Is it possible to cure staphylococcus aureus. Decoctions are also good. What is Staphylococcus aureus

Part of the microflora human body. By itself, staphylococcus does not bring harm, but through its fault, health problems can appear in both adults and children.

From the cocci family Staphylococcus aureus considered the most dangerous bacterium. However, it can cause harm to the human body only with a weakened immune system. Appearance acne, purulent sores on the body, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, meningitis or sepsis may mean that staphylococcus has gone into battle.

A distinctive feature of the transferred can be called the fact that the human body does not develop immunity to it, so you can get sick again and again. Staphylococcus produces toxins that can cause severe poisoning of the human body. Therefore, every mother should know how staphylococcus is treated, because most often the first bacterium that her newborn baby encounters is Staphylococcus aureus.

How to treat staphylococcus aureus in infants

Often, babies become infected with this insidious bacterium in the hospital. the baby and his mother, who underwent childbirth, are very weakened and unable to cope with the pest. Statistics say that 99% of babies become infected with staphylococcus soon after birth. The bacterium will live on human skin, on the mucous membrane, and only occasionally somehow manifest itself.

How is staphylococcus treated in babies? Most importantly, the child must be kept clean - a lot of attention should be paid to the hygiene of the baby both in the hospital and at home. This will become the best prevention. But if the symptoms indicate the presence of a disease, the doctor first of all determines the choice of an antibiotic that could defeat the bacterium. Then the course complex therapy, which includes antibacterial drugs, vitamins, probiotics, enzymes, immunogenesis stimulants. Hospitalization of the crumbs is possible.

How to treat staphylococcus folk remedies

There are natural remedies that can resist this bacterium - first of all, herbs: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and others. in babies folk remedies comes down to taking a decoction of properly selected herbs. In any case, diagnose and prescribe treatment for little patient only a doctor can. Traditional medicine will be a good help to maintain the immune system of the crumbs, and diseases provoked by staphylococcus aureus are treated with medication.

The human body can serve as a home for thousands of microbes and bacteria, and such a neighborhood does not necessarily end in disease. The immune system reliably protects us, restraining the activity of uninvited guests and forcing them to follow the rules. good manners. Staphylococcus is no exception; it is normally found in about a third of the world's population, but does not manifest itself in any way for the time being.

Weakened immunity, banal hypothermia, or the presence in the body of another infection against which antibiotics were used are the reasons why staphylococcus can go on the offensive. Therefore, it is important to understand two things: you can not be treated with antibiotics in case of the slightest ailment or cold, and it is simply pointless to use them against staphylococcus aureus to preempt. You still won’t get rid of the carriage, but introduce your staphylococcus aureus to antibacterial drugs and nullify their effectiveness in the future, when they may really be needed.

The only reasonable measure to prevent staphylococcal infections is local sanitation of the skin, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract in cold period years, as well as taking drugs that strengthen the immune system. The appointment of antibiotics is justified only in the case of severe, life-threatening diseases: pneumonia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, multiple purulent abscesses on the skin and in soft tissues, boils on the face and head (in close proximity to the brain). But before choosing an antibiotic against staphylococcus, a qualified doctor always performs a bacterial culture.

In a sanitary and epidemiological station, a dermatovenerological dispensary or medical office specialized specialist (ENT specialist, dermatovenereologist, gynecologist, urologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist) a bacterial culture is taken from the localization site staph infection. This may be a swab from the throat, a purulent abscess on the skin, vagina or urethra, as well as a sample of blood, sputum, urine, saliva, gastric juice, semen and other bodily fluids.

The resulting material is placed in a nutrient medium, after a while the colony of staphylococci multiplies, and the laboratory assistant can determine what type the pathogen belongs to and what antibiotics it is sensitive to.

The seeding result looks like a list, in which opposite the names of all relevant antimicrobials is one of the letters:

    S (susceptible) - sensitive;

    I (intermediate) - moderately sensitive;

    R (resistant) - resistant.

Among the antibiotics from the "S" or, in extreme cases, "I" group, the attending physician chooses a drug with which the patient has not treated any disease over the previous few years. So more likely to succeed and avoid rapid adaptation staphylococcus to the antibiotic. This is especially important when it comes to the treatment of protracted and often recurrent staphylococcal infections.

antibiotics and staphylococcus aureus

In fact, there is only one objective reason for using antibiotics against such a resistant and flexible pathogen as staphylococcus aureus - the expected benefit will outweigh the inevitable harm. Only in the case when the infection swept the entire body, got into the blood, caused a fever, and natural defensive forces is not enough to defeat the disease, one has to resort to antibiotic therapy.

