An unpleasant dermatological disease - pyoderma in dogs. Pyoderma in dogs or purulent skin lesions Secondary pyoderma in dogs

In dogs, it is a bacterial infection of the skin and is most often a secondary disease.

Distinguish superficial and deep pyoderma. In the first case, it is involved in the pathological process, in contrast to superficial pyoderma, in which only the upper layers of the epidermis are affected. The most commonly affected areas are the folds, neck, armpits, inner thighs, perianal region, interdigital spaces, elbows. Separately allocate pyoderma skin folds(intertrigo). Intertrigo is typical for dogs with a lot of folds (, French Bulldogs,). Due to constant humidity and insufficient hygiene, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively, causing an inflammatory process.

Externally, the infection is manifested by local or diffuse lesions. Symptoms of pyoderma in dogs include redness, exudation, hair loss in the affected areas. Can be formed or with purulent contents, ulcers, scabs. In addition, pyoderma may be accompanied by local edema or thickening of the skin. Most often, these symptoms are accompanied by severe itching.

Diagnosis includes taking anamnesis, clinical examination of the animal, smears-imprints from the skin. In the chronic course of the disease or the detection of rods in the cytology, culture is required to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. This is due to the fact that bacteria can develop resistance to certain drugs. It is almost impossible to predict the effect of antibiotics on rods, therefore, if they are found in a smear-imprint, bacteriological culture is required, even if this is the patient's primary treatment for this problem.

Pyoderma in dogs is treated with systemic antibiotics and topical therapy. With the initial presentation of a patient with pyoderma and the absence of rods in cytology, an antibiotic can be selected empirically. The drugs of choice in this case are Amoxiclav(25 mg/kg 2 times a day), Cefalexin(30 mg/kg 2 times a day), Clindamycin(10 mg/kg 2 times a day). The duration of antibiotics should be at least 2 weeks. With deep pyoderma or complicated course, the course can be 6-12 weeks. In the absence of dynamics on the selected antibiotic, it is recommended to do a bacteriological culture with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

For local therapy, shampoos with chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide. Bathe the animal up to 2-3 times a week, gradually moving to a more rare use. Continual use of shampoos can help prolong remission periods for pyoderma if the underlying cause cannot be addressed. A 1–4% solution of chlorhexidine can also be applied topically.

The effectiveness of the treatment of pyoderma largely depends on the identification of the root cause of the disease and its elimination. If it is impossible to stop the root cause, then in parallel it is required to reduce the manifestation of the underlying disease.

Purulent inflammation of the skin of pets caused by pathogenic microorganisms (pyoderma) is a common dermatological problem. The disease is caused by microbes such as staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and pneumococci. The disease affects not only the layers of the epidermis, but also negatively affects the general condition of the pet. Inflammation progresses rapidly and requires an integrated therapeutic approach.

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Reasons for the development of pyoderma

Veterinary specialists, based on many years of experience in the treatment of dermatological diseases in dogs, The main causes of pyoderma include the following:

Interdigital pyoderma often occurs when thorns, splinters, chips and other foreign objects get into the soft tissues of the paws.

According to veterinary experts, the main factor contributing to the development of pyoderma in animals is weak. A low level of immunoglobulins, insufficiently developed cellular defenses make the pet's body susceptible to attack by pathogenic microorganisms. Hormonal pathologies (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus) can provoke an illness.

Dogs with wrinkled skin are more likely to be diagnosed with pyoderma.

Most often, dogs get sick with purulent inflammation of the skin upon contact with a sick animal, by airborne droplets, when eating feed infected with microorganisms. There are cases of infection with pyoderma when visiting a veterinary clinic in case of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis in the institution.

The disease is more susceptible to breeds characterized by a folded and saggy skin structure, for example, Shar-Pei, Mastino Neopolitano, Dogue de Bordeaux. German shepherds, collies, golden retrievers are also susceptible to pustular infection.

Varieties of pathology

In veterinary practice, there are superficial and deep forms of the disease, interdigital purulent inflammation, pyoderma of the calluses, superficial folliculitis, pyoderma of the skin folds, impetigo.

