Can pregnancy cause allergies. What diagnostic methods are allowed for expectant mothers. Treatment of severe allergies

Approximate reading time: 7 minutes

All women planning to learn motherhood are worried about how dangerous allergies are during pregnancy, and what to do in cases where it is impossible to overcome it without medication.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

Embryonic development affects all life processes maternal organism. The immune system undergoes dramatic changes and restructuring. This is easily tracked, starting from the first days of conception, with the following symptoms and indicators:

  • marked immunosuppression;
  • quality and quantitative change leukocytes in the blood;
  • rapid change in hormonal levels;
  • increased anxiety;
  • eating disorders;
  • apathy;
  • easy excitability;
  • sleep disturbance.

AT modern society allergies affect more than 30% of pregnant women. Illness covers age groups from 18 to 25 years old. Peak progression allergic reactions in young age is growing rapidly. As is known, reproductive function also at this age. Therefore, allergies during the period of gestation are a double threat.

Allergy during pregnancy early dates- one of the first signs of conception. From this moment on, a woman’s immunity works literally “for wear and tear”, so you should be extremely attentive to literally everything that you have to do in everyday life.

Increased production of the hormone cortisol has an anti-allergic effect on the body. This qualitatively suppresses allergic reactions, in this regard, a woman often notes that the symptoms disappear or turn into more light form. However, for many who suffer from allergies before conception, pregnancy is a real "catalyst" that exacerbates the disease.

Everyone knows about their allergens and tries to avoid direct contact with them, however, it is almost impossible to protect yourself completely. Moreover, during pregnancy, the body can react very unpredictably even to an already “familiar” allergen, especially when contributing factors that increase the risk of developing allergic reactions. The most common factors are:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • weak immune system;
  • uncontrolled intake of various medications;
  • forced contacts with household chemicals;
  • wearing clothing made from non-natural fabrics;
  • abuse of cosmetic products of dubious production;
  • ignoring dietary recommendations;
  • unwillingness to refuse products that are potential allergens;
  • unstable environment.

Table No. 1 presents the most common allergens that await a pregnant woman on the street and at home.

Table No. 1. The most common allergens and their locations

Domestic premises


Pet hair

Pollen from flowering plants

book dust

Poplar fluff

household dust

Poisonous substances in the atmosphere

Soil from houseplant pots

Volatile hydrocarbons

Household chemicals

Sun rays


Cold wind

pile carpet

Spores of pathogenic fungi

Construction Materials

Nutritional supplements

Types and symptoms of allergic reactions

Allergy symptoms in early pregnancy are very individual, and it is extremely dangerous to ignore them. Allergic reactions can occur with varying degrees of severity, which is detailed in Table 2.

Table number 2. Symptoms various degrees severity of allergic reactions

mild flow group

Severe group



allergic rhinitis

Abundant discharge from the nasal cavity, congestion of the respiratory passages and sinuses, frequent sneezing, swelling of the nasopharynx

Quincke's edema

Severe swelling eyelids, lips, tongue and upper respiratory tract, shortness of breath, wheezing


increased tearing, severe itching eyelids and adjacent area, fear of light, redness of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes

Anaphylactic shock

Disorder of consciousness, sudden fall blood pressure, loss of orientation in space, respiratory failure, fainting

Urticaria (allergic dermatitis)

The appearance of a rash on different parts of the body, severe itching and redness skin

Each of the syndromes of the group with a severe course, presented in Table No. 2, poses a high threat to the life of the expectant mother and her fetus. Even those reactions that occur locally in places of direct contact with potential allergens can develop completely unpredictably in pregnant women.

Quincke's edema carries a high risk. This pathology affects eyelids, lower part face, tongue and upper Airways. The disease has a rapid course. In cases where a woman already had respiratory problems before pregnancy, for example, an asthmatic component, bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, the risk of death is too high.

Quincke's edema gives serious complications on the ligament-tendon apparatus, causing inflammation of the joints. Organs digestive system are also susceptible to complications from this syndrome. As a result, a pregnant woman may complain about pain in abdominal cavity and obvious signs of intestinal obstruction.

Anaphylactic shock is considered the most severe form of allergies. If in this state not to render pregnant timely help She may die from cardiac arrest. Anaphylactic shock occurs within an hour after contact with the allergen. Pollen can provoke it, medications, cosmetics, household chemicals.

