrush)

With this disease, vaginal suppositories are the best method of local control. They quickly relieve symptoms and increase local immunity.

  • Nystatin. Antifungal suppositories of local action. They have the same effect on the entire body.
  • Ketoconazole. A very popular remedy for thrush, as it acts directly on the fungi that cause unpleasant symptoms.
  • Itraconazole. It is effective in the fight against Candida fungi at the local level. It is enough to take a candle before bedtime and the action will last for a day.

From cystitis

Cystitis is very dangerous for its consequences. However, even at the initial stage, it gives a woman a lot of anxiety, such as pain, itching, swelling.

  • Hexicon. Anti-inflammatory suppositories that actively fight the pathogens of cystitis: chlamydia, trichomanads, treponema. These vaginal suppositories do not disturb the vaginal flora, therefore they are not dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Acylact. The drug contributes to the complete restoration of the vaginal microflora after the treatment of cystitis. During the illness relieves unpleasant symptoms.

With cervical erosion

Erosion is a disease that is caused by viral infections. As a result, small ulcers form on the cervix. What to treat?

  • Depantol. Candles that are used intravaginally. They have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
  • Livarol. A strong and popular drug in the treatment of cervical erosion. First of all, it kills the viral infection that caused the inflammation. Then it heals the wounds.

With adnexitis

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the pelvic organs, accompanied by acute symptoms, which is caused by various bacteria.

  • Polygynax. Candles kill the infection, relieve swelling and associated symptoms.

Read more in the article "Suppositories for adnexitis."

With endometriosis

This disease is accompanied by pain and a disrupted menstrual cycle. The treatment is complex. Suppositories are often prescribed to restore immunity.

  • Beauty candles. Natural suppositories that are prescribed to eliminate dysmenorrhea and pain. Take rectally.
  • Terrilithin. Eliminate inflammatory processes in the female organs, serve as a means for resorption of adhesions.

From Gardnerellosis

If an increased number of gardnerella sticks is found in the smear, suppositories containing metronidazole must be prescribed.

  • Ginalgin. Ukrainian drug that contains the antibiotic tinidazole. Contains vitamin C to boost immunity. In addition, to maintain normal microflora, they contain lactic acid.
  • Klion-D. The composition is aimed at the destruction of gardnerella sticks. The active substances are miconosole and metronidazole.

The principle of action of suppositories from inflammation

How do suppositories work for inflammation? Due to the fact that the composition includes antiseptic substances, suppositories quickly act locally on the virus, which causes unpleasant symptoms. Some suppositories (for example, Hexin) contain chlorhexidine. This is a disinfectant that does not adversely affect the vaginal flora, but only eliminates dangerous viruses.

Candles, which include bifidobacteria, restore the local immunity of the vagina, to protect against dangerous bacteria and the normal functionality of the body.

Some useful tips:

  • It is best to insert the suppository before going to bed so that the medicine is absorbed as much as possible;
  • if suppositories need to be taken more than once a day, after administration, lie down for 20 minutes;
  • use daily pads to avoid damage to linen, as the wax base will leak out;
  • during treatment, avoid sexual contact to avoid re-infection. Let your partner also undergo treatment;
  • moisten the “torpedo” with water before insertion for painless insertion.


All possible contraindications are indicated in the annotation to the drug. It is very important to tell your doctor about any allergic reactions. Many suppositories are based on natural ingredients. Women suffering from hay fever should pay special attention to the composition of the drug. If the candles are based on antibiotics, then the contraindication is:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • lactation.

Possible consequences of the use of candles

The main adverse reaction from the suppository is an allergic reaction. If you notice any deterioration in well-being, be sure to tell your doctor to reduce the dose or change the drug. This applies to drugs on natural ingredients.

Suppositories, which include antibiotics, have a greater number of unwanted reactions:

  • migraine;
  • depression;
  • back pain;
  • change in the volume of urine excreted;
  • nausea.
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If you use suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries, then you can prevent such consequences of the pathology as menstrual irregularities, infertility, miscarriage, adhesive processes and other complications. The use of suppositories ensures the rapid penetration of the active substance into the blood, without provoking oppression of the digestive system.

Indications for use

Candles are considered an obligatory part of the complex treatment of ovarian inflammation. Medicines, being absorbed into the vagina, quickly penetrate into the affected area. It should be borne in mind that drugs in the form of suppositories are prescribed only to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of complications. It is impossible to cure inflammation using only suppositories.

Candles can be prescribed for:

The appointment of suppositories, taking into account their effectiveness and safety, can only be carried out by the attending physician.

