Allergy to house dust mites. What is disinfection and why is it needed? What is dangerous tick

A photo dust mite under the microscope

Among the most common causes allergic asthma- allergens. are a strong source of allergens. We must also consider that globalization affects its populations. The tick is not visible to the naked eye. By examining the pillow you sleep on under a microscope, you will find out with whom you share your bed. Dust mites feed on particles of dead human skin, they absorb water from the atmosphere.

Dust mite allergy symptoms often vary depending on the severity of the allergic problem. The causes of allergies are not caused by the bite of a dust mite. Our body receives allergens as a result of inhaling the waste products emitted by dust mites and their decomposed bodies. Main symptoms: runny nose, itching in the nose, throat and eyes, frequent sneezing, cough, swollen eyes, watery eyes. Some people also experience eczema or dermatitis. Sometimes this allergen can cause a sudden blockage of the air passage. Improvement allergic symptoms can be seen when the affected person is away from home. If exposure to the allergen continues for an extended period of time, the inflammation becomes chronic and causes bronchial asthma.

Dust mite allergy treatment

There is no specific treatment that can treat dust mite allergies. The only thing that can be done is to reduce adverse effects symptoms. Doctors prescribe antihistamines for quick relief from allergies. Nasal sprays are recommended to reduce airway inflammation. Decongestants are given by mouth to reduce swelling in the tissues in the nasal passage. If the affected person is asthmatic, then asthma medications are prescribed. Doctors recommend rinsing the nasal passage with salt water to relieve nasal congestion.

Allergens from dust mites

The faecal waste of ticks is highly allergenic. The life of ticks is influenced by factors such as temperature, relative humidity environment and food. Optimum temperature for growth is +25 gr. C, optimal relative humidity - 70-80%, lethal humidity - below 45%. Tick ​​nutrition is based on human and animal detritus. They can be found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, blankets, chairs, bookcases, animal fur, and children's hair. House dust has been studied biologically for centuries. Currently, more than 30 thousand species of ticks have been identified.

Allergens D are the most studied to date. Two types of allergens have been found. Group I allergens contain enzymes secreted by digestive tract mite, and are found in significant concentrations in the fecal particles of dust mites. Group II allergens are proteins that are mainly found in the body of the tick. These allergens are associated with relatively large particles that settle quickly.

Tick ​​allergen levels in house dust vary widely from 0.2 to 50 g. You will be surprised to know that a double bed can contain over 2 million dust mites. Completely difficult, but you can ruin his life.

Dust Mite Environmental Control Measures

Monitoring the activities described below will greatly improve treatment outcomes. All planned measures should be strictly and continuously maintained. Neglect of them can cause deterioration of the patient's condition.

  • The bedroom should be well ventilated in relation to moisture. The temperature must not exceed +22 °C.
  • The room should have the necessary furniture: a bed, a wardrobe, a table.
  • Avoid books, soft toys, posters, carpets, curtains.
  • Ventilate the room to cause a decrease in humidity and temperature.
  • Expose the room to sunlight after daily cleaning.
  • Do the cleaning in the morning and open the window.
  • Use a damp cloth to remove dust. This will prevent the mites in the room from moving from one place to another.
  • The mattress and pillow should be either foam latex or acrylic.
  • Dust mites live in pillows, blankets, mattresses, which periodically need to be knocked out.
  • Mattresses and pillows should be exposed to the sun for 10 minutes 3 times a year.
  • Covers should be washed once every 3 months.
  • At the end of the season, knock out the blankets, dry them and put them in another room.
  • Washing at high temperatures over +50 ° C of textile linen to destroy allergens is carried out at least once a week. Ticks cannot withstand these temperatures, and under these conditions, allergens dissolve in water.
  • Dry brushing with a temperature of more than +55 ° C for more than 10 minutes is also effective in killing mites, but in this case, allergens remain.
  • To remove allergens, it is very useful to use vacuum cleaners with a filter or water. This cleaning is useful for removing dead mites and allergens.
  • The use of steam at high temperatures is a controversial topic, and its benefits have not been proven.
  • The use of environmental filters is another controversial issue because allergens are easily deposited and remain in the air and in contact with the patient.

The food for mites is keratinized skin flakes, daily “lost” by a person: epidermis, dandruff, etc. In addition to protein enzymes, which act as the main allergen, the chitinous shell of dead animals also causes irritation of the respiratory mucosa, but to a much lesser extent. There are three types of allergies, the provocateur of which is the allergen: contact, respiratory, food. Thus, at hypersensitivity a whole bunch of diseases can develop to these microorganisms: from allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis to atopic dermatitis and Quincke's edema.

