Which intrauterine devices are better? Reviews of intrauterine spirals. Which intrauterine device is better

Family planning is one of the rapidly developing branches of modern medicine. This problem is given special attention, since a large number of kids are brought up in orphanages or in dysfunctional families. To reduce their number, various methods of contraception are actively promoted. Currently, there are a lot of ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. One of the means of protection is the contraceptive spiral. A lot of time has passed since its invention, but this type of contraceptive is still being improved. The intrauterine device is chosen by many women, since with its help you can not worry about an unwanted pregnancy for several years. In addition, it does not affect the sensations received during sexual intimacy.

When is the contraceptive spiral used?

This means of contraception refers to intrauterine contraceptives. The dimensions of the spiral correspond to the length of the cervical canal and the width of the base of the reproductive organ. The IUD is inserted in the gynecological office by an experienced specialist. Conditions for the introduction of a spiral - a condition after childbirth or menstruation. At this time, the uterus is more pliable, the entrance to it is ajar. IUDs can be used by all women who have given birth in the absence of inflammatory processes. It should be remembered that one of the most effective methods of contraception is the contraceptive spiral. Photos of the IUD can be seen in this article, in the specialized literature, as well as in some gynecological rooms.

Varieties of intrauterine devices

The contraceptive spiral is of several types. Depending on the shape, T-shaped, ring-shaped and other IUDs are distinguished. In addition, they can differ in elasticity and rigidity. It depends on the material from which the spiral is made. IUDs are divided into 2 large groups: plastic and metal intrauterine devices. The former cause only an immune response of the endometrium and block implantation. The latter have a spermicidal effect. The metal most commonly used is copper. In addition, there are hormonal IUDs that contain progesterone. This substance prevents the onset of ovulation, and also reduces pain during menstruation.

How does the contraceptive spiral work?

The mechanism of action of the IUD is based on the creation of an inflammatory process in the endometrium, as a result of which the uterine tissue thickens and becomes unable to accept the fetal egg. The consequence of this is that the embryo does not have the opportunity to go through the phase of implantation, that is, attachment and implementation. This is the basic mechanism of all intrauterine contraceptives. With the development of gynecology, a more advanced contraceptive spiral was invented, which includes copper. Under the action of this metal, a spermicidal effect is created in the endometrium. The advantage of IUDs containing copper is that fertilization is suppressed immediately after intercourse. Currently, various metals are used in the manufacture of intrauterine devices, including silver and gold. The difference between modern IUDs is that hormonal preparations are added to their composition, which are consumed gradually over several years. As a result, the contraceptive effect is enhanced.

Tablets or spiral - which is better?

With the advent of a large number of oral contraceptives, many women began to wonder: which is better - a spiral or birth control pills. In this case, there is no unequivocal opinion, since the method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is selected individually for each lady. First of all, it should be remembered that the IUD is recommended for women who have given birth. For this reason, girls who have not yet become mothers should give preference to pills. The advantage of the spiral over oral contraceptives is that it is installed for several years, while hormonal agents are used daily. Another advantage of the IUD is that, compared to tablets, they do not cause such adverse reactions as nausea, stomach pain, etc. It follows from this that women who are prone to developing gastrointestinal diseases, as well as those who do not want constantly think about taking contraceptives, you should give preference to the spiral. Nevertheless, do not forget that IUDs have their own contraindications, so before choosing a method of protection, you should consult a gynecologist.

Advantages of intrauterine contraception

The use of intrauterine contraception is chosen by many women around the world. Why is the contraceptive coil so widely used? Price is one of the criteria by which women choose a contraceptive. The IUD is one of the cheapest methods of contraception. Other advantages of intrauterine devices include:

  1. Ease of use. The IUD is completely invisible not only to the partner, but also to the woman herself, so she does not remind herself of herself for several years. In addition, if you want to have a baby, the spiral can be removed at any time.
  2. Reliability - modern IUDs have several mechanisms at once that have a contraceptive effect.
  3. Long lasting action.
  4. No side effects that are inevitable when taking hormonal drugs.

Disadvantages of the contraceptive coil

Like all contraceptives, the use of the IUD has its drawbacks. First of all, the spiral cannot protect a woman from various infectious diseases that can be obtained during intercourse. In addition, it is an intrauterine device, which means that its effect is carried out only within the endometrium. For this reason, the IUD does not provide 100% protection against ectopic pregnancy. The contraceptive spiral cannot be used in the presence of benign formations in the uterine cavity, as well as in women who have not given birth. In addition, the IUD is not suitable for all women, for some it does not occupy a stable position in the endometrium, as a result of which its contraceptive effect is reduced. Also, some women note periodic bleeding from the genital tract and menstrual irregularities. These symptoms indicate that the coil needs to be removed.