Superficial and deep

With superficial pyoderma, the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis are affected. The most common causes of pathology are streptococci and staphylococci. With a deep form of the disease, they deal with a purulent-inflammatory lesion of the deep layers of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and hair follicles. Inflammation is caused by pyogenic microflora - cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Superficial pyoderma


Microorganisms that cause purulent inflammation of the epidermis in dogs are conditionally pathogenic. Microbes are constantly present on the skin, but the disease occurs only under favorable conditions for cocci (decreased immunity, violation of the integrity of the skin, unsanitary conditions, etc.).

Most often in veterinary practice, specialists are faced with streptococcal and staphylococcal pyoderma. White and Staphylococcus aureus are the most stable in the environment. Bacteria produce toxic compounds, which is accompanied by intoxication of the entire body of the animal.

Interdigital pyoderma

Pyoderma corns

In large breeds of dogs, owners often meet with purulent inflammation of the calluses. Roughening of the skin in the area of ​​the elbow and knee joints is accompanied by its damage and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the layers of the dermis. The disease-provoking factor is a weak immune system and hormonal disorders.

Impetigo and other forms

This form of pyoderma is observed in puppies and young individuals up to one year of age. The disease is characterized by purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the epidermis. On clinical examination, inflammatory blisters of pink color are observed. When they are opened, yellow scabs form on the surface of the skin.


Short-haired pets are often prone to superficial itchy folliculitis. This form of the disease is characterized by severe itching.

Symptoms and temperature

A few days after the violation of the integrity of the skin and the penetration of coccal infection, the owner notes the following symptoms in a four-legged friend:

  • Skin itching. The symptom is due to the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. The dog scratches irritated skin with its paws, rubs against walls, furniture, objects. At this stage, the owner often pays attention to the presence of dandruff in the pet.
  • The dog becomes lethargic, depressed. Appetite is reduced.
  • Pustules are found on the surface of the skin. The places of the most frequent localization of inflammation are the abdomen, skin folds, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muzzle and neck.
  • Purulent nodules turn into erosion. The contents of the bubbles burst, the infection spreads to healthy tissues. On the skin there are seals, redness.

Features of skin lesions in pyoderma

With a deep form of pyoderma, a dog may experience an increase in body temperature.

Methods of treatment, incl. with antibiotics

The process of treating the disease is long. The therapy is complex in nature and is aimed at eliminating itching, combating pathogenic microorganisms, and removing intoxication. To eliminate itching in veterinary practice, drugs such as Fucicort, Travocort, Lorinden are used. Ointments have antipruritic and antimicrobial effects, eliminate the inflammatory reaction. Glucocorticoid ointment Celestoderm is prescribed for severe itching with swelling.

Antihistamines that relieve itching and eliminate an allergic reaction - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, are used in the form of tablets or injections. A specific veterinary remedy for allergies is Allervet.

Antihistamines for treating pyoderma in dogs

Before using dosage forms in the form of ointments, the animal is sheared. This procedure facilitates therapeutic manipulations, contributes to the effective use of therapeutic agents. It is important to cut the hair not only in the lesion, but also around it within a radius of 3-4 cm.

Bathing a sick animal is allowed only on the recommendation of a veterinarian and with the use of special therapeutic shampoos. Detergents should contain chlorhexidine, benzoyl peroxide and have an antimicrobial effect. As a rule, the water procedure is carried out 2 times a week. Bathing in special medicated shampoos helps soften and remove dried crusts.

After the water procedure, therapeutic ointments, sprays, creams are applied to the pet's skin. Medicines for topical use should have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action, be active against fungi, and have wound healing properties.

In veterinary practice, for the treatment of pyoderma in dogs, Vedinol and Zooderm are used, which have a pronounced antimicrobial and antimycotic effect. A good therapeutic effect is exerted by streptomycin, gentamicin ointment. Apply them to damaged skin at least 4 times a day. Focal purulent papules can be treated with a solution of brilliant green, Epacid, Iodez.