Main symptoms

An allergy to dust mites in an adult manifests itself in the following signs:

  • Nasal congestion. Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe through the mouth. As a result, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, and this, in turn, is fraught with headaches, decreased performance and deterioration of well-being in general.
  • Profuse discharge from the nose of a clear color, sneezing. Incessant runny nose is accompanied by severe itching and burning inside the nasopharynx. The outer edges of the nostrils become inflamed from constant rubbing with a handkerchief and hands, swell and peel off.
  • Dry choking cough , accompanied by a sore throat and not passing after taking the standard "profile" medicinal products(Gerbion, lozenges, rinses).
  • Wheezing in chest , hoarseness.
  • Eye redness and tearing, itching. Due to the constant rubbing with hands, the contrast of vision is lost, the eyelids swell, the mucous membrane becomes even more irritated and inflamed.
  • Dyspnea. Against the background of persistent nasal congestion, difficulty breathing appears, especially during a night's sleep. The inability to take a full breath leads to frequent waking up and bouts of suffocation.
  • Skin rashes. A rash may appear on the skin, visually resembling hives. Burning, itching and itching are felt in the affected areas.
  • Conjunctivitis. There is a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which leads to purulent secretions, sticking of eyelashes, hyperemia.

Features of the manifestation of allergies in children

Children are most vulnerable to allergic reactions due to unformed to the end immune system, as well as constant contact with allergens ( Stuffed Toys, carpets, bedding). The appearance of a runny nose, shortness of breath and tearing in a child makes it difficult to feed, makes him irritable, tearful, discourages appetite and provokes insomnia.

A number of secondary signs are added to the general clinical picture, indicating the "work" of the dust mite. In particular:

  • Dermatitis. Eruptions in the armpits, genitals, elbows and knee joints, neck, head, face. The rash causes unbearable itching, scabies.
  • Paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, wheezing. When coughing, there is a discharge of sputum of a transparent color and a viscous consistency.
  • Poor tolerance to bright artificial and daylight.

Important: according to medical statistics, almost 2/3 of children suffering from bronchial asthma acquired the disease due to an allergy to dust mites.

You should also pay attention to the change in the well-being of the baby under the influence of a number of third-party factors. For example:

  • Seasonal relapses. The period from August to October is considered optimum time for the reproduction of ticks, so the sensitivity of babies to allergens increases.
  • When leaving the house, the child's well-being improves, when returning, the symptoms begin to appear again.
  • There are signs of cross-allergy (, seafood).
  • The intensity of the allergic reaction in case of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards (airing the room), as well as during cleaning and night sleep due to increased concentration ticks in the living space.


The provocateurs of an allergic reaction are the Der p 1 and Der p 2 proteins secreted during the digestion of dust mites. To diagnose the disease as such, as well as to determine the degree of its severity, a number of provocative tests. Molecules of a possible allergen are injected subcutaneously into the patient different concentration, and then observe how the body responds to a foreign substance: positively or negatively. Today, modern medicine is able to isolate 23 allergens, which are carried by the field tick.

Parallel to skin tests a number of other studies may be prescribed. For example, a detailed immunogram to detect violations of cellular activity, microbiological analysis blood, checking IgE levels in blood serum, etc. Thus, the complex diagnostic methods allows you to determine the range of allergens that are most dangerous to human health, and choose the right treatment therapy.


The nature of the treatment depends on the form in which the allergy develops (dermatitis, asthmatic manifestations, rhinitis). All medications used to combat dust mites are divided into several main groups:

  • Antihistamines. They block the release of histamine into the blood, are available in the form of tablets, syrups, injections. Relieve skin inflammation, reduce itching, scabies. Effectively show themselves in practice: Telfast, Agistam, Eden, Lomilan, Claritin, Semprex.
  • Vasoconstrictor sprays. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, restore normal breathing, remove the symptoms of rhinitis. These include: Aquamaris, Atomer Propolis, Nazivin, Knoxprey, Histimet, Sanorin.

Important: long-term use nasal sprays are contraindicated due to the potential for addiction.

  • Eye drops. They are prescribed for conjunctivitis, they remove tearing and swelling. The most affordable: Allergodil, Octilia, Vizin.
  • Vitamin therapy. Reception vitamin complexes raises protective functions body, compensates for the lack of trace elements and other useful substances.
  • Procedures local action. In particular, compresses, lotions, baths from decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot).

Method of specific immunotherapy

It is based on the fact that dust mite allergens are injected subcutaneously in microdoses to a sick person. Gradually, the number of injections is increased, and the body begins to get used to the irritant, stopping to react violently to its entry into the respiratory system. The frequency and severity of relapses decreases, the patient feels better and can lead a normal life.