Navy of the new generation "Mirena"

At present, an improved form of the IUD has been invented - the Mirena contraceptive spiral. This type refers to hormonal intrauterine contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, the Mirena spiral controls the menstrual cycle, helps to reduce pain and reduce the amount of blood released. In addition, this type of IUD has such effects as normalization of body weight (weight loss), reduction of facial hair. Also, one of its advantages is that it is used for benign neoplasms and in some cases contributes to their treatment.

Contraceptive spiral: reviews of women

Intrauterine contraception is very popular among women after 25-30 years. Due to its effects, it occupies one of the leading places among the methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Most women note the ease of use and availability of the intrauterine device. Nevertheless, some of them refuse the IUD after a single use. It should be remembered that the choice of contraceptive method should be determined by the gynecologist individually for each patient.

In modern medicine, the intrauterine device is popular among women who want to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy. This method of contraception is famous for its high level of protection, however, a large number of girls refuse to use the IUD because of information about possible side effects.

In fact, if you choose the right device and a specialist who can correctly place the spiral, take into account indications and contraindications, then the IUD will become one of the most reliable contraceptive options.

An intrauterine device is a device made of copper and plastic. It looks like a small T-shaped or O-shaped anchor. The device is placed in the uterine cavity.

How does the spiral work? The IUD interferes with the movement of spermatozoa, as a result of which their bodies are damaged, the life cycle of the egg is reduced. In the case of fertilization (which is extremely rare), it prevents the egg from gaining a foothold in the uterus.

Modern devices also contain metals and levonorgestrel hormones, which additionally protect the female genital organs from inflammation. The video below shows how this new method of contraception works:

All vaginal coils have a complex mechanism of action:

  • Slowing down ovulation, decreased ovarian function;
  • implantation failure;
  • Obstruction of the movement of spermatozoa;
  • Changes in the nature of the movement of the egg through the fallopian tube.

Spirals are convenient for women who are sexually active. In the case of the IUD, strict self-discipline is not needed, unlike the option with taking hormonal drugs.

Pros and cons

The IUD is an effective form of contraception, proven and reliable, provided that the insertion is carried out by an experienced and skilled gynecologist.

If the device is correctly located in the uterine cavity, the woman will not feel any discomfort.


  • High efficiency in terms of contraception;
  • Long term - up to 5 years;
  • After extraction, full restoration of fertility is guaranteed after several cycles;
  • During intercourse, the woman and her partner do not feel the IUD;
  • The presence of the device will not interfere with the use of drugs or surgical intervention;
  • No need for additional
  • A wide choice of manufacturers and different pricing policies.


  • The body of the uterus will be constantly ajar, which is fraught with the ingress of pathogenic flora;
  • There is a foreign body in the uterus;
  • An increase in critical days, the amount of released blood will become much larger;
  • The probability of ectopic pregnancy increases several times;
  • It is possible for the device to fall out on its own;
  • Risk of damage to the walls of the uterus;
  • There is no protection against ;
  • In the event of a pregnancy, the device threatens the development of the baby.

The presence of an IUD increases the likelihood of complications during childbirth, almost always such a pregnancy needs to be terminated with the help of surgical intervention.

Types and forms

What spirals exist and which one to choose? There are approximately 50 varieties of devices of various shapes. Due to such a huge selection of devices, the spiral should be selected only by the attending physician.

First generation:

  • The device does not contain metals or hormones, it is made only of plastic;
  • Does not interfere with the movement of spermatozoa to the egg, fertilization occurs in the usual manner;
  • Only prevents the possibility of penetration of the fetal egg to the endometrium;
  • Causes side effects: itching and burning in the vaginal area, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • The device may fall out.

First-generation coils are no longer inserted, as other types of devices have been developed with fewer side effects.

Second generation:

  • The second generation IUDs are made of plastic and metals that have a contraceptive effect - copper, silver, gold.
  • The devices damage the spermatozoa, prevent them from moving through the fallopian tubes, so the chance of getting pregnant is reduced.

Third generation:

  • Hormonal intrauterine devices;
  • They are used as a therapeutic and contraceptive agent.

Devices can take a variety of forms:

  • The letter "T";
  • In the form of a circle or semicircle;
  • In the form of an umbrella;
  • Reminiscent of a horseshoe.

The selection of the device takes into account the history, weight, personal anatomical differences, so it is impossible to independently determine which type is right for you.


The semi-oval shape of the contraceptive is called the "umbrella" or "horseshoe". On the outer protrusions of the spiral there are small spikes that firmly fix the contraceptive in the uterus, preventing the device from falling out.


Round spirals are called "ring" or "half ring". In some countries, only these types of spirals are used. There is only one curl in the annular spiral and there are no antennae.


T-shaped coils are considered very comfortable, easy to install, remove and do not cause discomfort when worn. The T-shaped device fits most firmly into the uterus. This type of spiral is perfect for girls after a cesarean.

