What should I do if my dog ​​has anaphylactic or pain shock? Anaphylactic shock in animals: symptoms and treatments

Due to the wide distribution food additives, flavorings and preservatives, the current century can rightfully be called the "era of allergy", since this pathology is found almost everywhere. And not only among people, but also among our smaller brothers. This condition is extremely dangerous. For example, anaphylactic shock in dogs, it often leads to the death of a pet, since the owners are far from always aware of those signs, when they appear, the animal must be immediately taken to veterinary clinic.

This is the name of the extremely difficult pathological condition. In fact, this is a strong, generalized allergic reaction that develops as a response to the re-entry of a certain antigen into the body of a sensitive animal. By the way, for the first time, anaphylaxis was studied precisely on the example of dogs. If you disassemble the term, then it consists of two parts: "Ana", that is, "reverse" and "Philax", that means - "protection". That is, the word of this can be translated as "Abnormal, excessive protection." In general, the way it is, because anaphylactic shock occurs with an inadequate, excessive response of the body's immune system to some substance that has got into it. For the first time, such a phenomenon was recorded when the experimental dogs were subcutaneously injected with an extract from the tentacles of sea anemones.

Main types

Depending on the “leading” lesion, experts distinguish five variants of anaphylactic shock in dogs at once:

  • Collapse (hemodynamic variety).
  • Asphyxial.
  • Cerebral.
  • Abdominal.
  • Thromboembolic.

Read also: Pododermatitis in dogs: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hemodynamic shock is characterized abrupt change volume of circulating blood (appearance of collapse), as well as other phenomena that are caused by circulatory disorders in the pulmonary circulation (including pulmonary edema). However, the latter is more characteristic of the asphyxic variety, when spasms of the respiratory tract are especially pronounced. The most uncharacteristic is the cerebral variant, when the dog has serious mental disorders. She becomes unusually active, can run in circles without stopping or showing signs of fatigue (classic symptoms of brain damage). As a rule, everything ends with subsequent death from deep functional disorders in the cerebral cortex. In a lighter version, the dog shows signs of intense fear, sweats, whines and hides in the most remote and dark nooks and crannies.

Signs of the abdominal form at first are very similar to the symptoms of an aggravated: the dog whines due to severe pain, does not allow to probe the stomach, the visible mucous membranes turn pale, become cold. Often happens

Anaphylaxis(anaphylaxia from Greek ana - reverse action + phylaxis - protection, self-defense) - state hypersensitivity organism to reintroduction foreign protein (antigen).

Anaphylactic shock(French shoc - blow, push, shock) - general state the body of an animal, caused by the introduction of a permissive dose of an antigen and manifested by the development of a generalized hypersensitivity reaction immediate type, arising from the accelerated massive release of mediators from mast cells and basophils. The phenomenon of the development of anaphylactic shock affects all organisms that have immune system capable of storing in its memory the information of a single encounter with a foreign peptide agent.

The reasons

There are many reasons that provoke anaphylactic shock in animals. The most significant of them include the impact on the body of various medicines and animal and insect poisons.

Any drugs, regardless of the route of their administration (parenteral, inhalation, oral, cutaneous, rectal, etc.) can cause the development of anaphylactic shock. In the first place among the drugs that initiate anaphylaxis are antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, vancomycin, etc.). Next, in descending order of incidence of induced anaphylaxis, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (mainly pyrazolone derivatives), general anesthetics, radiopaque agents, muscle relaxants. In the literature, there are data on cases of anaphylaxis with the introduction of hormones (insulin, ACTH, progesterone, and others), enzymes (streptokinase, penicillinase, chymotrypsin, trypsin, asparaginase), sera (for example, tetanus toxoid), vaccines (tetanus toxoid, antirabies, etc.) , chemotherapeutic agents (vincristine, cyclosporine, methotrexate, etc.), local anesthetics, sodium thiosulfate.

Anaphylactic shock in dogs and cats can develop as a result of animal bites by hymenoptera (bees, bumblebees, hornets, wasps), arthropods (spiders, tarantulas), snakes. The reason for this is the presence of various enzymes in their venom (phospholipase A1, A2, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, etc.), as well as peptides (melittin, apamin, peptides that cause mast cell degranulation) and biogenic amines (histamine, bradykinin, etc. ).

