Abscess in dogs after an injection when it occurs. Hernias and hematomas, unlike an abscess. Purulent abscess on a dog's paw

In common parlance, an abscess is called an abscess. Ulcers develop either under the skin or in internal organs.

Localization of abscesses in dogs

According to the place of localization, they differ in name - superficial "abscess" or deep "abscess".

The size reaches the size of a chicken egg. It differs from other pathological inflammatory processes in the demarcation line - the boundary between the healthy space and the affected area.

An abscess can reach the size of a chicken egg.

Origin factors

Despite the magnitude of the lesion, the disease is characterized by rapid development.

Due to the rapid progression, the tumor develops rapidly, then the affected tissue decays and pathogenic microorganisms enter. These pathogenic microbes spread very quickly through the blood, and the process aggravates, and the abscess increases. The main cause of pathology is mechanical impact: wounds, injuries, bruises.

Wounds can be the cause of tumor development.

Causes of disease progression

The progression of the disease occurs for the following reasons:

The fight is the cause of the progression of the disease.

As a result of ignoring the problem, there is a risk of further infection and damage to internal organs, which ultimately leads to complications and possible death.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of the disease appear according to the reasons that provoked its appearance.

  • Abscess of a septic nature occurs due to necrosis, which provoked microbes.
  • Aseptic lesion begins due to necrosis, which caused toxic substances or .

Microbes provoke tissue necrosis.


By appearance, the disease is divided into benign and malignant abscess.

  • benign infection occurs after injections, vaccinations due to infection at the puncture site. In this case, there is swelling, hyperemia. Inside the tubercle there is a purulent exudate, live leukocytes, of low virulence.
  • malignant appearance will look like a red swelling, loose to the touch, a slight fluctuation is felt on palpation. In this case, inside there will be pus of a liquid consistency, bacteria of putrefactive or purulent origin, and anaerobic bacteria.

At malignant abscess formed red swelling.

Dog temperature

Among other things, the pathology is also divided according to the local temperature present.

Cold abscess is more common in older dogs.

  • hot abscess looks like a reddened swelling, painful and hot to the touch. Such an "abscess" is characterized by rapid progression and formation, often spontaneous opening occurs.
  • Concerning cold abscess , then most often this type is inherent in old dogs that have reduced immunity. It is characterized by a slow flow, weakly and for a long time it is formed, it is almost not felt to the touch. There is only slight swelling and soreness. Spontaneously never opens, which implies the use of surgical intervention.

initial stage

The initial stage of the disease is expressed in the appearance of a compaction on the pet's skin, which is characterized by soreness.

At the initial stage of the disease, a seal appears on the skin.

Then this seal grows in size, redness gradually appears. If there is a hot type, then an increase in temperature is felt in the diseased area during palpation. After some time, the seal still increases in size and becomes soft to the touch. In some cases fluctuation can be felt. If the abscess is subcutaneous localization, then after a few days it will spontaneously open.

Deep localization

Abscess of deep localization is visually difficult to notice. suspect this pathology allows the changed behavior of the animal.

During this period, the pet becomes lethargic, gradually weakens, does not show interest in the environment. A similar state of the dog lasts for several days, while others visible symptoms not visible.

During the period of deep localization, the dog becomes lethargic and weak.

Hernias and hematomas, unlike an abscess

When making a diagnosis, an abscess should be distinguished from a hernia or from a hematoma.

In order not to take an abscess for similar pathologies, you should know that the hematoma does not have clear boundaries and walls, and in the hernia, during palpation, a hole filled with soft contents is palpated. In addition, a hernia at the site of localization, as a rule, is located in the inguinal or abdominal region. For accurate diagnosis X-rays are allowed laboratory research blood, abscess puncture to determine the nature of the contents. A puncture with a hematoma will show blood, with a tumor - the absence of exudate, with an abscess - purulent contents.

Hernia in a dog.

dog treatment

As a rule, the treatment of a mature abscess consists in a surgical opening.