Review of the best

Today, a large number of different IUDs are distinguished. They have different names. Which of the intrauterine devices is better?

Nova T

T-shaped spiral, for the manufacture of materials such as silver and copper are used. Thanks to the use of two types of wire, the service life is increased to five years.

It is suitable for women who have gone through labor several times and previously suffered from inflammatory processes in the genital area. The average price of installing an intrauterine device Nova T is 4 thousand rubles.


Jaydes silver ring spiral is manufactured in Bayer and has a service life of 3 years. The device is not allowed to be installed by women who have not given birth. It is impossible to buy Jaydes in Russia, in Ukraine the cost is 2 thousand hryvnias. As a side effect of the use is the cessation of menstruation.

Multiload - a spiral in the shape of the letter "T", it is allowed to use during lactation. There are two types that differ in wire thickness - 25 cm and 37.5 cm. The duration of use is 5-8 years.

After installing the Multiload spiral, it is advisable to refrain from using tetracycline antibacterial agents. The cost is about 4 thousand rubles.


Navy Juno is presented in the form of a horseshoe and the letter "T". The material used is silver and gold wire. The cost is from 550 rubles. up to 4 thousand rubles.


For the manufacture of the intrauterine device, a T-shape was used. The tool is positioned as a medical device, it is used for disorders of the monthly cycle and endometriosis. Duration of operation - 5 years. The price is 14 thousand rubles.


To put a spiral follow this plan:

  1. The woman is placed on the gynecologist's chair;
  2. A mirror is inserted into the vagina, the cervix is ​​​​treated with an antiseptic;
  3. Using a probe, measure the length of the uterus;
  4. A plastic conductor is being inserted;
  5. Using a piston, the IUD is pushed into the uterine cavity;
  6. Threads are removed into the vagina, which are cut to the required length.

Threads (antennae of the spiral) are necessary to control the presence of the device in the uterine cavity.

After installing the intrauterine device, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • About 30 minutes to sit, it is forbidden to get up;
  • Do not use laxatives;
  • The first day do not take a bath with hot water;
  • Tampons should not be used during menstruation.

About two weeks will have to refrain from sexual life. It is strictly forbidden to have hard sex in order to avoid falling out of the spiral.


The installation of intrauterine devices has certain contraindications. Before using this method of contraception, you should study the existing contraindications, which are divided into absolute and relative.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Oncology of the genitals;
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the genitals;
  • With an active sexual life, there is a risk of contracting infections transmitted through sex;
  • Bleeding.


  • Chronic forms of inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • Menstruation, flowing with painful sensations;
  • Too much discharge during menstruation;
  • Underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • Previously had an ectopic pregnancy;
  • neck distortion;
  • Anemia and other blood diseases;
  • Decreased tone of the cervix;
  • No history of labor activity.


Complications after the application of the spiral include the following:

  • Damage to the cervix;
  • Pain during the period;
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle.

It is not a fact that complications will arise, but it is better to familiarize yourself with them and be prepared for this.

Spiral Removal

Often, the removal of the intrauterine device is performed in the middle of the monthly cycle. The process of extracting the spiral is not accompanied by anesthesia. To remove the spiral use special tweezers. This method of removing the device is considered the most simple, safe and painless.

It happens that the spiral grows into the walls of the uterus. In this case, its extraction is difficult and occurs only by scraping the uterine cavity with further histological diagnosis.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required if the coil is located near large vessels, the bladder, or has grown into the tissues of the abdominal cavity.

Whatever the situation, only a specialist should perform the removal of the spiral. It is strictly forbidden to do this on your own.

The intrauterine device is, today, one of the most reliable methods of contraception. The effectiveness of this method is 98% (and according to the latest data - 99%). This is a very high figure.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a miniature device, most often made of plastic and copper. More efficient, but also more expensive, spirals are made using silver and gold. These materials have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is a definite plus.

How does an intrauterine device work?

The IUD does not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity and prevents the possibility of further development of the embryo. The IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity and thereby prevents it from closing. In addition, the copper from which the spiral is made causes a local inflammatory reaction that provokes the production of fluid with a spermicidal effect. This liquid immobilizes the spermatozoa, depriving them of the opportunity to come into contact with the egg, and fertilization does not occur.

However, some women refuse this method of contraception for religious reasons, because they consider the IUD to be an abortive agent - after all, fertilization, after all, occurs. Hormonal IUDs (for example, the Mirena IUD) are more suitable for such women.

Modern hormonal IUDs have a complex effect. They not only mechanically prevent the onset of pregnancy, but also change the hormonal background, as a result of which fertilization does not occur. In the uterine cavity, the amount of endometrium decreases (the egg has nowhere to gain a foothold there); viscous thick mucus produced in the cervix does not allow spermatozoa to penetrate inside, and the spermatozoa themselves, losing mobility, cannot take part in fertilization.