Any changes in well-being increase the level of anxiety of the expectant mother, especially if we are talking about the first pregnancy. Allergy during pregnancy in the early stages is a serious “bell” for a woman to take urgent measures.

Effect of Allergy on the Embryo

Allergies, which are seasonal, can provoke complications that violate respiratory function, which poses a threat to the embryo. Lack of oxygen causes hypoxia in the mother and developing fetus.

Allergies due to exposure food allergens unable to affect the development of the fetus. Irritating agents are not able to break through the placental membrane. However, in postembryonic development, intolerance to various allergens may still occur, to which the mother's body also had an allergic reaction. Science has already proven that allergies can be inherited from the mother's body. However, the genes of the father often dominate. Table 3 shows the effect on the embryo in each of the three trimesters.

Table number 3. The effect of allergic reactions on the embryo by trimester


Impact on the embryo

The placenta is not yet fully formed, so it cannot protect the embryo. There is a bookmark and the active formation of all internal organs and systems. Available high risk pathologies of embryo development from pathogenetic influence medications that a pregnant woman is forced to take.

The placenta is already fully formed, therefore, the future baby is reliably protected from external annoying factors and most pharmaceuticals. The danger is represented by specific drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Allergens do not have the opportunity to get close to the embryo until the very moment of delivery. However, the unsatisfactory condition of the mother's body against the background of complications can seriously affect the health of the unborn baby.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in the first trimester

Timely conducted diagnostic measures will be the key to maintaining the health of a woman and an unborn baby. Of course, diagnosis is comprehensive examination, including the following tests and procedures:

  • a blood test to identify the total titer of immunoglobulin "E" and antibodies to allergens;
  • allergic tests from the skin;
  • investigation of anamnesis of allergic reaction;
  • entering data in the "food diary" if there is a food allergy.

It is not easy to deal with allergies, however, everyone chooses their own individual way. Many patients try to relieve the discomfort as quickly as possible by suppressing acute symptoms with the help of pharmacological preparations of various actions.

How to remove allergic manifestations unclear etiology in the first trimester of pregnancy, only a doctor can determine. Help reduce the risk of disease progression preventive measures. A woman must independently monitor and exclude possible allergens from her living space.

It is also important to take into account the fact that a sudden allergy in a pregnant woman may be a natural response of the immune system to New Product or Chemical substance. As an example, we can point to the following situation: a new body cream that a pregnant woman has not used before causes an inadequate response of the body to an unknown chemical composition. The manifestation of an allergic reaction in such cases is quite natural - the immune system "protects itself". In such cases, it is enough to simply refuse to use the irritating composition, at least for the period of pregnancy.

It should be remembered that the allergic reaction will continue until the exposure to the allergen stops. Relieve symptoms with various means does not guarantee cure.

At the first manifestations of allergies in the first trimester of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. The first step in the treatment of allergies will be to identify the cause and determine the specific irritant.

Since allergies in the first trimester of pregnancy affect the fetus, use pharmacological preparations during this period is highly undesirable. Of course, limit yourself to walking on fresh air a pregnant woman is not worth it, but you can insure yourself using personal protective equipment. If the first trimester fell on the spring-summer period, when plants bloom en masse and there is a high solar Activity wear a medical mask and Sunglasses, coming home from the street, carefully wash the pollen from your clothes.

Allergic rhinitis can be relieved with nasal sprays that are made from herbal ingredients. Such drugs are the least toxic and act "pointwise", without exerting additional load on the immune system.

The ideal allergy medications for pregnant women are natural remedies based sea ​​water. To the safe and the not having side effects include drops "Aqua Maris", nasal spray "Dolphin" and "Akvalor". Sea salt, which is saturated with the listed sprays, perfectly cleans nasal cavity absorbing allergens from the mucous membranes. After several days of application of sprays, the full-fledged nasal breathing without harming the unborn baby.

Any antihistamines, which many are accustomed to contacting with seasonal exacerbations of allergies, are prohibited for a pregnant woman. The developing internal organs and body systems of the unborn baby in the first trimester do not tolerate any drug exposure due to the development of pregnancy complications and anatomical abnormalities of the embryo.

In the first trimester, it is desirable to do preventive measures in the fight against allergies, and if you already resort to treatment, then use Aqua Maris nasal drops, zinc ointment with rashes on the skin, categorically excluding hormonal drugs.

