What kind of vaccine is kdc. Akds when they do it - how and when they vaccinate babies. Local manifestations of the reaction

Among all vaccinations, the most dangerous is DTP - the general vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. Why is she dangerous? DTP is dangerous for its consequences, therefore, the decision of whether it is worth doing this vaccination or not, if so, which manufacturer to give preference to, should be treated with due attention.

Deciphering DTP: vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus

History of diphtheria

Diphtheria refers to infectious diseases that are transmitted more often by airborne droplets (coughing or sneezing), less often by contact (through touch).

The incubation period can last up to 5 days, after which the child develops a sore throat, a severe headache, cough, nausea, and the temperature jumps sharply to 39-40 degrees.

At the next stage, dirty white raids may be observed in the throat, due to which the larynx swells and swallowing is difficult, in the worst cases it comes to suffocation.

According to experts - opponents of vaccinations, today diphtheria has come to naught, and the chances of catching diphtheria are the same as being bitten by a cobra. As arguments, they cite a case that was recorded in 1969 in Chicago - during a diphtheria surge, 4 out of 16 patients had a complete immune map.

But despite these data, today millions of parents choose to be vaccinated against these diseases.

History of Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is a contagious bacterial disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets.

The incubation period lasts up to two weeks. The symptoms of the first days are the same as those of a common cold, then a strong cough joins them, which will develop into a paroxysmal one.

Whooping cough is most common in children under two years of age. Vaccination against this disease has been done for several decades, despite this it is one of the controversial issues in medicine.

Many complaints about its effectiveness. According to Professor Gordon T. Stewart (Scotland), in 1974 he supported this vaccine, but then he watched the vaccinated children fall ill with this disease.

History of tetanus

Tetanus refers to contagious infectious diseases, transmitted by contact, caused by tetanus bacillus toxin, affects the nervous system.

Pathogens can be found in the soil, in the digestive tract of humans and animals. Tetanus is also dangerous with complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, sepsis, fractures, vein thrombosis, pulmonary edema.

Many parents who refuse vaccinations agree to be vaccinated against tetanus, since you can even encounter the disease while digging in the country, in the village. Although the disease is more common in tropical countries and in poor hygiene conditions.

History of DTP

The DPT vaccine is given in Russia free of charge to prevent whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus in children.

Produced by NPO Microgen in Russia. The composition of the DTP vaccine includes killed pertussis microbes, purified toxoids, tetanus and diphtheria, adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

Now let's find out when they put DTP and how many times it is done to babies in Russia.

DTP vaccination schedule plan according to the national calendar

The first DTP vaccination is done at 3 months:



First DTP vaccination
Second DPT shot

4.5 months

Third DPT shot

6 months

Fourth shot (DPT booster)

18 months

At the fourth stage, pertussis vaccination ends. Against diphtheria and tetanus, it will be necessary to inject at the age of 7 and 14, in adulthood it will be necessary to be vaccinated every 10 years.

Many parents are indignant at such an early vaccination against these diseases, they say, at three months the baby is still too small to subject his immunity to such tests.

In response, doctors argue that these diseases are very dangerous, so the sooner the process begins, the sooner the child will have protection. Whooping cough is a particularly big threat to the baby.

Imported or domestic DTP vaccine? Which is better, paid or free? Let's figure it out.

Which vaccine to choose

It is worth noting that vaccinations against these three diseases are made not only in Russia, but also in Europe, America and Asia. The difference is only in the vaccine preparations themselves, the essence of the issue remains the same - they start in the first months of life and are carried out every one and a half months.

Therefore, it is not worth refusing to vaccinate completely! After all, today you can choose the most effective drug with minimal side effects.

Types of vaccines allowed in Russia and what is included in the vaccine:

  1. DPT- Russian-made whole-cell vaccine, which is provided by the state free of charge as part of the national vaccination calendar.
  2. Infanrix (diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus)- cell-free acellular purified inactivated liquid vaccine, analogue of DTP. The cost is from 1400 rubles.
  3. Infanrix IPV combined acellular vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (acellular component) and poliomyelitis. The cost is from 1400 rubles.
  4. Pentaxim(France) - acellular vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae. The cost is from 1300 rubles.

Whole-cell vaccines contain dead cells of pathogens, cell-free vaccines contain individual particles of microorganisms. According to the consequences, acellular ones are considered more favorable.

DPT, Pentaxim or Infanrix? Now you know what DTP vaccines are, and which vaccine is better - you choose.

And we talk about the consequences of DTP. If you feel like something is going wrong after getting vaccinated, check out this article.

Summing up

  1. So, every parent should understand why DTP is being done. That whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are serious diseases. Of course, opponents of vaccinations argue that these diseases are rare in our country today and it is not worth exposing children's immunity to such an “attack” unnecessarily.
  2. At the same time, one must be aware that in the event of an epidemic, the child will not be protected. Therefore, it is not worth completely abandoning the DPT vaccination.
  3. If you choose a vaccine wisely, you can choose a safe remedy that will help protect your child without any negative consequences.

Now you know at what age DTP is done, which vaccine to choose, where to get an imported vaccine, and all the pros and cons of this important procedure. We hope this helps you make the right decision.


The conversation about DTP is led by Dr. Komarovsky. You can trust the experience of this person:

All people, both adults and children, should be vaccinated in a timely manner. Vaccinating babies is the most important medical procedure. Many parents are interested in: “What is DPT? And what kind of DTP vaccine is given to children? This vaccine is aimed at fighting whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, which causes the DTP vaccination to be appropriately decoded. These diseases are included in the top of the most dangerous diseases. Often, complications contribute to the onset of developmental disorders, as a result of disability.

DPT decoding and vaccines used

DTP is the most common form of vaccination worldwide. Deciphering DTP: Adsorbed Pertussis Diphtheria Tetanus Vaccine. In the international nomenclature it has the designation DTP. Having learned the meaning of the abbreviation, some parents still ask: “DPT drugs for what?”. The answer is simple: the vaccine has a combined effect on diseases of the same name.

The domestic vaccine is represented by the drug Infanrix.

From what vaccinations with the DPT component can still be? There are drugs that also act additionally on other diseases, for example:

  1. + Poliomyelitis: Tetracoccus.
  2. + Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae: Pentaxim.
  3. + Hepatitis B: Tritanrix.

This vaccination is the basis for immunoprophylaxis. But with all the positive, sometimes the component that is responsible for whooping cough causes a significant negative impact. Therefore, often only tetanus and diphtheria are vaccinated together. Such a DTP vaccination has a decoding similar to the DPT vaccination, excluding the pertussis component.

In Russia, such vaccines are presented:

  1. Domestic ADS or foreign D.T. Wax: for children under 6 years old.
  2. ADS-m and foreign D.T. Adult: for children aged 6 and over.

Vaccines for certain types of diseases:

  1. AS: for tetanus.
  2. AD: anti-diphtheria.

Place to get vaccinated

DTP vaccination is administered intramuscularly. Using this technique, the optimal rate of distribution of the components of the drug for the formation of immunity is achieved.

A child is most often given DPT in the thigh area, where muscle tissue is well developed. An adult change the location on the shoulder. This is possible only if the muscles there are sufficiently developed.

The introduction under the skin is unacceptable, the inoculation will be considered useless. The introduction into the gluteal region is excluded. This is due to the presence of a large fatty layer, as well as the risk of getting into blood loans or the sciatic nerve.


Consideration should be given to the factors under which this vaccination is impossible.

General contraindications:

  • all diseases in the acute period;
  • signs of immunodeficiency;
  • allergic reactions to the components in the composition of the drug.

In this case, the vaccine is transferred until a complete cure, or not at all.

Temporary clearance is granted to:

  • children with leukemia;
  • pregnant women;
  • children in the period of exacerbation of diathesis.

With convulsions and neuralgia associated with elevated temperature, it is possible to administer ADS instead of DTP.

Without fail, those who have false contraindications must receive admission:

  • allergies in relatives;
  • early birth;
  • convulsive conditions in relatives;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • observation of severe exacerbations in relatives with the introduction of DTP.

People with such signs, having received permission from the attending physician, may well be vaccinated.

Should children do DTP?

Nowadays, many parents adhere to a sharply negative position in relation to vaccination. Of course, one can understand their point of view. Having read articles on Wikipedia, Google and other resources, they, not understanding the correct meaning of the terms, believe that in this way even more harm is done than the benefits of vaccination.

I would like to dispel this myth. It has been scientifically confirmed that when setting up DTP, it is possible to avoid serious complications from diseases, and even death. That is why the DPT vaccine is given to many babies all over the world.

The human body, even a very small one, is able to cope with the components of drugs that are currently well developed in composition. Thanks to many years of experience, a formula has been developed that allows, with the least risk to health, to carry out the procedure for preventing diseases.

The number of DTP vaccinations and the affixing scheme

In small children, the DTP vaccine is given in four stages:

  1. At 3 months.
  2. At 4-5 months, after 30-45 days.
  3. At 6 months.
  4. At 1.5 years old.

During this period, DTP is vaccinated for the best addition of immunity and the acquisition of antibodies to the diseases of the same name. At a subsequent age, vaccines are given at the age of 6-7, and later, in the teenage period of 14 years. This is only aimed at maintaining the number of indicators already acquired. This procedure is called DPT revaccination.

Setting interval

The interval between vaccines is strictly established by medical institutions. So the first 3 stages are carried out at intervals of 30-45 days. Further, drugs are administered at least 4 weeks later.

It is possible to postpone vaccination: due to illness, or for other reasons of refusal. If possible, access to vaccination should be immediately affixed.

If vaccination is delayed, revaccination should not be started. The chain of steps continues. That is, in the presence of the first vaccination, the next two should be with an interval of 30-45 days between them, the next one goes in a year. Next comes the schedule.

How many times they put DTP for adults

The last stage of childhood ends at age 14. Subsequently, adults should undergo revaccination every subsequent 10 years. Consequently, at an older age, DTP vaccination for adults is given at 24, 34, 44 years, etc.

In most cases, adults are prescribed ADS, since this type excludes the whooping cough component, which is of little danger to older people.

If you do not undergo revaccination, then the number of antibodies that can fight the disease decreases, and there is a risk of infection. But the disease at the same time will pass in the most easy form.

First DTP

The initial DTP should be at the age of the child at 3 months. Maternal antibodies persist only 60 days after the birth of the baby. For the restoration of antibodies, physicians have appointed just such a period for the first formulation of the medicine.

If the first DPT was postponed for medical reasons, then it is allowed to do it until the age of 4 years. Sometimes this seems impossible, then vaccination should take place after 4 years and only anti-ADS drugs.

To avoid complications after DTP vaccination, the baby is brought to the procedure healthy. When observing an increase in the thymus gland, DPT is not recommended, since the risk of severe reactions of the baby is high.