The hormonal coil in the uterus is valid for 5 years.

The most popular spirals


The intrauterine device Multiload is made in the form of a semi-oval with spike-like protrusions, thanks to which it is well fixed on the walls of the uterus. This reduces the risk of expulsion (spontaneous loss) of the spiral. The cost is about 2500 rubles.


The intrauterine device has the form of a T-shaped plastic rod with flexible shoulders and a ring for subsequent extraction of the device. The rod is also a container for the drug levonorgestrel. The shell of the container ensures a uniform release of the drug into the uterine cavity. A small amount (24 micrograms per day) of the hormone levonorgestrel is secreted daily, the action of which is similar to that of oral contraceptives. One of the most expensive, but also effective, IUDs. The cost is 7000-10000. Valid for 5 years.

Spiral Nova T

Has a T-shape. Made of plastic with a copper braid. Very flexible hangers ensure safe coil placement. The cost is about 2000 rubles. The spiral in the uterus is installed for 5 years.

Less popular spirals

  • Juno Bio - E 380. Domestic production, cost about 200 rubles.
  • T deOro 375 Gold. With a golden core. Cost over 10,000.

How to choose a spiral

There is no “best” spiral that is ideal for most women. The intrauterine device is selected individually for each woman. This can only be done by a specialist, taking into account the physiological characteristics of her body.

Most modern IUDs are t-shaped, which is considered the most physiological. However, the shape of the uterus of some women does not allow you to install a spiral in the form of the letter "t". In this case, preference is given to the IUD of a semi-oval shape, with spike-like protrusions. As for the materials from which the IUD is made, this is also a strictly individual matter. Before choosing a spiral, you should consult with a specialist.

Examinations before the installation of the IUD

The intrauterine device is placed in physiologically healthy, previously given birth, women with regular and moderate periods, having one sexual partner. Before installing the IUD, a woman is examined by a gynecologist and takes smears from her. It is recommended to do an ultrasound to identify contraindications to this type of contraception.

How to install an intrauterine device

The installation of an intrauterine device can only be performed by an experienced gynecologist, in a special medical institution, on the 5-7th day from the start of the menstrual cycle. Opening the cervical canal at this time facilitates the insertion process.

With the help of gynecological mirrors, the cervix is ​​released and washed with an antiseptic preparation. The doctor then measures the depth and direction of the cervical canal. With the help of a special conductor, the intrauterine device is inserted into the uterine cavity. After the contraceptive is fully installed, the conductor is removed, and the spiral threads are cut off, leaving antennae 1.5-2 cm long (for subsequent removal of the spiral). The procedure takes no more than 5-7 minutes. In this case, the patient sometimes experiences unpleasant pulling sensations.

What are the benefits of installing an IUD

  • High contraceptive efficiency - up to 99%.
  • Long-term effect (from 5-10 years).
  • No daily monitoring required.
  • Rapid restoration of fertility after removal of the IUD.

What are the side effects of the IUD?

The intrauterine device, like any other contraceptive, has a number of side effects:

  • It is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of IUD threads in the vagina.
  • Increased quantity and duration of menstrual flow.
  • Spotting spotting between periods.
  • The appearance of pain and cramps during menstruation.
  • The risk of an ectopic pregnancy is slightly increased.
  • Bad smelling vaginal discharge.
  • Depletion of the endometrium in the uterus can make it difficult to carry a pregnancy in the future. The risk of miscarriage is increased.

If the side effects are too severe, the doctor may recommend removing the intrauterine device and choosing another method of contraception.

The length of the threads must be unchanged. If they become longer or shorter, this indicates that the spiral has moved from its place. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there are no threads in the vagina, it is possible that the spiral either went deep into the uterine cavity, or spontaneously fell out of it.

Are there complications from the insertion of an IUD?

In rare cases, if the doctor is not highly qualified, the following complications may occur.

Infection and development of inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tubes or cervix. This may be due to insufficient compliance with the rules of antisepsis, or a chronic inflammatory disease that the patient suffered from was not recognized in time. This complication is accompanied by fever, sharp pains in the lower abdomen and a change in the color of the discharge. Any complications of an infectious nature require urgent hospitalization and antibiotic treatment.

Perforation of the uterine wall is extremely rare and at the time of the installation of the IUD can occur completely asymptomatically. Symptoms may appear some time later and are expressed by pulling pains in the abdomen and bleeding from the genital tract. Sometimes there are symptoms of peritonitis.

Incorrect insertion of the intrauterine device pregnancy may occur, or spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD.