Shouldn't be ruled out folk remedies from allergies during pregnancy. In the fight against allergies ethnoscience highly effective and less toxic. good effect give rinsing of the nasopharyngeal cavity with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile flowers, sage, yarrow, nettle, St. John's wort, wormwood, plantain. Inhalations with essential oils will not be superfluous tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, pine, lemongrass, creeping thyme, Tauride wormwood. Here it can provide unwanted effect only individual intolerance.

On the recommendation of a doctor, a pregnant patient can use homeopathic preparations: "Rhinitol", "Euphorbium", "Compositum" and others. Homeopathy has positive influence on the state of the immune system, reducing the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

About 35% of women who did not have any manifestations of allergies before pregnancy, during the period of bearing a child, face this problem. An atypical reaction of the immune system to any substance is displayed on the embryo in the womb, and taking antihistamines impairs blood supply, reducing uteroplacental blood flow.

Ways to treat allergies, like other diseases during pregnancy, are limited due to the effect on the child, so you need to make every effort to avoid a reaction or, if this is not possible, choose the most benign method of treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of allergies in pregnant women

Even if a woman is an “experienced” allergic person and had a tendency to this disease before conception, not worth it resort to well-known medications - they may be incompatible with pregnancy and give a complication to the embryo. At the slightest suspicion of an atypical reaction, you should consult a doctor so that he can draw up a course of therapy based on the most gentle drugs and give recommendations about diet.

In fact, there is none antihistamine approved for use in pregnant women. All of them are contraindicated in one way or another. Only a doctor can prescribe such a medicine in case of a real danger to future mother.

Drugs that a doctor may prescribe under certain circumstances:

  1. Cetirizine (Cetrin, Zodak) - In the analysis of prospective data from more than 700 cases of pregnancy outcomes, there were no cases of malformation, embryonic and neonatal toxicity with a clear causal relationship with the use of cetirizine. However, adequate and strictly controlled studies with the control group have not been conducted, so the drug is officially contraindicated and can be used. only if absolutely necessary and under medical supervision. One of the few antihistamines with an FDA category of action on the fetus - B (meaning "animal studies have not revealed the risk of adverse effects on the fetus, there have been no adequate studies in pregnant women").
  2. Levocetirizine (Ksizal, Suprastinex) - category of action on the fetus according to the FDA - B, similarly.
  3. Dimedrol - causes hypertonicity of the uterus, this effect is especially pronounced on later dates pregnancy. FDA category - B. Maximum dose the drug allowed during the period of gestation - 50 mg.

Popular drugs to avoid:

  1. Suprastin - there were no adequate studies. In the 1st trimester it is prohibited, from the 2nd only if the expected benefit is greater than the risk to the fetus. Claritin, Loratadin, Feksadin - similarly. Category of effect on the fetus according to FDA - C (studies on animals revealed negative impact medicines for the fetus);
  2. Piperacillin - prohibited during gestation and lactation.
  3. Astemizol - due to the intake of this remedy, the child becomes intoxicated, therefore, use should be avoided.
  4. Terfenaid - a depressing effect on the process of gaining fetal body weight.
  5. Tavegil is prohibited - as a result of experiments, the birth of laboratory animals with defects in the heart septum and deformity of the paws was recorded.

The basis for the treatment and prevention of allergies in pregnant women is proper nutrition, the removal of the allergen from the body (detoxification with adsorbents and plentiful drink).

The course of treatment prescribed by the doctor should not be interrupted even if there has already been an improvement. The terms of treatment range from 5 to 14 days, and the dosage is determined individually.

The most common manifestations of allergies in pregnant women

Allergy symptoms affect many systems in the human body. The manifestations of the disease are not always clearly expressed and it is easy to determine the diagnosis from them.

Rhinitis: allergic or hormonal?

In pregnant women, the nasal mucosa most often becomes vulnerable.

Problems in the form of congestion, mucus discharge, difficulty breathing are typical for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. If this time coincided with the flowering period of plants or contact with a highly allergenic food product, material, then, most likely, the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis can be confirmed.

It is often confused with characteristic disease- hormonal runny nose, which occurs in pregnant women due to an increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone. They provoke relaxation of smooth muscles, vascular hypotension and swelling of the nasal mucosa - these changes cause mucous secretions, frequent sneezing, congestion.

You should be informed about the likelihood of such a disease and consult with your physician about the use vasoconstrictor drugs(overdose and frequent use may be unsafe for the fetus).

