Homeopathy medicines handbook nuks vom 6. Description of the medicine and its action. General indications for use in children

Almost all homeopaths recognize it without much difficulty - it is in fact one of the most commonly prescribed remedies.
Work. The popular concept of the "type A personality" describes the typical Nux Vomica patient very well. The Nux Vomica patient is impatient. He is passionate and ambitious. His whole life revolves around his work and his accomplishments. He is confident and even arrogant. The patient is constantly and passionately engaged in work, and this manifests itself in all aspects of his life - up to the observance of scrupulous cleanliness, both in his home and in his office.
Anger. People of this concentrated disposition are often quite aggressive, and this property is characteristic of the Nux Vomica patient. The patient may be irritable, at first only occasionally, but the development of pathology leads to the fact that irritability turns into anger, he begins to rage and comes to outright violence. Usually, however, the patient gets irritated mainly when his ambitions come into conflict with the obstacles that arise. He becomes furious at the slowness and inefficiency of his employees, waitresses, cashiers, etc. Even an inanimate object can cause indignation in the patient: he can tear at his shirt if the buttons are tightly fastened; he breaks the phone if he hears a busy signal while trying to make an "important" call. He can also accumulate unresolved anger towards parents or strangers for a long time. AT severe cases the patient's behavior becomes more and more violent, and he may even go as far as crime.
Gambling. In almost every aspect of life the Nux Vomica patient is in constant competition. When he plays cards, he must win; when he is jogging, he must run faster than others; when he is driving, he cannot bear when the driver in the next lane moves faster, so
it constantly shifts from lane to lane to always stay in the fast lane, even if it means pushing someone out of the way. He wants to try everything and is not very careful about possible consequences their actions. Such a patient will be attracted
any type of stimulant - coffee, alcohol, amphetamines, even cocaine. He may also exhibit a hedonic "appetite" for sexual relationships. The Nux Vomica patient fears and avoids marriage, not out of fear of responsibility, as in , but out of fear of losing his freedom or being humiliated.
Collapse. It's easy to understand that similar patient may fall into a collaptoid state as a result of overtime, or drug abuse, or sexual excesses. Nux Vomica is one of the best remedies for collapsed patients, and not only for getting out of it. The drug will help him become more moderate in his behavioral manifestations in the future.

physical level. On the physical level, the pathology of Nux Vomica centers largely in the gastrointestinal tract. Since many of the symptoms of Nux Vomica are associated great content strychnine in this remedy, it is not surprising that spasms and convulsions are very important symptoms this tool. In addition, his nervous system is often damaged.
Children. The Nux Vomica child is irritable and often suffers from illnesses. gastrointestinal tract - different kind colic or colitis. At school age, he becomes extremely gambling and constantly competes for grades and sports achievements. When he loses, his behavior becomes
terrible. Parents may report that the child cannot, under any circumstances, admit that he has made a mistake or that he is wrong. His jealousy of other children or other gifted students is often a big problem. During adolescence, a child may develop bitter feelings about their
parents, especially to a parent of the same sex. It is amazing to see how rudely this child can speak to his parent on such occasions. These children are very concerned with the issue of fairness - in play, in relation to themselves and others, and may appear extremely idealistic. Many child patients of Nux
Vomica complain about strong fears especially for fear of the dark.
Irritable, impatient, ambitious and purposeful.
* Easily offended.
Gets angry when they contradict him ().
Can break things when angry and upset.
Irritability before menstruation.
* Impatient - hates standing in line.
* Gambling.
* Hard worker. Interested in.

Fastidious, especially angry when things are out of place.
Fear: getting married. Humiliation. Darkness (especially in children). Failure.
Substance abuse.
Chronic alcoholism. Delirium tremens.
Crying out of anger. Cries before menstruation.
Aversion to tight clothes - in a hurry to take off his watch, ring, belt.
Hypersensitivity to stimuli - light, noise, smells, etc.
Chilly, worse from cold and from cold, dry wind.
* Chills; chilliness, even when tossing and turning under the covers (during a fever).
Usually better from warm applications.
Collapse and weakness develop from overwork.
General aggravation from eating.
Convulsions, worse from anger, worse from touch.
Fainting, worse from smells, worse during childbirth.
Acute violations cerebral circulation with paresis, motor aphasia, convulsions.
General deterioration in dry weather.
General aggravation from suppression of hemorrhoids (peptic ulcer, etc.).
General deterioration from alcoholic beverages or from alcohol abuse.
Complete breakdown from drug (drug) abuse
Simple hangover.
Headache or migraine, worse from noise, worse from light, worse from mental activity or irritation, worse before menstruation.
Allergy and hay fever up to the development of hay asthma.
* Sneezing and coryza in the morning on waking or on rising.
Runny nose - runny nose in the morning, congestion at night.
Runny nose worsens outdoors.
Increased friction and grinding of teeth.