Removal of the intrauterine device

Removal of the intrauterine device is possible at any time at the request of the patient. It is produced only in the conditions of a medical institution, and only by a specially trained medical worker. It is best to remove the IUD without waiting for the expiration of its service life. If you are planning a pregnancy, the intrauterine device must be removed. Before the procedure for removing the IUD, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and take tests.

Contraindications to the intrauterine device

  • Pregnancy.
  • Malignant tumor of the cervix or body of the uterus.
  • Bleeding from the genitals of unknown etiology.
  • Fibromyoma, deforming the uterine cavity.

The intrauterine contraceptive is preferred by many women as an excellent means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Women who decide to have this procedure are interested in questions about how painful this procedure is, which spiral is better And for what period is it set?

Intrauterine type of contraception successfully used by more than 20% of Russian women aged 20 to 45, before or after pregnancy. Knowing what spirals are on sale in domestic pharmacies, you can find out which type is better, which IUD is suitable for all the characteristics of the body, which one will best protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Navy types:

  • Medical devices of the first generation - "Nova", "Mirena", "Juno Bio". As part of such contraceptives are various metals, such as gold, silver or copper. Thanks to these components, many diseases of the genital organs are prevented, moreover, such a contraceptive does not corrode for several years.
  • Medical contraceptives of the third generation "Mirena". They belong to the mixed type of spirals, as they contain both a metal winding and a rod, and a medicinal component. Synthetic gestagen is released in small doses daily and prevents the attachment of the egg and the vital activity of spermatozoa. Such a spiral is considered the most durable and is installed in the uterus for 5-7 years with the possibility of extraction when planning a pregnancy. The therapeutic effect of the spiral can be considered an undoubted advantage. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis and hormone replacement therapy - this is not the whole list of diseases treated with such an IUD. This type of contraceptive is ideal for religious women, since conception itself simply does not occur due to changes in hormonal balance based on the release of progestogens in a spiral.
  • Non-drug spirals. They contain barium sulfate and are available in various shapes - T-shaped and S-shaped. This type is considered ineffective and is losing its former popularity in the market due to the increased complications observed after its introduction.

Spiral t-shaped, like in the form of a ring can be purchased at any pharmacy. When choosing the type of intrauterine device, you need to listen to the gynecologist.

Need to know how the navy works to decide which spiral to install t-shaped or in the form of a ring. What is the mechanism of this miracle device? After installing the spiral in the body of a woman, a kind of inflammation occurs, as a reaction to a foreign body. As a result, the uterus develops hostile environment for the life of the sperm or the further development of the fertilized egg. The spiral prevents the growth of the endometrium, causing uterine contractions, which makes it impossible for an egg to implant. Also, this mechanism negatively affects sperm with silver, gold and copper ions.

Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to study the advantages of all types of IUDs before drawing the appropriate conclusions:

  • Ease of use
  • Incredible efficiency statistics (98.99%)
  • Minimal adverse reactions
  • When the coil is removed from the uterus, reproductive ability returns within three to four weeks
  • Suitable for breastfeeding (all except the method with gestagens)
  • Acceptable price
  • Long time use
  • Missing daily control like taking pills


  • In the first weeks there are slight drawing pains in the lower abdomen
  • Heavy and longer periods
  • There is a risk of serious inflammation
  • Restrictions for nulliparous women


Entering the pharmacy, it is easy to get lost in that variety intrauterine devices, which modern manufacturers can offer. Contraceptives are Multiload, Juno Bio, Nova, t-shaped and ring-shaped ... What characteristics are these names fraught with? They definitely have their pros and cons.

Absolutely all spirals have as contraindications inflammatory process, oncological formations of the cervix and the uterus itself. With such problems, as well as unreasonable bleeding from the vagina, the installation of an intrauterine device is strictly contraindicated.

Some contraindications are considered rather minor and do not exclude the possibility of installing an IUD, but always after an appropriate examination and treatment.

Relative contraindications:

  • Venereal diseases
  • Vaginitis, cervicitis
  • uterine fibroids
  • Malformations of the uterus
  • Abundant menstruation, serious cycle disorders
  • History of IUD expulsion
  • Pathology of the cervix
  • Inflammatory complications after abortion
  • Large number of sexual partners
  • tuberculosis, anemia
  • Taking immunosuppressants
  • Allergy to metal

After a thorough examination, the doctor finds out all adverse factors, which can affect the health of the patient and draws the appropriate conclusions - to put the IUD or not. A woman chooses the type and firm of the spiral together with the gynecologist in order to be able to select the device exclusively according to d body features, the contraceptive device in the form of the letter T is most often used. The price of the IUD is within 10 thousand rubles. The cheapest device costs about 300 rubles.

Analyzes and examinations before the procedure

Required minimum surveys:

  1. Study of the work of the kidneys
  2. Analysis for syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV carriage
  3. Ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
  4. Colposcopy

When to insert the contraceptive spiral?

