How to suppress vomiting. How to suppress the gag reflex: causes, quick and easy methods of suppression, human physiology, the structure of the throat, pharynx and esophagus. Don't let your dick touch those areas in your mouth that are particularly susceptible to irritants

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

Find the place on the tongue where the gag reflex begins. This can be done with a toothbrush, just move it over the tongue from tip to base. When you find the point at which you begin to "turn out", remember it and concentrate on it.

2 step

Brush a small area near the point you found in the previous step, but don't go any deeper. You can do this while brushing your teeth in the evening. Move the brush continuously at the point for about 10 seconds. Yes, it is unpleasant, you will turn out, but you are on the right track.

3 step

Repeat Step 2 several nights in a row at the same point. You will notice that with each time the gag reflex will appear less and less.

4 step

Enlarge the massage area. When you can touch the point of the first step with the brush without a gag reflex, it's time to move deeper. Try to massage the point 0.5-1.0 cm deeper from the previous point - this will be your new massage area. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with a new point.

5 step

Move deeper and deeper until you can touch the visible part of the soft palate without a gag reflex. If you can do this, then you can easily brush your tongue with a toothbrush, swallow pills and put a medical spoon in your mouth when your doctor examines your throat.

  • Be persistent, the whole training process can take a month or even more.
  • After a while, the gag reflex may return again. Just repeat this course again, in the future it will be easier to do this.
  • The gag reflex may also be due to allergies. So if this instruction did not help you, it is possible that the problem is allergic. In this case, consult a doctor.
  • Do not eat right before training, this minimizes the possibility of "trouble".

Some patients are concerned about the gag reflex during dental treatment - this is an unpleasant phenomenon, so the person begins to think in advance what to do in the dental office in order to reduce the intensity of the nausea attack.

Thinking about the upcoming treatment for many days makes you feel anxious, and sometimes causes a lot of stress, which can further increase the manifestation of nausea. Going to a competent specialist who knows how to relieve symptoms will create the necessary mood and help you endure dental treatment.

What is a gag reflex?

An attack of vomiting is expressed in the uncontrolled release of gastric contents. The smooth muscles of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine are involved in the process. This phenomenon is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the fourth ventricle of the medulla oblongata. The activation of this center occurs through:

  • visual;
  • olfactory;
  • taste buds.

Scientists consider the emergence of a gag reflex as a defensive function of the body. It is present in both adults and young children.

  1. Vomiting in a child can often occur due to the unformed structure of the digestive tract. Not always regurgitation in a baby indicates the development of the disease. If the process occurs once, the crumbs are not bothered by other symptoms, then there is no particular cause for concern.
  2. When regurgitation of gastric contents occurs in an adult, this often indicates the development of the disease. When in the vomit, in addition to food residues, there are traces of blood, mucus or other pathological inclusions, this is considered a serious reason for contacting a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.

Causes of an increased gag reflex at a dentist appointment

A strong gag reflex during dental treatment may occur due to mechanical irritation of the walls of the pharynx and the root of the tongue, which is not a sign of any serious disease.

Ordinary procedures or manipulations performed by a dentist can become an incentive for nausea:

  • examination of wisdom teeth - when examining the lower “eights”, there is a high probability that the doctor touches the trigger zones, after which the patient may say that he is sick;
  • treatment without water cooling - when preparing teeth, a lot of sawdust is formed if the handpiece does not have a liquid supply. A large amount of dust prevents the patient from fully breathing and can stimulate vomiting;
  • work without saliva ejector - if the patient has a tendency to bouts of vomiting during dental treatment, then the accumulation of a large amount of saliva and water in the mouth can cause it;
  • Impressions are the most common cause of the gag reflex. Before carrying out orthopedic treatment, the doctor must obtain a negative reflection of the teeth, which is done using a special spoon and impression mass.

How to remove the gag reflex during dental treatment?