Dermatological manifestations of allergies

Dermatological manifestations of allergies are also frequent - eczema, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, urticaria - these manifestations are characterized by relapses in pregnant women. You should make sure the diagnosis by visiting an allergist or dermatologist, track possible contacts with triggers on the eve of the rash.

Also, despite the many temptations, you need to protect yourself from food triggers. What should not be in the diet of a future mother:

  • seafood (clams, crabs, shrimp);
  • fish, caviar;
  • vegetables and fruits of bright colors;
  • nuts;
  • chicken and pork meat;
  • cow's milk;
  • eggs;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • smoked, spicy and pickled dishes;
  • juices.

You need to develop a menu based on the following products:

  • Meat - turkey, beef, veal or lamb.
  • Seasonal vegetables - potatoes (previously soaked in salt water), zucchini, squash, cucumbers, cabbage, peas, beans, greens and yellow apples, bananas.
  • Drinking - weak tea or water without gas.

In addition to food allergens, you should protect the body from dust mites (timely carry out wet cleaning in the room, change feather pillows to synthetic ones), animal hair and fluff, household chemicals.

It is not necessary to change the usual hygiene products and cosmetics during pregnancy: proven products that have not shown an allergy should be left, and the experiments should be postponed for later.

AT recent times, allergists point to the connection of nicotine with a hereditary predisposition to an atypical reaction - children of smoking mothers are more likely than others to have a tendency to bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis. It is important that the influence has both active and second hand smoke.

Allergy can be reflected in the development of the embryo, but it wrong treatment leads to more negative consequences. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable - women with allergies during pregnancy should not take drugs that were used before the conception of a child, despite good tolerability and effectiveness.

The specialist must assess the risks and, based on the condition of the expectant mother, prescribe a treatment that will not harm the child.

No contact with the allergen and diet food remain the main precautions that will help to successfully bear a healthy baby.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate Diagnosis can only be given by a doctor.

Pregnancy for many becomes a litmus test, revealing problems hidden before it. One of them is intolerance to any products, other substances that a woman has to deal with daily. Allergies are especially common in early pregnancy. After all, this is the most crucial period in which the expectant mother is just adapting to her condition.

Read in this article

Why does an allergy occur?

Intolerance to the body of any substances during pregnancy can occur even if nothing like this has been observed before. It provokes a new condition, but you should not wait until this time of adaptation has passed, and do not apply any measures to allergies. It is undesirable for the pregnant woman and the fetus, as it can cause oxygen starvation, increases the risk of asthmatic manifestations in the unborn baby, low birth weight, increased excitability.

To deal with the problem, you need to understand what caused the allergy to early stage pregnancy, because in this period the main thing in the formation of the fetus occurs. Among the causes of the disease are the following:

  • Hormonal changes. The usual balance of substances becomes different. Progesterone, which quantitatively increases, acquires the main importance. it natural process that ensures the preservation of pregnancy. But during the period of adaptation new composition hormones leads to a decrease in immunity. At first, the fetus is perceived female body like something alien. And this reconciliation of the organisms of the mother and the embryo takes a lot of resources, so there is little strength left to counteract the aggression of the surrounding world.
  • hereditary predisposition. All future mothers also once existed in the state of embryos. And if they were exposed to allergens in utero, it is possible that this will come back to them during their pregnancy.
  • Changed food needs. Pregnant women often have inexplicable food cravings, their appetite grows. And every woman knows how biologically she needs her now. active ingredients. If she indulges her desires, eats in in large numbers products that are allergens do not know the measure in the use of vitamins, a violent response of the body is possible in the form of a rash on the skin and other manifestations of intolerance.
  • Stress. There is no pregnancy without worries, but excessive worries weaken protective functions body, helping somatic diseases, including allergies.

What Substances Cause Allergies?

During pregnancy, you need to quickly find out exactly which substances cause in the body backlash. If the malaise bothered before, the wrong food and other provoking factors should be completely excluded. Allergy first discovered can be caused by:

  • Products, even if they were previously tolerated without problems. These are citrus fruits, chocolate, chicken eggs, strawberries, caviar, some types of fish, as well as food containing dyes and preservatives.
  • House dust, animal hair. The last factor can work even if the cat or hamster has been living in the apartment for a long time.
  • pollen and essential oils plants, insect bites. For an allergy attack, it is not necessary to keep a bouquet of flowers in the house, it is enough to be with the grass that causes rejection next to the street.
  • , including household. Cleaning agents contain potent substances.
  • Medicines, especially when their choice is arbitrary, and they do not combine with each other.