DTP vaccination is carried out with any of the existing drugs for these purposes. Infanrix is ​​most easily tolerated, and under the influence of the rest, post-vaccination reactions can be observed. They are not complications, and the baby's body is able to cope with them.

Second DPT

Under conditions favorable for vaccination, the second stage is carried out after 30-45 days after the DPT vaccination of the first stage, therefore, at 4.5 years.

It is recommended to vaccinate the little one with the same drug as the original DPT. But in the absence of such a medicine, do not despair, because, according to the WHO, all types of DTP vaccinations and vaccines can be replaced with each other.

Many parents are sometimes frightened by the reaction to re-vaccination. Yes, it can be stronger than with the first DPT. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that during the primary vaccination a certain amount of antibodies was introduced, which, having collided with microbial components, for the second time begin their rebuff and the body's defense reaction. The effect of a negative reaction to the second stage of vaccination is considered the most pronounced and severe of all subsequent ones.

With the introduction of the first vaccine, a significant negative reaction is possible, therefore, a different drug is selected for the second procedure. Usually, DTP is used instead of DTP, since the active component responsible for whooping cough and causes such reactions.

Third DTP

Vaccination number three occurs 30-45 days after the second stage DTP vaccination. If, when transferring the vaccination, later DPT was given, then it is still considered the third.

Even at the third stage of vaccination, a strong reaction from the body is possible, which should not frighten caring parents. In the absence of the same drug as in the previous stages, the planned procedure should not be postponed. Another drug of no less good quality is chosen.

Preparation before vaccination

DTP vaccination is recognized as the most reactogenic procedure. To facilitate and eliminate adverse reactions, you should carefully prepare for the event.

General rules:

  1. The person must be in good health.
  2. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Make sure that the child wants to eat before the procedure.
  3. If the procedure is performed on a baby, you need him to poop before DPT.
  4. The child is dressed in such a way that he does not have a fever.

The drug should be administered when taking painkillers, antipyretic and antiallergic drugs. This is especially true when it comes to vaccinating children.

When observing severe pain, the child is prescribed analgesics. To minimize adverse reactions, all these types of drugs should be kept close so that at the first symptoms there would be an opportunity to take drugs.

Scheme of drug preparation for DPT:

  1. For a couple of days, with allergic reactions, antihistamines are taken.
  2. On the day of the procedure, after it, antipyretic suppositories for children are introduced or tablets are prescribed for adults. Watch the temperature level. Take anti-allergic tablets.
  3. Second day: antihistamines are taken, antipyretic at high temperature.
  4. On the third day, there is usually an improvement and any medications are stopped.

The best option is the selection of medicines for the baby with a pediatrician before the DPT procedure.

Actions immediately after

To be sure in good condition, the child should spend the first half an hour nearby a medical institution. You can either stay in the hospital itself or take a walk next to it. This is done in the light of the fact that very severe allergies may occur, requiring specialized medical intervention and further monitoring within the hospital.

If there are no allergic reactions, then you can go home. With a lot of activity, the baby should take a walk in nature, avoiding crowds of children.

Upon arrival at the house, the child should be given an antipyretic, without relying on the temperature at the moment. All day you need to maintain strict temperature control. In order to take measures to normalize it with an increase.

Before going to bed, antipyretic candles are used. Abundant feeding is excluded. Only ordinary products that do not cause allergies are allowed. Liquid should be given in large volumes, mainly water. Monitor the temperature in the room. The temperature should be within 22°C. If there is a favorable state of health of the baby, then pay attention to walks, but exclude communication with others.

Adverse reactions to DTP

As with many vaccination procedures, both local and general side effects often appear after DTP vaccination.

Local symptoms:

  • pink spot, swelling, pain in the place of setting;
  • violation of the movements of the vaccinated leg due to pain.

General symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nervousness, whims, anxiety of the baby;
  • long sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

If side effects appear from DPT vaccination on the first day, do not worry. The reason for visiting the clinic should be considered the appearance of symptoms on the third day or more.

Complications Requiring Medical Care

DPT preparations, when the procedure is done, can cause serious consequences. These effects include:

  1. Severe allergic forms (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, etc.).
  2. Convulsive phenomena at a temperature norm.
  3. encephalopathy.

When these symptoms appear, it is urgent to call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital.

When prescribing DPT vaccination to a child, his parents should not panic. Answer the question: “AKDS what is it?” The pediatrician will help you to the full extent. He will professionally explain how DTP stands for. He will also consider the baby for admission to this procedure and prescribe drugs after vaccination.


The DTP vaccine is given to children all over the world. The international community of physicians knows her as DTP. In the Russian version, this is an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.


The combined drug DTP is aimed at preventing three diseases at once:

  • diphtheria is an acute bacterial disease. In the event of its occurrence, many important organs are affected: the heart, kidneys, nervous system, and others;
  • whooping cough, which is manifested by a strong paroxysmal cough and characteristic convulsive seizures. Especially dangerous for babies under 2 years old. The probability of infection through contact with a sick person reaches 90%, because. the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • tetanus affects the central nervous system. In the course of the disease, convulsions develop, possibly suffocation.

Imported drugs (Infanrix™ GEXA, Pentaxim) also form immunity against poliomyelitis, a disease during which paresis and paralysis of an irreversible nature develop.

For unvaccinated people, all these diseases often end in death. If it is possible to achieve recovery, then very serious complications still appear, and it will not be possible to recover completely.

Vaccination does not provide absolute protection against the disease. But it gives confidence that even if the baby gets sick, he will endure the disease more easily than unvaccinated people, and the consequences of the infection will be much less serious.

For vaccination, drugs "DTP" (Russian production) or "Infanrix" (Belgium) are used. Expanded-spectrum combination vaccines are also used.

Brands of DTP drugs

Name of the drug Whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria Poliomyelitis (strains 1-3 types) Hepatitis B Hemophilus infection
Pentaxim + + + +
Bubo-M + +
Tetracoccus + +
Tritcanrix-NV + +
Infanrix IPV + +
Infanrix™ HEXA + + +

The timing of vaccination and revaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria coincides with those for polio, but differs from the schedule for the introduction of vaccines against hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae. If imported drugs with an extended spectrum of action were used, then it is necessary to control which drugs will be used in the future in order to ensure the timeliness of injections and the formation of high-quality and reliable immune protection.

Features of the whooping cough component

Pertussis components are very aggressive. They can cause a sharp immune response of the body and manifest itself in high temperature, in other dangerous forms of allergic reactions (for example, cause Quincke's edema).

In similar cases, and also when the patient has already had whooping cough, or has reached the age of 4 years, children are vaccinated with a vaccine that works only against diphtheria together with tetanus - DT (DT according to international nomenclature). For vaccination, the domestic preparation "ADS-M" or the imported analogue "D.T.Vax" is used. It is permissible to use AC monovaccines (T according to the international nomenclature), intended to develop immunity against tetanus, and AD-m (D according to the international nomenclature) against diphtheria.

Frequency of vaccination

With normal development and the absence of contraindications, a person is vaccinated with DPT in early childhood 4 times and quite often: at the age of 3, 4.5, 6 and 18 months. The interval between injections should be at least 30 days. In some countries, the first injection of the drug is administered to two-month-old children. This is due to the presence in the child's body of the corresponding antibodies obtained from the mother. But immunity to the mentioned diseases will be lost by 60 days of life.

In the future, ADS-M is made without the pertussis component, because. the formed immune defense will be effective until the age of 8.5 years, and for older children, the risk of this disease is significantly reduced. At 6-7 years old and later - at 14 years old - revaccination is already performed with ADS-m. Then the vaccine is given at the age of 24 and then every 10 years to maintain the number of antibodies at the level necessary for high-quality protection against diseases.

How many times this vaccine should be given to weakened children, the pediatrician decides. With a pronounced negative reaction to the first vaccination, subsequent attempts to vaccinate the baby are either refused, or the dose of the drug is reduced, or ADS-m without the pertussis component is used, because. often it is he who causes violent reactions that are extremely dangerous to life and health.

Total for a lifetime, how many times do they do DTP? Normally, the drug is given to a child up to his 18th birthday 4 times plus a double (at 6-7 and 14 years old) revaccination of ADS. And then once every 10 years, i.e. at 24 years old, then at 34, 44, 54, 64, 74 years old, they are vaccinated to maintain immunity at the proper level. If you count how many times the vaccine will be administered, it turns out that only a child will receive 6 doses until he reaches the age of majority. How often adults will be vaccinated directly depends on life expectancy and the regularity of contacting a medical institution.

Special cases

A child is not vaccinated with DPT if he is ill or has other contraindications:

  • neoplasms, as well as a malignant disease of the blood;
  • one of the relatives is ill in an acute form;
  • the patient is prescribed immunosuppressants that suppress and weaken the immune system, or the baby is diagnosed with an immunodeficiency state;
  • progressive diseases of the nervous system;
  • dangerous forms of allergies (shock, serum sickness syndrome, severe forms of bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • convulsive conditions;
  • there are congenital pathologies, birth trauma of the head;
  • there was a violent reaction to the primary DTP vaccination with a temperature above 39.5ºС in the first 2 days after the manipulation, shock, convulsions, and others;
  • intolerance to mercury compounds has been proven. Pertussis microbial cells and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are preserved in the vaccine with thiomersal, which is an organometallic compound of mercury. If you suspect a possible allergy to this substance, you should perform a tolerance test before vaccinating your child.

When deciding whether to vaccinate a baby, it is necessary to clarify the presence of the contraindications indicated above from his closest blood relatives. If any of them have similar problems, then the little one may also have a genetic predisposition to negative (and life-threatening) reactions to such an injection. To prevent this, vaccines with an excluded pertussis component are used.

A premature baby weighing less than 2500 g is given DTP according to an individual schedule, taking into account the characteristics of its development and state of health. Usually such children are vaccinated against the mentioned diseases for the first time not earlier than the age of 6 months, because. their nervous and immune systems are still underdeveloped.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the procedure is postponed until the condition stabilizes. Upon recovery from relapse, vaccination is carried out no earlier than 1-3 months later.

If a child has been diagnosed with tuberculosis, meningitis, hepatitis or other diseases characterized by severity and duration of the course, then the procedure is postponed for 5-12 months. The countdown starts from the time of complete recovery of the patient.

If the baby is vaccinated in violation of the established deadlines, then the interval between injections should not exceed 12-13 months. Vaccination is carried out taking into account previously administered doses. The countdown period for the subsequent manipulation is carried out from the date of administration of the last dose.

If the third vaccination was performed only at 1 year, then the first revaccination is possible not at 18 months, as established in the National Calendar, but after 12 months. Similarly, if the child was given the vaccine for the second time at 9 months, then the third injection should be given 30-45 days later. Those. in case of missing the established dates of vaccinations, the normatively justified intervals between vaccinations should be observed and they should not be performed too often.