There are certain effective methods for treating teeth with an increased gag reflex. Often vomiting occurs due to severe stress and fear of medical manipulations. If self-hypnosis doesn't work, try the following:

  • sedative collection - doctors advise drinking on the eve of the upcoming intervention a decoction of herbs that have a calming effect (St. John's wort, chamomile, valerian, mint);
  • sedatives - the use of medications in the evening and on the day of the upcoming treatment will help reduce anxiety (Afobazol, Novopassit, Valerian).

Taking medications will help reduce the manifestations of the gag reflex:

  1. Cerucal is a remedy that eliminates nausea. It should be consumed 3-4 times a day before the planned treatment.
  2. Dramina - drugs that help with the symptoms of motion sickness, are also suitable for combating increased bouts of vomiting.
  3. Motilium plus Metoclopramide - combined use of two drugs for 4-6 days at a low dosage.

The dentist will help to eliminate the attack of nausea during the treatment process. Sanitation of the oral cavity in such patients is carried out in a sitting position in order to prevent excessive ingress of saliva and fluid into the throat.

In addition, an anesthetic spray is often used to desensitize the oropharynx and reduce the severity of the reflex. Many people advise chewing mint gum, which will change the susceptibility to irritants and make it easier to transfer the treatment.

A pronounced gag reflex is not a reason to refuse dental treatment. Before starting the procedure, you should tell the doctor about the problem and discuss options for eliminating the attack.

Video: gag reflex during dental treatment - what to do? Dentist response.

Nausea is a terribly unpleasant sensation. In addition, patients with an increased gag reflex must constantly keep the situation under control. For example, when visiting a dentist's office, they have to take drugs that can suppress an attack, and adhere to a diet so that the breakfast they eat does not suddenly come out during the reception.

If the patient has a normal gag reflex, this does not cause any problems. On the contrary, referring to the natural protective properties of the body, it helps to protect the body from the effects of various toxic substances that have entered the digestive system, helps to eliminate the consequences of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages or eating poor-quality food the day before. The gag reflex, starting in the region of the posterior wall of the larynx, also protects against the penetration of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract, "throws out" unwanted objects stuck in the larynx.

But often in some patients this reflex is very high. When even the slightest touch of the palate or tongue can provoke vomiting, this condition cannot be called normal. And the area of ​​​​such an increased gag reflex can even extend to the front teeth. This can create problems, both at the dentist's office during x-rays, taking impressions, and so on, as well as at the therapist and other doctors.

This phenomenon should be fought. Currently, there are many methods that are really effective in eliminating this disease. Below we will talk about why this happens and how to get rid of the gag reflex.

The main symptoms of this phenomenon should be called pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting itself, etc. They usually appear in the evening or in the morning before breakfast. They can vary greatly in duration, ranging from two to three minutes to twelve hours. Episodes in most cases can be repeated for a week, in some cases - up to fourteen days.

Among other signs, the patient usually has a pallor of the face, a haggard appearance and severe apathy. Often, attacks of nausea and vomiting are very strong, so that the patient may even lose consciousness. In addition to the above signs, outbreaks of the disease may be accompanied by:

  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • severe headaches;
  • diarrhea
  • fever;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach pains.

In addition, with vomiting, there is increased salivation, and a feeling of constant desire to drink. Water, in turn, provokes a greater amount of vomit, although it has a beneficial effect on reducing the concentration of acid in the stomachs, dissolving, thereby reducing pain. Constant vomiting often leads to dehydration, resulting in a water and salt imbalance in the patient.

Constant gag reflex

This phenomenon is characterized by constant nausea and vomiting, which often lasts up to several hours, but usually manifests itself at strictly defined moments. This reflex is mainly inherent in children, but is not excluded in adult patients.

Relationship between reflex and migraine

It has not yet been fully elucidated, but studies in this area indicate its existence. Initially, the presence of a headache and migraine can be detected, then an abdominal migraine appears, causing pain in the abdomen. After this, a gag reflex occurs, often accompanied by these headaches.

In addition, most of the signs that cause the onset of the gag reflex also give rise to the development of migraine. These triggers are characterized by the presence of factors such as excitement and emotional overstrain.