But there are as many as three good reasons to refuse antibiotics in the treatment of staphylococcus aureus:

    To cope with some types of pathogen, for example, with Staphylococcus aureus, only cephalosporins of the second or third generation, semi-synthetic penicillins (oxacillin, methicillin), and the most powerful modern antibiotics(vancomycin, teicoplanin, fusidin, linezolid). Resorting to extreme means is increasingly necessary, because over the past 5-10 years, staphylococci have mutated and acquired the enzyme beta-lactamase, with which they successfully destroy cephalosporins and methicillin. For such pathogens, there is the term MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and they have to be destroyed by combinations of drugs, for example, fusidine with biseptol. And if the patient used antibiotics uncontrollably before the onset of an extensive staphylococcal infection, the pathogen may be insensitive;

    No matter how effective the antibiotic is, in practice the effect of its use against staphylococcus is almost always temporary. For example, with furunculosis, after successful relief of the infection in 60% of patients, the disease recurs, and it is no longer possible to cope with it with the same drug, since the pathogen has adapted. It is obvious that such a price is worth paying only for “getting out of the peak”, when it is simply impossible to stabilize the condition of a patient with a staphylococcal infection without an antibiotic;

    Antibiotics do not choose victims - in addition to the bacteria against which you use them, they destroy other microorganisms, including beneficial ones. Long term treatment antibacterial drugs almost always provokes dysbacteriosis in the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital area, and also exacerbates the risk of activation of other infections present in the body in the form of carriage.

Is it possible to completely get rid of staphylococcus aureus?

Let's just say, no, you can't. Only in very rare cases, when staphylococcus fell on a small area of ​​​​the skin, and the human immunity was activated for some reason, macrophages manage to cope with the uninvited guest, and then they talk about "transient carriage of staphylococcus." If such a situation is discovered, it is by pure chance. More often, the pathogen manages to gain a foothold in a new place, especially if the contact was extensive (swimming in an infected reservoir, using infected clothing, bed linen, towels). Acquired in a hospital, kindergarten, school or summer camp, staphylococcus usually settles in the body for life.

Why immunity healthy child or an adult does not get rid of this dangerous bacteria? Because there is no objective reasons until the carrier state becomes diseased. Staphylococcus, modestly sitting in a corner, does not arouse any interest in the immune system, leukocytes and macrophages do not declare a hunt for it, and the necessary antibodies are not produced in the blood. But what to do if, for example, a child suffers from staphylococcal tonsillitis every autumn-winter, or a girl who knows about the presence of a harmful bacterium in her body is planning a pregnancy?

In these cases, it is necessary to resort to immunostimulating therapy and sanitation of available problem areas: pharynx, nasopharynx, skin, vagina. Such measures will not allow you to get rid of staphylococcus forever, but will significantly reduce the number of its colonies and reduce the risk of carriage becoming a dangerous disease.

What is the sanitation of staphylococcus?

Preventive sanitation is a very effective measure, which is recommended to be regularly resorted to by all carriers of staphylococcus aureus. Employees of children's educational and medical institutions nasal swabs are taken twice a year, and if the result is positive, sanitation is carried out, and then the analysis is taken again, trying to achieve total absence staphylococcus in the upper respiratory tract. This is very important, because this is the only way to insure against the spread of the pathogen by airborne droplets.

If you or your child experience recurrences of tonsillitis, furunculosis and other purulent-inflammatory diseases every year, the cause of which (according to the results of the tests, and not based on your guesses) is staphylococcus aureus, it is worth replenishing the home first-aid kit with funds for local sanitation. With the help of these drugs, gargling, instillation of the nose, laying cotton swabs into the nasal passages, irrigation or douching of the genital tract, wiping and lubricating the skin or mucous membranes, depending on the location of the carrier. For each case, you need to select the appropriate version of the drug and strictly follow the instructions.

Here is a list of all effective solutions and ointments against staphylococcus:

    Retinol acetate (vitamin A) oil solution;

    Electrolysis solution of sodium hypochlorite;

    Furatsilina solution;

    Decoction of St. John's wort;

    Aloe Vera Gel;

    Ointment Baktroban;

    Hexachlorophene ointment;


  • Boric acid;

    Lugol's solution or iodine;

    Potassium permanganate;

    methylene blue;


    Fukortsin (Castellani liquid).

12 best drugs for the treatment of staph

We have prepared for you a hit parade of the twelve most effective and safe means, with which modern specialists treat staphylococcus aureus. But let this information not serve as a reason for self-treatment, because only a qualified doctor, after a thorough diagnosis, can prescribe a drug that is right for you and will not cause unwanted side effects. It is especially important to show good doctor a child suffering from a staphylococcal infection, and not be too lazy to take the necessary tests.

The group of lysates includes drugs that are a crushed multibacterial culture. Once in the body, particles of bacteria (including staphylococcus) cannot cause a full-scale infection, since they cell structure violated. But they can provoke an immune response and the production of antibodies. Lysates have many advantages - safety, lack of addiction, contraindications and side effects, the ability to take them as needed, and not follow a fixed course of treatment. There is only one drawback - high price. The most popular lysates for the treatment of staphylococcus: imudon, respibron, bronchomunal, IRS-19 spray.

Staphylococcal toxoid

This drug is a toxin (poisonous waste product) grown in laboratory conditions staphylococci. The toxin is purified and neutralized, and then placed in 1 ml ampoules and packaged in boxes of 10 ampoules. This amount of staphylococcal toxoid is enough for one course of treatment, the result of which will be the formation of stable immunity in an adult. Toxoid is contraindicated for children.