The desensitization procedure (ASIT) is carried out only during the period of remission and after appropriate tests and studies have been carried out. First, injections are given daily, and then according to the scheme: every other day, once a week, once every 2-3 weeks, once every one to several months. If necessary, the course is repeated. As a result, the source of the allergy ceases to be an aggressor in relation to the body, and the symptoms of the disease eventually disappear.


Along with taking medicines it is necessary to ensure proper sanitary and hygienic care of the living quarters, which will reduce the concentration of field ticks and, as a result, alleviate the condition of the allergic person. The list of preventive measures is as follows:

  • Carry out wet cleaning of the house at least 2 times a week. Thoroughly wipe skirting boards, doors, furniture, windows with a cloth soaked in saline solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water).
  • Remove carpets, rugs, rugs and carpets made from natural wool. If it is impossible to completely abandon the use of floor coverings, then try to change them to products made of synthetic materials. In the artificial environment, ticks live in much smaller numbers.
  • Eliminate soft toys from everyday use, as well as decorative pillows from their fur, sofa bedspreads, covers for chairs and armchairs sewn from fabrics with a high pile or woolen yarn.
  • Provide frequent shift bed linen and sleepwear (nightgowns, pajamas, T-shirts and other home textiles). Washing temperature should not be less than 60°C.
  • If possible, change the usual bed sheets for special kits for allergy sufferers. Also use anti-allergenic mattress covers, pillows with synthetic filler.
  • It is better to replace upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery with leather or leatherette. Alternatively, cover it with covers from the above materials.
  • Closets for clothes should be as airtight as possible to prevent dust from entering inside. When cleaning wet, do not forget to wipe the internal surfaces (shelves, doors, panels) as well.
  • Pay attention to the fact that less dust settles on metal surfaces than on wooden ones. So, it makes sense to gradually replace furniture made from natural wood with forged or plastic ones.
  • Ventilate living quarters daily, even in winter.
  • Provide a certain home temperature regime(not less than 22°С) and humidity level (not more than 55%). Support if necessary optimal performance using appropriate household appliances (humidifiers, heaters)
  • Use special means to combat dust mites: additives for washing, sprays for processing furniture, clothing and interior items, air diffusers.
  • Replace curtains and curtains with plastic and metal blinds.
  • Dishes, books, household items, clothes and shoes should be stored only in closed cabinets.
  • Feather pillows, mattresses, feather beds, duvets should be regularly aired on outdoors and dry in the sun.
  • Install air purifiers in bedrooms equipped with ozonizers and ultraviolet lamps
  • Do not smoke in the house, limit exposure to enclosed spaces cigarette smoke.

Treatment of allergy to dust mites is a long and laborious process, however, with correct diagnosis and therapy, the prognosis for recovery is very favorable.

Dust mite allergy is a worldwide disease.

More than 150 species of ticks are known to live in human dwellings. These arthropods are not capable of biting or invading humans, main danger for health, they represent waste products and chitinous shells remaining after death.

When does a dust mite allergy occur?

For presence different types dust (dermatophagoid) mite in living quarters, most people do not react with changes in the internal organs.

It can only be fully examined under a microscope with 40x magnification.

In the course of their life activity, ticks secrete feces every day, it is they that contain toxic substances influencing the development of allergic reactions.

Total duration The life of each individual insect is about two months, during this period the tick emits feces almost two hundred times more than its weight.

House dust mites live in colonies, in a gram of dust there can be from 10 to 10,000 individuals.

Insect-debugged fecal pellets have minimum weight and therefore easily rise together with all the dust into the air.

From the air, allergenic substances for humans enter the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the skin, it is here that specific reactions begin to develop.

Any house is the place where there is always a mass of dust mites in one volume or another.

A concentration of one hundred insects in one gram of dust is considered completely harmless to human health.

If there are more than 500 ticks per gram of dust, there is a risk of asthma attacks.

The concentration at which 1000 mites per gram of dust are detected is considered dangerous for people with a predisposition to allergic reactions, that is, such a number of mites contributes to the development of various types of allergies.

Where and how does a dust mite live

Almost all types of dust mites live where the ambient temperature is from 18 to 26 degrees, and humidity is more than 70%.

Such conditions are considered not only the most favorable for the life of adults, but also suitable for laying eggs and the appearance of offspring.

Naturally, such a habitat is available in almost every residential area.

But domestic ticks are able to live under less favorable conditions for them, while they lay fewer eggs, which means that their number decreases.

Favorable and unfavorable conditions for the life and reproduction of the tick

Most favorable place for a dust mite, this is a human bed, where the most food is located - particles of dry, desquamated epithelium.

In bedding - mattresses, pillows, featherbeds, it is always warm and quite humid.