How to distinguish allergies from other pathologies

During pregnancy, it may occur various infections, inflammatory diseases.

Not everyone is able to immediately distinguish them from allergic manifestations, since some of the signs of the listed ailments are similar. Therefore, at the slightest questionable symptoms, it is best to go to the doctor.

Although if the factor provoking it continues to affect the body, and other manifestations intensify, they can be severe, even deadly.

Allergies during pregnancy have the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the nose, sneezing, congestion and the release of clear mucus from it;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes, redness of the cornea, lacrimation, the impossibility of the presence of bright light nearby;
  • rashes on the skin, starting with the appearance of red spots that merge, and turning into blisters, itchy.

If treatment is not started, symptoms may develop into:

  • angioedema, in which the walls of the larynx and trachea expand, making breathing difficult;
  • anaphylactic shock, when blood stagnates in the veins, but is minimized in the vessels,
  • bronchospasm and;
  • generalized urticaria, making the skin almost completely covered with itchy rashes.

How to treat pregnancy allergies

Intolerance to certain substances by the future mother does not in itself interfere with the embryo, unless it causes severe symptoms.

Urticaria in early pregnancy makes life very difficult, causing nervousness, depriving you of proper sleep.

If the disease has strong manifestations, the specialist can prescribe pills:

  • "Claritin"
  • "Suprastin" (more often discharged from the second trimester),
  • "Cetirizine".

But it's in exceptional cases and under the strict supervision of a physician. From the second trimester, drugs are prescribed based on the ratio of “benefit for the pregnant woman - risk for the child”.

External funds

Hormonal ointments that relieve allergic itching and redness are contraindicated for pregnant women. Absorbed through the skin, they adversely affect the development of the fetus. For removal skin itching allowed topical application external means "Psilo-Balm" and "Elidel". They also cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.

Safer but effective for hives in pregnancy:

  • "Bepanthen". The ointment moisturizes the skin well and accelerates the healing of inflammation on it.
  • "D-Panthenol". It also has regenerating properties and softens.
  • "La Cree". The cream moisturizes, prevents inflammation, stops itching.
  • "Emolium". Eliminates dry skin and the discomfort caused by it.

It is equally important to give future mother the ability to breathe freely. For allergies, nasal drops or sprays will help:

  • "Aqua Maris" with sea salt;
  • "Pinosol" with extracts of eucalyptus, pine and mint;
  • "Marimer" from sea water;
  • "Saline" with sodium chloride;
  • "Euphorbium Compositum", containing 8 vegetable and mineral components in homeopathic doses;
  • "Rhinitol", which contains only natural substances.

Despite the safety of all these drugs, they should also be prescribed by a specialist.

Folk remedies for allergies in a pregnant woman

Urticaria during pregnancy will disturb less and will go faster if accepted herbal baths. Some plants have properties to soothe the skin, relieve burning and redness. If the attending physician does not object, decoctions can be used for baths:

  • chamomile,
  • thyme,
  • sage,
  • nettles and elderberries.

Means for ingestion are also allowed:

  • Mint infusion prepared from 2 tbsp. plants and 300 ml of boiling water 1 hour. Half of this amount is drunk in 3 doses per day.
  • Honey with horseradish juice. The components are combined in equal volumes and take the composition of 1 tsp. three times a day.

Conditions for the treatment of allergies in pregnant women

It will not be possible to get rid of the disease only with the help of medicines, especially since the best of them are prohibited at this time. Get rid of allergies A complex approach, not the last role in which belongs to the lifestyle:

  • It is necessary to temporarily abandon not only what causes intolerance, but also to exclude factors that can potentially provoke it. If there are animals in the house, it is better to send them to their parents for now. Among household cosmetics, use the most neutral, do everything with gloves, sometimes entrust affairs to relatives.
  • Do not eat chocolate, pastries, canned food, smoked meats. There is no benefit to the child from them, and an allergic reaction to these products can follow instantly. Citrus and strawberries as well Exotic fruits, despite the vitamins contained in them, it is better to exclude too. Greens will be more useful dairy products, cereals, vegetables, which are definitely not allergic.

Sneezing, skin rashes and runny nose are not the most dangerous manifestations during pregnancy. But it is necessary to fight allergies so that this time is as comfortable as possible.