The introduction of the drug is carried out in a hospital, for ten days, alternately under the right and left shoulder blade. The nurse carefully monitors the patient's condition during the first 30 minutes after the injection. Possible allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock. During the course of treatment, there may be subfebrile temperature body, redness and swelling of the skin at the injection site of the toxoid.

Staphylococcal antiphagin (vaccine)

Unlike toxoid, the vaccine is a complex of ready-made heat-resistant antigens to all possible types staphylococcus. It is also sold in 1 ml ampoules and cartons of 10 ampoules. Vaccination against staphylococcus is allowed from the age of six months, however, exceptions are allowed, the main thing is that the baby's body weight is at least 2.5 kg. Staphylococcal antiphagin causes the formation specific immunity, which may be lost over time, so annual revaccination is recommended. In Russia, all these measures are not included in the list mandatory vaccinations, but at the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated against staphylococcus aureus.

CIP (Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation)

This medicine is for the treatment of staphylococcus and other bacterial infections made from donated blood drying method. CIP is a protein powder containing three types of antibodies (IgA (15-25%), IgM (15-25%), IgG (50-70%) and packaged in 5 ml glass ampoules. It is this drug that best copes with staphylococcus, because it contains the most a large number of antibodies of the IgA and IgM class, compared with other immunoglobulin drugs.

Antibodies of the IgM class effectively destroy staphylococci, shigella, salmonella, Escherichia and other pathogens of intestinal infections, antibodies of the IgA class prevent the reproduction and adhesion of bacteria to the cells of the body, and antibodies of the IgG class neutralize toxins and contribute to the destruction of staphylococcus aureus by macrophages - fighters of our immunity. Thus, CIP has several advantages at once: versatility, complex action, comfortable oral intake and no contraindications.

Human anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin

It is also a protein powder extracted from donated blood, but it differs from CIP in its narrow specialization: it contains antibodies only to staphylococcus alpha-exotoxin. Taking such a drug, a patient with staphylococcal infection receives temporary help from a donor. As soon as the intake of immunoglobulin is stopped, the effect will also end, because such treatment does not force the body to produce its own antibodies to staphylococcus aureus, but only compensates for their absence. Intravenous administration donor anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin temporarily saves in severe diseases, such as sepsis, endocarditis or pneumonia on the background of AIDS.

Aloe vera

Preparations based on aloe extract (capsules, gels, injection solutions, ointments, syrups) have proven themselves not only in the treatment of staphylococcus aureus. high biological activity aloe vera allows you to strengthen the immune system, cope with an infection of any localization and quickly alleviate the patient's condition. For example, subcutaneous administration of an aloe solution for staphylococcal furunculosis reduces swelling in a few days, neutralizes pain and stops the acute inflammatory process.

But, like any powerful natural stimulant, aloe vera has contraindications. It is not recommended for pregnant women and women with heavy menstruation, endometriosis and polycystic, since aloe increases blood circulation and can provoke internal bleeding. It also increases the activity of the glands internal secretion, which is very dangerous peptic ulcer stomach and pancreatitis. In a word, it is necessary comprehensive assessment condition of the body of a patient with staph infection before deciding on treatment with aloe vera.


Another medicinal plant, able to cope with staphylococcus - eucalyptus. Made from the juice of eucalyptus leaves alcohol solution(from 0.25 to 1% concentration) for internal and local use, as well as oil solution(2% concentration) for intravaginal use in staphylococcal cervical erosion.

A weak alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt is added to water and drunk at intestinal infections, and also instill and lay in the nose, rinse sore throat, put enemas - that is, they are used to sanitize the mucous membranes. A more concentrated preparation is suitable for treating skin affected by abscesses, ulcers, boils and fistulas. In rare cases (with sepsis, peritonitis, pleural empyema, lung abscess), chlorophyllipt is administered intravenously or directly into the body cavity.

Before the first use, a test for an allergic reaction is always carried out: the patient drinks half a glass of water with 25 drops of chlorophyllipt dissolved, and if during the day negative effects is not observed, it is possible to treat staphylococcus with this drug. Chlorophyllipt is prescribed only for adults and children over twelve years of age.


It's international generic name an antibiotic that acts active substance in several medicinal ointments: bonderme, supirocin, bactroban. Mupirocin is very different a wide range applications; it is active against staphylococci, gonococci, pneumococci and streptococci, including aureus and methicillin-resistant.

With the help of ointments based on mupirocin, local treatment of skin and nasal staphylococcal infections is carried out. Two types of ointments are produced with different concentration antibiotic, separately for the skin, separately for the mucous membrane. Theoretically, it is possible to lubricate abscesses, ulcers and boils with any type of ointment, but only a specially designed drug should be put into the nose. Ointments with mupirocin can be used from the age of six, they very rarely cause side effects and allergic reactions, while doing an excellent job with the topical treatment of staphylococcus aureus.


