After eco pulls the stomach. Feelings after embryo transfer. Heavy discharge and bleeding

A woman should urgently consult a doctor and find out why her stomach hurts after IVF as before menstruation. After all this process gives excellent chances to become a mother. Therefore, when abdominal pain is felt, the patient begins to experience uterine tone.

The reasons

During the procedure, the fetus must be implanted, so the woman's lower abdomen is pulled after the embryo is replanted. Before the operation, the eggs are grown, fertilized, then those are selected. Selected cells are injected into the uterus future mother.

When the transfer was carried out, experts say that if, after IVF, the lower abdomen is pulled, this is normal phenomenon with the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. Other main causes of pain are various complications of the procedure.

Why does the lower abdomen pull and hurt after embryo replanting:

  1. mechanical injuries during artificial insemination. In order to get eggs, you need to pierce the follicles. And this is a microtrauma, respectively, there is nothing to be surprised if the ovaries hurt after IVF;
  2. constipation and bloated stomach;
  3. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is associated with an overdose of drugs;
  4. change to hormonal background;
  5. the uterus increases in size. When several embryos mature in the uterus, it increases significantly;
  6. gas and constipation. It is associated with a decrease physical activity and power failure.

Thus, there are cases when, after cryotransfer, the stomach pulls as before menstruation. Attachment of the fetus is considered the most desirable. The majority of women at a positive result IVF note the corresponding sensations.


During embryo transfer, about 80% of patients experience sensations as before menstruation. Immediately after the transplant, a woman should treat her body with the utmost trepidation. If the ovary hurts after IVF, it is recommended to limit physical activity and give yourself rest. The duration of sleep is 8 hours, and in the position on the side or on the back. Avoid stressful situations.

If the stomach hurts after IVF, as before menstruation, right decision will contact the reproduction center where the transfer was made as soon as possible.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't get out of bed. Experts advise walking daily in the fresh air. It is good if the walk is carried out in the forest, where there are many trees and plants.

Most doctors say that it is undesirable to be in places where there is a crowd of people. After all, someone can inadvertently push at a time when pulling pains in the lower abdomen are felt.

Some patients complain that their ovaries are enlarged after IVF, and they also take a long time to recover. In addition, if a woman has recovered from unsuccessful IVF pain in the lower abdomen accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting. There is also a crush in the chest area, sleep is disturbed, mood often changes, there is general weakness organism.

It is necessary to sound the alarm about pain in the abdomen after embryo replanting if the sensations began to progress in the worst side, add serious discomfort and are accompanied by bleeding. In such cases, a specialist is required, he will tell you what to do and prescribe treatment.

Lower back pain

Immediately after the embryo transfer or a few days after the procedure, a woman may feel discomfort in the back. Some associate them with disorders in the spine. But in initial period Pregnancy does not occur compression of the nerve roots. Therefore, if the lower back hurts after the transfer, the reason for this is gynecological problems.

In some patients, the sensation of discomfort stops on the same day, while others are forced to endure them for several days or weeks.

Lower back pain after IVF for the following reasons:

  • removal of mature ovaries. Before the procedure, the doctor pierces them, which sometimes leads to the appearance of microcracks;
  • reception medicines taken by a woman in the process of undergoing IVF;
  • the implantation that occurred, which indicates a successful outcome of the operation;
  • uterus growth. Discomfort appears as a result of an increase in the size of the organ. Sometimes at the same time a woman feels that her side hurts.

If, after replanting the embryos, the lower back is pulled, this is not a cause for concern. However, if the pain becomes intense and appears profuse bleeding you need to tell your doctor immediately.

Chest pain

If a woman has chest pain after IVF, this is a normal phenomenon associated with a hormonal imbalance that has arisen after the procedure. This occurs in the period after the procedure until the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. If the chest hurts after replanting, it means that the body is adjusting to the approach of the lactation period.