There are age restrictions on the use of vaccines. The preparation containing the pertussis component is used only until the child is 3 years 11 months and 29 days old. Then, before the age of 5 years 11 months 29 days, ADS-anatoxin is administered. Older children can only be injected with ADS-m-anatoxin.

To minimize the risks of complications after vaccination, it is necessary to ensure that the patient is healthy at the time of the injection.

Seal after DPT vaccination

vaccinations as an effective means of combating dangerous infectious diseases. One of the very first vaccinations given to a child is

DPT, which represents

vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. All three infectious diseases are serious and potentially dangerous for humans, because, even with the use of the most modern and highly effective antibacterial drugs, the percentage of deaths is very high. In addition, severe forms of infections can lead to developmental disorders and disability of a person from childhood.

Deciphering the DTP vaccination and the types of vaccines used

The DTP vaccine passes in the international nomenclature as DTP. The abbreviation is simply deciphered - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This drug is combined, and is used to combat, respectively, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. To date, there is a choice of these vaccines - the domestic drug DTP or Infanrix. There are also combination vaccines that contain more than just DTP, such as:

  • Pentaxim - DTP + against polio + hemophilic infection;
  • Bubo - M - diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B;
  • Tetracoccus - DTP + against polio;
  • Tritanrix-HB - DTP + against hepatitis B.

The DTP vaccine is the basis for the immunoprophylaxis of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, the pertussis component can cause severe reactions, or revaccination is required only against diphtheria and tetanus - then the appropriate vaccines are used, which in Russia include the following:

  • ADS (according to the international nomenclature DT) is a vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria. Today, domestic ADS and imported D.T.Vax are used in our country;
  • ADT-m (dT) is a tetanus and diphtheria vaccine given to children over 6 years of age and adults. In Russia, domestic ADS-m and imported Imovax D.T.Adyult are used;
  • AC (international nomenclature T) - tetanus vaccine;
  • AD–m (d) – diphtheria vaccine.

These types of vaccines are used to vaccinate children and adults against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.
Should I get vaccinated with DTP?

To date, the DTP vaccine is given to children in all developed countries, thanks to which many thousands of children's lives have been saved. In the past five years, some developing countries have phased out the pertussis component, resulting in


and the death rate has skyrocketed. As a result of this experiment, governments have decided to revert to pertussis vaccination.

Of course, the question “should I vaccinate DTP?” can be set in different ways. Someone thinks that vaccinations are not needed in principle, someone believes that this particular vaccine is very dangerous and causes serious consequences in the form of neurological pathologies in a child, and someone wants to know if it is possible to put baby vaccination.

If a person has decided not to vaccinate at all, then naturally he does not need DTP. If you think that the DTP vaccine is harmful, and contains a lot of components that put too much stress on the child's body, then this is not so. The human body is able to safely transfer several components of the vaccine against various infections at once. What matters here is not their quantity, but compatibility. Therefore, the DTP vaccine, developed in the 40s of the XX century, became a kind of revolutionary achievement when it was possible to place the vaccine against three infections in one vial. And from this point of view, such a combined drug means a decrease in the number of trips to the clinic, and only one injection instead of three.

It is certainly necessary to be vaccinated with DTP, but you need to carefully examine the child and obtain admission to vaccination - then the risk of complications is minimal. According to a report from the World Health Organization, the most common causes of DTP vaccination complications are ignoring medical contraindications, improper administration, and spoiled drug. All these reasons are quite capable of being eliminated, and you can safely make an important vaccination.

Parents who doubt the advisability of immunization can be reminded of the statistics of Russia before the start of vaccination (until the 1950s). Approximately 20% of children suffered from diphtheria, of which half died. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection, the infant mortality from which is almost 85% of cases. In the world today, approximately 250,000 people die from tetanus every year in countries where they are not vaccinated. And absolutely all children had whooping cough before the start of mass immunization. However, you should know that the DPT vaccine is the most difficult to tolerate of all those included in the national calendar. Therefore, vaccination, of course, is not a gift from God, but it is necessary.

DPT vaccination for adults

The last immunization of children with a DTP vaccine is done at the age of 14, then adults should be revaccinated every 10 years, that is, the next vaccination must be done at 24 years of age. Adults are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus (DT) because whooping cough no longer poses a threat to them. Revaccination is necessary in order to maintain the level of antibodies in the human body, which is sufficient to ensure immunity to infections. If an adult does not get revaccinated, antibodies will remain in the body, but their number is not enough to ensure immunity, so there is a risk of getting sick. If a vaccinated person who has not been revaccinated after 10 years becomes ill, then the infection will proceed in a milder form compared to those who have not been vaccinated at all.

How many DTP vaccinations are there, and when are they given?

For the formation of a sufficient amount of antibodies that provide immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, the child is given 4 doses of the DPT vaccine - the first at the age of 3 months, the second after 30–45 days (that is, at 4–5 months), the third at six months ( at 6 months). The fourth dose of the DPT vaccine is given at 1.5 years. These four doses are necessary for the formation


And all subsequent DTP vaccinations will be carried out only in order to maintain the required concentration of antibodies, and they are called revaccinations.

Then children are revaccinated at 6 - 7 years old, and at 14. Thus, each child receives 6 DTP vaccinations. After the last immunization at the age of 14, it is necessary to revaccinate every 10 years, that is, at 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, etc.

Vaccination Schedule

In the absence of contraindications and admission to vaccinations, the introduction of the DPT vaccine to children and adults is carried out according to the following schedule:

1. 3 months.

2. 4 - 5 months.

3. 6 months.

4. 1.5 years (18 months).

5. 6 - 7 years old.

6. 14 years.

7. 24 years.

8. 34 years.

9. 44 years old.

10. 54 years old.

11. 64 years old.

12. 74 years old.

Interval between vaccinations

The first three doses of the DTP vaccine (at 3, 4.5 and 6 months) should be administered with an interval between them of 30 to 45 days. The introduction of subsequent doses is not allowed earlier than after an interval of 4 weeks. That is, between the previous and next DPT vaccinations, at least 4 weeks must pass.

If the time has come to do another DTP vaccination, and the child is sick, or there are any other reasons why vaccination cannot be done, then it is postponed. You can postpone vaccination for a fairly long period of time, if necessary. But the vaccine should be given as soon as it can be done (for example, the child will recover, etc.).

If one or two doses of DTP were delivered, and the next vaccination had to be postponed, then when returning to vaccination, it is not necessary to start it again - you just need to continue the interrupted chain. In other words, if there is one DTP vaccination, then two more doses must be delivered at an interval of 30 to 45 days, and one a year from the last. If there are two DPT vaccinations, then simply put the last, third, and a year later from it - the fourth. Then vaccinations are given according to the schedule, that is, at 6-7 years old, and at 14.

First DPT at 3 months

According to the vaccination calendar, the first DTP is given to a child at the age of 3 months. This is due to the fact that maternal antibodies received from her by the child through the umbilical cord remain only 60 days after birth. That is why it was decided to start immunization from 3 months, and some countries do it from 2 months. If for some reason DTP was not given at 3 months, then the first vaccination can be done at any age up to 4 years. Children over 4 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated with DTP are only vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria - that is, with DTP preparations.

To minimize the risk of reactions, the child must be healthy at the time of the vaccine. A great danger is the presence of thymomegaly (enlargement of the thymus gland), in which DTP can cause severe reactions and complications.

The first DTP shot can be given with any vaccine. You can use domestic, or imported - Tetrakok and Infanrix. DTP and Tetracoccus cause post-vaccination reactions (not complications!) in about 1/3 of children, while Infanrix, on the contrary, is very easily tolerated. Therefore, if possible, it is better to put Infanrix.

Second DPT

The second DPT vaccination is done 30 to 45 days after the first, that is, at 4.5 months. It is best to vaccinate the child with the same drug as the first time. However, if for some reason it is impossible to deliver the same vaccine as for the first time, then it can be replaced with any other. Remember that according to the requirements of the World Health Organization, all types of DTP are interchangeable.

The reaction to the second DPT can be much stronger than the first. This should not be afraid, but be mentally prepared. Such a reaction of the child's body is not a sign of pathology. The fact is that the body, already as a result of the first vaccination, met with the components of microbes, for which it developed a certain amount of antibodies, and the second “date” with the same microorganisms causes a stronger response. In most children, the strongest reaction is observed precisely on the second DTP.

If the child missed the second DPT for any reason, then it should be delivered as soon as possible, as soon as possible. In this case, it will be considered the second, and not the first, because, even with a delay and violation of the vaccination schedule, there is no need to cross out everything done and start over.

If the child had a strong reaction to the first DPT vaccination, then it is better to make the second one with another vaccine with less reactogenicity - Infanrix, or just administer DTP. The main component of the DTP vaccination that causes reactions is pertussis microbe cells, and diphtheria and tetanus toxins are easily tolerated. That is why, in the presence of a strong reaction to DTP, it is recommended to administer only ADS containing antitetanus and antidiphtheria components.

Third DTP

The third DPT vaccine is administered 30 to 45 days after the second. If at this time the vaccine was not given, then the vaccination is carried out as soon as possible. In this case, the vaccine is considered exactly the third.

Some children react most strongly to the third rather than the second DTP vaccine. A strong reaction is not a pathology, as is the case with the second vaccination. If the previous two injections of DTP were delivered with one vaccine, and for the third one for some reason it is impossible to get it, but there is another drug, then it is better to get vaccinated rather than postpone.

Where are they vaccinated?

The DTP vaccine preparation must be administered intramuscularly, since it is this method that ensures the release of the components of the drug at the desired rate, which allows the formation of immunity. Injection under the skin can lead to a very long release of the drug, which makes the injection simply useless. That is why it is recommended to inject DTP into the child's thigh, since even the smallest muscles are well developed on the leg. Older children or adults can inject DPT into the shoulder if the muscle layer is well developed there.

Do not administer the DTP vaccine in the buttock, as there is a high risk of getting into a blood vessel or sciatic nerve. In addition, there is a rather large layer of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks, and the needle may not reach the muscles, then the drug will be injected incorrectly, and the drug will not have the desired effect. In other words, DTP vaccination in the buttock should not be done. In addition, international studies have shown that the best production of antibodies by the body develops precisely when the vaccine is injected into the thigh. Based on all these data, the World Health Organization recommends administering the DTP vaccine in the thigh.

Contraindications To date, there are general contraindications to DTP, such as:1. Any pathology in the acute period.

2. Allergic reaction to vaccine components.

3. Immunodeficiency.

In this case, the child cannot be vaccinated in principle.

