Burning at the top of the left shoulder blade. Causes of burning under the left or right shoulder blades. What to eat every day

Painful backaches in the back are very common, most often they are localized in the lower part, sometimes in the neck, but back pain between the shoulder blades is quite rare. It is impossible to independently identify the cause that led to this condition, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor. Most people find that upper back discomfort is not a serious symptom and will go away on its own over time.

The main problem is that the pain in this part of the back is not accompanied by a strong intensity, so patients do not betray it much importance, since this part of the back is inactive. And, as a result, almost all patients do not notice a burning sensation between the shoulder blades and ignore the trip to a specialist. But the reasons that led to this condition can threaten a person’s life, so in no case should you postpone visiting a doctor.

Types of pain

When the back hurts between the shoulder blades, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain, as this can be an important diagnostic sign. Most often, pain can occur in acute and chronic forms. Acute pain always increases, reaches its peak within a certain time and disappears very quickly.

If the discomfort is chronic, then there is aching pain, which can disturb the patient for quite a long time and disappears only after taking the drugs or after medical procedures. Pain in the spine between the shoulder blades can be observed after exercise or when the human body has been in one position for quite a long time, for example, while sleeping without a pillow.

Each patient describes discomfort in the shoulder blades differently: burning pain, back muscles bake or pull, or it hurts very badly. The doctor must understand: any pain can be the cause of a very serious illness, so you should carefully listen to what the patient says. At the first signs of pain in the scapular region, it is worth visiting a doctor, because only he can find out the true reason why a person suffers, and also prescribe the appropriate treatment.

He will be able to accurately differentiate the nature of the pain and, after all the tests and diagnostic manipulations, will give an answer to the question of why the spine hurts between the shoulder blades. If a person experiences pain as a result of a previous injury, then the circle of determining the cause is significantly narrowed, but if there were no bruises, then the discomfort most likely arose due to problems with the intervertebral column.

Reasons for the development of pain

The causes of pain between the shoulder blades are very diverse, but most often associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common pathologies include:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • prolonged exposure to low temperatures and muscle strain;
  • muscular myositis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are most often the cause of pain between the shoulder blades

Intervertebral hernia

An intervertebral hernia is very rarely located in the region of the spine between the shoulder blades, since this department has a very small load. But there are exceptions to all situations, and there are people who have a hernia localized in this particular place. In order to confirm or refute the diagnosis, it is worth consulting a neurologist, as well as undergoing an examination using a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph.

If the hernia has affected the thoracic region, then degenerative changes are observed between the vertebrae and part of the disc protrudes outward. The disk may crack, and the core, which acts as a shock absorber, crashes into it due to improper weight redistribution. Against the background of all of the above, the nerve endings are pinched, and the back between the shoulder blades begins to burn.

This disease is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures are added to the tablets. For large hernias, only surgery is indicated.

A characteristic diagnostic sign of interscapular hernia is pain behind the chest, which can be confused with the heart. If the process starts and the treatment is started late, then a curvature of the spine, partial paralysis of the lower extremities may develop. Over time, the pain becomes chronic.

Scoliosis is probably one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, almost 60% of the world's population suffer from this pathology. With scoliosis, the sternum is more commonly affected. The reasons for the development of an unpleasant condition include:

  • prolonged stay of the spine in a sitting position;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • spinal injury.

Scoliosis is characterized by severe pain in the middle of the shoulder blades, this is a signal that there is a gradual curvature of the spine. At the first stages of the development of the disease, changes may not be noticed, but with further progress, a twisted spine becomes noticeable.

Scoliosis is diagnosed in almost 60% of the country's population.

Due to constant pain and the unnatural position of the vertebrae, the back gets tired very quickly, and you can also notice a change in the level of the shoulders. Painful urges can be given to the chest area, they persist for a long time. If a person with scoliosis begins to exercise, he will feel a sharp and piercing pain.

The treatment takes a very long time. Patients should wear a special corset that helps stretch the vertebrae, and also add physiotherapy exercises with moderate loads and massage procedures. With severe pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Influence of low temperatures and overvoltage

Very often, patients describe pain as a feeling of backache. This is a diagnostic feature, not a separate disease. With frequent lumbago, the risk of developing scoliosis, intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis increases. Painful backaches are constantly experienced by people who have a robot due to the fact that for several hours their body is fixed in one position. These are: office workers, dentists, drivers, surgeons, seamstresses.