It is also an ointment for external use, active ingredient which is a tandem of two antibiotics: neomycin and bacitracin. Both antibacterial agents active against staphylococci, but together they act better, cover large quantity strains, and habituation develops to them more slowly.

Baneocin is almost not absorbed into the blood at local application, but creates in skin very high concentration antibiotics, so it copes well with abscesses, ulcers and boils caused by staphylococcus aureus. However, like all antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, bacitracin and neomycin are dangerous due to their side effects: hearing and vision depression, difficulty in kidney function, impaired circulation nerve impulses in the muscles. Therefore, the use of baneocin is recommended only for the treatment of staphylococcal infections that affect no more than one percent of the skin surface (about the size of a palm).

Baneocin ointment is available without a prescription and is allowed for children, but is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women due to the risk of antibiotic penetration into the blood and breast milk.

Fusidin, fusidic (fusidic) acid, sodium fusidate - all these are the names of one antibiotic, perhaps the most effective against most strains of staphylococcus aureus. On the basis of this drug, ointments with a two percent concentration (fucidin, fusiderm) are produced, which are intended for local treatment staphylococcus. These ointments cannot be applied to mucous membranes, and even on the skin they can cause irritation and redness, but usually after a week of regular use, the staphylococcal infection is localized, and the inflammation heals completely.

Fusiderm cream is one of the the best means from acne on the face caused by staphylococcus aureus. With long-lasting red weeping acne, it is imperative to take a scraping for analysis, and if the doctor detects strains of staphylococcus, it will be fusiderm the best choice for a treatment that usually lasts 14 days and is successful in 93% of cases.

Fusidin-based ointments can be used not only for adults, but also for children older than one month, since this antibiotic does not cause dangerous side effects and almost does not penetrate into the blood when topical application. However, it is usually not advised to expectant and nursing mothers, since the effect of fusidine on a child when it penetrates into circulatory system not yet sufficiently studied.


Strictly speaking, Galavit is not indicated for the treatment of staphylococcus aureus, but its application in practice allows us to hope for success in the fight against resistant strains. Galavit is a relatively new immunomodulator and a rare guest on the shelves of our pharmacies. Western European clinical researches proved that it has two actions at once: immunostimulating and bactericidal, and this in itself is a big breakthrough.

The immunomodulatory effect of Galavit is due to its ability to slow down too active macrophages so that they have a longer destructive effect on pathogens, including staphylococcus aureus. In other words, this drug allows our body to use its defenses more rationally and fully.

Galavit is available in the form of lingual tablets, injection solution and rectal suppositories, so it is convenient to use for the treatment of staphylococcal infections of any localization. The drug is approved for use by adults and children over six years old, but is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, again, simply because of insufficient knowledge.

Staphylococcal infection and hormones

In conclusion, it would be reasonable to say a few words about the treatment of staphylococcus aureus. hormonal drugs. Glucocorticoids, that is, synthetic derivatives of human corticosteroid hormones, quickly stop inflammation of any etiology. They break the whole chain natural reactions(a pathogen appeared - the body reacted - hormones were produced - an inflammatory process began - leukocytes multiplied - arose purulent abscess- Pain and fever. Drugs from the group of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone and others) forcibly interrupt this scenario at the very beginning. But they do not destroy the cause of inflammation, but simply make the body not respond to the pathogen.

So what threatens the use of hormonal ointments for the local treatment of staphylococcus aureus? The one after rapid suppression inflammatory process and withdrawals pain a real thunder will break out: hormones have beaten the natural immune response, there are no antibodies to the pathogen, and now the body is completely defenseless face to face with the infection. Conclusion: treatment of staphylococcus aureus hormonal ointments appropriate only if it is combination drug containing an antibiotic. And taking glucocorticoids orally with extensive staphylococcal lesions of the body, as with any other blood infection, is strictly prohibited.

Staphylococcal infection is considered dangerous disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets, food, by contact, at the site of penetration of the microorganism, a purulent process begins. In newborns, Staphylococcus aureus is quite common. There are many reasons for this: contaminated milk or formula, contact with contaminated objects, infection from hospital workers or the mother. One fifth of the population have a permanent carriage of Staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcal infection in infants

Staphylococcus aureus in newborns has a variety of clinical manifestations: from purulent lesion skin before injury internal organs, bone marrow, nervous system. Most severe forms- sepsis, toxic shock, epidermal necrolysis. Routes of infection, the number of microbes and their characteristics, as well as the state of immunity affect the form of the disease.

Children can very easily become infected with staph, as they put everything in their mouths. Staphylococcus aureus is, first of all, a disease dirty hands and violations of the rules of personal hygiene. Therefore, first of all, you need to carefully monitor the child and cleanliness in the house.

Clothes should be changed and washed frequently, and toys should be washed and disinfected. It is equally important with whom the child communicates. Invite your guests to wash their hands before playing with or handling the baby.

The risk of infection with Staphylococcus aureus is still in the hospital. Statistics say that ninety-eight percent of newborns have this microbe at discharge, as it is impossible to provide proper care for the child in the hospital. When you get home, give your baby a bath and change into clean clothes.