That is, the tick can be all life cycle not to leave such a good place for him, here he will find everything optimal conditions for life and reproduction.

Also, ticks can be found in soft toys, sofas, armchairs, pile of carpets, clothes. Some types of ticks thrive in books and other paper publications.

The increase in the number of people who react with allergic reactions to house dust, doctors explain the increase life status.

Modern electronics is considered an ideal place for the accumulation of dust, in which millions of insects live.

Ticks have rather tenacious paws, with which they are attached to any surface with a pile, and therefore it is quite difficult to remove insects during normal cleaning.

Disease prevention

You will never be able to completely get rid of dust mites in your apartment or house. These tiny insects will always live next to a person, but you can make sure that they do not have a negative impact on the health of people living in an apartment.

To minimize the risk of developing possible allergic reactions and prevent exacerbation of bronchial asthma, the following measures can be taken:

  • It is necessary to get rid of those things in which the most possible large cluster arthropods. These are fur products, soft toys, carpets, old things, books.
  • Carrying out washing of all things at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees.
  • Using blinds or light curtains on the windows. Thick curtains accumulate dust and are rarely washed.
  • It is advisable to always store clothes, books, fur products only in lockable chests of drawers and cabinets.
  • Feather pillows and wool duvets should be replaced with bedding, fillings that can be washed frequently and do not accumulate allergenic elements.
  • In living rooms it is recommended to do wet cleaning daily. Ticks die under the influence of salt, so you need to add a few tablespoons of salt to the water for washing floors and cleaning carpets. Similar action possesses and oil tea tree.
  • In apartments, it is desirable to install air purifiers with high-quality filters.
  • Rooms should be regularly ventilated.
  • For cleaning carpets and floors, it is advisable to use washing vacuum cleaners.
  • In winter, it is recommended to freeze bedding outside for several hours. In summer, things need to be fried in direct sunlight. Both low and high temperatures lead to the death of ticks and their oviposition.
  • When cleaning, people with allergic reactions are advised to wear a mask.

The measures listed above are especially necessary for people with a predisposition to allergies.

The absence of reactions to insects is not yet an indication that they will never be. If the products of the life of ticks accumulate in the apartment a lot, then the deterioration of well-being will not take long.

Special attention in terms of organizing living space, you need to give the bedroom. This room should be equipped with more easily processed furniture made of plastic, wood or iron.

The floor should be covered with such material that can be washed well with water - linoleum, wooden, painted boards.

All capes and curtains are sewn from lightweight materials, it is recommended to wash them at least once every two weeks. hot water.

Pets should not be allowed into the bedroom, as they also carry the ticks themselves and leave food for them, that is, desquamated epithelium.

In stores, you can also purchase special products used to treat all surfaces in the house from a tick. Use them periodically and only according to the rules of the attached instructions.

The prevention of allergic reactions to house dust is also considered to be the strengthening of general immunity, which helps healthy lifestyle life, good, natural nutrition, intake of vitamin complexes, hardening, daily hiking.

Causes of Dust Mite Allergy

The higher the concentration of insects in the house, the greater the negative impact experienced by the body.

Some of the allergens are almost always in the indoor air, and during cleaning they are found millions of times more.

When inhaled, house dust enters the mucous layers of the nose, oropharynx and settles on the skin, it is these organs that are primarily affected by the negative influence of the tick.

The likelihood of developing an allergy to dust increases with a weakened immune system, in people with frequent colds.

Particularly susceptible negative influence children, their respiratory organs are not yet perfect and therefore react sharply to any specific substance.

Symptoms in children and adults

You can suspect the appearance of an allergy to a dust mite during general cleaning.

With a predisposition to this disease and with highest concentration particles of insects in the air in humans, the following signs appear:

  • Repeated sneezing, nasal congestion.
  • Rattling and oppression in the chest.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Lachrymation and itching of the conjunctiva.

It is quite easy to rule out other causes of such changes. It is enough to rinse the nasal passages, rinse your mouth and go to another room.

If it was an allergy to dust and mites living in it, then all symptoms will gradually go away.

The main manifestations of intolerance to the waste products of dust mites include a number of diseases, these are:

  • . The pathology is manifested by nasal congestion, severe sneezing, itching inside the nose, and the release of a copious and clear secret. A similar reaction can occur both immediately after a person enters a room with a large amount of insects, or gradually over several hours.
  • Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is considered the most common manifestation of tick intolerance. The disease is manifested by redness of the conjunctiva itself and the whites of the eyes, tearing, itching of the eyelids. Some people have such a symptom as the vagueness of the objects in question. All manifestations are characterized by increased discomfort when wearing contact lenses.
  • Bronchial asthma. This pathology can be provoked for the first time by both dust mites and other types of allergens. But under the influence of microscopic insects and their waste, new attacks of the disease arise, which are especially difficult for children to endure. The attack begins with a feeling of tightness in the chest, dry cough, difficulty breathing, wheezing.
  • Dermatitis. Toxic substances from the fecal pellets of domestic arthropods, when they settle on the skin, lead to irritation, severe itching, urticaria. With constant exposure negative factor difficult-to-treat dermatitis occurs; in children, dust mites can cause eczema.