It is especially difficult for those people who, in addition to the forced posture, have constant cold exposure, most often it is air conditioning or a draft. When exposed to the muscles of the back and the spine, painful urges develop in the interscapular region, and also shoots into the lower back. The treatment regimen includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablet form and in the form of ointments. You can also add massage treatments.

People who are at risk can take preventive measures:

  • yoga;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage procedures;
  • equip the workplace away from drafts and air conditioning;
  • hiking.

Subject to all preventive measures, pain between the shoulder blades can be forgotten.

Muscular myositis

Muscular myositis appears with colds, during overstrain, hypothermia or injury. The process of inflammation can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The pain can be both between the scapula and the spine on the left, and on the right, and also go down to the lower back.

During painful urges, the patient experiences a feeling of ache, and during movement, all sensations intensify. To eliminate myositis, external agents are used: ointments, gels or creams. They should have an analgesic and warming effect.

Osteochondrosis has become very rejuvenated, and sometimes it is diagnosed in children who have not reached puberty. Although for several decades only the elderly suffered from this disease. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the development of osteochondrosis. Over time, articular changes of a dystrophic nature are observed in the spine.

Further, the inflammatory process develops and the nerve endings are pinched. It is because of this that painful urges develop between the shoulder blades and the spine. If the patient has a cold, then cough and runny nose, namely the process itself, can be accompanied by severe and sharp pains. The ability to move normally in these patients is very difficult. There is weakness in the hands, as well as their partial numbness and loss of mobility.

In order to avoid the development of osteochondrosis, it is worth performing preventive gymnastics

This pathology involves the intramuscular administration of drugs in combination with tablet forms with an anti-inflammatory effect. The products for external use, as well as massage procedures, have proven themselves very well. In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is worth doing small physical activity and taking small pauses in work.


According to the first symptoms, spondylarthrosis can be confused with osteochondrosis, since the nature of the pain is chronic, and with minor stress on the back it becomes more intense. During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, the pain intensifies. The diagnostic sign of spondylarthrosis is the destruction of cartilage in the vertebrae, and the actual cartilage itself is replaced by bone tissue. These dystrophic changes can be detected using x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging.

On closer examination of the affected vertebra, bony protrusions can be observed. What to do in such a situation, only the doctor knows, since the approach to treatment should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the pain syndrome. To do this, use painkillers, novocaine blockade and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do not forget about physiotherapy procedures - laser exposure, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy and more. Very often, traction (traction therapy) is used. The meaning of the procedure is that the inflamed area is affected by current, and, as a result, spasms will decrease due to the production of endorphin, which has an analgesic effect. If you massage the entire back, then the muscles completely relax and the pain goes away.

Diseases of the internal organs

If pain develops between the spine and the right shoulder blade, and then covers the left side, then this is a sign of internal deviations. Not all painful urges are associated with the spine. When an organ located in the mediastinum is damaged, pain is observed in the interscapular region, so it is necessary to accurately determine the organ that failed.

Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, angina pectoris or a heart attack can provoke pain between the shoulder blades. With acute type deviations associated with the heart, a sharp drop in blood pressure is possible.

In such a situation, it is necessary to act quickly and call the ambulance brigade. The pain is acute, lasts for 5 minutes, and after the use of nitroglycerin subsides.

If the gastrointestinal tract is affected, there is also pain between the shoulder blades and, of course, in the epigastric region and stomach. Dyspeptic phenomena are added. It is worth listening very carefully to the body so as not to miss an important symptom.

It can hurt between the shoulder blade and the spine both on the right and on the left, but if there is still a cough, then this is a sign of the presence of pathologies of the respiratory system, and most often it is pneumonia. If so, then you can notice an increase in body temperature, and during inspiration, the pain becomes more intense.

In the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, pain in the interscapular region may be observed


Self-treatment involves light exercise at the first manifestations of the disease. Taking medications must be agreed with the doctor. When a person begins to experience discomfort in the interscapular region due to a long stay in one position, then he should change it or stretch a little. The warm-up involves the reduction and breeding of the shoulder blades and the movement of the shoulders in a circle.