And, finally, thirdly, as studies show in most children suffering from a gag reflex, one can see the presence of migraine heredity or it simply develops with age.

Because of the similarity of the two, like the gag reflex and migraine, doctors try to prescribe serious medications for some patients, also used for headaches and migraines. Medicines have the ability to extinguish outbreaks of the disease, reduce the frequency and dangerous consequences.


The gag reflex, which occurs constantly, can have very negative consequences. Some of the more basic ones are listed below:

  • Dehydration. As a result of this phenomenon, the patient's body loses a lot of water.
  • Electrolyte imbalance. The gag reflex is also complicated by the loss of salts, resulting in a violation of their normal functioning.
  • Digestive esophagitis. The consequences of the disease negatively affect the esophagus - the tube connecting the stomach and mouth. This occurs as a result of damage done by the acid produced by the stomach causing the gag reflex.
  • Hematemesis. It is characterized by vomit mixed with blood due to bleeding of the esophagus due to injuries.
  • Esophageal rupture. As a rule, this concerns the lower part of this organ, which can tear if there are regular collisions of vomiting with the stomach.
  • Tooth lesions. Often, the reflex leads to damage to the teeth from the effects of the acid contained in the vomit. Acid is known to have a negative effect on enamel.

There may be other equally serious complications.

The reasons

To get rid of the gag reflex, you first need to consider the main reasons that can cause it. But first, it should probably be said that sometimes patients themselves are able to determine the factors that provoked vomiting. One of the most common is the consequences of infection. You can also name the reason, which is often found in young patients. It is directly related to emotional overstrain, anxiety or strong excitement. Colds, allergic reactions, and excessive consumption of certain foods before bed, such as cheese or chocolate.

As a rule, outbreaks of the gag reflex are divided into:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Psychological.

The first type in most cases includes such provoking factors:

  • nasal breathing problems, various injuries with damage to the septum or inflammation in the sinuses;
  • the presence of toxicosis, which usually occurs in the first stages of pregnancy;
  • a consequence of the response to touching certain places in the oral cavity;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases of the intestines and other organs;
  • the result of extensive intoxication of the body.

If you list the problems of a psychological nature that cause the urge to vomit, then you can basically reduce everything to various stressful situations, nervous strain, and many others. At the same time, it is impossible to single out any specific reasons for the gag reflex, taking into account which it would be possible to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. After all, each new outbreak, as a rule, is different from other previous ones. Moreover, it is typical for outbreaks to occur at the same time of day, last the same length of time and have the same signs.

If the presence of a constant gag reflex is noted, then at different ages this phenomenon has its own distinctive features. For adult patients, it is characteristic that episodes of vomiting are longer than in children, but they manifest themselves less frequently. In addition, in children, the causes of vomiting are much easier to determine than in adult patients. For a permanent gag reflex, there is no age limit, it can manifest itself at any age, however, in children this most often happens in the age range from three to seven years.

A few more words should be said about the episodes themselves. They are sometimes very hard, so hard that the patient cannot get out of bed for several days. Currently, there are no exact statistics on the number of people suffering from this disease, however, some researchers in the field of medicine believe that there are a lot of such patients. The difficulty in determining the exact figure lies in the fact that there are quite a few common diseases that can also cause vomiting. A large number of patients are given a definite diagnosis without taking into account the fact that the main disease here is just a constant gag reflex.

Phases of the gag reflex

There are several of them. The four main ones are listed below:

  1. The onset phase. It is a precursor of the gag reflex and signals the imminent onset of the next episode of the disease. This phase is quite often characterized by severe abdominal pain, its duration can vary dramatically and take either a few minutes or hours. In some cases, when taking medications during the early phase of the onset of symptoms, the gag reflex may stop. It should be noted here that sometimes this phase may be absent altogether: the patient begins to vomit immediately after waking up.
  2. flash phase. Actually, she speaks for herself and is characterized directly by nausea and vomiting; the patient feels extremely unsatisfactory, he lacks the desire and ability not only to eat and drink, but even to use drugs for vomiting. The patient has a pallor of the face, exhaustion, he is drawn to sleep.
  3. recovery phase. It originates after the flare phase has ended, that is, when the patient no longer feels sick or vomits. It is characterized by the return to the face of a healthy natural color, appetite and energy.
  4. Interval phase. Its name also explains the essence of the process, which is a period when there are no symptoms between episodes.