The presence of Staphylococcus aureus does not always cause infection and serious illness. But if you find it, it's better to get rid of it.

How does Staphylococcus aureus develop?

The source of staphylococcus is a sick person. Often the disease does not external manifestations. The microbe gets along well with other microorganisms, and the host does not experience anxiety. Once in a weakened body, Staphylococcus aureus begins its destructive activity.

Dangerous microorganisms are very persistent, they remain viable for many days and persist in food for a long time. Boiling and exposure disinfectants provides instant death of staphylococci.

Most often, a staphylococcal infection is considered hospital-acquired. In hospitals, the microorganism quickly finds a new host. Staphylococcus aureus is characterized by many factors on which the clinical manifestations of the disease are based. Staphylococcus quickly develops resistance to new antibiotics, has special substances that contribute to the destruction of body tissues, release toxins that weaken the defenses.

Symptoms of Staphylococcus Infection

Depending on the location of the lesion, the symptoms manifest themselves in different ways. Staphylococcus aureus causes skin diseases, acne, boils. In addition, sepsis, SARS, pneumonia, meningitis may develop. All diseases are diagnosed by a doctor on early dates. It is important to monitor the health of the child, regularly go to the clinic for medical examinations.

Symptoms such as:

  • heat,
  • redness on the skin,
  • diarrhea
  • vomit,
  • intoxication.

Any symptom is a reason to see a doctor. The period of infection can vary from three hours to several days. The sooner you take action, the better.

Treatment of staphylococcus

The disease is classified as serious, so at the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of staphylococcus aureus infants is not an easy task, but a real one. First of all, you need to determine the sensitivity to the antibiotic, after which the doctor prescribes complex treatment. it antibacterial drugs, enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, immunogenesis stimulants. At severe course illness, hospitalization is recommended.

A good method of dealing with Staphylococcus aureus is a course of treatment with bacteriophage preparations. They are prescribed only when a particular strain does not have increased resistance to bacteriophages. Otherwise, such therapy is useless.

Treatment measures are always individual and require careful medical supervision. Unfortunately, staphylococcus aureus does not develop stable immunity, so it can be infected many times. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of microbial species, with a disease, antibodies are produced only to the toxins of a certain strain of staphylococcus aureus.

Prevention of staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus in newborns is a disease in which great importance has prevention. It must be started before childbirth. Parents should be screened for infection, as well as responsibly approach the choice maternity hospital. It is important that the institution fully complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

After discharge from the hospital, follow simple rules personal hygiene, make sure that food products are of high quality. Good preventive measurebreast-feeding, it will support the immune system of the newborn.

How to cure staphylococcus folk remedies

Staphylococcus aureus can be found on the skin, in the intestines, in feces, mucous membranes of the throat and nose, and in mother's milk. In this case, the child can feel great. The question of how to cure an infection is very relevant. Folk preparations for the treatment of staphylococcus are based on medicinal properties individual herbs: calendula, succession, licorice, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile.

Calendula tincture is used for gargling. Chamomile decoction - for washing the nose and eyes. St. John's wort is taken orally. The sequence is for skin diseases. An effective remedy is a tincture of propolis.

With this disease, it is useful in the morning and evening to eat on an empty stomach a pound of mashed potatoes made from apricot pulp, which can act like an antibiotic. Blackcurrants are also used - a glass of puree three times a day for three days in a row. The tool works perfectly against staphylococcus, streptococcus, and also provides the body with vitamin C.

A decoction based on primrose root, violet herb, lungwort, mullein inflorescences, succession, plantain leaves, nettle, birch, meadowsweet, dill fruits, flax seeds, coltsfoot leaves, aralia roots, marshmallow, licorice, cinquefoil, has a good effect, wheatgrass. First, the herbs are crushed, then two tablespoons are poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is placed in a thermos and insisted all night. The remedy is drunk thirty minutes before a meal.

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Questions and answers on: is it necessary to treat Staphylococcus aureus

2009-08-06 13:06:26

Love asks:

Is it necessary to treat Staphylococcus aureus in the nose of pregnant women at 2-3 months? At what indicators in the analysis? If necessary, then how?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! Apparently, you are just talking about a carrier, not a disease. Of course, you need to treat for any indicators. Moreover, all family members living with you should have their nose and throat swabs taken and treated as needed. During pregnancy, it is possible to safely treat staphylococcus aureus with an antistaphylococcal bacteriophage, the use of antibiotics is contraindicated. Lots of information about staph infections, including information for pregnant women, in the article Staphylococcus aureus. Armed, dangerous, but we will win. All the best!

2016-05-23 18:39:27

Anastasia asks:

Hello! For a long time I can’t get pregnant with my husband, we started an examination and found Staphylococcus aureus in a smear in my husband, special significance the gynecologist did not betray this and said that it did not need to be treated. It worries me a lot because I associate it with the lack of pregnancy!? So is it or not?