If possible, you can sit or stand up to your full height, and then hug yourself to maximize the expansion of the shoulder blades. Next, you should inhale deeply, this will allow the shoulder blades to disperse even further and then hold your breath for 10 seconds. This exercise allows you to stretch the muscles, as this will eliminate the spasm, and, accordingly, the soreness will also go away.

You can also raise your hands up and close your hands over your head lowered down and twist the torso in turn, then to the right, then to the left. Massage treatments are well suited to eliminate muscle pain. You can perform self-massage or contact a specialist. Kuznetsov's applicator has a very good effect, it is so compact that you can take it with you to work and take a break for a massage.

If the pain is due to the fact that there have been changes of a dystrophic nature, then it is more difficult to cope with it on your own. This pathology of the tendons and ligaments develops due to the long-term influence of traumatic factors. If the affected tissue area does not receive sufficient nutrition, then calcification of tissue structures may occur, or, more simply, the formation of small growths and calcium salts.

In such a situation, among home methods, one can single out a massage of the paravertebral area in the sternum area, which can be performed independently. For the procedure, you will need an object similar to a tennis ball. It is necessary to take a horizontal position, it is best to lie on the floor and roll the ball along the entire length of the spine to the left and right.

For the first time, you should not get carried away with such a massage, a session of 3-4 minutes will be enough. If you overdo it, then the pain can only become stronger. The duration of such therapy is about 14-21 days, twice a day, but beforehand all points should be discussed with the doctor. It is during this time that positive changes can be obtained. And, of course, do not forget about stretching and light warm-up.

Medical treatment at home

If during massage procedures there is a sharp pain in the back, then it is worth abandoning this manipulation for a while. In such a situation, the attending physician will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, which will need to be consumed for several days. You can add funds for external use, they should be applied to the affected area.

Over time, the pain goes away, and you can switch to drugs that can irritate the nerve endings. At home, it is hardly possible to achieve a complete recovery, but it is possible to improve the condition and begin the first stages of the fight against pain. If the pain does not subside even from home methods, then this is a signal that it is urgent to run to the doctor.

Hospital treatment

In order to eliminate pain between the shoulder blades in a hospital, doctors prescribe a complex treatment. This complex includes: taking medications, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy. For each patient, an individual treatment regimen is selected, taking into account the characteristics of his disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve pain

Among the drugs, preference is given to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they have proven themselves very well for pain in the interscapular region. For more intense urges, painkillers are used. In parallel, the patient attends physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis with lidase or novocaine;
  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • laser influence;
  • traction;
  • massage procedures;
  • manual therapy.

Moderate physical activity helps to cope with painful urges, it is used during the period when the pain becomes less. A specialist in therapeutic gymnastics introduces the patient to the simplest exercises that he will perform on his own after discharge from the hospital. They are recommended to be done daily.

In order to avoid pain between the shoulder blades, you should carefully monitor the level of physical activity, keep your posture, sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow, and move correctly. It is worth avoiding manipulations that lead to overstrain or overwork of the muscles, it is very important to follow this rule in the first few weeks after discharge from the hospital. If you follow all the above recommendations and rules, then the pain in the shoulder blades will never return.

Burning in the shoulder blades can be associated with serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. When a similar symptom appears in the morning, you should first of all pay attention to the frequency of occurrence. If this is repeated more than 3 times a week, then such a manifestation can be considered as a symptom of a degenerative or inflammatory process in the spinal column, spinal-costal joints, muscles, ligaments, shoulder blades, acromial or clavicular articulation of bones.

Self-treatment of burning in the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades is not recommended, since differential diagnosis is required to make an accurate diagnosis. An experienced doctor will exclude the possibility of developing ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), a coronary vascular pathology, which often gives as the first sign a burning sensation between the shoulder blades, a curvature of the spinal column.

Anatomically, this part of the musculoskeletal system is divided into:

  1. thoracic spine, consisting of 12 vertebrae;
  2. 12 pairs of costal arches, which are connected to the body by vertebrae with the help of joints;
  3. muscular and ligamentous apparatus, which ensures the stability of the position of the spine and ribs;
  4. 2 blades providing mobility of the upper limbs.