Quincke's edema on dust mites is rare, but it is completely impossible to exclude such a reaction of the body.

Similar serious condition often provoked by simultaneous exposure to several allergens at once - ticks, chemicals.

How to Diagnose a Problem

If symptoms appear that indicate an allergic reaction of the body, it is necessary to visit an allergist or immunologist.

The doctor will issue a referral for special tests, according to the results of which it will be possible to determine the type of allergen affecting the body.

The main substances leading to allergic diseases, tick proteins are considered, designated as Derp 1 and Derp 2.

With help modern tests it is possible to establish more than 20 allergens present in ticks living next to a person.

Finding out the specific type of allergen is necessary for the selection of the correct and highly effective course of therapy.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of any type of dust mite allergy begins with the elimination of contact with this irritant.

At home, it is necessary to get rid of all the “dust collectors”, carry out a high-quality wet cleaning, and ventilate the room well.

To eliminate all signs of diseases, the doctor prescribes general and local action.

Their use leads to a decrease in the symptoms of allergies, that is, to the elimination of sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, and facilitates the course of bronchial asthma.

Treatment with drugs

From the system antihistamines, that is, drugs for internal use, most patients are prescribed:

  • . You can use the medicine from the age of six.
  • Erius - available in syrup and tablets. Children from one year old are prescribed in syrup.
  • Agistam is appointed with two years of age in the form of syrup. Children over six years of age and adults in the form of tablets.
  • Lominal is available in suspension and tablets. Doctors are appointed from the age of two.
  • To alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis in children, you can use Aquamaris drops or spray, this remedy cleans the nasal cavity well.

    Modern method Treatment of allergies is desensitization (ASIT - therapy), which consists in the gradual introduction of microscopic doses of an allergenic irritant under the skin of a person.

    This method of therapy leads to the fact that the body gets used to the allergen and no longer reacts so sharply to its presence in the body.

    Desensitization can significantly reduce all manifestations of the disease, and in some cases even completely eliminate allergies.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    With help folk remedies sometimes it is possible to increase the work of the immune system, which in turn leads to a decrease in the occurrence of allergic reactions.

    Strengthens defensive forces herb echinacea, ginseng, lemongrass. These funds need to drink courses.

    With a constant allergy, you can drink a series instead of tea, take a mummy, treat with eggshell.

    When the first signs of allergy to dust appear in the house, you need to prepare a saline solution. They wash the oropharynx, which leads to the leaching of allergens.

    Features of treatment in a child

    Antiallergic treatment for a child must be selected by a doctor. During treatment, it is important to choose the right dosage and general course taking medications, which will positively affect overall well-being.

    It must be remembered that some drugs are not used in pediatric practice and their independent prescription leads to a lot of unnecessary complications.

    A child with allergies should be treated as early as possible. If the disease is started, then all the conditions for the development of bronchial asthma will appear.

    It is also unacceptable to use only folk remedies, in some cases they drown out the manifestations of the disease, but do not help to completely get rid of it.

    Often, stabilization of the condition of children occurs only after a course of treatment with immunomodulatory drugs or after the elimination of helminths from the body.


    House dust mite allergy prognosis

    With the use of antihistamines, dust mite allergy can be kept under control. But as soon as the action similar drugs ends, new manifestations of the disease appear.

    Allergies affect general well-being, does not change in better side psycho-emotional background, and in children it becomes a provocateur serious complications.

    A favorable prognosis in terms of the complete elimination of the disease is observed in those people who create unacceptable living conditions for ticks in their home and undergo desensitization.

    Dust mite allergy is a growing problem modern population.

    Know about the risks possible occurrence everyone should have such a reaction of the body, since the preventive measures taken help to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant and even dangerous disease.

Allergy is a real scourge of our time. Such a disease is now diagnosed very often, in almost every family. And no expert can identify exact reasons its development. Especially serious violation It is considered an allergy that occurs in children. Sometimes this disease develops even in newborn babies, but more often older children face it. Dust intolerance is also considered a possible allergic disease. Dust is not really homogeneous and does not consist only of small particles of "sand". House dust contains outdoor plant pollen, pet hairs, bed mites, etc. particles. Let's talk about what a house dust mite allergy is in a child, and what to do with such a violation.