How to suppress the gag reflex

It is believed that this disease cannot be completely cured. Of course, treatment can alleviate suffering to some extent. First of all, experts advise to devote more time to night rest, not to overwork physically and emotionally. And, of course, follow the recommendations that help prevent outbreaks, stop them, and reduce the number of symptoms.

With the next episode of the disease, you must continue to lie in bed, the room should be quiet and dark. If the patient suffers from severe nausea and vomiting, it may be necessary to be admitted to a hospital for an internal fluid infusion. This will help prevent dehydration. Sedatives can be of great help.

In some cases, at the initial stage, it is possible to completely prevent vomiting. For example, patients who experience severe pain before the onset of an episode may take ibuprofen after prior consultation with their doctor. There are also effective stomach calming agents, such as omeprazole, which lowers acidity.

It is very important to restore salt and water imbalance to drink water and funds to replace lost electrolytes, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Here it should be taken into account that the symptoms of the disease during the recovery phase may change, therefore, even if the patient detects a return of appetite, one should not immediately eat solid food, but should first drink only water.

Patients who suffer from prolonged and debilitating episodes of the disease should be treated in between episodes to make them less intense. Among the drugs that can eliminate headaches and migraines, we can name, for example, panadol and amitriptyline. They should be taken at intervals, but keep in mind that they are not always effective for every patient. To understand their effectiveness, sometimes such drugs should be used for one or two weeks.

In addition, the last phase deserves special attention. It is considered exactly the time when it is possible to establish the cause of the disease. For example, if the patient is aware that during the intermediate stage he is undergoing intense excitement or is experiencing stress, then he should focus on the state of the nervous system. When he has an aggravation of sinus problems or an allergy, then this is what should be under special attention.

Effective means

As mentioned above, to get rid of the gag reflex, doctors recommend omeprazole, which instantly reduces acidity and can protect both from vomiting and nausea, and heartburn, and ibuprofen. In addition, there are many effective ways to help suppress the urge to vomit almost instantly after they appear:

  • saline solution. This will require one teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. Mix it all up and rinse your mouth. You can also use soda for these purposes. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the mucous membranes will dry from it, which will bring some discomfort;
  • dental spray. This remedy, as well as a gel of a similar property, will numb the mouth;
  • sea ​​water. It is necessary for carrying out procedures for washing the nose. This will help ease nasal breathing, and this is the first step to overcome the suppression of the reflex. Also, for this purpose, you can use both the saline solution already mentioned above, and a set of special drops that are freely sold in pharmacies.
  • strong clenching of the fingers into a fist. If necessary, quickly eliminate the urge to vomit, you can apply this method. This method has been repeatedly tested and is considered very effective.

There are times when the reflex occurs when brushing your teeth. Probably in situations like this. The best solution is to contact a specialist for advice. It is possible that the cause of this circumstance will be an allergic reaction to some ingredient in the toothpaste.

By the way, for those who are afraid of a visit to the dentist because of the gag reflex, and these fears are justified, it is advisable to make an appointment in the afternoon. Studies show that the reflex is more sensitive in the morning hours. Therefore, you need to prepare for this thoroughly and try not to take any food at least three hours before the visit. It will not be superfluous to drink antiemetics, they will perfectly help to cope with unwanted urges when examining the oral cavity.

In the event of urges associated with psychological factors, it is advisable to include various kinds of breathing exercises in your daily routine. It can be special gymnastics, yoga, other techniques that are useful in this situation. They will help to master the practice of relaxation and teach you to control yourself in difficult situations.