If there are neurological symptoms or seizures due to fever, children can be vaccinated with a vaccine that does not contain a pertussis component, that is, ATP. Until recovery, children with leukemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women, are not vaccinated. A temporary medical exemption from vaccination is given to children against the background of an exacerbation of diathesis, who are vaccinated after achieving remission of the disease and normalizing the condition.

False contraindications for DPT vaccination are as follows:

  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • prematurity;
  • allergies in relatives;
  • convulsions in relatives;
  • severe reactions to the introduction of DTP in relatives.

This means that in the presence of these factors, vaccinations can be carried out, but it is necessary to examine the child, obtain permission from a neurologist and use purified vaccines with minimal reactogenicity (for example, Infanrix).

The introduction of the DTP vaccine is contraindicated only in people who have had an allergic or neurological reaction in the past to this drug.

Before DTP vaccination - preparation methods

DTP vaccination has the highest reactogenicity among all vaccines included in the national calendar. That is why, in addition to observing the general rules, it is necessary to carry out drug preparation and support for DPT vaccination. General rules include:

  • the child must be completely healthy at the time of vaccination;
  • the child must be hungry;
  • the child must poop;
  • the child should not be dressed too hot.

The DTP vaccine must be administered against the background of the use of antipyretic, analgesic and antiallergic drugs. Children's antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen also have a moderate analgesic effect, which allows you to eliminate discomfort in the injection area. Keep analgin on hand, which can be given to a child in the presence of severe pain.

Antipyretic buy in advance and keep at home, at hand. It is best to have different forms of release, such as candles and syrups. If you gave your child an antipyretic with paracetamol, but there is no effect, then try a drug with a different active ingredient (for example, ibuprofen).

Antiallergic drugs will also help reduce the severity of post-vaccination reactions, which is especially important for children with a corresponding tendency.

In a generalized version, the following procedure for the use of drugs as preparation for DPT vaccination has been adopted:

  • 1-2 days before vaccination, in the presence of diathesis or any allergies, give antihistamines in the usual dose (for example, Fenistil, Erius, etc.).
  • On the day of vaccination after coming home, immediately enter an antipyretic in candles to prevent a rise in temperature and swelling at the injection site, as well as to calm the baby's crying. At the same time, give antiallergic drugs. During the day, measure the temperature - if it rises, then feel free to knock down. Be sure to give an antipyretic at bedtime, and during the night you need to check the presence of temperature. If the temperature rises, bring it down.
  • First day after vaccination check the temperature - if it is elevated, give an antipyretic. Regardless of the temperature, give the child an antiallergic agent.
  • Second day after vaccination- continue to give anti-allergic, and if necessary, antipyretic. If the temperature of the child is not high, then you can not give an antipyretic.
  • Third day after vaccination- the temperature should return to normal, stop taking the antiallergic drug.

The dosage of drugs and the most optimal medicines for your child must be selected, together with the attending physician, taking into account all the individual qualities of the baby. It is better to do this in advance, and stock up on the necessary drugs.
After DTP vaccination - what to do?

Immediately after you have been vaccinated with DTP, it is best to go outside and take a walk near the clinic for half an hour to be within the reach of a medical facility if a severe allergic reaction begins to develop.

Then you can go home. If the child is active, feels good, and there is no temperature, you can take a walk in the fresh air, but not in a large company of children. You can even go home from the clinic on foot, if possible.

Upon arrival home, immediately give the child an antipyretic, do not wait for the temperature to rise. Throughout the day, it is necessary to check the temperature of the child. If it appears, then shoot down, because scientists and doctors do not believe that hyperthermia helps to develop immunity - on the contrary, it only causes inconvenience and discomfort to the child. Before going to bed, it is necessary to put candles with antipyretic, regardless of the presence of hyperthermia.

Try not to feed your baby too much, as this will worsen his condition. The opposite situation with drinking: give liquid without restriction - the more the better. Do not feed your child any new and exotic foods - only old and proven dishes. Also, you can’t give your child juices, especially concentrated ones - it’s better to just warm water, weak tea, chamomile infusion, etc. Keep the air temperature in the child's room no higher than 22oC, and the humidity in the range of 50 - 70%.

If the child feels well - do not keep him at home, try to walk more. However, limit the number of contacts with people, do not go to playgrounds, do not go to visit and do not invite them to your place.

Vaccine reaction - side effects

Post-vaccination reactions or side effects are quite common, in almost 30% of children, but these manifestations are not a pathology or symptoms of a serious illness. Regarding the DTP vaccine, side effects are most common after the third and fourth administration of the drug. Complications and side effects should be distinguished, since the former are pathological, while the latter are not. The main difference between side effects and complications is that they pass without a trace, leaving no health problems.

DTP vaccine may cause local and systemic side effects. Local symptoms include the following:1. Redness, swelling, induration and soreness at the injection site.

2. Violation of walking due to pain at the injection site - the child, as a rule, cries, "protects" the leg, does not allow touching the sore spot, etc.

Common symptoms of DTP vaccine side effects include the following:

  • temperature rise;
  • anxiety;
  • capriciousness;
  • lethargy, prolonged sleep during the day or night;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • appetite disorder.

All side effects of the DPT vaccine appear within the first day after the administration of the drug. If a child has an appetite disorder, diarrhea, fever or snot two to three days after vaccination, then these phenomena are not caused by the vaccine, but by some kind of infection, which simply coincided with the medical manipulation in terms of the time of infection. Unfortunately, the vaccination process in our country is not very well organized, so a fairly typical situation is when a healthy child, after staying in the corridors of the clinic, necessarily “catches” an acute respiratory disease or diarrhea, which is in no way associated with the vaccine. Therefore, if a child has any symptoms a few days after vaccination, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the baby's health disorder.

Sometimes side effects can be severe, but since they are reversible and do not harm the health of the child, they should not be mistaken for complications. If a child has developed a severe reaction to DPT, be sure to inform the attending physician and enter all information in the medical records. A severe reaction to DTP is considered when the following symptoms develop:

1. Persistent crying for more than 3 hours in a row.

2. Temperature above 39.0

3. Swelling more than 8 cm at the injection site.

In this case, the crying of the child is due to severe pain, which can be reduced by giving ibuprofen and analgin.

In principle, the relief of symptoms of side effects of any severity is carried out by the same drugs, so the procedure for adults is the same as against the background of ordinary reactions to DTP. If the condition of the child as a result of the measures taken has not improved, then you should consult a doctor. And you can prevent severe side effects of DTP by proper drug preparation for vaccination, which can significantly reduce the risk of these negative phenomena.

Cough, fever, induration, redness, bump and pain after
DTP vaccinations

Temperature after DPT. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine. However, the temperature does not help the formation of immunity against infections, so when it appears, give the child an antipyretic. Some doctors recommend not to bring down the temperature if it is not higher than 38.0

C, since in this situation there is no risk of seizures in the child. However, the World Health Organization recommends that any fever caused by the vaccine be brought down.

Seal and bump after DPT. Induration at the injection site may form and resolve within 2 weeks after vaccination. This reaction is normal because there is a process of local inflammation at the injection site, which decreases as the vaccine is absorbed. To reduce compaction and accelerate resorption, you can lubricate the injection site with Troxevasin ointment.

A bump after DPT can form when the vaccine does not get into the muscle, but into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. There are much fewer vessels in the fatty layer, the rate of absorption of the vaccine is also sharply reduced, and as a result, a long-lasting lump is formed. You can try Troxevasin or Aescusan ointments to increase blood circulation and speed up the absorption of the drug, which will lead to the resorption of the bump. Can a bump also form if the vaccine was administered without observing the rules of asepsis? and dirt got into the injection site. In this case, the bump is an inflammatory process, pus forms inside it, which must be released and the wound treated.

Redness after DPT. This is also normal, since a mild inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, which is always characterized by the formation of redness. If the child is no longer bothered, do nothing. As the drug dissolves, the inflammation will go away by itself, and the redness will also go away.

Pain after DPT. Soreness at the injection site is also due to an inflammatory reaction, which can be more or less pronounced, depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Do not force the baby to endure pain, give him analgin, apply ice to the injection site. If the pain does not go away for a long time, see a doctor.

Cough after DPT. Some children in response to the DPT vaccine may develop a cough during the day if they have chronic respiratory diseases. This is due to the body's reaction to the pertussis component. However, this condition does not require special treatment, and goes away on its own within a few days. If a cough develops a day or a few days after vaccination, then there is a typical situation when a healthy child “caught” an infection in the clinic.


Vaccine complications include serious health problems that require treatment and can have adverse consequences. So, DTP vaccination can cause the following complications:

  • severe allergies (anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, etc.);
  • convulsions against the background of normal temperature;
  • encephalitis;
  • encephalopathy (neurological symptoms);

To date, the frequency of these complications is extremely low - from 1 to 3 cases per 100,000 vaccinated children.

At present, the relationship between the development of encephalopathies and DPT vaccination is not considered scientifically proven, since it was not possible to identify any specific properties of vaccines that can cause such phenomena. Experiments on animals also did not reveal a connection between DPT vaccination and the formation of neurological disorders. Scientists and vaccinologists believe that DPT is a kind of provocation, during which an increase in temperature simply leads to a clear manifestation of hitherto hidden disorders.

The development of short-term encephalopathy in children after DPT vaccination causes a pertussis component, which has a strong irritating effect on the membranes of the brain. However, the presence of convulsions against the background of normal temperature, twitching, nodding, or impaired consciousness is a contraindication to further administration of the DTP vaccine.

Reviews about DPT vaccination

It is conditionally possible to divide reviews about DPT vaccination into emotional and dictated by the mind. The position when emotions prevail, reality is perceived exclusively from the sensory side, and is not analyzed, provokes a person to leave a negative review about the DPT vaccination. Since the child reacts to it, does not feel very well, one has to worry and be nervous, then a person with emotional perception decides that this is very bad, and rather than freaking out like that, it is better to refuse vaccinations - and everything will be fine. At this moment, he is not even afraid of the infection itself, since whether the child will get sick or not is still unknown, and vaccination reactions will have to be experienced now.

If a person critically perceives reality, approaches the assessment of the state of the child from the position of the mind, taking control of emotions, then he leaves a positive review about the DPT vaccination. This is dictated by the fact that the vaccine, of course, causes reactions, but the child will be protected from severe infections. It is better to prepare for the vaccination, survive the reactions and be calm. In this case, parents believe that the benefits of immunization are incomparably greater than its hypothetical harm.

Imported, paid DTP vaccine

In our country, the Infanrix and Tetracoc vaccines are offered as paid DTP vaccinations. Both of these vaccines are imported, and differ markedly from the usual domestic DTP. The fact is that Tetracoccus and Infanrix allow you to form a more effective immunity to infections. This means that after DTP, the child's risk of getting diphtheria, whooping cough or tetanus is higher than after the Tetracoc and Infanrix vaccines. However, even in the case of illness, the infection will be mild. In fairness, it should be pointed out that such a phenomenon is quite rare.