Allergy is a very unpleasant condition of the body, accompanied by specific symptoms. Dermatitis, rhinitis and sinusitis, bronchial asthma, plant flowering allergies, food, drug or wool and dust allergies can all be symptoms of an allergy. At the same time, an allergy, according to medicine, is not a disease, but a reaction of the body to certain factors. environment which the immune system identifies as enemies. Statistics show that today allergic conditions in one form or another and severity are characteristic of almost half of the world's population. And, unfortunately, pregnant women are often found among allergy sufferers - their number is 5-20 percent. Naturally, in this state of affairs, women are wondering if allergies during pregnancy harm the baby; how to deal with it, and ideally - not to meet at all; and how to behave, having allergies, while carrying a baby.

Doctors state: anything can cause an allergy, but the saddest thing is that it is impossible to cure a predisposition to allergies - only the symptoms that accompany it are treated. And not always the symptoms characteristic of a particular type of allergy will indicate its appearance. So, for example, sneezing and runny nose, called by the general term " acute rhinitis”, appear in 50% of pregnant women. At the same time, talking about allergic rhinitis it makes sense if an exacerbation is observed during the flowering of flowers or trees, as a reaction to dust, the appearance of pets in the apartment. But already bronchial asthma is considered a more serious allergic disease. Although it in itself is not a contraindication for pregnancy, nevertheless, the doctor must be informed if there is a history of bronchial asthma - so the specialist will be able to provide the necessary control throughout the pregnancy.

How does allergy affect pregnancy?

Regarding the effect of allergies during pregnancy on the fetus: in itself, this condition does not pose a danger to the baby, since the substances caused by allergic manifestations (the so-called antigens) are not able to penetrate the fetus through the placenta, in any way affecting it. Although, of course, if there is an allergy in a pregnant woman, the child's predisposition to allergic diseases is definitely increasing.

Another thing is that more harm for the fetus are changes in the conditions of the mother and drugs used in such conditions (some of them affect the blood supply to the fetus, and not in better side). In this regard, it is desirable, if possible, to eliminate all factors that can provoke an exacerbation of allergies and refrain from taking medications - especially when the main formation of the future organs of the child occurs.

Allergy treatment during pregnancy

It is very important for a woman carrying a child to understand that the decisive role in the propensity to allergies in her case is not the treatment as such, but the prevention or elimination of contact with the allergen. If it was not possible to achieve this, then the whole algorithm of actions comes down to one thing: an immediate visit to the doctor.

Allergy medications during pregnancy are prescribed only if they are absolutely not harmful to either the mother or the child. Moreover, many of the drugs traditionally used in the treatment allergic conditions are strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy. This is primarily Diphenhydramine, Astemizol, Pipolfen (Piperacillin). In cases where the mother's condition poses a greater threat than probable harm from medications, Claritin (Loratadin), Cetirizine, Feksadin can be prescribed - as a rule, only in the second or third trimesters. One of the most harmless is, perhaps, Suprastin. But Tavegil (aka Clemastin) can only be used for health reasons.

And yet, often medicines allergic mothers can not avoid. In this case, it is always necessary to select treatment together with an allergist, correlating the benefits and harms of taking drugs.

In the case of a woman's tendency to allergic reactions, the prevention of allergies during pregnancy comes to the fore. First of all, you need to submit allergy test- with its help, you can establish what exactly causes allergies, and develop an appropriate "line of conduct".

In the presence of any type of allergy, it would be reasonable to observe hypoallergenic diet, the essence of which is the exclusion from products that can cause allergic reactions. The largest allergen products are fish and seafood, honey, nuts, chocolate and cocoa, citrus fruits, red berries (raspberries, strawberries), smoked meats and marinades, juices and carbonated drinks, as well as sweet, spicy, salty. But without fear you can, and even recommended to use butter and fermented milk products (just be careful with yogurt), dietary meat (veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken), vegetables and fruits, but dimly colored (potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, apples and pears, currants and gooseberries), cereals, beans, greens. Some vitamins and microelements can also become natural antihistamines, in particular vitamins C, B12, nicotine and pantothenic acid, zinc.

In addition, in order to avoid the manifestation of allergies during pregnancy, women with a corresponding predisposition should get rid of (cigarettes do not contribute to normal development baby, even in the absence of allergies); regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning; get rid of things that "collect" dust - carpets, curtains, Stuffed Toys; limit contact with animals, and, moreover, do not keep them at home. And don't forget about breast-feeding - breast milk is the best prevention manifestations of allergies in a baby, and it is undesirable to introduce complementary foods before six months.