Development mechanism

However, regardless of the factors that influence the occurrence of anaphylactic shock, the classical mechanism of its development seems to be a cascade of successive stages:

immunological reactions → pathochemical reactions → pathophysiological changes

The first stage in the development of anaphylactic shock is the immunological reactions of the body. Initially, the primary contact of the body with the antigen occurs, in other words, its sensitization. At the same time, the body begins to produce specific antibodies (IgE, less often IgG), which in their composition contain high-affinity receptors for the Fc fragment of antibodies and are fixed on mast cells and basophils. The state of immediate hypersensitivity develops after 7-14 days and persists for many months, or even several years. No more pathophysiological changes occur in the body. Since anaphylaxis is immunologically specific, shock is caused only by the antigen to which sensitization has been established, even when received in negligible amounts.

The re-entry of the antigen (permitting the entry of the antigen) into the body leads to its binding to two antibody molecules, which entails the release of primary (histamine, chemoattractants, chymase, tryptase, heparin, etc.) and secondary (cysteine ​​leukotrienes, prostaglandins, thromboxane, factor activation of platelets, etc.) mediators from mast cells and basophils. There is a so-called "pathochemical" stage of anaphylactic shock.

The pathophysiological stage of anaphylactic shock is characterized by the effect of released mediators (histamine, serotonin) on vascular, muscle and secretory cells due to the presence on their surface of special receptors - G1 and G2. Attack by the above mediators of "shock organs", which in mice and rats are the intestines and blood vessels; in rabbits - pulmonary arteries; in dogs - intestines and hepatic veins, causes a drop in vascular tone, a decrease in coronary blood flow and an increase in heart rate, a decrease in the contraction of smooth muscles of the bronchi, intestines, uterus, an increase in vascular permeability, a redistribution of blood and a violation of its coagulability.

Clinical picture

The clinical picture of the manifestation of a typical anaphylactic shock in cats and dogs is very bright. Three stages can be distinguished in it - the stage of precursors, the stage of heat and the stage of exit from the shock. In the case of a high degree of sensitization of the body with lightning-fast development of anaphylactic shock, the precursor stage may be absent. It should be noted that the severity of anaphylactic shock will be determined by the characteristics of the course of the first two stages - the stages of precursors and height.

The development of the precursor stage occurs within 3-30 minutes after parenteral entry into the body of the resolving antigen or within 2 hours after its oral penetration or release from deposited antigens. injectables. At the same time, individuals involved in the development of anaphylactic shock experience internal discomfort, anxiety, chills, weakness, visual impairment, weakening of tactile sensitivity of the skin of the face and extremities, pain in the lower back and abdomen. Often there is an appearance skin itching, difficulty breathing, urticaria and the development of Quincke's edema. The stage of precursors is replaced by the stage of the height of the development of anaphylactic shock. During this period, patients experience loss of consciousness, a fall blood pressure, tachycardia, cyanosis of mucous membranes, shortness of breath, involuntary urination and defecation.

The completion of the development of anaphylactic shock is the stage of the individual's exit from shock with compensation of the body over the next 3-4 weeks. However, during this period, patients may develop acute infarction myocardium, disorder cerebral circulation, allergic myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, polyneuritis, serum sickness, urticaria, angioedema, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia.

The symptoms of anaphylactic shock will depend on which vascular, muscle and secretory cells of which “shock organs” have been exposed to the most released mediators. Conventionally, it is customary to distinguish hemodynamic, asphyxic, abdominal and cerebral variants of the course of anaphylactic shock.

With a hemodynamic option hypotension, arrhythmias and other vegetovascular changes predominate.

With asphyxia the main one is the development of shortness of breath, bronchospasm and laryngospasm.

With the abdominal spasms are noted smooth muscle bowel, epigastric pain, symptoms of peritoneal irritation, involuntary defecation.

With cerebral variant manifestation is dominant psychomotor agitation, seizures and meningeal symptoms.