Sprays are a convenient and effective dosage form. Most often they are used for interdigital pyoderma. Alusprey, Chemi-spray, Aureomycin have antimicrobial and wound healing effects, accelerate tissue regeneration.

In some cases, a veterinarian, based on a clinical examination and blood test, prescribes broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics such as Baytril, Cobactan, Cefalexin, Enrofloxacin, Tyrosine, Clindomycin, etc. are used in systemic therapy. The course of antibiotic therapy can take up to 30 days.

Successful treatment of a pet cannot be achieved without strengthening the body's immune system and maintaining normal kidney and liver function due to long-term antibiotic therapy. A sick dog is injected intramuscularly or intravenously with Riboxin, Cocarboxylase to maintain cardiac activity, activate metabolic processes. As hepatoprotectors in veterinary practice, Karsil, Hepatoject are used.

In order to stimulate metabolic processes, increase the body's defenses, the animal is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs - Katozal, Gamavit, Nucleopeptide. Vitamin therapy includes injections of B vitamins, ascorbic acid. In the diet of a sick dog, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, include multivitamin complexes and supplements.

About the causes, symptoms and treatment of pyoderma in dogs, see this video:

Consequences for the dog

Pyoderma has a serious impact on the state of the body's immune system and the aesthetic appearance of the pet. Purulent processes in the superficial and deep layers of the dermis significantly weaken the dog's defenses. Papules and erosions on the skin leave scars and scars after treatment.

Such cosmetic flaws do not allow the owners to take part in exhibition events. In addition, veterinarians often note relapses of the disease.

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the development of such an unpleasant dermatological disease as pyoderma in a pet, the following preventive measures have been developed in veterinary practice:

  • The diet of the animal must be balanced in essential amino acids, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Routine vaccinations against infectious diseases should be carried out regularly.
  • Keep the animal in a warm and dry room.

Walking shoe covers for dogs
  • Timely treat even minor skin lesions with antiseptic agents.
  • Competent care of the dog's coat with the use of special detergents with antimicrobial action.
  • Limit your pet's contact with stray animals.
  • When walking a dog in winter, to prevent chemical burns, use special paw treatments or protective shoe covers.

Pyoderma is a complex dermatological disease that affects the immune system of the animal. Pets with a weakened immune system, as well as animals with a folded skin type, are susceptible to the disease. Treatment is complex and long-term with the use of antibacterial drugs and restorative therapy.

06/13/2017 by Evgeniy

Changes during illness most often occur in appearance - the quality of wool decreases, various rashes appear on the skin. They can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • viruses;
  • infections;
  • bacteria.

Pyoderma is especially common in dogs. This is a disease that occurs due to infection or the introduction of harmful microorganisms into the bloodstream. Experts concluded that the main cause of this pathology is staphylococcus aureus.

Pyoderma is a lesion of the skin, the formation of various rashes, pustules, which are located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair follicles. Purulent formations may occur, as a result of which erosion crusts form. To be able to distinguish between these forms, it is enough just to look at the rash itself and the skin lesion. But it should be remembered that the disease can have symptoms of both the first and second forms. In addition to the fact that the upper layer of the skin is affected, the disease sometimes penetrates into the deeper layers. In the first form, only the hair follicles and the epidermis layer are affected. During deep penetration, damage occurs at the cellular level. Of course, the first form is much easier and faster to treat than the second.

Based on the results of all the studies conducted, experts concluded that the most common cause of pyoderma is a weak body and poor immunity. Harmful microorganisms most often spread in a warm environment with high humidity. It is for this reason that staphylococcus colonies spread around the neck and tail.

There are several types of the disease: superficial, interdigital, deep, juvenile pyoderma (the latter is much less common). If the coat becomes very long, it rolls up, and dust and dirt accumulate in it. This is an ideal habitat for harmful microorganisms.

If a certain breed of dog is characterized by pronounced skin folds, then dirt can accumulate between them. But at the same time, you should know that staphylococcus appears in an absolutely healthy and well-groomed animal. If the dog has a good diet, in which there are many vitamins and useful microelements, the immune system will not be weakened. In this case, no infectious disease is dangerous for your animal. Many are interested in whether pyoderma is contagious to humans. Contagious, this disease affects not only animals.