Specially for- Tatyana Argamakova

During pregnancy, every woman is faced with surprises that are associated either with the state of health or with the activity of internal organs. Some of these surprises are pleasant, such as stronger hair and nails. And some not so much. One of unpleasant surprises, which the expectant mother may encounter is an allergy. For the first time, it can occur during pregnancy, even if you did not notice such an ailment before.

Allergy is a non-standard reaction of the immune system to external factors. The immune system a pregnant woman works completely differently than a woman who does not bear a baby. As a result, the reaction of the body to the usual tangerines or pollen cannot be predicted. Allergies during pregnancy can occur in both girls aged 18 to 25 and older women. Of course, the likelihood of allergic reactions increases after the age of 35.

In the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, allergies can be a reaction to the fetus. like toxicosis, for example. It goes away by itself when the body gets used to its condition. Also, immunity can react negatively to animals, dust, food, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, chemicals. Because of such hypersensitivity body, you should be more careful about what you eat and what is around you.

Also, allergies can worsen in allergic people with experience. If you have previously suffered from allergic reactions, then when planning a pregnancy, you should consult a specialist. You will be prescribed a course of treatment that will reduce the exacerbation of the disease to a minimum during the bearing of the baby. The good news is that during pregnancy, a woman's body produces more cortisol. This is an anti-allergic hormone that reduces the severity of the course of the disease or even nullifies it.

Allergy symptoms

The symptomatology of an allergy when carrying a baby differs little from the signs in non-pregnant woman. This may be a sudden swelling of the throat or nasal mucosa. A woman may suddenly start to watery eyes, she begins to sneeze often and without stopping. A common manifestation is coughing. Rashes often appear with allergies.

Depending on the symptoms, the severity of this disease can be divided into 2 groups:

  • mild (runny nose, conjunctivitis, local urticaria);
  • severe (general urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock).

Body reactions that are related to severe manifestations Allergies are dangerous because they occur quite suddenly and are difficult for the body of a pregnant woman. This situation requires resuscitation measures.

Most dangerous manifestation of all of the above - anaphylactic shock . The reaction occurs instantly to any drug or manipulation with the body of a pregnant woman, even an insect bite can lead to lethal outcome. It takes from 2 to 30 minutes to save the life of a mother and a baby. But fortunately, such cases occur one in a million.

Quincke's edema characterized by swelling of mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous tissue. Areas that are most at risk are forehead, lips, eyelids, cheeks. Often there are swelling in the feet and hands. If swelling of the mucosa is observed digestive tract, then there may be severe pain stomach, nausea and vomiting.

Any of the cases requires consultation with an allergist. Only a specialist is able to assess the severity of your disease and prescribe treatment depending on the symptoms, your general condition and drug tolerance.

How the disease affects pregnancy and baby

A pregnant woman endures any change in the body with apprehension and a lot of questions. Especially if this is the first pregnancy. If in the event of an allergy earlier, we could just go to the pharmacy and buy any medicine, now the first thing to think about is how it will affect the fetus. Remember, only a doctor should select allergy medications during pregnancy.

The allergy itself has no effect on the fetus. Allergens (pathogens) are not able to cross the placenta. Their influence is manifested only by the fact that the child may in the future, after birth, begin backlash on those substances from which the mother suffered during pregnancy. That is, an allergy is a disease that can be inherited. But this is not a 100% guarantee that the baby will be allergic. Daddy's genes might take over.

But the results of our self-treatment can be deplorable. Many drugs can cause malformations nervous system, hearts. Also when taking wrong medicines blood flow between mother and child may be disturbed. And this is the main source of life of the baby. There may be a deficiency nutrients or oxygen.

Also Negative consequences from allergies during pregnancy can occur if it leads to complications of the general health of the mother. If it leads to the development of bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, it makes breathing difficult. A lack of oxygen can lead to fetal hypoxia. And, of course, discomfort with a runny nose, coughing, tearing, fatigue also negatively affect the baby. If the mother is unwell, then the baby feels it.

How Are Allergies in Pregnant Women Diagnosed and Treated?

