Is it possible to engage in intimacy during menstruation? Is it possible to have sex during acute and chronic thrush

For men, sex life is of great importance throughout life. After puberty, it is important that the prostate gland works regularly. Prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse leads to stagnation, circulatory disorders in the prostate. Inflammatory processes are formed. During this period, sexual desire ceases in men, urination is difficult. The patient often experiences pain. In case of violation of the prostate gland, a man loses the need for intimate relationships. How to deal with the problem? Consult a doctor, he will prescribe drugs that stimulate sexual activity. Women are interested in the question, is the disease sexually transmitted? Scientists have proven that in this case there is no connection.

Many men, especially in advanced cases, are afraid of intimacy with a partner, believing that prostatitis will worsen even more

Is prostatitis contagious?

Sexual relations with a man, if he has a pathology of the prostate gland, are possible. Before the process, a diagnosis should be made. If the partner, according to the results of the examination, turns out that the cause of the inflammation process is infection, sexual intercourse should be protected. There is a risk of infecting a partner during sex. Unprotected intercourse is allowed with prostatitis as a result of the absence of an acute form of the disease.

A woman may not worry about her health, if her partner's prostatitis is not caused by the presence of staphylococcus bacteria, it is not transmitted. There is an opinion that supposedly you can get cystitis or E. coli. Scientists have proven that prostatitis is not sexually transmitted, sexually transmitted diseases that affect the state of the genitourinary system are transmitted.

The presence of sexual relations with the disease

Sexual life in the pathology of the prostate gland is required. It stimulates the work of the gland, its purification from accumulated substances. It is important to understand the period of regularity. Prolonged abstinence increases inflammation, affects the lack of effectiveness of the treatment of the disease.

Considering the problem from the point of view of the dynamics of the process, it becomes clear that abstinence, prescribed by a doctor with good intentions, is likely to lead to a worsening of the condition.

Having sex in pathology is necessary:

  • Decay products are removed from the prostate gland, accumulated during inflammation.
  • Restores blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Performed prostate massage. During ejaculation, the pelvic muscles contract, putting pressure on the gland.

Features of sexual life with prostatitis

For the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of the disease, follow these recommendations:

  • sex should be ordered (too frequent sexual intercourse is undesirable, but also their complete absence);
  • do not change partners (changes in microflora can provoke an aggravation of the inflammatory process);
  • sexual intercourse must necessarily end with ejaculation;
  • for the treatment of the disease, ejaculation is important;
  • the process should take place in the period from 1 to 7 days (depending on the individual characteristics of the man).

Remember: interrupted sexual intercourse affects the development of the pathological process and can provoke complications.

It should be borne in mind that the lack of demand for the gland physiologically inevitably leads to stagnant processes, which further exacerbate inflammation.

Influence of abstinence in sex on the pathology of the prostate

Lack of sexual relations leads to violations in men in the work of the prostate gland. This organ is gradually fading away. Restoring its normal functioning can be difficult. Ejaculation is necessary in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. It restores blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stimulates metabolic processes in the body. In the absence of a partner, masturbation is recommended. Treatment requires not so much the process of having sex as its final action - ejaculation. The prostate in this case functions correctly, its regular work has a positive effect on the body.

Regular sex with a partner when sick

According to statistics, in men with prostate pathology, there is a decrease in erection. About 55% of them face this problem. In 30%, sexual desire is sharply reduced. And in 90% of cases, the frequency of sexual intercourse decreases. As a result, relations between partners worsen.

The impact of prostatitis on the quality of sexual life with the development of the disease is aggravated. If there is such a problem, it is recommended to contact your doctor, he will prescribe drugs that stimulate sexual activity. In most cases, men face a psychological problem, become nervous, irritable, insecure.

Equating sex with inflammation of the prostate to massage procedures, official sources agree that in the treatment of prostatitis, you can have sex

Does massage during intercourse help men with prostatitis

In 90% of cases, the pathology of the prostate gland negatively affects the erection, which depends on the psychological mood of the man and the condition of the genital organs. During the period of the disease, orgasms are rare, ejaculation may be uncontrolled. This is reflected in the condition of the partner - she receives less satisfaction during these periods. During the treatment of the disease, a woman should psychologically support a man, give him self-confidence. During sexual intercourse, a massage is recommended that affects prostatitis. The woman inserts her partner's finger into the anus, determines the point (resembling a ball), and begins to massage. During the massage, the partner gets pleasure, erection increases, blood circulation improves.