At this stage, the following events may occur:

  1. increase in breast size. Continues until the 12th week of pregnancy and in the last trimester;
  2. sensitivity and tingling sensations in the mammary glands;
  3. enlargement and swelling of the nipples and the halo around them;
  4. from the second trimester, the formation of colostrum begins - thick yellow discharge;
  5. due to increased blood circulation in the chest, a network of veins appears on it.

What to do so that the chest stops hurting after the transfer? Completely remove pain impossible. it physiological process, which indicates that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

  • wearing quality underwear for pregnant women;
  • the use of special breast pads to prevent colostrum from getting on linen;
  • application contrast shower to strengthen the nipples.

If the chest hurts after replanting, it means that the body is adjusting to the approach of the lactation period. You need to get used to it and stop worrying.

If you have a headache after IVF, cabbage leaves applied to your forehead for 15 minutes will help. You can also apply moistened saline solution towel.

During IVF, the patient takes many medications. Often, women have a feeling that their stomach is swollen. This is due to hormonal changes. Body temperature may also rise slightly. Similar symptoms- the reaction of the body to the birth of a new life. If pain in the lower back and back after embryo transfer and bloating do not go away for a long time you should inform your doctor about this.

Finally, congratulations: the exciting IVF procedure is over, and in the next 2 weeks the chances of becoming a mother are greater than ever. The wait is agonizing, and if after embryo replanting the stomach hurts like before menstruation, then panic is the most appropriate word to describe the state of your nervous system.

The doctor insisted emotional peace and positive thinking, but how to stay calm in the face of uncertainty?

Abdominal pain after IVF bothers 80% of women, so try to reduce the degree of anxiety and get ready to take in the information.

Pain may occur immediately after the transfer or several days later. For some, it passes quickly, for others it lasts for weeks. Pain can be of different intensity, there can be several reasons for its occurrence.

Pulling in the lower abdomen after replanting

Pain in the lower abdomen, which persists for several weeks after fertilization, is due to the following reasons:

  1. mechanical damage to the ovaries during IVF;
  2. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  3. possible attachment of the fetus;
  4. bloating and constipation;
  5. hormonal changes;
  6. enlargement of the uterus;
  7. constipation and increased gas formation.

Mechanical damage

The IVF protocol involves the simultaneous growth of several. Normally, only one egg matures every month. With artificial stimulation, their number can reach 20 or more. To obtain mature eggs, each of the follicles is pierced, which is essentially a microtrauma. Therefore, you should not be surprised at the occurrence of pain immediately after IVF.

Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Hyperstimulation Syndrome - possible complication associated with overdose of drugs. Except pulling pains accompanied by swelling, an increase in the abdomen, changes in stool, appetite.

With mild and moderate the course of adjusting the diet and daily regimen is sufficient for treatment. Symptoms accompanying hyperstimulation syndrome may persist for several weeks.

Attachment of the fetus

The most desired reason is the attachment of the embryo. Many women, whose IVF outcome turned out to be positive, noted the appearance of pulling pains and slight spotting in the first days after replanting.

Enlargement of the uterus

The uterus, especially in cases of maturation of several embryos in it, increases significantly. The ligaments that support it are pulled, causing pain in the lower abdomen. The placenta grows and develops, changing the hormonal background.

Constipation and increased gas formation

And constipation and bloating lead to a decrease in physical activity and poor nutrition.

When should you sound the alarm?

The occurrence of pain in the abdomen after embryo transfer, as before menstruation, can still serve as a reason for urgent appeal for help in cases:

  1. if the pain has turned from pulling into sharp;
  2. if the sensations experienced cannot be called banal discomfort;
  3. if abdominal pain is accompanied by significant spotting.

These symptoms do not always mean the worst. They may be due hormonal changes, weak attachment or other reasons. Seeing a doctor will clear your doubts. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

If possible, stay calm, follow the doctor's recommendations, watch your diet, stool and be attentive to yourself. Do not be afraid to seek help if necessary and refuse to self-medicate.