  1. An unripe tubercle is given several days to ripen and then opened. The ripened "abscess" is opened, at the same time a puncture is made and the pus is allowed to flow out.
  2. Next, the doctor flushes the wound cavity antibacterial agents, if necessary, puts drainage, applies a fixing bandage.
  3. If the lesion is benign, you can apply a bandage with ichthyol ointment, agave leaf, Vishnevsky ointment .
  4. Treat the cavity with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Deep channel is laid antiseptic ointment. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection.
  6. Surgical intervention

    A malignant formation is treated only surgically, spontaneous opening should not be allowed. Treatment and follow-up care is prescribed only by a doctor.

    Malignant formation is removed surgically.

    Video about the abscess of the paraanal glands

Ulcers in a dog can occur in the form of pyoderma, abscesses, dermatitis, abscesses various etiologies and severity. Not always pustules can lead to grave consequences, but in some cases, the lesion can affect the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, leading to purulent fusion of tissues. To prevent severe complications need to know the signs and treatments.

The main reason for the appearance of abscesses on the body of a dog is the introduction into wound surface pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, coli, streptococci and other pyogenic microbes. The reasons why this penetration becomes possible are as follows:

With pyoderma or purulent skin lesions in dogs, the surface of the epidermis and hair follicles may be affected, sebaceous glands (superficial pyoderma) or deep layers of the dermis, up to the subcutaneous tissue ( deep pyoderma). Factors contributing to the development purulent inflammation skin are:

  • violation of the diet;
  • change of conditions of detention;
  • poor hygiene;
  • deep folds in the skin.

Pathogenic microorganisms are a natural component of microbiocinosis of the skin and the whole organism, they are found in the soil and air. At strong immunity they are under control and do not cause inflammation or pus formation. In animals whose immunity is reduced for any reason, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the skin and begin to multiply, causing characteristic symptoms inflammation and intoxication. Purulent formations differ in appearance:

  • pustules- inflamed red formations that rise above the surface of the skin and are filled with pus;
  • nodes- located deep in the skin cavities with purulent contents;
  • cysts- purulent conglomerates formed during the fusion of nodes.

Each type of abscess is accompanied by corresponding symptoms and manifestations.

Symptoms and manifestations of diseases

At the heart of pyoderma is an inflammatory process that causes pathogenic microorganisms. Pyoderma is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness in the area of ​​​​introduction of an infectious agent;
  • feeling of severe itching;
  • the formation of reddish and yellowish vesicles with purulent contents.

If the dog is not treated in time, then the pus seeps into the underlying tissues, causing their purulent fusion. Abscesses and boils are formed, which can be localized in various parts body. Pathology is accompanied by a local rise in temperature. Ulcers are able to merge, causing extensive purulent lesions on the skin. In these places, the hair falls out, the skin covered with purulent crusts is exposed.

If a purulent infection is introduced further, deep caverns, fistulas are formed. The dog's body temperature rises, chills, weakness, and refusal to eat are noted. Against the background of purulent skin lesions, sepsis can develop, leading to the death of the animal. Timely appeal per medical care can keep the animal healthy.

Treatment of ulcers in dogs

If the entrance gate is damage to the skin of the dog, then they are treated antiseptic solutions- Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Fucorcin, Brilliant green. At superficial damage this is enough to stop the purulent inflammation.

At home, it is possible to process and treat abscesses if the animal feels normal, there are no severe symptoms the pathology and behavior of the dog does not change, and the purulent contents do not have a pungent odor.

If the abscess is located under the skin, then dressings with Liniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment until the skin becomes thinner and pus becomes visible underneath. The abscess opens on its own, and the owner is required to treat the place with a disinfectant solution, change the dressings and make sure that the edges of the wound do not close before the cavity is completely cleared of pus.

After a clean ichor begins to flow from the wound, without admixture of pus and blood, bandages can be applied with wound healing ointment, for example Levomikol, Stellanin-PEG, which not only relieve inflammation, itching, but also regenerate tissues without the risk of scarring. If the dog has a fever, she becomes apathetic, refuses to eat, and green pus oozes from the wound with a sharp putrid smell, then you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic to avoid sepsis.