Child allergic to house dust

As practice shows, about two-thirds of young patients suffer from allergies to ticks, as well as to their waste products. But timely detection and correction of such an allergy helps to prevent such a complication.

An allergic reaction in children to a dust mite can manifest itself in different ways. Most often this pathological condition makes itself known constant runny nose. This is not a serious, but unpleasant violation of health. The baby can be tormented not only by discharge from the nose, he can also sneeze a lot, he may experience lacrimation, frequent and even headache.

Dust allergy can also be manifested by allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, the ingress of aggressive particles on the mucous membranes of the eyes leads to reddening of the proteins, swelling and redness of the eyelids, and lacrimation. In addition, the baby may be disturbed by itching and burning in the eyes.

by the most dangerous manifestation Dust mite allergy is considered bronchial asthma. In this case, the penetration of allergens into the bronchi leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of this area. respiratory system, it is accompanied by the release of a significant amount thick mucus viscous consistency. This secretion leads to bronchospasm, which manifests itself painful cough, a feeling of lack of air and severe shortness of breath. The breathing of a sick baby becomes as if whistling, it can be heard at a distance.

What to do if there is an allergy to house dust, what to do if a child is allergic to a house dust mite?

If you suspect a child has a similar allergy, it is extremely important to take measures to reduce the child's contact with aggressive substances. Parents need to organize a thorough cleaning of the premises, as well as deprive dust mites of the opportunity for comfortable life.

It is extremely important to reduce the amount of upholstered furniture upholstered in fabric. It is better to use products covered with leather or its substitute. Woolen carpets, as well as carpets or rugs with a high and / or natural pile, should be disposed of. You should not buy soft toys for your child, and if you still have them, wash them as often as possible and vacuum them with a water filter or hot steam.

Replace all down and feather pillows with blankets in your home with products with synthetic filling. To eliminate dust mites, bedding should be washed hot (at least at 60C), it is better to dry them in the air.

It is important to get rid of heavy curtains. It is better to hang blinds on the windows, and do not forget to clean them from dust in a timely manner.

You should also systematically carry out wet cleaning of the floor with skirting boards. For this treatment, it is worth using a saline solution, to prepare it, dilute five to ten tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. All books and various little things on the shelves must be wiped with a damp cloth. In addition, it is better to hide them behind glass. Dishes should be doused with boiling water.

the best way out for a family with an allergic child, minimalism in the interior will become. Only the essentials, walls with wallpaper, the floor is covered with linoleum, laminate, tiles. This will make cleaning much easier for you. When cleaning, it is better to send the baby for a walk. By the way, very useful for many reasons.

Hard-to-reach places in the apartment should be treated with a vacuum cleaner with special filters (aquafilter, HEPA filter). In addition, it will not be superfluous to acquire an air washer. Air conditioners and ionizers are not able to replace filter cleaners. Filters are especially important to change on time.

It should be noted that in dry air, dust accumulates especially actively and can hang in the air for hours. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide sufficient humidity in the room, preferably from forty to sixty percent.

To eliminate allergens from the mucous membranes, it is worth rinsing the baby's nose saline solution, for example, use Humer or your own prepared remedy. To create such a medicine, it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of salt (with a slide) in one liter boiled water. Strain the product and pour it into a convenient container, for example, from the same Aquamaris.

Methods specific therapy allergies to house dust mites are selected exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm health of the child and cause serious complications (the same bronchial asthma).

To temporarily eliminate the symptoms of allergies and to alleviate the condition of the baby, antihistamines that block histamine can be used. The drug of choice often becomes which we have already considered earlier. In some cases, sorbents can be used, they help to remove aggressive substances (allergens) from the body.

If you suspect an allergy in a child, you should definitely visit an allergist.


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Many parents often face such a serious problem as the occurrence of an allergy to dust mites in a child. If the baby has characteristic signs, then you can not take drugs on your own without a doctor's prescription. In order for the treatment to go right, you need to accurately establish the type of allergen, which only a doctor can determine.

Dust mites and their types

Symptoms of this disease may appear immediately or increase gradually. Initially, they can be expressed in the form of nasal congestion, but over time, these symptoms can be significantly aggravated. may be the most different kinds allergies, namely:




Respiratory allergies occur when particles of mites enter the respiratory tract along with dust. This provokes a cough, runny nose and itching in the nose, sore throat. contact allergy occurs with tick bites and provokes the occurrence of redness and inflammation of the affected area. food allergy occurs when ticks enter the stomach and can provoke various eating disorders.

An allergy to a dust mite occurs through close contact with this insect. Over time, it can turn into bronchial asthma. Among the main manifestations of human contact with a dust mite are:


Attacks of suffocation;


Respiratory allergy;

Quincke's edema.