Important: you can try to master the technique of taming this reflex yourself. For this purpose, it is only necessary to do a special nightly irritation of different areas of the oral cavity, thereby developing their lower sensitivity. This technique is considered quite effective, since it makes it possible not only to stop the urge once, but to achieve a complete and final solution to the problems.

Exercise at home

In order to treat the gag reflex at home, keep a diary in which to reflect the results of observations: in what situations does a vomiting attack occur most often, where, at what time. The following are simple but effective recipes for getting rid of the disease:

  • Breathing exercises. You need to breathe and breathe! If you feel even a slight approach of a reflex, try to take rhythmic breaths through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. The principle is that it is impossible for the gag reflex to occur at the same time as breathing, just as it is impossible to swallow food and breathe together.
  • Sound exercises. To prevent a reflex, you can try to make buzzing sounds, as well as humming sounds, which will ensure a constant flow of air.
  • Physical exercises. They should be performed in a sitting or supine position. Having taken one of the positions, you should raise your legs. After that, tighten the abdominal muscles. This exercise will help suppress the urge to vomit.
  • Reflex exercises. In order to "retrain" this phenomenon, you need to train parts of the oral cavity every day so that when you touch them with a toothbrush or a teaspoon, they do not cause a gag reflex. These objects need to be placed farther and farther, pressing in the region of the front teeth to the sky, step by step moving deeper. Sometimes ten to fourteen days is enough to forget about this disease forever.
  • Relaxation exercises. You need to be able to relax. As mentioned above, the main causes of an increased reflex can be physiological and psychological disorders. Maybe you already had a not very pleasant experience when in certain situations, for example, while at the dentist, you had this problem. Talk to your doctor, share the results of previous treatment, when the reflex manifests itself, what contributes to this. All this will create a trusting relationship and help in further treatment. Exercises to relax the nervous system, which are based on the correct regulation of breathing, as well as meditation, can only benefit. In more complex situations, it will not be superfluous to contact a hypnologist.

If after performing one or another course of exercises, the gag reflex was suppressed, but then returned again, do not despair and try to repeat the therapeutic exercises again. If you do everything correctly and persistently, the disease will certainly recede. As they say, our health is in our hands!


This ailment is characterized by the fact that a person constantly, or very often, feels nausea, the result of which is vomiting. Nausea can last for several hours. Outbreaks of nausea, vomiting usually occur at the same time, almost the same in time, intensity. Also, outbreaks can occur when brushing your teeth, when taking certain foods, when visiting a dentist, or when examining the mouth, throat.

Most often, the gag reflex occurs in children 3-7 years old, but can also occur in adults. At any age, manifestations can be so intense, serious, that the patient is forced to stay in bed for several days.

How the gag reflex manifests itself, how to get rid of, the causes of this ailment - we will talk about all this today:

Gag reflex - causes

No one can say exactly how many people suffer from the gag reflex. Studies show that there are many more people suffering from its manifestations than is commonly thought.

Since there are a lot of diseases accompanied by prolonged nausea and vomiting, it can be quite difficult to diagnose exactly the described pathology.

The basis of the increased gag reflex is often psychological or physiological reasons. For example, an infection can be a very common cause.

In some patients, nausea, vomiting may be triggered by a cold or flu. Sometimes the cause can be problems with the sinuses, allergic manifestations. Often, pathology is associated with the presence of migraine.

The cause of the gag reflex in children can be a strong excitement, fear or emotional stress. Often the gag reflex occurs for no apparent reason.

Manifestations of pathology

The main symptoms are discomfort in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting. Often there is diarrhea. Most often, symptoms occur in the evening, or nausea begins in the morning. In this case, nausea can last from several minutes (in the form of an attack) to twelve hours.

These symptoms may occur all week or even longer. Attacks exhaust a person. He looks haggard, weak, pale skin. The patient cannot eat normally, live a normal life, becomes apathetic. Complains of sensitivity to light, fever, headache, diarrhea, stomach pain, dizziness.