What kind of sex is harmful in case of illness

It should be remembered that if a man has a pathology of the prostate gland, an active sex life is necessary for him. It stimulates the work of the prostate, improves the effectiveness of treatment.

You need to pay attention to the following points:

  • women are not transmitted prostatitis in the process of having sex;
  • for a man, ejaculation in the vagina is useful;
  • partners must be permanent;
  • sexual intercourse should take place in the traditional way between partners of different sexes;
  • exclude the use of sex toys for the anus until the recovery of the partner;
  • observe personal hygiene before and after sexual intercourse;
  • it is forbidden to stretch the act for several hours;
  • semen retention is contraindicated.

With the help of regular sexual intercourse, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the prostate gland, to relieve the partner from pain.

Usually, when girls are interested in whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation with their girlfriends, they do not give them an exhaustive answer. It often boils down to the fact that you can’t have sex during menstruation, as it’s disgusting. Less squeamish and shaking over their partners, ladies advise inexperienced girlfriends not to cancel the traditional sexual intercourse when menstruation comes, because otherwise there is a risk of being abandoned by narrow-minded boyfriends.

I believe that it is not enough to make some kind of decision and understand exactly whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation, having considered only the aesthetic side of the issue. But as for the husbands who are ready to leave their wives, who did not let them delve into their bloodied nature, then I hope you have chosen a completely different type of young people. Although even these guys can be put on the right path. The main thing is to figure out for yourself whether it is possible to do such things, what these actions can lead to, what arguments about sex during menstruation are true, and what is simply not clear where the sucked myths come from.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation: myths and real facts

Let's take a look at six myths, misconceptions, or stupidities (you can call them whatever you like) about why you should have sex when you're on your period. I'll try to avoid unnecessary absurdities. After all, if girls intelligibly explain the intricacies of sexual life on such days, then they will finally stop thinking about whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation, and this is already a minus one global issue that prevents many modern ladies from living in peace. Well, my friends, let's get started.

Myth #1: Sexual intercourse during your period is safe for your health.

This is truly a pure myth. And the point here is not only the loosening of the nervous system of a woman who will not be able to relax, being afraid to stain expensive bed linen, a partner, or, for example, freshly painted walls. Sex during menstruation does not destroy the psyche of the lady, but her women's health.

During this period, the risk of getting an inflammatory disease increases. After all, all the microorganisms that have come into the vagina and feel great in the menstrual blood, with proximity, can very cleverly move into the uterus, doing a lot of bad things there. Why do they not penetrate the uterine cavity on ordinary days? The fact is that during menstruation, the cervix opens slightly and what could not get into the middle section of the female reproductive system on other days will easily slip there when menstruation occurs. And at this time, the epithelium of the cervix becomes very loose, which also contributes to better penetration of harmful microorganisms. In addition, some experts say that on such days, the likelihood of a man contracting a woman with various latent infections increases.

Surely, after reading about the microorganisms that are contained in the secretions, you decided that the problem can be solved if the partner uses a condom. Yes, so the risk of catching an inflammatory disease by a lady will decrease significantly. But women's health is ruined not only by microbes, but also by reflux - the flow of substances (refluxate) in the opposite direction from the natural direction. That is, when a partner puts a penis into his beloved woman, then regardless of whether he is wearing a condom or not, the penis begins to prevent the withdrawal of menstrual blood, pushing it inward.

Where does this blood go with the cells of the tissues of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus? For your information, this layer is called the endometrium. So, blood with endometrial cells, part of which is rejected along with an unfertilized egg, passes through the fallopian tubes and enters the abdominal cavity. After that, the cells begin to take root, which ultimately leads to the growth of the endometrium beyond the acceptable limits. This abnormal growth is called endometriosis. Endometriosis is often treated with surgery. But women should first of all be frightened not by the operation, but by the fact that endometriosis can permanently deprive them of the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a baby.