The ideal time for the insertion of the IUD is the 5-6th day of menstruation. After endometrial rejection I am the uterine mucosa restored, the cervical canal is slightly open, there is no pregnancy, there is no discomfort from bleeding after direct insertion of the device. After abortion or self-abortion, the device can be inserted as early as 2-3 days after the procedure, with the obligatory absence of inflammation and infection.

If a woman wants to insert a spiral immediately after childbirth, most likely, the doctor will refuse, since there is a high probability of rejection of the apparatus by the uterus. Under such conditions, the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive is allowed at 5-7 weeks after delivery.

Possible Complications

Problems can arise both immediately after the installation of the spiral, and some time later. Immediately after its introduction, pain in the lower abdomen and minor bleeding usually occur. This goes on for several hours. After taking analgesic medications, the pain usually goes away. If a discomfort do not go away even after taking medication, you need to contact a gynecologist for an examination to make sure that birth control contraceptive installed correctly.

IUD expulsion is also possible, which is usually seen in women who do not survive childbirth due to the increased ability of the uterus to contract. If such a problem occurs, then, as a rule, on the first day after the introduction. The frequency of self-removal of the coil depends on the material from which the coil is made. IUDs that contain copper are rejected in less than 20% of cases, those containing progestogen in only 5% of cases. The likelihood of such an outcome of events decreases markedly with age.

The appointment of hemostatic drugs stop spotting, the occurrence of which is possible on the first day after the installation of a contraceptive. If bleeding continues for several days and the pain does not stop, this means that the body is categorically against it and it is necessary to remove the spiral, which means that this method of contraception simply does not perceive the body.

In some very rare cases, pregnancy may occur. Statistics show only 1-2% of this outcome. It occurs with partial or complete rejection of the device. Such a pregnancy most often ends in miscarriage, even if the woman wants to keep the fetus.

The effectiveness of the intrauterine method of contraception

Variety of navy poses for a woman many questions: what if there are complications, how to avoid them, will I be able to conceive a child after removing the spiral? According to the reviews of women who used this method of contraception, a good intrauterine device, which is the safest, but at the same time effective, after which it is easiest to plan childbirth, is a silver-containing and copper-containing contraceptive.

The addition of metal reduces the incidence of complications by almost 10 times. The efficiency of such IUDs is more than 93%. The best spiral is copper-containing, due to a high percentage of activity and a low percentage of complications.

Spirals have many positive and negative effects. It is necessary to decide on the type of apparatus to be installed exclusively with a gynecologist, who will observe the course of a woman for several weeks. It is necessary to visit a doctor to confirm the correct location of the spiral once every six months, even in the absence of any discomfort. The best intrauterine devices are those that are ideally selected by a qualified specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the body, this applies to both women who do not plan offspring, and women who plan childbirth in the future.


Is it worth it or not to put a spiral? This question is asked by many women who choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The intrauterine device is a device (usually made of plastic with gold, copper or silver) that serves as a fertilization blocker and (if fusion does occur) a barrier to the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity or its attachment to the walls of the uterus.

What types of intrauterine device are offered today , what is better to choose, and what can the installation threaten?

Types of intrauterine devices today

Of all the known contraceptives, the spiral today is one of the three most effective and popular. Types of spirals - more than 50.

Conventionally, they are divided into 4 generations of this device:

  • from inert materials

Already irrelevant in our time option. The main disadvantage is the risk of the device falling out of the uterus and the extremely low degree of protection.

  • Spirals with copper in the composition

This component "fights" with spermatozoa that have entered the uterine cavity. Copper creates an acidic environment, and due to inflammation of the uterine walls, an increase in the level of leukocytes occurs. Installation period - 2-3 years.

  • Spirals with silver

Installation period - up to 5 years. Very high level of protection.

  • Spirals with hormones

The leg of the device is in the shape of a “T”, and it contains hormones. Action: an n-th amount of hormones is released daily into the uterine cavity, as a result of which the process of release / maturation of the egg is suppressed. And due to the increase in the viscosity of mucus from the cervical canal, the movement of spermatozoa slows down or stops. Installation period - 5-7 years.

Forms of the intrauterine device (IUD) - an umbrella, a spiral directly, a loop or a ring, the letter T. The latter is the most popular.

The most popular types of Navy today

  • Navy Mirena

Features: T-shape with the hormone levonorgestrel in the stem. The drug is "thrown" into the uterus in the mode of 24 mcg / day. The most expensive and effective spiral. Price - 7000-10000 rubles. Installation period - 5 years. The IUD contributes to the treatment of endometriosis or uterine fibroids (plus), but also leads to the formation of follicular ovarian cysts.