Sometimes the condition can be so severe that it leads to loss of consciousness. However, this does not happen often.


After the end of the next attack, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, you need to restore the water-salt balance in the body. The patient is given to drink often, but little by little, so as not to provoke a new attack. Pure water reduces acidity, reduces stomach pain. If even a small amount of water drunk causes vomiting, you will have to see a doctor to put a dropper.

How to get rid of it?

Sometimes, at the initial stage of the manifestation of the gag reflex, vomiting can be completely prevented. For example, if characteristic pain in the stomach, intestines has begun - a harbinger of nausea and vomiting, you can take an ibuprofen tablet. Medicines such as Zantac or (Prilosec) will help prevent vomiting. These medicines will soothe the stomach, reduce acidity. Which drug will be most effective for you, the doctor will tell you.

To reduce the sensitivity of the soft palate, you can use anesthetics used in dental treatment - a solution of lidocaine, novocaine, sprays, gels. Their use will help prevent nausea when visiting a dentist or other doctor who examines the oral cavity. Lubricate the soft palate with the preparation immediately before entering the doctor's office.

As we have already mentioned, often the described pathology is based on psychological problems. Maybe sometime in your childhood you experienced stress when visiting a dentist, or you are just terrified of another attack. If so, try to learn how to relax. Engage in breathing practices, learn to regulate breathing, meditate. Visit a psychologist.

Train the soft palate to accustom it to mechanical stimulation. This will help to get rid of bouts of nausea, vomiting. Apply regularly, press it with a spoon or toothbrush, deal with nausea at the same time. This is how circus sword swallowers train. Be patient - exercises require effort, time.

Every day, do physical exercises: sitting on the floor, raise your legs, strongly straining the abdominal muscles. This will help control the urge to vomit. Or tightly clench your left hand into a fist.

To manage nausea, rinse your mouth with a saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of warm water).

And one more thing: if the gag reflex usually appears when brushing your teeth, washing your face or taking a shower, visit an allergist. You may be allergic to an ingredient in toothpaste or skin cleansing gel.

In any case, with constant bouts of nausea, vomiting, do not guess about the cause of their occurrence, seek professional medical help. Be healthy!

If you are reading this article, then at least once you were disturbed by a gag reflex when brushing your teeth, visiting a dentist or an otolaryngologist, eating in excess. People with an increased gag reflex often have to take specific medications and follow a specific diet so that some normal daily activities do not end in embarrassment.

So why can such a disorder occur in a child or adult? How to deal with unpleasant attacks, and protect yourself from them in the future?

Why does this unpleasant reflex occur?

Normally, the gag reflex appears when there is a potential toxic threat in the body.

It is a natural physiological process designed to protect our organs and blood from various intoxications. It is also designed to eliminate foreign objects from the throat, which is very important for maintaining viability in individual situations.

An increase in the gag reflex is very often associated with hypersensitivity of the soft palate. When an object touches the inside of the oral cavity, located under the upper jaw, an involuntary seizure occurs.

Any adequate person is shy of this factor. After all, just imagine: you pay a visit to a therapist or an ENT about a sore throat, and during a standard examination, your breakfast ends up on the floor of the office, if not on the clothes of the doctor himself.

How can such an incident bring joy and pleasure to its culprit? Of course not. Therefore, people with these problems often use local anesthetics to provide local desensitization of the soft tissues in the mouth.

It happens that the gag reflex provokes a protracted and intense cough. This case is a weighty reason to contact a highly specialized specialist in the field of pulmonology. But first things first. So, where does the gag reflex come from in a healthy person, and how can you fight it?

If the gag reflex occurs when brushing your teeth

Usually, the gag reflex occurs when brushing the tongue with a toothbrush, if a person pushes it deep into the tonsils. An attack does not occur as rarely as we would like, and it is due to a mechanical effect on the reflexogenic zone, which in this case is the root of the tongue. The back wall of the pharynx can also react in the same way.