It happens that complications occur after IVF, in most cases they are not dangerous and do not pose a threat to the body of the expectant mother and her baby. A woman should not panic for the slightest reason. For example, after IVF, the stomach may hurt, as before menstruation. Why does a pulling pain occur in the lower abdomen? Let's look at all the reasons.

The IVF procedure includes the process of embryo implantation (transfer and subsequent attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall). In advance of implantation, the egg undergoes cultivation and fertilization. The very introduction of a fertilized embryo into the wall of the uterus is already, though simple, but still a surgical intervention.

The presence of abdominal pain in a woman after IVF is possible for some time - this is normal.

By nature, the pain can be pulling, aching, but experts are in a hurry to reassure that after IVF this phenomenon is considered as the norm. That is, the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus occurs with subsequent pain.

Complications and pain in the abdomen after IVF

Consider a number of the main reasons that provoke abdominal pain, as before menstruation:

  1. The lower abdomen in a woman who has undergone an IVF procedure can hurt due to mechanical injury . Artificial insemination associated with the puncture of the follicles, which is carried out using a puncture needle under ultrasound control. This is necessary to obtain a mature egg. Although the intervention is microscopic, microtrauma is still present, and this may be the most direct consequence of the appearance of pain in the ovaries.
  2. and increased gas production. Cause in this case should be clarified and determined by a general practitioner.
  3. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can be directly related to a high dose of hormones injected into the body, as a result, it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen as before menstruation.
  4. Due to changes in the hormonal background of a woman, her stomach may hurt, pull like before menstruation.
  5. An increase in the size of the uterus is a consequence of the fact that several embryos are maturing in its cavity at once, and this can be manifested by abdominal pain, similar in nature to pain before menstruation.

During embryo transfer, the vast majority of patients (80%) experience pain.

But you should not be particularly afraid, because after the transfer, pulling pains in the woman’s stomach, as before menstruation, are far from uncommon. In addition, successful attachment and development of the fetus is always accompanied by pulling pains and unpleasant sensations in a stomach. Abdominal pain after replanting may be a confirmation that all is going well.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

A patient under observation in a reproductive clinic, immediately after an embryo transfer, should be extremely attentive to her health. This means that any unpleasant pain in the abdomen, but you don’t need to get hung up on them either. So, for example, if a woman feels pain in the ovaries and the surrounding area, then the body needs to be given more rest, and physical activity should be limited.

It is extremely important to avoid stressful unrest during this vulnerable period. Do not neglect the elementary regime of the day and the distribution of labor during the day.

You should go for walks more often, breathe fresh air. Such walks should be regular. Being in the forest park sector will allow a woman to improve her well-being and enrich her body with oxygen, which will definitely have a positive effect on the woman's health as a whole.

No need to travel to public transport during peak hours. In a crush on a bus or subway, you may be pressed or accidentally hit in the stomach. As a result, a miscarriage may occur.

What else worries a woman immediately after embryo replanting?

After the IVF protocol, many patients notice an increase in the ovaries and their soreness. Their recovery can occur at different rates and the case of each woman is individual. Worse, if the recovery process is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, nausea and vomiting. This complicates the process of embryo implantation, and the woman suffers from physiological and emotional manifestations. Weakness, pain in the chest and lower back, as well as disturbances in the sleep-wake phase may occur.

What should alert a woman?

You need to be especially attentive and sympathetic if the pain in the abdomen has become progressive and intensifies. The warning sign is the appearance of bleeding. In this case, without qualified assistance can not do and than used to be a woman consult a specialist, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.

Lower back pain

In addition to abdominal pain, a woman may also experience lumbar pain, which may be associated precisely with the introduction of the embryo into the uterine cavity. What does the woman feel in this case and why?

Pain in the lower back can be disturbed immediately after the IVF procedure, after 2-3 days. Many mistakenly believe that this is compression of the vertebral roots, but this is not so. At the beginning of pregnancy, compression of the vertebral roots does not occur, so the cause must be sought precisely in the gynecological problem.