In terms of the effectiveness of the formation of immunity, Infanrix and Tetracoc are the same, but there are differences in another. Tetrakok is very reactogenic, and causes side effects even more often than regular DPT. And Infanrix contains acellular (acellular) pertussis component, which leads to a very low frequency of reactions to the vaccine. However, there is a significant disadvantage - the cost of the drug ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

If you are considering getting vaccinated with an imported vaccine, think about what properties are important to you in the first place. If you want to save your child from reactions to vaccination - choose Infanrix, and if the baby tolerates vaccinations well, and reactogenicity is not too important - you can take a cheaper Tetracoc.

DPT vaccination: questions and answers - video

ATTENTION! The information posted on our site is a reference or popular and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. The prescription of medicines should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the history of the disease and the results of the diagnosis.

The DTP vaccine was invented in the 40s of the last century. This was a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of immunization, as it was possible to combine three vaccines in one vial. Since the introduction of the DPT vaccine into practice, the number of childhood deaths from tetanus/whooping cough has dropped dramatically. At the moment, DPT vaccination is given to children in all developed countries of the world.

Why vaccinate a child?

The Internet space is filled with outrage against the immunization of children and adults. In less than a hundred years, many have forgotten about the elimination of the deadly plague and smallpox viruses, which claimed hundreds of thousands of victims every year, through immunization. Before you refuse vaccinations, you should realize one truth: natural immunity does not save you from many types of viruses.

To protect yourself from dangerous diseases, the body must have developed immunity to them. It is this issue that the immunization of the population solves. Without artificial immunity to tetanus and pertussis, mumps and rubella viruses, the body will not have enough defenses to fight the disease.

Parents are afraid of combined multicomponent vaccines. It seems to them that it is very difficult for children to tolerate a polyvalent vaccination, after the introduction of which the child can get very sick. These fears are unfounded. What matters is not the number of vaccines, but their compatibility with each other.

Important! Combined vaccines reduce the number of trips to the clinic and free the baby from unnecessary psychological trauma.

Immunization Schedule

How many times is the DPT vaccine given and where is the injection given to the child? The vaccination schedule includes 4 doses of the vaccine up to two years. Then two revaccinations are done, the last of which is given at the age of 14. In the future, revaccination is recommended every 10 years, especially for young women planning a pregnancy.

The vaccination is done into the muscle mass, since it is this place in the body that provides the necessary absorption rate of the suspension after administration and the correct formation of the immune response.

After the introduction of DTP under the skin, absorption into body tissues is too slow, which casts doubt on the effectiveness of immunization. Where is the vaccine given to babies? Small children are given an injection in the developed muscles of the thigh. For adults and older children, the vaccine is injected into the muscles of the shoulder, if they are sufficiently developed.

Why is the vaccine not injected into the gluteal muscles? The gluteal muscles are located under a dense layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the likelihood of a vaccine being injected into the muscle is low. If the DTP vaccine enters the subcutaneous layer, the absorption of the suspension will proceed very slowly due to the lack of blood vessels. Another reason for the ban on the introduction of the vaccine into the buttock is the sciatic nerve, where the needle can accidentally enter.

Preparing a child for an injection

Vaccination is always stressful for the baby. So that after the introduction of the DTP vaccine, the injection site does not hurt, vaccination should be carried out against the background of antipyretic and analgesic drugs. The child is also given antihistamines in advance three days before the vaccine is given to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Also, antihistamines are given after the introduction of DTP.

Mom should purchase suppositories and syrups with paracetamol in advance. Candles are administered with a slight hyperthermia, syrup is given when the temperature rises above 37.5C. Accordingly, you should first discuss the use of drugs with a pediatrician. Antipyretic drugs also have the property of anesthesia:

  1. Paracetamol;
  2. Ibuprofen.

Advice. You can also give the baby and other analgesics in agreement with the doctor. All this will help the baby get rid of the unnecessary suffering that the DPT vaccine delivers.

After the clinic

What to do after coming from the clinic? If the baby feels well, doctors still advise putting an antipyretic candle. You should not wait for the temperature to rise, because it does not contribute to the development of an immune response. So do the following:

  1. Give the baby an antipyretic without waiting for the temperature to appear.
  2. Monitor the condition of the crumbs all day, measure the temperature.
  3. Do not feed a hearty meal, otherwise it will be difficult for the body to simultaneously digest the food and cope with the DPT vaccination.
  4. Do not give the baby unfamiliar food (new complementary foods).
  5. Let's drink more fluids.
  6. The room should not be hot: keep the temperature at 20-22C.
  7. Do not visit for three days.

It is important to limit the contacts of the baby who was vaccinated with strangers and unfamiliar people. If the little one feels good, you can walk with him on the site - but alone. You can also bathe the baby if it is very hot outside. Just don't irritate the injection site with a washcloth.

Issues related to the vaccination of a child against infectious diseases are of concern to all parents. One of the first vaccinations that a baby receives at a very early age is the DTP vaccine. That is why the greatest number of questions arise - what could be the reaction to the DPT vaccination, how to prepare the child for the introduction of the vaccine, and how to respond to certain changes in the health status of the baby after vaccination. It is also the most talked about vaccine, as most children react to DTP with fever and sometimes other symptoms.

Let us consider in detail everything related to the drug itself, the rules for its use and possible reactions to the DTP vaccine in children.

What diseases do DTP

What is the DTP vaccine for? The vaccine contains components from three dangerous infections of bacterial origin - pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. Therefore, the abbreviation of the name stands for - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.

  1. Whooping cough is a rapidly spreading infection that is dangerous mainly for children. It is very difficult for babies. It is complicated by damage to the respiratory system and proceeds with pneumonia, severe cough, convulsions. In the first half of the 20th century, whooping cough was a significant part of the causes of infant mortality.
  2. Diphtheria. A bacterial disease that causes severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Fibrinous effusions and films form in the larynx and trachea, which can lead to suffocation and death.
  3. Tetanus is a soil infection, a person becomes infected when bacteria enter the wound lesions of the skin. It is manifested by a violation of muscle innervation and convulsions. Without specific treatment, the risk of death is high.

The first vaccines were given to children in the 1940s. Today, several drugs are allowed for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, but the main one, which is included in the vaccination calendar, is the Russian-made vaccine of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This DTP manufacturer uses a pertussis component that is made up of inactivated pertussis germs. The DTP vaccine has an analogue of foreign production - Infanrix, as well as similar combined vaccines containing antigens and other infections.

The composition of the DTP vaccine includes:

  • pertussis component - killed whooping cough bacteria at a concentration of 20 billion microbial bodies per 1 ml;
  • tetanus toxoid - 30 units;
  • diphtheria toxoid - 10 units;
  • "Merthiolate" is used as a preservative.

The pertussis component of the vaccine is the most reactogenic as it contains whole cells of whooping cough bacillus (Bordetella pertussis). It causes the development of immunity to the bacteria that causes the disease.

Tetanus and diphtheria have a special course. To protect against these diseases, it is necessary that the body has protection not so much from microbes as from the toxins that they produce. Therefore, the composition of the vaccine does not include the pathogens themselves, but their toxins.

Vaccination Schedule

When is DTP done? According to the National Immunization Schedule, the DTP vaccination schedule is as follows.

  1. The DPT vaccine is given to children three times at 3, 4½, and 6 months of age.
  2. The interval between injections should be 30-45 days. If for some reason the first vaccination was missed, then they start from the current moment, observing intervals of one and a half months.
  3. Children over four years of age are given the vaccine without the pertussis component.

The maximum interval between vaccinations is 45 days, but if for some reason the administration of the drug was missed, then the second and third vaccinations are given as far as possible - there is no need to do an extra vaccination.

DPT revaccination is carried out in the following terms: in a year at the age of one and a half years. If the first injection of the DPT vaccine was made later than three months, then revaccination is carried out 12 months after the third injection.

Adults are vaccinated with DTP only if they have not previously been vaccinated in childhood. Conduct a course of three injections with an interval of one and a half months.

At the age of 7 and 14, children are revaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria using the ADS-M vaccine or its analogues. Such revaccinations are necessary to maintain the amount of antibodies and immunity at the proper level.

Adults are vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria every ten years.

Description of instructions for use

The DPT vaccine is a white or yellowish suspension packaged in ampoules. Ampoules are packed into cardboard boxes on 10 pieces.

According to the instructions for the use of DPT, the drug is intended to create immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria in children. All children under four years of age should receive four doses of the vaccine. Children who have been ill with whooping cough and have natural immunity to it are given a vaccine without a pertussis component (ADS, ADS-M).

Where is the DPT vaccine given? It is placed intramuscularly in the thigh (quadriceps), and in older children, the injection is made in the shoulder. Intravenous administration of the DTP vaccine is not allowed.

The DTP vaccine can be combined with other vaccinations from the national calendar by injecting into different parts of the body. The only exception is the BCG vaccination, it is given separately, observing a certain interval.

Contraindications for DTP

What are the contraindications for the DPT vaccine and when should not be vaccinated? Contraindications are quite numerous.

  1. Any disease accompanied by a rise in temperature, including respiratory.
  2. Is it possible to vaccinate DTP with a cold, if there is no temperature? Focus on the general condition of the child. If the snot is accompanied by other symptoms - watery eyes, a rash, or a slight cough - then the vaccination is postponed. If there are no other signs, the baby has a runny nose all the time, and the general well-being and appetite are good, then vaccination can be carried out.
  3. The child has previously had seizures or convulsions that were not associated with a rise in temperature.
  4. Intolerance to vaccine components, including the preservative "Merthiolate" (or other mercury-containing compounds).
  5. A strong reaction to the previous administration of the vaccine - edema and extensive hyperemia at the injection site, temperature above 40 ° C, systemic allergy to DTP vaccination, neurological complications.
  6. Diseases of the immune system or taking immunosuppressants.

People often ask, is it possible to do DTP during teething? Yes, it does not threaten the baby and does not affect the development of immunity. An exception is if the baby's teething is accompanied by a rise in temperature. In this case, the vaccination is postponed until it is normalized.

How to prepare your child for DTP vaccination

Since the DTP vaccine causes a large number of post-vaccination reactions and complications, this vaccination requires careful attention from parents and doctors. Here's how to prepare your child for the DPT shot.

  1. By the time of vaccination, the child must be examined by all the necessary specialists and not have a medical exemption from them.
  2. The child must be healthy, have good blood counts. Do I need to be tested before DTP vaccination? Yes, it is necessary. Also, the doctor should conduct a complete examination of the baby and listen to all mother's complaints.
  3. If the baby has a predisposition to allergies - diathesis, rashes - a doctor's consultation is necessary. Most often, in this case, the vaccine is given against the background of the preventive administration of antihistamines (often doctors prescribe Fenistil before DTP vaccination). The drug and dosage is selected by the doctor, you can not independently prescribe the medicine crumbs.