The doctor opens the abscess, cleans it of pus and rinses the cavity with an antiseptic, installs a drain for the outflow of pus. After applying a sterile bandage, which the owner must change daily, the animal is sent home. The dog is under the supervision of a doctor until complete recovery. The animal is put on protective collar so that there is no licking of the wound and injuring it.

To wash the opened abscess, homeopathic remedies are used, for example saline solution Calendula and Hypericum. They wash the wound with a syringe 2-3 times a day until it is completely cleansed and healed. If the cavity is very deep, then, in order to prevent the edges of the wound from growing together until the pus is completely released, it is washed only with a solution of salt and St. John's wort (Hypericum). A solution of calendula is used only after cleansing the cavity.

The dog demands drug treatment. To reduce the temperature, antipyretic drugs are injected or antipyretic tablets dissolved in water are given. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. As a rule, the treatment of ulcers in dogs is carried out using homeopathic remedies and vitamin therapy. Vitamins A, C, E are prescribed to boost immunity. festering wounds apply Arnica montana. If the arnica preparation is applied immediately to a cleaned and disinfected wound, it prevents the formation of an abscess and accelerates regeneration.

With spontaneous opening of the abscess and discharge of purulent contents, Calcarea sulphurica is prescribed - calcium sulfate. It is also used if the abscess is cleared, and its healing is slow. With the expiration of fetid pus and deep melting of the tissues, Hepar sulphuris calcareum (sulfuric liver) or Mercurius (vivus, solubilis) are used. When festering around foreign body use Myristica sebifera (salon nutmeg).

Homeopathic treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. With the right and timely treatment, ulcers in a dog are not dangerous and are successfully treated in 98% of cases.

In the body of a dog, various processes are constantly taking place: urea is produced, stool The liver processes bile. And it occurs if there is an inflammatory process in the body and in this case pus begins to accumulate. If not treated similar condition it can even become life-threatening. The tissues will begin to rot and it will be necessary to carry out a complex, hours-long operation. To prevent this from happening, you should regularly examine the body of your pet for neoplasms.

What is an abscess in a dog

An abscess is essentially a sac filled with rather thick purulent contents. Pus accumulates under a layer of skin, which causes the bag to grow to a very impressive size - with egg. The most important sign that distinguishes an abscess in a dog from other diseases is a clear line that separates pus from healthy tissue. This border is called the demarcation line.

How does an abscess differ in a dog?

An abscess in a dog can be located in the most unexpected place, it can also be the most different types. Let's take a look at them in more detail:

1 By location may be, for example, on the ear, also this neoplasm can occur in the deep layers, located right under the skin itself, or even in the internal organs. 2 An abscess can be the same as a tumor - benign and malignant. When benign education purulent filling is quite thick, similar to sour cream. The boundaries are clearly marked. If the formation is malignant, then the contents are liquid, watery. The boundaries in this case are blurred, poorly expressed. 3 These neoplasms can be either hot, and cold. In the first case, an abscess with a clearly visible line, and inside there is a significant amount of pus. Cold abscesses- the exact opposite and are long-ripening purulent formations. These abscesses occur in subcutaneous tissue, deep layers of the skin.

In general, as practice shows, a purulent neoplasm can occur anywhere, on any part of the body, for example, in abdominal cavity.

When Can an Abscess Occur in a Dog?

This disease is nothing more than a consequence of the penetration of infection through external skin lesions. Them dogs often get, both after a fight with relatives, and after a walk. Abscess formation in dogs possible after sterilization, since this intervention involves a fairly extensive wound, on which specialists later suture. A peripharyngeal abscess is also possible, which may be the result of a wide variety of infectious diseases.