The shoulder blade is a triangular flat bone that sits on top of the ribs. It forms a cavity for the head of the humerus with the help of the upper articular cavity. With the help of the acromial process of the spine, the scapula is attached to the clavicle. This anatomical structure provides the possibility of making a wide range of movements of the upper limb.

The thoracic (thoracic) spine, due to the attachment of costal arches here, does not have the same mobility and flexibility as the cervical and lumbar. Therefore, there is less compression pressure on the intervertebral discs. But this does not exclude the possibility of developing various pathological deformities. Diffuse nutrition of the intervertebral discs can be disturbed in patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not give regular physical activity to the back muscles, and suffer from chronic diseases of the chest organs.

All articular surfaces are covered with synovial cartilage. It provides protection of bone tissue and shock-absorbing distribution of physical activity. Therefore, with the thinning of the synovial cartilage layer or its deformation, unpleasant sensations arise. They can manifest as a burning sensation in the shoulder blades.

Costovertebral joints, intercostal muscles, intervertebral discs suffer more often. In order to identify the potential cause of the appearance of a clinical sign, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis. It always begins with an examination by a vertebrologist. In Moscow, you can make an appointment for a free appointment with this doctor at our manual therapy clinic. Here you will have a complete examination, the doctor will do a series of functional tests and make a preliminary diagnosis. Then, depending on the identified pathology, additional studies will be recommended. Individualized treatment recommendations are given.

Of course, a temporary negative impact cannot be ruled out. For example, an uncomfortable sleeping position or an improperly organized place for a night's rest. If the load is not distributed correctly during sleep, an overstrain of the muscular frame of the back in some areas may occur. This leads to compression of the branches of the radicular nerves. It manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation in certain areas of the skin in the region of the scapula. Usually this condition is distinguished by the fact that the symptom is localized in the region of the left or right scapula.

Causes of burning in the shoulder blades

There are various causes of burning in the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and in most cases this is a symptom of the development of pathological conditions. Very often, the following diseases are the cause of burning in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades:

  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine with associated complications, such as disc protrusion and hernial protrusion of the nucleus pulposus;
  • scoliosis and other types of postural disorders and curvature of the spinal column;
  • injuries of the thoracic region (stretching and microscopic ruptures of ligaments and tendons, bruises of soft tissues, cracks and fractures of costal arches, spinous processes and vertebral bodies;
  • pinching of the radicular nerves and their branches (may occur with radicular syndrome against the background of osteochondrosis, a growing tumor, hematoma, overstrain of muscle fibers, etc.);
  • spondylosis, including those provoked by Bechterew's disease;
  • instability of the position of the vertebral bodies with their displacement forward, backward in the lateral projection;
  • inflammation and destruction of facet and uncovertebral intervertebral joints;
  • inflammation and degeneration of the acromial, clavicular and humeral articulation of the bones.

These diseases are excluded in the first place. Then the doctor identifies potential risk factors for the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Risk factors include the following:

  • overweight while maintaining a sedentary lifestyle with impaired metabolism;
  • incorrect posture (the so-called stoop or round back);
  • hormonal pathologies and dysfunctions;
  • incorrect positioning of the foot, leading to a curvature of the spine and a distorted distribution of the depreciation load in different parts of the spinal column;
  • improperly organized sleeping and working place;
  • constant stress loads in the form of psychological pressure, heavy physical exertion or the action of negative environmental factors (cold, heat).

There is a high probability of burning in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades with the development of acute coronary insufficiency. This may be due to atherosclerosis, stenosis, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis and other life-threatening conditions. Therefore, if a burning sensation between the shoulder blades arose suddenly against the background of general well-being with health, is of high intensity and is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air with a deep breath, it is recommended to immediately call the cardiological ambulance team.

If pain and burning sensation between the shoulder blades is constantly present, and the vertebrologist does not find any abnormalities in the state of the musculoskeletal system, then it is necessary to examine the condition of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. Burning between the shoulder blades can be triggered by cholelithiasis, pancreatic necrosis and chronic pancreatitis, renal pathology, hiatal hernia, reflux disease and stomach ulcers. Pathology in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots of the lungs is not excluded.