Preparation for DTP vaccination of parents immediately before vaccination includes the following.

  1. The day before or on the day of vaccination, the baby should poop. If there was no bowel movement, a mild laxative, such as Duphalac, should be given.
  2. The vaccine is given on an empty stomach. If vaccination is late, then do not feed the baby an hour before vaccination, and give dietary food in the morning. Avoid new foods and foods that your baby is not used to.
  3. Do not dress your baby too warmly. If, upon arrival at the clinic, the child is still sweating, then undress him and sit for 15–20 minutes in the corridor, allowing the baby to “cool down”.
  4. Take water with you, which can be given without restrictions. Before and immediately after vaccination, the baby can be drunk.

Do I need to give the child "Suprastin" before the DTP vaccination? Without a doctor's prescription, you can not give any such drugs. Although their intake does not affect the development of immunity, the WHO recommends that children should not be given antihistamines before preparing for vaccinations.

Care after vaccination

How to care for a baby after DTP vaccination? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions by parents.

  1. Do I need to give antipyretics after DTP vaccination? Yes, doctors recommend doing this as a preventive measure, without waiting for the temperature to rise. They can be used in the form of syrup, tablets or suppositories. It is best to put a candle with ibuprofen at night for the baby.
  2. Is it possible to walk after DTP vaccination? There are no outdoor restrictions. After visiting the vaccination room, sit in the corridor for a while (15-20 minutes) in case of a severe allergic reaction. Then you can take a short walk. Walks are canceled only if there is a temperature or other general reaction to the vaccination.
  3. When can I bathe a child after DTP vaccination? On the day of vaccination, it is better to refrain from swimming. In the early days, try not to wet the injection site, but it's okay if water gets on the wound - do not rub it with a washcloth and do not wash it with soap.
  4. Is it possible to do massage after DTP vaccination? There are no direct contraindications, but usually massage therapists recommend abstaining for 2-3 days. You can either shift the massage course or postpone the vaccination for a few days until the massage is over.

On the day of vaccination and three days after it, you need to carefully monitor the health of the baby, if necessary, measure body temperature.

Possible reactions to the DTP vaccine

According to various sources, from 30 to 50% of children, one way or another, react to the DPT vaccination. What reactions are considered normal and how to help the baby cope with them? Most of all symptoms occur in the first 24 hours after the injection, but the reaction can occur within three days. It should be noted that if the symptoms appeared later than three days after vaccination (fever, diarrhea, acute respiratory infections), then this is no longer a reaction to the DTP vaccine, but an independent infection, which, unfortunately, is easy to catch after a trip to our clinics.

There are local and general reactions to DTP vaccination. Local include changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissues at the injection site.

  1. A slight redness forms at the injection site after DTP vaccination. What to do? If the speck is small, then you should not worry. Such a reaction is typical of the introduction of a foreign agent. In a day or a little more, the redness will disappear.
  2. Also, a seal after DPT vaccination is considered a normal reaction. What to do in this case? To speed up resorption, lubricate the swelling with Troxevasin gel. The lump and bump should resolve within 10-14 days. A bump at the injection site can also form if part of the vaccine was mistakenly injected into the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the resorption of the vaccine will be slower, but this will not affect the health of the baby and the formation of immunity.
  3. At the injection site, the baby often feels soreness. It is expressed strongly or weakly, depending on individual sensitivity. Sometimes for this reason, after DTP vaccination, the child limps, as it protects the sore leg. Applying ice to the injection site will help relieve the baby's condition. If the pain does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor.

Common reactions include systemic manifestations, including those of an allergic nature.

  1. A common reaction is when the temperature rises after DTP vaccination. What to do, bring down the temperature or not? All doctors give unequivocal recommendations - fever after vaccination should be brought down with the help of antipyretics. In this case, there is no benefit from it to the body, and it affects the well-being of the child negatively. If the temperature does not respond to antipyretic drugs, consult a doctor.
  2. The child is given antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Do not give children aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). They give pills, syrups or put rectal suppositories. The first dose of medication can be given at night as a preventive measure. Further, antipyretics are given only if the temperature is elevated. Observe the interval between giving the medicine and do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. If you have already used any drug before, then use it, do not buy a new medicine.
  3. How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? The fever usually lasts 1-2 days. It can rise on the day of vaccination or the day after it. An increase in temperature at a later date is uncharacteristic of DTP and is usually associated with other causes.
  4. A rash after DTP vaccination is a temporary immune reaction and does not entail any consequences. With the subsequent introduction of the vaccine, such a reaction is absent.
  5. After DPT vaccination, diarrhea occurs - a slight short-term disorder of the stool. It was caused more by the stress that the baby experienced than by the components of the vaccine.
  6. Vomiting after DTP vaccination is also uncharacteristic and is provoked by fever or nervousness of the child. Single vomiting does not require medical intervention, just give the child plenty to drink.
  7. Cough develops as a reaction to the whooping cough component and appears within a day. It does not require medical therapy and passes quickly.

Other reactions to the DTP vaccine include decreased appetite, restless behavior, nervousness, moodiness, and drowsiness.

Temperature and allergic reactions develop more often in response to the second administration of the DPT vaccine, when the body is already familiar with its antigens. Therefore, how the second DTP is tolerated, one can judge how the child will tolerate subsequent vaccinations. In case of severe reactions or allergies, DTP is replaced with lighter analogues or the introduction of the pertussis component is completely excluded.

When to see a doctor

In rare cases, a child develops a severe reaction to a DPT shot. This situation requires immediate medical attention. Take your baby to the hospital or call the pediatrician if the following signs appear:

  • persistent crying lasting more than three hours;
  • swelling at the injection site larger than 8 cm in diameter;
  • temperature above 39 ° C, which is not brought down by antipyretics.

Also, you should consult a doctor if you have symptoms characteristic of complications of DTP.

Complications of the DTP vaccine

Typical reactions to the DTP vaccine go away without a trace within a few days. But the complications and side effects differ in that they require treatment and can cause serious harm to the health of the child. What is the danger of DPT vaccination in this regard?

  1. If the drug was administered in violation of aseptic rules, then “dirt” can get into the wound - various microorganisms that cause inflammation and suppuration in the subcutaneous tissue. An abscess forms after DPT. The skin develops a red, painful swelling, sometimes hot to the touch. In this case, surgical intervention is required - the abscess is cut, the wound is cleaned of pus and dead tissue and treated in an open way with antiseptic solutions, ointments and powders.
  2. Among the side effects in children on DPT vaccination, the most feared is the neurological reaction inherent in the pertussis component of the vaccine. It results in encephalopathy (impaired brain activity), shock, convulsions, twitching, impaired consciousness. A direct connection of such disorders with the pertussis component has not been proven, however, such reactions are observed in one user of the vaccine out of 100 thousand. Encephalopathy, manifested by mental retardation, can also occur after a severe reaction to DTP (very high fever, convulsions, shock).
  3. Another dangerous complication is extremely rare and is called hypotension and non-response (HHE) syndrome. It develops in children under two years of age within two days after the introduction of the vaccine. First comes the fever, then the child becomes lethargic and falls into a sleepy state. Breathing becomes shallow, skin pale. The reaction can last for 6 hours, but almost all children return to normal, although the signs look ominous.
  4. Systemic allergic reactions, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, are uncharacteristic of DTP, but may occur in a small percentage of cases.

DPT analogues

The domestic DTP vaccine is given to children free of charge according to the vaccination schedule. At the request of parents, foreign-made paid vaccines can be used instead. Their common advantage is that they do not contain mercury compounds as preservatives.

One of the analogues of DPT is the Tetracoccus vaccine. It additionally includes an inactivated polio virus. However, judging by the reviews, the drug has a similar reactogenicity to DTP.

To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions to vaccination, imported DTP analogues are used, made on the basis of a cell-free pertussis component.
These include:

  • Infanrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline;
  • "Infanrix IPV" (added polio);
  • Infanrix Hexa (plus polio, hepatitis B and Hib);
  • "Pentaxim" manufactured by "Sanofi Aventis Pasteur", France - from five diseases (whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis and Hib infection).

In conclusion, we can say that DTP vaccination is one of the most serious vaccinations, often causing post-vaccination reactions. The child must be prepared for vaccination in advance, undergo all the necessary examinations, and, if necessary, get advice from specialists. DTP vaccination is carried out only for healthy children, after which the baby is carefully monitored for three days. In the event of an increase in temperature, antipyretics are given, and with the development of signs of a strong reaction, they consult a doctor.

The DPT vaccine is given for the first time to a newborn child upon reaching three months. The vaccine contains three active ingredients that produce protective antibodies against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Parents always have a lot of questions about vaccinations.

Deciphering the DTP vaccination and the types of vaccines used

How does the abbreviation DTP stand for? This is an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. The listed diseases against which vaccination is carried out bring significant harm to health, especially for a small child.

Whooping cough is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. The patient is worried about a strong cough, respiratory failure, the lungs become inflamed, convulsions and a rise in temperature are observed.

Diphtheria refers to bacterial infections. The upper respiratory tract is affected. The larynx and trachea become inflamed, swollen, the condition can threaten with suffocation.

Tetanus is an infectious disease that can be contracted through soil, animal or human saliva. Bacteria, getting into an open wound, begin their destructive action. The nervous system is damaged. The result is paralysis of the respiratory system and cardiac arrest.

Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus is included in the list of mandatory preventive vaccinations, which are given to all citizens who voluntarily agreed to vaccination.

The active substance of the vaccine is killed pertussis bacteria and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. In the last two cases, the danger is not the bacteria themselves, but the toxins that are released during their life. Therefore, the vaccine includes toxoids.

Should I get vaccinated?

Before the vaccine is given, parents must be given a form to sign the agreement. In case of refusal, only the parent is responsible for the health of the child. You need to know that even in modern society, the death rate from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus is high.

If the baby is vaccinated, the risk of infection is minimal. In the event that, nevertheless, infection could not be avoided, then the immune system will fight the disease from the very first minute. The disease will pass easily, and recovery will come quickly, without complications.

Whooping cough vaccine is given in combination with active ingredients against diphtheria and tetanus. It is she who most often causes adverse reactions in a child. But, having vaccinated according to all the rules, the body will be reliably protected for many years.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to take tests and visit the local pediatrician. In case of any deviations, the vaccination can be postponed for several days or even weeks.

The first vaccinations for newborns are given exactly at the moment when the teeth begin to erupt. Caring mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get vaccinated when teething. The pediatrician does not allow vaccination during this period. The body is weakened, the baby is often capricious, does not eat well, so an extra load on the immune system can cause an undesirable reaction.