Passionate desire: spices. Fat. alcohol. Coffee. Tobacco. Any stimulant.
Peptic ulcers in workaholic patients. Gastritis from alcohol abuse.
Hepatitis, infectious or alcoholic.
Hernia, inguinal or umbilical.
Nausea and vomiting, worse from anger, alcohol, menstrual colic or other abdominal pains, worse from smoking.
Pain in stomach, worse from anger, worse from tight clothing, better from warmth, warm applications or drinks.
Cramping or sharp pains in the abdomen, worse after eating and from cold, better from warm drinks, better after stool.
Infants with colic; angry, they arch their backs.
* Constipation with constant but ineffectual urge to defecate; coming out a small amount of stool - this only temporarily reduces the quickly renewed urge.
Constipation in children - hard stools, painful bowel movements; the child is afraid to go to the potty.
Diarrhea alternates with constipation; frequent urges to defecate, but only a small amount of feces comes out. Diarrhea, worse from cold, worse from alcohol.
Urge to stool while urinating.
Haemorrhoids; pain relieved by heat, better after stool.
* Cystitis with constant urge to urinate, even with little urine, better from hot or warm bathing.
Trying to hold on to urine causes soreness.
Increased sexual desire; promiscuity.
Stones in the kidneys; renal colic. Pyelonephritis.
Dysmenorrhea with urge to stool before or during menstruation.
Cramping in uterus or rectum during orgasm.

Cough, worse in the morning or in the morning in bed.
Asthma, often worse from exertion, worse at night, worse at 3 or 4 am, worse
from cold, worse in the morning.
Palpitation from coffee, from excitement.
Pain in the back, worse at night in bed, worse tossing and turning in bed, must get up to turn, worse during fever, worse when urging to defecate.
Fibrositis, worse from cold, better from warmth. Spasms and contractures of the muscles.
Twitching, tics, tremors and muscle spasms in any part of the body.
* Insomnia, especially if he wakes up at 3 or 4 o'clock and cannot sleep because of thoughts about work or how to complete the task assigned to him.
Sleepiness during the day, worse eating, worse sitting; increased pain when watching TV.
* Influenza or other types of fever with high temperature and severe chills; the chilliness is aggravated by any movement that brings air under the covers.
Cystitis, with almost constant urge to urinate, which is momentarily relieved by going out without even a large number urine; ameliorated by warm applications or warm baths.
Gastritis with pain from abuse of alcohol or from overeating.
Acute colic - urolithiasis, cholecystitis painful spasms, ameliorated by heat, aggravated by touch.
Chronic alcoholism. Allergy. Angina. Arrhythmia. Arthritis. Asthma. behavioral disorders. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Sensitivity to chemicals. Syndrome chronic fatigue. Cold. Colic. Constipation. Crohn's disease. Cystitis. Endometriosis. Fibrositis. Go-
pelvic pain. Haemorrhoids. Hypertension. Inflammation of the intestine. Flu. Insomnia. Irritable bowel syndrome. Stones in the kidneys. Pain in the lumbosacral region. Lupus. Migraine. Multiple sclerosis. Neuralgia. Peptic ulcer. Premenstrual syndrome. Prostatitis. Pyelonephritis. Anus fissures. Sciatica. Ulcerative colitis.
. . . . .
Med - Extreme behavior, workaholic, irritable; allergies, peptic ulcer, desire for fat, alcohol and spices; symptoms in the urinary system, etc.
- Very irritable; dysmenorrhea, ineffective urge to urinate.