Burning in the region of the left and right scapula

A certain danger is a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left shoulder blade, since this can be a sign of cardiac pathology. It's easy enough to rule it out. You need to take a nitroglycerin tablet and wait 5 minutes. If the burning sensation in the scapular region on the left significantly decreases, then you need to contact a cardiologist for an appointment. If you do not feel any effect, then you need to visit a vertebrologist as soon as possible.

Burning sensation in the scapular region on the right or left may be a sign of developing stenosis of the spinal canal against the background of a growing intervertebral hernia. At the initial stage of this disease, the leading clinical signs are:

  1. pain in a certain segment of the thoracic spine;
  2. difficulty in performing certain movements (turns of the body, tilts, respiratory movements of the costal arches, etc.);
  3. stiffness in the morning;
  4. areas of numbness in various parts of the chest.

As the hernial protrusion grows, the clinical picture worsens, paresthesias and paresis of the internal organs occur. There may be a weakening of the intercostal muscles - it is difficult for the patient to take a full breath without using the diaphragm. The so-called diaphragmatic breathing with the abdomen predominates.

Constant burning in the area of ​​​​the right shoulder blade may be the result of herpes zoster, an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus. It develops very rapidly. Bubbles appear on the skin filled with a clear liquid. They quickly open up and merge into an eroded surface. Skin manifestations completely disappear after 5-7 days. But this does not mean a complete recovery. On the contrary, the herpes virus penetrates the thickness of the tissues and begins to be affected by the nerve endings. It is at this stage of the disease that there is a feeling of severe burning and pain in the region of the left or right shoulder blade.

An experienced neurologist can help in such a situation. In our clinic of manual therapy, a neurologist conducts a free initial appointment with all patients. You can sign up for a consultation with the doctor at the administrator by calling the specified contact number.

Burning in the spine - the back burns between the shoulder blades

A strong burning sensation in the spine between the shoulder blades is almost always a sign of a developing radicular syndrome against the background of a degenerative dystrophic disease of the intervertebral discs. With osteochondrosis, diffuse nutrition of the fibrous ring is disturbed. It loses its flexibility and plasticity, becomes brittle and dehydrated. Cracks appear on its surface, filled with the deposition of calcium salts. Thus, the fibrous ring loses its ability to absorb the fluid secreted by myocytes during diffuse metabolism.

Then the process of assimilation of fluid from the internal nucleus pulposus begins. The depreciation process is disturbed, a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs is provoked, and the displacement of the costovertebral joints begins. A combined form of pathology develops: thoracic osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the costovertebral joints.

If the back burns in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and there is a burning sensation, it is urgent to contact a vertebrologist. An experienced doctor during the initial examination and palpation will be able to make the correct diagnosis and provide the necessary amount of medical care.

What to do with a burning sensation in the shoulder blades?

The first thing to do with the appearance of pain and burning in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades is to contact a specialist. In no case should you engage in self-treatment, smear various ointments, make compresses and lotions.

Severe burning in the area of ​​the scapula is a reason for an x-ray examination and an ECG. These two types of instrumental examination make it possible to exclude the pathology of the musculoskeletal system and coronary vessels.

With back pain in the scapular region and burning sensation against the background of diseases of the spine, joints and muscles, it is necessary first of all to ensure the normal position of the vertebral bodies. The procedure of traction traction of the spinal column is prescribed. This allows you to relieve pressure from the radicular nerves and create favorable conditions for straightening the intervertebral cartilage discs. When a problem with posture is detected, it is important to ensure a stable tension of the muscular frame of the back on the side that is responsible for correcting the condition.

After making an accurate diagnosis, the vertebrologist develops an individual course of treatment for each patient. It may include the following methods of influence:

  • osteopathy - to restore the normal process of microcirculation of lymphatic fluid and blood in the focus of tissue damage;
  • massage - to maintain tone and the necessary relaxation of muscle fibers in certain areas;
  • remedial gymnastics and kinesiotherapy allow maintaining the working capacity of the muscular frame of the back and restoring the diffuse nutrition of the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs;
  • physiotherapy and laser exposure;
  • reflexology to accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged areas.