How many DTP vaccinations are there and when are they given?

Subject to the scheme proposed by the Ministry of Health, up to four years of age, 4 vaccinations are given. Begin the introduction of drugs before the age of one year with an interval of at least a month. The first injection is carried out at 3 months, the second vaccination is carried out at 4.5 months, the re-vaccination coincides with six months of age and the last one is done at 1 year and 6 months.

In some countries, vaccinations begin as early as two months. It is believed that it is at this age that antibodies obtained from the mother lose their ability to protect the body from diseases.

In the future, they are vaccinated with ADS-M. It is without the pertussis component, since immunity against this disease after vaccination lasts about 9 years. ADS-M revaccination is carried out at 6–7 years and at 14 years. After that, it is enough for an adult to be vaccinated every 10 years.

If the child is weakened or belongs to a risk group, then the pediatrician individually decides how many times to vaccinate. If there is a strong reaction to the past administration of DTP, doctors decide to exclude the whooping cough vaccine from the complex.

Interval between vaccinations

In order for the DPT vaccine to take effect, it must be given at the time intervals indicated on the calendar. The first three vaccinations are given every 30-40 days. The fourth vaccination is carried out after 12 months. The fifth is carried out after 5 years, and the sixth is carried out after another 8–9 years.

If the vaccination schedule was not violated in childhood, then the protection of immunity from diseases persists for 10–11 years. Therefore, it is sufficient for adults to revaccinate once every 10 years.

DPT vaccination for adults

An adult who received a full course of DTP vaccinations as a child or adult should receive a DTP-M revaccination every 10 years. This will keep the immune system at a high level.

Adults are not vaccinated against whooping cough, since life-long, stable immunity is acquired from the disease. If there is an infection with whooping cough, then it proceeds as a simple cold.

If an adult was not vaccinated in childhood against the three diseases in question, then he should receive a series of three DTP vaccines. If injuries have been received, there is a purulent wound that does not heal for a long time on the body, an animal has bitten, then the tetanus vaccination is carried out out of plan.

Vaccination Schedule

The DTP vaccination schedule involves administering the vaccine three times every 30–40 days. If there are any contraindications, it is allowed to shift the vaccination from the dates indicated in the schedule. When vaccinating children older than 4 years, the exclusion of the whooping cough component is expected.

The recommended terms are: 3 months, 4.5 months, 6 months and 1.5 years. Five years later, revaccination is carried out twice at 6.5 and 14 years. Then adult citizens are recommended to repeat the vaccination every 10 years.

First DTP

If there are no health problems, good test results and no medical exemptions from doctors, then at the age of three months, the first administration of the DPT vaccination is carried out. However, one introduction is not enough. Strong immunity against diseases is formed only after four vaccinations.

Why is DTP vaccination dangerous? The vaccine is dangerous for its local and general complications:

  • In the area where the injection was made, compaction, redness and swelling in diameter greater than 8–9 cm may appear.
  • There is a high rise in body temperature.
  • The occurrence of convulsions is not excluded (it is important to exclude damage to the central nervous system).
  • In rare cases, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, and urticaria may develop.

The child looks restless, cries for a long time, he has a poor appetite, he does not sleep well, often spit up, the stool is disturbed.

Second DPT

The second vaccine is given in the middle of the fourth month of life. If the child's immune system reacted with any reactions after the first vaccination, then it is likely that they will be repeated after each procedure.

At the injection site of the drug against infections, there may be a slight induration (no more than 1 cm), normally no more than 2-3 days. As the vaccine is absorbed into the bloodstream, the seal will dissolve. There may be allergic manifestations in the form of swelling and redness.

Third DTP

The components of the third DTP vaccine are administered when the child reaches 6 months. You also need to carefully prepare for it and then follow some recommendations.

Can a vaccinated child get whooping cough? The immune system actively begins to fight the disease after a full course of vaccination. By the start of the third vaccination, not enough antibodies are produced to fight the infection.

The pertussis component of the vaccine itself cannot provoke the disease, since the DTP vaccine contains only particles of killed bacteria.

Where are they vaccinated?

There are several places where DPT vaccination is given. The suspension must be injected deep into the muscle. The best place is considered to be where the skin is thin, the fat layer is small and there is enough muscle tissue. Young children are usually given the vaccine in the thigh, older patients in the shoulder.

If you get vaccinated in the gluteal region, then the drug will be more difficult and slower to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The patient may experience pain and discomfort. More often there are edema, inflammation.


The DTP vaccine is often accompanied by post-vaccination reactions. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for it.

For the timely detection of contraindications, the pediatrician first examines the skin of the child, examines the oral mucosa, and listens to chest breathing. Ideally, for admission to vaccination, you must first pass the tests. Only after assessing the health of the child, the pediatrician gives admission to vaccination.

If you do not take into account contraindications, then vaccination can lead to violations in the development of the child:

  • Acute course of chronic diseases.
  • Poorly tolerated previous vaccination.
  • The presence of a convulsive syndrome.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Before vaccination, parents should carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the child. If he did not eat well, did not sleep well, or had other alarming symptoms, it is better to postpone the vaccination for another time. It is undesirable to vaccinate during teething.

How to prepare?

In order to prevent serious consequences after vaccination, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the procedure:

  • Before the introduction of the first vaccination, the child must already be examined by all narrow specialists, a complete picture of his health is compiled. In case of any violations, a medical exemption may be obtained.
  • Before the introduction of the drug that protects against whooping cough, the child must be examined by a neurologist.
  • All indicators of analyzes must comply with the standards.
  • If the baby is prone to allergies, it is recommended to use antiallergic drugs 3-4 days before vaccination.
  • Vaccination is preferably carried out 40-50 minutes after a meal.

The advice of a psychologist to parents will help prepare for vaccination, and you can also get recommendations from him if the child is offended in kindergarten or school.

How to behave after?

To make the vaccination easier, parents should consider a number of recommendations:

  • After vaccination, it is recommended to sit in the clinic for another 20-25 minutes.
  • Regardless of the rise in temperature, doctors advise giving an antipyretic.
  • It is advisable to refuse walks for two days.
  • Do not bathe the child, especially if he does not feel well.

How many days can I swim after DTP vaccination? As soon as all adverse reactions disappear, you can wash. Usually you have to wait a couple of days.

Vaccine reaction, side effects

Almost half of the vaccinated children show some reaction to the vaccine on the first day. Signs that appear after the third day are not related to the vaccination:

  • In the injection area, redness and a slight induration may appear. Pain may appear, due to which it is sometimes painful for the child to stand on his leg and he limps.
  • The body temperature rises. If it helps to cope with germs during a cold, then after the vaccine there is no benefit from it. Therefore, it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic.
  • There may be disorder of the stool.
  • The body can react to the antipertussis component with the appearance of a cough that does not require treatment.
  • The child becomes capricious, drowsy, appetite decreases and sleep worsens.

Adverse reactions are more pronounced after the introduction of the second vaccination, the immune system is already familiar with foreign bodies and even more wants to protect the body from them. In severe allergic reactions or other acute manifestations, the pertussis component may be removed from the vaccine. It is he who provokes an acute reaction from the immune system.

You should urgently consult a specialist in case of development of the following side effects in children:

  • high-pitched crying that does not stop for a long time;
  • swelling and redness exceed 9 cm;
  • body temperature above 39 degrees, which is not reduced by drugs.

The whooping cough vaccine is more likely than other active substances of DTP to lead to complications. A reaction from the nervous system is considered dangerous, which causes disruption of the brain. The body temperature rises, convulsions are observed, consciousness is disturbed.

DTP vaccination is an effective method of preventing such dangerous infections as tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. At the beginning of the 20th century, before the creation of a vaccine, about 20% of children were infected with diphtheria, half of them died. Tetanus led to the death of 85% of infected people. Even today, in countries where immunization is not carried out, more than 250 thousand people die every year. Before the creation of the DTP vaccine, up to 95% of the world's population had whooping cough, which is especially dangerous for babies.

Immunization made it possible to cope with the epidemic, the spread of infectious diseases decreased. However, in recent years there have been whole anti-vaccination movements. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is necessary to administer a vaccine for a child, how dangerous are the consequences of DPT vaccination.

Why get vaccinated?

DPT is an adsorbed vaccine against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. The drug is designed to create immunity against 3 serious infectious diseases that can lead to the development of severe irreversible complications. Therefore, DPT vaccination is done in most countries of the world. The DTP vaccine is based on inactivated pertussis cells, purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.

Important! On the territory of Russia, preparations of domestic and imported production are widely used for vaccination.

The action of the DTP vaccine is reduced to the development of an immune response in the baby, so that later the child's body can cope with pathogenic agents. After injection, toxins and microbial particles mimic the development of an infection. This triggers the synthesis of protective factors, interferons, antibodies and phagocytes. That allows you to develop a strong immunity to infections.

In modern medicine, 2 types of DTP vaccine are widely used:

  • Acellular (acellular). The composition of the drug includes purified pertussis antigens, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. These molecules are able to form immunity, can significantly reduce the risk of developing neurological adverse reactions to the whooping cough component. Examples of such a vaccine are Infanrix, Pentaxim;
  • Cellular. The vaccine contains dead microorganisms of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. Therefore, after DPT vaccination, a child has pronounced side effects.

Vaccination Schedule

DTP vaccination helps to form a stable immune response in the baby. However, for this it is necessary to follow the following vaccination schedule:

  • At 3 months, the first DPT vaccination. Early immunization is justified by the fact that maternal antibodies are able to protect the child's body only 60 days after birth. Vaccination is carried out with a domestic or foreign drug. However, it must be borne in mind that the DTP vaccine can lead to the development of a post-vaccination reaction. Foreign vaccines are more easily tolerated. DTP vaccination should be given to a child under 4 years of age, older children are shown the introduction of the DTP vaccine as the first vaccination;
  • At 4.5 months, the second vaccination. The DTP vaccination must be done 45 days after the first immunization. Characterized by increased immune response. Therefore, it is recommended to use a similar vaccine in order to reduce the severity of adverse reactions to the drug. However, if the baby had a strong reaction to the first vaccination, then it is necessary to use the drug without the pertussis component.
  • At 6 months, the third vaccination. Some children develop an intense reaction just after the introduction of the third DPT vaccination.
  • At 1.5 years the last vaccination. It is tolerated quite easily, rarely provokes the development of severe reactions.

How to prepare a baby?

To reduce the risk of development and severity of adverse reactions after DPT vaccination, the following rules must be followed:

  • A few days before vaccination, stop taking vitamin D, which will help prevent the development of allergies;
  • Before vaccination, it is necessary to give the child an antihistamine and calcium gluconate, which should be continued for 3-4 days after immunization;
  • 1-2 hours after the DPT vaccination, the baby should be given an antipyretic to prevent fever.
  • The dosage of medicines should be selected by the pediatrician, based on the individual characteristics of the child.