Abscess in a dog: symptoms and signs

Most simply discover old abscesses, which, if not opened on their own, then definitely inflated. The coat in such cases is all stuck together, unpleasant in appearance. If pus was released for a long time it smells very bad. All this means that a not too attentive owner forgot to treat his pet in time. Also, the behavior of the animal becomes apathetic, the dog shows a lack of appetite and other signs that require urgent medical care. And remember that if you castrated your pet, then you first need to pay attention to any growths that appear.

How is a dog abscess treated?

Most dogs come to the veterinarian with a fairly large abscess that can only be treated surgically . A lateral puncture is made in the abscess, with the help of tools, the doctor pumps out pus and then installs a drain, which is saturated with Vishnevsky's liniment or other ointment that has the ability to pump out purulent contents. Fixation with a fairly tight blanket is also necessary. This is necessary so that the wound does not heal too quickly and all the pus comes out. In the practice of the Ya-VET veterinary center, there were often cases when, for example, the withers had to be completely opened and this neoplasm removed there, which prevents the pet from living fully and enjoying life.

The animal must without fail receive appropriate antibiotics, as well as drugs for the treatment of intestinal microflora. Only in this case it is possible to guarantee that recovery will come as soon as possible.

Specialists of the veterinary center "Ya-VET" will not only perform a surgical intervention on highest level but also help in further rehabilitation. We know how to properly treat an abscess so that it does not pose a threat to a four-legged friend.

A caring owner only needs to notice first signs this dangerous disease. In our practice, there were cases when, due to a neglected disease, the owners went to the doctor only when it was already necessary to remove part of the muscle.

Abscess in a dog - is surgical intervention possible at home

At present, life dictates an incredibly fast rhythm and not every dog ​​owner has the opportunity to visit a veterinary center, and therefore a completely fair question arises: is it possible to do the operation at home? This is a very responsible procedure that requires a high concentration of doctors.

You can call both the Ya-VET veterinarian and the surgeon for a preliminary examination, staging accurate diagnosis and possible operations. We will bring with us everything you need - it is necessary that all conditions are met. Any foreign object, even mini size can lead to very serious complications.

How to get veterinary care as quickly and efficiently as possible - an abscess in a dog

Many owners are very concerned about this issue. But we want to say: "Don't worry!", the Ya-VET veterinary center is located in many districts of Moscow, which makes the visit of the veterinarian to the house even more efficient and fast. If necessary, it is possible to transport the animal to our veterinary center. If you notice even one symptom, contact your veterinarian immediately for qualified assistance to remove and cure an abscess in a dog.

It is in the veterinary center "Ya-VET" that professionals who sincerely love animals work. Once you turn to us for professional help, you will never want to turn to others again. veterinary clinics, because this is where the severity veterinarians borders on pet love. You no longer have to go to several veterinarians, doubting the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Constantly updated equipment in the laboratory will allow you to get the most reliable result. Also at least an important factor is that we employ professional laboratory assistants. Show your pet to the veterinarian more often and then problems such as an abscess bypass your dog.

An abscess in animals is a cavity limited in size, which is filled with pus, most often formed as a result of purulent decay of tissues.One of the first signs that indicates an abscess in a dog is the presence of a soft inflammatory process with infiltrate and local soreness of a certain part of the body. However, in some cases, pain may not be.


The cause of abscesses in animals are wounds received during a walk or in a fight. Very often, abscesses occur in cats, especially in cats that participate in the “spring massacre”. Microorganisms penetrating into damaged layers skin or mucous membrane, begin to multiply intensively. Often, the cause of an abscess is therapeutic manipulations (injections and subcutaneous infusions), which were performed without observing antiseptic standards. An abscess can also form with suppuration of hematomas, lymphoextravasates, and also as a result of the migration of microbes with the bloodstream and lymph from the purulent focus to healthy tissue.

Treatment of an abscess in dogs is very difficult, much more difficult than in cats, since it is most often caused by chronic diseases. That is why it is quite difficult to cope with an abscess at home.


It is customary to classify abscesses depending on the morphological composition of the purulent contents. They are divided into: malignant and benign.