Myth #2: Sex during menstruation relieves female pain.

Girls who experience pain during menstruation are especially interested in whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation. Many friends advise them to have sex during menstruation. They “rub” gullible girls about all sorts of hormones released during sexual intercourse, which supposedly instantly relieve pain, etc. In fact, having sex through pain is stupid. First, it only increases the discomfort. Secondly, it is not worth relying on miraculous power for algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, in the event of the development of which women experience pain during the menstrual period.

Most often, algomenorrhea, as well as secondary dysmenorrhea, which makes itself felt with pain during menstruation, is a consequence of the development of inflammation in the genital organs, which cannot be cured by sex. Moreover, these inflammatory processes often occur precisely because of sexual activity during menstruation. Both of the described pathological processes, characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate the occurrence of endometriosis. But we know that having sex when menstruation comes, and leads to its development. So stop trying to get rid of painful periods through sex. It will only aggravate inflammatory processes or cause endometriosis, and with it, pain that will appear during comfort and defecation.

If you want to relieve pain during menstruation, go not to bed with your partner, but to the doctor's office, where the latter will figure out why the discomfort has arisen and prescribe the right treatment. At best, you can be helped by various drugs that have an antiprostaglandin effect, analgesics, tranquilizers, combined oral contraceptives. But if the cause of the pain is endometriosis, then it may no longer be necessary to take medication, but surgery. Therefore, never treat the pain that appeared during menstruation with sex, because there is a huge probability that they arose precisely because you did not refuse to make love during menstruation.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation or the third myth about the best method of contraception

Women often consider sex during their period as a natural method of contraception. Like, the egg was rejected, there is nothing to fertilize, so you can arrange “bloody races” without thinking about protection. But in fact, although the likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation decreases, it cannot be completely ruled out. In addition, it is possible to “fly in” from sex when menstruation is on for several reasons.

So, in a girl, two eggs could easily mature in one cycle. They ripen with little time difference. And when the lady saw the bleeding that arose during the rejection of the first egg, and decided to have sex, she must understand that she has a risk of becoming pregnant when the second gamete leaves the follicle, which will die after a day or two.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation and not "fly" those girls who have not matured two eggs at once? It is not difficult to get pregnant during menstruation, when they are irregular and the menstrual cycle is not established, as a result of which early ovulation can occur. It sometimes comes to women with a normal menstrual cycle, whose body has experienced an overload (stress, diet, etc.).

It turns out that having sex in the first days of menstruation, you can get pregnant on the last day of menstruation, which occurred early ovulation. You don't have to ovulate too early to conceive by having sex during your period. If the menses go for a long time, and unprotected sex took place closer to their end, then fertilization can easily occur on the 12-14th day from the onset of menstruation, that is, when the egg should come out. How so? It's about nimble, cunning and tenacious spermatozoa that can wait for an egg in a woman's body for up to 11 days. So, if you do not want to become a mother soon, do not risk having sex during your period without using other natural methods of contraception.

Myth #4: Having sex during your period is good for poorly hydrated ladies.

Probably, such a myth is spread by those people who have never tried to have sex during menstruation. The following associative series works for them: blood - moisture - lubrication - good glide. Yes, of course, the blood is wet (until it dries), but it has nothing to do with the lubricant that is released during sex.

Let's not delve into the wilds and consider what grease, blood, etc. consists of. It is enough to simply realize that blood is much thinner in consistency than a natural female lubricant, so it will not solve the problem of insufficient hydration. Expecting your partner's penis to slide easily into the vagina due to the abundance of blood is as ridiculous as trying to moisten a woman with tap water.

Myth #5: Sex during your period will help keep your husband.

A number of women have menstrual sex with partners, worried that otherwise their "supermen" will go to others. But if a woman does not love and appreciate herself so much that she is ready to risk her health in order to satisfy the second half, then, most likely, her husband will also stop loving and appreciating her. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if we love ourselves, then others will begin to experience similar feelings for us. In addition, a partner who has female diseases that sex during menstruation can cause becomes less desirable for many men. And at your leisure, think about who you have chosen as a companion if you have to be afraid that in the absence of vaginal sex for several days, the missus, waving his “tail”, will run away to a more accommodating lady.