You can make an appointment for a completely free consultation with a vertebrologist at our manual therapy clinic. During the appointment, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis and give individual recommendations for examination and treatment.

2. Widespread osteochondrosis of the spine.

3. Traumatic lesions of the cervical or thoracic calving of the spine.

Worried between the shoulder blades? How can it hurt, what to be, how to manifest?

In the interscapular region, a wide variety of symptoms can be observed, which we will focus on.

1. Pain between the shoulder blades.

2. Pain in the back lying, sitting, standing, straight, on the left or right side.

3. Pain in the spine.

4. When inhaling, the back hurts.

5. Pain radiates between the shoulder blades.

6. Burning.

7. Whine right, left, right, left.

8. Severe, moderate, moderate, mild muscle pain.

9. Discomfort.

10. Itches.

11. Pinched.

12. Aching, sharp pain.

13. Pain in the middle.

14. Numbness, numbness.

17. Constant or episodic pain.

20. Neck or chest pain.

22. Heaviness.

23. Pricks a stake.

24. Gets cold.

25. Neuralgia or sciatica.

28. Entered.

29. Temperature (high, elevated, subfebrile, febrile).

31. Jammed.

33. Aches.

34. Goosebumps.

35. Backache.

36. Chondrosis.

37. Joint hurts.

38. Belching.

40. Tingling.

41. Hanging fat.

42. Difficulty breathing.

43. Pain in the heart.

44. Pain behind the sternum.

45. Tattoo or tattoo, inscription.

46. ​​Stiffness.

47. Squeezes.

48. Clicks.

49. Pain in the spine.

50. Heat or cold.

51. Heaviness.

54. Cough dry or wet.

55. Muscle pain.

56. Irritation.

57. Spots black, brown, red, white.

58. Bald patch in the back.

59. A vertebra hurts.

What are the types of pain?

Acute, sharp, dull, chronic, bursting, burning, aching, goosebumps.

Where does pain occur?

The pains seem to be between the shoulder blades or in the back, chest or neck, occiput, stomach or pancreas, esophagus or lungs, heart or head, mediastinum.

When does pain occur?

When walking, lying, sitting, standing, morning, afternoon, evening, night, during pregnancy.

And then reasonable questions arise: “How to relieve pain between the shoulder blades, how to get rid of pain, where to go through an effective procedure?”

Treatment of pain between the shoulder blades in Saratov, Russia

How to treat pain between the shoulder blades? Sarclinic conducts in Saratov in men and women, boys and girls, boys and girls, adolescents and children, the treatment of numbness between the shoulder blades. New hardware and non-hardware methods of treatment allow for a short period of time to restore the functioning of the spine and find the joy of life. !

. There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Pain between the shoulder blades is not a separate disease, but a symptom inherent in a large number of pathologies (cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems) or a consequence of an injury.

If it occurs, consult a doctor for a quick diagnosis of the disease and the start of effective treatment.

Types and location of pain

Did you know that the spine between the shoulder blades hurts in people whose professional activity is associated with constant tension of the muscles located in the upper belt? These include seamstresses, machinists, drivers, etc.

Pain occurs in one of 2 forms:

  • Acute. Accompanied by burning pain (often described by the words "stake in the spine"), aggravated by turning the body, arms, tilting the neck.
  • Chronic. The syndrome “flows into it after 2-3 acute periods. The pain becomes regular and affects the quality of life of a person.

Does your back hurt between your shoulder blades when you inhale? The reason is intercostal neuralgia or diseases of the respiratory system. They are expressed in a simultaneous increase in temperature, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

The described symptom in children in 85-90% of situations indicates the formation of scoliosis. An important signal for their parents will be the asymmetry of the shoulders, unevenly located shoulder blades.

Chest pain between shoulder blades

Simultaneous pain is caused by spinal deformities and pathologies of other internal organs. So, with a stomach ulcer, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, patients complain of a burning sensation in the chest area, “radiating” to the back.

If between the shoulder blades, then the cause may be diseases of the respiratory system. At the same time, another symptom is additionally manifested - an increase in temperature s.

There are situations when pain in the spine between the shoulder blades "gives" to the chest. To establish the correct diagnosis, a complete examination of the patient's body, including the cardiovascular system, is performed.