Benign leaking abscess- has a thick, creamy exudate, which contains a large number of leukocytes. Such an abscess is well localized by a complete granulation barrier.

Malignant form of abscess differs in the content of the liquid fraction purulent exudate, With large quantity microorganisms and small live leukocytes. The formation of the granulation barrier is slow, there is a tendency to generalization, but the development of phlegmon is also possible.

Clinically, abscesses are divided into: acute (hot) and chronic (cold), and according to the place of localization: deep and superficial.

Onset of pathology, symptoms

An abscess usually begins with a small, often stab wound(bite), where bacteria enter, and their increased reproduction begins. In some cases, some hollow space becomes “responsible” for the abscess, a pocket in the tissues, in which, when favorable conditions bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. The body of the animal reacts to such penetration with inflammation. An abscess may also occur after an injection in a dog when hygiene rules have not been observed. If the leukocytes failed to cope with foreign bacteria, the formation of an abscess begins in the cavity, with clearly defined walls. Gradually, pus begins to accumulate in this space with a large number of necrotic cells, fragments of bacteria and leukocytes. The "walls" of the abscess are formed by the animal's body itself, which is a kind of protective factor that prevents the infection from spreading further throughout the body, localizing the focus of inflammation.

The purulent contents in the cavity of the abscess accumulate until the limiting increase in pressure occurs, and the abscess does not open on its own. Then the pus starts to flow out.

The outlet is usually formed in the place where there is a violation of the microcirculation of cells and they become necrotic. Most often, an abscess breaks into the external environment, but often pus and bacteria enter the cavities of the animal's body (abdominal, chest), which is a very great danger for the life of a dog or cat.

In most cases, an abscess in cats opens on its own, and after evacuation of pus, the body successfully copes with the disease. Relapses are very rare, they are possible only when the wound closes before the exudate is completely drained. In such cases, abscesses can be repeated many times.

An abscess on the hip of a dog after self-opening can look like a very large and terrible wound, but in fact, if the exit hole is large enough, then the pus comes out faster (and completely) and the healing process is faster. Relapses with large outlets are much less common in animals.

With an abscess in animals, there is an increase local temperature, manifested hyperemia, soreness in the area of ​​gradually forming cone-shaped swelling. Palpation can be noted the presence of fluctuations.

The diagnosis is usually made visually and clinically.

Very common abscess anal glands in dogs. When the natural outflow is disturbed and the paraanal sinuses are overflowed with secretion, the anal glands become inflamed, the dog is increasingly anxious when the tail is touched. The secret, normally liquid, thickens, flakes form in it. At the same time, there is an active absorption of the secretion of the paraanal glands into the blood, which is manifested severe itching all over the body. Dogs begin to scratch convulsively, lick the skin, especially over the base of the tail.

With the introduction of microorganisms, suppuration begins in this place and an abscess is formed, which increases as it matures, gives the animal even more anxiety, and breaks out when it matures. The exit hole in most cases is formed near the anus, sometimes closer to the tail.

Abscess in cats treatment. In the stage of infiltration ( initial stage) application shown novocaine blockade. In a dog, an abscess is treated with the use of alcohol-ichthyol compresses (warming) and oil-balsamic dressings according to Vishnevsky. With already formed abscesses, the pus is removed, the cavity is washed, the use of antibiotics is necessarily indicated.

Frequently Asked Doctor Questions.

How to prevent an anal gland abscess in a dog?

Recommended every 4-9 months mechanical cleaning anal glands and paraanal sinuses from the secret. In Pekingese, they begin to clean them already at the age of 5 months, and in some breeds of dogs only in adulthood, after the age of five.

Is surgery necessary for an abscess?

In some cases, it is necessary to open the abscess promptly, when its maturation and independent exit lingers outside.

How long to care for the wound after opening?

Until it is completely healed. The wound should remain open until the final evacuation of pus from it, then the use of agents that stimulate the fusion of the skin edges is shown.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

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