Diagnosis of anaphylactic shock is not difficult and usually relies on the characteristic clinical picture diseases observed after the bite of an individual by stinging hymenoptera, poisonous arthropods, animals, as well as against the background of the administration of drugs.


The principles of treatment of anaphylactic shock provide for mandatory anti-shock measures, intensive care and therapy at the stage of the individual's recovery from shock.

Algorithm medical measures as part of the provision emergency assistance appears as follows. In the case of a bite of poisonous animals, insects, the intake of allergenic drugs for an individual, it is necessary to apply venous tourniquet and prick this place with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline. If there is an insect sting in soft tissues remove the latter and put ice on this place, and then intramuscularly inject a 0.1% solution of adrenaline. If necessary (at the discretion of the attending physician), repeat the injection of 0.1% adrenaline solution after 5 minutes. In order to prevent recurrence of anaphylactic shock, glucocorticoids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone) are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. They can be re-introduced after 4-6 hours.

To reduce negative consequences anaphylactic shock, intravenous or intramuscular injection of antihistamines is recommended, the appointment of which contributes to leveling skin manifestations allergies.

In the asphyxic variant of anaphylactic shock, when bronchospasm and / or laryngospasm develop, in addition to the above drugs, drugs are prescribed that improve lung ventilation, for example, eufilin in combination with oxygen therapy. In more severe cases or with the ineffectiveness of the therapy provided, resort to tracheostomy.

Activities at the stage of an individual's recovery from shock provide for the continuation of assistance in accordance with the algorithm described above, intensive care with rehydration of the body by introducing physiological saline, glucose solution, etc. intravenously quickly for 5 minutes, and then intravenously slowly using a dropper.


The prognosis for anaphylactic shock is cautious. This is explained by this pathology is caused by immunocompetent memory cells that live in the body of an individual for months and years. In this regard, in the absence of desensitization of the body, there is a constant likelihood of developing anaphylactic shock. This is confirmed by the results of L. Dowd and B. Zweiman, who indicated that in patients the symptoms of anaphylaxis can recur after 1–8 hours (biphasic anaphylaxis) or persist for 24–48 hours (protracted anaphylaxis) after the onset of its first signs.


In terms of prevention of anaphylactic shock, there are three directions. The first direction involves the exclusion of contact of the individual with the resolving agent. The second direction is based on testing the tolerance of drugs to animals before rendering medical assistance. For this purpose, 2-3 drops of the solution intended for use are applied to the animal in the sublingual space or it is injected intravenously in a volume of 0.1-0.2 ml, followed by observation for 30 and 2-3 minutes, respectively. The appearance of mucosal edema, itching, urticaria, etc. indicate sensitization of the body and, as a result, the impossibility of using the test drug.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

Anaphylactic shock is a state of the dog's body, which is caused by the introduction of a permissive dose of antigen.

Manifested by a rapid and generalized hypersensitivity reaction.

Causes of anaphylactic shock in dogs

by the most significant reasons Anaphylaxis in dogs is caused by exposure to animal and insect poisons and drugs. Shock can occur from bites:

  • bumblebees,
  • bees,
  • hornets,
  • tarantulas,
  • spiders,
  • snake.

Any medication can cause the development of anaphylactic shock, but antibiotics (cephalosporins, penicillins, tetracyclines, vancomycin, chloramphenicol, etc.) are in the first place. They are followed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, radiopaque agents, general anesthetics, muscle relaxants.

Such a reaction is also possible from the administration of sera, hormones (ACTH, insulin, progesterone, and others), enzymes (penicillinase, streptokinase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, asparaginase), vaccines, chemotherapeutic agents (cyclosporine, vincristine, methotrexate, etc.), sodium thiosulfate, local anesthetics.

The development of anaphylactic shock: the first symptoms

Regardless of the cause, shock always develops in the same way. The first comes the immunological reaction of the dog's body. Anaphylaxis can be local or systemic. Local manifestations are angioedema and urticaria. When urticaria appears:

  • redness,
  • rash and blisters,
  • itching occurs.

At angioedema edema is formed in subcutaneous tissues and deep layers of the skin. Various gastrointestinal reactions also occur: tenesmus, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Sometimes urticaria can progress to systemic anaphylaxis.