Aching dull pain

Dull aching pain in the back between the shoulder blades is due to pathological conditions of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It occurs with osteochondrosis and damage to internal organs (inflammation of the gallbladder, pneumonia, etc.).

Attention! Burning pain is formed with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, renal colic, etc.

If pain is constantly felt and the condition of the spine is the cause, then the following symptoms are inherent in the pain syndrome:

  • it does not extend to other parts of the body (for example, to the thoracic region),
  • becomes more intense with loads (with the condition of tension of diseased muscles and ligaments),
  • the manifestation of itching, pain, burning in the spine between the shoulder blades increases with palpation.

Burning and pain are observed during inflammatory processes in the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In this case, the patient has a desire to “rub” the damaged area, but any pressure on it leads to an increase in the intensity of pain.

If the symptom is permanent, then immediately seek medical help - only timely diagnosis and therapy will help to avoid worsening your condition.


Video - pain between the shoulder blades

Sharp and sharp pain

Sharp back pain in the spine between the shoulder blades is the result of infringement or inflammation of the nerve roots. Often their deformation is caused by pathologies - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.

Reflex muscle tension leads to the fact that the back hurts between the shoulder blades. Spasms provoke a gradual increase in the clamping of the nerve ending and, as a result, lead to an intense pain syndrome.

Sharp pain in the back between the shoulder blades is present in biliary colic.

It is accompanied by additional syndromes:

  • discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium,
  • deterioration in general well-being,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • an increase in temperature.

Interestingly, if severe pain in the spine between the shoulder blades is caused by biliary colic, then the cause of its manifestation (intensification) is the consumption of fatty or fried foods (discomfort is observed 3-3.5 hours after eating).

Breathe heavily

It is difficult to breathe with pain between the shoulder blades - a clear sign of lung damage (usually with pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.).

Pain when inhaling and breathing in a number of situations makes it possible to diagnose angina pectoris, which is additionally manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced shortness of breath,
  • pressure drop,
  • skin pallor,
  • "Return" of pain between the shoulder blades in the hand.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Relationship between pain and disease

The cause of pain between the shoulder blades in the back in 70% of cases is associated with various pathologies. We propose to study the relationship of pain with diseases diagnosed in a patient:

The type of pain that occurs in the spine between the shoulder blades

Provoking the occurrence (intensification) of the disease

What are the features?


- kyphoscoliosis,

- herniated intervertebral discs,

- fibromyalgia,

- spondylarthrosis.

Less commonly, aching pain manifests itself with an ulcer.


- osteochondrosis (neck / chest area),

- scapular-rib syndrome,

- myofascial syndrome.

Pulling pain syndrome indicates pathologies of the bone and muscle structures of the body.


- pleurisy (accompanying symptoms - cough, weakness),

- vegetative dystonia,

- pyelonephritis.

Less commonly, stabbing pain between the shoulder blades indicates perforation of the ulcer.

Other symptoms:

- pain in the abdomen,


- heartburn


- an attack of cholecystitis (+ pain appears under the ribs on the right side),

- stomach ulcer,

- stage of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.


- intercostal neuralgia,

- pancreatitis (+ bloating),

- protrusion of the intervertebral discs.

Severe pain between the shoulder blades - a sign of what disease can be?

It may indicate a myocardial infarction!

Then, along with pain, there is:

- a sharp deterioration in well-being,

- loss of consciousness,

- pressure drop,

- arrhythmia.

Attention! If the vertebra hurts when pressing (pressing) between the shoulder blades, then this indicates the presence of pathologies of the spine

By informing the doctor about the nature of the syndrome, it will be possible to determine the causes of back pain between the shoulder blades and diagnose a concomitant disease.

Diseases of the spine

If it hurts between the shoulder blades, then the factor that caused pain in many cases is diseases of the spine. It is important that such a syndrome is not a separate disease - it only signals the presence of pathology.

Pain between the shoulder blades in the upper back occurs due to:

  • scoliosis,
  • kyphosis,
  • spondylarthrosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • protrusion of the intervertebral discs.

If back pain between the shoulder blades radiates to the sternum and lower back, then the causes can be hidden not only in diseases of the spine, but also in the cardiovascular (CHD, angina pectoris, etc.), digestive (ulcer, inflammation of the gallbladder, etc.) systems.