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Anastasia! “For a long time with my husband we can’t get pregnant” - is this exactly how much, more than 1 year? If yes, then it is rational for your couple to be examined to determine the cause of infertility - the husband should take a spermogram to assess the quality of the ejaculate, and you should take a blood test for sex hormones and check the patency fallopian tubes. The detection of Staphylococcus aureus in a smear from a husband has nothing to do with the absence of pregnancy.

2015-10-27 07:59:21

Julia asks:

Hello! Please advise on the following issue. After the first physical contact, I fell ill with cystitis, which was manifested by frequent non-painful urges, was treated with nephrophyte and kanefron, but the symptoms did not go away. A month later, back pain appeared and the presence of salt in bladder and kidneys. He was treated with monural, kanefron and nephrophyt. After the completion of the treatment, heaviness in the kidney area remained. Decided to take it for bacteria. Staphylococcus saprophytic 2 str. Ofloxacin was prescribed. After treatment, he was occasionally worried about heaviness in the back. A month later, my back began to "shoot" as it were, and I was admitted to the hospital with pyelonephritis. They prescribed injections of ceftazidime, drank first palin, then furamag. Then vomiting began after taking the medication and I was discharged by own will and began to be treated with herbs, then drops on herbs. In principle, the condition returned to normal a little, but soon after the second physical contact I had again frequent urges, sometimes even incontinence, a few days temperature 37, chiryachki on the genitals. Chronic pyelonephritis and the presence of Staphylococcus aureus were established. I asked my partner to do an analysis. Epidermal staphylococcus 10 grade 4 was found in him, but there were no ailments like mine. My question is whether it is possible for me to be completely cured of this and how and whether the partner needs to undergo treatment if nothing bothers him. It's just that I get worse after contact, therefore, how to protect myself from re-infection after getting rid of it.

Responsible Mazaeva Yulia Alexandrovna:

Good afternoon, first, be surveyed on all sexual infections. If nothing is found, then we are talking about postcoital cystitis. If it occurs, keep Monural or other antibiotics and uroantiseptics in the first-aid kit for short-term use (possibly a short 1-3 day treatment acute cystitis). It is also optimal to take a urine test when symptoms appear, so as not to confuse cystitis with cystalgia (similar symptoms in the absence of inflammation).

2015-07-08 09:00:45

Elena asks:

Good afternoon! My boyfriend had Staphylococcus aureus and fecal enterococcus in his urethral culture tank. I have not found them. After a course of antibiotics, the guy was left with Staphylococcus aureus 10 ^ 3 and the urologist said that this is the norm and no more treatment is needed. Is this really the norm and in such quantity it does not pose a health hazard? Is there a risk of its reproduction in case of any disease? Can I get infected through unprotected intercourse or oral sex? Thanks in advance.

2015-05-27 11:57:19

Gulya asks:

Hello, my daughter had pyelonephritis from an early age, we treated her with antibiotics all the time, she was in the hospital every year to treat us for 14 years, we had copious discharge
doctors told us all the time that it was from the kidneys recently went to the gynecologist passed a smear from the urethra for sensitivity to antibiotics we found Staphylococcus aureus moderate growth can be ceftadizim and ceftriaxone for cevtadizim we are allergic and we received ceftriaxone in winter for 3 days and now I found out that antibiotics contraindicated what to do advise whether it is necessary to treat in our case with antibiotics

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Take care of the girl's health, because she future mom... One tank of crops is not enough. We need a tank. Urine culture, ultrasound of the kidneys. Consultation of an infectious disease specialist, urologist, immunologist. Not only antibiotics are needed here, but also vitamins, possibly an autovaccine, gamma globulin, ...

2015-04-04 09:22:14

Katerina asks:

I have erosion of the cervix - undertreated by the doctors of Donetsk - while the doctors said that everything is in order. Now I live in Kharkov. Started re-treat erosion. There are several tests for HPV - all negative, BUT they found Staphylococcus aureus 10 in the 5th degree. The doctor prescribed me a choice - Hexicon or Flkomizin or Betadine or Iodaxide. I bought Hexicon (there were no other drugs in the pharmacy then), but there are no indications for the treatment of staphylococcus in his prescription.
QUESTION No. 1 - Do I still need to put candles - Fluomizin or Betadine or Iodaxide?
QUESTION #2 - Can Hexicon delay menstruation by 8 days? (That's how much I have now)

STILL my husband also has staphylococcus aureus 10 to 5 degrees - a smear from the urethra. Does he need to be treated? Or is it normal for men?
He has a list of drugs to which his staphylococcus is sensitive.
- Penicillin group: Amoxiclav, Roscilin, Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid
- A group of cephalosporins: Cefazolin, Cefalexin, Cefaclor, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Cefpirome, Cefepime
- Tetracycline group: Tetracycline, Doxycycline
- Aminoglycoside group: Gentamycin, Sizomycin
- Macrolide group: Clarithromycin, Rovamycin
- Azalide group: Sumamed
- Lincosamide group: Lincomycin, Clindomycin
- Quinolones 2nd generation: Norfoxacin, Zanocin, Pefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Glatimax
- Carbepenemens: Imenen/cilistatin
- Nitrofurans: Furamag, Furagin
According to the results of the analyzes, the following indicators are also:
Leukocytes - 0-1 (E)
epithelium - few
Flora cocci - scant
Slime - 1
Gardnerella - not found
Trichomonas - not found
G.N. - not detected