Among the main symptoms is the appearance of erosion or other rashes that have a bad smell, which is associated with the multiplication of harmful microbes. The skin itches and itches, so in the warm season it is especially difficult for dogs to endure this disease. If there are symptoms, one cannot be sure that the cause is in the thick coat.

An infection can also occur due to a small abrasion or wound. Most often, the disease occurs at an early age, usually before the age of one. Bubbles may appear on the skin, which then burst, after which a crust forms. This disease is dangerous because it can develop, go into more severe forms and cause severe harm to the pet.

Disease prevention

There is an opinion that this disease is incurable, and the process of its development leads to the death of the animal. But, despite this, if the pet has the first signs of the disease, you do not need to immediately start treatment on your own. You will not be able to determine the cause of the appearance and development of this disease. There are other pathologies that have similar signs and symptoms.

First of all, if there are any problems, you need to contact your veterinarian. Only after a thorough examination can a diagnosis be made and, based on the results of the tests, complex treatment be prescribed. It is often practiced to treat this disease with antibiotics or drugs such as Metronidazole, Ribotan. At home, it is not advised to treat this disease. And it is important to know that folk remedies can only do harm.

Treatment of the disease

Erosion treatment is required. To do this, you need to remove the crust and process with a special tool. Some veterinarians use iodine for this. If the animal has thick hair, it must be cut off for the duration of the disease so that it does not interfere with the treatment process. If timely prevention is carried out, treatment of the disease is not required.

Proper nutrition is very important, the diet should contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and useful trace elements. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of allergic reactions, since they can become the main cause of pyoderma. Therefore, you should carefully care for your pet, choose shampoo and other care products based on the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Pyoderma in dogs occurs due to reduced immunity or poor care. When the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

Pyoderma in dogs is a skin disease caused by pyogenic bacteria, most often staphylococci, less often streptococci. It occurs in both young and old animals, requires immediate contact with a veterinarian.

The reasons

Pyoderma is diagnosed in different dogs, but there are breeds that are most predisposed to it:

  • French Bulldog;
  • chow-chow;
  • Neapolitan Mastiff;
  • sharpei;
  • English bulldog;
  • boxer;
  • bullmastiff;
  • chihuahua.

The risk group includes very young and too old dogs, as well as individuals suffering from a decrease in immunity.

The causes of the disease can be both exogenous and endogenous. The causative agents of pyoderma are conditionally pathogenic, that is, they are present on the skin of a healthy dog, but they begin to multiply intensively with a decrease in immunity. The factors leading to the onset of the disease include wounds, abrasions and scratches that violate the integrity of the skin. Exposure to heat or cold can also lead to pyoderma in some cases. Excessively frequent washing of the dog also negatively affects the skin.

In some cases, a sharp change in conditions of detention leads to pyoderma, for example, moving to another region or transfer to a new owner. Constant fatigue can also serve as an impetus to the onset of the disease. Sometimes the owner is to blame for the illness of the pet, who allows the animal to roll down the coat, does not wash it and does not comb it. Poor nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, chronic intoxication of the body, vitamin deficiency can contribute to the occurrence of pyoderma. Daily many hours of stay in the water also will not benefit the dog.

Pyoderma can be transmitted through personal contact from dog to dog, so you should not let your pet near unfamiliar animals.

Often this disease is secondary and develops on the basis of already existing demodicosis, allergic dermatitis, dermatophytosis and other things.


Symptoms of pyoderma depend on the type of bacteria that caused it and the form of the disease: deep or superficial. The inflammatory process can proceed both in an acute form and in a chronic one. The most common lesions in dogs are:

  • wrinkles on the muzzle;
  • inner thighs;
  • area between fingers.

surface form

The superficial form of the disease affects the epidermis and hair follicles, it can be acute and chronic. Clinically, it is manifested by the appearance of nodes, pustules, bullae on the skin. Soon they open up and form erosion. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Formation on the skin of conflicts of different sizes: papules, pustules with pus, scabs.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the skin, redness, the formation of abrasions.
  3. Hair loss in affected areas.
  4. Possible swelling, thickening of the skin.
  5. Itching, burning. The dog constantly combs the skin in certain places.
  6. The animal is worried, its sleep pattern may be disturbed, sometimes aggression appears, including towards the owner.