Pain during pregnancy

Many pregnant women complain of back pain between the shoulder blades. If you experience discomfort, immediately sign up for a gynecologist - it is important to timely exclude circumstances that can affect the health of the future mother and child.

Why do women experience pain between the shoulder blades during pregnancy? An increase in the load on the spine and a change in the center of gravity of the body provokes an overstrain of the back muscles, and entails the appearance of pain.


The cause of back pain between the shoulder blades is often an injury. So, with fractures of the ribs or sternum, a severe pain syndrome is formed, passing through all parts of the spinal column.

Do you have pain in your neck and between your shoulder blades? Consider whether there have been recent situations that could cause damage to the spine (for example, a severe bruise, a blow to the spinal column, etc.).

What to do, how to treat and which doctor to go to?

What to do if your back hurts between your shoulder blades? Go see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and a general examination, based on the results of which he will issue a referral to a narrow specialist:

  • surgeon
  • neurologist,
  • cardiologist
  • traumatologist, etc.

What and how to treat pain in the spine between the shoulder blades? To eliminate pain in stationary conditions, an integrated approach is used, which involves taking medications, prescribing physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

Back health is the key to the normal functioning of the whole organism. Sometimes it happens that a person suddenly begins to feel as if the back area is on fire.

This indicates the manifestation of diseases, and often they are not associated with the spine itself. So pathologies of internal organs can manifest themselves.

What causes itching

When the back burns in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, the main cause of the unpleasant syndrome is hidden in the pathological processes in the muscles. The condition may be accompanied by pain.

Most often occurs in people leading a passive lifestyle. If the back burns in the region of the shoulder blades, then most likely this is the first sign of the onset of spinal deformity. This condition can be caused by the following diseases:

  • upper spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • neuralgia.

Often these symptoms are manifested:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • angina.

Burning, which is accompanied by a pain syndrome of a permanent or temporary nature, aggravated by a change in the position of the body, may indicate reflux esophagitis (heartburn).

Depending on which side the disease is localized, the back can bake on the right or left side. If discomfort arose on the left side, then this indicates:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • gallbladder disease,
  • disorders in the liver.

If it burns under the shoulder blade on the right from the back from the back, then in this case we can talk about problems of a neuralgic nature. Most often this happens due to.

Often this condition occurs in the background. If the problem lies not in the condition of the spine, then most likely it manifests itself as follows:

  • hepatic colic;
  • blockage of the bile duct;
  • abscess.

Often the cause of discomfort is a nervous breakdown. The shoulder blades of the back burn from depression, because when a person’s psycho-emotional state is disturbed, the nerve endings become constantly excited.

The nerve roots located along the spinal column are pinched and cause burning and pain in the back.

Who to contact

If an unpleasant symptom occurs, you should first contact a therapist, then a neurologist.

With prolonged and accompanied by a burning sensation in the back, it is necessary to seek help from a psychotherapist.

You should not try to cope with the disease on your own and traditional medicine, as this often leads to a deterioration in the condition.

A burning sensation is a consequence, and for proper treatment it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence.

You may need to be examined by the following specialists:

  • rheumatologist,
  • cardiologist,
  • surgeon,
  • hepatologist,
  • gastroenterologist.

A complete examination will allow you to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.


When the back burns between the shoulder blades, the causes can be hidden anywhere, so as soon as an unpleasant syndrome appears, you should immediately go to a specialist.

The doctor will assess the condition of the spinal column and all organs. For this, an integrated approach is used, which helps to establish an accurate diagnosis.

During the examination, you will definitely have to pass tests, undergo an ultrasound examination, x-rays.

In addition to general analyzes, there are additional ones, including:

  • blood chemistry,
  • marker of liver and kidney disease,
  • biochemical analysis of urine.

When it is precisely established why the back is burning between the shoulder blades, adequate treatment is prescribed. Treatment should take place only under the supervision of a specialist. For serious pathologies, hospital treatment may be required.

Usually, the treatment regimen includes a number of procedures aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, relieving pain, and reducing inflammation.

A lot of diseases of both the spine and internal organs can be hidden behind a burning sensation in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, so it is important to consult a specialist before the condition worsens.

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