So, never try to keep your husband with "menstrual sex" - he's not worth it. And most often, the partner himself does not even want such pleasures, considering them repulsive. If you really want to please your partner during your period, do it with oral sex or petting. You can, of course, offer anal sex, but the safety of this type of sex is also very doubtful, especially if people who are inexperienced in this matter practice it.

Myth #6: Sex during menstruation is a man's wildest fantasy.

Men who are inspired by sex during their periods do exist. For example, this is evidenced by hot videos of a certain nature, which are released for someone. But the fact that such a fantasy excites the minds and bodies of all the guys and is the most exciting is utter nonsense. A number of men do not even want to touch women with menstruation, considering such women dirty, and their blood is bad.

Some women decide to have sex during menstruation only because they heard the desire of a partner to engage in role-playing games in which their half must be reincarnated as a virgin. And then the ladies begin to wait for the right days, so that everything is as natural as possible, which sometimes shocks their men who want to see an ordinary modest woman with pigtails and bows. For example, it is unlikely that a woman who wanted her man to reincarnate as a brutal plumber will be delighted if he gets used to the role so much that during sex he starts pulling out all kinds of garbage from pipes, poking everything under the nose of the mistress. So give up dirt, blood - better concentrate on words, pick up the right clothes, etc.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation, if you follow the rules

As already mentioned, you can not have sex during menstruation. The only thing you can do is to minimize the consequences that may come from such recklessness. For example, use a regular condom during vaginal sex. Such a barrier method of contraception will reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases, as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy. If you are afraid of both inflammation and endometriosis, you can try using female condoms (femidomas) during your period.

The question is delicate, but nevertheless important: is sex allowed during menstruation? Someone will answer negatively, someone positively. In some cultures, until today, a woman is considered inviolable at this time and even unclean. Be that as it may, a similar question arises in front of any couple every month and it is not so easy to unequivocally answer it.

In our country, views are broader and everything depends on the desires of partners and their preferences. But be that as it may, a similar question arises in front of any couple every month and it is not so easy to unambiguously answer it.
And in order to draw any balanced conclusions, you need to deal with this in more detail. So, it is worth considering sex from the point of view of biology and the processes that occur at this time.

Features of sex during menstruation

As you know, at this time, a woman has a slight opening of the cervix and shed endometrial cells are released from it. She may feel slight aching pains in the lower abdomen, general malaise and headache. However, these symptoms are not observed in everyone and depend on individual characteristics.

In the process of sexual intercourse during menstruation, microtraumas can occur in the uterine cavity, which can lead to the formation of inflammation of the female genital organs if the partner has infections. Also, as a result of increased blood flow to the genitals, a woman has an increase in libido, which causes an incredible desire. Although some will be able to dispute this fact, since 7% of women with PMS suffer from severe pain and in general are in bed most of the time. Naturally, such thoughts do not visit them.
If the couple decided to have sex no matter what, then you need to take care of some things beforehand:

  • It is advisable to choose one place. If this is a bed, then it needs to be covered with something, but a bathtub would be the best option, for obvious reasons.
  • A prerequisite for such sex is the observance of intimate hygiene by both partners. As mentioned above, at this time, the risk of inflammatory diseases increases. Therefore, you need to take a shower before and after sexual intercourse.
  • In the first two or three days, when the discharge is the most abundant, sex should be abandoned.
  • Everything should be gentle and without sudden movements, otherwise increased bleeding is ensured.
  • It will not be superfluous to use a condom that will protect against the same infections.
  • And, of course, it is better that events take place in the dark, otherwise pleasure can be replaced by aesthetic disgust.

These are the details you need to know about sexual relations on "women's days." In addition, you can still highlight their pros and cons, which are also desirable to take note.


Let's start with the pleasant, so as not to immediately scare away the doubting
  1. Firstly, a woman has an increased libido, which promises not just sex, but very good sex, since it is possible to achieve an orgasm much faster these days.
  2. Secondly, she has a narrowing of the vagina and an increase in its sensitivity (due to increased blood flow to the genitals), which gives thrills to both partners.
  3. Thirdly, gentle sex can bring relief and partial reduction of pain. And sometimes even shorten the time of menstruation itself, which is explained by stronger uterine contractions during the entire act and orgasm, which allow you to quickly push fluid out of it, reduce swelling and even reduce pain.
  4. Fourthly, this sex is more considered forbidden, and therefore more desirable. As you know, we all want what we can't.