Secondary infections often join superficial pyoderma.

deep form

The deep form of the disease affects the dermis and epidermis. This process belongs to the type of purulent-inflammatory, it affects fatty tissue, hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as all layers of the skin. It flows quickly enough and gives the dog significant discomfort. Primary foci are located in the dermis, subsequently more and more new tissues are involved in the inflammatory process. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. One or more areas are formed on the dog's skin where the skin temperature rises, the tissues turn red. The inflammatory process begins.
  2. Hair falls out on the affected areas.
  3. The skin may swell and thicken.
  4. An abscess or boil appears, after some time exudation occurs, an ulcer forms on the skin.
  5. The dog has itching, she is worried, does not sleep well, refusal to eat is possible.
  6. An unpleasant odor may come from the wound of the animal.

A deep form of pyoderma requires immediate consultation with a veterinarian. The disease is perfectly treatable with timely treatment to the clinic.

Follicular type of disease

There is a follicular type of pyoderma - folliculitis, which affects the hair follicles. With this disease, thinning of the coat occurs, and then it simply stops growing. The lesions increase and, without treatment, lead to almost complete baldness of the dog. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. In places where the hair grows, redness occurs, pustules form, which subsequently open and form ulcers.
  2. The dog is itchy and anxious.
  3. In some animals, folliculitis causes sleep disturbance.

On average, the process from the onset of inflammation to scarring of the follicle takes about a week.

Purulent type of disease

The purulent type of pyoderma is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process and the appearance of conflicts of various sizes. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Redness occurs on the dog's skin, the affected lesions have a higher temperature than the surrounding areas.
  2. Pustules are formed, which are subsequently opened. After their release from exudate, erosions occur on the skin.
  3. Wool on the affected areas falls out.
  4. The skin thickens and itches, which causes discomfort to the dog.

Due to the unpleasant symptoms of pyoderma, animals become irritable and are able to show aggression towards the owner.


Pyoderma has the same symptoms as some other skin diseases. For proper diagnosis, the dog should be taken to a veterinarian for a history and clinical examination. The doctor determines the number and size of lesions, takes tests and prescribes treatment. During the appointment, the doctor will take a culture from the animal's skin for cytological examination.

If, according to the results of the analysis, the diagnosis is confirmed, then it will be necessary to identify the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics. Also for these purposes take the sowing of pus. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a complete blood count, especially if the dog is not feeling well. A starvation diet is not required before the procedure.

With deep pyoderma, a slight increase in the level of leukocytes and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will be observed in the general blood test. Usually in this case, the dog's health is satisfactory. In severe cases of deep pyoderma, a significant increase in leukocytes, an increase in ESR, and a change in the distribution of neutrophils are observed in the general blood test. In this case, the dog most often feels bad, refuses to eat, and there are problems with sleep.

If sepsis is suspected in an animal, blood can be taken for bacteriological culture.

The purpose of diagnosis is to identify the causative agent of pyoderma in a dog and select antibiotics that will be effective for treating the animal.


For treatment, antibiotics and ointments are used to locally relieve irritation and heal the skin. The development of pyoderma causes great discomfort to the dog, so treatment should begin as soon as possible. If wool is preserved in the area of ​​​​the lesion, then it must be carefully cut off to facilitate the processing of the animal. Shaving in this case is unacceptable, as it can cause the spread of pathogens to new areas.

You can't wash your dog for the same reasons. If the hair in the area of ​​​​the lesions is dirty, then you can clean it with a solution of chlorhexidine. It is forbidden to open conflicts on your own and perform any actions with them without the instructions of a veterinarian. With a mild form of the disease and the absence of sticks in a cytological study, an antibiotic can be selected empirically. The drugs of first choice in this situation are amoxicillin, sinulox, amoxiclav and the like.