Nux vomica ***

Nux vomica ***

(Nux vomica) Chilibuha Seeds

Main indications

General: “Hot, lively and active temperaments,” says Hahnemann, “prone to mockery, cunning and anger. Nux vomica has a very strong effect on women with copious and premature menstruation". Nux vomica should always be thought of when there is nervous and muscular excitement, convulsions and spasms. The action of Nux vomic on the digestive tract is so special, Espana says in turn, that it predominates in all the morbid disorders to which it corresponds. It can be called the "regulator of abdominal innervation." It has been observed that nux vomica acts more or less directly on the whole group of gastric symptoms with excitatory phenomena, and that for all chronic diseases requiring this remedy, is observed from any side of the stomach disease or functional indigestion.

Nervous: tetanus; the action of strychnine is characterized by an increase and exacerbation of attacks from noise, the slightest movement, and even a simple touch; motor ataxia. Jusset prefers strychnine sulphate: this remedy is especially indicated for shooting pains, disorders of the sphincters anus and bladder, attacks of convulsions in the stomach and vomiting. Morning intermittent neuralgias with latent fever, often affecting the supraorbital branch trigeminal nerve, predominantly left; intercostal neuralgia, which decreases when lying on a healthy side; inflammation sciatic nerve with very sharp shooting pains, numbness, goosebumps, worse from motion and touch; limbs, convulsions. Trembling of hands and other neuromuscular diseases in drunkards; hypochondria: especially with fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Accompanied stomach disorders, hemorrhoids and irritability.

Digestive: nux vomica gives complete picture slow digestion: heaviness and pain in the stomach during and after eating, in the first hours of digestion. The stomach area is very sensitive to pressure, indicating muscle pain (Bryonia in particular). Bloating of the upper part of the abdomen, like a stone, a few hours after eating. Desire for stimulants. Dyspepsia from strong coffee, alcohol and liquors. Heavy empty belching. Irresistible urge to vomit, nausea in the morning, nausea and vomiting with strong belching. Heartburn, bitter, sour belching. Consequence of gluttony and other excesses (Cartier).

Convulsions of the stomach. At first glance it seems strange that the same remedy should be recommended for two such opposite conditions as slow digestion and stomach cramps. But it has been accurately observed that Nux vomica acts on the neuromuscular apparatus of the stomach and regulates it. motor functions. In any case, Nux vomica 6 is a heroic remedy if the convulsions are purely neuromuscular in origin, and not secondary symptom as in gastric ulcer; constipation, spasmodic constipation, unknown for a long time, but which is now well defined and much more common than atonic, even in old people. Allopaths in these cases use belladonna and bromine preparations, which reduce spasms, but do not cure constipation. Homeopaths do more good by prescribing Nux vomica, which, as we have already seen in the study of physiological action, in large doses produces spasms. For determining intestinal spasms I don't attach like Espana, of great importance palpation, which is very difficult in practice, since with this method of examination, muscle contractions are often mistaken for intestinal contractions, and I am content clinical symptoms. Usually spasms are observed in lean, nervous, bilious hemorrhoidal subjects, with empty urge to stool or frequent insufficient, sometimes even liquid stool. The feeling of spasm is very characteristic: painful tenesmus extends to the bladder and is accompanied by gastric disturbances.

Diseases of the liver in alcoholics, lovers of spices, or abused laxatives. The liver is enlarged, dense, sensitive to pressure. Colic is often observed, accompanying disorders of the stomach and liver.

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidal constitution in gouty people: constipation with tenesmus, pain more or less like fissures, hemorrhoids with painful and swollen bumps, hemorrhoids. Associated symptoms: hypochondria, dizziness, pain in the back of the head, nose and other bleeding, dyspepsia.

Circulatory system: palpitations: very violent, especially at night and in the morning in bed, with drowsiness and congestion of the chest. Constricting pains in the chest, worse from motion, often from pressure, and even from touch. Angina pectoris: without objective data in still young people suffering from hemorrhoids, or associated with aortitis, when the attacks are extremely painful, with marked restlessness; an increase in blood pressure is often seen in nux vomica subjects who overload their nervous system and digestive tract.

Respiratory Organs: Nux vomica 3 often stops the coryza if it is given at the very beginning, when there is dryness and tickling in the nasal cavity. For hay coryza, Cartier recommends Nux vomica alternately with Allium cepa and Euphrasia, especially for gouty people; asthma. Attacks in the morning or after eating. Attacks of suffocation begin with sneezing and fluent coryza. Constriction in the lower part of the chest, short, shaking cough, with heavy expectoration of a small amount of mucus; cough dry, with or without coryza, early in the morning or in the evening, rough, short, radiating to the head or umbilical region. In the morning, a small amount of sputum is hardly expectorated.