Here you can say a little more about them, although this does not prove the fact that sex during menstruation is undesirable.

  • The first thing I would like to warn all women, and the male half of UroMedic readers too: menstruation does not guarantee 100% protection against pregnancy. Yes, this possibility, of course, is reduced, but not denied. The fact of fertilization is affected by the process of ovulation, and it can also fall on these days. In addition, spermatozoa live and actively manifest themselves for 5-7 days after entering the uterus. Therefore, the statement that it is impossible to get pregnant during PMS is not true.
  • Once again a reminder of infection. If a woman suffers from thrush or any other disease, “night life” becomes forbidden for a couple of days. Also, the occurrence of endometriosis is not excluded, since the secreted endometrial cells can get into the microtraumas formed during sex. As a result of the disease, sometimes there are violations of the cycle, severe pain, rarely - infertility. Thus, any infection that any of the partners has can progress dramatically and lead to the formation of a particular disease.
  • If the sexual partner is the same, say, the husband, then there is nothing to be afraid of. But with casual relationships, this must be abandoned, since there is no guarantee about the health of an unfamiliar man or woman.
  • The whole process can be painful, so the man should listen to the woman's wishes and not insist on anything.
  • Some positions will have to be avoided so as not to increase bleeding. It is better to use the standard option (pose "man on top").

Opinion of gynecologists

It is always interesting what the doctor thinks about, so to speak, from a professional point of view. Modern doctors do not say that sex during menstruation is not allowed or will have negative consequences. There are no contraindications. The main thing is how a woman feels and how she can cope with it. Unless there are cases of dysmenorrhea, when such actions will bring pain, and therefore sex is not recommended for such a disease.

According to gynecologists, menstrual blood itself is pure and carries almost no bacteria. The only drawback is its characteristic smell, which can repel a man.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that knowing all the above facts, one can already soberly judge whether it is possible or not. And everyone makes his own decision. Perhaps someone will perceive this topic negatively, but there are those who do not like to deprive themselves of pleasure. Therefore, it is better to be informed and act consciously.

Sex is a way to relax and have fun. With its help, people get closer and liberated. Someone does it regularly with their soulmate, for someone it can happen extremely rarely, while others are not personally familiar with it at all. But everyone should have the right information.

It happens that a lover lives or works in another city and long-awaited meetings happen extremely rarely, or maybe you are a couple who likes to experiment and learn new aspects of this interesting activity or just thought about it, then you probably wondered if sexual intercourse is allowed during menstruation Act?

Perhaps it is worth initially revealing not the best side of this undertaking. One of the side effects can be inflammatory diseases on the female side.

The most common endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa. This is because at, the cervix is ​​in a half-open state, and there are no obstacles for the passage of microbes. If they somehow get into the vagina, then for them it will be a green light.

Inflammation can also begin at the starting point (in the vagina), it can move to the uterus or go to the appendages. This is not considered a terrible disease and it can be treated quite easily, but all the discomfort that is felt all the time until recovery brings too much trouble. And the accompanying burning sensation can even affect the general condition and mood.

infections what a big problem in people's lives. Due to the misconception that you can make love during your period and not get pregnant, many couples neglect the condom and soon find themselves with a fungal disease or, worse, a sexually transmitted disease. Blood is an excellent conductor for bacteria, so think carefully about this before giving in to unprotected passion.

It is also worth remembering that pregnancy during this period cannot be ruled out. It is known that this is the most favorable moment when one hundred percent conception occurs, but the female body can be overtaken by failures caused by both internal and external factors. It is they who can shift this date or even lead to several ovulations per month. Spermatozoa also do not immediately die in the body of a woman, they are able to exist there for a whole week and find an egg, while menstruation has long passed and you forgot about the unprotected sex that happened.

  • Those who practice sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • Those who are squeamish and consider it immoral.

Therefore, regardless of your preferences, before embarking on offensive actions on critical days, be sure to discuss the opinion of your sexual partner on this matter.