Local treatments can be carried out with chlorhexidine and Doctor shampoo with benzoyl peroxide. If the disease is advanced, and the dog does not feel well, then sowing on sensitivity to antibiotics is mandatory. Based on the result, the doctor selects the drug that will be most effective. A good result is the use of antimicrobial agents in combination with antibiotics.

With a significant area of ​​​​damage and a deep location of abscesses, in some cases, a surgical opening is used. Drainage must be installed in the wound to drain pus. In this case, antibiotics and antimicrobials are prescribed, as well as antiseptics for treatments.

The main cause of any pyoderma is a decrease in immunity, therefore, during treatment and in the future for prevention, it is recommended to use vitamins in courses.

To prevent recurrence, it is very important to balance the animal's diet so that it meets all its needs. Make sure that the dog does not overheat, and in winter - does not freeze in the cold. Timely washing and combing will also help the pet stay healthy.

All breeds of our four-legged friends are susceptible to such a disease as pyoderma in dogs. However, predominantly purulent accumulations on the skin affect Shar-Peis, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Bullmastiffs, Chow Chows, Boxers, Chihuahuas, English and French Bulldogs.

The disease makes itself felt with obvious signs that cannot be overlooked. And therefore, at the first discovery of them, the owner of the dog should take him to the veterinary clinic to specialists in order to start treatment for pyoderma in a timely manner, which is not such a harmless disease.

Etiology of pyoderma in dogs

Pyoderma, or, as this disease is also called, pyoderma, pyodermatitis, is usually provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Its intensity is manifested depending on the state of immunity. All these bacteria are conditionally pathogenic, that is, they are always present on the skin of an animal and under any favorable conditions are able to begin their negative impact. In addition, a dog can “pick up” bacteria by airborne droplets or with food, contact-household, and even in a veterinary clinic, where disinfection of places where animals are taken is not used.

If not treated, then a chronic form of pyoderma is inevitable, which has had a detrimental effect on the animal's body for years. The pathology under consideration can be provoked by:

  • sufficiently long stay of the pet in extremely warm and humid conditions;
  • a sharp transition from one diet to another and nutritional errors;
  • helminthic infections;
  • excessive fatigue from active physical exertion or lack of mobility;
  • the presence of skin lesions in the form of wounds, scratches, microcracks, cuts;
  • not caring for the skin of the animal or in general in its absence;
  • allergic reactions;
  • splinters or thorns, abrasions from gravel and sand, burns that affect the pads of the paws on walks.

The accompanying ailments especially affect the disease:

  • exhaustion;
  • bowel disease;
  • failures in hematopoiesis and blood circulation;
  • the presence of ticks and fleas in the skin.

The process itself occurs mainly 3-5 days after the pet's skin has been injured. Pathogenic bacteria begin their action on it, causing itching and inflammation. The dog itches, spreading them further along the skin, which in infected places (it can be the peritoneum, the area near the genitals, muzzle, skin folds) is covered with a rash (papules) with purulent contents. Papules burst over time, turning into erosion.

If therapy is not started on time or it is performed poorly, superficial pyoderma in dogs quickly turns into deep pyoderma, which makes itself felt with significant ulcerative lesions that exude an unpleasant putrefactive odor. All the same happens with the defeat of the interdigital areas of the paws.

The disease is dangerous because with a deep lesion, pus penetrates into the bloodstream, poisoning the animal's body and thus disrupting its functioning. The kidneys and liver are primarily affected.


The pathology is quite serious, therefore, its general symptoms are highlighted, corresponding to all types of this disease, with the appearance of which urgent measures must be taken:

  • the dog reveals indifference and absolute weakness;
  • the affected areas are itchy, painful;
  • vesicles with purulent fluid inside or it pours out, forming erosion;
  • from infected areas gives off an unpleasant odor due to open purulent wounds.

Such symptoms are a reason to show the pet to the veterinarian in order to detect the presence of bacterial enzymes with the help of bakposev. The disease can last for years, and with untimely assistance, purulent formations will slowly poison the dog.