Systemic anaphylaxis is the most severe form of shock and is life-threatening. Most often, it affects the dog's liver. The first signs of anaphylaxis are agitation with vomiting. With progression, breathing is disturbed, reactions are inhibited, or muscle or cardiovascular collapse develops. Death can come literally within an hour.

What to do if your dog is in shock?

If the described symptoms appear after bites or the introduction of any drugs, urgent anti-shock measures are needed. If shock was caused by a bite or intramuscular or intravenous administration medicines, you need:

  1. apply a venous tourniquet to the limb above the site of antigen entry,
  2. prick this place with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline,
  3. When bitten, the sting of an insect must be removed, ice or a cloth moistened with water should be applied to this place. cold water and inject a 0.1% solution of adrenaline intramuscularly.

To prevent relapse, glucocorticoids (methylprednisolone, prednisolone, dexamethasone) are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Thus, in order to save the animal in anaphylactic shock, the owner of the dog must urgently call veterinary care or try to deliver the animal to a veterinary clinic. After resuscitation further treatment prescribed only by a doctor.

Anaphylactic shock - serious condition which is the result of a reaction to a particular allergen. Without timely assistance, within just 10-20 minutes, the dog may die. The danger lies in the fact that this condition is unpredictable, i.e., the reaction can be triggered by any allergen.

The reasons

An allergic reaction can occur to anything from food ingredients to insect bites. In addition to insect bites, the poison of which causes allergies, pollen and mold are dangerous. Even medications can cause an allergic reaction, especially those made from animal products, as well as anesthetics, antibiotics.


The reaction can develop quickly, within minutes of exposure to the allergen. Acute symptoms allergic reaction are shock, difficulty breathing, vomiting, urination, sharp drop blood pressure, diarrhea. Possible appearance severe itching, urticaria. These symptoms progress rapidly, worsening the condition of the animal. Lethargy appears, salivation, shortness of breath, mucous membranes turn pale, which is especially noticeable in the gums, tachycardia develops, the animal experiences depression or agitation.

Pit bull terriers and boxers are the most commonly affected by hives, unlike other breeds. With hives, swollen red spots on the skin and severe itching appear.

Without assistance, in most cases, anaphylactic shock causes convulsions, coma, and, as a result, death of the animal.

Treatment of Anaphylactic Shock in Dogs

The animal needs immediate hospitalization. Helping the dog is primarily aimed at preventing dangerous decline blood pressure. The introduction of adrenaline intravenously allows you to increase the heart rate and narrow the blood vessels.

If breathing is difficult, the animal is opened Airways by applying one of several methods. For example, place the breathing tube in the mouth or insert the tube directly into the trachea through surgical incision on the neck. Oxygen therapy may be applied, and the animal is prescribed antibiotics to prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections.

The animal is given drugs that reduce the level of shock, antihistamines are prescribed, thanks to which the allergy is controlled.

After measures taken on rescue, the dog is left in the veterinary clinic for 1-2 days, while the animal is monitored. The dog is usually discharged after it can urinate on its own.

First aid

Not being able to take the animal to the veterinary clinic in short span time, you will have to act independently. Wrap the animal first warm blanket, jacket if the weather is cool.

If the pet is conscious and able to swallow, then you need to give him antihistamine, which will relieve swelling and ease the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

If the animal makes gurgling sounds when breathing, then this indicates that the lungs are filled with fluid. To help a pet (conscious) get rid of excess fluid in the lungs, the dog should be lifted by hind legs. large dogs must be held with hands placed around the hips. Keep the animal in this position for 10 seconds.

You may need to do artificial respiration. If the dog stops breathing, then you should clamp your mouth with your hands to close your mouth. It is necessary to take 2 quick breaths into the nose. You need to take 15-20 breaths per minute until the pet begins to breathe or until the veterinarian arrives (or the dog is taken to the veterinary clinic).

Prevention of Anaphylactic Shock in Dogs

The main goal is to prevent contact with the allergen, because with each episode of allergy, anaphylactic shock manifests itself in more severe form. Therefore, if the dog is prone to allergies, it is important to be tested for the allergen, as well as undergo treatment with antihistamines.

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