If you have symptoms of dust mite allergy, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner for qualified help. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment for which special tests are carried out.

Causes of dust mites

Dust mite allergy is observed quite often, and the main causes of this disease are:

Bronchial asthma;

genetic predisposition;


Often, allergies occur during the cold season, which is due to rare ventilation of the room, as well as insufficient air circulation in the room. In this case, ticks and their metabolic products actively accumulate in the room. In the course of their life, ticks excrete feces containing toxic substances. These wastes, together with dust, rise into the air and get on the mucous membranes and human skin. This provokes the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Cat hair can create the required conditions for ticks to live, as they are very fond of fleecy surfaces, where a lot of dust always accumulates. If a pet lives in the house, then it is imperative to regularly clean the home (not the pet) with a vacuum cleaner, using special nozzles that help to cope with even the slightest pollution.

Dog hair can act as an additional allergen, and together with dust, it provokes allergic reactions. That is why it is important to monitor your well-being and consult a doctor in a timely manner so that treatment can be started quickly.

Features of the course of allergies

Symptoms of a dust mite allergy in a child may include:

Puffiness of the mucous membranes and larynx;

The occurrence of a cough reflex;

Sneezing, without secretion of mucus characteristic of the coryza;

Itching of the nasal passages;

eye redness and tearing;

temperature increase;

Formation of skin rashes.

The child may have difficulty breathing, there are attacks of suffocation, severe wheezing and a dry cough are observed. There may be other symptoms of an allergy to a dust mite, and with a strong reaction of the body, the child sometimes has Quincke's edema. All these signs can disappear on their own if you take the child to Fresh air, but often requires complex competent treatment. How an allergy to dust mites manifests itself, the photo above demonstrates quite clearly.

Carrying out diagnostics

There are many types of allergic reactions in the body. That is why it is important to know how an allergy to dust mites manifests itself in order to put correct diagnosis and differentiate this disease from others, such as the common cold. If dust mites have become the cause of the allergy, then the sick person will feel more comfortable on the street, and upon returning home, all symptoms will return.

A negative reaction of the body occurs at the moment when the patient comes into contact with objects in which insects live. Expressed allergic reaction manifests itself mainly during the breeding season of these insects.

If you have symptoms of an allergy to a dust mite, you should immediately contact a doctor who, first of all, should collect an anamnesis, and also prescribe the passage of additional laboratory tests, in particular, such as biochemical analysis blood and skin tests.

With help modern techniques laboratory diagnostics and specialized tests can identify 25 allergens that are contained in ticks and their waste products. In addition to this, the following studies are being carried out:

Determination of the type of antibodies in the blood serum;

Expanded blood immunogram;

Microbiological research.

Based on this, you can choose the required method of therapy. Any drugs and means traditional medicine can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Medical treatment

Treatment of allergies to dust mites is primarily to eliminate the habitats of these insects (elementary cleaning of the room, shaking out pillows and featherbeds, cleaning children's toys). In parallel, it is necessary to carry out the relief of an allergic reaction with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Symptoms and treatment of dust mite allergy in a child can be different, so you need to choose the right medication. Signs of the disease are relieved by:



Nasal funds.

All these medicines the doctor selects purely individually. If you suspect the presence of a disease, you should initially contact an allergist, who, if necessary, will refer you to an immunologist for special tests. With the help of these samples, a substance is determined that could provoke backlash. It is worth remembering that medications eliminate only the existing symptoms, but not the main cause of the disease.

Treatment of dust mite allergy is carried out mainly with the help of such drugs:

- "Telfast";

- "Suprastin";

- "Erius";

- "Aleron";

In addition, nasal remedies are prescribed: Atomer Propolis and Aquamaris. The drug "Atomer Propolis" can be used only if there is no allergy to bee products.

The drug "Telfast" allows you to get rid of the main manifestations of allergies. Released it medicine in the form of tablets. It is allowed to take this medicine from the age of 6 years. The drug "Erius" is available in the form of syrup and tablets. Treatment with this drug can be started from 1 year, but only with the permission of the doctor. With the help of this medicine, complications in the area can be eliminated skin and respiratory organs.

The drug "Aquamaris" is prescribed even for infants. It comes in the form of sprays and drops. This tool helps to gently cleanse the nasal mucosa from accumulated allergens. In the treatment of dust mite allergy, medicines and home methods must be selected very carefully, coordinating all this with the doctor, and also after all allergic tests as this will help determine the most appropriate remedy.

Elimination of allergic reactions is carried out through subcutaneous injection extracts and extracts of allergens into the human body. They are initially entered into small quantities, and as you get used to the dosage increases. As a result, the body gradually gets used to the irritating substance and completely stops responding to it. This allows you to permanently get rid of allergies.