Types of pyoderma

This skin disease in dogs has several varieties. The appearance of one or another species depends on the breed and age characteristics of the animal, as well as the nature of the inflammatory process and the affected area. With this in mind, pyoderma happens:

Clinically, pyoderma manifests itself in three forms:

  • superficial- spreads in the upper layer of the skin and is characterized by a slight loss of hair in the affected area;
  • shallow- affects the deeper layers of the epidermis, including the follicles of the coat;
  • deep- penetrating into deeper areas of the skin, up to the muscle-fat layer, and the transformation of bald patches in places with bleeding wounds.


Although this ailment differs in sufficiently recognizable symptoms, no one will treat pyoderma in dogs when purulent rashes are detected. After all, similar signs can also occur in the case of:

  • skin lesions with a microscopic mite (demodecosis);
  • plague;
  • various fungal infections of the skin.

An accurate diagnosis is determined only as a result of a comprehensive study:

If necessary, a hormonal study may also be required - after all, such skin inflammations also occur with violations of the functional abilities of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Treatment for pyoderma in dogs

The therapeutic process for this disease is long and complex. Not all dog owners can handle it. Previously, even for this reason, it was believed that pyoderma could not be cured. Now all doubts and rumors have moved aside. With the proper implementation of the doctor's prescriptions, the ailment is treated successfully. Therapeutic methods and drugs are prescribed in accordance with:

  • forms of the disease;
  • the size and intensity of the lesion;
  • general condition and age characteristics of the animal.

So, with superficial pyoderma, a positive result can only be achieved using antimicrobial agents for external use, as well as immunostimulants. But with a deep form of pathology, it will be necessary to endure a difficult therapeutic period.

If treatment of pyoderma in dogs with antibiotics is prescribed, the course of treatment cannot be interrupted, which is usually done when the first signs of the disease go away. After all, relapses are possible, and microorganisms will show resistance to this drug.

Usually, the treatment of this ailment involves the following order:

  • getting rid of itching;
  • preparation of the skin for subsequent processing (exemption from wool, elimination of scabs and crusts after they are soaked, cleaning of pus);
  • healing effect on wounds with healing and antimicrobial agents - creams and ointments Fucicort, Lorinden, Travocort, Celestoderm;
  • if necessary, antibiotic therapy - the drugs change periodically, one type is not practiced for more than 5-7 days, while the systemic antibiotic should not coincide with the one used in ointments. Injections are made intramuscularly in the thigh - Baytril, Tylosin, Cefalexin, Enrofloxacin, Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Clindamycin;
  • drugs that increase immunity are prescribed - Pyrogenal, Cycloferon, Immunofan;
  • in case of protracted and chronic processes, detoxification is mandatory.

You should know that pyoderma in dogs is a pathology that is contagious. Therefore, all therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a dog should be carried out with gloves and preferably with a face mask.

Disease Prevention in Dogs

The disease is fraught with serious consequences. So, scars and scars remain on the skin. The disease severely compromises the immune system of dogs. Even if the therapy was successful, then complete disposal of it does not occur. Regular relapses in any case will constantly let themselves know. For this reason, preventive measures are of great importance, including:

  • strengthening the general health of the pet through the use of vitamin and mineral preparations;
  • refusal of dry food in the period after a painful recovery;
  • showing attention to any changes in the skin and mandatory consultation about this with a specialist;
  • providing a balanced diet for your pet;
  • constant care for the condition of his skin only with the use of antimicrobial shampoos;
  • prevention of skin injury, and in the event of even minor microtraumas, mandatory treatment with solutions methylene blue, iodine, Nitrofural spray;
  • avoiding contact of your pet with stray animals;
  • constant attention to the health of the pet and the treatment of ailments that reduce immunity.

Of course, these measures do not guarantee 100% protection against a purulent lesion such as pyoderma. But the risk of contracting this pathology, however, will be less.

Pyoderma, as we see, is a rather complex infectious disease of the skin of a dog, which negatively affects its health both externally and internally. It is important to identify the disease in time and begin treatment in order to prevent its consequences. Indeed, for simple forms of pathology, the prognosis is always good. Therefore, be attentive to your pet and do not miss the opportunity to save him from this not so simple pathology.

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