Miscellaneous: rheumatism of large joints; the swelling is rather pale and worse in the morning. Myalgia, lumbago, with violent constrictive and shooting pains, worse from motion and touch, in the morning, in bed. Migraine: begins in the morning on waking. Nausea and even vomiting during an attack, better at rest, in bed (12 and 30); nose bleed at night or in the morning, it is preceded by pain and heat in the head; inflammation of the uterus (metritis). Hartmann considers nux vomica 30 a good remedy with this disease. It works better with metritis with sharp pains and tenesmus in those suffering from hemorrhoids. Jusset appoints her in these cases alternately with belladonna.

Chronic alcoholism. Consequences of alcoholism. Gallawarden-father prescribed 200 dilutions with great success. He also gave it to irritable, eternally dissatisfied subjects.

Hypochondria. According to Jusset, nux vomica is the main remedy.

Fever. Terrific chill with chattering of teeth, limbs and nails blue, twitching of muscles and thirst. An increase in temperature is not accompanied by thirst.

Summary. Acute phases of liver diseases. Alcohol poisoning, smoking. Since the liver provokes irritability and rage, the best remedy with vivid manifestations of the psyche with the desire to "tear and throw."

The main remedy for alcoholism in the acute phase (binge drinking), together with sulfur. However, it effectively removes long-term consequences, since the main symptom of developed alcoholism is a decrease in the level of responsibility, and Nuks vom. shown to enhance it. Like any homeopathy, nuks vom acts in a normalizing way, that is, it brings the sense of responsibility back to normal. With an excess of responsibility, when a person sets himself impossible tasks, reproaches himself and others for their unfulfillment for a long time, this is the main means.

When giving up alcohol, tobacco, drugs, it is the main remedy for the period of their illness.

from the book by George Vithoulkas, The Essence Materia Medica

Nux vomica is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies in the homeopathic Materia Medica, it is one of the remedies that every homeopath absolutely needs to know in depth. Let us first describe the type of people who are usually affected by Nux vomica, and then we will go deeper into the pathology of Nux vomica. The Nux vomica type usually has a strong, compact, muscular body and a strong constitution. They are ambitious, smart, quick, capable and competent. Often in their upbringing, the emphasis is on strong feeling debt and given great value work ethic. The Nux vomica is more self-reliant than dependent. Their mind is more pragmatic and efficient than philosophical or intellectual. When the Nux vomica person is not in a pathological state, he is an excellent, hard-working and efficient collaborator: their talents lead them to such professions as controllers, managers, businessmen, accountants, merchants.

However, as always in homeopathy, we must be careful not to prescribe Nux vomica on the basis of such positive and constructive personality traits. Unlike the methods of astrology, divination by hand, handwriting, physiognomy, etc., where both good and bad qualities of a person are described, homeopathy bases its prescriptions on the pathological state of a person. Our goal is not to provide a drug that can make a person less pragmatic and effective! Thus, consider the development pathological condition a person who needs Nux vomica to be cured.

In the first stage, the Nux vomica person shows exaggeration, an excess usually positive qualities such as ambition and conscientiousness. Instead of simply using his talents at work in the proper calm and balanced manner, the Nux vomica begins to obey them. Ambition begins to occupy him around the clock, becoming a driving force with an excessive emphasis on achievement and rivalry. Nux vomica is more competitive than any of the remedies in Materia Medica, to the point where it can ruin its own health, and it competes even with its colleagues. A Nux vomica person can become a workaholic subject to work. Because he is capable and efficient, he will be quickly promoted with more and more responsibility. He would welcome such promotions. Two other remedies with similar physical symptomatology, Arsenicum and Phosphorus, will take it differently. Arsenicum will tend to forego promotions that come with too much responsibility, partly because the Arsenicum self-centered person is more interested in personal comfort than achievement. The Phosphorus patient is just as smart and quick, but avoids the intense competition that is necessary to move forward.