  • Navy Multiload

Features: oval shape with protrusion spikes to reduce the risk of falling out. Made of plastic with copper wire. Cost - 2000-3000 rubles. It prevents fertilization (spermatozoa die due to the inflammatory reaction caused by copper) and implantation of the embryo (when it appears) in the uterus. It is considered an abortive method of contraception (as, indeed, any other IUD). Use is permitted for women who have given birth. Of the side effects: increased duration and pain of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. The contraceptive effect can be reduced when taking antidepressants.

  • Navy Nova T Cu

Features: shape - "T", material - plastic with copper (+ silver tip, barium sulfate, PE and iron oxide), installation period - up to 5 years, average price - about 2000 rubles. For easy removal of the spiral, there is a thread with 2 tails on the tip. The action of the IUD: neutralization of the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg. Cons: does not exclude the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, there are cases of perforation of the uterus during the installation of the spiral, causes heavy and painful periods.

  • Navy T-Copper Cu 380 A

Features: shape - "T", installation period - up to 6 years, material - flexible polyethylene with copper, barium sulfate, non-hormonal device, German manufacturer. Action: suppression of sperm activity, prevention of fertilization. Recommended for women who have given birth. Special instructions: it is possible to heat the fragments of the spiral (and, accordingly, their negative impact on the surrounding tissues) during thermal procedures.

  • Navy T de Oro 375 Gold

Features: in the composition - gold 99/000, Spanish manufacturer, price - about 10,000 rubles, installation period - up to 5 years. Action: protection against pregnancy, reduction of the risk of uterine inflammation. The form of the IUD is a horseshoe, T or U. Of the most common side effects is an increase in the intensity and duration of menstruation.

All the pros and cons of intrauterine devices

Among the advantages of the IUD are the following:

  • A long period of action - up to 5-6 years, during which you can (as the manufacturers say) not worry about other methods of contraception and accidental pregnancy.
  • The therapeutic effect of some types of IUDs (bactericidal effect of silver ions, hormonal components).
  • Savings on contraceptives. Buying an IUD for 5 years is cheaper than constantly spending money on other contraceptives.
  • The absence of such side effects as after taking hormonal pills - obesity, depression, frequent headaches, etc.
  • Ability to continue breastfeeding. The spiral will not affect the composition of milk, unlike tablets.
  • Restoration of the ability to conceive from 1 month after removal of the IUD.

Arguments against using a coil - disadvantages of the IUD

  • No one gives a 100% guarantee for protection against pregnancy (maximum 98%). As for ectopic pregnancy, the spiral increases its risk by 4 times.
  • No IUD guarantees the absence of side effects. At best, soreness and an increase in the duration of menstruation, abdominal pain, discharge (bloody) in the middle of the cycle, etc. At worst, rejection of the spiral or severe health consequences.
  • Risk of spontaneous removal of the IUD from the uterus. Usually after lifting weights. This is usually accompanied by cramping abdominal pain and fever (if there is an infection).
  • The IUD is prohibited if there is at least one item from the list of contraindications.
  • When using the IUD, regular monitoring of its presence is required. More precisely, its threads, the absence of which indicates a shift in the spiral, its loss or rejection.
  • One of the most significant disadvantages is the risk of prematurity in the future due to the depletion of the endometrium in the uterus.
  • Pregnancy that occurs during the use of the IUD, experts advise to interrupt. Preservation of the fetus depends on the location in the uterus of the spiral itself. It is worth noting that when pregnancy occurs, the IUD is removed in any case, and the risk of miscarriage sharply increases.
  • The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and the penetration of infections of various kinds into the body. Moreover, it contributes to their development, because the body of the uterus remains slightly open when using the IUD.
  • When inserting an IUD, there is a risk (0.1% of cases) that the doctor will pierce the uterus.
  • The mechanism of action of the spiral is abortive. That is, it is equivalent to an abortion.
  • Any pathology of the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs and the genital area.
  • Tumors of the cervix or the uterus itself, fibroids, polyps.
  • Pregnancy and suspicion of it.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Infection of the internal / external genital organs at any stage.
  • Defects / underdevelopment of the uterus.
  • Tumors of the genital organs (already confirmed or suspected of their presence).
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin.
  • Allergy to copper (for IUDs with copper in the composition).
  • Adolescence.

Relative contraindications:

  • Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Endometriosis (whether past or present).
  • No history of pregnancies. That is, for nulliparous women, the IUD is not prohibited, but it is categorically not recommended.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Little mother.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Scars on the uterus.
  • The risk of "catching" a sexually transmitted disease. That is, several partners, a partner with diseases, promiscuity, etc.
  • Long-term treatment with anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, which continues at the time of the installation of the spiral.
  • Not uncommon - such a case as the ingrowth of the spiral into the uterus. Sometimes women simply forget about it, and as a result, they have to cut out the spiral along with the uterus.