According to experts, allergy is a disease of civilization. About 25% of the population today suffer from this disease. And if we talk about pregnant women, then 45% of women in interesting position complain of allergic reactions. When registering with antenatal clinic you are always interviewed to determine the level of risk and the likelihood of allergies during all 9 months of bearing a child.

In most cases, allergies are determined after examination and in the presence of characteristic symptoms. If symptoms are present, the doctor will usually ask questions to help identify the irritant. Further tests and treatment are already prescribed.

If it is necessary to determine the reaction to some substance without the presence of obvious signs, then they can carry out skin test. To do this, they drive under the skin a small amount of allergenic substance. If there is no reaction to it within half an hour, then the body will not react negatively to it.

It is almost impossible to cure an allergy, the main thing is to cope with its symptoms. Most cases of exclusion of the irritant from the environment of the pregnant woman end with the disappearance of the allergic reaction. Thus, during pregnancy, the first thing to do with allergies is to avoid contact with allergens.

The choice of drugs for allergies during pregnancy is carried out especially carefully. Their main goal is to quickly, but harmlessly for the fetus, relieve the expectant mother of symptoms. A number of drugs are known that can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and do not negative impact on the fetus, but only a doctor should deal with their appointment.

A fairly common reaction to any substance can be skin rash. In pregnant women, it often appears on the stomach. It is dangerous because the rashes can itch, swell and burst. And this is the risk of infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an ointment to relieve itching and other manifestations. However, topical agents may negative impact for a baby no less than tablets and syrups, so you can’t pick them up yourself.

Allergy Causing Factors

Pregnancy is new life your body. He completely restructures his work to the needs of the baby, who grows and develops inside. His reaction even to your favorite sweater can be the most incredible.

During pregnancy, you should be careful with food, clothing, cosmetics, chemicals with which you clean the room. Even the environment can cause allergies.

From food allergies during pregnancy can be caused by citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic fruits and vegetables that you try for the first time, some types of fish. It is better not to push your luck and not include anything new in your diet while you are carrying and feeding your baby.

Speaking of animals , then the hair of cats and dogs, bird fluff can also become causative agents of the disease. if you have pet, then it is better to give it to friends or relatives during pregnancy.

severe stress , experiences, the chemical industry and metallurgy in your area are the first sources of allergy to harmful environmental manifestations. And even small, but dangerous insects can lead to allergies. Often a bee sting that was previously harmless to you can cause severe swelling at the site of the sting, fever, and even anaphylactic shock.

During pregnancy, many women (especially those with chronic diseases) take several medicines . Sometimes it is a necessity, and sometimes a simple desire of a pregnant woman. Plus, vitamins and other supplements that the body needs are mandatory. Often it is these medicines that cause the development of allergies.


It is always possible to avoid any disease. Of course, no one will give you a full guarantee that, following some precautions, you will never get sick. But it is possible to reduce the likelihood. For this you should:

  1. Reject all bad habits. This is especially true for smoking. In addition to allergies, it negatively affects the development of the lungs of the child and can lead to a delay prenatal development. Often children smoking moms suffer bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  2. Carry out wet cleaning of the room every day. Knock out rugs, pillows, blankets once a week. You can even, like animals, remove curtains and carpets from the house for a while. They collect a lot of dust, and the mites living in it are the first source of allergies;
  3. Minimize contact with all animals. This applies to both domestic and wild;
  4. Don't experiment with food. Eat what you already know the body's reaction to. Less citrus. Choose something that will be useful, but not allergenic. For example, opt for kiwi over lemon or orange. In kiwi more vitamin C but less likely that it will cause an allergic reaction.

As for prevention, then the best remedy than breast milk is not found. Mother's milk is a source of substances that help to cope with allergens. Even if you had an allergy during pregnancy, now you have antibodies to it and you can pass them on to your baby.

Thus, with any manifestations of allergies, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not know which one or where in your city he accepts, consult a gynecologist for advice. Even if you've successfully treated allergies on your own in the past, don't take your old medications. Now you need to think not only about the fight against symptoms, but also about the effect of the drug on the fetus and the consequences of allergies.

Any ailment can be overcome if done correctly by consulting a doctor. Allergy prevention can also help keep you free of allergies for the full 9 months. If you are an allergic person with experience, then correct behavior, nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy can lead to the fact that she will be your allergy cure. Know that if the relief of allergic reactions occurred during one pregnancy, then the next one will be the same.

Think about your health and the health of your baby. Don't risk the future of the little man.

Allergy of the expectant mother to pets


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