Types of suppositories

Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries involves the appointment of candles of three types:

Suppositories according to the method of administration are divided into vaginal and rectal.

Vaginal suppositories relieve inflammation, destroying the pathogenic flora. It is possible to use these drugs to prevent the formation of adhesions, prepare for surgery and during the recovery period.

The introduction of rectal suppositories allows you to remove the symptoms of inflammation, including severe pain. The best results in this case are achieved with the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

Rectal suppositories are used only as auxiliary methods to alleviate the condition of a woman.


The main contraindication to the use of suppositories is the development of an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in discomfort after the dissolution of the suppository in the vagina: itching, swelling, burning. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately stop treatment with candles and consult a doctor to select effective analogues.

Candles that have hormones in their composition are considered conditionally safe during pregnancy and lactation. Their appointment is allowed only by a gynecologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and gestational age. In this case, Hexicon has the least number of contraindications.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets deals a strong blow to the digestive system of a woman. To prevent the development of side effects, Indomethacin and Diclofenac are prescribed in the form of suppositories. Contraindications for this dosage form are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • 3rd trimester of pregnancy, lactation;
  • pathology of the liver, kidneys, stomach;
  • haemorrhoids.

Medicines help to cope with the cause of inflammation of the ovaries only if the risk from their use is minimized.

Treatment with suppositories of both types is prohibited in case of damage to the upper layer of the epithelium in the injection zone. Careless movement, aggressive action of the melted suppository causes additional irritation of the mucosa, causing pain. Attempts to ignore an unpleasant symptom can lead to the formation of additional foci of inflammation.


Irina, 49 years old

“The fight against inflammation of the ovaries has been going on for several years. Success is variable. In the antenatal clinic, they adhere to the classical scheme with candles Dicloberl 100 and Serrata. After a course of administration in combination with pills, the pain went away, the doctor congratulated me on the restoration of health. But after a little hypothermia, I had to repeat everything.

I had to go to a paid clinic because of the regular manifestations of side effects from the use of suppositories, but the gynecologist did not replace them with another dosage form or another drug. The clinic was prescribed a course with Cefix, Distreptase, Methyluracil, Meratin and Movalis. All drugs were well received. Analyzes after the course of treatment showed the absence of leukocytes. Over the next year, it was recommended to take 2 prophylactic courses of Hexicon suppositories.

Anna, 27 years old

“This is not the first time we have encountered inflammation of the ovary. There is already a suspicion that the disease has become chronic, but there are no such records in the medical record. Recently moved to another region. Climate change has taken its toll on health. The gynecologist prescribed pills, physiotherapy and suppositories. With Polygynax suppositories, improvements appeared already on the 3rd day. ”

Lyudmila, 30 years old

“Initially, the imbalance of the vaginal microflora was treated. After 2-3 weeks, the unpleasant symptoms returned. Hexicon suppositories were used for treatment. The course was 5-7 days, during which I had to suffer from burning during urination and itching. The gynecologist argued that you need to be patient, as this is evidence of the active work of the medicinal substance.

When the decision was ripe to have a child, I had to go for a preliminary examination, during which oophoritis was discovered. It has been suggested that previous problems were due to this disease. They prescribed a course of antibiotics and Betadine suppositories. Suppositories are dark in color and get very dirty, most likely due to the iodine content in the composition. The course was only 7 days. After therapy, after 3 months, I managed to get pregnant. Even before the birth, there were no pathogenic microorganisms in the smear.”

Every year, 30% of the total female population of the planet is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. It is a seal with liquid content. The disease may be asymptomatic or have severe symptoms. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the size, location, genetic factor, age of the patient. Drug therapy or surgery may be prescribed.

Quite often, doctors prescribe suppositories for ovarian cysts.

This is a common method of conservative treatment. This group of drugs is extensive, and allows you to effectively eliminate cystic neoplasms of various nature and structure. Suppositories are made on the basis of different active substances. Only an experienced doctor can determine which suppositories will dissolve the liquid capsule. The doctor will take a thorough history, prescribe laboratory tests and conduct an ultrasound examination. Based on the data obtained, he will be able to determine the cause of the disease and choose the best method of treatment.

Indications and contraindications for vaginal treatment

Suppositories for the treatment of ovarian cysts are in many ways preferable to oral medications. They do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, are quickly absorbed, and also have a noticeable therapeutic and symptomatic effect. However, it should be understood that suppositories inserted into the vagina alone cannot cure the disease. They show themselves perfectly in combination with a complex of other drugs that have antiviral, antifungal, hormonal effects. Additionally, vitamins are prescribed to maintain immunity, as well as physiotherapy procedures.