Nux vomica normal condition integrity can be disproportionately exaggerated and lead to forced efficiency. Nux vomica is one of the few remedies listed under the heading "Pedantry," but the pedantry of Nux vomica is due to the emphasis on effectiveness. In this sense, the pedantry of Nux vomica is more in line with reality and not as pathological as one might think from the fact that the Repertory lists this remedy in italics. On the other hand, the pedantry of Arsenicum is a typical example of the strong neurotic, syphilitic pedantry so classically described by psychiatrists. It is a compulsive neurotic preoccupation with cleanliness and order, driven by a deeply rooted, tormenting sense of insecurity. The Arsenicum patient is constantly fixing and cleaning, far more than is required for mere efficiency. Another well-known pedantic remedy is Natrum mur.; in this case, it's more of a preoccupation with punctuality and timing.

Gradually, the Nux vomica type can get over his head with work. As a rule, he reacts to this situation by working even harder and longer, expecting more from himself and others. The Nux vomica person is characterized by the implicit assumption that any difficulty, any problem, can be overcome by strenuous effort and ability. One of the most difficult things for the Nux vomica patient is to accept the limitation or accept the inevitable. In order to cope with stress, he resorts to various artificial means to stimulate himself: coffee, cigarettes, drugs (taken by prescription or social drugs such as marijuana), alcohol, and even sex. In spite of this abuse of stimulants, it is also true that Nux vomica patients are unusually sensitive to many of these substances, and therefore suffer the consequences of their abuse.

The Nux vomica person is known to be a hypersexual person. They experience a very strong sexual desire and can indulge their sexual impulses even beyond the bounds of traditional morality. Although bound by a work ethic, Nux vomica is not your typical banal moralist. In the use of stimulants and drugs, and especially in the sexual realm, their behavior is driven by impulses, and is therefore best described as "immoral." As with other aspects of the Nux vomica picture, excessive sex leads eventually to exhaustion; in the later stages, the Nux vomica patient suffers from impotence - usually loss of erection after insertion.

Abuse of stimulants may satisfy their needs for a while, but in the end, overstimulation and toxicity take their toll. Disorders of the stomach begin, the entire nervous system becomes hypersensitive. Even the slightest stress, such as a light, a small noise, someone's voice or singing, becomes unbearable. The state of an "overstimulated" nervous system is brilliantly described by Kent: "For example, a businessman sat at his desk until he was completely tired. He has received many letters, he has many worries, he is occupied with thousands of little things. His mind is constantly rushing from one subject to another until he becomes completely exhausted. It's not so much the hard stuff as the little things. He has to stimulate his memory to go into all the details; he comes home and thinks about work; he stays awake at night; his mind is entangled in the whirlwind of business and daily affairs that overwhelm him; finally comes nervous exhaustion. When details pile up on him, he gets angry and wants to get rid of them, tears objects, swears, goes home and takes it all out on his family and children. Sleeps fitfully and shudders in sleep; wakes up at 3am with business on his mind so he can't go back to sleep until late in the morning when he falls into a weary sleep and wakes up tired and exhausted. He wants to sleep late in the morning."

It seems that the nervous system is tense and works against itself. Again, this is best described by Kent: “Another state of Nux vomica is action in the opposite direction. When the stomach hurts, it usually empties without much effort, but Nux vomica pushes and strains, as if the action was not done correctly, as if he had to forcefully open the stomach. This is an action aimed at reverse side: pushing, straining, and after a long effort, he finally empties his stomach. The same condition is found in the bladder. To urinate, he has to strain. He experiences tenesmus, urges. Bladder is full and urine leaks out, but when the patient strains, it stops dripping. As for the intestines, despite the attempts, the patient has only skimpy chair. During diarrhoea, when the patient is sitting quite passively on the toilet seat, a small trickle of stool comes out, then tenesmus sets in, and the patient cannot stop pushing, and when pushing, he has a feeling that he is pushing the stool back. It seems that the stool comes back, it is something like anti-peristalsis. In constipation, the more he pushes, the more difficult it is for him to have a stool.

These patients complain of gastritis, ulcers, or "colon spasms." Eventually, they go to a doctor who declares their condition psychosomatic and prescribes antacids, anti-spastic drugs, tranquilizers, or even psychotherapy. All these remedies merely mask the symptom, usually ineffectively, and therefore sensitize the nervous system as a whole.