Again, each woman feels the transfer individually, and for some, the pain goes away immediately or is not noticeable at all, while someone feels it for several days or even weeks.

Why can the lower back hurt after IVF?

The reasons may be hidden in the following. One of them is the removal of mature ovaries and the appearance of microcracks during puncture. Another factor is the intake of hormonal and drugs that give side effect. Another reason for the occurrence of lumbar pain after IVF may be the very fact of favorable attachment of the embryo, that is, successful implantation after IVF surgery. The uterus is also undergoing changes, as there is, although slow, but its growth.

It is important! Lumbar pain should alert a woman if it intensifies and is accompanied by bleeding.

If your chest hurts

It is so laid down by nature that in connection with conception, a woman undergoes changes in the mammary glands. A woman may notice the appearance of chest pain after IVF due to a disturbed hormonal balance. Usually such a phenomenon as chest pain begins after three months after IVF. By this, the body signals the approaching lactation period.

During lactation, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • breast augmentation;
  • hypersensitivity in the chest area;
  • change in the nipples, their swelling;
  • the appearance of colostrum - dense yellowish discharge from the nipples;
  • appearance vein network, clearly manifested as a result of increased blood circulation.

How to deal with chest pain after IVF?

It is impossible to eliminate completely painful sensations in the chest after IVF. This is a normal physiological process in a woman's body, talking about natural changes. However, there are a number of recommendations regarding the care mammary glands during this period.

  1. The woman is shown wearing special underwear, which ensures the correct and comfortable position breasts in a bra.
  2. Contrast shower for nipples.
  3. Avoidance of tight clothing.

chest pain after IVF natural process the start of lactation - do not worry.

Cold after IVF

A serious danger that a woman may face after IVF is viral or bacterial disease(popularly - a cold). During the period of embryo implantation, a woman experiences stress, and her body, along with immune system experiencing increased load, so the risk of catching a cold increases.

Full adaptation of the embryo to the mother's body after fertilization by IVF occurs somewhere on the 8th day after the procedure for introducing the cell into the uterine cavity. The process itself is completely simple and painless, it takes 2-5 minutes, along with blood sampling for hormones, which will later be useful to a woman. All indications of the readiness of the organism of the expectant mother should be normal. First of all, the doctor pays attention to the thickness of the endometrium. If it is not ready, in vitro fertilization is postponed to a more acceptable time. Within two weeks, the condition of the woman and the survival of the cell are constantly monitored. If pregnancy has come, then the mother will pull her stomach, early toxicosis will begin and there will be the cherished two strips on the test.

IVF - is it difficult?

In vitro fertilization is a method reproductive medicine, in which the embryo emerges from the test tube (“invitro”) and stays there until the time comes for it to be attached to the uterus. After 5 days, it is transferred to the cavity and there it continues its development until full maturation. The embryo does not always survive inside, in 20% of cases the cell dies after a week, without attaching to the wall of the uterus.

But the stomach can pull immediately after the procedure, since the insertion of the embryo itself occurs through a catheter, taking into account the curved shape of the uterus. Pressing, dull sensations may bother you for several hours. Therefore, you can take no-shpu or any other antispasmodic drug.

A liquid is squeezed out of the syringe into the catheter, which helps to normalize the environment for the speedy attachment of the embryo, so some swelling at the bottom is the norm. The implant takes root only after 4-5 days, the test will show the exact pregnancy only in these terms and not earlier.

IVF pregnancy symptoms

After fertilization in a test tube, a 4-5-day-old embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity, where it must take root so that the body does not reject it. Doctors believe that if the stomach pulls after the embryo transfer, then the cell has successfully taken root, and now the mother is experiencing hormonal changes. The main thing in this matter is not to worry, imagine that in 15-20 days the body of a pregnant woman must completely rebuild to new conditions that she herself did not initiate, since the embryo was already fertilized during implantation. Some IVF pregnant women believe that the stomach pulls during the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, but in fact this is not the case. Experts are sure that it is impossible to feel anything like that. But hormonal changes, such as: nausea, increased sweating, drowsiness, dizziness and bloating, will talk about normal flow pregnancy.