Instructions for using the vaccine

DTP vaccination is used as part of the immunization of children under 4 years of age. A single dosage of the drug is 0.5 ml. Before the introduction, the ampoule must be heated to body temperature, shaken thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

If the next vaccination cannot be carried out on time, then the vaccine is given as soon as the child's condition returns to normal. Immunization is carried out according to aseptic and antiseptic standards. If, after opening the ampoule, the drug remains unused, then it must be disposed of.

Important! If the child has had whooping cough, then DTP is used instead of the DTP vaccine.

It is forbidden to use DTP if:

  • Violated the integrity of the ampoule;
  • The expiration date has expired;
  • Ampoules are not labeled;
  • Violated storage conditions of the drug;
  • The drug changed physical properties (color, insoluble precipitate appeared).

After vaccination, the nurse must register the fact of vaccination in the established accounting forms, indicating the date, number and batch of the drug, expiration date, manufacturer.

Many parents are interested in where they get vaccinated. The drug is injected into muscle tissue, which ensures a sufficient rate of absorption, the correct formation of the immune response. The skin is pre-treated with an alcohol wipe. Pediatricians recommend that in children under 1.5 years of age, DPT be vaccinated in the femoral muscle. For older children, the drug is injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

Child care after vaccination

Immediately after the DTP vaccination, it is recommended to be on the territory of the medical center within 20-30 minutes so that the staff can help the child if there are signs of a severe allergy. At home, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic drug based on Paracetamol in the form of syrup or suppositories, without waiting for the temperature to rise. After DTP, you can also use anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Nurofen) at bedtime.

If the child has a fever, then it is recommended to give up walking for a while. On the day of vaccination, you must refrain from bathing, massage. It is important to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the child, regularly change the temperature.

Features of vaccination in adults

Adults need revaccination to maintain a sufficient level of antibodies in the bloodstream. Therefore, vaccinations are given every 10 years, starting at the age of 24. However, whooping cough is not dangerous for a strong adult organism, therefore ADS-M is used for revaccination.

If the patient refuses the introduction of the vaccine, then the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. However, in case of infection, the disease will proceed in a mild form if the patient was vaccinated with DTP in childhood.

Adverse reactions

The DTP vaccine belongs to reactogenic drugs, because in 90% of vaccinated children it causes short-term local and systemic adverse reactions. Usually symptoms of malaise develop within 3 days after the injection.

Important! Any symptomatology that develops after this period is not related to the vaccination process.

Some of the normal reactions after DTP vaccination include:

  • Increased body temperature. After DPT, fever can last up to 3 days. This is the most common reaction to the vaccine, so parents should prepare antipyretic drugs ahead of time. If the temperature before bedtime does not exceed 38 ° C, then it is better to put a suppository on the child. If the temperature exceeds this threshold, then it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs in syrup (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesulide);
  • Soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site of the DPT shot. To eliminate the symptom, you can use an alcohol compress;
  • Violation of the functionality of the limb where DTP was vaccinated. In children, muscle mass is less developed, which makes it difficult to absorb the drug. This provokes the development of pain in the child while walking and lameness. In this case, it is recommended to massage the leg, wipe it with a warm towel;
  • Headache, malaise, general weakness;
  • Indigestion, diarrhea. To prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended not to feed the child for 1.5 hours before and after vaccination. When diarrhea occurs, enterosorbents should be used: Smecta, Enterosgel, activated charcoal;
  • Prolonged crying, moodiness, irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • Cough. The symptom develops as a reaction of the body to the intake of the whooping cough component. Usually, the cough goes away on its own within 3-4 days, does not require medication. If the symptom persists for a week, then it may be a sign of an infectious disease not associated with vaccination;
  • Decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • The appearance of a rash. The symptom goes away on its own a few days after vaccination. With severe itching, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the child's reaction to the DTP vaccination may be:

  1. Weak. It leads to the development of a slight general malaise, an increase in temperature of not more than 37.5 ° C.
  2. Medium severity. It causes a pronounced deterioration in well-being, a change in behavioral reactions. The temperature usually does not exceed 38°C after DPT.
  3. Severe reaction. The child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, the temperature reaches 39°C. If hyperthermia exceeds 40°C, then during vaccination it is recommended to abandon the vaccine used in favor of ADS.

Important! Doctors note that after each subsequent DPT vaccination, the overall reaction of the body to the drug becomes less pronounced, but local symptoms are more pronounced.

Possible Complications

In rare cases, after DTP, severe health problems develop in children that require immediate medical attention:

  • Severe allergic reactions: atopic dermatitis, Quincke's angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • Decrease in blood pressure, which leads to impaired blood flow in vital organs. The following symptoms of hypotension are distinguished: pallor of the skin, weakness, cold hands and feet;
  • Convulsions without fever. The condition indicates an organic lesion of the child's nervous system;
  • The appearance of symptoms, which indicates a violation of the central nervous system and the development of encephalopathy. Complication develops only in 1 case out of 300 thousand;
  • Baby crying for 2-4 hours;
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain. Pathology occurs in 1 in 500 thousand vaccinated;
  • The development of a bump at the injection site more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • Temperature up to 40 ° C, which antipyretic drugs cannot bring down.

Existing contraindications

DTP vaccination cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • Severe immunodeficiency states;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Severe pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Severe allergic reaction to DTP in history;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Convulsive seizures in history;
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the DTP vaccine;
  • The baby has a strong reaction to the previous vaccination: the temperature is up to 40 0 ​​C, the bump at the injection site is more than 8 cm in diameter.

These contraindications are absolute, in such cases the child receives a lifelong medical exemption from DPT vaccination. Relative contraindications are also distinguished when vaccination is postponed for 11-20 days:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Signs of the development of intoxication: nausea, weakness, lethargy, anxiety;
  • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • Against the background of teething;
  • Severe stress in the child;
  • Decreased appetite.

Main types of vaccines

Usually, routine immunization is carried out with a domestic DTP vaccine. However, parents have the right to independently choose the drug for vaccination. The following vaccines are available:

  • DPT;
  • Infanrix;
  • Pentaxim;

It is worth considering in more detail each of the preparations for vaccination.


The drug was created on the basis of 100 billion inactivated whooping cough bacilli, 15 flocculating units of diphtheria toxoid and 5 units of tetanus toxoid. As an auxiliary substance, a stabilizer is used - merthiolate.

Important! The DPT vaccine cannot be bought at a retail pharmacy chain.

The Russian-made DPT vaccine is available in the form of a grayish-white suspension for intramuscular administration. A cloudy precipitate is acceptable.


This is a suspension for intramuscular injection, which is used for vaccination and revaccination. Infanrix is ​​produced in ampoules of 0.5 ml in Belgium. After vaccination in children, the following side effects are possible:

  • Slight redness and swelling at the injection site;
  • Soreness and impaired function of the limb where the drug was injected;
  • Elevated body temperature no more than 3 days;
  • Runny nose;
  • Apathy, tearfulness;
  • Pain in the throat, gums and teeth;
  • Allergic reaction.

Important! The listed symptoms develop in 90% of children after the first injection of the Infanrix vaccine.

Taking antipyretics and antihistamines will help alleviate the baby's condition. If a seal appears at the injection site, then a compress can be made.

The introduction of the Infanrix vaccine is contraindicated in such cases:

  • Increased temperature in a child;
  • Against the background of infectious diseases;
  • The presence of severe pathologies in history;
  • Against the background of teething.

There are also combined drugs that can protect the child from 4 or more infectious diseases. These include Infanrix IPV (protection against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio), Infanrix Hexa (protects the baby from whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio, diphtheria, hemophilic infection).


The drug is produced in France in double packaging. The composition of the Pentaxim vaccine includes diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis toxoid, filamentous hemagglutinin, dead polio virus particles (3 strains). The listed components are in a syringe, the volume of which is 1 ml. They are a cloudy white suspension. Separately, in the form of a lyophilisate, there is a hemophilic component, which is combined with tetanus toxoid. Immediately before the introduction of the vaccine, the nurse mixes all the available ingredients, according to the instructions.

After vaccination with the Pentaxim vaccine, the following side effects are possible:

  • Hyperemia (reddening of the skin) at the injection site, the appearance of compaction, swelling;
  • Fever up to 3 days;
  • Irritability, tearfulness;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Lameness after vaccination in the leg;
  • Decreased appetite.

Pentaxim practically does not cause severe side effects. And the listed symptoms are easily stopped by antihistamine, antipyretic drugs. After vaccination, it is recommended to refuse walking, swimming for a couple of days.


Children older than 4 years of age during vaccination recommend the introduction of ADS. There is no pertussis component in this preparation, because immunity against whooping cough in a child is considered to be formed. ADS is administered to prolong the resistance of the organism of children to the pathogens of tetanus and diphtheria. The vaccination schedule is to administer the vaccine at 7, 14 years of age, and then every 10 years in adults. The ADS vaccine is well tolerated, but there may be slight redness at the injection site.

To form a reliable immunity against tetanus and diphtheria in children older than 6 years, the ADS-M vaccine is used. It is characterized by a low dosage of active ingredients, therefore it helps to reduce the risk of adverse reactions after vaccination.

Vaccination: pros and cons

The DTP vaccine was included in the National Vaccination Calendar because it can protect children and adults from deadly infections. If the child has no contraindications, he is perfectly healthy, then the parents need to decide in favor of vaccination. Indeed, after DTP vaccination, dangerous side effects rarely develop. However, vaccination allows you to be sure that the child's body will be able to cope with the pathogens of dangerous infections.

Often parents refuse DTP vaccination because the vaccine can lead to the development of autism. In such cases, reference is made to an article in The Lancet. The publication states that thimerosal, which is part of many vaccine preparations, causes dangerous complications. However, numerous clinical studies have shown that vaccination is not capable of provoking the development of autism in children. The myth is also the assertion that DTP provokes the occurrence of bronchial asthma in a child.

Some parents note that a few months or years after the vaccination, the child developed deviations in mental and speech activity, tearfulness, irritability, and a decrease in immunity. However, there is no reliable information that the listed conditions are complications of vaccination. There are no vaccines that are absolutely safe for a child's health. In rare cases, DTP leads to the development of serious conditions, but the consequences of infectious diseases (whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria) are much more dangerous.


DTP vaccination is the most reactogenic of childhood vaccinations, which leads to the development of a large number of adverse reactions. Almost every child has a fever after the administration of the drug. Therefore, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, and undergo a medical examination before vaccination. This will reduce the risk of post-vaccination reactions and severe complications in the baby. In Russia, vaccination is voluntary, so parents have the right to refuse DPT vaccination in writing.

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