The Nux vomica patient is very irritable, but this kind of irritability is difficult for a homeopath to detect without due diligence. The Nux vomica patient usually keeps the irritability inside (according to at least on the early stage). You ask: "Are you irritable?" - The patient says: "Not at all, I never even raise my voice." - Skinny you ask: “And inside? Do you feel annoyed inside?" Patient: “Oh yes! Very strong!” - These people are extremely prone to gastritis and peptic ulcers. If such a person learned to express his thoughts better, he would get rid of the ulcer, but then the abuse of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol can lead to the same condition.

Eventually the tension becomes too great and the Nux vomica patient becomes impatient and irritable. He becomes impatient with himself, and especially with others, scolding and reproaching others for petty reasons. He reacts impulsively to small disturbances. Someone whistles softly, and he yells: "Can't you just sit still!" - He can not find a pencil, and with a crash pushing the drawer into the table. He hesitates for a second to button his shirt, and rips off a button. Someone objects to him and he runs out of the room, slamming the door loudly. He does not tolerate objections, but not so much out of arrogance or arrogance (like Lycopodium or Platinum), but because he is sure of his right and is impatient with others who have not considered the problem as quickly and carefully as he did. And, of course, he is most often right. His impulsiveness can create many personal difficulties for him: Nux vomica patients are straightforward and undiplomatic, and therefore by nature cannot become very good politicians.

In the next stage of development, Nux vomica becomes really vicious, violent and violent. Violence can start with talking behind other people's backs, especially on impulse, and beating animals (like Medorrhinum). Then Nux vomica can start behaving openly violently: most likely, many husbands who beat their wives and parents who abuse children would be helped by Nux vomica (of course, if the rest of the image matches). Violence is not necessarily always directed at others; Nux vomica may also have a suicidal tendency, especially to shoot oneself with a pistol or jump from a high place.

The last stage of Nux vomica is the psychotic state, the paranoid state. The Nux vomica patient is constantly tormented by the impulse to kill others, but he may not show real violence. A woman may be haunted by the desire to throw her child into the fire or kill her husband. Nux vomica is listed in the repertory for many kinds of delusions related to murder, victims of murder, injury and abuse, and failure. To an outside observer, however, the inner anguish of a Nux vomica patient may be completely invisible. At this stage, Nux vomica is disgusted with the company and refuses to answer questions. This is a state of mental disorder that is very similar to the condition described on last stage Arsenicum, although a careful study of the history of the stages of development of the pathology makes the distinction very clear. Nux vomica is self-reliant, independent, forced to work hard, overly efficient, irritable and impulsive, while Arsenicum is insecure, dependent, preoccupied with his own personal health and comfort, meticulously strives for cleanliness and order, and is very anxious.

By revising physical layer images of Nux vomica general impression such that Nux vomica causes mainly functional difficulties. It does not have the deep expression of, for example, Arsenicum, which has deeply spreading ulcers and gangrenous suppurations.

Nux vomica acts very strongly on the nervous system. At first there are many muscular twitches and spasms, like Hyoscyamus and Agaricus. He experiences severe neuralgic pains, especially in the head. Nux vomica is often needed in apoplexy, especially when the paralysis is accompanied by stabbing pains in the affected limbs. In more extreme disorders, convulsions, opisthotonus, epileptic seizures occur. Considering the abuse of stimulants like alcohol, it is not surprising that Nux vomica is a remedy that can be indicated for delirium tremens.

All beginner homeopathic students study the general symptoms of Nux vomica: chilliness, aggravation from drafts, aggravation in the morning. Nux vomica is one of the most chilly remedies, but it usually gets worse in a cold dry environment and better in wet weather (like Asarum, Causticum and Hepar sulph.). Nux vomica is very sensitive to drafts, which can easily bring on coryza if the patient sweats (as Nux vomica easily does on the slightest exertion). Special characteristic acute rhinitis Nux vomica is that the nose is stuffed up in the open air and runs profusely indoors; besides, the nose runs a lot during the day and is stuffed up at night.

Gastrointestinal intestinal tract especially sensitive to Nux vomica. As has been said, gastritis and peptic ulcers are common, causing spasms, eructations, retching, which do not bring satisfaction to the patient. There is great sensitivity to almost all kinds of food; in the ruined condition of the Nux vomica type the appetite will be especially weak and the patient will be particularly picky about food. He has an aversion to meat, but may crave fat as well as stimulants. spicy food and spices, which he craves for its stimulating effect, but which can upset the stomach. The Nux vomica patient reports that he begins to hurt when the stomach is upset: he catches a cold, appears headache or asthma. Abdominal pains are usually accompanied by desire for stool, which is very distressing to Nux vomica.