If the symptoms are not permanent, then you can not go to the doctor, although you will be constantly examined and take blood for the amount of hormones to control the processes taking place in the body. When pulling pains in the lower abdomen are accompanied by spotting, you need to change the support, since hormonal level pregnant in this case will be below normal.

What to do if the stomach pulls after IVF

  1. Limitation comes first physical activity: minimum active movements, brisk walking, light running, maximum rest in horizontal position lying on your side or back.
  2. Evening walks are shown for 2-2.5 hours at a slow pace, it is desirable that they take place in the green zone.
  3. Within a month, it is necessary to reduce stress factors that can lead a woman to a miscarriage. Take sedatives at night, sleep at least 8 hours a night, indulge in a cool shower or warm bath.
  4. Every day you will donate blood for the presence of hormones. If there are few of them, doctors will prescribe you maintenance therapy. And after 14 days it will be necessary to pass a detailed analysis for hCG.
  5. There is no need to worry and be nervous if feelings of nausea, bloating and pulling pains appear. So you are pregnant, and these are signs of the first trimester!
  6. When unbearably pulling in the lower abdomen, do not expect it to go away by itself. Consult a doctor, it is quite possible that you have an incompatibility with the embryo, and it will be rejected by the body.

IVF is a lifeline for those who suffer from infertility and cannot have children. Most women who have undergone infertility treatment complain that their stomach often hurts after IVF. What are the causes of such pain?

Why does the stomach hurt after IVF: causes of the phenomenon

After fertilization, the embryo, which is fertilized by a spouse or a donor, is already in the uterus. The environment and the embryo in which they are located are very small, and you should not worry that the embryo will fall out or flow back out of the abdomen. Abdominal pain after IVF deserves much more attention. Their reason is various complications the procedure carried out.

The IVF program provides for fertilization by the method of embryo transfer. During this procedure, the egg is located in the uterine cavity and if you follow the doctor's recommendations, namely bed rest for ten days, then the embryo is fixed in the mucosa and implanted. But sometimes, fertilized egg can move from the uterus to another place and, over time, the woman begins to feel pain in the abdomen. In this case, you urgently need to see a doctor.

What should be done to prevent abdominal pain after IVF?

  • observe bed rest for ten days,
  • avoid overheating (taking a hot bath, visiting saunas and baths),
  • if necessary, take a laxative,
  • avoid situations that can lead to abdominal pain, stress and conflict,
  • avoid electromagnetic radiation (cell phone, computer and other equipment).

So that after IVF your stomach does not hurt, you can not do the following:

Abdominal pain after IVF may occur if a woman is

  • lift weights,
  • lead sexual life,
  • do all kinds of sports activities,
  • catch a cold
  • and take medicine without the knowledge of a doctor.

If you do not follow the doctor's instructions after IVF, then you can not inform the baby until the end of pregnancy. All of the above foods and ways of life should be excluded before the birth of the child. But if, nevertheless, the woman violates the doctor's instructions after IVF, then she may lose the child if nothing else can be done.

How to eat right after IVF?

Often the stomach worries expectant mothers for a reason malnutrition and not following doctor's advice. Nutrition should be strictly monitored, including foods with proteins in the diet. Food should be consumed not fatty and boiled:

  • veal, beef and white chicken meat,
  • steam cutlets,
  • dairy products,
  • lean fish.

From drinking you can use jelly, fruit drink, juice, green tea and rosehip tea.

It is also strictly forbidden after IVF to drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee and soda, eat a large number of fruits that can cause allergies. It is not recommended to use spicy and fatty sauces, abuse chocolate, chew gum and all kinds of fatty varieties meat, sausages, smoked products, conservation. Of course, it seems that there is nothing to eat if you can’t eat either one or the other, but the usual diet can always be replaced with boiled, steamed and fermented milk products nutrition.

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