QUESTION #3 - What should my husband take to reduce his staphylococcus aureus count from 10 to 5 to less?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Ekaterina! Regarding cervical erosion, tactics should be as follows - conducting colposcopy and taking a smear for cytology. Then, if necessary, the gynecologist prescribes a biopsy of the cervix and a further procedure. Of the suppositories, I would prescribe betadine if you do not have an allergic reaction to iodine. It is advisable for a husband to drink furamag or furagin.

2015-03-25 12:49:00

Lily asks:

Hello! I passed the culture from the vagina and they found the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in me. (Only height is indicated, the degree is not indicated). I have been sick for 10 years chronic tonsillitis, but 2 years ago the tonsils were removed. The throat began to hurt less often, but still it hurts often. Plus, I've been diagnosed - chronic conjunctivitis. Often the temperature is 37.1-37.2 (when small blisters form on the larynx). Please tell me, is there a connection between Staphylococcus aureus and tonsillitis and conjunctivitis? And whether it is necessary to treat this staphylococcus in my case? If necessary, then what? Antibiotics or should there be treatment without antibiotics? Thank you very much in advance for your reply!

Responsible Zharov Valery Valerievich:

Lily, good afternoon! It is necessary to treat, but what will the gynecologist tell you at the appointment, after studying the result of sowing and sensitivity to antibiotics. There is a connection between Staphylococcus aureus and tonsillitis and conjunctivitis, but a specialized specialist (ENT, ophthalmologist or therapist) will tell you how to treat them.

2015-02-03 13:09:07

Svetlana asks:

Good afternoon. I am 20 years old. St.aureus unit count was found in my tank-sowing (I don’t quite understand what “unit count” means). Can you please tell me if it is necessary to treat it with antibiotics (because our gynecologist will probably prescribe antibiotics) and could I have sexually transmitted staphylococcus aureus? Can I infect my young man? How long after treatment will I remain a carrier of Staphylococcus aureus? Thanks for the answer!

Responsible Zharov Valery Valerievich:

Hello, Svetlana St.aureus unit number - Staphylococcus aureus unit number. AT bacteriological culture there is no single quantity, but only 1 * 10 of some degree, which means how much of this microorganism. To treat or not to tell or say it is impossible as it is not clear what analysis you have handed over.

2014-11-29 11:57:17

Julitta asks:

Hello! In April 2014 I was diagnosed hemorrhagic vasculitis. It all started with rashes on my legs, I started to take a bunch of tests, as a result of such a diagnosis, because of which no one can really say (It starts to seem to me that the doctors of our city did not study at all in their specialty, I just had to fight every certificate, they referred to the fact that it was just irritation) .... Now the situation has changed little, but I read that vasculitis can manifest itself due to staphylococcus aureus. Comparing the facts that I constantly have a sore throat and a feeling of flowing mucus along back wall throat, I decided to take a smear from the pharynx and nose. Revealed Staphylococcus aureus, abundant growth. When asked how I should be treated, my attending physician replied that antibiotics were written in the analysis, choose any one and drink .... That was the answer. From what I understand, both nose and throat can be helped with ciprofloxacin. I drank them for 10 days + Hilak forte and gargled my throat with chlorphyllipt. on the second day of taking the pills, my temperature rose to 37.5, it lasted about four days, then it went away, but there were a lot of spots on my legs ... Could this be side effect and whether it is valid, what the vasculitis can be because of a staphylococcus? Where and which doctors should I contact (I visited a hematologist, a rheumatologist), do I also need to go through an immunologist in order to accurately identify what kind of vasculitis I have (hemorrhagic, allergic) and how to cure it all?

Medicine is rapidly developing forward, but the number of people suffering from staphylococcal infection is not decreasing. It is caused by the microbe "Staphylococcus aureus", which has a yellow tint.

Precisely according to appearance it is easy to recognize among the human microflora.

AT favorable conditions This microorganism can cause serious diseases. You can treat Staphylococcus aureus with folk remedies and medication.

Human skin is inhabited by a large number of microorganisms and bacteria. But staphylococcus is especially popular.

As a rule, this is a peaceful microbe: if left untouched, it is harmless. In total, 27 species are distinguished, of which only 3 cause the disease - golden, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococcus aureus.

The danger of microorganisms determines the pathogenicity factor. Staphylococcus can give allergic reactions to the skin and inflammation, as it penetrates through the cell walls with ease. It is he who causes boils and barley on the face. It can also cause meningitis, abscess, pneumonia.

If it enters the blood, blood poisoning is possible - vascular sepsis. Staphylococcus can cause pneumonia, osteomyelitis and mastitis.