As usual in alcoholics, the Nux vomica system may be characterized by congestion in the portal system - esophageal varices and especially hemorrhoids. There is also a tendency to jaundice, corresponding in many cases to cirrhosis of the liver. Sometimes Nux vomica relieves the spasm of gallbladder colic by passing the stone into the intestinal tract; it can also relieve colic from a kidney stone.

In conclusion, it is important to recall that the symptoms described here are not exhaustive, but simply describe the image, point to the "essence". Any combination of these symptoms may occur in any given patient, with the possible exception of some classic symptoms Nux vomica, and yet such a patient will need this remedy. In most cases there will be preoccupation with work, irritability due to an overexcited nervous system, and chilliness. However, individual patients may, for example, avoid alcohol and dislike cigarettes and still need Nux vomica. In prescribing a homeopathic remedy, we are not comparing the symptoms per se, but rather the essence of the patient with the essence of the remedy.

Nux Vomica - homeopathic remedy based on chilibukha or emetic seeds.

Produced in the form of oral drops or granules, for the preparation of which finely dispersed seed powder is used.

Photo 1: In large doses, chilibukha seeds have toxic effect on the body, causing symptoms of a progressive disease - hypersensitivity, nervous irritation, convulsions and spasms smooth muscle. Source: flickr (lydia.montenegro).

Features of the patient's psychotype

In homeopathy the properties of the drug correspond to the properties of the patient's personality. can easily recognize the typical patient for Nux vomica:

  1. The patient is industrious and works hard. She is meticulous about order, constantly cleans the office and at home. A bit arrogant and confident.
  2. Patient characterized by increased irritability, which unconsciously develops into uncontrollable anger, which manifests itself not only in relation to people, but also to inanimate objects.
  3. The man is gambling, he has a constant desire to win in any business, which can lead to absurd acts - the use of drugs or alcohol on a bet.
  4. Baby Nux vomica is aggressive and cruel. Disrespectful to peers and parents. He does not admit his mistakes, is distinguished by vindictiveness and envy. In children frequent complaints of fear of the dark.
  5. External characteristic - lean build with yellowish skin tone.

The effect of the drug on the body

The drug affects the entire body as a whole. Active ingredients are most active on the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.

Effect on the nervous system

When a large dose of the drug enters the body, seizures, clenching of the jaws and convulsive arching of the back are noted. However, at recommended doses, beneficial effect on spinal cord, sharply increasing the reflex sensitivity.

Effect on the digestive system

In large doses, Nux vomica helps to reduce appetite and the appearance of burning pains in the epigastric region, which are accompanied by sour belching, flatulence and constant constipation. In the recommended amount of the drug "starts up" digestive system, accelerates the process of absorption of substances from the stomach, relieving spasms.

Effect on the circulatory system

The active substance strychnine, when ingested, causes vasospasm, significantly increasing blood pressure. Weak doses, on the other hand, help speed up the work of the heart muscle.

Indications for the use of the drug

Doctors appropriated this drug another specific name "regulator of abdominal innervation".

For adults

Photo 2: Nux vomica is prescribed for almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to relieve functional disorders digestion. Source: flickr (Agencia ID).

In violation of the nervous system

  • tetanus;
  • violation of motor coordination, tremor - motor ataxia;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • , hypochondria;
  • neuromuscular pathologies in alcoholism;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

For disorders of the digestive system

  • heaviness in the stomach, pain after meal;
  • pain when pressing on the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • morning vomiting;
  • rapid empty eructation;
  • chronic;
  • spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines.

For disorders of the circulatory system

  • angina;
  • pain in the chest.

It is interesting! Nux vomica is also prescribed to get rid of hallucinations, restoring clear consciousness, concentration and the ability to express one's thoughts.

General indications for use in children

For children, the drug is prescribed in case of increased susceptibility to noise, odors and external stimuli. Also, the homeopathic doctor prescribes the drug in the following cases:

  • Nocturnal nasal congestion, accompanied by daytime profuse discharge.
  • Abdominal pain, cramps. The child refuses food due to a decrease in appetite.
  • Constant urge to empty the bowels, which are accompanied by constipation.
  • Headaches due to disorder digestive tract.