To achieve the desired reaction of the body and permanently eliminate allergies, you need to do 20-40 subcutaneous injection. Sometimes during vaccination, the use of medications helping to reduce the symptoms of the disease. However, in the future, when in contact with the allergen, the child will not feel the need to take antihistamines.

Folk methods of therapy

If you are allergic to a dust mite, you can treat it with the help of folk remedies and techniques. To flush out allergens from the nasal cavity, it can be washed with a saline solution. To prepare a solution, you need to dilute 1 tsp. salt for 1 tbsp. water.

Inhalations with water vapor also help to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose and remove inflammation of the mucous membranes. Inhalation of steam in the bath helps a lot. If you are allergic to a dust mite, you can drink decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that will help eliminate the existing symptoms. When using this technique, you should definitely consult a doctor, as some medicinal plants can provoke an even greater allergy attack. During therapy, it is important to follow a certain diet and exclude from your usual diet:



Among the verified medicinal plants against allergies there are such:

St. John's wort;

Rose hip;




You can take decoctions and infusions of these herbs separately or make drug collection which will help eliminate the main symptoms of the disease.

What are the possible complications

If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, then an allergy to dust mites in a child can go into a chronic stage and provoke a lot of various complications which will be very difficult to deal with. Among the main complications are:


Leads to congestion and inflammatory processes in respiratory tract, suffocation and bronchial spasm. allergic rhinitis provokes profuse discharge mucus from the nose. In the absence of the required therapy, this disease is often the impetus for the onset of asthma. In a child, an allergy to dust mites sometimes provokes inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. If a allergic conjunctivitis treated incorrectly, the child's vision deteriorates, and especially severe cases blindness sets in. Because of all the health concerns mentioned above, it is important to know what to do with a child's dust mite allergy, how to treat the condition, and how to reduce symptoms.

How to minimize exposure to dust mites

At constant occurrence allergies to dust mites, you should try to minimize the contact of the child with these insects. This means doing the following:

Get rid of carpets;

Replace feather pillows with synthetic ones, for example, synthetic winterizers;

Take out fur products from the children's room;

Wash bed linen at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, using various additives that kill ticks;

Curtains and curtains, if possible, replace with blinds;

Limit the contact of an allergic child with a cat and / or dog (if they are in the house);

For things and books, select lockable cabinets and shelves;

Take out blankets, pillows, soft toys for airing more often.

In addition to the above measures, it is recommended to use anti-dust and hypoallergenic covers for storing linen, daily wet cleaning in the room, washing the floor with a special solution prepared with the addition of salt. In the rooms, it is advisable to install air cleaners equipped with ozonizers and ultraviolet lamps, as they help reduce the accumulation of mites in the air. It is important to consume enough vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. For this purpose, it is desirable for the child to include fruits and vegetables in the diet, in which there is a lot of this vitamin. But you also need to choose the menu for your allergic baby with caution so that he does not have additional reactions.

How to get rid of dust mites

Dust mites can live not only in layers of dust on the surface of cabinets and other inaccessible places, but also settle closer to their main source of nutrition - human skin. This means that large-scale colonies of mites are formed in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, in mattresses, even in towels that have not been washed for a long time. The disease begins when the number of these insects is exceeded in layers of dust or in upholstered furniture. If there are 5-10 thousand individuals per 1 g of dust, then a person begins an acute allergic reaction, which is expressed in the form of rashes that look like tick bites.

It is almost impossible to completely expel ticks from the premises. However, it is necessary to regularly reduce their number to a value that is not dangerous to human health. For this you need:

Frequently ventilate the room;

Carefully iron bed linen and textiles;

Take out pillows, paths, carpets in the cold;

Monitor the humidity in the rooms.

If there is a constant allergy to the presence of dust mites, then simple wet cleaning will not help get rid of them. Therefore, when cleaning, special tools are used, which are divided into categories such as:




Natural remedies help to significantly improve the well-being of an allergic person and do not require significant material and technical costs. To natural methods Dust mites include:

Security maximum number Sveta;

Low temperature and humidity;

Cleaning and airing fabric and feather products.

All these techniques are considered very good prevention, which will help create quite uncomfortable conditions for the growth and reproduction of these insects. If a person has severe allergy and contact with the allergen significantly worsens the state of health, then to eliminate ticks you can use chemicals. To eliminate these insects, you can use a special spray that will help you quickly and without harm to human health to destroy dust mites in the house. Among the most popular sprays are the following:

To get rid of dust mites with a spray, you just need to spray the room with this product so that the parasites die. In addition, there are special detergents.

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