Doctors' opinions about the IUD - what experts say

After installing the IUD

  • Not a 100% method of contraception, the benefits of which outweigh the side effects and the risk of serious consequences. Definitely not recommended for young nulliparous girls. The risk of infection and ectopic increases substantially. Of the advantages of the spiral: you can safely go in for sports and have sex, obesity does not threaten, "antennae" do not interfere even with a partner, and in some cases there is even a therapeutic effect. True, sometimes it is crossed out by the consequences.
  • There have been many studies and observations regarding the IUD. Still, there are more positive points. Of course, no one is immune from the consequences, everyone is individual, but to a greater extent, spirals today are fairly safe means. Another question is that they do not protect against infections and diseases, and at the risk of developing oncology, it is strictly forbidden to use them. It is also worth mentioning the use of drugs in combination with the use of hormonal coils. For example, ordinary aspirin significantly reduces (by 2 times!) The main effect of the spiral (contraception). Therefore, when treating and taking medications, it makes sense to use additional contraceptives (condoms, for example).
  • Say what you like, but regardless of the elasticity of the IUD, it is a foreign body. And accordingly, the body will always react to the introduction of a foreign body, according to its characteristics. In one, the pain of menstruation increases, the second has abdominal pain, the third has problems with bowel movements, etc. If the side effects are severe, or they do not go away after 3-4 months, then it is better to refuse the spiral.
  • The use of the IUD is definitely contraindicated for nulliparous women. Especially in the age of chlamydia. The spiral can easily provoke an inflammatory process, regardless of the presence of silver and gold ions. The decision to use the IUD should be made strictly individually! Together with the doctor and taking into account ALL the nuances of health. A spiral is a remedy for a woman who has given birth, who has only one stable and healthy partner, good health in the female part and the absence of such a feature of the body as an allergy to metals and foreign bodies.
  • In fact, making a decision about the IUD - to be or not to be - must be done carefully. It is clear that this is convenient - once set, and for several years you do not care about anything. But there are 1 - consequences, 2 - a wide list of contraindications, 3 - a lot of side effects, 4 - problems with bearing a fetus after using a spiral, etc. And one more thing: if the work is related to lifting weights, you should absolutely not contact the IUD. It's good if the spiral turns out to be the perfect solution (it's better than an abortion anyway!), but you still need to carefully weigh all the possible problems and pluses.

Possible consequences of intrauterine devices

According to statistics, most of the abandonment of the Navy in our country is for religious reasons. After all, the IUD is actually an abortive method, because most often there is an expulsion of a fertilized egg on the outskirts of the uterine wall. Others refuse the coil because of fear (“an unpleasant and slightly painful installation procedure), because of the side effects and because of the possible consequences.

Is it really worth fearing the consequences? What can the use of the IUD lead to?

First of all, it is worth noting that complications of a different nature when using the IUD are associated with an illiterate approach to decision-making, both by the doctor himself and by the woman: due to underestimation of risks, due to negligence when using the IUD (non-compliance with recommendations), due to low qualification of the doctor who installs the spiral, etc.

So, the most common complications and consequences when using the IUD:

  • Infection/inflammation of the pelvic organs (PID) - up to 65% of cases.
  • Rejection by the uterus of the spiral (expulsion) - up to 16% of cases.
  • Spiral growth.
  • Very severe bleeding.
  • Pronounced pain syndrome.
  • Miscarriage (when pregnancy occurs and the coil is removed).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Depletion of the endometrium and, as a result, a decrease in the ability to bear a fetus.

Possible complications from using IUDs containing copper:

  • Long and heavy menstruation - more than 8 days and 2 times stronger. In most cases, they can be the norm, but they can also be the result of an ectopic pregnancy, an interrupted normal pregnancy, or uterine perforation, so do not be lazy to go to the doctor once again.
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Similarly (see paragraph above) - it is better to play it safe and check with a doctor.

Possible complications resulting from the use of IUDs containing hormones:

  • The most common complication is amenorrhea. That is, the absence of menstruation. If the culprit of amenorrhea is not an ectopic pregnancy, but the IUD, then the reason is reversible atrophy of the uterine epithelium.
  • A disrupted menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle, etc. If such symptoms are observed for more than 3 months, a gynecological pathology should be excluded.
  • Symptoms of the action of gestagens. That is, acne, migraines, soreness of the mammary glands, "radiculitis" pain, vomiting, decreased libido, depression, etc. If symptoms persist for 3 months, progestogen intolerance can be suspected.

Possible consequences of violation of IUD installation technique.

  • perforation of the uterus. Most often observed in nulliparous girls. In the most difficult case, the uterus has to be removed.
  • Rupture of the cervix.
  • Bleeding.
  • Vasovagal reaction

Possible complications after removal of the IUD.

  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Purulent process in the appendages.
  • Ectopic pregnancies.
  • Syndrome of chronic pelvic pain.
  • Infertility.
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