It is noteworthy that urges can occur not only against the background of mechanical pressure on "sensitive" zones. You may experience flare-ups due to your body's rejection of toothpaste, powder, or other harsh dental cleansers.

How can I get rid of the gag reflex while brushing my teeth? To effectively suppress it, you should engage in active "taming" of attacks.

To do this, you will need to study your own "vomit zones" in detail. Take a toothbrush and press it on the root of the tongue, as well as the back or front wall of the pharynx. Observe how your body reacts to such stimuli.

If you begin to regularly act on sensitive areas, addiction will develop over time and the gag reflex will stop constantly bothering you. It is noteworthy that professional sword swallowers train in this way.

How to suppress the gag reflex:

  • You have already figured out where your personal "vomit zone" is located. Now take your toothbrush again and proceed to the direct "training". It is optimal to do this before going to bed, in the late evening;
  • Start performing the exercises from the tip of the tongue, gradually moving the oblong object to the most sensitive area;
  • At first, this can provoke a gag reflex, but try to control yourself and wait until the attack passes;
  • Start massaging with the brush "peak point";
  • Keep rubbing your tongue for 10 seconds and then go to sleep;
  • It is necessary to repeat the procedure every evening. When you notice a decrease in sensitivity and suppression of the gag reflex, proceed to the next stage of training;
  • When you are ready to advance the brush further, push it 6-12 mm from the starting point and start massaging. Once you get used to it, go even further;
  • Gradually, you will work through all the areas and get to the most sensitive point on the root of the tongue. In this case, the outer surface of the brush should be in contact with the soft palate. Work on it until you reach a fixed result.

Be persistent and persistent: such training can take you about a month. After that, you can safely go to an appointment with an ENT.

But keep in mind that the exercises will have to be repeated from time to time, otherwise, the sensitivity will return and all your efforts will come to naught.

You can get rid of the gag reflex with the help of standard physical activity.

In order to quickly stop the attack, one should sharply raise the outstretched straight legs while sitting or lying on the back. At the same time, it is important to tighten the abdominal muscles with force and stay in this position for several minutes. This simple action will help you get rid of an unpleasant symptom in an "emergency" manner.

Try to constantly breathe through your nose if your urges are not associated with irritants in the form of sharp or unpleasant odors.

The child vomits after eating: what to do?

It happens that the gag reflex appears in babies during meals. This is not about the physiological regurgitation of the baby in the first weeks and months of his life. If a gag reflex occurs in a child when eating, it can come to vomiting itself, and it will be quite intense. Usually, neurotic vomiting, as it is called in clinical practice, manifests itself in babies during the introduction of complementary foods.

If a child stubbornly refuses to eat solid, “adult” foods, and parents try to force him to do this by force, he develops similar attacks. Moreover, if you do not pay attention to this and continue to act at your own discretion, the baby may develop a persistent aversion to food and one of its types.

However, if you are obsessed with the idea of ​​weaning your baby as soon as possible, or, in your opinion, the time has come to do this, try to act gently and carefully.

  • In no case do not "shove" food into the child by force, especially if he has no appetite at the moment;
  • Adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition - do not overfeed the baby and give him food in small portions;
  • If the child suffers from a decrease in appetite, try to practice long walks and outdoor games;
  • Respect your baby's taste preferences. Would you like to be persistently fed food that makes you feel disgusted? Your child doesn't like it either. In addition, with constant violent actions on your part, he may lose all confidence in you. Do not be upset if the child refuses food that is healthy, from your point of view. What was unloved yesterday may be liked tomorrow - children very often change "gastronomic tastes";
  • Do not distract your baby during meals with conversations and games. Concentrate his attention on the meal;
  • Don't use sweeteners and flavorings to "succeed" . So your baby may develop an unhealthy addiction to sweet, salty, spicy, etc.;
  • If the child behaves “badly” when feeding (ie, reaches into the plate with his hands, scatters food), do not scold him. He knows the world, and your aggression can instill in him a fear of feeding.

If you are seriously concerned about neurological vomiting, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

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