Experts in the field of gynecology also differ in their views on this issue, but the only thing that gives you medical permission to have intercourse during your period is a completely healthy female reproductive system.

If you are used to doing this regardless of the circumstances or are just thinking of offering such an experiment to your boyfriend, then remember a few basic rules:

  • Before each sexual intercourse, regardless of whether there is a menstruation or not, you need to rinse the genitals well, and it is better to take a full shower;
  • It will be great if you complete the first paragraph together and continue your merge there. Firstly, it is much more interesting than on the bed, and secondly, without consequences for bed linen and clothes. Just do not confuse a shower with a bathtub filled with water;
  • If the place for making love is still a sofa, then take care in advance about towels or extra sheets and, of course, about wet wipes;
  • Sexual intercourse during menstruation does not involve deep penetration. This means that the entire arsenal of favorite positions should be postponed until better times, but for now enjoy the classics in the “missionary” format (the man on top). Due to the ajar state, the uterus is too sensitive, so watch the sensations and stop immediately if it becomes unpleasant;
  • For everyone who is worried that pain is getting worse, we confidently declare that this is a myth. Orgasm releases hormones that act faster and better than any pain reliever. Therefore, if you have not stocked up on No-shpa, contact your beloved man;
  • Be sure to use contraceptives. Modern pharmaceuticals have developed them for both women and men. There are female and male condoms, diaphragms, caps and sponges. However, not everyone protects against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections at the same time, so study this in advance.
    a question before sexual life during menstruation becomes your constant companion.

Bloody discharge after sex

Menstruation after intercourse can be if they were planned for the next couple of days, and sexual contact is just a kind of push. In other cases, blood on a bed, on a penis, or on a sex toy may indicate injuries caused by hard sex, improper handling of devices from an intimate store, a significant difference in the size of the genitals of partners, lack of lubrication, or due to for diseases in which bleeding is one of the signs.

The question of whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation worries many girls. For most couples, sex during their period is unacceptable. However, it is worth mentioning that intimacy on such days can be more passionate and vibrant.

Sex during menstruation is safe only if there are no inflammatory processes in the woman's body (the health of the intimate sphere is especially important) and the absence of sexually transmitted diseases of the partner.

It is always worth remembering the possible health risks:

  1. Endometritis (inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the uterus). The likelihood of getting such a disease during menstruation increases due to the physiological characteristics of the female body: during critical days, the cervix opens slightly, and the risk of pathogenic organisms entering the uterus increases.
  2. Infection. Many people believe that it is possible to have sex during menstruation without a condom, so the vagina and uterus are very often infected with various sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia), fungal pathologies. The presence of blood also plays a special role - blood is the most favorable environment for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.
  3. Bleeding, as one example of what can be dangerous sex during menstruation. During intercourse, you can damage the mucous membranes and blood vessels, which are especially sensitive during menstruation.
  4. Pregnancy. The notion that you can't get pregnant during your period is a myth. The probability of conception, though small, but still exists. Each organism is individual: in some women, ovulation may occur on the 6-8th day of the menstrual cycle. Also plays a role the viability of spermatozoa, which are able to remain active for 5-6 days after sexual contact. Sex right after your period without contraception can also lead to pregnancy.

The question of why you want sex before menstruation is also relevant. An increase in libido a few days before menstruation is associated with hormonal changes in the female body, in particular, with an increase in the amount of testosterone and a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. Depending on the characteristics of the cycle, some women experience increased sexual desire during menstruation, and during this period they also want to have sex.

Benefits of having sex during your period

Having sex during your period has a number of advantages:

  • Reduced menstrual pain due to hormones released during sex.
  • Decreased duration of menstruation. The contraction of the muscles of the uterus contributes to the fastest exit of the endothelium.
  • Increased sensitivity and excitability during menstruation, which allows you to get more vivid sensations.
  • Variety of intimate life.

Before you have sex during your period, you should read the following recommendations:

  1. Strict adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene: it is necessary to carry out water procedures immediately before sexual intercourse;
  2. Use of contraception (condom);
  3. Choice of positions without deep penetration;
  4. with the appearance of discomfort and pain after intercourse.
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