The bacterium releases toxins that poison the body and cause severe illness. Half of Staphylococcus aureus secretes an enterotoxin, leading to vomiting, upset stool, and abdominal pain.

Infection with staphylococcal infection does not occur with a strong human immune system. If the body is not weakened, the microorganism will quietly exist on the skin, in the intestines, ears, mucous membranes of the throat, nose and vagina.

Staphylococcus aureus is a very strong microorganism that can easily resist treatments and antibiotics. It contains cell-destroying enzymes, thanks to which it adapts even to strong antibiotics and they stop working.

The bacterium continues to exist even after drying and can withstand temperatures of 150 degrees.

Can staphylococcus be cured? At strong immunity it is not harmful, so it does not need to be treated. But if the indicators are elevated from the norm, then in this case therapy will be required.

Staphylococcus aureus

Bacteria can only be controlled with antibiotics. The drug must be chosen correctly, and this is quite problematic, given that staphylococcus is resistant to them.

Do not self-medicate with antibiotics essential medicine the doctor chooses. New generations of cephalosporins, penicillins and fluoroquinolones are most effective.

A course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed only with a large spread of Staphylococcus aureus in the body (sepsis, pneumonia, etc.). In some cases, may be prescribed by a doctor:

  1. bacteriophages. This is a specially bred mutant virus that destroys Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Ready-made antibodies(anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin or plasma).
  3. Adaptogens and immunomodulators. These are drugs that activate the human immune system.

Surgical treatment is carried out only according to indications. At surgical intervention open cavities that are filled with pus. Then they are drained and washed with antibiotics or antiseptics.

With mild types of lesions of Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotics are not needed. Treatment depends on the type of disease.

Bacteria can be detected by testing. Everything is normal biological fluids body (blood, urine, vaginal secret, pleural fluid) must be sterile, in the feces there is only intestinal microflora.

Diagnosis depends on the symptoms of the disease. If possible, sowing of secretions from the diseased organ is done.

The diagnosis of staphylococcal infection is confirmed when a bacterium is found in the culture in a titer greater than 1 * 103.

If the infection is localized on the skin, in the bones, in subcutaneous tissue and lungs, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations.

Staphylococcus aureus is contagious. Typically, infection occurs in medical organizations. Immunocompromised patients are more at risk.

The risk of infection increases with the use of various medical devices in contact with internal environment organism (for example, intravenous catheters).

Staphylococcus aureus can be contracted in hospitals if there is a violation elementary rules hygiene. Big risk undergo surgical procedures that are not performed in hospitals. For example, piercing, tattooing, ear piercing.

It is quite natural to ask how Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted from person to person. The bacterium is transmitted by household, airborne droplets and food.

The infection is everywhere - on furniture, clothes, toys, shoes, house dust. Airborne diseases of the nasopharynx caused by staphylococcus are transmitted.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother can infect the fetus through the blood. In infants, infection occurs through breast milk. Bacteria get there through cracked nipples.

In children after a year, Staphylococcus aureus can cause conjunctivitis, omphalitis, enterocolitis, skin and soft tissue damage. Presents with vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature and rash.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus with folk remedies

Cure Staphylococcus aureus folk medicine impossible. Therapy should be complex, medication is required.

Treatment of this microorganism folk methods has a very comparative efficiency.

AT medicinal herbs many useful substances pernicious effect on bacteria. They also relieve pain, strengthen the immune system and remove toxins from the body.

When infected with Staphylococcus aureus, a person's well-being can be facilitated by taking healing infusions and decoctions. Effectively help such means of traditional medicine:

If Staphylococcus aureus has infected the skin, then good result will help achieve wound healing and antiseptic folk methods.

You can use the following recipes:

Treatment with fruits and berries

Apricot is rich in vitamins and useful material. It improves the functioning of the immune system vitality, has regenerative properties.

With Staphylococcus aureus, it is useful to eat apricot puree. You need to eat on an empty stomach 500 g 30 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Saturates the body nutrients and vitamins blackcurrant. With an exacerbation of a staphylococcal infection, berries should be eaten in pure form 100 g per day. Pi heat treatment berries lose vitamins.

The infusion should be drunk 2 times a day, 100 ml. Rosehip can be combined with apricot puree. They reinforce beneficial actions each other.


In order for Staphylococcus aureus not to become active, it is necessary to maintain the body in healthy condition . Any chronic lesions inflammation should be treated on time, prevent frequent SARS and strengthen the immune system.

You need to fully relax, sleep 8 hours a day, eat fresh food and walk in the fresh air.

You also need to carefully observe personal hygiene and keep the house clean. In order to detect the infection in time, it is necessary to periodically take tests.

So, it is impossible to completely get rid of Staphylococcus aureus. The infection is transmitted by any means (through household items, saliva and blood, when sneezing). With a strong immune system, the body either rejects this foreign agent or becomes a carrier.

In this case, staphylococcus does not appear in any way. It begins to act when the strength declines.

Treatment should begin as soon as an infection is detected, as serious complications. Therapy must be medical. You can recover faster if you use folk remedies in combination.

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