Nux vomica in oncology

Nux vomica can be prescribed in case of neoplasms on the walls of the stomach and intestines in combination with other medicines. The action of strychnine does not contribute to the destruction cancer cells, however, the drug can reduce pain and prevent the spread of the pathological process.

Nux vomica for ulcerative colitis

Diluted strychnine reduces inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the colon, eliminating swelling. Experts noted the fact accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues ulcerative formations and reduction of pain.


To ensure a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use the degree of dilution of medicinal raw materials indicated by the doctor.

The number of dilutions depends on the disease that requires treatment.

Degrees of dilution

AT medical practice most commonly used such degrees of dilution of this drug:

  • D3- decimal dilution (1: 10), which is repeated 3 times;
  • C3- a hundredfold dilution (1: 100), which is repeated 3 times;
  • C6- 100-fold dilution, repeated 6 times;
  • C12- 100-fold dilution, repeated 12 times.

Application of the drug differs depending on who the drug is intended for: adults or children.

Admission rules for adults

During treatment mental illness use the 200th dilution of the drug. Assign 20-30 drops per day, depending on the degree of the disease.

To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract use the 3rd, 6th or 12th dilution.

Number of drops depends on the type of pathological process and prescribed by a homeopath.

The drug should be taken at night. It is not recommended to combine taking the drug with food, as well as to use it on an empty stomach.

Photo 3: The drug is diluted in a teaspoon of water. The duration of treatment is up to 1 month.

Nux vomica- one of the most popular preparations in homeopathy, made on the basis of chilibukha seeds (aka emetic nut). Tinctures and dilutions are made from the ground seeds of the plant.

Properties of Nux vomica

Chilibukha seeds are a strong toxin, as they contain alkaloids of strychnine and brucine in large quantities. However, according to the theory of homeopathy, a highly diluted remedy, unable to have a toxic effect on the body and provoking symptoms similar to those of the disease, has a therapeutic effect.

Plant alkaloids have the strongest effect on the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. Accordingly, the drug is used to treat diseases of these organs.

Also, in accordance with the theory of homeopathy, the effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the physique and physiological characteristics person. The homeopathic remedy Nux vomica is said to be best for lean, thin people with increased nervous and physical sensitivity.

Homeopathic remedy Nux vomica

In homeopathy, Nux vomica is used very widely, for the treatment of a large number of diseases with:

  • disruption of the digestive tract, dispersion, belching, bloating, liver disease and hemorrhoids;
  • disorders of the nervous system, including inflammation of the sciatic nerve, convulsions, impaired coordination;
  • high blood pressure and palpitations;
  • rheumatism, migraine,;
  • some diseases of the respiratory system (colds, dry cough);
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system in women.

In addition, it is believed that the drug helps in the treatment of alcoholism and its consequences.

Methods of application and dosage

Most sources say that the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica in gastric diseases used in the 3rd, 6th and 12th dilution, with bowel disease - in the 30th. For neuralgia and migraines, it is also recommended to use dilutions of 12 or 30. For nervous diseases and mental disorders homeopathy recommends using Nux vomica up to the 200th dilution.

Nux vomica homeopathic drops or granules are available in D3, C3, C6, C12 and higher dilutions. However, here it should be noted the features of the dilution system adopted in homeopathy.

Decimal dilution (1:10) is usually denoted by the letter D, hundredfold (1:100) by the letter C. Moreover, these dilutions are repeated many times, and the number in front of the letter indicates the number of repetitions. Thus dilution D3 means the concentration of the original substance 1:1000, and C12 - 1:1024. In the latter case, with such a high dilution, not a single molecule may appear in one drop or granule of the drug. active substance. Therefore, official medicine does not recognize homeopathic preparations, even based on toxic substances, medicines that may be of benefit.

At the same time, due to the same dilution, the drugs do not pose a danger and exclude the possibility of poisoning.

Homeopathic drops Nux vomica-homaccord

Of particular note are the combined homeopathic drops Heel firm. Such remedies belong to the so-called phyto-homeopathy, since they contain plant matter and extracts not only in the minimum, but also in close to therapeutic doses and can affect the body. The drug has anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, laxative and mild antispasmodic effect. Take 10 drops three times a day.

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