Vaginal suppositories may be ineffective or have no effect on certain types of tumors, for example, with an endometrioid cyst. It is extremely important to understand the cause of the compaction. Based on this, it will be possible to choose a certain type of suppositories. Suppositories from a cyst of the cervix or ovaries can be anti-inflammatory or hormonal in nature. Before a woman is prescribed medicine, the doctor must take into account all the features and details of the situation.

Contraindications for the use of vaginal suppositories are:

  • bleeding;
  • malignant tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Resorption of the cyst can be expected after a course of treatment with vaginal suppositories for 3-4 months. In no case should you self-medicate. The drug is selected individually depending on the results of the tests and indications of the disease.

What suppositories are effective for ovarian cysts

In most cases, the appearance of a capsule with liquid contents is due to an imbalance in hormone levels. To eliminate a functional neoplasm, it is enough to normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone. For this, doctors prescribe hormonal suppositories.

One of the most effective drugs is Utrozhestan. The medicine costs about 400-500 rubles.

Its active ingredient is progesterone. In a few days, the woman will feel a significant relief of symptoms. The full course is 10 days. During this time, the functional cyst is able to completely resolve.

If inflammation is the cause of the neoplasm, the doctor may prescribe Longidaza suppositories for an ovarian cyst. The optimal daily dose and duration of treatment should be determined by a gynecologist. The price of the drug depends on the dosage and ranges from 1500 to 3000 rubles. The active substances of the drug are ways to dissolve adhesions, stop purulent processes, remove blood clots and seals.

Galavit is often used in combination with this drug. The drug can be presented as tablets, rectal suppositories or injection solution. It has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. The price of Galavit varies from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Ichthyol candles and their features

You can often hear that an excellent result in the treatment of cysts can be achieved with the help of ichthyol. This substance is distinguished by a frightening black color. It is obtained from shale resins. The unique composition includes more than 10% natural sulfur. The use of the drug guarantees the elimination of pathological processes in the pelvic organs. Ichthyol suppositories in gynecology for diseases of the female reproductive system have been used for more than a century. Despite the fact that the modern pharmaceutical market is rich in other, more modern drugs, these suppositories hold leadership positions in sales.

Ichthyol suppositories for ovarian cysts are inserted into the rectum. Vaginal use can lead to serious problems and complications. After 3-4 rectal injections, you can notice the following effect:

  • the focus of inflammation is eliminated;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • pain syndrome decreases.

Before the introduction of suppositories, you need to clean the intestines. Put candles three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

The drug can not be combined with drugs based on iodine, salts of heavy metals and alkaloids.

Ichthyol rarely causes adverse reactions. In exceptional cases, itching and rashes on the body are possible.

The opinion of women about the treatment of ovarian cysts with vaginal suppositories

To determine whether suppositories are effective in treating ovarian cysts, and if so, which drugs show the best result, it is necessary to study the reviews of women who have already tried different options and were able to cure education on the reproductive organs.

Valentina, 35 years old

“Feeling a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, I went to the doctor. Ultrasound revealed a follicular cyst of the right ovary. The gynecologist prescribed Utrozhestan vaginal suppositories for me. The price of the drug is low, which made it possible to conduct a full-fledged therapeutic course. Two weeks later I went for a follow-up ultrasound examination. There was no cyst, I was 100% satisfied with the result of this medicine.

Lena, 26 years old

“I was diagnosed with a cyst at 25. My friend also had such a tumor, and she was operated on, so I immediately clarified whether surgical intervention was necessary. The doctor said that the seal is small, so we will treat with medicines. Longidase was prescribed. She put candles for three weeks, drank a vitamin complex at the same time, and went on a diet. Candles helped, the cyst resolved.

Irina, 31 years old

“During a routine check-up at the gynecologist, three small cysts of the left ovary were found in me. After an ultrasound and tests, the doctor prescribed ichthyol suppositories for me. To be honest, I was biased towards the recipe, because this is generally the last century, is there really nothing more modern and effective? But due to the fact that they cost a penny, I decided to try. If they don't help, I'll go to another doctor - that's what I decided. For 10 days I put these candles. Then she went to see the doctor. Two cysts completely resolved, the third significantly decreased. The doctor recommended using suppositories for another 5 days. Now I am healthy, and ordinary ichthyol candles helped me. To be honest, I did not expect such an effect.

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